College of Engineering Diversity Plans Academic Affairs 2015

College of Engineering
Diversity Plans
Academic Affairs
2013-2015 Diversity Plan - Attachment 2
Name of Department/School/College
Subm itted by
Sean J . Kirkpatrick
Biomed ical Engineering _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Date _ May 21 , 2013 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Document also accessible at: http://www.mtu .edu/diversity/reports-plans/unit/
2012-15 Department/School/College Diversity Plan
1. Describe the most significant strategies you will implement, expand, or continue. These short and/or long term objectives and strategies should result in
increased diversity and a more inclusive department/school/college that supports student, faculty and staff success. The outcomes should help Michigan
Tech accomplish its short and long term diversity goals.
Brief Descriptions of Strategy/ies
Person( s )/area( s)
responsible for leading
this Strateav
Department Chair
How will you measure success or
progress *
1. Create an environment to retain new Improve laboratories ; Advertise the activitiy of
female faculty. 2. recruit new female or underrepresented groups .
underrepresented faculty
1. Maintain a high number of female
Improve laboratories ; Advertise the activitiy of
students . 2. Increase underrepresented underrepresented groups .
Department Chair
The incoming class in Fall 2013 is
currently 51 % female . This shoul dbring
our overall female enrollment to
approximately 45% . WE HAVE MET
BME has only 2 staff members , one is
female and one is male. Not an issue.
Department Chair
Our staff is 50% female . WE HAVE MET
* 2010-2011 Baseline
Return to Jane Waters ( by January 25, 2013.
C:ltemp\BME_diversity_plan_2013 .xls
Beginn ing in the Fall 2013 , 1/3 of our
faculty will be female . This exceeds the
availabiltiy percentage estimated by
ASEE . 50% of our faculty are from
underrepresented groups . WE HAVE
2012-2015 Diversity Plan -Attachment 2
Name of Department/School/College _
_ Chemical Enginering, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Submitted by _ _ Komar Kawatra
Date _March 28, 2013_ __ _ _ _ __
Document also accessible at:
2012-15 DepartmentlSchool/College Diversity Plan
1. Describe the most significant strategies you will implement, expand, or continue. These short and/or long term objectives and strategies should result in
increased diversity and a more inclusive department/school/college. The outcomes should help Michigan Tech accomplish its short and long term diversity
Brief Descriptions of Strategy
Increase the number of women faculty
Mentor untenured faculty (Heldt)
Bring prominent women wpeakers to
campus, Recruiting and Retention,
Midwest recruitment tours
Speakers on campus: Linda Mcinally (Dow
Coming) and Susan Lewis (Dow Chemical).
Welcome all undergraduate students in Dept
Chair/student interview
Interest women and minority students in Expand Summer Programs
chemical engineering and Michigan
Tech University
Person( s )/area( s)
responsible for leading
this Strateov
_ _ _ _ _ .......
••• ....-•o•••!'••"--··--··•-¥M ............ ,_ _
Progress toward tenure (Form F)
Seek student feedback in student
interviews, meet regular with students,
Monitor increase applications
Dave Caspary
Seek feedback from those attending
H:\Komar Chemical Engineering\altachemenl 2Copy ol diversily-plan.xl s
How will you measure success or
Diversity Plan Review - Attachment 1
Name of Department/School/College _C~h~e~m~ic~a~I~E'-'-n'""'g""'"in-'--"e""""e"'"'ri"""'n....
g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Submitted by _Komar Kawtra
Date March 28, 2013
Document accessible at:
Review of Current Diversity Plan
Use this form to guide discussion and review of your current progress. Provide at least two
examples. Be sure to highlight any best practices that other departments/schoolslcolleges might
consider adopting. What didn't work; what worked well.
Objectives & Stratc~ies Outlined in your Plan
Diversity Plan Objective: Increase female
undergraduate students to 40%. Over the past several
years chemical engineering has had strong female
enrollment, currently at 27%. Increasing this to 40%
would mean an increase of 4 additional female
students in each class.
