D. B. No. 13 EXECUTIVE ORDER April 9, 1974 WHEREAS, the nearly 300,000 migrant workers in Texas constitute the majority of the total migrant farmworker population in the United States; and, WHEREAS, about 200,000 migrant and other seasonal farmworker jobs may be lost due to mechanization by 1975 in the United States; and, WHEREAS, the nature of the Texas migrant farmworker mobility creates a situation whereby the consistent delivery of services in Health, Education, and Social Services requires a high degree of cooperation and coordination among Federal and State agencies in an intergovernmental and interstate basis; and, WHEREAS, the State of Texas is concerned with the needs of its citizens while traveling throughout the U.S. "Migrant Stream," and, WHEREAS, the State of Texas recognizes that the Texas migrant farmworker and seasonal farmworker contribute· economically to the State of Texas; and, WHEREAS, a more effective response to the Texas migrant farmworker problems necessitates that I be apprised on a regular basis of the efforts of all federal, state and local agencies whose programs impact migrant laborers and their families; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Dolph Briscoe, Governor of the State of Texas, by Executive Order do hereby create and establish a Migrant Affairs Of£ice in the Office of the Governor. The executive officer of the Migrant Affairs Office shall be the Director of Migrant Affairs, who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Director of Migrant Affairs shall from time to time appoint such officers and employees as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Order. The duties of the Migrant Affairs Office shall be as follows: W 1. " Keep the Governor's Office continuously apprised of all new federal legislation and funding sources which might be used to develop new programs which could have positive impact on migrants; and, 2. To act continuously as liaison with federal, state and local agencies which eeu±d implement such programs; and, 3. To represent the Governor's Office in disseminating information to migrant groups; and, 4. To keep the Governor's Office apprised of the needs and problems of migrant groups on a regular basis; and, 5. To work with the Governor's Office in identifying present and future resources at the federal, state and local levels which may be used to affect migrant problems; and, 6. The office shall explore avenues of funding available for the benefit of migrant and seasonal farmworkers, and if necessary, set up the mechanisms to apply f~r such funds; and, 7. The Office of Migrant Affairs may offer assistance·for the delivery of services where necessary and help avoid duplication. It is hereby delegated to the Director of Migrant Affairs all authority necessary to carry out the purposes of this Order. I request that all public and private institutions and individuals give full cooperation and support to the Migrant Affairs Office in carrying out its mission of providing an ongoing concern and efforts on behalf of the migrant and seasonal farmworker. This Executive Order shall become effective April 9, 1974, ,and shall remain in effect until modified or rescinded by me. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND, this 9th day of April, 1974. Ofiice of Governor Dolph Briscoe April Ie, 1974 Governor Dolph Briscoe today announced two programs which affect the State 1 s .300,000 migrant and seasonal farmworkers. By Executive Order the Governor created a Migrant Affairs Office as part of the Governor's Office to work on behalf of the migrants. He also announced approval of a Migrant Fuel Allocation Plan for Texas. In establishing the new Migrant Affairs Office, Governor Briscoe pointed out that the mobility of the migrants, which is necessary to their farmwork, require s a high degree of cooperation and coordination among Federal and State agencies to provide delivery of services in health, education and social services. The Migrant Affairs Office will act as liaison with all agencies which serve migrant groups and will work to identify present and future resources at the Federal, State and local levels which may be used to affect migrant problems. He