CAMPUS FORUM December 16, 2014 1 Sexual Violence Awareness • Title IX Coordinator – Beth Lunde • Deputy Coordinators – KirsF Arko and Joe Cooper for Students – Suzanne Sanregret for AthleFcs • Title IX Awareness CommiLee • Title IX Policy Team Sexual Violence Awareness • InformaFon and Resources – Web­‐know/Ftle-­‐ix/ – Posters – Wallet Cards – Trainings • Mandated Training for All Employees – Sexual Harassment, AnF-­‐DiscriminaFon and Harassment, and RetaliaFon Further Resources • AnF-­‐harassment, AnF-­‐discriminaFon: A Resource Guide – • Interested in assisFng with iniFaFves and strategies for addressing gender discriminaFon, sexual harassment, and sexual violence – Contact Beth Lunde at Strategic Plan • Approved by Board of Control on April 27, 2012 ! Major Goals Remain Same " People " DisFncFve EducaFon " Research/Scholarship/CreaFvity/Entrepreneurship • hLp:// 5 Strategic Plan Review Timeline, 2015 Preliminary Ac>vi>es -­‐ Spring 2014 Campus Comment Period -­‐ August-­‐September 2014 Deans Revision -­‐ October 2014 Review with Board of Control -­‐ December 2014 Campus Comment Period -­‐ December 2014 – February 2015 Preliminary Final DraI -­‐ March 2015 Final Board of Control Approval -­‐ May 2015 6 Strategic Plan • Approved by Board of Control on April 27, 2012 ! Major Goals Remain Same " People 7 Fall Enrollment Undergraduate Graduate Total Enrollment 7100 5658 1442 8 Fall Sta>s>cs " RetenFon (first to second year UG) 85% " ACT Composite Average 27 " Female Enrollment in COE 1005 (Women make up 22% of COE; Fes the all Fme high set in 1998) " Placement Rate 96% 9 8,000 -­‐ 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Fall Enrollment 1965-­‐2014 9,000 7,100 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 Distance Learning On Campus 3,000 2,000 1,000 Total Enrollment by Student Type 8000 25% 7000 6000 5000 354 172 305 254 1273 385 359 201 310 220 223 334 223 1360 1392 356 233 323 296 1370 422 496 243 319 245 397 1287 465 396 1216 563 609 268 266 425 428 428 1124 749 827 265 267 255 393 342 360 414 360 316 266 1162 1194 1239 1231 664 20% InternaFonal grad 15% Non-­‐Resident grad Resident grad 4000 InternaFonal u-­‐grad 10% 3000 Non-­‐Resident u-­‐grad Resident u-­‐grad Graduate % of total 2000 4182 4034 4019 4180 4350 4330 4168 4155 4071 4066 4161 5% 1000 0 0% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 New Student Enrollment by Student Type 2000 25% 1800 1600 72 156 151 213 1400 97 72 96 77 169 73 138 171 216 106 224 93 245 97 313 262 257 195 229 198 98 218 236 1200 230 219 257 94 304 20% 207 15% Doctoral Masters 1000 Transfer 800 600 10% 1227 1365 1327 1169 1223 1159 1115 1161 1153 1253 1,199 400 5% 200 0 0% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Freshmen Graduate % of new students Total Domes>c and Interna>onal Diversity 1800 25% 1600 21% 20% 1400 22% 22% 21% 20% 18% 1200 16% 16% 17% 15% 15% Pacific Islander 16% 15% 15% African American Non-­‐Hispanic Hispanic American 1000 Asian American American Indian 800 10% MulFracial InternaFonal 600 Total diversity percentage 400 5% 200 0 0% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Reten>on rate 2004-­‐2014 86 85 85 84 83.3 82.8 83 81.9 82 81 83.2 81 82 81.9 80.9 80.7 80.3 80 79 78 77 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 History of female enrollment at Michigan Tech 2000 40% 1800 35% 1600 30% Number of Women 1400 25% 1200 1000 20% 800 15% 600 10% 400 5% 200 0 0% 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Women % Women College of Engineering females 1200 25% 1000 1005 22% 21% 20% 20% 906 19% 18% 800 17% 16% 667 612 17% 17% 18% 715 638 640 18% 835 795 730 15% 673 College of Engineering 600 Percent of College of Engineering 10% 400 5% 200 0 0% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Fall 2014 Faculty " New Tenure-­‐Track -­‐ Female Tenure-­‐Track (43%) " New Lecturers, Sr. Lecturers & Professors of PracFce -­‐ Females 23 10 11 4 (36%) 17 Portrait 2035 18 Michigan Technological University Faculty Headcount by Age and Rank Fall 2004 45 40 35 35 Number of Faculty 30 26 25 25 27 26 23 20 20 20 18 15 13 10 10 5 0 11 3 0 0 25-­‐29 1 11 9 10 9 3 2 3 2 0 30-­‐34 0 35-­‐39 40-­‐44 45-­‐49 50-­‐54 55-­‐59 60-­‐64 1 65-­‐69 0 0 1 70-­‐74 0 0 0 75-­‐79 Age of Faculty Note: Faculty includes only full and part-­‐Fme tenured & tenure-­‐track faculty. Deans, associate/assistant deans, department chairs, and staff are excluded. Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor 19 Michigan Technological University Faculty Headcount by Age and Rank Fall 2014 45 41 40 35 31 Number of Faculty 30 26 24 25 26 24 21 21 20 19 18 15 15 11 12 11 10 10 7 5 5 2 0 0 0 25-­‐29 1 0 30-­‐34 5 0 35-­‐39 1 0 40-­‐44 45-­‐49 50-­‐54 55-­‐59 60-­‐64 0 65-­‐69 5 0 1 70-­‐74 2 0 0 75-­‐79 Age of Faculty Note: Faculty includes only full and part-­‐Fme tenured & tenure-­‐track faculty. Deans, associate/assistant deans, department chairs, and staff are excluded. Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor 20 UAW Cer>fica>on Program Fall 2014 Course Enrollment Michigan Tech Specific Course 23 Microsom Office Suite 24 Social Media 13 Business CommunicaFon 11 Provost Search CommiZee Nancy Barr – CommunicaFon & Sr. Design Program Advisor Les Cook – VP for Student Affairs & Advancement Sarah Green – Professor-­‐Chemistry (Associate Chair) Ellen Horsch – VP AdministraFon (Ex-­‐Officio) Nathan Peterson – Undergraduate Student Audrey Mayer – Associate Professor-­‐Social Sciences Lorelle Meadows – Dean-­‐Pavlis Honors College Michael Mullins – Professor-­‐Chemical Engineering Wayne Pennington – Dean-­‐College of Engineering (Chair) David Reed – VP for Research Sasha Teymorian – Graduate Student 22 Strategic Plan • Approved by Board of Control on April 27, 2012 ! Major Goals Remain Same " DisFncFve EducaFon 23 2014-­‐15 Transdisciplinary Ini>a>ves Biomaterials Ecosystem Dynamics -­‐ ExtracFon & Procurement – Processing & Manufacturing-­‐ MarkeFng, Sales & DistribuFon – Post-­‐Consumer Processing & Recycling; Natural Capital – Human Capital H-­‐STEM: Health Science, Technology, Engineering, and MathemaFcs -­‐ “An integraFve force across Michigan Tech, bringing together research and educaFon efforts at the STEM nexus to advance human health” 24 2014-­‐15 Transdisciplinary Ini>a>ves Entrepreneurship across the University Transdisciplinary opportuniFes for students; MTESC, InnovaFon & Industry Engagement Center for STEM EducaFon Research $11 million in K12 related research in 2013-­‐14; $5million DOW foundaFon grant IUSE; NSF/DUE Proposal WriFng Workshop 25 U.S. News Best Colleges Ranking (Undergraduate) • Ranked 116th among 268 naFonal universiFes • Ranked 56th among public naFonal universiFes • Engineering ranked 73rd in the naFon • Listed as an “A-­‐plus School for B Students” • Listed as “Best Colleges for Veterans” – 28th in NaFon among 268 NaFonal UniversiFes 26 Money Magazine (Undergraduate) • Ranked 82 among 655 schools • Others within the State of Michigan; – U of M at 22 – Michigan State at 122 27 Payscale • 13th for ROI among state schools naFonwide • $61,000 typical starFng salary 28 29 Career Fair Sta>s>cs 2013-­‐2014 Academic Year (includes 2013 Fall & 2014 Spring Career Fairs) 439 Companies on Campus 696 Interview Schedules 7,127 Available Interview Slots 2014 Fall Career Fair (Week of September 29 – October 3) 340 Companies on Campus 364 Interview Schedules 4,121 Available Interview Slots Career Fair Employer Par>cipa>on Academic Years 2004-­‐05 -­‐ 