This subject is assessed holistically and consists of the following units;
Unit Code Unit Title
Contribute to sustainability related audits
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Implement & monitor in environmentally sustainable work practices
Sustainability SAG
This subject covers the outcomes required to effectively measure current resource use and carry out improvements including those reducing negative environmental impacts of work practices, contributing to sustainability related audits either as an audit team member or through specifically nominated research and investigations for the audit team and to effectively analyse the workplace in relation to environmentally sustainable work practices and to implement improvements and monitor their effectiveness.
Successful completion of this subject will ensure an understanding of the context of the sustainability audit including concepts of usage of resources and wastes and how they can be expressed as carbon and carbon equivalents as it applies to sustainability and the type of decisions that information from a sustainability related audit will help to inform.
Assessment for this subject will consist of a project based portfolio of evidence constructed from specific tasks spread out throughout the subject duration that will result in the following items;
An audit of current strategies
An environmental performance assessment
A compliance report for one environmental variable
A Sustainability Plan
A sustainability Report
The assessment weighting for each component will be as follows;
Weighting Assessment Task
Performance summary
Compliance report
Sustainability plan & implementation
Sustainability Report
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Sustainability SAG
This subject deals with all aspects of sustainability (but only to a level that pertains to the work being carried out by an environmental technician), including the following aspects;
Identifying the scope of the audits required
Identifying current sustainability related activities
Undertaking measurements to acquire data
Assisting in the development of strategies
Assisting with recommendations
Monitoring performance
Complying with environmental legislation, regulations, guidelines and standards
Seek opportunities to improve resource use and efficiency
Reporting findings
These aspects will be performed using the following tools;
There are too many to list, but will include; o Audit spreadsheets o Solar flux meters o Existing data sets o Site inspections o Industry and government enterprise sustainability toolboxes.
The assessment for this unit/ module is recorded as a either Achieved Competence (AC) or
Not Yet Competent (NC). There is no graded mark for any unit in this subject.
To complete this subject successfully you will need;
Course notes
Access to the internet
Word processing skills developed in the Computing & Data Management subject
This subject employs holistic delivery strategies and has been designed to include the components of three units of study (MSS014006A, MSAENV272B & MSAENV472B). Holistic
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Sustainability SAG delivery strategies require unit mapping to explain how the units are related to the subject.
Outlined below is the unit map for this subject which is derived from the Unit Guides.
MSAENV272B All All 25% 80%
MSAENV472B All All 50% 100%
NOTE: The subject weighting MUST add up to 100 for the subject, but the Unit Weighting MAY NOT add up to
100 as each unit is weighted differently in each subject it is used in. Refer to cffet.net/env/assessment for further explanation.
Contact your teacher if you run into any trouble this unit. You would be surprised how flexible we are at accommodating your needs, but communication is key. If you don’t let us know you are having trouble, we may have trouble trying to help you.
More about assessment
You can access more information about assessment from the following two sites;
http://www.business.gov.au/BusinessTopics/Environmentalmanagement/Pages/def ault.aspx
Your teacher will provide many more options during the course.
Students are to submit all assessments by the due date to the subject teacher by email using the following filename format;
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Sustainability SAG firstname-surname-assessmentname-duedate
Visit cffet.net/env/assessment for more information on submitting assessments, file names and available file extensions that you can use.
You are not expected to purchase these resources, they are provided for interest only. Note that the list below may not be complete, and that some of these resources might be available from your teacher or library. Reference
Bates, G. (2010). Environmental Law in Australia.
Australia: LexisNexis-Butterworths.
DSEWPC. (2013, February 14). Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment.
Retrieved from Ecologically Sustainable Development: http://www.environment.gov.au/about/esd/publications/igae/index.html
Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
ESDSC. (1992). National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development. Canberra:
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Populations and Communities.
Hitchcock, D. W. (2008). The Step by Step Guide to Sustainability Planning: How to create & implement sustainability plans in any business or organisation.
Virginia: Earthscan.
Khalili, N. R. (2011). Practical Sustainability: from grounded theory to emerging strategies.
New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
UNCED. (1992). Agenda 21. United Nations Conference on Environment & Development.
Rio de Janeiro: UNSD.
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