Strategy: We will achieve this by enhanced high
school recruiting and our summer youth and WIE
Diversity Plan Objective: Increase ethnic diversity of
undergraduates to 5% and then 10%. Over the past
five years we have had 3 to 4% ethnic minorities in
chemical engineering. To get to 5% would involve
adding 2 to 4 additional students to the program.
Although this may not seem ambitious, this would
place us at the average for chemical engineering
departments nationwide.
Strategy: We would like to eventually reach 10% by
aggressive outreach, scholarship support, and
partnering with community colleges.
Current Status and/or Outcomes
We will be recruiting in Michigan and Wisconsin
high schools by having faculty members speak about
careers in chemical engineering, many of which are
traditionally attractive to female students. We are
also approaching our industrial partners to consider
providing supplemental support for our summer youth
programs, including additional scholarships with a
focus on diversity. We are supporting undergraduate
female students on research internships.
We will target primarily minority schools downstate
and in Wisconsin. Finding scholarships and other
financial support will be important to this effort. We
will promote our summer programs to this audience,
and attempt to find additional support to bring in
interested high school students. We believe that
direct outreach will be the best avenue for attracting
students. We also want to aggressively develop 2+2
programs in order to reach transfer students who may
want to spend tl1eir first two years closer to home. If
successful, this 2+2 model could be developed with
regional community colleges.
During 2010 and 2011, we gave over $3000 in
scholarships to minorities and female students, and
the department provides annual support to the Black
Student Association.
Diversity Plan Objective: Increase diversity of the
graduate student body. We have successfully
recruited high-quality African-American and women
PhD students using the NSF IGERT fellowships as an
incentive and the GAANN program. Both the stipend
level and the opportunity to work with Southern
University were attractive to these students.
Keys to successful recruitment include competitive
financial support, internship opportunities, personal
contacts, and raised visibility of graduate research.
As an example ofraising our visibility, we hosted a
department reception at the Fall 2011 AIChE National
Meeting. Our faculty research initiatives were
featured on posters and many of our faculty attended.
Diversity Plan Review - Attachment 1
Name of Department/School/College _C_h_em_ic_a_l_E_n_gi_n_e_er_in_g~-------Submitted by _Komar Kawtra
Date March 28, 2013
Document accessible at:
Strategy: We will use special fellowship approaches
over the next few years to build our reputation in this
student demographic. Currently, 2 high-quality
undergraduate students are being supported by the
GAANN: Wilbel Brewer and Tayloria Adams.
Female faculty assistance with recruiting women and
minority students.
Hired faculty members Adrienne Minerick and Caryn
Bring successful, visible, prominent women to
lecture, speak, and present.
These are a few of our recent high-profile invited
Linda Mcblally
Susan Lewis (Dow Chemical)
Maureen Johnson (BP)
Challenges and Opportunities - Kara Debo (Marathon
Tara Tolly (ADM) - AIChE Regional Student
Conference Keynote Speaker
201 3-2015 Diversity Plan - Attachment 2
Name of Department/School/College
Electrical and Computer Engineering_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Submitted by _ Glen Archer
Date _
3-7-13_ _
Document also accessible at: http://www.mtu .edu/diversity/reports-plans/unit/
2012-15 Department/School/College Diversity Plan
1. Describe the most significant strategies you will implement, expand , or continue. These short and/or long term objectives and strategies should result in
increased diversity and a more inclusive department/school/college that supports student, faculty and staff success. The outcomes should help Michigan
Tech accomplish its short and long term diversity goals.
Brief Descriptions of Strategy/ies
Maintain or increase the number of
women faculty.
The diversity committee will review faculty
applications from identifiable women and
Increase the number of minority faculty. Recruit faculty from Puerto Rican universities
Double the percentage of women in
electrical and computer engineering
undergraduate program
Person(s )/area(s)
responsible for leading
this Strateav
Dept Chair.Search
Committee Chair
Dept Chair
How will you measure success or
progress *
The increase will be measured from a
baseline number of women faculty as of 1
September 2012 .
