faltl'dtrl JRIlT 'lFlQiFl · ",,\}fa> ~ '. ~llIal(!l4 l.lfTmGf ~-1 ~ -d\0-t03IR0 (a.1J...r.~ (2}-8 J2 009 = 16.. ",,,, ,*~T '" """01"', ...m Olmf '" 1& -5:- ~'''''''-2 rofulr ~ '" ~ , 2015 = O"OS'" amim '" """,~f ..r, 16.. ,a", 309 '" S\', R;.. ,a", ,*~T ffi<r; mrr ,*U ""f}f." fa>T!1JT (",Rlol"''' 1J~TRTGT -.loIIi ) at fflfll<F., <TO!- II/ (3""",080e ) '" m: '" ~ "(!R ",fu4,~ '" I ;i\ ~ 3Q I&O<I oW' <5 3iW'R affif 3ln ~""tRl f.r<m .,.,rn %, 3Wfe,, ~ ."..,. 3ln 1JRW[ 1 (l)$OI' Pa!mIT "" ~ ."..,. R; .. ,*~T CBIf*(J5 Fcr:HTilT (8filalC1 ~ 1J~TRTGT -.loIIi ) fMQ-a; , <TO!- I lI(3",,'" o80e) >ffif 3ln iii ..,11\ f.r<m, 20 ' S!; (2)-<1 f.r<m "'''' Q ~, R; .. ,a", ,*~T at v-<P1fue \lm:! 1l!f.t <lIT <nfulI ..r lI¥ ..:toT 3ln I 2 ( , ) "(!R fa>T!1JT <lIT "'. <RlZTT , -d\0"$03IR0 ~)->ft 11 (3 }-7 12 0' , <nfulI , 5 ~, 2 014 '" fu "lfii e f6<H rtlC'! ,*~T <I5'f}f." fa>T!1JT, f61f11"" <TO!- IIl(3""",Q80e ) ,fMQ-a; <rilff<l 3CT -.lolli, '81 ifli <i4 >ffif 3ln W<7CifRt f.r<m, 2014 fMQ-a;, fa>T!1JT (aRid 1C'14 Rr&,\Fl 0161 1J~TRTGT -.loIIi) '" m: ..r ", ...r...m ~, Pol"",,,, fll>m ""'" !; (2) ~ Pol"",,, '" ~ S\' oft 3Q$m 3'T f.r<m (, ) '" 3IEltO! 3IElt01 m "";f,,, ~ $01' Pa!mIT <lIT ~ ~ Pol~, ~ ..". at <lIT ~ ~ U1TlT<lf\ , "/.,\ilfi\;""",,,.rtil "" v</r.JT ,O'" , , , = "'" "'" ..,.. "", ""m", , '" "'" 3W;~T =, <Ifmr (",RI.,,,, ... 1J.TRTGT) f6iH It! C'I u«r 'BN>Fl I I~ r ~ r .;lol$' 1 . ~ )f~II'8Pu1qs ~. R;<fHdC'1 >R~T '8&51'l. ~ra:rffi-I 7 1 00 2 2 . Pol<i~"', ~ u,j ffi;r.r "" .. <1ft, 3. "'61"'" 4. 5. ~ ~lbQ"'''' fmr<'lT-' 7 , 002 Polo\l -mmr, ~ -mmr, -mmr, u,j 3I<R 16.. ,.", ,*~T, m.rorr- 5 <Ifmr ~), \6",<1'" ,*~T "'''''''''' "'''''''''Q R; .. ,a", ,*~T m.rorr- 2 R; .. ,a", ,*~T ffi<r; amim, Po!mT firm, m.rorr- , '002 mrr 6. ' 00 3II1\Q"" vfIr<rll ;nn! ~ , 3nR" ~fbdll'1i!1 ~~1'R{iif) ftifl l'd C'l ~tT 8'lctSI'l I , at PoifQ"" ",,\}fcp \'rmrr (",\'ra,,,, .. "II~TT8Of mmI) Q; .. ",,,, 1R~T <iI fFn.! O«ff 3ft< oof-II/(3",,,,oAln ) <iI "Qi!" 1i'I,,"~ ~ 1 "Qi!" lI5T on;Ff 2 "Qi!" <1It ~ 291 ) (l:t 8'1 .,-of-I1/(3i ~''''OAln) 3 (i) Pot .. f4tn o~",flo<i1 li\ f81! IRfQ .. , 4 ~k 5910-20200 + 400 / - aM"'" ,=+ OQ"{! :tIRidtcl4 ~ aM .. '" ' ;or m:T, ~ + 3600 / - .n; ~ + ('16 q k J , 1900 /- =.n; 0300-34800 500 / - ~ =~ ~ 'l'Ifildlcltl .q (.,p.,,,,, <1$'''''') at «lIT """" ~, ...r ~ f.1"""''''~) ciauf at ~ <5 m:T qft wr m;." ...r \hn """" ~~ f ~ ,- <iI 3ITEIR 'IT Pot!!"" ",,",,,flo<i1 <iI f81! 30",fi<o<i, ~ IJfi1d118. RmH" 781 0 /- , "'" ~ , <iI ~ .,p.,..,. 86Ji!l<t.l ,- q k = 3600 / - '16 qft wr G?\acffe; G!T(?<JTT "<Iif mn <5\ 3i...rn'<i\ 5 .n; ~ an"'" " <io.>f at 5 ..,f ci"ul:n at ~ = +, 500 /- = ",RI.,,,, .. ilnO! 10300-34800 = at "'" "'" ciauf at <iI m:T ~fQ",l <iI ~ ~ "~""l: ~ PoifQ", .m \hn G!T(?<JTT 3ft< "Oi!"T '<5 \hn G!T(?<JTT 3ft< ""' <iii '<iI ",...rn'<i\ .m <rnm .m + 15 .... &RT ~ 'l161i!:1Cb , 3!>jdT 3ttflllii'l 3!<Iml Il<It >5 ~ 18~4Saof <5 = at ""' ~ fil;m "Qi!" , I ~ 6 ~, <mscltetaffitt<m!onot<m't 0<:4 al m ~ <iI 3ITEIR 'IT ~ <ltirr, ¥~<i1 ~, ~ ~ tIT "'~<bl< qft ...r orror.. OTt! ~ Pot!!"" !am mn at 35IRt "'" «f 3i~ iroft ' 3ft< ~ ."j?; ~ ~ <5 3ITEIR 'IT at Pot~ qft ortrnr .m Pol!!"" fil;m <lTZlT ",a<Rlf ~ 3~ ~ ..,., lit <lTZlT lit, ci\ "" ~ m ~ <iI 3ITEIR 'IT Pol~ <iI OIl<"[ ~ ~ at W ~ f81! QB! Oft! &m tmg; '16 ,r .0 , = m I , - - ~i1> !1'1S r1> ~!~l<J r:;1>~~ ~ ~ ;tj:i ~r!Jfii~rJijt~ it! 1> :re ~ I ~ - ~ - Ii ~~1>~i 'f5'iJ1>~ E'f5 . ,-& ~1§~~~ 1> i ~,~ ~ 1ii} i'lS -~ I, ~ - I!f ~ ~ ~iw 'W~ 1& lIU ,;0 ~ ~ 1& 1> ~. ~~ itrj ~ i E, ,;o~ ,j ~ ,ft 11> t\; lw~t ~ w ~J r!i,rhll to Ilit i!i !'r i~1 11~11ii1~1~1>~1211>t3i . 1> t it'!it! i • ~~ . ~ ~~ 1 'IS' " , i c& 1> (j;! ~ ,~ ~ ~ .... ~ lE ~ M "e ~ . : lIt ~ i· . . • - " • • . ... ,\ < d :..- fIImr UfT1T<I1T l'ffiT, ~ umi<i\ ~ fffiz <1\or <IR 31..mi I <>mf oii = ut~T~ I~ 3R!1lX'! <!l umiolT rn ~, "tm >lfiT~ qsJ ~ <it 3<I'Ill mm! '8CF1I C(1 ~ 3<ffi >lfiT~ ,,;r wi 31""# ,,;r fffiz 3Q!!"" m..rr oii 3I<RR """" I :mff tlIRlCl5i.Or &RT ~euPclfgC1 't~ 08'&>"l0I' 'll5T (GT) "i eaIl., 3fiffi aatl'dC'1 ~ ",a W;~T ~ <5 fffiz 3fT!! 3i'iz ~ 3!i<m! w.- ~ (fl4t1<il) (fl4t1<il) o!\ oii C'll1l!- ~ ~ ~ srrcr RifCIT it Cli~,!\a: 'Q"l I mT ~, tIfc'r-.i! 3i'iz ailfalll fOfi11SG ~rn3it oii Pot g\iirl fa","I'! ' C'll1l!- ..-tl\ 3fT!! ~ <5 ~ , "" _ 3i'iz W;~ oii c5 ~ 3Q '3cmC'l I I <fttiiaffit~umit <I <il-omf . (iii) 8 fam 3I<RR 'RTOI 1'ImR!, I = Wi , 6i , ~ of\i\ oii ~! I 3ftmd R!*I m..rr , I I ~ ..". -artt , ' ~1lIT 9 o!\ 3fOftr, o!\ ~ , >!<If $l\ ~ ..". Iil..,fc\, ufc\P-1gi4t1 ornt 8.1liflaC"l'lOI 3i'iz ~ aRT QiGRI<il aRT oR ii!TOl ~ (tm) <lIT "" W<'ffT1l1'lT ,n l!'" mf <I 3!Offuq; lhfi 3ft< 3!<!ltI <5 fIImr OfT ~, .rrm <I/If<>I QIRI"I~ f<riTol qim<lft'llll oii 3i'iz faflo1l ibT<ui't <I ant" t I <!l!11fu&r, Pot.,!}J1I (i) <I<R W<'ftT1l, $l\ >!<If m ~ <5 3mITl q;z 3mm: q;z <fi,ft >!<If fffiz <IR~& , 10 <it mf, ,~~"" faMI" >!<If == = (ii)olrn W<'ftT1l ~ $l\ >!<If aRT ~ fl;CFlI tiel W;" tialfBd mT ii!TOl 'ITl.'fi Ufc\<i1f.l11l1 1tit1llT <5 CFlIEZliR <I, 'tCIIICHb mT 301fu m 3<1<5 <I<>I<5/1f mT 3fiffi ~ <nR Pot.,!}J1I .rn-IV .,mIlR<il "i\ <I, fUlii1ttll Q11'I Pot.,!}J1I 8C1 ICbIC'1 ..". 'ffiru; amft m <iftm <5 3mm: q;z<llT~ c:ot<JIIC'lll -acn em ",fO<>I fa 11 <b«5 mm! """' -.m!, e;afll!,!l ID"lT .... "" '- 1 • .mr 0'"""' ~, 1!m '" lir.\ lR, ..-of "" p.,,,iJI,, 3J1UR lR <r<l '~fi'I , Wl\ orcff <ifu<:T <5 3J1UR lR orcff (iii) <:<r Il'fi'I~Tif li\..,fi'I 1!m lir.\ lR Wl\ orcff <ifu<:T <5 ~ p.,,,iJI,, 3J1UR lR = , = =, = 3J1UR lR , gfi'lp., gf4t1, 11 . 'tiq ICitI aiC,.lul ~ <tl\ ~TT (0)1;), ~ lil..,fi'I/gfi'lp., gf4t1/ <tef ICij ICith!:UI flIr<rr 0IT\lilTT : orcff Il'fi'I~Tif (i) -.lffi ~ ~ "" = , ~ mrn! "" 'ImT = \1;a:1I a c;, a*l"8d = fc58t Wl\ orcff .nt, flafl'l~'I! mcft IOIRIdlf.JldI ~1lIJ >R-~T ql\ <A 1«1 C1I "8, lTT'?I ~"f<I'lI"''' ~ "" ,,,'" ql\ 31IIfu "" ;m<?; ~ ql\ 3!tm ~ ..,,;t p., "iJI" ..-.f- IV .,>fa,l1<i1 >I-a p.,,,iJI,, :;BQICt>IC"I <r<eI ~ fGiO'lCbI ..-of .ml\ / <ifu<:T 3J1UR "CR <tl\ ~ C'lCJllrll'l mrr .m ..-.f- IV tfiHI fi'I " omf; .mr ..-of "" iI.,." '" ~ Cf)ClfaIR41 'l>l f%:CR I'EJ C1 >R-~T 3!ellmer mrn! 'ImT ;;fJi, 8tHf8Ci ql\ ~ "01Oft Cl'>ift2i\ct 1R, ~ 6>ft'~jl i<I'uT >I -a "1fffi ~I'i:" Il'fi'I fm1c ~ i<I'uT .. "'" -a "'" 1:T'OfuT ~"" Il'fi'I fm1c ql\ 1JTfi'I >5 <IT<!< i<I'uT <RT1ffl aft :nft-.f q;rof\ mt\ (ii)<:<r Il'fi'I~Tif ..-.f- IV Cbd1\~IR.m ~ \i1..,fi'I filI",,101 ~ ffilCii!ldl ~ ~TIffl .nt / ~~dRtlJlC1~ -a <:<r UT>IT <:T ql\ <RT1ffl :nft-.f ql\ 0) ..-of - -." p.,,,p.,,, ~ ~ ~ am: fG1otCl5 I "'" '" ....""'" "" "" '" = "'" ,= "" "'" . = :Bd IC'J5 IC"1 0), .m "" <h; .. ql\ tfiHIfi'l" omf; , =, '" "'" mrr, ~ ""l -.rt "'." i1 " <fGei .mr ..-of -." p., "p., i1 :BClIct51C1 0) : ~ ~ ~..-.f- lY -a CH liRlCiI = >5 <:<r UT>IT em dt.ll:fl. <:T "" ~ ~ 3!tm ql\ -.5reT '" 3!tftar \i1..,fi'I fffiJ 3IO<T<I1 0) ""'" %, <iT ;ffi ~ CHI~ctl )m<f fa~aRteJ l C1 4 -a 3tf'Ift fi'IftIa> '" OCI .. V1dV1R1 >5 .mr <I1i <5 afteR t'G'I lC1Cb <!It 31IIfu ~ ~ 3!tm ~ q;rof\ mt\ Um o1i\ lR ~ 3ITo1 ~ '86111Cb ~<5 tlG 'Q?: Wii\iI RI <5 fffiJ OTt! : ~/ mt\ <5 <IT<!<, fi'IftIa> '" Q'G = lR 1 0 % , , ~~ = am: ~ ..,,;t ~ ..-.f- IV <H1CR)Id l ,.... "'-t-.. ~OCI ~ fi'IftIa> ~ '" "" = \a; 3Qilttt'1 Q'lagct5, ~ ~ "" cp<HtllR.at .m Q'G ~ lR ~WlRI 10 ql\ 3!tm Il'fi'I~Tif >5 fffiJ OCI-a = ~ -.5reT ~ OTt! ~ ~' i::~4S4SrlS t ~ ~~~>1>~Jl 1S1. ~ i i ~ itll~tlil~I:~ i::~'~ 1 ~~" j~i15'W~! ~ :J~I~flll 1 ~ III !1: f !I ~ ~~ ~15-~ £ljll (lEi ; i 1 ~i~ ! w,1S •• ,1 ~!I~I I': >1> 1S ~. >1>" 1111 " !~~;!>1>i~~ ~1S~11 i ~1.! ~ i~ : !~·;~!~!;!~!!! - I·lt~~I'l! 1S ~f! _ fll~ 1! i" ~ ~i1Slm·l*t!'il-~i:: 1S1 Ii Iltt]l~l!!~.1 ~~J'~ 1 , - 1S 1 JI~i ~ I'tiJ1E rw >1> Iii J~I~I~ J~tIJ -~ . c \ ~ . '---• . . , __________~~____~~__~~~ 1& 4 t. ! ~ &~ 1 1~~. ~ ~ 1& 1~ t ~ 1~ j ~ 1 ; ! ! ~, . ! i II li!jltl!o! ti! _ 1~1J~il;: !:!!;!~ _ . ~T~llI1 1, 1 .111 Et.11 I~!~~I r D~~ I • .. 4[. . ~ .- t 1t ·~ 'W t w.: ~ 1 ~ j 1~ 1& ~ ~. ~ ~ p,; ~~ ~ 4S .4S!~J~11i~i!1 i1 !1 - ~~l 4, 1IJ~1&]W ~ r ~ ~! f~ t 1 ~.~ .~ &i ; 1& ;! i ~: ~ i { - 1& ~ 1i 11 ~ i. ~ 1r~·~!l!15.L~ji ~i! . ~1! rtr4 ~!~ !~!:; ~~ij1&t~ ~ 1& .If ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 14i ~ Jr 1 . ~ ~ 1! _ Ii! _ II; _ tJ t' 1! _ • ~~~~lill:1;ii;~!~i7Ei!i:!J!i:fi:li~l: • ~1'IE'iS ~~jl ~ w'" 71' ~.~ 'iSi15 ~Ej t 1&E·~f'iS&~I~~~~l, r~I'iS ~'iiij r~ ~t~11~ em ~~ ~ ~i . ii - 10 .. '10 .; ~ 1Jl L -. - • 1-.. • 13 . . 14 "it o;<ff _ ~ I "1m q~~.n i}fI1l't1l't "8>!r 'Wifff , 1"BItlt it IRtf oms. 3tlocllal ~ !tm o;<ff ~ 1"BItlt tR o;<ff = rom 'K Poi~ ~ <r<r.r , mn ~ <IT 'K tR 'K tR Pol~ fffiz <r<r.r I rom m 3!1<1'""' ' ' ' "<IT = ~ . >full o;<ff <6 ~ it, 'K tR . "" 'lil/ffi 3!1tIR tR ~ 0IT(?iJ1T , IRfT ~ . ~ , . "",R", .,..". ",Pol,,,,f t ~Rllfi! "<lI~~ 3lT«f "" <6lR\! "..,.,., ~, ~, ~d1It/C1 ""'"' fIlxrr tR Puti'!cp[ OIT(?iJ1T, , 3IRIT<Jr ~ 0!f{!iJlT ,~~~ , "" 3IRIT<Jr <IT 3100T o;<ff IJlfiJerflO [ Um =tt afMl at ~, <IT ~~" 'lil/ffi <IT &II ~ f: ,f?:C15 m 3!1tIR ~ ~~ mn 'lil/ffi 31,,,,R,, 15...... ~ (!J otl ~ UfIQiJlI 31Poi<lld 3NCIT , 15 = fIrfEr <IT o;<ff 3100T QI~<Hbd1 , Rfl/ = \JIRlcr>'!ul I "it ttII<It oft aiR .T<if ""''''~ Pol~..,o/I ~ Pol~"i ~ ~ <m! §t! tR~ 'K m 31E<tell'1 . ~ ~,- (1) .h."",'1" «1» m 31tftor tillMl ~ ~Rla; .m~~ 3!1tIR tR lIR<lIf <loni ) it m rom (p,fdfas f<r:mur (.,f<r.'Ol<l lImmr C'I<JlIlIl ftlffi .~~<1of OIT(?iJ1T, it l!<S al'I 3!1tIR tR ~ orr -."i\;m , ~ o~f'1'of 3!1tIR RI'&Il'lOJ /61 iflCblOI ~ oR<m 3!TfRUf \a; al'I ., mrom m-mr.. ~ ~c1llS1iJtiitcp ~ ~ tR f<r_1lf .,-g 3RIfu -.1 orrt\ tR PolgOi1 "'1f<lff <Ill mn aiR m t, aiR <f;crn n>ft 3<l<Ill <ifIm <Ill IJifllulQ?I 3fCIfu 3t GtJlCP'lOI L~MFlU[ ~ urn::rurr I {?ir) 'K Q5T f!ff1I~~ IRfT 3lefli1l<Col .,)<llll .".,., ~ ~ mcbr it 31liIT :.. (.,f<r.,Ol<l 1I.TT<IOl), fu!n 'lit ~ 3!1tIR .rrmr tR ~ ~/ffi m rom .m, ti'lQ5Fl ~ >«If"" ~, 31 ell 'I «! <loni .".,., '"'" o;<ff aiR (i!r) ,..,." m3f'1<TR" fIlxrr 0IT(?iJ1T .... ~ (II) V , 3i$CF1ii!O'I ,>fl,!!, , !Of~OiiiR\ oifll."""" 3qC'1~"i , <ifIm m 3!1tIR tR PolgOi1 'lI~PcrsCi ~ :tiRli:lfCRcti wa:f ~ m~ ir.rlT) lIT'<1' omT q~ ~ fi; Cf11 t/ i'1 IR.T ~ 1'rlf1lf nltm .T<if f.IrmiT -.1 ~ , = ~RI", .m (;;it ~ ~ \J Pc1 iff I CI ~ m m .m <Ill 7810 / - m....~"'" ~ I ~ <'i1I\? <Ill "I>IT ~ <ifIm -.1 1!'1' . . cot m" >J!I <>mil ! , -.l\ ;it 3Ifu<I; -.l\ lOtI ><!>at (i>tif)<5 IBr! ~~C:l~Cl5 3QCltWm >t 234 /- <'>'Il! ««r <5 it ~ <5 "'!:" MI ;;ran ;frg it <I5T <flor lIfFmCl) 1I1fl:fq, ~ <5 ;o;;q >t ~ -.l\ O!T(!<J\\ (III) Pot;gfim/ 3!!j<II ..., III~",,;!l , mmr ("I'l.. 'CI i!l V'!1<t01) fl;<Hlilcl vt." r..~ am: , , 3!O);'!1<t01 llIfil",,;!l ~ (IV) ....... ~ , <ifIn:r Pot~ -.l\ ..,IT >t ~Rl!", ""'~ \lm:rr <5 3mIR 1R ",Jlhfl~ mr(IIT 011(1, 3mIR W \lm:rr ~, 31'!fq = ~f{;m <it Pot",,,,, U!Tt!m, it<HltlC1 ""'~ , IBr! """', U!Tt!m <IT ~ 3!T<I>mP <IT "Bfl/ vt'T 3!<IU1fuf \lm:rr U!Tt!m Pot~ ~ ".. W <rJ ""'d6'fW ""'~ <i5 31UlQi& mr.;; >«ff .nt, /5a4h:!!l ~ tll~~CI5iJ1 """' (Y) ';f(\",..."" Pot~fiffi<i! ~ IBr! """' ~ , ~ ~ mm! """' oM, (VI) 3!f'~, >«ff 6afl<%, 3fcffit ~<HliJ&I vt'T~ = ",. . ,.-",. . ,. W ~ <>It 011(1 , <I5<R , <iI "''"'! ""' r.t<T>it it -.i"t1<r.r 30' .... ">Ji" <iI ~ <1m< 6ml1I!fu< ='IT ~ (VII) r.. ....., am: ml , (11;) <ifIn:r <5 3mIR W r..g<Irl ",f,m olt 78' 0 / <'>'Il! -.l\ n it imrn ';f(\ <"i'''" WOT (uiT it ;tu" <I5T "'!:.m >I ;;ran Ws- it <5 ~ ir.>fl) 50lRlCftlCl W:m -.l\ O!T(!<J\\ , <ifIn:r w Pot~<m ~ ~ om q!l'QIt'tCTJf ,.,f/ "m <5 IBr! ~ ill;: I (1fI Cf5 3 Q C1f4l!u~1 >t 234/ - <'>'Il! >J!I n it (it k<I5T CRtO'\d <H ;;ran Ws- it <I5T <flor l1iFmCl) -.l\ 'll%: <I5T 6'I><:R ~ 3mrejf olt, am: 3fCi'! ~ G!t\ «lr) , 86i3hi& , ~ U!Tt!m <ifIn:r ot>ft 3IT<R"T i\lq; G!t\ IBr! G1'ft ir.>fl 3mIR W . ~ mIG! = , Potg<lrl ".. , ~ ",f,m V V "''"'! n<rTRr ~ 1!'1' <ifIn:r 1R G<T ~ <>It mn ....... actdldtlC>'l 'i"'R141 ~ <ifIn:r w r..~<m ",f,m <I5T m / Uffi!T ~ <it, Pot~ .. >I, '" fIm! 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(Authoritative English Text of Government Notification No. Per (SAS-I)B(2)·S/2009 dated _ _ _ __ as required under clause (3) of Article 34S of the ConstitutiQn of India) GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL SECRETARIAT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES-I No. Per(SAS-I)B {2)-S/20M. Dated, Shimla-2 \g- S"- ,2015 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh, in con sultation with the Himachal Prad esh Public Service Commission, is pleased to make the Recruitment and Promotion Rules for the post of Clerk, Class-III (Non-Gazetted ) in the Department of Person nel (Secretariat Administration ~erv i ces) Himachal Pradesh, as per Annexure-" A" attached to this notification name ly:Short Title and 1. (1) Commencement These rules may be called the Himachal Pradesh Department of Personne l (Secreta riat Administration Services) Clerk, Class-III(Non-Gazetted) Recruitment & Promotion Rules, 2015 . (2) These ru les shall come into force from the date of publication in the Rajpatra, Himacha l Pradesh. , Repeal & 2. (1) Savings The Himachal Pradesh Department of Personnel Clerk, Class-llI(Non-Ga,zetted), Ministerial Services, Common Recruitment and Promotion Rules, 2014, notified vide th is department Notification . No . Per(AP)-C-A{3)-7/2011 dated 15· May, 2014 are hereby repealed to the extent these pertain to the post of Clerk. (2) Notwithstanding such repeal, any appointment made by Department of Personnel .(Secretariat Administration Services) or anything done or any action taken under sub-rule(l) supra sha ll be deemed to have been validly made or done or taken under these rules. By Order Secretary (SA) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. '~ _I:_ No. Per(SAS-I)B(2}-8/2009. Dated, Shimla-2 ,2015 Copy to:1. All Administrative Secretaries to the Government of Himacha l Pradesh. 