“FORM” OF OPTION (Under revised constituted provision of FR-22(1)9A(i) as adopted by the Govt. vide F.Ds O.M. No. Fin. C-A(3)8/98 dated 23.11.90 and applicable from 23.11.90) *** I_______________________________________________ promoted to the post of __________in the scale of Rs._____________________________with effect from _________given option for fixation of my pay as under:(i) (ii) my pay may kindly be fixed straight way in the high scale of the promoted post under FR(I)(a)(i). I do not want my pay to be Initially fixed at the next higher stage as provided in the saving clause of the Rules abid. my pay kindly be initially fixed at the next higher state in the higher state in the higher post as provided in saving clause of Rules FR22(I)(a)(i). On actual of my next increment in the lower post my mat be re-fixed as per FR22(I)(a)(i)i.e._____________ Signature: Date:________ Place:___________ Name:_____________ in Block letter) Address: