Gavernment af Himaehal Pradesh
Department ef "Personnel (AP-III) •
•• •
Dated Shimla-171 ei~,the 16th De~ember,1997.
The Chief Secretary to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh.
1. All the Finan~ial Commissioners-cumjpeo.cetaries to the Government of H.P.
2. h l l the lP::>mrnissioner-cum-Secretaries
Government of Himachal Pradesh.
3. All Divisional
Himachal Pradesh.
~ tip the
4. All Deputy'Cominissioners in
Himachal Pradesh.
5. All Heads of Departments
Himachal Pradesh.
in .
The Registrars i ..
: '.
, ' j .
Vidyalaya,Palampur and Dr.Y.S.parmar
University of Horticulture and Forestry,
Solan,Himachal Pradesh.
Subject: :Regularisation of Daily Waged Workers in the
Departmcmts(other than Pw)~l;i.c
vlorks and
Irrigation & I'ubLLcHealt.h Departments)!
Boirdslcorporations/univel-sities,etc .. -Instructions thereof.
Jai Hind.
In ·c~ntiriUation of this Dep2.rtme·nt lettel-s
dated 11-12-1997 and 11-12-1997 on the subject cited abov~
I am directed to say that in vie\'" of the
,qi±:6-f:i;culties being faced inimpll~m:.:ntation of t ~lese instructions, on reconsideration. i t has been decided to r relax th~ following conditions/norms/principles regarding regularisation of daily waged/contingent paid workers as con':.2.ini~Jd under t.he
instxuctions issued vide this department
C':>ntd ••• 2 ••
. )
-2letter pfeven number dated 11-12~1997:-
(iv) The servicGs of only such IDaily Hag-ed l
Contingent P~i.d
Horkers who have been engaged
.' throqgh th8' Employment Exchanges \vill be
.' .'
' .
• I
- ' ' . .
(v) Th8 Daily·:ra.ged/ContingEmt paid 1iforkdrs being considered for suc~ rcgularisation should poE;> ~ <0~ s minimur(\:':''':du<:;a.ti6na 1 qua l i f iCd t ion as pr8scrib,,"d in theR,:;cruitmentand Promotion
. ....
M~ximum agd"l'imit:'for"thc cngag,'ment of
Daily \VCi<j',')d7C')nting8ntpaid Horkers shall be
45 years and the certificate to this effect shall bc obiained by the concerned ~~ganisatiot at the;' timc':of giving employment.
be required to makG prior consu~tation witb HPPSC for regularisatlo of servicc:s in easer"of those posts which fall Within the pul:-vi.M of the HPPSC.
In addition, ,where t;herG exists no Recruitm,mt and
Promotion RU18s, regularisCition may. b:, doric:, on the bo.sis of
Recr~itment and Promotion Rules nt.qquivalent post.
However, the oth c
3r terms and conditions will remain thG same for the rc'gula.rlsation .ofsuch daily waged/contingent paid workC3rs as containi2d in this Department lc.~tter of (:lv(~n nu'mber dated .ll'-i'2..
q·9:~7 a~d
.," '.
These:: '{hstructions may kindly br" brou']1'1tto the
; notic,," of all concerned, tor str,i;ct compli.ance ..
",' " .\ ...:;}:,i";:".
,- •.
Y0"G'rs faithfully,
'/'f.' 1._---;->
''-..._''"' I \ h'J...r,
,/" r
Under Secrctary(~ers.)to the
:: 'Gov9rnment of Himac:hal Pradesh.
the 16th Dc,c. ,1997.
" :.
-!.. .• ' ,.
Copy for favGur of informati;o~ .. and ncccssa.ry act ',on is forT"vardGd to : -
1 •.
Service Com:nission,
Shimla-2 •.
Shimla-2 •.
'The Fi,J).arce( Rcgulat.ion)Departmcnt. H. P. Scctt.
" "All
; ,~ : the' Section, Offlcc'rs 'in H.p.Sectt.
Guard File( 50C'"'spar..J ·Cd'piQs) ..
'. '- ."..,...
I c;/J:v v--r9 ~ !lc+.~~
, . .
U '
Under secretary(pers.)to the
.' ;.; .." ';. Gov8rnm:.Jnt of Himachal Pradesh.
~ _ _
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