MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY OMBCIRCULAR A.133SUPPLEMENTARY FINANCIALREPORT FOR.THEYEARENDEDJUNE30. 1991 MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVBRSITY oMB CTRCULAR A-133 SUPPLEMENTARYFTNAIiCTAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTE}TIS Descriotion TABLE OF COMENTS INDEPENDEM AUDITORS' REPORTSON INTERNAL CONTROLS The UniversiEy - 1 as an EnEit'Y Federal Financial 4 AssisEance Programs INDEPENDEI{TAUDITORS' REPORTSON COMPLIANCE The UniversiEy Federal as an Ent,ity Programs of Ehe University o General RequiremenLs of Major Federal AssisEance Programs . ReguiremenEs of Major Federal specific Financial Assistance Prograns o Nonmajor Federal Financial Financial Assistance 9 1_1_ Programs 13 SCHEDULEOF FEDERALFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE - Independent Audit'ors' - Schedule of Federal Financial Year Ended .Iune 30, 1991 - 'J"4 RePorE AssisEance for 15 NoEes to Uhe Schedule of Federal Financial SCHEDULE I - SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS - the AssisEance 1991 SCHEDULE II - STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR (1990) AUDIT F]NDINGS RELATING TO THE STUDE}TT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS GENERAL INFORMATION 27 z6 33 34 ^AnrHun ,/\NDERSEN x c (t> SC .AnnrunANnEuse INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROLS OF THE UNIVERSITY AS AN ENTITY To the Board of Control, University: Michigan Technological o f M I C H I G A I { T E C H N O L O G I C A LU N I V E R S I T Y statements We have audited the basic financial (the "University") as of and for the year ended June 30, 1991, and have issued our report thereon dated October 31, 1991. standards and accepted auditing We conducted our audit in accordance with generally Standards (fSAS audits contained in Government Auditing the standards for financial Those standards General of the United States. Revision) , issued by the Comptroller require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about misstatement. statements are free of material whether the basic financial statements of the In planning and performing our audit of the basic financial control University for the year ended June 30, 1991, we considered its internal procedures for the purpose of in order to determine our auditing structure statements and not to provide expressing our opinion on the basic financial control structure. assurance on the internal an and maintaining for establishing is responsible The management of the University estirnates and In fulfilling this responsibility, internal control structure. and related judgments by management are required to assess the expected benefits The objectives of an policies and procedures. structure costs of internal control are to provide management with reasonable, but not internal structure control assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use absolute, are executed in accordance with management's and that transactions or disposition, of financial to permit the preparation authorization and recorded properly Because of accepted accounting principles. statements in accordance with generally may errors or irregularities in any internal control structure, inherent limitations of the of any evaluation A1so, projection occur and not be detected. nevertheless structure to future periods is subject to the risk that procedures may become of the design or that the effectiveness inadequate because of changes in conditions p r o c e d u r e s m a y d e t e r i o r a t e . p o l i c i e s a n d and operation of -1 For the purpose of policies structure o we have classified this report, and procedures in the following the significant categories. internal control to ensure established the controls Reporting Cycle (including Financial i m p a c t on the m a t e r i a l that have a compliance with laws and regulations audit o f t h e statements and the results basic financial University's thereof) Treasury Cycle Revenue Cycle Payroll Expenditure CYcle Vendor Expenditure Cycle Conversion (Fixed Assets/Inventory) o Federal Grants Cycle Cvcle above, we obtained listed categories structure control For all of the internal p r o c e d u r es and determined p o l i c i e s a n d o f r e l e v a n t d e s i g n of the understanding risk. c ontrol a s s e s s e d a n d v r e p l a c e d i n o p e r a t i o n , whether they have been an disclose would not necessarily structure control of the internal Our consideration w e a k n esses m a t e r i a l b e m i g h t t h a t s t r u c t u r e control alf matters in the internal P u b l i c C e r t i f i e d o f I n s t i t u t e A m e r i c a n by the under standards established in which the design or condition weakness is a reportable A material Accountants. elements does s t r ucture c o n t r o l i n t e r n a l s p e c i f i c operation of one or nore of the in i r r e g u l a r ities o r e r r o r s r i s k t h a t t h e 1ow leve1 not reduce to a relatively being j n s t a t e m e n t s f i n a n c i a l b a s i c t o t h e r e l a t i o n amounts that would be material i n the p e r i o d e m p l o y e e s b y a t i m e l y audited may occur and not be detected within i n v olving m a t t e r s n o n o t e d W e f u n c t i o n s . assigned their normal course of performing m a t e rial b e t o w e c o n s i d e r e d t h a t and its operation structure control the internaL weaknesses as defined above. the internal However, we noted certain matters involving to the manageDent of the that ve have reported operation dated October 31' 1991. letter and its structure control in a separate University of the Board of Control members, This report is intended for the infornation Departnent Health and Human Services (the of the U.S. Uoiversity manag,e$ent, grantor agencies, and should not be used for any other Federal and cognizant agency) of this