FORTRAN 90 Lecturer : Rafel Hekmat Hameed University of Babylon Subject : Fortran 90 College of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Dep. Year : Second B.Sc Q /G B Given a quadratic equation as follows: ܽ ݔଶ ܾ ݔ ܿ ൌ Ͳ if b*b-4*a*c is non-negative, the roots of the equation can be solved with the following formulae: ʹ ൌ ଵ ଶୟ ͳ ൌ ൫െ െ ξ ଶ െ Ͷ ൯ ͳ ቀെ ඥ ଶ െ Ͷ ቁ ʹ Write a program to read in the coefficients a, b and c, and compute and display the roots. If the discriminate b*b - 4*a*c is negative, the equation has complex root. Thus, this program should solve the equation if the discriminate is non-negative and show a message otherwise. Use select case-statement. program quadratic_equation implicit none real:: a,b,c,d,root,root1,root2 read(*,*) a,b,c d=b*B-(4*a*c) WRITE(*,*)"D=",D SELECT CASE (INT(D).GE.0) CASE(.TRUE.) IF(D==0)THEN root=-b/(2*a) write(*,*) root ϭ ELSE root1=(-b+sqrt(d))/(2*A) root2=(-b-sqrt(d))/(2*A) write(*,50) root1,root2 50 format(2x,"first root =",2x,f9.6,/,2x,"second root =",2x,f9.6) endif CASE (.FALSE.) WRITE(*,*) "THERE IS NO SOLUTION" END SELECT end Q/GB Write a fortran 90 program to print and sum all the numbers between 100 and 1000 that divided by 15 without any reminder, the program will terminated if the summation of the numbers is greater than 650. Use format statement to print your result. PROGRAM DIVIDE IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER::I,SUM DO I=100,1000,1 IF (MOD(I,15)==0)THEN WRITE(*,10) I 10 FORMAT(2X,I4) SUM=SUM+I ENDIF IF(SUM.GT.650)EXIT ENDDO WRITE(*,8) SUM 8 FORMAT(2X,"SUMMATION OF NUMBERS=",I8) ; END Ϯ