2014-­‐15 *Employer par>cipa>on count as of 9-­‐14-­‐2014 400 350 340 300 295 288 280 266 250 243 233 200 219 200 198 186 176 150 156 144 229 131 178 154 124 100 104 88 50 0 2004-­‐05 2005-­‐06 2006-­‐07 2007-­‐08 2008-­‐09 Fall Career Fair 2009-­‐10 2010-­‐11 Spring Career Fair 2011-­‐12 2012-­‐13 2013-­‐14 2014-­‐15* Strategic Plan • Approved by Board of Control on April 27, 2012 ! Major Goals Remain Same " Research/Scholarship/CreaFvity/Entrepreneurship 33 Research 34 Sponsored Awards, FY14 Sponsor Category FY14 FY13 % +/-­‐ Federal $ 31,945,957 $ 35,144,558 -­‐ 9 % Other Sponsored $ 12,900,248 $ 7,846,484 + 64 % Gims $ 3,324,927 $ 4,993,501 -­‐ 33 % TOTAL $ 48,162,964 $ 48,016,845 + 0 % Research Expenditures, FY14 80 70 $ 68.5 MM -­‐ 3.1 % 60 $ (Millions) 50 40 30 20 10 0 1994 1999 2004 Fiscal Year 2009 2014 Research Awards, 1st Qtr FY15 FY2014 FY2015 Variance % Federal $11,104,071 $16,137,516 45.3% Industrial 1,045,020 2,846,677 172.4% 13,509,897 20,851,972 54.3% All Sponsors 37 Research Expenditures, 1st Qtr FY15 FY2014 Total FY2015 15,530,556 14,411,011 Variance % -­‐7.2% MTEC SmartZone Update MTEC Smart Zone Creating a Satellite in Marquette Innovation Shore - Mission (draft) Marilyn Clark, CEO To build collabora>ve rela>onships with industry leaders, capital networks and universi>es that accelerate technology clusters and entrepreneurship — thus growing product and process innova>ons that generate jobs and community prosperity and compe>>veness. • Marquette to provide MTEC SmartZone and Michigan Tech start-up companies with mentors and funding • Marquette start-ups can access researchers, technologies and talent at Michigan Tech • The development of the U.P. Angel Network – keeping up with other communities • Extending MTEC SmartZone (Houghton) funding 15 years – 2032 • Develop Regional Clusters – companies in similar industries that synergize business opportunities BUDGET 41 40 2013 2014 35 CASH FLOW Calendar Years 2013 & 2014 YTD (dollars in millions) 30 25 20 15 10 $13.4MM 5 0 J J J J J F F F F M M M M A A A A A M M M M J J J J J J J J J A A A A S S S S S O O O O N N N N D D D D D 42 Current Fund FY15 (in thousands) Original Projection 1st Qtr Projection Revenue $ 273,076 $ 266,145 Expense $ (272,413) $ (265,187) Net Income $ 663 $ 958 $ 17,784 $ 18,079 Current Fund Balance Note: Current Fund includes General, Designated, Auxiliary, Retirement and Insurance, and Expendable Restricted Funds. 43 Current Fund Balances (in thousands) Balance 06/30/13 TOTAL CURRENT FUND BALANCE $ Balance 06/30/14 $ (2,587) LEGALLY RESTRICTED FUNDS UNRESTRICTED CURRENT FUND BALANCE 13,195 $ 10,608 1st Qtr Projection 06/30/15 17,121 $ (3,852) $ 13,269 18,079 (3,673) $ 14,406 44 Governmental Accoun>ng Standards Board Ruling 68 (GASB 68) # In Michigan, all schools, community colleges, and parFcipaFng universiFes will now recognize the MPSERS liability instead of the State. # Adds a $47.7M liability to Michigan Tech’s non-­‐current liabiliFes, reduces net posiFon by same. # Amount may vary in future years – goes away in 2036. # No effect on operaFng funds. # Currently no change to our bond raFng, per the raFng agencies. Current Fund Balances Including GASB 68 Pension Liability (in thousands) Balance 06/30/13 TOTAL CURRENT FUND BALANCE $ Balance 06/30/14 $ (2,587) LEGALLY RESTRICTED FUNDS UNRESTRICTED CURRENT FUND BALANCE 13,195 $ 10,608 1st Qtr Projection 06/30/15 17,121 $ (3,852) $ 13,269 (29,691) (3,673) $ (33,364) 46 Balance Sheet Condensed Statement of Net Position as of September 30, 2014 (in thousands) University ASSETS Current Assets Noncurrent Assets: Capital Assets, net Other Noncurrent Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Noncurrent Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES NET POSITION Investments in capital assets, net of related debt Other net position, restricted and unrestricted TOTAL NET POSITION TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET POSITION Tech Fund Total $ 37,773 $ 4,861 $ 42,634 $ 244,388 37,435 319,596 $ 121,965 126,826 $ 244,388 159,400 446,422 20,645 $ 81,152 101,797 $ 485 $ 5,116 5,601 $ 21,130 86,268 107,398 $ 167,732 $ 50,067 217,799 $ $ 121,225 $ 121,225 $ 167,732 171,292 339,024 $ 319,596 $ 126,826 $ 446,422 47 $ $ $ Balance Sheet Condensed Statement of Net Position Including GASB 68 Pension Liability as of September 30, 2014 (in thousands) University ASSETS Current Assets Noncurrent Assets: Capital Assets, net Other Noncurrent Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Noncurrent Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES NET POSITION Investments in capital assets, net of related debt Other net position, restricted and unrestricted TOTAL NET POSITION TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET POSITION Tech Fund Total $ 37,773 $ 4,861 $ 42,634 $ 244,388 37,435 319,596 $ 121,965 126,826 $ 244,388 159,400 446,422 20,645 $ 128,922 149,567 $ 485 $ 5,116 5,601 $ 21,130 134,038 155,168 $ 167,732 $ 2,297 170,029 $ $ 121,225 $ 121,225 $ 167,732 123,522 291,254 $ 319,596 $ 126,826 $ 446,422 $ $ $ Advancement $ 2014 Goal -­‐ $30.8M; Raised $30.94M $ 2015 Goal -­‐ $32.5M 49 • #GivingTuesday -­‐ December 2 – “Pennies for Change” Campus merchants asked customers to “round up” with the proceeds going to support student scholarships at Michigan Tech. Recent “Culture of Philanthropy” IniFaFves on Campus •NaFonal Philanthropy Day – November 15 Students handed out “I am Michigan Tech” wristbands to faculty/staff donors; asked them to wear them all week in support of giving to Tech. Physical Therapy Doctoral Program Facili>es Ribbon Culng August 25, 2014 53 William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning Dedica>on July 7, 2014 54 Pavlis Honors College Ribbon Culng Ceremony August 8, 2014 55 Phyllis and John Seaman Garden Dedica>on September 11, 2014 56 John Edgar McAllister Welcome Center Ribbon Culng September 20, 2014 57 Nucor Industrial Control and Automation Lab Ribbon Cutting September 29, 2014 58 Career Services Learning Center-­‐DTE Energy Ribbon Culng September 29, 2014 59 Huskies Plaza Dedicated on October, 13, 2014 60 War Memorial Wall DedicaFon November 11, 2014 61 War Memorial Wall Donors Jason & Kathryn Carter Leslie Cook & Stefany ValenFne-­‐Cook Roberta & Edward Dessellier James & Carol Frendewey John & Lynn Gierke Eric & Barbara Halonen David W. Hand Stephen & Jean-­‐Celeste Kampe R. Eugene & Alverda Klippel John & Jodi Lehman Michigan Tech Alumni AssociaFon Glenn & Gail Mroz William & Mary Ann Predebon Brenda Rudiger & Bill Musselman Dave & Beth Reed Max & Mary Ann Seel Bruce & Nancy Seely Jon H. SFcklen Ronald Strickland & Beatrice Smith Dale & Alice TahFnen Dawn & Dale Wiehe 62 Transforma>ons to the Informa>on and Learning Commons " AddiFonal Gim from John and Ruanne Opie • Create CollaboraFon & Teamwork Spaces 63 64 Major GiIs House Family Founda>on " Endowed Professor in Computer Science " Endowed Professor in StaFsFcs, Data Mining and Data AnalyFcs " Endowed Director for the ACIA Research Center " Graduate Student Assistantships Graduate School GiI " $640K gim to support graduates students in electrical engineering Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Founda>on " $5M to fund the Michigan Science Teaching and Assessment Reform (Mi-­‐STAR) program to develop a model for reforming middle-­‐school STEM educaFon 65 Fall Commencement Speaker Mr. Dale F. EllioZ President/CEO FCM Advisory Group Ltd. 66 Thanks For All You Do! QUESTIONS 67