The increase will be measured from a
baseline number of minority faculty as of
1 September 2012.
Calling Campaign of accepted women students Academic Advisor,
The increase will be measured from a
by current women students
Diversity Committee chair baseline number of women electrical and
computer engineering students as of 1
September 2012 .
C:\temp\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\FMEBXOQZ\ECE_Diversity_plan_2012-2015[1].xlsx
Letter to all women applicants including small
Dept Chair
Diversity Committee Chair
Circuit board project crafted for female high
school students from the previous summer's
summer youth program. Assembly will be done
by WIE learning community students and
accompanied by a personal note
Improve university experience for
enrolled women students
Women's Engineering Center: Dedicated
Department Chair,
Grand opening event in Spring 2013 ,
space in EERC room 724 . Card entry for
Diversity Committee Chair Survey instruments , article in Tech Today
security, equiped with electronic test
and other media
equipment, computer and software . Space for
meetings , study, collaboration .
increase enrollment from local women
partner with SWE and Girl Scouts Troop 5379
to introduce EE/CpE to young girls
C:\temp\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IESIFMEBXOQZIECE_ Diversity_ plan_2012 -2015(1 ].xlsx
Diversity Committee Chair The increase will be measured from a
baseline number of women electrical and
computer engineering students as of 1
September 2012 .
Houghton Middle School Engineering outreach Divers ity Committee Chair Article in Tech Tod ay and other media
Double the percentage of women in
electrical and computer engineering
graduate program
The diversity committee will review graduate
student applications from identifiable women
and minorities
Graduate Program
Director, Diversity
Committee Chair
Send ECE representatives to recruit at SWE ,
support SWE regional conference in Feb 2014
Diversity committee wil have a budget to
support recruiting trips
Select top 10% of ECE Circuits class each
Graduate Program
semester to invite them to a department social Director, Diversity
event to introduce the possibility of graduate
Committee Chair
Events will occur in late April , November
C:\temp\T emporary Internet Files\Content.IES\FMEBXOQZ\ECE_ Diversity_plan_ 2012-2015[1].xlsx
Double the percentage of minority
students in electrical and computer
engineering graduate program
Recruit graduate students from Puerto Rican
Graduate Program
Director, Diversity
Committee Chair
Send ECE representatives to recruit at SHPE ,
NSBE , AISE , Support student travel toSHPE ,
Search for under-represented group
staff members as openings occur
* 2010-2011 Baseline
Return to Jane Waters ( by January 25, 2013.
C:\temp\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\FMEBXOQZ\ECE_Diversity_plan_2012-2015(1 ].xlsx
Dept chair makes recru iting trip to P.R
Diversity committee wil have a budget to
support recruiting activities
Executive Committee
2012·2015 Diversity Plan· Attachment 2
Name of DepartmenUSchool/College: Engineering Fundamentals
Submitted by: Jean Kampe
Date: 06 Feb 2013
Document also accessible at:
http"//www.mtu .edu/d1versitvireoorts-plans/un1U
2012-15 Department/School/College Diversity Plan · DRAFT#4 -Approved by EF faculty on 04 Feb 2013
1. Describe the most significant strategies you will Implement, expand, or continue. These short and/or long term objectives and strategies should result In
increased diversity and a more Inclusive department/school/college. The outcomes should help Michigan Tech accomplish Its short and long term diversity
Create/maintain a departmental
environment that is welcoming to and
supportive of all faculty. Note on
Gender: EF faculty (including chair) is
currently 6 female and 4 male.
Brief Descriptions of Strategy
responsible for leading
this Strateqy
Implement the EF Mentoring Program for new Department chair and
faculty hires.
faculty mentor
Individual one-on-one faculty meetings with the Individual faculty and
chair on an as-desired or as-needed basis.
department chair
Hold regular departmental meetings to keep
Department chair
faculty up to date on activities and issues at all
levels {department, college, and university)
and to provide a forum for faculty input on
Ensure that course content materials used in
All EF faculty and staff
first-year program courses are gender neutral
or that references to engineers are as
frequently feminine as they are masculine.