report' i n t e n d e d n o t l i r n it the distribution i s t o r e s t r i c t i o n purpose. This record. of which is a natter Public A/t',.rfui€, Michigan, Detroit, February 25, L992. ^AruHun NNDERSEN AtrruuttANpt tist,N o(it SC INDBPENDENTAUDITORS' REPORTON INTERNAL CONTROLS PROGRAMS OF THE UNIVERSTTY'SFEDERALEINAT.ICIALASSTSTANCE To the Board of Control, Michigan Technological University: statements o f M I C H I G A N T E C H N O L O G I C A LU N I V E R S I T Y We have audited the basic financial (the "University") as of and for the year ended June 30, 1991, and have issued our report thereon dated October 31, 1991. the standards, accepted auditing We conducted our audit in accordance with generally ( 1 9 8 8 S t a n d a r d s c o n t a i n e d i n G o v e r n m e n t A u d i t i n g standards for financial audits Revision) , issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, and the provisions of Higher Education and A-133, Audits of fnstitutions of OMBCircular A-133 require that Those standards and OMBCircular Institutions. Other Nonprofit t h e basic we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether financial misstatement and about whether the statements are free of material noncompliance with which would be University complied with laws and regulations, program. material financial assistance to a major federal statements of the In planning and performing our audit of the basic financial internal Universj.ty for the year ended June 30, 1991, we considered the University's procedures for the purpose of in oider to determine our auditing control structure statements and not to provide expressing on the basj-c financial our opinion structure. assurance on the internal control expended 97% of its total During the year ended June 30, 1991, the University, Assistance under its major Federal financial and noncash Federal Financial As required by OMBC i r c u l a r A - 1 3 3 , o u r c o n s i d e r a t i - o n o f assistance programs. internal structure also included control 1. cash the of the design and operation Tests of controls to evaluate the effectiveness policies and procedures that we considered control structure of internal material noncompliance with specific relevant to preventing or detecting general requirements, and requirements governing claims for requirements, advances and reimbursements and amounts claimed or used for matching that assistance major Federal financial are applicable to the University's programs, which are identified in the accompanying Schedule of Federal Our procedures were less Financi.al Assistance. necessary to render an opinion on these internal Accordingly, we do not express and procedures. in scope than would be policies structure control o p i n i o n . such an 2. Academic Financial Services (AFS) as servi.cer for utilizes The University of hle did not perform tests by the University. Perkins Loans adninistered o f of the design and operation to evaluate the effectiveness controls policies and procedures that would detect stfucture control internal to the University's materiaL noncompliance with requirements applicable Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the controls Perkins Loans. bv AFS. utilized 3. structure internal control of (a) the design'of Obtaining an understanding to Preventing or policies and procedures that we considered relevant noncompliance with specJ-fic requi.rements, general material detecting and requirements governing claims for advances and requirements, reimbursements and amounts claimed or used for matching that are applicable assistance programs, and (b) nonmajor Federal financial to the University's whether they have been placed in operation. an and maintaining for establishing is responsible The management of the University estimates and this responsibility, In fulfilling control internal structure. and related judgments by management are required to assess the expected benefits of an The objectives policies and procedures. control structure costs of lnternal but not are to provide management with reasonable, internalcontrol structure assurance (1) that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized absolute, are executed in accordance with d i s p osition, use or Q) that transactions of basic management's authorization and recorded properly to permit the preparation p r i n c i p les ' g e n e r a l l y a c c o u n t i n g a c c e p t e d i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h s t a t e m e n t s financial w i t h c o m p l i a n c e ( 3 ) p r o g r a n s i n m a n a g e d a r e F i n a n c i a l A s s i s t a n c e F e d e r a l and that in any internal Because of inherent limitations laws and regulations. applicable n o n c o m p liance may o f i n s t a n c e s o r i r r e g u l a r i t i e s , errors, control structure, of the e v aluation p r o j e c t i o n a n y o f A 1 s o , nevertheless occur and not be detected. m a y p r o c e d u r e s b e c o m e r i s k t h a t p e r i o d s t h e is subject to to future structure design t h e o f e f f e c t i v e n e s s o r t h a t t h e inadequate because of changes in conditions d e t e r i o r a t e . and procedures may and operation of policies For the purpose of policies structure we have classified this report, and procedures in the following Accounting Categories o o Control the significant categories. internal control- to ensure established the controls Reporting Cycle (including Financial inpact on the that have a material compliance with laws and regulations of the Federal financial assistance programs and the results University's audit thereof) Treasury Cycle o Revenue Cycle o Payroll Expenditure Cycle o Vendor Expenditure Cycle o Conversion (Fixed Assets/Inventory) o Federal Grants Cycle Cycle Adninistrative Control Categories (* = Not a p p l i c a b l e t o t h e U n i v e r s i t y ' s