coverages and descriptions supersede any coverages and descriptions you may earlier.

These coverages and descriptions supersede any coverages and descriptions you may have received earlier.
Please read and retain for your records.
Your Visa Card Guide to Benefits
For more information about the services described in this Guide, call the customer service
number on your Visa Commercial card statement.
Travel & Emergency Assistance
You can enjoy greater peace of 1nind thanks to a \Vi<le
range of Visa cn1crgetKy services vvhich arc availahlc
24 hours a J:iy, 365 days :i year. Please undersr::ind that,
due to occasional problems such as distance, location,
or rin1c, neither Visa nor its scrvi..:c providers can he
responsible for rhe avaibbility, use, cost, or resulrs of
any n1edical, legal, transportation, or other services.
Who is eligible for Travel & Emergency Assistance?
You, your in1n1cJiate family men1bers, and your business
associ:ttes inay dl take advantage of these special
e1nergcncy services.
How do I get these services?
They're as dose as the nearest phone. You sin1ply call
the Progra111 AdministrJ.tor at 1..SOO-VISA~9U any hour
of the day or night. If you are outside the United States,
call collecr ar 0-410-581-9994.
Is there a charge for these services?
No. Visa Travel & Erncrgency Assistance is ;ivailablc to
digiblc Visa ..:ardholdcrs ar no addiriona! charge.
Please note: Visa Jrauel & E1nergency Assistance 111-ovi<.les
assistance and referral only. You are responsible for
the cost of any actual medical, legal, trans{Jo11ation,
cash advance, or other services or goods provided.
What are the specific services and what do
they provide?
Visa Travel & Fn1crgcncy Assistance will put you in
touch with the appropriate en1erge11cy services should
the nc..:d Jrisr:. I-krc arc son1c of th<: \VJ.ys \Vi.'. ~-an help:
• Emcrgt."111..--Y .N1cssagc Service cJ.n record and reby
cniergcnLy n1css;1gcs for trJvcicrs, in11ncdiatc fon1ily
n1crnbcrs, or business ass,;ciatc; . .\l()TF: \ 7isil u:i!! use
reasonable efforts to relay e1nergency 1nessages in
,lLHJrJarKe u•itl.1 iJ,og1-ain guidelines ,uul liniit11tions,
but cannot take responsibility for the failure to
transrnit any 111essage successfitlly.
• i\1cdica.! Referral Assistam.:e provides rncdical referral,
rnonitoring, :.nd iollo\v-up. ·n1e Ad111inistrJtor
CJn ftivc you n.uncs of Eng_!ish~speaking locai Jocrors,
dentists, .ind hospiuls; J~sign J docrur to consult by
phone \Vith loc1l tncdic1l personnel, if necessary, to
tnonitor your condition, keep in cont2ct \Vith your
and pru\-j,Je dlntinuing !i:iison; :ind help you
:irr::i.ngc n1cdic::i.l payrncnrs fron1 your Visa or personal
:in:ounc N( )'J'E: All costs are your resfHJttsibility.
• Legal Referral Assistance cu1 arL1ngc cnnt:ict wi[h
English-srcJ.king Jtrorncys :xn..l U.S. c1T1bassics- and
cnnsubrcs ti y(\ll,f(' dct:tincd by lo'-'al aurhoritics, h:ivc
a car accident, or ncc<l lcgal as.<Jisr;:int:e. In addition, rhe
Prograrn Adrninistr:ltor can coordinate bai! payn1cnt
through a transfer of funds fron1 your Visa or personal
account. The Progran1 Administrator c111 also folkJ\V
up ro n1akc sure bail has been properly handled,
N()"fE: _All costs are your responsibility.
Transportation Assistance can help you
make all the necessary arrangcn1ents for cn1ergency
transportation ho111e or to the nearest 1nedical facility.
This even indudes arranging ro bring your business
associates ho1ne and staying in contact \Vith f:1111ily
n1en1bcrs or en1ployers. In the c1se of a death, the
Progran1 Ad111inistrator can make arrange1nents ro
repatriate the ren1ains. N(YfE: All costs .ire your
• EmLTgt.,"llCY
• Emergency llckct Replacement hdps you \Vith the
carrier's lost ticket rei1nbursen1cnt procedures if you
should lose your ticket .1nd can arrange Jelivcry of a
replaccn1cnt ticker to you. ,'l\i()TE: All costs are your
• Lost Luggage Locator Service can hdp ynu through
the con1n1on carrier's cbin1 procedures or can arrange
ship1ntnt of repbceinenr iterns if ;:in airline or co111n1011
c:i.rricr loses your checked luggage. The Prograrn
Adtninistrator can also arrange a cash advance \Vith
your Visa issuing bank. Howet'l'r, you are responsible
for the cost of 1111y re/Jlacentent items shipped to you.
• Emergency lfanslarion Service provides telephone
assist::i.ncc in :1!1 n1ajor languages J.nJ hdps fin<l loctl
interpreters, if av:ii!able, \Vhcn you need n1orc extensive
assistance. ,'l\i()TF: All costs are your resf)(JJtSibility.
• Prcscriprion Assistance and Valuable Docuinent
Ddivcry Arrangements ~·,1n
you g(t prescription:.
filled or rcpbced, suhjcct to local laws, :tnd c.u1 even
:>rr::ingc pickup and ddivcry nf prcscriprinns filled for
you :it local or ne:arby pharnucies. Ir can also help
rransporr critical docurncnts \vhich you 1nay have left
ar your husincss or dscYvhcrc. N(YfF: All costs are
your responsibility.
• Prc.:lf-:ip Assistance c:i:n give you infornu.tion on ynur
destination before you !cavc-infornLuion such as
AT;'\1 locarions, n:rrency
c-ucs, \VCather
reports, health pn::c1utions, iinr11t1ni1:iriorh, :ind
required passport visas.
Program Provisions fur Travel & Emergency Assfstaflce: The pmgrnm
Jescntif'd T th's Guide wdf not
to \i;s& c2rdhD!dus whose ao::ourns
rui.-'t' ou?n sus0e1ded o
ff;e li>'PS Jn<i CHKP'.:Of;S cu-.tcv->:~~1
wi tf'«s
Guide e1<ry tie r<od:f!Bd Dy subsequu1t uxiosements
\D the tsw;s dPG CO-Pd:h:x1s :'Uy t•S pov,ded v:a ;_iocwond
Progmn Gu:oe ,--.--,:i;bngs, stilte"1t'nt '"sens, D' st3ter«?nt v+ssagF'>
NOTE: In this document, "Visa card" refers to Visa Corporate, Visa Purchasing, Visa Fleet,
or any combination of these products.
Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver Program
What is this benefit?
Visa Auto Renral Collision D:unage Waiver Progra1n
('~i\uto RenrnJ CDW Progran1'J provides-at no additional
charge---<:overage on a 24-hour basis for <lainage due to
...:o!lision or thcfr up to rhc acwal cash value of rnosr rental
vehicles \\'hen terms and conditions are met.
Here :tre a11swers to sorne cominonly asked questions
about the progr:lnl.
Who is eligible?
You :ire eligible only if you are a valid cardho!der \vhose
name is ernbossed on an eligible U5.-issued Visa c1rd.
()nly you anJ any ad<litionai drivers p..:rn1ittcd by the
Glf rent;il agreen1enr are covered.
What is covered?
Visa Auto Rental (J)W Progra1n rein1burses you for
the repair or rephcen1ent of covered losses to a rental
vehicle while it is your responsibility Jnd while it is being
use<l for business purposes. ()n!y covered vehide rental
periods '\vhich neither exceed nor arc intended to exceed
thirty-one (31) consecutive d1ys Jre covered.
Thi~ program is primary and provides coverage up to
the Jctual cash value of the vehicle as it '\Vas originally
manufactured. I-1owever, if the rental is for personal
reasons, this coverage is secondary to any valiJ and
collectible insurance froin any other source.
,\1oi.t private passenger automobiles, minivans, and sport
utility vehicles are covered, bur son1e restrictions n1ay
apply. Please contact the Progra1n Adn1inistraror to
inquire abuut a specific vehicle.
Covered losses ::ire:
• Physical tb_rn:ige and theft of the covered rcnra! vehicle.
• V1lid !oss-of-use charges in1posed and subsr:tntiated
by the rent:tl agency through a fleet utilization log.
• Reasonable and custo111:iry towing charges, due to a
covered loss, to rhc nearest qualified repair facility.
What is not covered?
• Any oblig.uion you assun1t: under Jny agri.."etnent.
