EDN-H(EE)(4)4- 7/2012 –Instructions MDM Directorate of Elementary Education Himachal Pradesh Lalpani , Shimla 171001 Dated; Shimla-171001 the April ,2012 To, 1 All the Deputy Directors Elementary Education, 2 All the Block Elementary Education Officers Himachal Pradesh. Subject :- Instructions Regarding Scheme . Implementation of Mid Day Meal Sir, The Government vide its letter no. EDN-C-F(4) -2/2011 dated 9th April, 2012 has conveyed the approval for enhancement of cooking cost per child per day for Primary & Upper Primary stage under Mid Day Meal Scheme . The revised norms have been implemented in the state w.e.f.1.4.2012 , as per detail given hereunder : SN Stage 1 Primary 2 Upper Primary Cooking / Conversion cost Rs. 3.11 per child per day Rs. 4.65 per child per day Note: The above cooking/ conversion cost includes: 1 Cost of Ingredients: pulses , vegetables , cooking oil , condiments etc. and fuel. 2 Local transportation charges except rice Budget for transportation of rice from fair price shop to respective school premises is being allocated separately to concerned block. BEEOs may release the funds to the concerned schools on the basis of freight rates fixed by the concerned Deputy Commissioner on PDS basis in respect of their block. 3 Cost of Fuel : Cost of fuel is included in the cooking cost . Expenditure on this component may not be incurred from funds provided under MME / other components. Food norms: The food norms for Primary and Upper primary stages are as under : SN Items Quantity per student per day (quantity in gms) Primary Upper primary 1 Rice 100 150 2 Pulses 30 40 3 Vegetables (leafy also)* 60 85 4 Soya chunks 5 13 5 Salt & ingredients As per need As per need However, the quantity of other ingredients is recommended as per detail given below: SN Items Quantity per student per day (quantity in gms) Primary Upper primary 1 Salt 2.5 4.00 2 Masala 2.00 2.5 3 Oil 5.00 7.5 4 Onion 10 15 Purchase of ingredients : Ingredients used for the preparation of Mid-day-Meals should preferably be purchased from the local farmers . Purchase of vegetable / other ingredients from local famers would not only cost less but also add fresh produce to the menu. Procedure for allocation of funds and rice : It has been observed that the rice & funds are being allocated on the basis of enrollment and number of school days whereas actual demand & unutilized rice / funds of the school is not being taken into consideration. This arrangement is resulting in surplus stock in some schools and shortfall in other schools. As per MDM guidelines , the schools/ institutions should maintain one month buffer stock of foodgrain i.e. school should have one month advance ration and should also have funds / cooking cost, for one month . Due to irregular supply of rice, the schools are not in position to maintain the requisite buffer stock, as they are receiving the rice at the end of the month or sometimes even after two month. It is pertinent to mention here that rice is required to be lifted from FCI within stipulated time period. The due date of lifting of rice , allocated during the quarter is before 25th of the last month of the quarter e.g. the rice allocated in first quarter , April-2012 to June 2012 , is required to be lifted before 25th June , 2012 . The quantity that remains un-lifted with FCI stand lapsed. To ensure the smooth implementation of scheme, the following procedure may kindly be adhered for allocating / disbursing rice and funds : Distribution of rice : To ensure the timely supply of rice , the rice to block offices / schools should be made on quarterly basis instead of monthly basis, this will considerably curtail the time taken by HPSCSC/ PDS depot holder for lifting of rice from FCI godown and making available at PDS depot . Since, Government Of India allocates the rice to the State on the basis of average enrollment, number of school days and unutilized rice lying with the concerned institution / block / HPSCSC, hence you are directed that demand of rice may be obtained from the concerned school / block. Before making allocation the following points may be kept into consideration: 1 2 3 4 Enrollment of Block / Institution. No of school days. Approved norms i.e. 100 gms for primary and 150 gms for Upper Primary Unutilized rice lying with the school/ block. (Enrollment of block/school ( x ) number of school days in the quarter/ month (x) approved food norms )- unutilized rice lying with the block/school ) Further, the copy of allocation invariably be send to the concerned block. The block should send the copy of allocation to the concerned Central Head Teacher, who may ensure that every institution / school should lift the allocated quantity of rice. The concerned CHT may also ensure the reconciliation of rice with the allocation made by the Deputy Director and rice lifted the schools under his jurisdiction on monthly / quarterly basis , as the case may be. 2) Distribution of budget / funds and submission of utilization certificate : The budget of MDM Scheme is being allocated / distributed to the BEEOs through e-vitran, the web application of the Finance Department. The BEEO may release the first quarter funds without seeking the requirement of expenditure from the schools/SMCs. Thereafter, the funds be released after taking the utilization certificate from the concerned school / SMC and bills submitted by the schools / implementing agencies be settled within fortnight. Further, the BEEOs may also ensure that before sanctioning the next installment, the advances may be adjusted, if any, given to the SMCs / implementing agencies / Schools. The funds may also be distributed on quarterly basis. Before making allocation the following points may be kept into consideration : 1 Enrollment of Block / Institution. 