the 2$

Governnent of Himachal Pradesh
Ilepnrlment of fcchnicnl Education
Daterl Slrimla-2,
l\a. EDN(TE)B{2}4120 1 s
the 2$ - lo"'2'o19"
In partial modification of this l)epartment notification of even number
dated 15.10.?015, The fiovernor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to arld "and subject to the final
riecision/outsome of O.A. No. 1$7312$15 titled as Kali llass Versus State" in the last line
irara 4 of the notifisation rcf"ened tn above.
By Order
"Principal $ecr*tary(Tech. Edu.) to the
Government of llimach*l Pradesh.
Bnrlst. No. As Above.
{Jopy firr information and necess*ry action is
Ilated Shimla-2, the 2R*ta * 2{rS
fillxard*d to ;-
'Ihe Pr. Accauntant General (Audit). H.P". Shirnla-171003.
Personal file ofthe concerned oflieer.
Guald I'rile.
2. J'he Accr:untant Oeneml(A&f), Il.P., Shirnla-I 7I 00i.
3. T'he.Director. T'echnical Education. lI.P., Sundernagar, Distric.t Mandi, H.P,
4. All the conccmed Principals.
5. Individual concemerl"
Gov*rnmert of Himachal Prndesh.
Ph. : 0I77-2628486, 2880860.