• Any violation of the car rental agrecinent or
this progranl.
• Injury of anyone or 1nytbing inside or outside the rental
• Loss or theft of person:t! belongings.
• Persona! liability.
• Expenses assn111ed, \vaived, nr p::i:id by the rental etgency
or its insurer.
• Cost of :iny insnrJnce or collision darnage waiver offered
by or pun.:haseJ rhrough the c1r rental con1pany.
• Expenses rtin1hurseJ unJer your business or ptr<.:onal
Juto insurance policy.
• Loss due to intentional acts. or due to the Jriver(i,)
being under the influence of J.lcoho!, intoxicJnts, or
drugs, or Jne to conrraband or illegal activities.
• \V'e.w and tcJ.r, gradtu! Jctcrior.ition, or n1echan:cal
• !terns
by the originJ.l rn,1nuf;:icrurcr.
• I ,nss due to off-road operation of the rental vehide.
• Loss Jue to hostility of any kind (induding, liur not
!in1itcd to, \Var, invasion, rebellion, or insllrrettion).
• Coniiscaiion hy Juthorities.
• Vehides that do nor n1ecr the definitions of
covered vehicles.
• Rcnr::tl periods that either ex..-:ecd or arc intended to
exceed thirty-one (31) consecutive days .
• Leases and 1nini leases,
• LDss or d1n1:<ge :i_s a result of the carJholder's lack of
reasonable care in prorecting the rent:tl vehide before
and after damage oo:.:urs (for exan1rlc, leaving rhe
vehicle n1nning Jnd unattended).
• Losses reported inorc than forty-five (45) days' from
the dare of loss.
• Losses for which a dain1 form has not been received
\-Virhin ninery (90) d::i.ys· fro1n rhe dare of loss.
• Losses for which all required docun1entation h::i.s not
been received \virhin .i65 days fron1 the d:i_te of loss.
• Losses frorn rental transactions rhar or!ginJ.reJ in Israel,
Jarnaica, or rhe Republic ofirc!anJ or Northern Ircbnd.
How do I activate this coverage?
For coverage to be in effect, you 1nust:
• Initi:ue and co1nplete the entire rental rrans:iction
with your digibk Visa card, and
.---Dti"cliiii thc-car:,rentaL co1npany's collision dainage
w4ivcr (CD-W1;1_,DW} option, or similar provision, if
()i'fcrcd by the car rental con1pany.
F!elpful hints:
• Check the rental vehicle for prior da1nage before
leaving the rental lot.
• Review the car rental agreen1ent carefully to 1nake
sure you ;:ire declining CDW.1LDW, and :tlso, to
fruniliarize yourself \Vith rhe tc-rn1s and conditions nf
the car rental agreement.
What if the car rental company insists that I
purchase the car rental company's car insurance
or collision damage waiver?
Call the Progr31n Ad1ninisrrator Jt 1-800-VISA-911 for
hdp. If you ;:ire outside the United StJtes, call ..-:olkct at
When and where am I covered?
ll1is coverage is available on J. 24-hour basis in the United
States and niosr loreign countries. >Jo coverage is provided
for 111otor vehicles rented in lsrael,Jan1aica, or the Republic
of Treland or Northern Ireland Ad<lition;:i!ly, coverage is
not :r.v:iibhk \vhcre prednded hy L:nv or in •:iobtion of
rhe territory tern1s of rhe rental agn;emcnt, or \vhere
prohibited hy inJividual :ner;,;hants. Because regulation~
vary outside the United Sratcs, \Ve reconunend you
check with your car rental et)lnpany and the Progra1n
Administrator before you travel to make sure your
Visa Antu Rental (J)\V Program \Vill apply.
Coverage is in effect \vhile rhc rent;:il vehicle rcn1:::tins in
your control or in the control nf :i person pcrn1ittcJ to
operate the rent:tl V('hidc in accordance w·ith the rental
:igreerr1cnt benvecn you and the car renr:il con1pJny.
Coverage tennin::ites \vhcn the car rental et)lnpany
r<.>:::t~sun1cs control of the rental vchide.
What type of coverage is this?
Visa Auto Rl.'.nta! CDW Progr:::tn1 is prin1:uy nwcrc1gt.
In other \Vor~ls, \vhcn your rcnol 1s prin1:1rily for busincsc;
purro~cs, you clo not luvc to cbin1 payrncnt fron1 .1ny
source of insurance before receiving coverJ.gc under
the program.
I--fowcvcr, if you are on a personal trip and you use your
Visa card ro rent a covered vehide, your personal insurance would be pri1nary coverage. In this C3SC, rhe Visa
Auto Rent:al CDW Progran1 \vould be secondary coverage
and \Vould pay only for the outstanding dcductib!e portion
or other charges not covered by your primary auroinobilc
insurance poH ...y. If you do not carry persona! auron1ohilc
insurance, Visa .Auto Rental CDW Progra111 coverage
is prim::i.ry.
What types of rental vehicles are not covered?
How do I file a claim?
You, the cardholder, are responsible for reporting your
claim to the Program Administrator within forry-five(45)
days' of the date of loss, or your claim will be denied.
Notice ro any other party will nor suffice. Furthennore,
we reserve the right to deny :iny dain1 that contains
charges that \vou!d not b:lvc been included had the
Progratn Adn1inisuator been notified before rhosc
expenses were incurred. We therefore advise you to
notify us irrunediately after any loss.
Excluded world\-vide are: expensive, exotic, and antique
autornobtles; cerrain vans; tntcks; moron.ydes, n1opeds,
and n1otorhikes; lin1ousines; ::i.nd re..-:reational vehicles.
Complete and sig.11 the claim fonn you rccdn: from
your call to the Progr::i.1n Administrator, then n1ail the
follo\ving documentation to the Program AJn1inistrator:
F.xan1pks of excluded expensive or exotic aliton1obiles arc
rhe Aston ~1:irtin, Bentley, Bricklin, l):lirnler, DeLorean,
ExL.:1.!ibur, Fcrr:lri, Jensen, l_~1n1horghini, Lotus, Niaserari,
Porsche, and Rolls Royce. Huwever, sdecred inodels of
Hi\1\'X?, Jv1ercedes-Bcnz, Cadillac, and lincoln :ire covered.
• The cotnpletcd and sigrn:<l Visa Auto Rental Collision
Damage \V'aivc:r Progran1 Clairn Fonn. Yi:Jur completed
dain1 form must be posnnarkcd \\-ithln ninety (90) days'
of the loss, even if aH other required documentation
is not yet available, or your claim \-vill be denied.
An antique automobile is defined as any vehicle over
t\-venry (20) years old or any vehicle that has nor been
n1anufactured for ren ( 10) Years or n1orc.
Coverage is provided for only those vans n1J.nuf::i.ctured
and designed to rransport a n1~xin1u1n of eight (8) people
and \-Vhich is used exdusive!y to transport people.
If you have any questions regJrding a specific vehicle,
ca!! the Prograrn Adn1inistraror at .1-800..VISA-911.
If you are outside the United Stares, call collect at
What do I do if I have an accident or the rental
vehicle is stolen?
lmn1ediatdy caU the Progran1 Adn1inistrator at
.1-800.VISA-911 ro report the loss. If you arc outside
the United Stares, call collect ar 0--410~581 ~9994. The
Progran1 Adtninisrrator will answer any questions you
or the car rental agency n1ay have and \\'ill then send
you a claim form.
• A copy of your receipt 1)r monthly hilling staten1ent
as proof that the entire vehicle rent::il \\·as charged
:i.nJ paid for \Vith your eligible Vis:l c::i.rd.
• A \Vrinen confirn1arion fron1 your e1nployer that the
rental \Vas pri1narily for business purposes.
• If the rental was for personal use, enclose J sc1ten1ent
fron1 your insurance carrier shov.ring the costs you
are responsible for and any arnounts that have hccn
paid to\-vard the dain1. ()r, if you have no other
applicable insurance, please provide a notarized
staten1ent to that effect.
• A copy of the declaration page fro111 your prin1ary
J.uton1obi!e in~urance carrier if the rental \Vas for
personal use .
Enclose all the docu1nem:s you received from the car
rental cninpany:
• A copy of rhe Accident Report Forni.
• A copy of rhc entire auro rental agrccn1ent(s).
AH daim.s musr be reported immediately following the
loss, but in no event later than forty~five (45) days: following the date of the loss. Furrhern1ore, we reserve rhe right
to deny any clai111 that contains charges rhat \voulJ not
• l\vo (2) photographs of the dam::i.gcd vchick,
have been included had tbe Progran1 Ad111inistrator been
notified before those expenses \Vere incurred. We there~
fore advise you to notify us imn1eJiatcly after any loss.
