College of Sciences and Arts Diversity Plans Academic Affairs 2015

College of Sciences and Arts
Diversity Plans
Academic Affairs
2013-2015 Diversity Plan - Attachment 2
Name of Department/School/College _Biological Sciences/CSA_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
Submitted by
C. P. Joshi, Professor and Interim Chair
Date February 1, 2013_
Document also accessible at:
http://www.mtu .edu/diversity/reports-plans/unit/
2012-15 Department/School/College Diversity Plan
1. Describe the most significant strategies you will implement, expand, or continue. These short and/or long term objectives and strategies should result in
increased diversity and a more inclusive department/school/college that supports student, faculty and staff success. The outcomes should help Michigan
Tech accomplish its short and long term diversity goals.
Brief Descriptions of Strategy/ies
Person( s )/area( s)
responsible for leading
this Strateov
Chair, Staff and Faculty
and also search
committees that are
trained in diversity issues
1. Faculty replacements with genderand ethnicity-wise diverse faculty as new
positions become open due to
retirements and other changes .
Maintain or improve current faculty
gender ratio (male : female 57 :43).
3. Create a more racially diverse
working environment.
1. Recruit diverse faculty to fill open lines . 2.
Mentor and support untenured faculty toward
promotion , as well as non-TT faculty toward
promotion . 3. Seek diverse applicants for the
new and open positions. 4. Make everyone
aware of the diversity issues .
1. At least maintain current female/male
student ratio of 63 :37 at the
undergraduate and 48 :53 at the
graduate levels . 2. Improve overall
recruitment, especially through a
minority recruitment program . 3.
Improve recruitment with focus on
diverse applicants. 4. Maintain
international diversity in the programs .
Chair, Staff and Faculty
Monitor student ratios every year, update
current strategies based on the outcomes ,
promote and advertise diversity goals on the
Departmental web site and other media ,
discuss diversity issues at the faculty and staff
meetings , get staff trained in various aspects of
1. Maintain staff gender distribution
(current 50% female) . 2. Seek diverse
staff applicants as open positions
materialize . 3. Encourage and support
continuing education of staff with onand off-campus programs .
1. Work with HR and other Campus initiatives
to facilitate ongoing educational and
enrichment activities . 2. Evaluate staff job
descriptions and responsibilities to diversify
staff activities.
* 2010-2011 Baseline
Return to Jane Waters ( by January 25, 2013.
C :\tempiTemporary Internet Files\Content. IESIZA24 RDBnBIOLOGY department_ plan_form[1 ).xis
How will you measure success or
progress *
Currently, we have 50 :50 ratio of male
and female faculty if we consider both TT
and N-TT faculty together (9 each) . The
main deficiency appears to be in the area
of underrepresented minority. A careful
monitoring of future hires would help
balancing these entities .
Monitor student ratios every year and also
evaluate and improve current strategies
annually. Biology is already substantially
assisting the College and University in
achieving overall balance in the gender
and racial distribution of students. A close
interaction with recruitment staff would
help .
Since the number of staff members is
relatively small ( 12 total) it is easy to
measure success. A careful attention will
be paid while advertising new positions
when become available and the diversity
in the applicant pool will be carefully
monitored .
2013-2015 Diversity Plan - Attachment 2
Name of Department/School/College __Chemistry_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
Submitted by _ _ Sarah A. Green
Date 2013-02-04
Document also accessible at: http://www.mtu .edu/diversity/reports-plans/unit/
2012-15 Department/School/College Diversity Plan
1. Describe the most significant strategies you will implement, expand, or continue. These short and/or long term objectives and strategies should result in
increased diversity and a more inclusive department/school/college that supports student, faculty and staff success. The outcomes should help Michigan
Tech accomplish its short and long term diversity goals.
1. Address ethnic under-representation
of faculty.
2. Retain and promote qualified faculty.
3. Long term support for faculty gender
balance at MTU .
Brief Descriptions of Strategy/ies
1. Actively recruit minority/female candidates
for open faculty lines.
2. Mentor untenured faculty to support
progress towards tenure, and associate
professors for promotion to full professor.