Federal financial assistance programs) o General Requirements Political activity Davis-BaconAct* Civil rights Cash management Relocation assistance and real property acquisitj-on* Federal financial reports Drug-Free Workplace Act Allowable costs Administrative requirements Specific Requirements - Types of services allowed or unallowed - Eligibility - Matching, 1evel of effort and/or earmarking Reporting Special requJ-rements(if Monitoring subrecipients applicable to specific programs) 1991 Indirect cost allocation Cl.aims for - advances and reimbursenents Amounts clained or used for natching For aL1 of the internal control structure categories listed above, we obtained an understanding of the design of re:levant policies and procedures and deternined uhether they have been placed in operation, and ne assessed control risk. Our consideration of the internal control structure would not necessarily disclose control structure that might be material weaknesses all natters in the internal of Certified Public under standards established by the American Institute Accountants. A material weakness is a reportable condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the specific internal control structure elements does in 1ow leve1 the risk that errors or irregularities not reduce to a relatively statements being to the basic financial amounts that would be material in relation audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the We noted no matters involving normal course of perforning their assigned functions. its that we considered to be nraterial structure oDeration control and the internal above. weaknesses as defined However, we noted certain natters involving the internal control structure and its operation that rre have reported to the management of the University in a separate letter dated October 31, 1991. This report is intended for the information of the Board of Control members' University management, the U.S. Departnent of Health and Human Services (the cognizant agency) and Federal grantor agencies, and should not be used for any other of this rePort, purpose. This restriction is not intended to limit the distribution which is a matter of public record. Detroit, Michigan, February 25, 1992. ^ARTHUR l\NDERSEN (it S(ANoetist,x.r. Ar<'rHuri INDEPENDENTAUDITORS' REPORTON COMPLIA}ICE OF THE UNIVERSIfi AS AI\I ENTITY To the Board of Control, Michigan Technological University: UNIVERSfTY statements of MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL We have audited the basic financial y e a r i s sued our (the "University") h a v e e n d e d o f a n d t h e J u n e 3 0 , 1 9 9 1 , a n d for as 1 9 9 1 . report thereon dated October 31, We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and t h e s t a n d a r d s f o r f i n a n c i a l a u d i t s c o n t a i n e d i n G o v e r n m e n tA u d i t i n g S t a n d a r d s ( 1 9 8 8 Those standards Revision) , issued by the Conptroller General of the United States. require that we plan and perforn the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. Conpliance with laws, regulations, contracts and grants applicable to the University of University management. As part of obtaining reasonable is the responsibility statements are free of material assurance about whether the basic financial compliance with certain nisstatement, we performed tests of the University's However, our objective was provisions of lavs, regulations, contracts and grants. not to provide an opinion on overall compliance with such provisions. The results of our tests indicate that, with respect to the itens tested, the University complied, in all material respects, with the provisions referred to in the preceding paragraph. With respect to items not tested, nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that the University had not complied, in all material respects, with those provisions. of the Board of Control members, This report is intended for the infornation Health and Human Servj-ces (the Departnent of University management, the U.S. grantor agencies, and should not be used for any other cognizant agency) and Federal of this report' i n t e n d e d t o l i m it the distribution purpose. This restriction is not which is a matter of public record. A/r..rfui€' Michigan, Detroit, February 25, L992. ^ARtttuR ,r\NDERSEN AriruL;nANnrnsrxcCo S( INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORTON COMPLIA}ICE WITH THE GENEML REQUTRE}IENTS APPLICABLE TO THE UNIVERSITY'S I'IAJORFEDERALFINANCTAL ASSISTANCEPROGRMS To the Board of Control, Michigan Technological University: p r o c e d u r e s t o t e s t M I C H I G A N T E C H N O L O G I C A LU N I V E R S I T Y ' S ( t h e We have applied compliance with the following requirements applicable to its major "Universityn) Federal financial programs, which are identified assistance in the accompanying Schedule of Federal Financial Assistance, for the year ended June 30, 1991. o Political o Davis-Bacon Act (not applicable assistance programs) o civil o Cash management activity to the University's 1991 Federal financial rights (not Relocation assistance and real property acquisition University's 1991 Federal financial assistance programs) Federal financial Drug-Free applicable to the reports Workplace Act A11owable costs Adninistrative requirements Our procedures were linited to the applJ.cable procedures described in the OMB's Draft Compliance Supplement for Audits of Universities and Other Nonprofit (dated May 1991). Institutions Our procedures were substantially less in scope than an audit, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion on the University's compliance with the requirements listed in the preceding paragraph. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. With respect to the itens tested, the results of those procedures disclosed no material instances of noncompliance with the requirenents listed in the first With respect to items not tested, nothing came to our paragraph of this report. had not conplied, in all attention that caused us to believe that the university However, the results of our procedures rnaterial respects, with those reguirenents. disclosed an immaterial instance of nonconpliance with those requirenents, which is - 1991. described in the accompanying Schedule of Findings of the Board of Control menbers, This report is intended for the infornation Health and Human Services (the of U.S. the Department manag,ement, University cognizant agency) and Federal grant,or agencies. and should not be used for any other of this report ' the distributlon is not inteRded to linit purpose. This restriction p u b l i c r e c o r d . which is a matter of Ad..rfu;€' Michigan, Detroit, February 25, 1992. A I{I"HUR ANDEI{SEN x c tl r 5( AtirHuti,\NDt'R*sl INDEPENDENTAUDITORS' REPORTON COMPLIANCEI'IITH APPLICABLETO THE TINIVERSITY'S SPECIFIC REQUTREMENTS MA.TORFEDERALFINANCIAL ASSISTANCEPROGRAT'IS To the Board of Control ' University: Michigan Technological (the "universityn) compliance w e h a v e a u d i t e d M I C H T G A NT E C H N O L O G T C AULN T V E R S T T Y ' s u n a l l o w ed' o r a l l o w e d ( 1 ) o f s e r v i c e s types with the reguirements governing ( 4 ) r e porting' e a r m a r k i n g , a n d / o r (3) matching, leve1 of effort (2) e1j-gibiiity, c o s t i n d i r e c t ( 6 ) Q ) monitoring subrecipients' (5) special requirements, ( 9 ) c laimed or a m o u n t s a n d (8) claims for advances and reimbursements, allocation, f i nancial F e d e r a l m a j o r to the university's used for matching that are applicable Federal o f S c h e d u l e a c c o m p a n y i n g in the which are identified ptogt"ts, assistanc. the o f r n a n a g e m e n t T h e 1 9 9 1 ' for the year ended June 30, Assistance, Financial r e q u i r e ments ' t h o s e w i t h compliance for the university's is responsible university r e q u i r e ments t h o s e w i t h is to express an opinlon on compliance Our responsibility based on our audit. standards ' the accepted auditing We conducted our audit in accordance with generally S t a n d a r ds (1988 in Government Auditing contained audits standards for financial the a n d ' S t a t e s General of the United Revision) , issued by the Comptroller E d u c ation and H i g h e r of A-133, Audits of Institutions provisions of oMB circular that r e quire A 1 3 3 T h o s e s t a n d a r d s a n d O I ' I BC i r c u l a r Institutions. Other Nonprofit m a t e rial w h e t h e r about we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance i n c l u d es A n a u d i t to above occurred ' noncompliance with the requirements referred t h o s e w i t h compliance evidence about the University's examining, on a test basis, f o r o u r We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis requirements. opinion. instance of of our audit procedures disclosed an immaterial The resufts is described w h i c h a b o v e ' t o r e f e r r e d r e g u i r e m e n t s nonconpliance with the instance of t h i s c o n s i d e r e d W e 1 9 9 1 . F i n d i n g s Schedule of r""orp"rying i s e x pressed in w h i c h c o m p l i a n c e , o n o p i n i o n o u r noncompliance in forning paragraPh. following in the the with the respects' complied, in all material the University In our opinion, Q) eligibility' o r u n a l l o w e d , ( 1 ) a l l o w e d s e r v i c e s o i types requif,ements governing (5) special ( 4 ) r e p o r t i n g ' e a r m a r k i n g , a n d / o r (3) matchj-ng, leve1 of effort, (8) claims Q) indirect cost allocation, requirenents, (6) nonitoring subrecipients, foi advances and reimbursenents, and (9) amounts.clained or used for matching that major Federal financial assistance programs for are applicabl.e to the University's the year ended June 30, 1991. This report is intended for the information of the Board of ControL nenbers ' University nanagement, the U.S. Department of Health and Hunan Services (the cognizant agency) and Federal grantor agencies, and should not be used for any other of this report, purpose. ThiS restriction is not intended to limit the distribution which is a natter of public record. Ad.-,fui€. Detroit, Michigan, February 25, 1992. A RTHUR AN DER.SEN AnrHunAxpensrxs(-cl.SC INDEPENDENTAUDITORSI REPORTON THE I.'NIVERSITY'S COI'TPLIANCE }TTTH REQUTRE}TENTS APPLICABLE TO NONI{AJOREEDERAI,EINAI.ICIAL ASSTSTANCB PROGRAM TRANSAETTONS To the Board of Control. Michigan TechnoJ.ogical University: In connection with our audit of the 1991 basic financial statements of MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY(the "University") and with our study and evaluation of the University's internal control systems used to administer Federal financial a s s i s t a n c e p r o g r a t n s , a s r e q u i r e d b y O M BC i r c u l a r A - 1 3 3 , A u d i t s o f I n s t i t u t i o n s of Higher Education and Other Nonprofit Institutions, we selected certain transactions applicable to certain nonmajor Federal financial assj.stance programs for the year ended June 30. 