, , '. EXECUTIVE ORDER , August 29, 1973 Providing for t~e Governor's Energy Advisory Council with the primary goal of recommending to the Governor a State Energy policy which will draw together the policy making pctivities of the pUblic and private sectors of the State of Texas. 1 2 3 ~ 5 6 I, Dolph Briscoe, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of Texas, repeal the Execut.ive Order dated May 10, 1973. The following Executive Order No. D.B.-2 is substituted as follows: '/ 8 9 10 WHEREAS, shortages of fuel and energy have already affected many thousands of Texas citizens; and 11 12 WHEREAS, almost one out of every ten Texans is directly dependent on the energy industries for his livelihood; and 13 ILl 15 '161 17 18 19 1 20 1 21 22 26 27, 28 29 \ 30 I 3~1 3.) I 3 1i I 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4 11 45 46 47 48 WHEREAS, a significant portion of revenue for the operation of state govel,'nment is derived from the energy industries; and . WHEREAS, Texas supplies approximately 25% of all the energy needs of the nation; and WHEREAS, the production of energy is vital to the economic health' and continuation of the standard of living of all citizens of Texas; and 23 24 25 3- No. D.B.-:l WHEREAS, the Senate of the 63rd Legislature of the State of Texas has requested the creation of a council to assist the Governor in avoiding a potential energy crisis and to make recommendations for coordinating the state's approach to energy related problems; NOW, THEREFORE, I, DOLPH BRISCOE, Governor of Texas, by Executive Orde,r, do hereby establish the Governor's Energy Advisory Council and I appoint the Lieutenant Governor to be Chairman of the Council and my Executive Assistant to be Vice-Chairman. I hereby appoint the following to be the permanent members of the Governor's Energy Advisor~ Council: The Attorney General of Texas Chairnwn of the Texas water Quality Board The.Commissioner of Agriculture . Chairman of the Texas Offshore Terminal ComTiission Chairman of the Texas Aeronautics Commission Commissioner of the General La.nd Office Chairman of the State Board of Control Texas Member of the Southern Interstate Nuclear Board' Chairman of the Texas Railroad Commission Chairman of the 'Texas Air Control Board Chairman of the Texas Mass Transportat~on Corrmission Chairman of the Texas Highway Department Chairman of the Texas Industrial Commission Director of the Governor's Division of Planning Coordination A representative of the Texas Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Associa tion A representative of the Texas Independent Producers und ROyulty Owners Association A represl7ntative of tho PiPeline Industry I I! .!• I A A A A 'A A A A A A representative of representative of representative of representative'of representative of representative of representative of representative of representative of representative of the Electric utility Industry the Environmental Sciences Labor and Small Users the universities Economics ang Finance the Nuclear Industry Large Energy Users Public Health the Natural Gas Industry the Petroleum Industry I I I· I! I ask each manber to personally participate fully and to assist the Council in all its actions utilizing all the available resources of his respective organization. I shall appoint additional permanent members and advisory or resource members as necessary. I hereby charge the Energy Advisory Council with the primary goal of recommending to me a sta te energy policy ...hich will draw together the policy making activities of the public and private sectors of the State. Such a policy should provide economic, environmental, and social parameters for energy resources used in Texas. I will appoint t1)e representatives of the industries and pUblic in the near future and at an early meeting of the Council, I lvill issue a detailed charge which will further define the rola and scope of autho~ity of the Council. I hereby direct the Division of Planning Coordination in the Governor's Office to provide all necessary staffing assistance to the Co~ncil and to coordinate staff support f~om all other sources. Tha Council will report its findings, recommendations and conclusions to me and make such interim reports as may be requested in the subsequent charge. This Executive Order shall be effective immediately and shall rernai.... in effect until modified or rescinded by me. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND this 29th day of August, 1973. \ / I j \ 3 ) J L ) Filed in Office of 3 Secretary of State i :1