SPONSORED PROGRAMS COST SHARE / MATCHING SUPPORT AUTHORIZATION FORM PI: Joseph Smith Dept: Materials Science and Engineering Proposal#: Project Start Date: Project End Date : Project Title: This is the title of your proposal. Is Direct Dollar Cost Share Required by the Sponsor?: Does this Project Contain External Cost Share?: No No Yes 09/01/13 08/31/16 Yes DIRECT DOLLAR COST SHARE Dept Code Commitment Type Category Personnel Name Index Amount Authorized Signature(s) Date Authorized Signature(s) Date Authorized Signature(s) Date $0.00 **If the department does not fulfill the requirements of the graduate school, the department is responsible for necessary funding to meet the obligatory match. Dept Code Commitment Type Category Total Year 1: Personnel Name Index $0.00 Amount $0.00 **If the department does not fulfill the requirements of the graduate school, the department is responsible for necessary funding to meet the obligatory match. Dept Code Commitment Type Category Total Year 2: Personnel Name Index $0.00 Amount $0.00 **If the department does not fulfill the requirements of the graduate school, the department is responsible for necessary funding to meet the obligatory match. FYROR015.rdf ID:3181 Prop: Total Year 3: $0.00 Grand Total: $0.00 Page 1 of 2 10-OCT-12 04:11 PM SPONSORED PROGRAMS COST SHARE / MATCHING SUPPORT AUTHORIZATION FORM F & A COST SHARE Year F&A on Michigan Tech F&A on Sponsor Cost Share Type Total T 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total: SPO Authorized Signature: Notes: FYROR015.rdf ID:3181 Prop: Page 2 of 2 10-OCT-12 04:11 PM