3. Help address ongoing partner issues ..
Person( s )/area( s)
responsible for leading
this Strateav
1. Chair and department
search committees.
2 & 3. Chair/faculty
How will you measure success or
progress *
1.Approach toward 50% women faculty/
increase in other underrepresented
groups .
2. Retaintion and promotion of qualified
3. Nobody leaving because of partner
issues ..
Increase enrollment of ethnic minorities 1. Continue to welcome visiting prospective
in Chemistry undergraduate programs . undergraduate students and introduce them to
diverse faculty and students. (UG)
2. Continue to use GEM data from grad school ;
Increase diversity (esp domestic
actively contact applicants . (Grad)
students) in graduate programs.
3. Add promotional video to web page for
recruiting . (domestic Grad)
Be sure staff understand diversity
Encourage staff to participate in educational
and training programs.
* 2010-2011 Baseline
Return to Jane Waters ( by January 25, 2013.
C:\temp\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IES\JCZQVHLY\2013 department_plan_form chemistry[1] .xls
1. Chair, department.
2. Chair, admissions
3. Chair, marketing (in
Increase in number of domestic minority
students successfully completing degrees
in chemistry.
Attachment 2
Name of Department/School/College _
Cognitive and Learning Sciences _ __ _ __
Subm itted by _ _ Brad Baltensperger
Date _ _ March 1, 2013 _ __
2. What measures will you use to assess the outcomes and success of your diversity plan?
Continuation of a 1:1 male:female ratio of tenure/tenure-track facultyand of adjunct faculty
Continuation of high ration of female :male undergraduate psychology majors - currently - 5:3
Increased numbers of female undergraduate majors - dependent upon resources and administrative support for recruitment - will increase female numbers
Continuing ratio of female :male graduate students at current level of -3 :2
Approximately half of tenured faculty will be female
Return to Janes Waters/Provost's Office by September 28 , 2009.
C:\temp\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IESIZA24RDBT\2013 Diversity Plan[1] .xls
Attachment 2
Name of Department/School/College __ Humanities_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
Submitted by
Ron Strickland
Date _
Jan 30 2013_ _ _ _ _ _ __
Document also accessible at:
Tentative Humanities Diversity Plan 2012-2013
1. Please describe the most significant activities you will implement, expand, or continue. These short and long term objectives and activities should
result in increased diversity and the development of a more inclusive department/school/college that will help Michigan Tech accomplish its short and
long term diversity goals.
Specific Objective
We will support and mentor
Maintain our successful
effort to diversify the
the four new minority tenurefaculty; gain certification for track assistant professors and
TESOL Teaching Minor
one new minority lecturer we
have hired since 2008 ;
and Certificate in East
support and mentor the
Asian Language and
minority Visiting Assistant
Professor we hired in fall
2011 .
Promote greater
Students awareness of diversity
issues . Diversify our
student body.
Activity Description
All Faculty and
Department Chair
Dept Chair, Grad
Director; Students
We will maintain our course
offerings on topics in diverse
literatures and cultures. We
will seek to increase
enrollments in the
department's Diversity Minor.
We will continue our
aggressive recruitment of
minority and international
Recruit minority staff when
there are open positions
C:ltemp\T emporary Internet Files\Content.IES\FMEBXOQZ\hu diversity13[1 ).xis
Enroll students in
Diversity Minor
Dept Chair
Ongoing Three of the minority faculty mentioned in 2009-201 O report
are still here ; one left. But we have hired two more tenuretrack minority faculty and one more minority lecturer since
2010 . We also have a minority (Latina) Visiting Ass istant
Professor whom we hope to hire as a lecturer or tenure-track
assistant prof when we have an opening . We have
established the TESOL Certificate, and we are in the process
of establishing a TESOL Teaching Minor.
Ongoing We have graduated 10 students with the Diversity minor
since 2009 . We have developed a new undergraduate Gen
Ed HASS course called HU 3401 Gender and Culture . The
first time it was offered , in Fall 2012 , there were 21 students
enrolled . We have established a sequence of courses in
Mandarin Chinese, and we are developing a Certificate in
East Asian Language and Cultures. We have increased
recruitment of African students into our graduate programs.
