Research Advisory Council Meeting Minutes March 19, 2014 Proposal Processing Activity - Julie Seppala (Handout) The Sponsored Programs staff recently tracked issues with proposals for the period of February 17-March 14th. The largest number of issues was 18. Proposal submissions average roughly 100 per month to the Sponsored Programs Office which includes submissions to Innovation & Industry Engagement. Of those submitted, half of them had issues. Discussion suggested the Senate Research Policy Committee could work with the Sponsored Programs Office to reduce these numbers. Perhaps the Budget and Budget Justification information, which had the highest level of issues, could have a deadline of four or five days prior and the focus could then shift to the technical content of the proposal. Dave Reed requested the Senate Research Policy Committee review and suggest possible modifications to the submission process. On a positive note, the February submission volume was very high and a four day extension of the existing deadline was implemented without resistance or negative feedback from the campus community. These deadline extensions will most likely be implemented for those months when higher submission levels are anticipated; September, October and February. The Senate Research Policy Committee will review and provide feedback to the Research Advisory Council. Faculty Fellows - Dave Reed The first Faculty Fellows for 2014-2015 are: Larry Sutter (MSE), for Sponsored Program Administration, Adrienne Minerick (ChE) for Strategic Planning and Budget, and Yoke Khin Yap (Physics) for Economic Development and Technology Commercialization. Uniform Guidance Update - Dave Reed Within the past two years, the Federal Government combined eight OMB circulars into one large guideline document, the Uniform Guidance. Expenditure changes are extensive and the VP for Research Offices will communicate the changes to the campus community and internal guidance will be developed. Every University in the US will be affected. The summary of extensive changes is available, if anyone is interested in reviewing, you may contact the VP for Research Office and request a copy. OIG Audit Update - Julie Seppala Currently staff is working on the request for a sample of 180 payroll transactions. We predict a mid-April to mid-May visit from the auditors. Faculty and graduate student interviews will be conducted, but it is unknown if other types of interviews will take place. Training for the audit is ongoing, but there are still many who have not completed the training. Communication to the campus community will continue. Sponsored Programs Accounting will work closely with the faculty to ensure a good audit experience. Please encourage faculty and students to participate in the excellent training that is being offered. Graduate Student Cost Share - Jackie Huntoon (Handout) Moving forward the GACS program will be adjusted to enable the funds to support students in the beginning and at the end of their student careers. It will no longer automatically provide funds to assistant professors and proposal funding will assist in determining support. These changes will provide flexibility with early career faculty and also for students who have been supported by external funding and are finishing their educations. It will not only provide support for large proposals, but it will also support proposals which are strategic and contribute to the University’s mission, as well as those that reinforce strategic initiatives (Ex. NSF CAREER program). You may send Jackie feedback via email. The next steps will be to bring this to the College Deans and Graduate Faculty Council. FDP Meeting - (Handout) A report for the January Federal Demonstration Partnership Meeting was provided by Larry Sutter. It was noted that we are joining phase VI as phase V will be completed this year. The Annual Report was submitted. Dave discussed the Faulty Business Meeting information on pages 4 and 5. Board of Control Research Report - Dave Reed (Handout) Dave provided the sponsored research activity reports with the council. Other Business: The council discussed the recent safety training and the confusion that it created. The compliance staff involved in the implementation of this training is aware of the communication break down and confusion it caused the campus community. The program is being modified and they will continue to improve the clarification of this important requirement. The software has been improved which will make it easier for Michigan Tech to utilize. It was suggested that a standardized systematic portal would be beneficial. The next meeting will be scheduled in May.