Ensure that materials/examples reflect race
and ethnic diversity. Ensure that examples ,
homework, and projects span all engineering
Create/maintain a learning environment disciplines and are not heavily weighted to the
that is welcoming to and supportive of
mechanical/civil/electrical disciplines. Make
all students. Note on EF student body: sure the classroom environments (EF
EF is the academic home for EGN
computer labs) are clean and free of any
students (engineering undecided,20materials (e.g., postings on walls/bulletin
25% of first-time freshman engineeering boards) that may be offensive to underStudents students) and EBS students (Bachelor represented groups.
of Science in Engineering , 15-20
students), but Engineering
Advertise the Bachelor of Science in
EF academic advisors and
Fundamentals provides the first-year
Engineering degree program broadly so that all department chair
engineering program for all engineering students are aware of this engineering degree
option . The BSE program offers students an
option to tailor their degree curriculum to suit
career goals when that cannot be done within a
discipline degree program . This offers
students a flexible, learner-centered pathway,
which is likely to be attractive to students from
under-represented groups .
Create/maintain a working environment
that is welcoming to and supportive of
all staff. Note: EF has only one staff
member, so staff diversity is limited.
How will you measure success or
progress •
Retention of new hires
Retention of all EF faculty
Retention of all EF faculty
First-to-second-year retention rates for
first-time freshmen in the College of
Engineering, for all EGN students, and for
all EBS students, and within these
groups , the retention of women and
underrepresented students .
Student enrollment in the Bachelor of
Science in Engineering degree program ,
particularly at the lower academic levels .
We will also track BSE degrees awarded
by gender and by ethnic minority (as self
Include staff in regular departmental meetings . All EF faculty
Individual one-on-one staff meetings with the
department chair on an as-desired or asneeded basis.
Provide access for staff to department chair.
• 2010-2011 Baseline
Return to Jane Waters by February 4, 2013.
C:\lemp\Temporary Internet Flles\Contenl IE5\.JCZOVHL Y\EFdlverslty-plan_Draft_4_submlt_06Feb2013(1 ).xlsx
Staff member and
department chair
Department chair
Retention of EF staff
2013-2015 Diversity Plan - Attachment 2
Name of Department/School/College
Submitted John S. Gierke
Document also accessible at:
Geological & Mining Engineering & Sciences
Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2012-15 Department/School/College Diversity Plan
1. Describe the most significant strategies you will implement, expand, or continue. These short and/or long term objectives and strategies should result in
increased diversity and a more inclusive department/school/college that supports student, faculty and staff success. The outcomes should help Michigan
Tech accomplish its short and long term diversity goals.
Brief Descriptions of Strategy/ies
Person( s )/area( s)
responsible for leading
this Strateav
Increase Diversity and Inclusiveness
Continue to utilize and increase awareness of
best practices in faculty searches for increasing
diversity. Assess department climate for
inclusiveness and determine whether more
formal mentoring activities are needed or
desired .
Maintain Diversity Literacy Certification for
those faculty already certified , and ensure
certification for remainining faculty
Numerical tracking of certifications , five of
elevan faculty are currently certified
(soonest expiration is F14)
Increase awareness for consistent faculty
search and hiring procedures to promote equity
in hiring , mentoring, and faculty development
through regular discussions in faculty and
committee meetings where hiring , mentoring,
and promotion/tenure progress is discussed
How will you measure success or
progress *
Enhance Diversity Literacy
C:\temp\GMES_Diversity_Plan_2013_ 2015 .xlsx
Increase Faculty Involvement in
Recruiting and Mentoring Diverse
Continue student recruitment from more
diverse pools through visits to minority-serving
institutions and conferences .
Progress measured through getting
faculty to participate. Success measured
through attracting diverse students .
Faculty lead the
development and
implementation of
opportunities . Chair
provides incentives and
Numbers of diverse students participating
in summer research (current median is 24 students per summer). Numbers of
diverse students enrolling in our graduate
programs (current median is about 1
student per year) .
