Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle U.S. Healthcare Spending Trends from Aggregated Monthly Claims Data Richard W. Evans Jeffrey Humpherys March 2015 Not for publication or citation Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle U.K. Border Agent Asked me what I was doing in London? “Teach people how to use healthcare” $1,000 cut finger Used to be an ER nurse Main point Describing healthcare spending is the first step toward modeling it Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle U.K. Border Agent Asked me what I was doing in London? “Teach people how to use healthcare” $1,000 cut finger Used to be an ER nurse Main point Describing healthcare spending is the first step toward modeling it Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Dataset 103,392 individuals: age and gender 24 months between 2008 and 2012 random sample of insured from Midwestern U.S. Non-government payer Claims data, allowable amounts plus copays Household portion plus payers portion We don’t have: decomposition of household vs. payer individual plan details household affiliation Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Dataset 103,392 individuals: age and gender 24 months between 2008 and 2012 random sample of insured from Midwestern U.S. Non-government payer Claims data, allowable amounts plus copays Household portion plus payers portion We don’t have: decomposition of household vs. payer individual plan details household affiliation Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Outline of talk 1 Demographics 2 Zero expenditure months 3 Lumpy positive expenditure spells 4 Time trend (growth) of expenditures 5 Overall distribution of expenditures 6 Expenditures over the life cycle Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Demographics summary Match U.S. gender distribution well Miss on age in a few key places oversample children and middle age adults undersample 19-25 undersample 60+ Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Age distribution descriptive statistics Data Source Total obs. Sample U.S.a 103,392 307,888,565 a Pct. male 48.81% 49.02% Pct. female 51.19% 50.98% Avg. Age (years) 33.20 37.37 The U.S. population estimates are for June 2010 and come from U.S. Census Bureau (2013). Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Age distribution: All 0 Fraction of individuals .005 .01 .015 .02 Sample includes 103,392 individuals 0 10 20 30 40 50 Age Data Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University 60 70 80 90 100 U.S., June 2010 U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Age distribution: Men 0 Fraction of individuals .005 .01 .015 .02 Sample includes 50,467 male individuals (48.8%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 Age Data Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University 60 70 80 90 100 U.S., June 2010 U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Age distribution: Women 0 Fraction of individuals .005 .01 .015 .02 Sample includes 52,925 female individuals (51.2%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 Age Data Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University 60 70 80 90 100 U.S., June 2010 U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Conclusion Sample size distribution by age and gender bins Age group 0 to 11 12 to 20 21 to 35 36 to 45 46 to 55 56 to 65 66 and over Male Number Percent 8,993 7,432 8,682 9,683 9,418 5,486 773 8.7% 7.2% 8.4% 9.4% 9.1% 5.3% 0.7% Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University Female Number Percent 8,857 7,306 10,118 10,195 10,465 5,432 552 8.6% 7.1% 9.8% 9.9% 10.1% 5.3% 0.5% U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Most salient feature of monthly data is... 57.4% of months have zero expenditure health care expenditure is lumpy 13% of individuals have 24 zero months Only 8% have no zero months Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Histogram of number of zero months: all 0 .02 Fraction of individuals .04 .06 .08 .1 .12 .14 Sample includes 103,392 individuals 0 4 8 12 16 Number of months with zero expenditures Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University 20 24 U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Histogram of number of zero months: men 0 .02 Fraction of individuals .04 .06 .08 .1 .12 .14 Sample includes 50,467 male individuals (48.8%) 0 4 8 12 16 Number of months with zero expenditures Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University 20 24 U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Histogram of number of zero months: women 0 .02 Fraction of individuals .04 .06 .08 .1 .12 .14 Sample includes 52,925 female individuals (51.2%) 