• Any other doci.1n1entution dee111ed necessary by the
Progran1 AdministrJ.tor ro stthstantiate the da!111.
What do I need from the car rental company in
order to file a Visa Auto Rental CDW Program
,\r the tin1.:: uf the Ztccder;t, or \Yhcn you return the rental
vehicle, immedi:itely ask your c:tr rental co111pany for:
• A copy of the Accident Report Fon11 and clain1 docun1enr, \Yhich should indicate rhe costs you are
respon~ib!e for anJ any amounts that have been )13.iJ
to\vard the cbi1n.
• A copy of the initi:il an<l final c:rr rental ,1grce1ncnt(s).
• A copy of the n:pair cstinL1te or itcn1i1ed ri:pair hi!L
• T1-vo (2) photographs of the Jam:igcJ vehicle,
i( :1vailab!e.
• A copy of the repair esti1nare or iten1ized repair bill.
if available.
• A poli..-:c report, if ohrainablc.
Fnr faster f:Hng, submit your c!aim online. It's easy, convenier'lt.
and availab!e at no extra cost to eligible Visa cardhO!ders. To submit
your dairn and iearn mU!e about the ViSd Auto RenWi CDVI' Progrd1P
go to the Visa Auto Rental CDW Program Claim Center at
If you t-"Xpericncc difficulty in obtaining all rhe required
documents \Vi thin ninety (90) days' of the date of loss,
just submit the claim forn1 and any documentation you
already have available. l'{()'ff:· All mnaining docun-wnts
must he postmarked u!fthin 36S days of the date of loss.
· Not app!ic-abie to residents of certain states.
(Continued on next page)
• A pnlice report, if obuu1:i.ble.
NOTE: In this document, "Visa card" refers to Visa Corporate, Visa Purchasing, Visa Fleet,
or any combination of these products.
Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver Program (Cont.)
Visa Roadside Dispatch
Do I have to do anything else?
Usuallv not. Under normal circumstances, rhe daiin will
be paid within fifteen (15} days after the Visa Auro
Renea! CDW Program Ad1ninistrator ha.s received all
\Vhen you're on the road for business, you can't afford
to be slowed do\vn by car trouble. But 'With your U.S.
Bank Commercial Card, fast, friendly help is ahvays
just a phone call away. \'Vhether you have a flat,* a
dead battery, or lock your keys in the car, the Visa 0
Roadside Dispatch service is there for you, 24 hours a
day, seven days a week.
documentation necessary to fuHy substantiate your claim.
However, after the Program Administrator has paid your
claim of loss, al! your rights and remedies :igainsr any
party in respect of this loss \Vill he transferred to the
Progran1 Adn1inistrator to the extent of the cost of the
Program Administrator's payment to you. The Program
Administrator shal! then be entitled at its own expense to
sue in your name. Should this occur, you must give the
Program Ad1ninistrator al! assistance as the Progran1
Administrator may reasonably require to secure irs righrs
and remedies including the execution of all docu1ncnts
necessary to enable rhe Program Administrator to bring
suit in your na1ne.
Program Provisions for Auto Rental CDW Program: You r>1ust make every
effort that would be made by a reascnab!e and prudent person to protect
the Rental Vehicle from damage or tneft. Th;s prov1s1on will not 00 applied
unreasonably to avrnd claims.
lf you rrIBke any claim knowing 1t to be false or fraudulent ifl any respect
;nciuding. but not limrted to, the cost of repair ser'/lces. no coverage shall
ex1s! for such claim and your benef!tS may be cance1e<:1.
Once you report an occt.1rrence. a claim file w111 be opened and shall remain
opt;n for S•X (6) months from the date of the damage or theft. No payment
will be made on a claim that 1s not wmpletely substantiated 1n the manner
reQU1i"B:l by the Program Adn1m1strator w1thrn twelve (12) months of the date
of damage or theft.
The Visa Auto Rental CDW Program is a service provided to eiig1ble Visa
cartlhoiders m accordance with the pol!cy underwritten by lndemrnty Insurance
Company of North America. C0\1€rage is subject to the terms and conditions
outlined and includes certain restnct1ons, limrtations, and exclus!Ons, fh1s
Program Gu:de is not a policy of insurance. In the event of any conflict
bet'.veen the description of covepge 1n this Gufde and the policy. the policy
will govern. The pohcy 1s on fi!e at the offices of Visa U.S.A.
