EXECUTIVE ORDER BY THE Governor of the State of Texas THE STATE OF TExAS EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OFFlCE OF THE GOVERNOR AUSTIN, TEXAS AWR 91-6 ESTABLISHING THE GOVERNOR'S COMMITTEE TO SALUTE TEXAS TROOPS WHEREAS, the State of Texas provided more troops to Operation Desert Storm than any other state in the nation; and WHEREAS, the citizens ofTexas want to demonstrate support and express appreciation for the sacrifices and efforts made by those Texas men and women; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ann W. Richards, Govemor of the State of Texas, do hereby create and establish the Governor's Committee to Salute Texas Troops, hereinafter referred to as the Cominittee. The Committee is composed of 181 citizen members appointed by each member of the Texas Senate and the Texas House of Representatives from his or her respective districts. The Texas Land Commissioner shall serve as ,zhairman of the Committee. The Governor shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Committee. The chairman may appoint additional members as he deems appropriate to assist the Committee. All state agencies are urged to cooperate with the chairman to provide staff to assist the Committee in planning and preparing for a weeldong salute to the Texas Troops to be known as the ·Capitol Salute to Texas Troops.· The salute shall be held during the week of June 29 through July 4, 1991. Given under my hand this 5th day elf April, 1991. ANN W. RICHARDS Governor of Texas SEAL OF STATE OF TEXAS q&L~ 1OHNHANN~<f Secretary of State FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE