ftqtstr s-tqt rlrflq ilfi-ffi e-cur: {.S.\'{ (&{)q(s)za Rrar 6rnq l5 / zots frqio: frrqcil-oz, urd, 2016 GrBqz-{T RETqd q-ipT d q-.,qqtEl, qrro d $hwc d sEzd-q sos d q<-Eo 6-RI IIEffi eTfrfrs-i o.r s-q}rr a-{i gq, Bqlq-d s-iPT Eif, t-qT 3ils}tT d q-qqPf t g{T fr"..rgr of er-ticqo orf}q"-qT dr0-s 03.04.2014 em erlfr{n-o a-m-ffi ftTsrT, aqiq-qTk6 1rsl d_silFr6 qRTe1uT fr'qTrT Rqqd s-tsT fr srrqrd G-emmt), orf-r (rrqqka) d qq d *rff sfl-i sffi Frqt'r t oi."i ricilq-{ o-{i d ftq ffifu-a ftqq qtTt t, crqffl,- tl|sw qlq Gft{ cT{i+T: 1fi1 FB€r oi rjflS.o qtq Eqrf,f, s-iPT ilfi-ft-fr1 Pren, qTqr+tfr--fi \qI cRI&T"r fr.{FT, srTErd F-emr), q-ri-r (vrqqkd) qs d ,rff on.i sffi $fviu-<) frziq, zoro t fi t p) ft'qq rr'Itl-{, Gqrs-d q-icT t \flii of .rt* t u-gm di-i t frti s-trTRTf, t sqcrq"-'qt' o-t tisiltr{ 2. frqrqd s-iyT ilfi-ftft Rrmr. qtq-€TB-fi gq ofunFio qRT&r"T fuIiIT, qTqd F$nrqnq), q.f-r (iTcqB-d) qq d ,rff 3il-i e)qfr ft'qq, zor+ d sqla[+r-"o"- n- {flr+l WCIII: 2 6 HI{;I fq-ilql=I qq Frqfrfu( s-RwnB-f, g!6f,'tl-T fuql Eitfl, O -w'{-FI enelta:- 09 tweTw g*ffi.t-oz qdfufi-f, gftFruRq-oz CFEWT gfiFr+Rrr-or frfrf, {frffiq-or g@n-qq 3il.-i &fr otgffir<-oz ldFrqRrr-or sirdcr gmr e-o-u xw qtlrq {{fuq (noofrwt) frqraf, rteT lTw-R -l* I - 2"yer-o-c siwr: f$\'{e{)q(s)24 /zots orfts:Rrtrar--2, tS qd, zorc s.frftfr qE-{rpf rq oilqv+fi oTffir tg }Ber'{+r{rr qflnrfuf, vrfuq- Rqrq-d s-iqr rrw'n,frrryan-oz Efrs, froqodm {isT eilstT, ftsar-z o\ z erfrRm frepTo flm-fiat ftre+r,qr-e-sTfu-6 \'q g<r+-r<,fu-ar qrS #IFrfi @ t+Bo t qRreT"r Roco, t 4. fr-rrqf,, gaur vo dgq qIqfi, froqoRrrf,I,s l-. 6gl 5. S-*T FB qsTqpff gq orn IEs o. qRE frB 3Tffi, o-T 3r*llEtrr{q qrqc, ri (Fs),froso qfuqroq,fr'ssi-oz {Tcfiilsr lsus-2, l4B frqru,Bgso qfuql-f,q t -zn text of this Department Notification of even ,number dated.l5..OZ.ZOrc as required under Clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution of India). (Authoritative English Government of Himachal Pradesh Technical Education Department No. EDN(TE) A(3)28 l5 Dated:Shimla-2, the 120 t s March,2016 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh, in consultation x,ith tlre Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission is pleased to make the following rule to amend the Himachal Pradesh, Technical Education, Vocational & Industrial Training Depaftment, Professor (Engineering), Class-l (Gazetted) Recruitment & Promotion Rules, 2014 notified vide this Department notification of even number dated 03.04.2014 namely:Short title and 1(1) These Rules may be called the Himachal Fradesh. Technical Education, Vocational and Industrial Training Department. Professor (Engineering), Class-I (Gazetted) Recruitment and commencement Promotion (First Arnendment) Rules, These Rules shall come into lbrce lrom the date ol' (2) publication in the Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh. ., Amendment z}rc. of In Annexure-"Af' to the Himachal Pradesh Technical Education, Vocational and lndustrial Training Departrnent, Professor (Engineering), Class-I (Gazetted) Recruitrnent and Promotion Rules, 2014- 2. Annexure-"A" For the existing provisions against the Column No. 2, the following shall be substituted as namely:09 (Nine) Mechanical Engineering :02 (fwo) :02 (two) Computer Science & Engineering :01 (one) :01 (one) Textile Engineering .: L'tvrl Engrneenng Electronics & Tele Communication E lectrical Engineering :02 (two) :01 (one) BY ORDER SANJAY GUPTA Principal Secretary (TE) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh -\Endst No. As above Dated:Shimla-2, lf March'2016 copy forwarded to:Shimla-2' All Administrative Secretaries to the Gov't' of Himachal Pradesh, 1. alongwith 02 copies' The secretary, H.P. Public Service commission, Shimla-2 2. Industrial Training, H'P' The Director, Technical Education, vocational & J. Sundernagiir. District Mandi -17 4401 for publication in The Controller, Printini A Stutionery, H.P. Shimla-171005 4. Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh' TheAlR-cum-UnderSecretary(Law)totheGovt.ofHimachalPradesh. i;;;;;;awofficer (H), Law Department' H'P' Sectt' Shimla-2' Und Gover E) to the imachal Pradesh