APPLICABLE LOCATIONS Adelaide Unit 2 1 Burma Road Pooraka Adelaide SA 5095 Phone: 61-8-8162-5130 Newcastle 5 Rosegum Road Warabrook NSW 2304 Phone: 61-2-4968-9433 Brisbane 2 Byth St, Stafford 4053 (Corner of Byth & Shand Streets) Phone: 61-7-3243-7222 Nowra 4/13 Geary Place North Nowra NSW 2541 Phone: 61-2-4423-2063 darwin 4/16 Charlton Court Woolner NT 0820 Phone: 61-488-073-271 Perth 10 Hod Way Malaga WA 6090 Phone: 61-8-9209-7655 Gladstone 48 Callemondah Drive Clinton Gladstone QLD 4680 Phone: 61-7-4971-5600 roma Lot 4, 73 Beaumont Drive Roma QLD 4455 Phone: 61-7-4622-8978 Mackay 78 Harbour Road Mackay QLD 4740 Phone: 61-7-4944-0177 Sydney 277-289 Woodpark Road Smithfield NSW 2164 Phone: 61-2-8784-8555 Melbourne 2 - 4 Westall Road Springvale VIC 3171 Phone: 61-3-8549-9600 Townsville 14-15 Desma Court Bohle QLD 4818 Phone: 61-7-4796-0600 Mudgee 29 Sydney Road Mudgee NSW 2850 Phone: 61-2-6372-6735 Wollongong 99 Kenny Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone : 61-2-4225-3125 WATER WATER WATER solids SOLIDS SOLIDS solids AIR/DUST SULFIDE SULFITE AOX/EOX PARTICLE SIZE or ASBESTOS SOIL PARAMETERS SEDIMENT PARAMETERS ACID SULFATE SOILS DUSTS SAMPLE CONTAINER 125mL Plastic Bottle SAMPLE CONTAINER 250mL Plastic Bottle SAMPLE CONTAINER 500mL Amber Glass Bottle SAMPLE CONTAINER 150 or 250mL Glass Jars, Teflon Lined Lids SAMPLE CONTAINER 250mL Glass Jar, Teflon Lined Lid SAMPLE CONTAINER 250mL Plastic Bag SAMPLE CONTAINER 4L Glass Winchester VOCs (via Canister) SAMPLE CONTAINER Passivated Canisters (1.4, 3 & 6L) PRESERVATION Zinc Acetate + Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Chill to 4oC PRESERVATION EDTA + Zinc Acetate Chill to 4oC PRESERVATION Nitric Acid (plus Sodium Thiosulfate for Chlorinated water) Chill to 4oC PRESERVATION None PRESERVATION Chill to 4oC PRESERVATION Chill to 4oC PRESERVATION Freeze or submit within 24 hours of sampling PRESERVATION Copper Sulfate (CuSO4) PRESERVATION Nil ANALYTES Sulfide ANALYTES Sulfite, This bottle is also suitable for Thiosulfate analysis ANALYTES AOX (one bottle) EOX (two bottles) ANALYTES Particle Size Distribution or Asbestos ANALYTES All parameters excluding ASS, Sizings & Asbestos Separate jars should be provided for Dioxins, PBDEs, PFOS/AFFFs, Explosives, ZHE Extracts or Herbicides ANALYTES Common NAGD organic & inorganic suites excluding sizing, Ecotox & Elutriates ANALYTES SPOCAS Chromium Suite CRS TOS NAPP/NAG ANALYTES Total Solids Soluble, Insoluble & Combustible Matter Ash Content Calculated Rainfall Various Metals in dust ANALYTES VOCs by TO14, TO15 NOTES Fill to Zero Headspace minimising exposure to air. For Dissolved Sulfide, add sample to an Aluminium Chloride dosed container, stand 5 to 15 minutes then decant supernatant into the sulfide bottle. NOTES Fill bottle to Zero Headspace minimising exposure to air. NOTES Fill to Zero Headspace minimising exposure to air. NOTES Sample requirements are: Soils, Fine clays & Sediment (30-50g), Sand (100-200g), Fine Gravels or above ≥500g. Samples for asbestos should be double bagged. NOTES 150mL jar for general analysis (ALS Suites S1-26) plus one ASLP or TCLP leach. 250mL where two ASLP or TCLP leaches are required. An additional jar is required for ZHE ‘leachate’ tests. NOTES Contact ALS for Elutriate & Pore water testing sample requirements. NOTES Unless requested otherwise, Acid Sulfate soils will be automatically dried & prepared upon receipt to facilitate extended holding times. NOTES Please provide field data via COC (start/finish dates & funnel diameter if not 150mm). NOTES 3L & 6L canisters for ambient air. 1.4L canisters for soil gas. Canisters must be returned to ALS within 2 weeks of supply. HOLDING TIME 7 days HOLDING TIME 2 days HOLDING TIME Indefinite HOLDING TIME Inorganics generally 7-28 