2 No of school days . 3 Approved norms i.e. PRIMARY = Rs. 3.11 per child per day UPPER PRIMARY= Rs. 4.65 per child per day 4) Unutilized funds lying with the school/ block (Enrollment of block/school (x ) number of school days in the quarter/ month (x) approved cooking cost )- unutilized funds lying with the block/school) The funds to the blocks / schools may be released through e-banking. The intimation of funds released may be send to the concerned SMC/ institution/ school. HONORARIUM NORMS: A separate provision for payment of honorarium to cook cum helper @ Rs. 1000 /- per month for 10 academic months has been made. The cook cum helper may be engaged on the basis of enrollment in the school. The norms for engaging cook-cum-helper as per enrollment is as under: SN. Enrolment Slabs No. of Cook-cum-Helpers allowed 1 1-25 1 2 26-100 2 3 101-200 3 4 201-300 4 5 301-400 5 6 401-500 6 The appointment of cook cum helper shall be made by the School Managing Committee (SMC) at the school level as per guidelines / norms issued by this department. In case, where cook cum helpers are becoming surplus due to new enrolment slab then the person appointed on later date may be relived off his duties on the principle of “ LAST COME FIRST GO”. Health check up of cook-cum-helpers: The quality & hygiene in the preparation of meal, being provided to the students, is continuously invoking concern from various quarters. Since the preparation of meals is a sensitive and continuous process, so it is necessary that the cook-cum-helper engaged under this scheme for this purpose should be physically fit. He should not suffer from any contagious disease. Hence the health check up of cook-cum-helper may be done at initial appointment and thereafter every year. Duties & responsibilities of cook cum helper To arrange for procurement , supply and storage of materials for Mid Day Meals as per instructions of SMC. To obtain strength of students present on the day and obtain the required quanity of rice and other ingredients in view of strength of children for whom meal is to be cooked and served on the day . To clean, wash and remove impurities , if any, from the raw material to be cooked and ensure cooking as per menu in hygienic manner and conditions . To serve the meals to the students at the designated hour in a hygienic conditions. To clean the kitchen and utensils and store the utensils in a hygienic conditions . The cook has also to ensure that the gas stove/cylinder has been properly switched off and the cylinder has been placed in the store taking all precautions to avoid any untoward incidents. Help in procurement / transportation of material. Any other MDMS related miscellaneous job assigned by the SMC/ Incharge of the scheme. Role of Mothers : The mothers can play an important role for effective implementation, proper monitoring and supervision of the Scheme. The mothers may be encouraged to watch cooking and serving of food to their children. The physical presence of at least one mother could ensure good quality meal being served every day. The supervision of mothers will also lessen the dependence on the role of external supervisor. The mothers may supervise that clean and good quality of food is being cooked and served to the students. They can also give suggestions for effective implementation of the scheme. The monthly roster for mothers be maintained in each school to ensure that they come to school turn by turn every day to supervise the Mid Day Meal Scheme. Concerned CHT will facilitate the SMCs / Schools in preparation of mother’s roster in his jurisdiction and will ensure that monthly register is being maintained in every school. The mothers may be encouraged to see that : ¾ Ingredients used for cooking i.e. pulses, rice, spices etc. are of good quality and properly cleaned before cooking. ¾ The utensils used for cooking are being cleaned properly before use. ¾ The food is being tasted by the teacher and mother before serving to the students. ¾ The clean and adequate drinking water is available. ¾ The students may not waste the water. ¾ Clean water is being used for preparation of meal. Role of SMC The SMC will be responsible to perform the following functions:1. To make arrangements for hiring the services of cooks / helpers, as per guidelines of the scheme. 2. To make arrangements for procuring / purchasing utensils / Kitchen devices after following all the required codal formalities. 3. To make arrangements for proper / safe storage of all the articles purchased. 4. The Committee will also see that the quantity of commodities purchased, are exactly as per norms given in the guidelines in view of the enrolment of the school. 5. To check the quantity and quality of the food grains (rice) and other ingredients before preparing the meals. 