Broaden participation in research
Increase opportunities for attracting diverse
students for summer research
(undergraduates) and graduate studies.
Enhance Diversity Literacy
Seek Diversity Literacy Certification for those
staff involved in faculty searches and staff
Numerical tracking of certifications.
Currently no staff have been certified.
Increase Diversity and Inclusiveness
Continue to utilize and increase awareness of
best practices in hiring for increasing diversity.
Assess department climate for inclusiveness
and determine whether more formal
mentoring/professional-development activities
are needed or desired .
* 2010-2011 Baseline
Return to Jane Waters by January 25, 2013.
C:ltemp\GMES_ Diversity_Plan_ 2013_20 15.xlsx
2013-2015 Diversity Plan - Attachment 2
Name of Department/School/College: Department of Mechanical Engineering - Engineering Mechanics
Submitted by William W. Predebon Date: 02/04/13
Document also accessible at:
2012·15 Department/School/College Diversity Plan
1. Describe the most sjpjficant strategies you will implement, expand, or continue. These short and/or long term objectives and strategies should
result in increased diversity and a more inclusive department/school/college that supports student, faculty and staff success. The outcomes should
help Michigan Tech accomplish its short and long term diversity goals.
Brief Descriptions of Strategy/ies
responsible for
leading this Strate~
How will you measure success or
Document the number of faculty
who indicate on their annual Vita
Update that they have attended or
completed a professional
development activity. Credit is
given for such activites on the
faculty merit algorithm, used in
computing salary increases.
Increase faculty awareness of
diversity and how they can
contribute to Michigan Tech's
diversity goals
Include professional development
activities related to diversity in Vita
Update (goal of80% participation)
Increase number of applicants
from URGs in the pool fo r faculty
positions (requirement of a
diverse pool is considered
standard operating procedure in
The number of URG applicants are
tracked through the Affirmative
WW Predebon and ME
Develop a plan in consultation with the
Action Office (AAO). Reports from
EM Research
the AAO can be used to compute the
Research Committee
ratio of self reported URG
applicants over total applicants.
WW Predebon
Establish annual meetings with
Improve mentoring expe rience to
untenured faculty to discuss their
facilitate faculty success
mentoring experience
M \rneemdep1\Aom Assoc\Chvers1ty\2012-15\department_ptan _form.xl$
WW Predebon
All untenured faculty meet with the
Chair, one on one, at the beginning
of the Fall semester to discuss
mentoring. This process is ongoing
each year.
Brief Descriptions of Strategy /ies
Person(s) /area(s)
responsible for
leading this Strategy
How will you measure success or
We have one minority female
graduate student on a GEM
Understand diversity issues
CR Friedrich and ME- fellowship, and one minority female
related to graduate students and
Study the issue by collecting benchmark
EM Graduate
graduate student on KCP. We have
graduate student enrollment in ME data, conducting surveys, etc.
brought minority females to
campus. We will continue to
monitor and compare.
The Department promotes those
types of projects by the department
offering additional financial and
human resources to ensure their
success. The number of pro1ects
are tracked, the number of students
applying for each project is
documented and the satisfaction of
the sponsors is documented.
Increase the diversity of Capstone
Design projects
Make ME-EM more attractive to
undergraduate students from
Develop Explorations that are more
relevant/interesting to students from
Work with other units in the University
to determine the reasons that students
from URGs do not enroll in ME-EM at
Michigan Tech.
M \meemoopl\
Ass oc\Dl'le~1ty\201 2· 15\c::lepartment_plan_rorm
MM Miller, ME-EM
Academic Advisors
and ME-EM
Curriculum Committee
The department sends out
presentations on jump dnves to
potential female and/or URG
students through the Admissions
office and tracks the number of of
female and/or URG students who
are admitted into the program. We
will continue to do so.
Increase staff awareness of
diversity and how they can
contribute to Michigan Tech's
diversity goals
Brief Descriptions of Strategy/ies
Include professional development
activity or training opportunity related
to diversity in annual staff portfolio
• 2010-2011 Baseline
Return to Jane Waters by January 25, 2013.
M lmaamdepllAdm Assoc\Divers•ty\2012 · 15\departmentyian_form xis
responsible for
leadine: this Stratel!v
How will you measure success or
Portfolios are requied by staff on an
annual basis. All staff are given
rel~a~e time to attend diversity
WW Predebon and PF
act1v1tes/training. The number that
report having done so in their
portfolio is documented and
vJ·.~,ll.--. uJ .~/t.W!.40-..l
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.J. / 1 f 1J
Climate Study Recommendations for Academic Action to increase diversity and
create an inclusive environment
(Approved by the Deans on October 1, 2009)
Annual Check
DASHBOARD: To facilitate a visual assessment of progress, please indicate the most
accurate color in the far right column for your unit.
(G) Green = Good Progress
(Y) Yellow= Some Progress
(R) Red = No Progress
(B) Blue= Not Applicable
*Progress includes providing recommendation/s and follow-up with other offices or
groups who would implement your recommendation/s.
1. Increase the domestic and female diversity of the graduate students.
To accomplish this:
Increase the UGR/REU opportunities for potential undergraduate and
graduate female and minority students. For example: Provide
UGR/REU seminars that educate student participants about the
benefits of graduate education. Recruit from community colleges,
other universities, and partner with historically minority serving
institutions (MSls).
Encourage and help faculty and staff to use their professional networks
to identify female and underrepresented minority potential graduate
students (and post docs and faculty).
Increase representation at targeted recruitment fairs and at other
institutions with a high yield of target populations; i.e. continue to mine
the GEM lists and other published lists.
l.\lnstitutlonal Olversity\Cllmate Survey\Cllmate Study\Olmate Study Review Recommendations for Academic Action 8-28-12 doc
Page 1of3
Support campus visits for minority graduate student candidates.
Annually review the status of graduate student stipends and benefits.
Increase the diversity of recruiters and/or recruitment strategies.
2. Continue to support the ADVANCE project objectives (improved
recruitment/hiring processes, mentor programs, training and
accountability efforts) to ensure success. Continue to develop regular
and clear messaging to department chairs, and from department
chairs to faculty and staff, about the value that faculty diversity brings
to the unit. ,4f)v"AAJ ww?re. de~ ,+r')¥/-INC€ (,,o - 1-:>r
3. Identify barriers to success (work/life balance issues, communication
issues, P&T clarity, etc.) for our new faculty and address these issues
on an ongoing basis.
To accomplish this: l/lt!. ~-+ c.u,..Jl'1 1-'/J-+-e/Jcu'"c<!·{l-L--c. '~
Cl /J /'J L£ ~J I / , -f
Review Climate Survey Responses by College/School and offer
comment concerning items that should be addressed and clarified.
Collect and/or use summaries of feedback - Provost and female
faculty forum, focus groups with new faculty (January), etc.
Form small, ad hoc committees to address specific issues relevant to
your College/School.
Consider a published general guide to promotion and tenure to guide
Recommend the development of a formal list of current work/life
balance policies and services, and the creation of a website and
brochure to use in recruiting faculty.
Recommend to the VP for Administration a childcare committee to
investigate further expansion of childcare to address expressed needs.
4. Be systematic and purposeful about communicating how issues are
being addressed.
5. Continue to promote and support professional development that
focuses on diversity and improves the climate for all faculty, staff and
students. Create and maintain an environment that encourages and is
open to new approaches or opportunities to increase diversity.
6. Recommend a review of the current dual career process and Dual
I.\lns11tutlonal Dlver>lty\Olmate Survey\Cllmate Study\Climate Study Review RecommendatloM for Academic Action 8-28-12 doc
Page 2 of 3
Career Assistance Program (DCAP} and seek enhancements, if need
is determined.
7. Encourage Enrollment Management (let the recruiters know that this is
a priority) and support quality academic youth programs, etc. that bring
potential students who are URM to our campus .
