Eqrqf, r*qr HEFr{ tnrfutuilT Fgtu-rr) riqr: w(9ft-ff)y(s)-z/zot+ drfts Rrror-z r3T{sil{, 2014 fdfidd riqr qfi rFarqra, qrEfl d $hETH A er5-dq szo d !r{g6 ENr rEm YrAilqI EFr rdFr ovfr gv, oTBqqil $qr z-a/r(frgfu-It) f,rfts 20-0e-1e73 Er{r oTDqEd oilr roq*, Eflqd rer 6mur-rw1 fr f,rfrE 21-os-1sr o} rorRrd fdfidd ritr qR{o. HHs 6ftqg (\'-$qgrq qrrq ffi{rq) tgaqrrq, rgzs i[ dq *fvmrq o.qi A fu ffifuo ftqq q{rft t, eierff,,- riftw qrq ffr qI{T+I r (i) gq fqfuqqI or sfuw qrq Eqrq-d rtsr qfuo, rstrs Eeqqrq (Yr$rqqlq m-FI @ I tJfqqq, (ii) t ffi{q or I z t Grffic r Udsr+q trw,rr, Eqr*d rtvr fr *DRFT 01 r{n eT,} tsqo zo14 @ Hcan B(i) t r Eqrad rtyT qfu6 HHH @ afts \frwrq, 1sr3 t d Terrq q{ ffi 6ftH HErrq (\,=ffqy,o F.rrr sq{d of fuqrq qE vsT qrgrr, sTerff,:- "Post Graduate Teachers(School cadre-all subjects), Excise & Taxation Inspectors, Cooperative Inspectors, Food & Civil Supplies Inspectors, Police Inspectors, Election Kanungo, Extension Officers (Industries), Inspectors (Weight & Measures), Inspectors (Panchayat), Mukhya Sevikas and Drug Inspectors" sIrEYr gTil, fr. funr 5-€q HBq f,dqrzrf, fsrr SGFrq qrer....2.. :2: {o r{wr: w(qfi-fr)y(s)-z/zott+ ilr$s frrmn-z sfrfrfr ifrn l3Tqq{, 2014 t'- 1. sqrq qfuq, qrwrqrd, Eqrda risr frrrmr-z 2. sErH ffi Hfuq, gwr*, Efidd rtvl p*r-, 3. wngtro qfuq R'reTr/ oTrqorft G owrn/ seqil-Rilr / sw \ri on$/ rlE/ frqfqi/ sdFr/ riqrqft ffiT/ qrtftur f{o-rs f,arT isreq \q qk{n dr,r, fs{rqd stgr swn, furyar-z 4. Hfuq, Eqlqd rtqr Effi +{r oTrfr'r frrqdr-z ol os oTfrft{il sM qtro s. fttvroTengm, RrenZ oTrqfirft fni o-srtrrq/ r*nrRar / gtTa \ii Grr[ffi/ rJEl fqL+qZBqr.r/ qqrqft \N/ qrftq fuo.m cafl wmezr \q qfuqn q@H/ fsqrdd rt{T 6. Hfuq, Efi{d ei?r cr*ftspT fu q+q N, EfiRW- 177001 t. so frfu snq{ff-qri-€irr qfuq (frft) fdqrdd qtqr sr6r{ frrror-z B. eTfrftffi sM-+o r I I (fq frE 6r€9 sq rrFrq (olffio.) Bqrrf, reYr rrwlr (Authoritative English text of this Department Notification No. per(Ap.B)A(3)2l21l4 13 .11.2014 as required under Article 348(3) of the Constitution of India). dated Government of Himachal Pradesh. Department of Personnel (Appointment-Il) No. Per(AP. B)A (3)2120 I 4 Dated. Shimla-l 71002, tjKlov. , 2014. NOTIF'ICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to clause(3) of Article 320 of the Constitution of India, the Governor, Himachal pradesh, is pleased to make the following regulations further to amend the Himachal pradesh Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, lg73 notified vide Notification No. 2-6171(Appu.I| dated 20.09.1973 and published in Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh(Extra Ordinary), dated 2l Short title and commencement" Amendment of SCHEDULE 1. .Og .7 3, namely: - (i) These regulations may be called the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) 28'n Amendment Reguiations, 2014. (ii) These regulations shall come into force from the date publication in the Rajpatra, Himachal pradesh. of 2. In SCHEDULE attached to the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission(Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, 1973, for the existing item No. g(i) the following shall be substituted, namely: "Post Graduate Teachers(School cadre-all subjects), Excise &, Taxation Inspectors, Cooperative Inspectors, Food &, Civil Supplies Inspectors, Police Inspectors, Election Kanungo, Extension Officers(Industries), Inspectors(Weight & Measures), Inspectors(Panchayats), Mukhya Sevikas and Drug Inspectors." By Order P.Mitra Chief Secretary to the Government of Himachal Pradesh Contd ....2/- :2: Endst. No. Per(AP.B)A(3 )212014 Dated. Shimla-l 71002. l3\lorr ., 2014. Copy is forwarded to: 1. The Pr. Secretary to HE Governor, Himachal pradesh. Shimla-2. 2. Pr. PS to Chief Minister, Himachal pradesh, Shimla-2. 3. Administrative Secretary Education/ Excise & Taxation/ Cooperation/ Food & 4 5. 6. 7. 8. Civil Supplies/ Home/ Election/ Industries/ Panchayati Raj/ Rural Development and Health & Family welfare to the Govt. of Hp, shimia-2. The Secretary, HP Public Service Commission, Shimla-2 with 05 spare copies. The Director/ Commissioner, Education/ Excise & Taxation/ Cooperitiool Food & Civil Supplies/ Home/ Election/ Industries/ Panchayati na3l nurA Development and Health & Family welfare Himachal pradesh. The Secretary, HP, SSSB, Hamirpur-l77OOl. AlR-cum-Under Secretary(Law) to the Govt. of Hp. Shimla-2. 40 Spare copies. <r-{-1.(Prem Si"gf, Thakur) Deputy Secretary(Personnel) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh Tel. 26241 83" * ,F *,f * ,l€