ag Thi is odel draf

1l1C) (k : •. iraft
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No te: -This is a model draft and may be customized acc ording to individua l requirement.
This is my last will and testament. 1..
years, presently residing
in sound
disposing mind and without any pressure from any person do hereby make this will as my last
will and cancel all my previous wills and codicils to avoid any dispute or difference regarding
my moveabl e and immoveable properties after my death.
I am blessed with
(Give details of the legal heirs namely, wife/son! daughter/ or any other relative which
testator wants to mention)
All my above-mentioned children are married and well settled in their respective lives and
they have looked after me very well.
1 am the owner and in possession of
"(Give details of movable and immovable properties including bank accounts)
Lifc is uncertain and I do not know when the god calls me and 1 don't know when I leave this
' beautiful world therefore, during my lifetime I want to make settlement of my all moveable
and immoveable properties so as to avoid any difference or dispute over sharing of my
properties among my legal heirs.
Therefo re, I am making the present will. So long I am alive I wi ll continue to be owner of all
my properties. However, after my death
(Testator should mention settlement! sharing ratio/ arrangement with respect to his movable
and immova ble prop erties either in favour ofIegal heirs or any person of his choice) .
I.p.~.qtreath all my moveable and immo vable properties to my aforesaid legal heirs as per the
arTang~m ent
made above.
{1 appoint Mr/Mrs
S/W/D of
S/WID of
demise Mr/M rs
this will)
, and in case of his
as executor of
A ll my previo us will and testament are hereby cancelled.
Sign ed on this
\~\\\\~~~l:~ \\1\\0 have
day of
20 1.. in the presenc e of the following
signed in presence of each other and in my presence.
Signatureof Tes tL\t() r ll ~~t~trl}.
Certified lnal' the aD I ) V ::: \-vii! has been signed by the above-mentioned testato r in U U f pre sence:
and we have also signed as attesting witnesses in prese nce of the Testator/ Testatrix and in
the presen ce of each other after the contents of will explained to testator in H indi (m ention
local langu age if an y). he unde rstoo d and agreed with the sam e on th e date and lime
mentioned above.
1. (Name, father's name, address)
2. (Name, father's name, address)