days. Mercury & Hex’ Chromium 28 days. VOC/SVOC: 7-14 days Other Metals: 6 months HOLDING TIME Generally 14 days except Mercury (28 days) & Metals (6 months) HOLDING TIME Unfrozen - 24 hours Frozen - Indefinite HOLDING TIME Indefinite HOLDING TIME TO14: 30 days TO15: 14 days HOLDING TIME 6 months Water Resources Group (WRG) operations utilise an alternate pocket guide For the latest information, locations and services please go to: SAMPLE CONTAINER 100mL, 250mL or 500mL Zip lock Plastic Bag AIR/SOIL GAS YELLOW FLUORO ORANGE Red BLACK ON WHITE ORANGE ORANGE GREEN AQUA BLACK ON WHITE IMPORTANT INFORMATION GENERAL This pocket guide is to be used for Australian Environmental operations excluding WRG operations in Melbourne, Canberra and Regional Victoria. ALS has a comprehensive range of drinking, recycled and desalination water analytical services available on request, which are not covered in this pocket guide. Please contact ALS for assistance. Eskies and ice bricks plus labelled pre-dosed colour-coded sample containers are provided for all analyses conducted by ALS. ALS Client Services are available to assist and provide guidance as required. CONTAINER VOLUME AND QUALITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS Some containers exist in several sizes to accommodate varying suites of analyses while focusing on minimizing weight (OH&S and sampling benefits). Please refer to the notes section under each sample container. Current NEPM Laboratory QC requirements are to perform 1 in 10 duplicates and 1 in 20 matrix spikes. ALS performs QC based upon the dominant batch within the QC lot. Batches of 10 or more waters should have sufficient bottles provided for duplicate matrix and spike analyses. SAMPLE COLLECTION POCKET GUIDE SAMPLING AND PRESERVATION Care must be taken not to rinse out or spill preservatives during sampling for OH&S reasons and to avoid cross contaminating other bottles (e.g. Nitric acid used for metals can contaminate nitrate analysis). Field filtration is mandatory or recommended for many tests and other tests must have exposure to air minimised to avoid analyte losses. Samples should generally be chilled to <4˚C or <6˚C (guideline dependent) and transported to the laboratory within 24 hours. ALS recommends placing samples in ice immediately upon sampling for best practice chilling, with either repacking into another esky or draining of free water and replacement of ice just prior to dispatch. Chilling overnight in a fridge may also benefit. The post-chilling addition of ice bricks is also recommended where samples are air freighted or dispatched long distance and where couriers will not freight ice. Samples taken from chlorinated water sources require the addition of sodium thiosulfate for microbiological, volatile organics and semi volatile organics. Please advise ALS accordingly to facilitate supply of appropriate containers. HEALTH AND SAFETY Although the quantities of preservative dosed into containers is minimal, it is important to observe safe chemical handling practices while using bottles. Use of appropriate Personal Protection Equipment such as gloves and safety glasses is recommended. Bottle labels indicate preservative type, risk and safety information and first aid instructions. Material Safety Data Sheets are available on the ALS Website or can be provided upon request along with Safety information and First Aid instructions. Due to airfreight protocols, containers preserved with nitric or hydrochloric acid or Sodium Hydroxide should not be shipped by air unless under DG protocols. HOLDING TIMES ALS recommended holding times are indicated. Failure to comply with these Holding Times may impact data validity. Samples and COCs should be submitted (preferrably by email from remore locations to