What 6 pieces of information are important when registering samples... testing?

What 6 pieces of information are important when registering samples for
1. Sample identification number
The sample identification number is a one of a kind. No two samples will have the same identification
number. Often laboratories will have a system that ensures each number is unique.
2. Source of the sample
The source of the sample can provide a double check into the type of test required.
3. Date the sample
Sometimes the sample label may also contain information about what was collected and initials of the
4. Temperature
Temperature is important to know as sometimes the temperature of the sample will impact on the results
of the test.
5. Analysis requests
This identifies which tests need to be performed on the sample. For example pH, alkalinity, residual
6. Other information
Sometimes other information will be included. For example the depth at which the sample was collected.
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