2. The Controller, Printing & Stationery, HP, Shimla-17100S for publication in the H.P. Rajpatra . Copy of the concerned Rajpatra may be sent to this Department. 3. Private Secretary to the Chief Secretary, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2. 4. ALR-cum-Under Secretary(Law) t o the Government of Himachal Pradesh, S. The Secretary, HP Public Service Commission, Nigam Viha r, Shimla-2. 6. 100 Spare Copies/Guard File. __ Government 0 secretary(SA) to the achal Pradesh . ® • ANNEXURE·ltA" RECRUITMENT AND PROMOTION RULES FOR TH E POST OF CLERK (NON-GAZETIEO) CLASS-miN THE DEPARTMENT OF PERSON NEL (SECRETA RIAT ADMINISTRATION) , H P SECRETARIAT .. 1. Name of post Clerk 2. Number of post 291 (two hundred and ninety one) 3. Classification Class-III (Non-Gazetted-MinisterlaIJ Services 4. Scale of Pay i) Pay Band for regular incumbents:- (a) CLERKS Pay Band Rs.5910· 20200/ - + Rs.1900/- Grade Pay + Rs.400/Secretariat Pay {Th is scale is to be give n to t he total number of posts in cad re minus the posts which are to be placed in the pay band of Rs.l0300-34800/ - + Rs.3600/- Grade Pay + Rs.500/Secretariat Pay (Junior Assistant)). contract Emoluments fo r employees Rs .7810/- as per details given in Column IS-A. (b) Junior Assistant: Pay Rs.l0300-34800 Band + Rs.3600/- Grade Pay + R'.500/ - ii) . Secreta riat Pay (This scale is to be given to the tota l number of posts of Cle rk in the cadre after a minimum of 5 years se rvice as Clerk in the cadre and t he incumbent of these posts shall be deSignated as Junior Assist ant by placement) 5. Whether "Selection" Post or Non-Selection " Non-Selection" Post 6. Age for Direct recruitment Between 18 years and 4S years. Provided that the upper age limit for direct recruits will not be applicable to the candidates already in service of the Government Induding those who have been appointed on ad hoc or on contract basis; Provided further that if a candidate appointed on ad hoc basis or on contract basis had become over~age on the date when he/she was appointed as such he/she shall not be eligible for any relaxation in hte prescribed age~limit by virtue of his/her such ad hoc or contract appointment; Provided further that upper age limit is relaxable for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other categories of persons to the extent permissible under the general or special order(s) of the Himachal Pradesh Government; Provided further that the employees of all the Public Sector Corporations and Autonomous Bodies who happened to be Government Servants before absorption in Public Sector Corporations/Autonomous Bodies at the time of initial constitution of such Corporatior.s/Autonomous Bodies shall be allowed age concession in direct recruitment as admissible to Government servants. This concession will not, however, be admissible to such staff of the Public Sector Corporations ICorporatins/ Autonomous Bodies who were/are subsequently appointed by such Corporations/Autonomous Bodies and who are/were finally absorbed in the service of such Corporations/Autonomous Bodies after initial constitution of the Public Sector Corporations/Autonomous Bodies. Notes: (1) Age limit for direct recruitment will be reckoned on the first day of the year in which the Post(s) is/are advertised for inviting applications or notified to the Employment Exchanges, as the case may be. (2 ) Age and experience in the case of direct recruitment, are relaxable at the discretion of the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission in case the candidate is otherwise well qualified. 7. Minimum Educational and other qualification required for direct (a) Essential i) recruitment Qualificatjons:~ Bachelor's Degree or its equivalent from a recognised University. ii) Should possess a minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English Type~ writing or 25 words per minute in Hindi Type~wrjting on Computer. Provided that visually impaired persons recruited under 1% quota shall be imparted necessary basic training including computer training • the by Department concerned through Composite Regional Centre (eRe), Sundernagar instead of passing typing test. They shall have to complete the above training during which three chances will be afforded . If the incumbents fail to qualify the same his/her service shall be terminated. However, the Incumbents already in the service shall be afforded sufficient number of chances to complete the aforesaid training . iii) Should have the knowledge of "Word Processing" in Computer as prescribed by the Recruiting Authority. (b) Desirable Qualification(s): Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the State. 