“TENDER NOTICE” Directorate of Women and Child Development GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, Shimla 171001 TELEPHONE No. 0177-2622033 E-mail Id.: wcd-hp@nic.in, Website: www.wcd hp.nic.in Sealed tenders on prescribed proforma for the supply of Guddi-Gudda Boards (Multi Coloured Hanging Flex) along with White Board Marker (black ink) are invited by the Director, Women and Child Development Himachal Pradesh, Brent Wood Estate, Himland, Bemloi, Shimla-171001, upto 11:30 A.M on 29.02.2016 and will be opened on same date at 12:00 Noon. If the opening date happens to be a closed day then the tenders will be received and opened on the next working day. The descriptions given below are in brief. Complete details including tender form and terms & conditions can be obtained from the Office of Director, Women and Child Development, Brent Wood Estate, Himland, Shimla-1 and the same are also on departmental website: www.wcd hp.nic.in. Sample can also be seen in the office of undersigned. The cost of tender form is Rs. 500/- (non-refundable), payable in cash or Demand Draft. Sr No. Description Quantity Earnest Deposit Money 1 Guddi-Gudda Boards / Sign Boards, Size 3ft. X 2 ft. made of star flex with multi-coloured solvent printing with steel rods on top and bottom and provision of hanging from top side alongwith White Board Marker (Black Ink). Sample of Guddi-Gudda Board can be seen in the office of undersigned. 3600 Rs 25,000/- The quantity can be increased or decreased. The tenders accompanied with earnest money in shape of demand draft in favour of Director, Women and Child Development and with all requisite documents should be submitted before or by prescribed date and time. Undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. Telegraphic/conditional tenders will not be accepted. Any information/changes in this regard i.e. further changes in the specifications and term and conditions of the tender document, if any shall only be intimated through website of this institution i.e. www.wcd hp.nic.in. Sd/Director, Women & Child Development H.P., Shimla-1 (Not to be advertised) Part-I Eligibility for Tender:1. The manufacturers / suppliers should have at least 2 years experience in similar field. 2. The manufacturers/ suppliers should have a minimum annual turnover of at least Rs. 25.00 lakh or above per year at least for any one year during the last 3 years in supply of similar material. Director, Women and Child Development, Himachal Pradesh reserves the right to reject or accept any or all tenders without assigning any reasons (s) thereof. Part-II Terms and conditions 1. Total 3600 Guddi-Gudda Boards of 3 X 2 ft. size made of Star Flex with multi coloured solvent printing fitted with steel rods on top and bottom having provision of handing on the top alongwith one black ink marker to be supplied to Panchayats/ NAC/ Supervisors’ offices in Himachal Pradesh. 2. Tenders shall be submitted in Two Parts i.e. (1) Technical Bid on the Format given in Schedule A and (2) Financial Bid on the Format given at Schedule B in two separate envelopes and same shall be written in bold letters at the top of both envelopes. 3. The Technical Bid should be accompanied by a sample of Guddi-Gudda Board. Financial bids of only those bidders will be opened whose samples are found as per Technical Specifications. 4. The copy of the latest Sales Tax/ Trade Tax’s Department registration number and no due certificate from them shall be attached with Technical Bids. 5. Duly filled up Tender Form should accompany Earnest Money amounting to Rs. 25,000/with technical bid only through a crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, Women and Child Development, Himachal Pradesh. 6. The supply shall be made by the firm at District Level i.e. in the offices of District Programme Officer in each District. 7. In the Financial Bid, the rates should be indicated clearly both in figures and in words and should be F.O.R. destination i.e. DPO offices in the Hiamchal Pradesh and should be inclusive of all taxes / charges. 8. The rates quoted shall be valid for 6 months from the date of opening of tender. 9. Successful bidder will have to submit 13 samples of Guddi_Gudda Board within 7 days after finalization of tender for sending to DPO Offices for comparison. 10. If the successful bidder fails to produce samples within 7 days or produces inferior samples, the earnest money will be forfeited and suitable action against the firm will be initiated. 11. The successful bidder will be issued supply order after approval of samples by the Departmental Committee. 12. On receipt of supply order the successful party will immediately deposit security money of Rs. 25,000/- which shall become refundable to the supplier only on successful completion of supply order as per laid down terms and conditions of the tender. 13. The supply should be completed within 21 days from the date of issuing supply order. Any supply received after expiry of 21 days shall stand automatically, cancelled. 14. The material (Guddi-Gudda Boards) shall be supplied to the District Programme Officers duly packed in Craft Paper boxes locked with plastic strips. Loose packing will not be accepted. Entire cost of packing be included in the price quoted by the bidder. 15. The inspection of material will be carried out by the consignee at the destination and the rejected goods shall have to be replaced by the supplier within 15 days of rejection of supply by the consignee, failing which the supplier will be liable for penalty as under:1. After due date, of late supply 2. 3. 1st week 2 nd 3 rd week 1% of late supply Additional 2% of the late supply. Additional 3% to maximum 5% of the late supply. 16. The supplier will be responsible for replacement of defective goods, if any, found at any level viz. District / Block/ Panchayat at his own cost. 17. Bills will be submitted by the firm in the office of concerned District Programme Officers to be forwarded by them to the Directorate of Women and Child Development, Himachal Pradesh after completing all codal formalities and submitting a certificate to this effect for releasing the payment to the supplier. 18. 100% payment will be made within 21 days against physical delivery of inspected / accepted goods duly supported with satisfactory inspection note and after receipt of correct goods at consignees site/ destination. 19. Director, Women and Child Development receives the right to accept or reject any bid / tenders without assigning any reasons. 20. Any disputes assigning between the supplier and Directorate, Women and Child Development, HP shall be referred to the Secretary, Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of Himachal Pradesh, the arbitration whose decision shall be final and binding on the supplier and the Directorate, Women and Child Development. The Jurisdiction for any disputes will be limited the State of Himachal Pradesh. 21. If the billing is done by the supplier from outside the H.P. State, then payment will be made after deducting VAT / Entry Tax applicable in Himachal Pradesh. Sd/Director, Women and Child Development, Himachal Pradesh. Schedule-A “TECHNICAL BID” FOR SUPPLY OF GUDDI-GUDDA BOARD S.N. 1 Items Specifications Guddi Gudda Board 2. Material 3 Guarantee Period 4 White Board Marker (Black Ink) Signature of Bidder with stamp Schedule-B “FINANCIAL BID” for Supply of Guddi-Gudda Boards Before filling up this schedule, the tenderer is requested to go through the tender form and terms and conditions of the tender document carefully. Date and time of receipt of tender : Date and time of opening of tender : Tender Document’s cost : Rs 500-00 Sr. No. Description Quantity 1 Guddi-Gudda Boards / Sign Boards, Size 3ft. X 2 ft. made of star flex with multi-coloured solvent printing with steel rods on top and bottom and provision of hanging from top side. Master Sample can be seen in the office of undersigned. 2 White Board Marker (black ink) Rate (Gudi-Gudda Board plus marker) per unit inclusive of all taxes/ charges. Name, address & signature of Tenderer (with stamp)