Particle-based mesoscale modelling of blood flow in microvessels Leonor García-Gutiérrez, under the supervision of Prof. Robert Kerr Mathematics Institute, The University of Warwick Model: MPC-AT Poiseuille flow MPC-AT: Multi Particle Collision Dynamics with Anderson Thermostat. I Parabolic profile is reproduced. I Based on a coarse-grain description of molecular collisions. I A modification of Bird’s Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo. I Alternative approach to solve Boltzmann equation by alternating streaming and colliding steps. Z 0.35 Y 0.40 0.36 0.32 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.04 0.00 0.04 Stream 0.30 0.25 0.20 v_x Motivation 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 20 15 10 5 Y (cells) 0 I Partially filled cells at the boundary, but density is uniform across the lumen. Collide Z 14.5 20 14.0 Stream particle density 13.0 12.5 Y I UK - more than £1 billion in drugs alone in 2006 ( I US - $93.5 billion in healthcare in 2010 (Heidenreich PA et al. Circulation. 2011;123:933-44) I Pathophysiology of essential hypertension is not well understood. 13.5 12.0 Evolution is governed by Newton’s equations of motion: 10 11.5 5 11.0 10.5 0 20 vi (t + ∆t) = vi (t) + g ∆t Why microvessels? ri (t + ∆t) = ri (t) + vi (t) ∆t “(...), it should never be forgotten that the more obvious phenomena of the circulation are but a means through which the real object of maintaining an adequate capillary flow is attained”. Carl J. Wiggers 15 I Standard expression in literature, implicitly assuming an acceleration-driven flow (g) with no additional forces. I Forces perpendicular to the flow can be introduced using: 15 10 5 Y (cells) 0 I Slip is observed (with both SAM and CAM averaging methods). Typically corrected using “virtual particles” in the collision step. 0.35 0.30 vi (t + ∆t) = vi (t) + a ∆t 0.25 v_x 1 ri (t + ∆t) = ri (t) + vi (t) ∆t + a∆t 2 2 I Time-fractioning algorithm: A particle that would escape the lumen in ∆t is moved back close to the impact point with the boundary; the impact time α∆t is calculated; impact velocity is reversed (bounce-back: v → −v); and the particle is let to stream for the remaining fraction of ∆t. The fractioning repeats if it collides with the boundary before (1 − α)∆t. 0.20 0.15 0.10 Simulation (fit) NS 0.05 0.00 20 15 10 Y (cells) 5 0 Red Blood Cells in a stenosed capillary Collide Simulation box containing the system is coarsely divided into equal cells. Random shift of the grid is applied to ensure Galilean invariance: I Cross-sectional images (left) resemble experimental TEM images (right). Particle occupation, t = 19.750ms, x = 100µm 35 30 ? 25 ? ? Normal Hypertensive Maximum capillary density in pregnancy. Image courtesy of D. Singer 20 Z ? ? 15 ? I Capillary rarefaction is observed also in healthy individuals with a genetic predisposition for high blood pressure. I Treating functional blockages in blood capillaries may prevent or delay the onset of hypertension. I This requires a deep understanding blood flow at the capillary level mathematical model + simulations. ? ? ? ? ? ? 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 −Y Particle occupation, t = 141.750ms, x = 150µm 35 30 ??? ? ????? ?? ? ?? ??? ??? ??? ????? ???? ???? ? ? ????? ?????????? ???????? ??????? ??? ??????? ? ????????????? ? ? ?? ?????????? ?? ? ???? ??? ??????????????? ? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ???????????????? ? ??? ?? ?? ????? ???? ??? ??? ? ?? ???????? ??? ?? ? ?? ? ???? ?? ?? ?? ????????? ? ? ?? ????????? ???? ?????????????????? ???????????? ?? ? ????? ??? ? ????? ????? ????????? 25 Mesoscale, particle-based methods are more suitable than NavierStokes equations because at microcirculation level blood is a complex fluid with disparate time,length,energy scales. ? ? 10 w I Apply periodic boundary conditions (flow direction). I Reset random component of velocity for all particles. kB T uj |x,y,z ∈ N 0, mj 20 Z Why mesoscale methods? ? ? 15 10 5 I Compute average mass, velocity and random velocity for each cell. (i) ~vcell = 1 X (i) mcell j ∈P (i) 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 −Y TEM images: mj ~vj I Clustering (Rouleaux formation and dynamics). I Update total velocity of each particle j in cell i, ensuring momentum conservation. vj (t + ∆t)|post −coll = (i) vcell (t + ∆t) + uj − 1 X (i) mcell j ∈P (i) mj u j Solutes: Hybrid MPC-MD Coupling with solutes is straightforward in MPC I Coarse-grained model of the solute: particle + interactions. I Stream particles at timesteps ∆τ (velocity Verlet). I Solute and solvent particles are indistinguishable in the collision step. Cross section of capillary with red blood cells. Credit: Tissues and Organs—Visuals Unlimited/Getty Images 100 Continuum dynamics I Fåhræus Effect is reproduced: reduction of the hematocrit in non-stenosed microvessels, due to vRBC > vplasma (velocities in µm ms−1 ). Time scale (s) 10−3 Mesoscale Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 −6 10 −9 v¯1 pl v¯2 pl RBC0 RBC1 RBC2 RBC3 RBC4 0.577 0.582 0.566 0.560 0.588 0.577 0.851 0.857 0.942 0.931 0.888 0.887 0.992 0.989 1.013 0.912 0.977 1.008 0.937 0.998 1.086 Molecular Dynamics 10 Acknowledgements Funding: “La Caixa” Foundation and Warwick DARO. Computing facilities: Centre for Scientific Computing of the University of Warwick. 10−12 10−9 10−6 Length scale (m) 10−3 100