8. Whether age and educational qualification 9. prescribed Age: Not Applicable for direct recruits will apply in the Educational Qualifications: Yes, .as prescribed in case of promotes Co lumn No. 11 below. Period of probation, jf any Two years subject to such further extension for a period not exceed ing one year as may be ordered by the competent authority in special circumstances and reasons to be recorded in writing. 10. Method(s) of recruitment, i) 700/0 by direct recruitment on a whether by direct recruitment 'regu lar' basis or by recruitment on or by promotion, deputation, contract basis, as the case may be. transfer and the percentage of ii) 20% by limited direct recruitment post(s) to be filled in by various from amongst the regular Class-IV methods: officials possessing a Bachelor's or Degree - qualification University equivalent its • from recognised competitive through examination to be conducted by the H.P. Subordinate Services Selection Board, Hamirpur, having five years regular service regular OR combined with continuous service rendered on daily wages or on contract basis failing which by direct recruitment on a regular basis or by recruitment on contract basis, as the case may be. iii) 10% by promotion failing which by direct recruitment on a regular basis or by recruitment on contract basis, as the case may be. 11. In case promotion of depu~ation , grades by 1) 20% by limited direct recruitment from transfer, amongst the 'regular' Class-IV officials which possessing a Bachelor's Degree or its recruitment from promotion/deputation/transfer is to be made equIvalent qualification recognised University competitive examination conducted by the Services Selection from • through to be H.P . . Subordinate Board, Hamirpur, having five years regular service OR regular combined with continuous service rendered on adhoc/daity· wage/ contra ct basis. The eligible Class-IV officials will also qualify the typing test with the minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English typewriting OR 25 words per minute in Hindi typewriting , to be conducted by the H.P. Subordinate Services Selection Board, Hamlrpur. 2) 10% by promotion from amongst the Class-IV oHicials who have passed 10+2 ® examination or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education/ . University service or with five regular years regular combined with continuous adhoc service rendered, if any, in the grade. Provided that if a Class·IV official is otherwise eligible to be promoted to the post of Clerk under iO% promotion quota with the qualification 10+2 or its equivalent, duly recogn ized, then he/she will shall have to acquire the qualification of a Bachelor's Degree or its equivalent qualification from a recognized University within 5 years of his/her promotion as Clerk failing which he/she shall not be eligible for further promotion to the post of Senior Assistant etc.; Provided further that the above proviso shall not render such Class-IV officials having qualification of Matric or its equivalent,duly recognized, ineligible for promotion to the post of Clerk against 10% quota, who were in the cadre of Class-IV after attaining the age of 50 years; Provided further that all the Ciass-IV officials so promoted as Clerks will qualify the typing test with a minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English typewriting or 25 words per min'ute in Hindi typewriting within the probation period which wlll be conducted by the Department and the incumbents will get three chances during the probation period. If the candidate tails to qualify the typing test within the prescribed period, their probation period will be extended. During this period the incumbents will get one more chance. If the candidate still fails to qualify the typing test in the extended • period, he/she will be reverted from Clerk to Class-IV posts. For the purpose of promotion a combined senIority list of eligible Class-IV officials on the basis of their length of service in the respective grade without disturbing their . cad re wise inter-se-seniority shall be prescribed. -Provided further that for filling up the posts of Clerk the following 10 points roster shall be followed:Roster Po int No. Category 1St, 2"\ 3'G , 41 ,61n ,7 1 & 8m Direct recruit 51 & lOt limited direct recruit gm Class-IV promotee Note: The roster will be rotated after every 10th vacancy till the representation to . all categories is achieved upto the prescribed