rrlqlr R-Trq-m q-icT HTffio. fuTFT (fufurrr) scqr: w(vfr-fi)q (s)-z / zot+-zs Bqlqd qtqT d drfi-s ftrq-ar-2, ro q-q{fr, zors Tr-\nrqrf,, LIT(f, d qfuilq d Grj@E uus (s) d T{86 aM e-(m $ffi or qfrq o€ gq, orEqwr 2-6/71 sfr(ftgfu-u) orft-o 2o_os_1s7s gM Gr[fgdFd sftq s2o d srqT irqqt, EqT-+a s-+pT FrHTerT{ur) q dTfts 21_s_1s7s Eb\ e-6rRTd Eqrq_m q_eeT qfu-6 qffiq 6fi?H (\rrdqeT{ iFTq 6-€E}qTT) W*rq, rgze or dq rlqiqq o-S A frI ffidfud frfrqq qqrd t, orqfq ,_ T'ftqr =rFI silT rn$q 1. (r) s{ frnqq} mr qfs,n qrq furr=rn q-*T qk6 I v{ffiH znfrym (qr_frqem Tril€d GTMe) (2) t \tsrilE tJ+srqq, fiqitqq 2. Gqrqd q-e"r @ 2o1s B Gtfu I qrsq:T, BqrqET q-&r fuq qri of drft'q tlqw !ilq t qfuo qfn *,1 fr qm.rRTd r v+ffiH Enfiyr{ (qrSqYrq trTq @ \dffiil, 1s73 rt qaq ts{g of frq;flq qE ricql fi d Tq,Irq q{ ffi Rsr (il[gr[r, oufq:* 13. 5 ao/o posts of d irect recru itment of Teachers, Engineers and Doctors in Health & Family welfare [except the posts of Medical officers (Dental)1, Ayurveda and Animal Husbandry Departments, Himachal Pradesh (class-I and II) reiruitment to which is made on batch wise basis.,,. GrTtpT ET{r, fr. fr"7 Tcq qfrq, q-eyr rr{m-R t2l Y0 rrqr qs(vft-fr)q(s)-z7zot+ ilt-s ftrqar-rzrooz, e.FdfuD ift-o roq-r+fi, zors t,- 1. eqrq Hfoq, qErqEq rrvqqrd, fdqTqd u-iv1, pp6r_, 2. qqm ffi HE-q, ULEI-*, fdqm-d rtn, ftrrar_z 3. ridltrf, eyflTiF{o sfuq, trqr"-d q-ipi Erm.R, frrrar_z 4. $E_q, Ro,,-d q-iyr dto- tqr onqtq, frrq-ar-2, qTq GrfrR-tr qffi 5. s6rirm.ffi q-qryX-gq<rT{ qh-q (frB) Bqrdf, s-tH $rfiT{, v+tro r frrqf,r-171002 6. Grfrktr qM-+o t *HvL (iq ftr6 erqr) sq qfrrq (ofio) qtyT TI-*DN $.TrE qo 26241 83 I (Authoritative English text of this Department Notification No. Per(AP-B) 4(3)212014 dated lo -z-2015 as required under Article 34g (3) of the Constitution of India.) Government of Himachal pradesh Department of personnel (Appointment-If No. Per(A P-B )A (3) -2 I 20 I 4 Dated Shiml a-17 1002. lOtebrua ry, 2015 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to crause (3) of Article 320 of the constitution of India, the Governor, Himachal pradesh is to make the foilowing regurations further to amend the Himachar Pradesh Public Service commission (Exemption from consultation) pleased Regulations, 1973 notified vide Notification No. 2-6/71Dp (Apptt-II), dated 20-9-1973 and published in the Rajpatra, Himachal pradesh (Extra ordinary), dated 2 1 -09 - I 97 3, namely: - Short title and l. commencement. (l) These regulations may be called the Himachal pradesh public Service Commission (Exemption Consultation) Regulations (2) from (29,h Amendment) ,2015. These regurations shail come into force from the date of publication in Rajpatra, Himachal pradesh. Amendment of SCHEDULE 2. the In Schedure attached to the Himachar Pradesh Public Service commission (Exemption from consurtation) Regulations , 1973, for the existing item No . 13, the following shall be substituted, namely:- "13. 50oh posts of direct recruitment of Teachers, Engineers and Doctors in Health q Family welfare [except the posts of Medical officers (Denral)1, Ayurveda and Animar Husbandry Departments, Himachal pradesh (classI and rl) recruitment to which is made on batch wise basis. " By Order, P. Mitra Chief Secret ary to the Government of Himachal pradesh contd...2... :z Endst No' Per(Ap I ' 2. 3' !5' 6. -B)A(3)-2/20r4 Dated Shimra-2, btebuary, 20rs., The Secretary to HE Governor, Himachar pradesh Shimla-2 Pr. PS to Chief Minister, Himachal pradesh, Shimla_2 concerned Administrative Secretaries to the Government of H.p. The Secretary, Hp public Service Commission, Shimla_2 AlR-cum-under Secretary, Law (opinion), Law Department, H.p. Government, Shimla- 17 1002 Spare copies-40. q,-{_ (Prem Singh Thakur) Deputy Secr etary (personnel) to the Government of Himachal pradesh. Tel. No .26241 83 ,F {< rF >f ik