The program described in !his Guide will not apply to Visa cardholders
whose accounts have been suspended or canceled. No legal action for a
cla•m may be brought against us until sixty (60) days after we receive Proof
ot Loss. After the expiration of two (2) years from the time wrrtten proof of
loss "'85 to be pr&ded. no action shall be brought to recover on this coverage.
Further. no :egaf actrnn rnay be brought against us unless an the terms 1n
this Program Guide and policy have been complied w;th fully.
Th€ terms and cond1tions contained 1n th•s Program Guide may be modified
by subsequent endorsement.<;. Mod1ficat1ons to the terms an-j cond1t1ons
may be proVlded w'i additional Program Guide mailings, statement mserts.
or statement messages.
Visa and/or your F!nanc1al lnstiM1on can cancel or non-renew the coverage.
and ;f we do, we will notify you at :east thirty (30) days 1n advance. if the
insurer norcrenews or cancels any C0\1€rages provrded to ei1gib!e V:sa cardholders, you wil! be notified wrthifl 30-120 days before the expiration of
the pol;cy. In u-,e event substantially s1m:lar coverage takes effect without
mtemmt1on, f?O such notice is !16Cessary. Auto Rental CDW Prograr>1 coverage
wdi still apply to vehicle rentals con1111enced prior to the date of such cancH
iat1on or non-renewal provided nil other terms and conditions of coverage
are riet.
Safety, security, serenity.
Few things are more frustrating than being delayed by car
trouble. Simply call l-800-VISA-TOW il~800-847-2869)
when you need assistance, and a Visa Roadside Dispatch;:"
operator will in1mediarely send a local locks111ith or tow
truck to the rescue. Services provided induJe towing
(up to five 1niles), tire changing, ""jump-starting, lockout
service, fuel delivery (cost of fuel not included), and
winching - all for-just $59.95 per service call. That's a
small price to pay for peace of mind
Any vehicle, anytime, anywhere.
\"'V'hether you're driving your car, a company car, a
re1ual, a truck, a trailer, or a four-wheel drive vehicle,
you're covered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.**
Our coast-to-coast network of over 6,000 tffW·truck
operators and locksmiths is at your service in the
United States and Canada. So no matter how remote
the location, you're never too far from a helping hand.
No cash? No worries.
You can use your U.S. Bank Commercial Card to pay for
any work performed. There's no need ro carry extra cash
for roadside emergencies. And there's no charge for the
service unril you actually use it.
Ask us for directions.
Visa Roadside Dispatch can also provide a per.<,ona!ized
trip-routing package for just $5.95. Accurate, easy-to-read
traveling instructions and maps Jetail direct routes, scenic
side trips, places of interest, and in1portant numbers for
information, Don't hit the road unprepared. Cal!
1-800-VISA-TO\X' before your next trip.
Visa Roadside Dispatch Summary of Tenns and Conditions
CustoMers must pay service prov,der for mileage over five miles.
Rates apply to non.-cornmerc1al VBh1cles only. Serv§ce providers
supplying emergency roadside assistance and towing are
independent contractors and are solely liable for their services.
Neither Visa nor U.S. Bank Commercial Credit Card shall have any
respof1S!bi!1ty or l1abil1ty rn conriection with the rendering ot the
service. Emergency roadside assistance and towing may not be
available 1n areas not regular!y traveled or mother "off road" areas
not nccesscble by ordi~ary towmg veh!cies. Weether cond!tions.
time of day. and availab1l1ty of serv•co may affect assistance
'espo:cses. Ybu are
for a"y ro2ds:de fssistP"Cf' w
towing charges
Dy fac11ilies responding to your request.
even if you are not with your vehicle or your vehide 1s
1he1r arnvai. Se1v1ces µrovH.fuJ by S1gndu1e
!nc. !his program may be d1scont1nued at i:lfly urno w1thou1 pnor
notice. Program vmd where proh1b1ted
Have mflated sµwe.
vehicles e~ciuded
\Vhenever you need emergency service or answers. call the Program Administrator. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
For ca!ls outside the United States, call collect at 0·410.-581-9994.
34075 (06!06)