percentages. Thereafter, the vacancy will be filled up from the category which vacates the post. . (1) In all cases of promotion, the continuous adhoc service rendered in the feeder post, if any, prior to regular appointment to the post shall be taken into account towards the length of service as prescribed in these Rules for promotion s u~ject to the condition that the adhoc appointment/promotion in the feeder category had been made after following proper acceptable process of selection in accordance with the provisions of R&P Rules: Provided that in all cases where a junior person becomes eligible for consideration by virtue of his/her total length of service (including the service rendered on adhoc basis, followed by regular service/appointment) in the feeder post in vie~ of the provision referred to above, all persons senior to him/her in the respective category/post/cadre shall be deemed to be eligible for consideration and placed above' the junior person in the field of consideration: Provided that all incumbents to be considered for promotion shall possess the minimum qualifying service of ilt least three years' or that prescribed in the R&P Rules for the post, whichever is less: Provided further that where a person becomes ineligible to be considered for promotion on account of the requirements of the preceding proviso, the person(s) junior to him/her shalt also be deemed to be ineligible for consideration for such promotion; EXPLANATION:- The last proviso shall not render the junior incumbent(s) ineligible for consideration for promotion if the senior ineligible person(s) happened to be ExServicemen recruited under the provisions of Rule~3 of the Demobilized Armed Forces Personnel (Reservation of vacancies in Himachal State Non-Technical Service) Rule's, 1972 and having been given the benefit of seniority ther-eunder or recruited under the provisions of Rule-3 of the Ex-Serviceman (Reservation of vacancies 'in the Himachal Pradesh Technical Services) Rules, 1985 and having been given the benefit of seniority there-under, (2) Similarly, in all cases of confirmation, adhoc service rendered on hte feeder post, if any, prior to the regular appointment/promotion against such post shall be taken into account towards the length of service, if the adhoo apPOintment/promotion ha~ been made after proper selection and In accordance with the provisions of the R & po Rules. Provided that inter-se-seniority as a result of confirmation after taking into account, the ad hoc service rendered as referred to above shalt remain unchanged, 12. If a Departmental Promotion exists, what composition? Committee Is its As may be constituted by the Government from time to time , 13. Circumstances under which the H.P.P.S.C. ;s ;n consulted to As requ ired under the law. be making recruitment. 14. 1S. Essential requirement,.for a A candidate for appointment to any service or post direct recruitment must be a Citizen of India. Selection for appointment Selection for appointment to the post in the case of to the post by direct recruitment; direct recruit ment shall be made on the basis tlf viva-voce test; if the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission or other recruiting authority, as the case may be, so consider necessary or eKpedlent by a written test or practical test, the standa rd /syUabus et c. of which will be determined . by the Commlssionl othe r recruiting authority, as the case may be. lS-A Selection for appointment to t he post by contract appointment Notwithsta nding anything contained ;n these Rules, contract appOintments to the post will be made subject to the terms and conditions given below:. (I) CONCEPT:- (a) Under this policy the Clerk in Department of Personnel (Secretariat Administration), H.P. will be engaged on contract baSis initially for one year; which may be exten dable on year-toyear basis. Provided that for exten si on/ renewal of contract period on year to year basis the concerned HOD shall iSSlJe a certificate that the service and conduct of the contract appOintee is satisfactory during the year and only then his period of contract is to be renewed/extended . (b) POST FALLS WITHIN THE PURV IEW OF THE HPSSSB: The (11) (III) Secretary (Secretariat Administration) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh after obtaining the app roval of the Government to fill up the vaca nt posts on contract ba sis will place the requisitiOn' with the concerned recruiting agency Le. H.P. Subord inate Services Selection Board, Hamirpur. (c) The selection will be mad e in accordance with the eligibility conditions prescribed in these R&P Rules. CONTRACTUAL EMOLUMENTS :- The Clerk appointed on contract basis will be paid con solidated fixed contractual amount @ Rs.7,810/-per month (wh;ch shall be equal to minimum of the pay band + grade pay). An amou nt of Rs.234/(3% of the minimum of pay band+ gra de pay of the post ) as annual increase in contractual emoluments for the subsequent year(s) will be allowed if contract is extended beyond one year. APPOINTINGLDISCIPLINARY AUTHOR ITY :Th e Secretary (Secretariat Administration) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh will be appointing and disciplinary autho rity. • (IV) SELECTION PROCESS:- Selection for appointment to the post in the case of contract appointment will be made on the basis of viva-voce test or if considered necessary or expedient by a written test or practical test, the standard/syllabus etc. of which • (V) (VI) (VII) will be determined by the concerned recruiting agency i.e. ~ Subordinate Services Selection Board, Hamirpur. COMMITTEE • FOR SELECTION OF CONTRACTUAL APP01NTMENTS:- As may be constituted by the concerned recruiting agency i.e. the H.P. Subordinate Services Selection , Board. Hamirpur from time to time . AGRREEMENT:- After selection of a candidate, he/she shall sign an agreement as per Annexure-liB" appended to these Rules. TERMS AND CONDITIONS:- (a) The contractual appointee will be paid fixed contractual • amount @ Rs.7810/· per month (which shall be equal to minimum of the pay band + grade pay). The contract appointee will be entitled for increase in contractual amount @Rs.234/· (3% of minimum of the pay band+ grade pay of the post) for further extended years and no other allied benefits such as senior /selection scale etc. will be given. (b) The service of the contract appointee will be purely on temporary basis. The appointment is liable to be term inated In case ·the performance /conduct of the contract appointee Is not found satisfactory.' {cl Contract appointee will be entitled for one day's casual leave after putting one-month service. However, the contract appointee will also be entitled for 16 weeks Maternity leave, 10 day's Medical leave and five days special leave. He/~he shall not be entitled for Medical Re· imbursement and LTC etc. No leave of any other kind except above is admissible to the contract appointee. Provided that the un· availed Casual leave, Medical Leave and Special leave can be accumulated upto the Calendar Year and will n9t be carried forward for the next Calendar Year. (d) Unathorlzed absence from the duty without the approval of the Controlling Officer shall automatically lead to the termination of the contract. However, in exceptional cases where the circumstan~es for un·authorized absence from duty were beyond his/her contr~l on medical grounds, such period shall not be excluded while considering his/her case for regularisation but the incumbent shall have to intimate the controlling authority in this regard well in time. However the contract appointee shall not be entitled for contractual amount for this period of absence from duty. PrOVided that he/she shall submit the certificate of illness/fitness issued by the Medical Officer, as per prevailing instructions of the Government. (e) An bfficial appOinted on contract basiS who have completed three years tenure at one place of posting will be eligible for transfer on need based basis wherever required on administrative grounds. (f) Seh!cted candidates will have to submit a certificate of his ' /her fitness from a Government/Registered Medical • Practitioner. Women candidate pregnant beyord 12 weeks will stand temporarily unfit tiil the confinement is over. The women candidate will be re-examined for the fitness from an authorized Medical Officer/Practitioner. (g) Contract appointee will be entitled to TA/ DA if required to go on tour in connection with his/ her official duties at the same rate as a~plicable to regular counterpart official at the minimum of pay scale. (h) Provisions of service ru les like FR SR,leave Rules,GPF Rules, Pension Rules & Conduct rules etc. as are applicable in case of regular employees will not be applicable in case of contract appointees. They will be entitled for emoluments etc.as detailed in this column . 16. Reservation The appointment to the service shall be subject to orders regarding reservation Scheduled In the service for Castes/ Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes/ other 'Categories of perso ns issued by the Himachal Pradesh Government frem time to time. 17. Departmental Exap1ination Not applicable. 18. Power to Relax Where the State GoV!. is of the opin ion that it is necessary or expedient to do so, it may, by order for reasons to be recorded in writing and In consultation with the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission, rela x any of the provison(s) of . these Rules with respect to any Class or category of person (s) or post (s) . AGREEMENT This agreement is made on this Shri/ Smt. ~ay of in the year ___ between S/o/D/ o Shrj _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Res ident of Contract Appointee (hereinafter ca lled the FIRST PARTY), AND the Governor of Himachal Pradesh through _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Designation of Appointing Authority) Himachal Pradesh (here· in-after called the SECOND PARTY) . Whereas, the SECOND PARTY has engaged the aforesaid FIRST PARTY and the FIRST ~ARTY has agreed to serve as a Clerk on contract basis on the following terms & conditions ;- 1. That the FIRST PARTY shall rema in in the service of the SECOND PARTY as a Clerk for a period of 1 year commencing on day of _ _ _ __ _ _ __ and ending on the day of _ _ _ _ __ _ . It is specifically mentioned ani::t agreed upon by both the parties that the contract of the FIRST PARTY with SECOND PARTY shall ipso-fact o stand terminated on the last working day I.e. on _______ And information notice shall not be necessary: Provided that for further extenSion/ renewal of contra ct period of! year to year basis the concerned HOD shal l issue a certiflcate that the sE;rvice and conduct of the contract appointee was satisfactory during the year and only then his period of contract is to be renewed/extended. 2. The contractual amount of the FIRST PARTY will be Rs .7B10/ - per month. 3. The service of FIRST PARTY wil l be purely on temporary basis. The appointment is liable to be terminated in case the performance/ conduct of the contract appointee is not found good or if a regular incumbent is appointed/ posted against the vacancy for which the first party w~s enga~ed on contract. 4. Contractual Clerk will be entitled for one day casual leave after putting in one month service. However, the contract employee will also be entitled for 16 week' s maternity leave , 10 days medical leave and 5 days special Leave . He/She will not be entitled for Medical Reim bursemen t and LTC etc . No leave of any other kind except above Is admissible to the contact Clerk . Provided that the un-availed casual leave ,medical leave and special leave can be accumulated upto the ca lendar year and will not be carried forward for the next calendar year. S. Unauthorised absence from the duty without the approval of the Controlling Officer shall automatically lead to the termination of the contract. However, in exceptional cases where the clrcumstances · for un-authorised absence from duty were beyond hIs/her control on medica l grounds, such period sha ll not be excluded while considering \ his/her case for regu larisation but the incumbent shall have to intimate the controlling authority in this regard well in time. However the contract appointee shall not be entitled for contractual amount for this period of absence from duty. Provided that he/she shall submit the certificate of illness/fitness issued by the Medical Officer, as per prevailing instructions of the Government. 6. Clerk appointed on contract basis who have completed three years tenure at one place of posting will be eligible for transfer on need based basis wherever required on administrative grounds. 7. Selected candidate will have to submit a certificate of his/her fitness from a Government/Registered Medical Practitioner. In case of women candidates pregnant beyond twelve weeks will render he r temporarily unfit till the confinement is over. The women candidat e shou ld be fe-exam ined for fitness from an authorised Medical officer/practit ioner. 8. Contract appointee shall be entitled to TA/DA if required to go on tour in connection with his/her official duties at the same rate as applicable to regular counter-part official at the minimum of pay scale. 9. The Employees Group Insurance Scheme as well as EPF/GPF will not be applicable to contractual appointee(s) . IN WITNESS the FIRST PARTY AND SECOND PARTY have herei n t o set t heir hands t he day, month and year fi rst, above writte n. IN THE PRESENCE OF WITNESS 1. (Signature of FIRST PARTY) 2. IN THE PRESENCE OF WITNESS 1. (Signature of SECOND PARTY) 2 . . _ _ _ _ _ _ __