Fax: 906-487-3317 Email: career@mtu.edu Cooperative Education Program Supervisor’s Final Evaluation Name: (First) (Middle) (Last) Major: Student ID #: Class Status While on Co-op: (circle one): Soph. Jr. Sr. Masters # of Semesters at Tech: PhD Co-op Employer (Company Name) City/State/Zip Supervisor Name: Title: Supervisor email address: Phone: 1. To be completed by the student’s immediate supervisor: • The student and his/her immediate supervisor should review this form together, discuss the student’s strengths and weaknesses with him/her and sign it below. • You may elaborate on items in this evaluation on a separate sheet of paper. • The student must submit this form in CANVAS by the defined due date. Relations with others Judgment Ability to learn Attitude towards work Dependability Quality of work Punctuality/Attendance Overall Performance Describe activities/goals the student accomplished: (add attachment if necessary) What are the student’s strongest assets? (add attachment if necessary) What qualities/characteristics should the student strive to improve? (add attachment if necessary) Page 1 of 2 fie Ne utr al Dis sa tis fie d Ve ry Di ss a tis ati sfi ed fie d Sa tis Ve ry S • The immediate supervisor should evaluate the student objectively. Please compare the student’s performance to that of other students of comparable academic levels and co-op work experience. d Information/Instructions: Name: (First) (Middle) (Last) Student ID #: The student has demonstrated the: Ag re e Str on gly Ag r ee In an effort to assess the student’s academic preparation for this cooperative education assignment, we are requesting your assistance in providing an evaluation of the following competencies: Ne utr al Dis ag r ee Str on gly Di sa No g re tA e pp lica ble 1. Evaluation of the Student’s Academic Preparation: Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering Ability to design and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility Ability to communicate effectively: Through interpersonal skills Through formal presentations Through technical writing Broad education necessary to understand the impact of solutions in a global and societal context Recognition of the need for, and ability to engage in life-long learning Knowledge of contemporary issues Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern tools necessary for professional practical experience. Does it appear that this student’s academic program is oriented to the particular needs of your organization? What, if any changes, would you like to see implemented in the curriculum at MTU? Student Signature & Date Required X Date: Supervisor Signature & Date Required X Date: Page 2 of 2