1991. A s r e q u i r e d b y O M BC i r c u l a r A - 1 3 3 , w e h a v e p e r f o r m e d a u d i t i n g p r o c e d u r e s t o t e s t compliance with the requirements governing (1) types of services allowed or (3) rnatching, 1eve1 of effort and/or earmarking unallowed, Q) eligibility, requirenents, (4) special reporting requirements and (5) special tests and provisions, that are applicable to those transactions. Our procedures hrere substantially less in scope than an audit, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion on the University's Accordingly, compliance with these requirenents. we do not express such an opinion. With respect to the itens tested, the results of those procedures disclosed no material instances of noncompliance r+rith the requirements listed in the preceding paragraph. With respect to itens not tested, nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that the University had not conplied, in all naterial respects, with those requirements. However, the results of our procedures disclosed an immaterial instance of noncompliance with those requirements, which is described in the accompanying Schedule of Findings 1991. This report j-s intended for the information of the Board of Control members, U n i v e r s i t y m a n a g e n e n t , t h e U . S . D e p a r t m e n t o f H e a l t h a n d H u m a nS e r v i c e s ( t h e cognizant agency) and Federal grantor agencies, and should not be used for any other purpose. This restriction is not intended to limit the distributlon of this report, which is a matter of public record. A/r..rfui€. Detroit, Michigan, February 25 , 1992. ^AIiI'FIL]I( NN DEI{SIJN .vCrt SC Aursuu AtLtt'tist-x TNDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORTON THE SCHEDULEOF FEDERALFINA}ICIAL ASSISTANCE To the Board of Control, Michigan Technological University: We have audited the basic financial statements o f M I C H I G A N T E C H N O L O G I C A LU N M R S f T Y (the "University") as of and for the year ended June 30, 1991, and have issued our report thereon dated October 31, 1991. These financial are the statenents responsibility of the University's nanagement. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the basic financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the standards for financial audits contained in Governrnent Auditing Standards (1988 Revision) , issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the basic financial statements are free of material misstatenent. An audit includes exanining' on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the basic financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estinates rnade by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation. financial statenent lJe believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements of the University The accompanying Schedule of Federal taken as a whole. Financial Assistance for the year ended June 30, 1991, is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. The information in that Schedule has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, is presented, fairly in all material respects, in relation to the basic financial statenents taken as a who1e. Ad-.,fui4. Detroit, Michigan, February 25, L992 MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY SCHEDULEOF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED .]UNE 30. 1991 Ens.ldiblg STI'DENT FINAI\CIAL AID U . S . D E P A R T M E N TO F E D U C A T I O N : PELL College Work St,udy Supplemental Educational Opport.unity Perkins Loans 5 2,1,76,37'J, 3 3 6 ,4 8 5 2 L 9, 4 6 0 4,614,031_ cranE s 1, 3 4 6 , 3 4 ' l * Total Student Financial Aid RESEARCH AIYD DEVELOPMENT U.S DEPARTMENTOF DEFENSE U.S. ARMY TANK AUTOMOTIVE COMMAND: D A A E O 7- 8 9 - C - R 0 7 1 D A A E o 7- 8 7 - C - R 0 1 2 91,7,9'1.5 >2,)oL 10,456 752 DAAA21 B9M2659 D A A 30 7 - 9 1 - V - C 1 0 8 1,,02]- , 684 U.S. ARMY COLD REGIONSRESEARCH: D A C A 8 9- 9 0 - K - 0 0 0 8 D A C A 8 9- 8 9 - K - 0 0 1 2 DAALO3-90-c-0151 D A C A 8 9- 9 0 - K - 0 0 0 6 D A C A 8 9- 9 0 - K - 0 0 1 0 D A C A 8 9- 9 0 - K - 0 0 0 9 DACA89-90 -yt-'1,292 DAAK70-90 -P-'J,924 D A C A 8 9- 8 9 - M - 3 0 0 1 88,594 7 2, 8 L ' 7 2 9, 9 2 4 24,7'J-1, 10,2I7 8,624 4,0I5 4,002 2,!49 245,053 The accompanying notes are an integral - 1 5- parE of Ehis schedule. UNIVERSITY MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL OF FEDERALFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SCHEDULE FOR THE YEARENDEDJUNE 30. 1991 (Continued) Exnenditures Federal Asencv/Grant Number RESEARCII AI\D DEVELOPMENT (Continued) OF DEFENSE(Continued) U.S DEPARTMENT U.S. ARMY DCASR: D A A E o -78 7 - G - R 0 0 4 D A A B o -79 0 - G - R 0 0 1 D A A E o -78 7 - G -0 0 0 4 DAAHo1-9-P-1143 IPA R07-91-0064 DAAEOT-87-GROO4 5 76 , 9 3 L 2r2,085 7 2, 2 7 7 2,9I4 2,864 2.027 809.032 U . S . A R M Y- F O R TB E L V O I R : D A A K 7 0 - 8 9 --P2 4 9 7 FUNDINGFROMOTHERS U.S. ARMYPASS THROUGH AM GENERALCORPOMTION(Purchase Order Numbers): 6 3 1 7 8 8a n d 6 3 3 1 1 1 6 2 7 2 2 LW A 6 2 8 8 6 0W A 55 A7 1 4 7, 3 9 7 21,854 L 2 +, 9 2 2 ITY : NORTHWESTERN UNIVERS 0 6 5 0- 3 5 0- W 4 8 4 M T U 16,571 DIVISION: BATTELLECOLUMBUS T 2 3 9 6( 1 4 9 3 )- 1 3 4 7 12396 SUPL/I05 7,96L +,2+/ 12,208 The acconpanying notes a r e a n i n t e g r a l -16- part of this schedule. MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY SCHEDUL4 OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASS.ISTANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30. (Continued ) 1991 Exoenditures tr'ederel Agencv/Grent Number RESEARCH AhTDDEVELOPMENT (Continued) U . S D E P A R T M E N TO F D E F E N S E ( C o n t i n u e d ) T E T E C H N O L O G YI,N C . : Agreenent 1190 Agreement 910315 5,226 3.540 8,766 FMC CORPORATION: PTl2096-00 P T 1 2 4 3 -50 0 2,85r 1,530 4,381 U.S. AIR FORCE: 74 , 0 4 6 F086s35-90-C-0063 FUNDINGFROMOTHERS: U.S. AIR FORCEPASSTHROUGH UNIVERSALENERGYSYSTEMS,INC. s-210-11MG-003 2 L, 6 8 2 D Y N E T I C S ,I N C . : 1 3 4 3I - A 7 8, 8 4 2 THE ANALYTIC SCIBNCESCORPORATION: s u B 9 11 1 2 D 0 / 1 0 1 2,778 ASSOCIATES,INC. : APPLIED RESEARCH ARA-ss71-90-KRC r.707 The accompanying notes are a n i n t e g r a l -t7 - part of this schedule. MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY SCHEDULEOF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30. ( Continued ) 1991 Federal Asencv/GrqtrrtNumber Exoenditures RESE^ARCH AIYDDEVELOPMENT (Continued) U.S DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE(Continued) U.S. NAVY OFFICE OF NAVALRESEARCH: N 0 0 0 1 4 - 8 9 - J- 1 9 6 6 1100014-89-J-1601 N00014-89-J-7326 N62269-90-C-0272 r23 , r92 9 6, 3 9 2 72,876 6 6. 