We have three students from Ghana in 2012-2013 , and
faculty visited Cameroon , Ghana and Chile in 2012-2013 to
recruit more African and Latino graduate students for 2013.
With not much turnover, we have had three staff position
openings in the past couple of years . All were filled by
women .
Attachment 2
Name of DepartmenUSchool/College
Submitted by _
Humanities Dept_ __ _
Ron Strickland
Document also accessible at:
Date _ 2010_ _
http://www 09 Div Plan .xis
2009-10 Department/School/College Diversity Plan
1. Please describe the most significant activities you will implement, expand, or continue. These short and long term objectives and activities
should result in increased diversity and the development of a more inclusive department/school/college that will help Michigan Tech accomplish
its short and long term diversity goals.
Specific Objective
Maintain our successful
effort to diversify the
faculty; Continue
integration of ESL Program
into Humanities,
Including our new TESOL
Certificate program ;
Continue to enhance the
course offerings in our
Diversitv Minor
Diversify our student body;
promote greater
awareness of diversity
Activity Description
Support and mentor the 4 new
minority tenure-track faculty we
have hired since 2008
Conduct search for four new
lecturers in ESL
Guide Certificate thru approval
Recruit minority and
international students; Enroll
students in department's new
Diversity Minor courses
Gain greater awareness of
diversity issues
Person( s) responsible
for this objective
Internal Dollars
to be allocated
All faculty & Dept Chair All faculty & Dept
Dept Chair, Dir of ESL ,
Lead Faculty in
Dept Chair, Dir of
ESL , Lead
Faculty in
Deot Chair
Dept Chair, Grad
Director; Students
Enroll students in
department's Diversity
Minor courses
Recruit minority staff when there Dept Chair
are open positions
C:\temp\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IES\1 BRZZL37\hu diversity10(1 ).xis
Timeli ne
$2 ,000
Other Comments
2013-2015 Diversity Plan - Attachment 2
Name of DepartmenUSchool/College -- Kinesiology & Integrative Physiology
Date February 18, 20 13
Submitted by -- Jason Carter
Document also accessible at:
http://www.mtu .edu/diversity/reports-plans/uniU
2012-15 Department/School/College Diversity Plan
1. Describe the most significant strategies you will implement, expand, or continue. These short and/or long term objectives and strategies should result in
increased diversity and a more inclusive department/school/college that supports student, faculty and staff success. The outcomes should help Michigan
Tech accomplish its short and long term diversity goals.
Brief Descriptions of Strategy/ies
Person(s )/area(s)
responsible for leading
this Strateav
1. For each search , task the search committee Chair and Faculty Search
to actively seek out faculty candidates with
racial/ethnic diversity; be prepared to close
searches if not demonstrated.
2. Discuss inclusion prior to faculty searches
(most are less familiar w/ inclusion principles) ,
and discuss the topic annually at a faculty
meeting and/or departmental retreat using
variety of methods (e .g., case studies , articles ,
etc .)
1. Increase racial/ethnic diversity of
2. Develop a departmental environment
that is conducive to racial/ethnic
inclusion .
1. Increase the number of
underrepresented minorities and
maintain a gender balance among the
undergraduates in KIP.
2. Increase the number of females and
underrepresented minority students
participating in undergraduate research .
1. Create an environment that welcomes 1. Attend diversity workshops and seminars
Chair and Staff
sponsored by Human Resources and/or Center
diversity of faculty, staff, and students .
for Diversity and Inclusion
1a.Visit schools that serve underrepresented
Chair and Internship
communities (e.g. DetroiUFlinULansing Lansing Coordinator
high schools) and recruit students .
1b. Use internship visits to recruit from schools
that serve underrepresented communities .
2. Seek federal , state , and private funding
opportunities for underrepresented minority
undergraduate research assistantships and
use this potential funding as a recruitment tool.