8. On a broader level, address the issues around start-up packages and
differential tuition (these are not directly related to diversity goals, but
were repeatedly noted as a major concern by the deans).
9. Establish annual measures of progress on your diversity activities with
your chairs/faculty.
These recommendations may initiate new activities or continuation of what you are
already doing, and they might require that you be more intentional about accomplishing
These actions will increase awareness, overcome misperceptions; enhance relevance;
increase diversity numbers and the presence of role models on campus; and provide a
richer learning environment and a higher level of excellence for all.
Please use these recommendations as discussion points with your chairs and
faculty when developing your school/college/department plans.
l·\lnsdtu.tlort•' Oh1enl tv\Cl1mate Surv-v\Cllm ate
Pa se 3 o f 3
tuctv\«;;llma.te $t uctv R~l e• ,. e<om mendat.on1 fot AC:•dem k: Action 8-:ZS-\2 doc
2012-2015 Diversity Plan· ATTACHMENT 2
~e : Malerials Science and Engineering
Dale"1 3March2013
http://www.mtu .edu/diversitvl reoorts-plansl unitl
llJUi~College Oi versity
Plan •
l lliaiil!Hnmi~ strategies you will implement, expand, or continue. These short and/or long term objectives and strategies should result in
~J..-e incl usiftd epartment/schoollcollege. The outcomes should help Michigan Tech accompllsh Its short and long term diversity
I I,
Brief Descriptions of Strategy
~1lilllaude rtmelt!I
"" ' ___,,._. · palco . ~
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li::tt; .:.=~
How will you measure success or
responsible for leading this
progress •
Initiate networking activities with future
Department chair with
Faculty search pools that contain
academic and research faculty candidates ,
assistance from faculty
candidates that have a prior knowledge of
especially female and other under-represented
our program .
groups , to establish positive, early relationships
with the MSE Department at Michigan Tech .
Activities might include contacts at professional
conferences, invitations for seminars, and
recommendations from peer faculty.
Individual one-on-one faculty meetings with the Individual faculty and
chair on an as-desired or as-needed basis .
department chair
Retention of all faculty
Hold regular departmental meetings to keep
Department chair
faculty up to date on activities and issues at all
levels (department, college, and university) and
to provide a forum for faculty input on these .
Retention of all faculty
Ensure that courses are conducted in a
All MSE faculty and staff
professional manner, free of potentially
offensive or biased content and/or examples .
Where possible , ensure that
materials/examples reflect race and ethnic
diversity. Ensure that examples , homework,
and projects span all materials sub-disciplines
and are not heavily weighted towards individual
material forms or applications which may
promote unintended bias . Make sure the
classroom environments are clean and free of
II ~ aleamillg el'l'li!:nment any materials (e .g., postings on walls/bulletin llil'~.i> and suppallile of all boards) that may be offensive to undermli:l21E lnmse enrollmertdfemale represented groups.
Support a strong outreach program as a means Department chair and
to communicate opportunities in our discipline
outreach coordinators
to under-represented ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic arouos.
Support and promote strong student chapters Department chair and
of our professional societies as a means to
faculty advisor(s)
enable all students to explore leadership
opportunities , to be exposed to the breadth of
professional diversity in our discipline , and to
promote inclusive team-building skills.
Maintain our high level of student
retention , especially sophomore through
graduation .
Monitor new student enrollment and note
positive factors identified by students
influencing career-related decisions.
High percentage of student involvement in
the student professional societies , with
meaningful projects such as fundraising ,
conference attendance, participation in
campus activities .
Include staff in regular departmental meetings. All faculty
. .
!Bro iJ and suppa:liie of all lnd1v1dual one-o.n-one staff meetings with the
Staff member and
Retention of staff
department chair on an as-desired or asd
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Provide access for staff to deoartment chair.
Deoartment chair
~MJ1<ing ellWlllment
li!mn::1D.illn! Wimfiewaters@!iu'.edu) by February 4, 2013.
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