6 9 r ?qq U . S . N A V Y P A S ST H R O U GFUNDING H FROM OTHERS ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY: E06s9s-88-C-001 8 0 6 5 9 s- 8 8 - C - 0 0 2 151 351,611 9 2, 4 3 7 4 4 4, 0 4 2 NATIONALRESEARCH COUNC]L: S H R P - 8 8 - H 2 0A 4O 3 9 8, 2 6 r NASA-LEWISRESEARCH CENTER: N A G3 - 5 6 0 S U P / I 8 N A G3 - 1 1 0 9 S U P / l l N A G3 - 1 1 0 9 S U P / I 2 N C C l- 1 4 5 N A G 3 - s 1 9S U P / 1 8 N C C 3 . 1 8 3S U P L / I I NAc3- 216 SUPL/f 1s N A G3 - 1 0 1 7 75,740 71,321 2r,867 3 7, 0 0 0 13,738 2,317 1,556 718 2 2 4, 2 5 7 The accompanying notes are an integral -18- part of this schedule. MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY S C H E D U L EO F F E D E R A L F I N A N C I A L A S S I S T A N C E FOR THE YEAR ENDEDJUNE 30. ( Continued ) 199I Fedeial Afencv/Grant Number Exoenditures RESEARCHAl{D DEVELOPMENT(Continued) U.S DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE(CONtiriUEd) HEADQUARTERS: NASA NGT- 7os 14 SUPL /12 N A S W4-4 8 6 NAG3- 711 SUPL/fO8 23,73r 2 2, t 6 0 s Rqq 5 1, 7 9 0 NATIONALSECURITYAGENCY: M D A 9 0-49 0 - H - 1 0 2 6 1 3, 9 1 6 OTHERPRSSTNNOUGH CONTMCTS UNIVERSALTECHNOLOGY CORPOMTION: suB s476-07-0s-1 3 5, 6 3 8 HONEYWELL I N, C . : l fs tt g tz - o w l f s t t g + t- o s 10,158 1,807 11,965 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN: 7. 4799s AMD/Io1 2t5022 43,820 JOJ 44, L83 The accompanying notes a r e a n i n t e g r a l -19- part of this schedule. MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY SCHEDULE OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDEDJUNE 30. (Continued ) I99I Federal Asencv/Gr:ant Number Exnenditures RESEARCH AIYD DEVELOPMEhIT (Continued) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURF U . S . F O R E S T R YS E R V I C E : Unknown L73,077 6 9, 1 1 3 42,327 39,099 6,498 2,27I 9 5, 6 1 9 s3,766 42,93r 2 8, 2 4 9 s,000 7,996 s91 2r0 A/i 88 -33szr -408s 90-3729t-5708 c/i s9 -34171-4384 8 8 - 3 4 1 5 8- 3 2 7 4 / i a z- r s r v - 9 - 0 2 7 8 AGR 23 -448 AMDII} cooP AGR23-448 I N T - 9 0 - 5 0 4 - C o A1 cN /is6Ar-9-o13sl A G R M T0 1 0 8 9 1 cooP /128-c9-s1r P O / l4 3 - s 4 A T - 0 0 3 0 c00P/f23-s83 U S D A - A R-SS A A 58-43YK-0-0049 FEDrD/f 23-91-01 2 3 - 88 - 20 AMEND/12 R910-CS-90-002 Challenge 050490 Letter 040591 A / l 8 9 - 3 4 1 s 8- 4 2 3 3 e/f es-34ls8 -4234 91-34158-5887 19,8s3 65,250 9,038 3 0 . 2 77 14 q54 r0, s24 z+,zzt 2L,597 1,366 7 5 7, 8 3 3 The accompanying notes are an integral -20- part of this schedule. MICHIGAN. TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY SCqEDI'LE OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE F O R T H E Y E A R E N D E DJ U N E 3 0 . (Continued ) l99t Federal Ag>ncv/Grant lYumber Exnenditures R'ESEARCH AND DEVELOPMEITT (Continued) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY D E F G o-58 9 E R 7 5 15 4 DEFGo2-878R45315 DEACz2-88PC888s6 DEFGo 2 - 86ER4s255 OF-69 R W HECKEL 510,121 r 4 6. 2 6 6 6s,303 3 2, 0 r 4 L7.073 770,771 T F E N E R G YP A S S T H R O U G HF U N D I N G : U . S . D E P A R T } , I E NO M A R T I N M A R I E T T A E N E R G YS Y S T E M S , I N C . 79,620 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION cr /l DMR-8808294 'I u s E - 8 9 s 3 5 0A 4Mo1 1Sq 9 9, 2 0 8 83,463 8 3, 2 6 3 77,092 74 , 4 9 8 6 4, 5 6 0 5 2, 0 9 8 4 2, 2 3 8 39,776 3 7, 2 9 ) . 34,046 EAR-8916492 DMR-8922824 D M R - 8 8 1 5 0 4 MOD2 9 EAR-8916323 M r P - 8 9 1 2 9 9 0AMO1 DrR-8921936 ECS-8913663 AMO4 E A R - 9 0 5 2 3 2 AMDl 8 c E S 8 8 0 0 4 59 DMR-9015665 PHY-89s0926 u s B - 9 1 5 2 72 2 cTS-8910518 MSM-8910012 E A R - 8 8 0 3 7 4 5AMifi c T S- 9 0 0 9 51 8 EAR-8916932 DCB-9020773 The accompanying notes ?R ?? 7so 3 2, 8 0 2 32,341 2 9, 0 4 9 2 7. 6 5 0 25,046 25,037 2 3, 6 2 0 are an integral -2I- part of this schedule. Federal Asencv/Grant Number RESEARCH AM DEVDLOPMENT (Continued) N A T I O N A L S C I E N C E F O U N D A T I O N( C o n t i n u e d ) BSR-871609s AMD2 2 0, 6 6 0 15,064 1 1, 4 6 1 11,200 11,171 1n ssa 8,803 c c R - 8 8 2 3 0 3 rM o D 1 M I P - 8 7 7 0 7 5 7A M o 2 DDM-900260s -8803998 DMB P H Y - 8 9 1 7 7 4 6A M D l cES - 8858s26 usE - 8950504 ocB- 87 22960 M S S - 8 8 2 0 1 7 2A M I I L I P A A G R1 I 1 4 8 9 rNT-9017063 rNT - 89 14847 DMS-9100829 , r N T -8 9 7 5 8 2 7 R S?? 7,439 , 6,683 6,557 4 , 4 76 3.729 . 2,077 2,009 I ,452 crs-91tr244 EAR-9017821 JUO usE-8B54lss rNT-8914718 P H Y - 8 s 0 6 1 7A7M / i l 284 153 487 1, 188,094 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION FEDERAL PASS THROUGHFUNDING FROM OTHERS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA: vR6427 4-0 C/0/101 v864274-O 2 9, 6 9 0 la ?1.4 44,008 The accompanying notes are an integral -22- part of this schedule. M I C H I G A N T E C H N O L O G I C A LU N I V E R S I T Y SCHEDULEOF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDEDJUNE 30. (Continued ) I99I Federal Asencv/Grant Nurnber Exoenditures RESEARCH AIYD DEVELOPMENT (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR NATIONALPARK SERVICE: 607s-0325-188-90 cA-6310-0-8008M1 c A - 6 0 0 0 - 6 - 8 0 1 3M 3 cA-6310-9-0001 cA-6310-8-8034 PX-6310-9-0432 cA-63r0-8-8034 M1 cA-6140-7-8033 cA-611s=6-8008M3 P X - 6 3 1 0 r- - 0 3 0 4 6 0 7 5 - 0 3 2 5 - 1 8 88 9 C A - 6 0 , 0 0 - 8 - 8 0 3M 0I c A - 6 0 0 0 - 9 - 8 0 0 7M 1 cA-6000-6-8015M/14 c A - 6 0 0 0- 9 - 8 0 2 2 130,s06 4 2, 8 3 1 3 9. 4 3 2 3 9 , 1 77 2 7 , 0 76 15 151 r0, 600 1, 0 0 2 669 r87 3 2, 0 2 6 8,s68 2,846 1,909 L,706 347.686 PICTURED ROCKS NATIONAL LAKESHORE: c x 6 0 0 0- 1 ' 0 0 0 4 t! PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY: R-816894-01-0 cR-815683-01-0 cR-814319-02-I Illinois S h r S( F e d e r a l P a s s T h r o u g h F u n d i n g ) s u b / l s o - 1 6 8 A M DI 7 \'l 8s,099 28,473 19,177 19,516 L 5 2, 2 6 5 The accompanying notes are an integral -23- part of this schedule. MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY SCHEDULEOF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTAI'IqE IOR THE YEAR ENpEp JUNE 30. (Continued) I . 1991 Fedenal AsencvlGrant Numlrer ErpesdifsEes RESEARCH AI{D DEVELOPMENT (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR (Continued) BUREAUOF MINES: G 11 0 4 126 Gr004126 . P0 203201 GIII4L26 GLI94L26 I12,005 14 sO4 17,858 I4,6t6 1s8 'I U.S. BUREAUOF MINES FEDERALPASSTHROUGH FUNDINGFROM OTHERS THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY: USDITPSU T -4 2 - 5 5 9 USDITPSU.T42-427 U S D I T P S- U I42. 639 70 ??l 87, r89 26,543 1 3, 7 0 1 r 2 7, 4 3 3 U . S . G E O L O G I C A LS U R V E Y : '90-4420-0336 U . S . D E P A R T M E N TO F T R A N S P O R T A T I O N 90-1/88-0008 LVO, ZJ / 9r-1l88-0008 100,3r2 206,549 The accompanyingnotes are an integral - 24- part of this schedule. M I C H I G A N T E C H N O L O G I C A LU N I V E R S I T Y SCHEDULEOF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE YEAR ENpEp JUNF 30. ( Contlnued ) 1991 Federal Asencv/Grant Number Exoenditures RESEARCH AhID DEVELOPMEI{"I (Continued) U . S . D E P A R T M E N TO F H E A L T H A N D H U M A NS E R V I C E S HEALTH EFFECTS INSTITUTE: Agreement 89- f0 - ? Agreement 89- l0 99 .7 60 92 .600 r92,360 NAT]ONALTI'ISTITUTE OF HEALTH: s R O l 0 H 0 2 6 1 -10 2 5 R01 0H026rr.-03 IR15AR39940-01A2 4 7. 3 r 0 ?\ aso 4 ,857 88,026 < Total Research and Development W 7t rt 700 0qQ* OTHER T F EDUCATION U . S . D E P A R T M E NO 16A900i3 90 ACT3 Pr 8 3 D 9 0 0 6 5 GT /lPo 16A90013 44 , 106 L7.483 r,606 M I C H I G A N D E P A R T M E N TO. F E D U C A T I O N P.A. 102 0F 1986 P.A. 219 0F 1986 5 ,469 rr3,330 U.S. ARMY - MAINTENANCE D A A 3 0 7- 9 0 - C - R 0 0 2 The accompanying notes 5 3, 8 6 2 are an integral -25- part of this schedule MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY S C H E D U L EO F F E D E R A L F I N A N C I A L A S S I S T A N C E FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30. (Continued ) 1991 Exoenditures Federal Asencv/Grant Number OTHER (Continued) P A S S T H R O U G HF U N D I N G F F , O MO T } I E R S U . S . D E P A R T M E N TO F C O M M E B C E T ^ J A Y NS ET A T E U N I V E R S I T Y : P153961 Pl4l186 Pr53962 Pl 4 l I 1 8 5 47,4r9 30.892 2 9, 6 9 6 ?? )1) ? \ IrO2 M I C H I G A N D E P A R T M E N TO F C O M M E R C E : 91-CGA-0094 M D O CG A N T 9 0 - 6 9 3 6ONANB9DO948 2 0, 6 4 r 19,83s P E N I N S U L AC O P P E RI N D U S T R I E S I N C . : Agreement 080189 2,t 49 S M A L L B U S I N E S SA D M I N I S T R A T I O N : SBA 9049 MA-86 4,384 U . S . D E P A R T M E N TO F L A B O R VJESTERN U P MANPOWER CONSORTIUM: Contract 89-4005 8,138 458,244 Total Other NONCA.SH A.SSI STAITICE $ 1 , 4 9 6, 2 2 9 " STAFFORD LOANS $ 1 7 .r 0 0 , 7 7 8 TOTAL FEDER.AL FINANCIAL ASSISTAI{CE n Maj or program The accompanying notes are an integral -26- part of this schedule. M I C H I G A N T E C H N O L O G I C A LU N I V E R S I T Y N O T E S T O T H E S C H E D U L EO F F E D E R A L F I N A N C I A L A S S I S T A N C E FOR THE YEAR ENDEDJUNE 3.0. 199I (1) S C O P EO F A U D I T P U R S U A N TT O O M B C I R C U L A RA - 1 3 3 (the University of Michigan Technological A11 Federal grant operatlons A 1 33 audit C i r c u l a r O M B are included in the scope of the "University"), , ' S i n g l e a c c o r d a n ce with i n p e r f o r m e d (the The Single Audit was Audit"). A u d i t s of f o r S i n g l e the provisions of the OMB's Compliance Supplement D r a f t t h e ( S e p t e n b e r a n d 1990 Revision) State and Local Governments N o n p r o f it and Other Compliance Supplement for Audits of Universities ( t h e C o m pliance (dated May 1991) Institutions "Compliance Supplements"). testing of all general requirements, as described in the Compliance SuPPlements, was Performed. The U.S. Department of Health and HumanServices has been deslgnated cognj.zant agency for the Single Audit' University's (2) as the FISCAL PERIODAUDITED Student Audits have been performed in prior years of the Universit.v's Financial Assistance (SFA) Programs in accordance with applicable audit occurring during the year ended guldes. The audit of program transactions J u n e 3 0 , I 9 9 1 , h a s b e e n p e r f o r m e d P u r s u a n t t o Q M BC i r c u l a r A - 1 3 3 . (3) O F S I G N I F I C A N T A C C O U N T I N GP O L I C I E S SUMMARY Basis of Presentation The accompanying Schedule of Federal Flnancj.al Assistance includes all during the year which had activlty Federal grants to the University financiaf f o r r e c o r d e d a r e r e v e n u e s G r a n t 1 9 9 I . ended June 30, for g u a lifications t h e m e t h a s U n i v e r s i t y t h e p u r p o s e s w h e n reporting grant F e d e r a l a g a i n s t a p p l i e d g r a n t s a r e F e d e r a l g r a n t s . the respective the t o a p p l y p r o p e r l y w h e n t h e y a v a i l a b l e r e v e n u e funds to the extent of grant. SCHEDULE I M I C H I G A N T E C H N O L O G I C A LU N I V E R S I T Y S C H E N I I I , EO F F T N N T N G S- 1q9'I Questioned Program Findine Finding /fl Observation We noted during our audit of the University's financial statements that the University's decentrallzed in a loss responsibility structure resulted and reporting of accountabili.ty and a lack of information being reported to the Board of Control and to upper management. The direct impact of this was that the system of internal accounting controls could not ensure that commitments were in the University's adequately or accurately reflected financial accounting, reporting and cash nanagement systems until the time that invoices were actuaLLy paid. This presented the risk that expenditures could exceed f u n d i n g was not budgeted anounts, or that adequated available to support expenditures. This matter hras consi.dered in our review of the University's