No: EDN(EE)H(4)4‐4/2014‐15‐MDM‐ FD. (I‐VIII) Directorate of Elementary Education , H.P. Dated : Shimla ‐ 171001, the 18th June, 2014 To All the Deputy Directors of Elementary Education in H.P. Subject:‐ Allocation of free food grains (Rice) for the 2nd Quarter (01‐07‐2014 to 30‐09‐2014 ) under the National Programme of Mid Day Meal in Schools (MDMS) for Primary and Upper Primary Schools (Primary 23480.00 quintals & Upper Primary 23800.00 quintals ) for the year 2014‐15. Sir, The Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Elementary Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhawan New Delhi‐110001, vide their letter No. 5 ‐1 / 2014 – Desk (MDM) of dated 05.02.2014 has conveyed the allocation of foodgrains (rice) for Primary Stage ( classes I ‐ V) and Upper Primary Stage (classes VI ‐ VIII) for the 2nd Quarter (01‐07‐2014 to 30‐09‐2014) for the financial year 2014‐15 . In this regard, it is informed that 23480.00 quintals of rice for Primary stage and 23800.00 quintals of rice for Upper Primary stage is being allocated on the basis of average beneficiaries of the pervious year 2013‐14 as per enclosed ANNEXURE‐1. You are directed to ensure the timely supply of the information in r/o student beneficiaries and submission of demand for required food‐grains (Rice) to the concerned Deputy Commissioners for the issuance of necessary authorization well before the last date specified for the purpose i.e. 25th of the particular month of the allocation quarter, so that the allocated foodgrains could be lifted from the FCI godowns by the lifting agency i.e. HPSCSC within the prescribed period starting from the 1st day of the month preceding the allocation quarter and up to 25th of the last month of the allocation quarter. In view of above, it is requested that distribution of rice to the Blocks as per norms i.e. 100 gms. Per child per day in respect of Primary classes and 150 gms. per child per day for Upper Primary classes be made. It is also informed that, the balance of rice from the previous quarter may be adjusted while allocating rice to the Blocks for providing Mid Day Meal under MDM Scheme. Allocation for Tournament Requirement of Rice for preparing Mid Day Meal to the students during Block and District level tournaments may be met out from this allocation. Before making allocation the following points may be considered:‐ 1) Enrollment of Block / institution 2) Number of school days 3) Approved norms 100 gms. Primary classes and 150 gms. for Upper Primary classes per child per day . 4) Unutilized Rice lying with the school/ Block. (Enrollment of Block/ School * No. of Schools Days in the Quarter/ Month * approved food norms) ‐ Unutilized Rice lying with the Block/ Schools) • To ensure the 100% lifting of rice allocated in previous quarter. • To check the quality and quantity of rice before lifting from PDS. • The buffer stock of foodgrains for one month in advance should be maintained so as to ensure the timely supply of Rice . • • • • • Allocation of rice to Blocks/ schools should be made on Quarterly basis. Also requirement and storage capacity of the school should be kept in view. The copy of allocation should invariably be sent to the concerned Block. The Block will send the copy of allocation to the concerned Center Head Teacher , who will ensure that every institution / school should lift the allocated and required quantity of foodgrains. The concerned CHT will also ensure the reconciliation of rice with the allocation made by the Block Elementary Education Officers and rice lifted by the schools on monthly basis. The appropriate record should be maintained and proper receipt should be obtained from the FPS/ PDS holder, indicating the quantity of foodgrains received in r/o their school and make entry in the MDM register accordingly. The information in respect of allocation, lifting , utilization and balance of foodgrains be furnished immediately after the closure of previous Quarter. The allocation of foodgrains is also available on the website of the Department ( Encls:As above Endst: No. Even, Dated: Shimla‐171001, the 18th June, 2014 Copy for information and necessary action to:‐ 1. The Desk Officer (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Elementary Education and Literacy, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi‐110001 w.r.t their letter No. as mentioned above. 2. The Secretary (Education) to the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla‐2. 3. The Director, Food and Civil Supplies, SDA Complex, Shimla‐9, / Himachal Pradesh. 4. All the Deputy Commissioners in Himachal Pradesh. 5. The Managing Director HPSCSC, SDA Complex, Shimla‐9. 6. The Senior Regional Manager, Food Corporation of India, Opposite Community Centre, Sector‐2, New Shimla ‐ 9. 7. The Area Manager, Food Corporation of India, Shimla, Opposite Community Centre, Sector‐2. New Shimla ‐ 9./ Area Manager, Food Corporation of India, Mandi, / Area Manager, Food Corporation of India, Kangra at Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh. 8. All the Block Elementary Education Officers in HP with the direction that rice allocated by the district may further be distributed to the schools. 9. Guard File. Allocation of Foodgrains (Rice) for the 2nd Qtr (1.7.2014 to 30.9.2014) Allocation of Foodgrains (Rice) for the 2nd Quarter (1.07.2014 to 30.9.2014) for Primary Classes. Qty @100g and Upper Primary Classes Qty.@150g per student per day under MID Day Meal Scheme for the finacial year 2014‐15 Primary Upper Primary Total Sr.No. Distt. Average Rice Average Rice No. of Allocation No. of Allocation Rice *( children (in children (in pry+upr availed Quintals) availed Quintals) pry) MDM MDM 2013‐14 2013‐14 1 Bilaspur 16427 1155.98 12380 1233.61 2389.59 2 Chamba 44463 2838.89 28286 2593.56 5432.46 3 Hamirpur 17958 1263.72 14414 1436.28 2700.00 4 Kangra 47149 3541.02 42738 4447.76 7988.78 5 Kinnaur 4098 253.38 2935 252.46 505.84 6 Kullu 26733 1881.22 18259 1819.42 3700.64 7 (a) Keylong 818 57.56 552 55.00 112.57 7(b) Kaza 522 36.73 207 20.63 57.36 8 Mandi 51818 3316.47 37967 3471.23 6787.70 9 Shimla 41419 2414.69 26253 2115.98 4530.67 10 Sirmour 38651 2619.90 25202 2411.26 5031.16 11 Solan 32114 2359.89 20216 2114.43 4474.31 12 Una 24734 1740.55 18349 1828.39 3568.94 G.Total 346904 23480.00 247758 23800.00 47280.00