charged the office with monitoring all new Federal legislation and funding source: which might be used to develop new programs of positive impact on migrants, ald where necessary, with establishing the mechanism to apply for such funds. The Migrant Affairs Office may also offer assistance for the delivery of services and help avoid duplication. The Migrant Fuel Allocation Plan will permit the migrant workers to obt(j.in gasoline at designated truck stops in the State as they move northward during the agricultural season. Governor Briscoe said arrangements have been lnade with the owners of 51 truck stops along seven major migratory route s through Texas where service w~ll be available. Most of these stations will be open 2.4 hours. a day, seven days a week beginning immediately Records of the f:flsoline used by the migrants will be kept and the stations will receive special gasoline allocations to supply the farmworkers. -2- Pointing out the impact migrants have on the state and national economy, Governor Briscoe said the nation stands to lose over $500 million in the gross national product if all of the Texas migrants and seasonal farmworkers are forced to remain at home this 7ear. He added that the migrants bring approximately $100 million annually back into the State as earned income. The Migrant Fuel Allocation Plan was developed at the Governor's instruction by a special task force comprised of representatives from the following agencies: State Fuel Allocation Office, Good Neighbor Commission, Greater South Texas Cultural Basin Project, Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, Migrant Referral Project, National Migrant Information Clearinghouse, Office of Early Childhood Development, and Juarez-Lincoln Center. --30-- ___D miGRAnT FueL ALLOCATion TASK fORce 41 \ ~ . 6 1_1t1tl~~Il.LO ~ P.IJtI"''''' • 3~'iti-, Z , I ,plea,... 20- L/l1WA .~t4 16" /~3• Fr. • VAN HfJlfN srDtJ< rOltl 3 ~.lWt 48 \ ~38 ./J8I,IlJO -CITIES WITH PARTICIPATING TRUCK STOPS IN THE MIGRANT FUEL ALLOCATION PLAN TO ASSURE THAT MIGRANT FARMWORKERS ARE ABLE TO OBTAIN SUFFICIENT GAS ON THEIR YEARLY MIGRATION FOLLOWINr, THE CROPS PI: /MATH _ ~. $ANIJIMUN • CIUDADES CON "PARADAS DE CAMIONES" (TRUCK STOPS) PARTICIPANDO EN EL PROGRAMA ESPECIAL PARA ASEGURAR QUE EL OBRERO ~IGRANTE PUEnA OBTENER SUFICIENTE GAS EN SU VIAJE SIGUIENOO LAS COSECHAS FAU~~'I.~______ 1 '\.;: -~M~ 4 _ u • V.j~AArMY I \ , t~D SM/1I6S 31 2l! 7 U/IIGD 8\~ A,,!!.. .1>1 ~ . .1 ~.~' "//tUA 18.'11 TOR: ~ , 2-'--~ 3ftA~ ':'MA''1~ cHA,srl all 3l"\' ~(t/)f) . r. ~~ Ii . • _0 miGRAnT FUEL ALLOCATIOn TASKFORce MIGRA~T ,,~ , . 2. TRUCK STOP DIRECTORY Amarillo 76 AutO/Truck Stop Joe Davis Route 2, Box 121 Amarillo, Texas 7910.1 Austin Truck Terminal (Texaco IH-35 North Bill Wringer (Manager) Calvin Smith Distributing Co. P.O. Box 6156 Austin, Texas 78762 Phone: 512/478-2549 10. El Paso Auto Truck Stop, Inc. 1-10 and Horizon Blvd. Bob Gatlin 101 Horizon Blvd. E1 Paso, Texas 79927 Phone: 915/859-9161 Union Gas 11. G. & L. Oil Co. Robert Reynolds P.O. Box 523 Childress, Texas 79201 Phone: 817/937-9035 12. Rip Griffin Texaco Highway 82 Rip Griffin (Owner) Truck Center, Inc. P.O. Box 10128 Lubbock, Texas 79408 Phone: 806/763-9349 3. Beacon Truck Stop H. C. McElyea Box 1624 Fort Stockton, Texas Phone: 915/336-3951 4. Big B. Truck Terminal (Phillips 66) Highway 90, East of Alpine Bennie Rosser 13. Box 368 Alpine, Texas Phone: 915/837-9880 5. 0. 7. 8. 9. Bilderback Texaco Truck Stop U.S. 83 & State 85 400 First'Street Henrick Bilderback (Owner) Carrizo Springs, Texas Phone: 512/876-9095 Grumpy's Truck Stop (Shell) P.O. Box 395 Joe Grieve Flatonia, Texas 78941 Phone:, 512/865 14. Hamilton Truck Stop Terminal (Shamrock) C/O Sam Marshall P.O. Box 68 Idalou, Texas 79329 Phone: 806/892-2544 15. Cactus Patch Truck Stop (Fina) Paul Hoisington (Owner) Sterling City Route San Angelo, Texas 76901 Hilltop 66 Truck Stop Joseph A. Wolaver, Jr. Route 6, Box 435 Abilene, Texas 79601 Phone: 915/673-5962 16. Charlie Truck Stop 4849 Roosevelt San Antionio, Texas Phone: 512/626-2440 Hitching Post (Texico) North Highway 75 P.O. Box 591 Denison, Texas Phone: 214/465-9932 17. Chevron Truck Stop (Chevron) W. Hwy. 80; West side of town Don Collins P.O. Box 217 Van Horn, Texas Phone: 915/283-2343 llitchlng Post Truck Stop 1-35 North Loyd Huckabee (Owner) P.O. Box 637 Gainesville, Texa~'76240 18. Huckman Shell John Huckman 1309 E. Rio Grande Victoria, Texas Phone: 512/575-3651 Brundrett Truck Stop Alford Brundrett Box 13 Del1ey, Texas 78017 Phone: 512/965-4581 -219. 1-45 Conoco Truck Stop 15915 N. Freeway Houston, Texas 77022 C/O Paul Besile P.O. Box 293 Conroe, Texas 77301 Phone: 713/444-8687 28. Phillips 66 Truck Stop IS 20 & 87 Big Spring, Texas Phone: 915/263-1206 29. Polk's Skelly Fuel Stop (Skelly) Roy Polk (Owner) 4824 South Street Nacogdoches, Texas Mail information to: Roy Polk 1422 South 1st Lufkin, Texas 75901 Phone: 713/624-6121 30. Ray's Shamrock 1220 West American Blvd. Muleshoe, Texas 79347 Phone: 806/272-8938 31. Santos Truck Stop Raul Berberena 4202 San Bernardo Laredo, Texas Phone: 512/722-9041 32. Skelley Inn Junction (Skelley) Dr. James & Jessy Brooks (Owners) Highway 59 Atlanta, Texas 75551 Phone: 214/796-2873 214/796-6472 33. Spindletop Truck Stop, Inc. John Wood P.O. Box 1208 Beaumont, Texas 7762 Phone: 713/769-5458 34. Stephenville Truck Terminal (Skelly C/O Homer Sparkman Route 1, Box 36 Stephenville, Texas 76401 Phone: 817/968-2297 35. Tex Mart 1/3 ,J oe Sal ina Route 1 11202 Von Ormy, Texas Phone: 512/622-3441 20. Lamesa 66 Terminal Big Springs Highway South on Lamesa Star Route 2, Box 4S L<;lmesa, Texas Phone: 80~/872-8966 Phillips 66 21. Lone Star Truck Terminal West C/O Fred York 4118 Hughes Wichita Falls, Texas Phone: 817/855-1981 22. McAlpines's Truck Stop Eddie Wolf 2221 E. Hwy. 80 Odessa, Texas 79760 Phone: 915/337-9688 23. C. H. Martin Truck Stop E. Highway 90 Box 516 Sanderson, Texas Phone: 915/345-9915 24. Max Fina Mr. Max Fina 929 Colombia Plainview, Texas 79072 Phone: 806/2290 25. Mid-Continent Truck Stop Tom Davis (Owner) 4500 North State Line Box 2826 Texarkana, Texas 75501 Phone: 501/774-3701 26. Navigation Fuel and Scales (Shell) 7302 Navigation Boulevard Mrs. Robert Brenan Corpus Christi, Texas Phone: 512/883-2391 36. 27. Payne's Champlin Service (Shamrock) Eugene Payne Owner) P.O. Box 161 Tulia, Texas 79088 Phone: 806/995-4063 Texaco Auto IH-35 & Truck·Service Center Waco, Texas Phone: 817/857-4410 Declined to cooperate because he wa running at close to 100% allocation He would be willing to sell gasolin to anybody. However, he did not se the need for additional paperwork. -3- 37. Texaco Truck Mrs. K. Galloway 204 South Highway Falfurrias, Texas 78355 Phone: 512/325-2818 . 38. A. D. Thomas Truck Stop P.O. Box 828 Del Rio, Texas Phone: 512/775-8292 (Truck Stop located on West Highway 90, 3 miles from Del Rio) 39. 40. 41. Truck Stop (Fina) Falfurrias Highway Aycock Oil Company Harold Aycock (Owner) P.O. Box 1586 Alice, Texas 78332 Phone: 512/664-6593 Truck Stop (Skelly) Hwy. S9 Box 66 Joe Turner (owner) Tenaha, Texas 75974 Phone: 713/248-2991 79 Truck ~top (Citto) Box 696 Hwy. 79 Henderson, Texas 75652 Mail Information to: Miss Shelly Green Box 696 Henderson, Texas 75652 Phone: 214/657-5511 (Office No.) 214/657-6071 42. Truckers Terminal (Phillips 66) 1/8 mile N. Hwy. 77 John Pruitt &Maxie Groosenbacher P.O. Box 604 Harlingen, Texas 78550 Phone: 512/425-9931 43. Trucks and Trailers (Shamrock) 276 Pierce St. Eagle Pass, Texas Phone: 512/773-9962 Margarito Moreno (owner) 4. 45. United Service Center (Texaco) 2525 N. E. 28th (Formerly Route I-35 West) Mr. Zack Gray (General Manager) Fort Worth, Texas 76106 Phone: 817/626-1967 46. Valley Shamrock 805 N. Cage Pharr, Texas Phone: 512/787-9191 47. Welch & James Texaco Truck Stop 1-10 & State Highway 62 Orange, Texas 77630 Phone: 713/883-9595 48. West Inn Shell Truck Stop Highway 87 West 703 West Commerce Brady, Texas Phone: 915/597-9164 49. West 66 Phillips Truck Stop Phillips 66 Duffin Monroe (Owner) Avenue H Box 986' Rosenberg, Texas 77471 Phone: 713/342-5666 SO. Winfield Truck Terminal (Fina) P.O. Box 168 Albert M. Miller Winfield, Texas Phone: 214/524-9921 51. Zenner Texaco 402 E. Main Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 Phone: 512/997-7993 Union 76 Auto-Truck Plaza (Fina) , _ IS-35 U.S. Highway 77 (Between Dallas and Denton) Harris (Owner) Dallas, Texas Phone: 214/243-5012