6. To ensure maximum effort to maintain cleanliness at the time of cooking / preparation of the meal, avoid wastage and maintain quality. 7. To decide the weekly MENU under the programme and ensure that the decided menu is also adhered to and implemented in letter & spirit. 8. It will also ensure that the weekly menu is also displayed in the school notice board. 9. To test and taste the meals before serving to the children. 10. There should not be any discrimination on the basis of caste/ creed and religion while serving the food to the students. Note :- The Committee will approve the expenditure incurred under this scheme in its meetings . School Health Programme : The guidelines of Mid Day Meal scheme provide that the scheme be implemented in convergence with the School Health Programme . The guidelines also provide that MID DAY MEAL SCHEME should be complemented with appropriate intervention relating to micronutrient supplementation and de-worming, through administration of : 9 Six monthly dose for de-worming and Vitamin-A supplementation. 9 Weekly Iron and Folic-Acid supplement, and 9 Other appropriate supplementation depending on common deficiencies found in the local area. The programme may be workout in co-ordination with the health authorities. Special focus / attention be given on dental care, eye disease and de-worming. The vision of students may also be checked at school level . The chart to conduct vision test can be procured and displayed at the school . Necessary training be imparted to one teacher (preferably science teacher) for preliminary checking of vision. All the referral cases be followed up. Procurement of LPG connections: LPG based cooking should be preferred in preparation of Mid Day Meal in the School. Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas , GOI New Delhi had conveyed the instructions to Public Sector Oil marketing companies to provide LPG connections / cylinder at domestic rates on priority basis . The demand for additional funds , if required , may be sent through concerned Deputy Director . Yours faithfully, . Endst. No. As Above Dated : Shimla -171001 26th April , 2012. Copy forwarded to : 1) The Secretary (Education) to the Govt. of H.P. for information please. EDN-H(EE)(4)4- 7/2012 –Instructions MDM Directorate of Elementary Education Himachal Pradesh Lalpani , Shimla 171001 Dated; Shimla-171001 the 26th June, 2012 To 1 All the Deputy Directors Elementary Education, 2 All the Block Elementary Education Officers Himachal Pradesh. Subject :- Instructions Regarding Implementation of Mid Day Meal Scheme -- maintenance of hygiene and cleanliness. Sir, As you are aware that department is implementing MID DAY MEAL Scheme in all the Government /Govt. Aided Primary & Upper Primary Schools of the State .Under this scheme the hot cooked meal is being cooked in the school and served to students on all school days. The success of the Mid Day Meal Programme revolves around the manner, in which it is implemented at the school . The quality & hygiene in the preparation of meal being provided to the students is continuously invoking concern from various quarter. Safety and hygiene standards must be set and practiced with rigor. Processes should be put in place to ensure vibrant community involvement so that mid day meal programme becomes a peoples’ programme which addresses classroom hunger and also contributes to the overall improvement in teaching learning transaction. The following instructions may be followed in letter and sprit so that hygienically cooked nutritious and wholesome meal is served to the children under MDM scheme.: • Children be educated and made aware about the importance of washing hands and hygiene practices so as to prevent diseases like diarrhea .Students should wash their hands before and after taking meals preferably by using soap. • The drinking water tank should be cleaned periodically. The drinking water tanks be repaired immediately, if damaged. • Ingredients like salt should be stored in proper containers and protected from moisture, pests etc. • Ingredients used for cooking , food grain , pulses, vegetables, cooking oil and condiments , should be free from adulteration and pest infestation and should be used only after proper cleaning and washing . • Support of community members including mothers’ group should also be solicited .It has been observed that services of school SMCs/village education committees ,mothers committee are not being utilized fully. As a result, the support of vital group of stakeholders is not available for the MDM Scheme. • The monthly roster for mothers be maintained in each school to ensure that they come to school turn by turn every day to supervise the Mid Day Meal Scheme. • Before serving the meal to the students , the teacher incharge and at least one parent should test and taste the meals and will make entry in the register / record. • SMCs should prefer LPG for cooking the meal under Mid Day Meal .In case, LPG gas connection is not available , smokeless chullahs be installed. Smokeless chullahs would not only eliminate smoke and create a healthy environment but also improve the thermodynamic efficiency. Yours faithfully, Endst. No. As Above Dated : Shimla -171001 June , 2012 Copy forwarded for information and necessary action : 1. The Secretary (Education) to the Government of H.P. 2. Guard file. SD/DIRECTOR