assist login) with at least half the analytical holding time remaining unless prior arrangements are made otherwise. Short holding times are shaded in yellow to assist. May 2013 RIGHT SOLUTIONS | RIGHT PARTNER AIRFREIGHT OPTION AIRFREIGHT OPTION SULFIDE PRE-TREAT WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER VOC SVOC SVOC AFFF’s PFOS/PFOA METALS HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM FERROUS IRON ULTRA-TRACE ORC METALS SPECIATED ARSENIC & SELENIUM CYANIDES GREEN NATURAL GREEN NATURAL SELECT NUTRIENTS TOC / DOC OIL & GREASE SURFACTANTS ALGAE MICROBIOLOGY SAMPLE CONTAINER Pair of 40mL Amber Glass Vials with Teflon Lined Septa SAMPLE CONTAINER 100mL Amber Glass Bottle with Teflon Lined Cap SAMPLE CONTAINER 500mL Amber Glass Bottle or pair of bottles with Teflon Lined Cap SAMPLE CONTAINER 60 mL or 125mL Plastic Bottle SAMPLE CONTAINER 60mL Plastic Bottle or 250mL for Thiocyanate or 1L-5L for Radionuclides SAMPLE CONTAINER 60mL Plastic Bottle SAMPLE CONTAINER 60mL Plastic Bottle SAMPLE CONTAINER 60 mL Plastic Bottle SAMPLE CONTAINER 60mL Plastic Bottle SAMPLE CONTAINER 60mL Opaque Plastic Bottle Cyanate requires a separate 60ml bottle SAMPLE CONTAINER 250mL Plastic Bottle SAMPLE CONTAINER 500mL or 1000mL Plastic Bottle SAMPLE CONTAINER 60mL or 125mL Plastic Bottle SAMPLE CONTAINER 40mL Amber Glass Vial, Teflon Lined Septa SAMPLE CONTAINER 1L Wide Mouth Glass Jar SAMPLE CONTAINER 500mL Amber Glass Bottle SAMPLE CONTAINER 500mL White Plastic Bottle SAMPLE CONTAINER 250mL Sterile Plastic Bottle PRESERVATION Sulfuric Acid or Sodium Bisulfate for airfreight Chill to 4oC PRESERVATION Nil o Chill to 4 C PRESERVATION Nil o Chill to 4 C PRESERVATION Nil o Chill to 4 C PRESERVATION Nitric Acid (HNO3) or Nil for Airfreight o Chill to 4 C PRESERVATION Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) o Chill to 4 C PRESERVATION Hydrochloric Acid(HCl) o Chill to 4 C PRESERVATION Nil for Airfreight o Chill to 4 C PRESERVATION Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) o Chill to 4 C PRESERVATION Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) (See notes below) o Chill to 4 C PRESERVATION Nil o Chill to 4 C PRESERVATION Nil o Chill to 4 C PRESERVATION Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) o Chill to 4 C PRESERVATION Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) o Chill to 4 C PRESERVATION Sodium Bisulphate or Sulfuric Acid o Chill to 4 C PRESERVATION Chill to 4oC PRESERVATION Lugol’s Iodine solution or submitted chilled within 12 hours of sampling PRESERVATION Sodium Thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) as default bottle Chill to 4oC ANALYTES TPH/TRH (C6-C10) plus BTEX, BTEXN, VOCs (MAHs, VHC & THMs) or Alcohols or 1,4-Dioxane, Acrylonitrile & Pyridine or Methane plus gases ANALYTES Standard level SVOC, TPH/TRH(C10-C40), Speciated TPH/TRH, PAH/Phenols, OC/OP Pesticides, & PCB’s or Herbicides or Explosives or Carbamates or Glyphosate/ AMPA or Perchlorate ANALYTES UT PAH/Phenols + any standard level SVOCs, or UT OC/OP/PCBs or TBT or UT Explosives, or UT Herbicides/Multi-residues A pair for Super UT PAH/ Phenols or Dioxins or PBDEs or Steroids & PPCPs ANALYTES PFOS/PFOA/6:2 FTS or extended AFFF suite This bottle is also suitable for Paraquat & Diquat ANALYTES Metals – Dissolved or Total ANALYTES Hexavalent Chromium Cr6+ ANALYTES Ferrous Iron ANALYTES All ultra-trace metals in fresh or saline water ANALYTES Speciated As & Se ANALYTES Free, WAD & Total Cyanide. ANALYTES Suite 1: Alkalinity, Conductivity, (2) (1) pH , Ammonia , Cations, Chloride, Sulfate, Fluoride, Hardness, Nitrate, Nitrite, Reactive P, Silica, plus TDS(Calc’ only), Acidity ANALYTES 500mL for Suite 1 plus Suite 2: (Colour, Turbidity, std level TDS & TSS) ANALYTES 60mL for Suite 1: NOX, Ammonia and total Phenolics or TKN/TP and NOx. 125mL for Suite 2: NOX, TKN, TP, Ammonia, COD and total Phenolics ANALYTES TOC or DOC ANALYTES Oil & Grease ANALYTES Anionic Surfactants (MBAS) or Non-Ionic Surfactants (NIS) or Alkyl-Phenyl Ethoxylates (APE) ANALYTES Total Algae Predominant Genera Cyanobacteria ANALYTES 250mL = E Coli, Coliforms & HPC or Streptococci or HUB Legionellae, Enterococci, Pseudomonas NOTES Fill to Zero Headspace minimising exposure to air. Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Bisulphate is also acceptable for VOCs. NOTES 2 additional bottles are required for Lab QC (dups & matrix spikes). See notes overleaf. Perchlorate requires 0.2µm field filtration & 50% headspace. NOTES 2 additional bottles are required for Lab QC (dups & matrix spikes). See notes overleaf. NOTES Avoid contact with teflon (e.g. tubing or bailers) for PFOS/PFOA analysis. NOTES Field filtration is key for dissolved metals (confirm by COC & ticking bottle label). Red & green striped bottle for airfreighting or Radionuclides will be lab acidified. NOTES Field filtration is key for dissolved Cr6+ (confirm by COC & ticking label). Fill to Zero Headspace minimising exposure to air. NOTES Field filtration is mandatory (confirm by COC & ticking label). Fill to Zero Headspace minimising exposure to air. NOTES Field filtration is key for dissolved metals (confirm by COC & ticking label). Acidification with ultra pure HNO3 will occur upon receipt. NOTES Field Filtration is mandatory. Fill to Zero Headspace minimising exposure to air. NOTES If Sulfide is suspected, a (Blue & White) Sulfide PreTreatment bottle (containing Lead Acetate) should be used to remove sulfide prior to decanting into the cyanide bottle for dispatch to ALS. NOTES (1) Ammonia can be analysed from this bottle if submitted within 12 hours of sampling & with prior arrangement with the laboratory. (2) Field pH is recommended due to holding times. NOTES (1) Ammonia can be analysed from this bottle if submitted within 12 hours of sampling & with prior arrangement with the laboratory. (2) Field pH is recommended due to holding times. NOTES Ammonia can be analysed from this bottle to extend holdings times. NOTES Field filtration is mandatory for DOC (confirm by COC & ticking label). NOTES 2 additional bottles are required for QC (lab dups & matrix spike). See notes overleaf. NOTES 2 additional bottles are required for Lab QC (dups & matrix spikes). See notes overleaf. Formaldehyde may be added upon receipt to extend holding times. NOTES Matrix - Fresh water only. NOTES Samples should be delivered to the lab within 12 hours of sampling. HOLDING TIME 7 to 14 days HOLDING TIME 7 days + 40 days for extracts HOLDING TIME 7 days + 40 days for extracts except Dioxins (1 year) HOLDING TIME 180 days Paraquat & Diquat (7 days) + 40 days for extracts’ HOLDING TIME 6 months except Hg, Cations: 28 Days Radionuclides – various HOLDING TIME 28 days HOLDING TIME 7 days HOLDING TIME 6 months except Hg: 28 days HOLDING TIME 28 days HOLDING TIME 14 days HOLDING TIME pH: 6 Hours Ammonia – 24 hours PO4, NO2, NO3, BOD, Colour, Turbidity, Formaldehyde: 2 days Ca, Mg, TSS, TDS: 7 days Alkalinity/Acidity: 14 days Others generally 28 days HOLDING TIME 28 days HOLDING TIME 28 days HOLDING TIME 28 days HOLDING TIME 2 days HOLDING TIME 28 days (with Lugol’s) or 48 hours. HOLDING TIME 24 hours ORANGE ORANGE PURPLE Amenable Cyanide. Radionuclides (1,000mL required for Gross Alpha/Beta, Other Radionuclides – various (up to 5,000mL) Cyanate. For Thiocyanate – see the red bottle Thiocyanate GREY RED BLUE MAROON RED ON WHITE MAROON ON WHITE BLUE GREEN 1000mL for Suite 1 & 2 plus Suite 3: (BOD, Formaldehyde or low level TDS, TSS) GREEN PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE BROWN Dark Green GREY