I r - rlrt b :s o Assume that the center wavelength is 5000A yo=6 X 1O1a Hz, AY- 1 Ghz Votume of the medium is 10 cm3 n=1 can give up its ditferent modes in whch the atom There are (*nu2Au/c;jv'=i.ssrroib field' internal energy to this electromagnetic field close during the initial stage,-those resonant inltance, for Few are toward tne mirror, ThLn it will be amplified by stimulated to line center were excited spontaneouslv. cavity a f"* round-trips through the Lrni.rion process. Aft-", quite large' field Sufficient to make the ' ExamPle TEMs6q(O,O,q)modehasinitialintensityoflpw/cm2andlets^aythenetgain(RtR')t'' 06 times (assuming grow, 4'o-1 'Osxl trips, tne intenlitv will exp(yo(yo)l)=4. ntter nve round (RtRz)"2 exp(yo(uo)l)=2 with mayOe-9ain modes, another The the gain weff is g' after 5 round trip = smwlcm ' .on[ir. initialintensity =0'5pWcm2' Buttheintensitycannotkeepgrowingindefinitelythroughmoreandmorecavitytransit times. o\Nhenthestimulatingfieldissolargeastocausetheatomtogiveuptheirenergyasfast --->equilibrium' as they are being pumped 'Gainofthesystemmustchangetoalowervalueuntiltherateoforoductionof theexcessinvertedpopulationisu,t"ncebythedestructionratebystimulation emission )oain saturation' .Thelasergaincoefiicienthasdecreased(orsaturated)tothelosscoefficientat the frequency of laser oscillation' will oscillate Eventualty onty the centre mode broadenino' homoqeneous of Consequence transition Broadened Gain saturation in a homogeneous generalized 2-level model' of gain saturation using Need matnematiclldescription ' ' o \ stmulated smission and aQorp!on ,t/\ \ r(,0 1. 5itr reservior of atom in ground state oRrincludesdirectexcitationfromthegroundstatetostatel(includeindirect emission to 1' R2 states followed by spontaneous nigne, to e*cltatioi routes)such rountes)' o to.state 2 (include indirect pumping directly t'o' giouiO state hv12 spontaneously state 2 can radiate pnlton of energy : i:#"'f:Tilil o Rates equation' compared to that in 0. popuration in 2 and 1 are very smail f, (10'1) # = n,-Y-'* (Nz - Nr) """" d& \ *'!(Nz-N,).'..'...(10.2) =R. *'' - dt"'t^t1hY . *, = spontaneous decaY 2)1 . atzo = loss os state 2 to ground state . Total decaY rate of state * 'i=*j causes o Decay rate of state 1 due to all I Stimulated emission I-. . f.g1u)Ay Av =1c3A21/8nhv3n3 )g(u) of light in medium N;te: we have written c'=c/n velocity = + ,n{$4 g(v) lv and Ay=l/c therefore Bzrg(v) =1r02/8nhun2 )Azr a From a lead to so many important consequences' 10.1 and 10.2 areso fundamental a fr Rz is in the pumping to state 2 onry (i.e' Rr=O) and r,=0 (no stimurated emission) ( for t<0 and *n"'""'tti=Heaviside step function =0 form of a step function' R2(t)=R2su61 Rzo wJrich has a solution' equation 1 0' 1 becomes f,+N2/t'7 = = 1 for t>0 ) therefore Nz(0)=0 lead to particular, Rzotz using*ihe initial condition, homogeneous, Aexp(-utJ Nz(t)= Rzotz(1- exptUU) .^-* Nr,/+-- anrr finire oooulation of state finite population due to source term Nz/tzr and Dynamic of state t'isiompticated, 1 (no direct PumPing) From eqn 10.2 3"tiJ;rr" ""10'3 . . 4& * & dt q \Nhe re Q zt=lzl lzt=bra n ch i n g Nz(t) (10'2) o21R2s(1 - exp(-tltr))""' tzt = rati o (1 /h = 1 /t zt+ 1.l.lzo) Ootn sides by a factor exp(Utz) Using inteqratino faclorcpil.*tn'rn"ftipty *j-;O ! ! "-, eJ = 1N,(t) "*p ii.*,co =i*r(lll,,,iJ (i)r'' Nz(t) dirrerentiar .:'"t""t exp()" . .10.1 , t>>tr' must and thus Nr(t) sJ Nr(t)dt , for term =1 exponentiat the t<<tr For times as given by 10'3 evaluate the integralwith Nz(t) N1(t)=oz1R2ot1{1+4*o(-'^,)-fr*n(-%,) to' As t)' N2(')=Rzrtz and N1(-)=o21R2et1 steady state is ieacfteA with 2.5 2.O R,T, 1.5 1.0 f,'n"t{ttt) (a) t^"J,:rlf the system greater than that of state 1 and density in state 2 is arways ratio g"i. for all values of t =>Favorable lifetime possible for only yhr short initial ratio then gaii is (b) ""iiiit. for t2lt1<1 =,rnfauo'ab'l-r'it'i'" interval of roughly tz ';" 2. N, 1.5 R,(t) 1.0 Nz 0.5 (-- Rcgion vhere 2 NrN' 3 ttme t/t, Excitationmustbeintheformofpulse.ExampleN2laserwithwavelength33Tnm(uv) 10ns unfavorable lifetime tr-10ps't2' But with tz=255ps and tr=30ns YAG) favorable lifetime ratio rate (t1=0) 1 decay at infinite fast intensity but assume that state finite a for l case case 2 :modified ideal laser sYstem o o o o to decouPle 10'2 and 10'1 if t'=Q implies Nr=o trenceril ifl:tlr,)Nz dt tz' hy ' simPlifYing *. i(1 + Rzou(t)""' (11'1) ?)N, = where lr=saturation intensitY o (11.1) = R,ou(t)..... &(t) it has a solution in the form = t' - *o(t-'L')n.b)"""""""t''' ?f 1*j; 10'3 equation 11.2 is similar to o stimulatea emission Uy these quantities' the intemsity luaffect both I.. ExamPle for l=1'5 - 1.5 _ N, (1,=0) R,(t) 1.0 - 1".-{- \ 2 Nr (t.=1 51.) 3tim6%, .',rnponrn, The quantity try/to(y)tzl ,, 2) intensity (i.e.J'flL =>saturation Notes ' if lv<<1, the population N2 is with dimension of watts/area collection of atomic constants wave barely affected by the stimulating . N'?(t)=R21tllof N' is one-half of the value given bv if ly=|,, the steady state peak amplitude exp[-tltJ) .notes:thetimeconstantcontrollingtheapproachtoequilibriumisreduces,i.e. . . case t2'4rllrrrvll,l if t,>>1" tie peak population in N'? is to 1 Sreatly reduces compare 3 d/dt o =0 to simple form zero reduces the differential equation assuming all time derivatives equat to * =o= r,- & """' (11 3) -Y'"* ^,