~"Ii' i! ror l'R"!'f{ ""m", f1l1lrlT (~'l~"-IV ) <ffi<rr: q;ro(f.'t-4 )-1T(3 )-1 12012 <IT"lm !mr.rr-171002 , ~"'~i! ror <li'r """,q'i!, l,~,,<tI q;r SIT' I1T{O 8\-01-2015 ~:RfiltIr.f ~ 3l1c lJe; 309 ~ q,'1'" am Ilc;m >1'T f1l1lrlT qf) ~ 3J\r ~ (3Rl1tffi'1T), ror"","", 1\<rr lTnI'm ~ 'RT"flt~, <i= 7-5173-t:ro qjo F.1'l~'" ilrt'hir 15.03.1973 6ffi ~ ~"'~i! ror it ilrt'hir 1105 1973 'liT ~ ~"'~i! ror ~",fI1f.'H~~q mm.~, 1973 'l'T 3J\r miltr.r m ~ F.lIT F.1.... fi1ffil" F.lwr -.mfI t, Jl'tir:Il"'IT>r m ~"'~i! ~;;m,- 3J\r llWR 1. (1 ) $<r F.lmn ~",fI1f.'l~~" q;r ~ mm. ('liR ;;m,- ~"'~i! ror 31'15>\<:)~, 2015 t;1 (2) 31~~'Hl -III 'In mmr.r I 2. ~ F.lwr~, ~"'~i! ror it ~ ~ ~ <li'r ilrt'hir ~ "'iIT' t<M I ~"'@rol ~",fI1f.'l~~q mm.~, 1973, ~ ffi;rrrr ~-1I1 it "ESSAY" ~ ~ ql~~,"" it, 3'T If\$r; "Contents" ~ 3ltlr.l If\$r; "DETAILED SYLLABUS FOR THE HIMACHAL PRADESH ADMINISTRATIVE MAIN COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION COMPULSORY PAPERS", ~ it "in English Language", lliG't 'R: "either in English or language" 1~ ~ ~ I 3!Ku 6ffi, '!GIl ~ ~'lT"IOT JR'lT m <tH , I ~ in Hindi (2) ~"'i"," <i=: 'l~ I "Ri R:i fi1 f.'I'1 R:i ftl <1 q;J Ilfito , ml<'n Jlffi~<tit '!&'Tl!ftlq, to- ~ ftrlwrT-2 :3 \ .01.2015 f.\~>J",,,,,,.it. ~r~, fWfitr-171 002. 2. "fl'ffiI fllrtllgiffi /ll'lf1 ~/~ ~"'''''' m 3 ll'lf1 ~ ~ ~ ~"'''''' m.ftrlwrT-2 I "'''''',ftrlwrT-2 q",,'Ift ~ ll'lf1 ~ (~). ~"'''''' m 'ffl'ffi,ftrlwrT.-2 5 ~. ~"'''''' m, 0l1<l> "'" 3!1'WT.ftrlwrT-2 q;J ~ 4. ~ I 'Bl 'ITi ft1iq; 26.11.2014 I "~IH'"I"'''. WilT '!&n.~",,,,,, -Q)~.,,,~ m;m 7 m ftrlwrT-3 7 ~ i3'l "~IH,"I"''', WilT ~"'~Il), ~"'''''' m,ftrlwrT-3 8 "'Ri,fiffi ~ (.,''''.... ".".,,,) ~"'''''' m "'''''',ftrlwrT-2 9. 3'l" ~ ~ 3'l" ~ ( ~ ) ~","'" m "'''''',ftrlwrT-2 10~~ ~f<mm.,f1l"it'l, ~"'''it ~r. ~il"'itl-2' 11 ~ $/",Rifliffi \lf1rm-150 I q"".ft JIfllm-I, ( 3'1. ''IT<f . ) )lfc'l~<tit ~ (""flf",) It ¥t Iih"1 "lJ"tu 'fH if) I I( I ~ '-23/72 (Authoritative English Text of this Department Notification No. Per(A-IV)-A(3)-3/84-11 dated ?>1-cl-,glS" as required under Clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution of India). Government of Himachal Pradesh Department of Personnel Appointment-IV - "". 3\ No.Per(A-IV)-A(3)-1/2012. dated Shimla-171002. the January, 201S. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh, in consultation with the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission. is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service Rules, 1973, notified vide this Department's Notification No, 7-5173-DP-Apptt. Dated 15.03.1973 and published in Rajpatra (Extra Ordinary) dated 11.05.1973. namely:- Short title commencement: and l. (1) These rules may be called the Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service (First Amendment). Rules. 201S. (2 ) These rules shall come into force from the date of publication in the Rajptra, Himachal Pradesh. Amendment in Appendix-Ill, 2. In Appendix-Ill Himachal appended Pradesh to the Administrative Service Rules. 1973, under the heading "DETAILED SYLLABUS HIMACHAL PRADESH MAIN FOR THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION COMPULSORY PAPERS". in the syllabus of "ESSAY" paper, under the sub- heading "Contents", for the words, "in English Language", the words. "either in English or in Hindi language" shall be substituted. By Order Chief Secretary to the Govemment of Himachal Pradesh. ---< Contd.P/2. • (2) Endst.No. As above. Dated Shimla-171002. the 31";anuary, 201S. Copy forwarded to:· 1. All the Additional Chief Secretaries to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. Shimla-171002. 2. The Additional Chief Secretary to Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2. 3. All the Pro Secretaryl Secretaries to the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2. 4. The Secretary, HP Public Service Commission, Nigam Vihar. Shimla·2 w.r.to his letter No.1-23172-PSC-Part dated 26'" November. 2014. S. The Accountant General (Auditl, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-171003. 6. The Sr. Dy. Accountant General (A&E), HP, Shimla-171003. 7. The Additional Secretary (GAD) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shim la- 171002. 8. The DLR-cum- Deputy Secretary (Law) to the Gov!. of HP, Shimla-2. 9. The Sr. Law Officer-I. Law Department, H.P. Sectt .. Shimla-171002. 10. The Section Officers. Finance-Budget/DDP(A-III), HP Sectt.. Shim a-2. 11. Guard file Ispare copieS-ISO. ( Dr. Ma Singh) Additional Secreta (Personnel) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. ~