0 4 8 12 16 Number of months with zero expenditures Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University 20 24 U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Spell duration of positive expenditures Multiple spells of varying length (show histogram) Positive correlation between spell duration and expenditures Right tail fattens as spells lengthen Suggests Markov modeling approach Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle 0 fraction of individuals .1 .2 .3 .4 Histogram of avg. exps. for short spells 0 5 10 15 Mean exp. bin ($100s) histpos1 histpos3 histpos5 histpos7 histpos9 Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University 20 25 histpos2 histpos4 histpos6 histpos8 histpos10 U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle 0 fraction of individuals .05 .1 .15 .2 Histogram of avg. exps. for long spells 0 5 10 15 Mean exp. bin ($100s) histpos15 histpos17 histpos19 histpos21 histpos23 Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University 20 25 histpos16 histpos18 histpos20 histpos22 histpos24 U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Trend summary Healthcare expenditure growing fast Men growing faster than women (11.5% vs. 8.5%) Growth rates increase by age Disparity between age 36 to 45 men and women All age 12 to 20 are expensive Age 12 to 20 men are expensive Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Conclusion 600 Avg. monthly expenditures 650 700 750 800 850 Trend in average monthly nonzero expenditures 0 4 8 12 Month Total Avg. Exp. Male linear prediction Feale linear prediction Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University 16 20 24 Male Avg. Exp. Female Avg. Exp. U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Growth rates of exp. by age and gender Age category 0 to 11 12 to 20 21 to 35 36 to 45 46 to 55 56 to 65 66 and over Male annual Female annual growth rate (%) 6.4% 16.7% 5.8% 15.0% 12.7% 17.4% -11.9% growth rate (%) 2.6% 12.0% 2.8% 7.9% 12.0% 8.6% 4.6% Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Avg. monthly expenditures 500 1000 1500 2000 Trend in avg. exp.: men and age 0 4 8 12 Month Age 0 to 11 Age 21 to 35 Age 46 to 55 Age 66 and over Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University 16 20 24 Age 11 to 20 Age 36 to 45 Age 56 yo 65 U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle 200 Avg. monthly expenditures 400 600 800 1000 1200 Trend in avg. exp.: women and age 0 4 8 12 Month Age 0 to 11 Age 21 to 35 Age 46 to 55 Age 66 and over Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University 16 20 24 Age 11 to 20 Age 36 to 45 Age 56 yo 65 U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Distribution summary Fat long right tail Women spend less than men, on average (caution) even at 90th percentile (and higher) Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle 0 .001 Fraction of individuals .002 .003 .004 Histogram of positive expenditures 0 300 600 900 Monthly expenditures Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University 1200 1500 U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Growth rates of exp. by age and gender Mean 50th percentile 90th percentile 95th percentile 99th percentile Std. Deviation Maximum Full sample Male Female $715 $173 $1,217 $2,389 $10,128 3,371 $425,309 $750 $174 $1,257 $2,365 $10,476 3,941 $425,309 $689 $173 $1,185 $2,409 $9,921 2,868 $353,679 Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Mean and 90th percentile of expenditures Age group 0 to 11 12 to 20 21 to 35 36 to 45 46 to 55 56 to 65 66 and over Male Mean 90th pctl. $412 $693 $635 $668 $824 $1,078 $1,235 $589 $1,011 $1,126 $1,286 $1,434 $1,689 $1,895 Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University Female Mean 90th pctl. $361 $515 $623 $698 $826 $897 $872 $534 $870 $1,046 $1,251 $1,463 $1,500 $1,484 U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Life cycle summary Age 20 to 50: women cost more than men Age 60 +: men cost more than women Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle 0 Avg. monthly expenditure 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Average monthly expenditures by age 0 10 20 30 40 50 Age Total Avg. Exp. Female Avg. Exp. Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University 60 70 80 90 95 Male Avg. Exp. U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion Intro Demographics Zeros Lumpiness Trend Distribution Life Cycle Summary Zeros important Spells within year are heterogeneous Growth rates are large, heterogeneous Must have fat-tailed distribution Key differences over the life cycle Evans and Humpherys, Brigham Young University U.S. Healthcare Monthly Spending Trends Conclusion