C:\temp\Tempora y Internet Files\Content.IE5\1BRZZL37\KIP Diversity Plan (2012-15)1 ~ ] .xis
How will you measure success or
progress *
Annual review by Departmental Council
and Chair
Annual review by Departmental Council
and Chair
Annual review by Departmental Council
and Chair
2013-2015 Diversity Plan -Attachment 2
Name of DepartmenUSchool/College Mathematical Sciences
Submitted by Mark S. Gockenbach Date February 4 , 2013
Document also accessible at: http://www.mtu .edu/diversity/reports-plans/uniU
2012-15 Department/School/College Diversity Plan
1. Describe the most significant strategies you will implement, expand, or continue. These short and/or long term objectives and strategies should result in
increased diversity and a more inclusive department/school/college that supports student, faculty and staff success. The outcomes should help Michigan
Tech accomplish its short and long term diversity goals.
Brief Descriptions of Strategy/ies
Person( s )/area( s)
responsible for leading
How will you measure success or
this Str;::itP.av
Encourage/insist on direct contacts by faculty
of potential candidates.
Chair, Recruitment
Percent of candidates interviewed who
are female and/or minority.
Increase diversity of pool , especially by
attracting more female applicants, but
also by increasing the number of
minority applicants .
Chair, Undergraduate
Introduce new degree programs likely to be
attractive to females, including Business
Analytics and Statistics . Market and strengthen
Continue to increase the female-to-male programs that are already popular with females
ratio (currently about 2:3) with a goal of (Actuarial Science, Secondary Education).
Official enrollment numbers.
reaching 1:1.
Retain current outstanding staff.
Maintain/improve good working environment,
opportunity for professional growth.
* 2010-2011 Baseline
Return to Jane Waters ( by February 4, 2013.
H:\Jeanne\Jeanne\ D1vers1ty\2012- 15 pl an.xlsx
Chair, Department
Retention of current staff.
2013-2015 Diversity Plan - Attachment 2
Name of Department/School/College _ Physics_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Submitted by
Bryan Suits and Ravi Pandey
Date _ _Jan 31 , 2013_ _ _ __
Document also accessible at:
2012-15 Department/School/College Diversity Plan
1. Describe the most significant strategies you will implement, expand, or continue. These short and/or long term objectives and strategies should result in
increased diversity and a more inclusive department/school/college that supports student, faculty and staff success. The outcomes should help Michigan
Tech accomplish its short and long term diversity goals.
Brief Descriptions of Strategy/ies
responsible for leading
thic: "":;,
How will you measure success or
progress *
- ;,
Maintain our goals of being an active,
friendly, collaborative group of
professionals and expanding our
excellence in teaching and research .
(i) Strengthening of undergraduate and
graduate course curriculum.
(ii) Increased diversity in the department,
though our faculty are highly diverse given their
strong international participation .
Maintain a productive "community"
atmosphere for students.
Increase diversity in the department through
recruitment and retention - a leading role will
be played by Dr.Huentemeyer.
(i) Participation of our majors in Midwest
Conference for Women in Physics (ii)
Invitation to diverse group of colloquium
speakers in the department (iii)
Presentations in SYP Women in
Engineering and Explorations,
Mindtrekkers etc.
Maintain timely processes to ensure a
productive , organized department &
provide connection to the community.
(i) Administrative support in all office/business Department
operations, including machine shop & teaching
laboratories .
(ii) Assist faculty with research accounting
issues; lab demonstration set up/breakdown ;
machining service to other departments.
(iii) Community outreach via career fairs , open
house, & preview days; high school events,
SYP, & Mind Trekkers .
(i) Smooth-running department -- jobs
performed on time ; minimal crises; good
morale amongst personnel & students.
(ii) Research accounts managed within
respective budgets & time constraints ;
demonstration equipment doesn't break
down; machine shop projects
completed/delivered on time .
(iii) Increased student applications as a
result of open house events; additional
high school visits and/or exposition
participation .
* 2010-2011 Baseline
\\mtuci fs2\home\Desktop\Physics Diversi ty Pl an-CSA 1-31-13.xlsx
(i) Number of cross-disciplinary
educational activities initiated by the
(ii) Percentage of female students in
undergraduate and graduate physics
program.Note that the corresponding
national averages are 22% and 17%.
2013-2015 Diversity Plan - Attachment 2
Social Sciences
Patrick Martin
Document also accessible at: http://www.mtu .edu/diversity/reports-plans/unit/
2012-15 Department/School/College Diversity Plan
1. Describe the most significant strategies you will implement, expand, or continue. These short and/or long term objectives and strategies should result in
increased diversity and a more inclusive department/school/college that supports student, faculty and staff success. The outcomes should help Michigan
Tech accomplish its short and long term diversity goals.
Brief Descriptions of Strategy/ies
Person( s )/area( s)
responsible for leading
this Strateav
Chair and Search
Increase diversity through hiring
Make a focussed effort to recruit excellent
female and under-represented candidates
through careful recruiting , using existing data
about particular individuals and programs .
1. Continue recruiting efforts with Native
American students . 2. Continue to
utilize the Visiting Women Scholars and
Lecturers program . 3. Continue to
encourage female and underrepresented student enrollments.
1. Continue connections with Keweenaw Bay Chair
Ojibway Community College to encourage
Native Student enrollment at MTU , especially
in Social Sciences. 2. Continue to invite
inspiring and successful female scholars to
campus for lectures and meetings with female
students. 3. Our proportions of female
undergraduate students has been consistently
over 50% and of female graduate students
Continue to encourage staff professional Our staff are all female . We encourage and
enable them to continue professional
development through virtually any and all
presentations and opportunities available on
_ ...............
Success is measureable and visible in the
numbers. We have had some success in
recent years, with 7 strong female hires
out of 13 hires since 2011. And in one
instance where a majority male candidate
was hired , it supported the retention of a
female staffer in another unit.
We hope to see a continuing number of
KBOCC students enrolling in our courses
and majors ; there have been three very
successful students over the past five
years. We expect that our courses and
programs will continue to attract high
quality female students in numbers
comparable or exceeding the number of
* 2010-2011 Baseline
Return to Jane Waters ( by January 25, 2013.
C:ltemp\SS Dept Diversity Plan 2013.xls
How will you measure success or
Promotion and staff satisfaction .
2013-2015 Diversity Plan - Attachment 2
Visual and Performing Arts
R. Held 4 February 2013
Document also accessible at:
http://www.mtu .edu/diversity/reports-plans/un iU
2012-15 Department/School/College Diversity Plan
1. Describe the most significant strategies you will implement, expand, or continue. These short and/or long term objectives and strategies should result in
increased diversity and a more inclusive department/school/college that supports student, faculty and staff success. The outcomes should help Michigan
Tech accomplish its short and long term diversity goals.
Brief Descriptions of Strategy/ies
Person( s )/area( s)
responsible for leading
this Strateav
Effort will be made to advertise positions to the Chair
broadest spectrum of applicants by using both
the dominnt listing agencies as well as
specialty agancies which exist.
How will you measure success or
progress *
To continue to conduct inclusive faculty
search that encourage women and
minorities to apply
To recruit women and minorities to the
degree programs .
This stragegy requires funding . The
The Chair and the Director Annual report on the number and
Department has lost the budgetry elasticity to of Theatre
percentage of women enrolled in degree
abosorb cost of specialty recruit due to the
$80,000 take from it budget in the last three
years . Funding is need to attend inner city
recruiting opportunities and to attaend state
The department will
continue to operate the UP Theatre Festival as
a means of recuting local students , particularly
The Departement will continue to work
with Human Resouces within the
parametesr of the Union Contract to
ensure participation of minorities in stafe
With only one staff perosn the deprtment faces Chair
the limitaion of number and the union
promotion rules to secure a diverse pool. Our
startegy can only be to work closely with HR to
encourage a diverse pool of qualified candidate
· - - - - Tho u,...---- l\rtict "'-1...-•---hin
* 2010-2011 Baseline
Return to Jane Waters ( by January 25, 2013.
C:\temp\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IES\JCZQVHL Y\Diversity Plan 2013[1] .xls
analysis of Applicant pools
.. a1 h,...
Keeping a history of the gender and
ethniicity of person who have held the
staff position .