administration of its Federaf financial l,le noted that , with respect to the assistance programs. grants tested, had reimbursement type the University and the impact of the finding above was to contracts, delay reimbursement to the University. l^lealso noted that in situations where expenditures exceeded amounts authorized under grants, that rej-mbursement was not requested until the amounts were properly bj.11able under grant. an amendment to the original ' The reimbursement effect is either nominal not reimbursable or not ascertainable. a^^+^ ---Ir-W!l-- SCHEDULE I ( Continued ) MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY S C H E D U L EO F F I N D I N G S . i99I Questioned Costs Program University Response monitoring is re-,establishing a centralized The University be for expenditures will function where all requisitions reasonableness and budgetary reviewed for appropriateness, prior to granting approval for the requested availability expenditure. Finding /12 Observation procedures to has instituted We noted that the University and obtain audit reports fron them monitor subrecipients We noted o f O M BA - 1 3 3 . in accordance with the provisions audit rePorts at the time of our audit that subrecipient to We encourage the University had not yet been received. the need to continue to communicate to subrecipients s u b g r a n t s i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h O M BA obtain audits of their 133. Uhiversity Response Procedures have been inplemented to obtain audit reports Since the provisions of A-133 from our subrecipients. many of our subrecipients provide for biannual audits, on their have elected the biannual method of reporting In r e ceived ' as r,Jell as subgrants they have expenditures, p e r f o r m e d Arthur Andersen & Co.'s audit was addition; We prior to the subnission deadline for single audits. in the be diligent have procedures in place and will of single audit reports from monitoring and collection subrecipients. * The reimbursement not reinbursable is either nominal effect or not ascertainable. SCHEDULE I (Continued ) M I C H I G A N T E C H N O L O G I C A LU N I V E R S I T Y S C H E D U L EO F F I N D I N G S - Progrem 1991 Findins Finding {13 Observation has not received CFDA numbers We noted that the University As a -result, we were on all grants with Federal monies. required to expand our audit procedures to audit more grants than may otherwise have been required in order to ensure that audit scopes were adequate and in accordance This has resulted in with the provisions of oMB A-133. than would have otherwise higher cost to the University been required. We recommend that Research Services personnel reguest the appropriate CFDA numbers at the time g r a n t a is inj.tiated. UniversitJr Response has begun requesting Catalog of Federal The University Domestic Assj.stance (CFDA) numbers at the time nevr grants process Improvements to this requesting are initiated. being implemented. are currently granting Then University has found that many federal Therefore, with CFDA numbers. agencies are unfamiliar with these agencies are unable to provide the University such numbers. * The reimbursement effect nominal, is either not reimbursable or not ascertainable. Questioned Costs SCHEDULE I (Continued ) MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY S C H E D U L EO F F I N D I N G S - Program Findinp /14 Finding Student Financial Assistance I99I High school diplomas or the equivalent are not maintained in admissions files prior to the 89-90 enrollment year. University Response The Admissions Office staff now retains documentation to (C.f.n. high school graduation or the equivalent verify or other examination). F4nding Student Financial Assistance /15 The University applies financial aid to student's accounts before the time allowed by the Federal regulations. However, no funds are disbursed directlv to students until the time a1lowed. Unj.versity Response As we have done in the past, we vil1 continue to draw down Federal funds within the appropriate time period prior to classes, and we will continue to withhold disbursement of funds to students until the first day of classes. i The reimbursement effect is either nominal, not reimbursable or not ascertainable. -31- Questioned Costs SCHEDULE I (Continued ) M T C H I G A NT E C H N O L O G I C A LU N I V E R S I T Y S C H E D U L EO F F I N D I N G S (Continued ) Proeram _ El n a l 1 n p Finding Student Financial Assistance 1991 #6 Refund calculations are not standardized, increasing the risk of error. V J en o t e d n o e r r o r s i n r e f u n d c a l c u l a t i o n s which uere tested. however. Universi!.rr Response The University has agreed upon a standard form to record refund calculations and thls form will be used beginning year. with the f991-92 fiscal * The reimbursement not reimbursable effecE is either nominal or not ascertainable. Questioned Costs S C H E D U L EI I 1990 Audit of Student Financiaf during the fiscal There were five findings loan of Stafford to high school diploma, application Assistance Programs relating has implemented The Universlty aid award notification. fr,rnds; refunds and financial similar events of noncompliance unless otherwise noted on procedures to dlininate the Schedule of Findings for 1991 MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY GENERAL INFORMATION H O U G I I T O N ,M I C H I G A N 4 9 9 3 1 Arthur Andersen One DetroiE CenEer 500 Woodward Avenue Derroit, Michigan Mark W. Mehall EngagemenEPartner: ( 3 1 3 ) Tel No.: 596-9000 'the audiE was performed beEween May 27, 1991 and February 25, ' 1 , 9 9 2 , a E t h e UniversiLy's faciliE j-es, as f o11ows: Locat i on FloughEon, Michigan DescripEion of Faci liLv UniversiEy I'lichigan Technological AdminisErat ive Bui lding Commission on tligher OrganizaLion: .l.nsLiLuEion,s; AcCrediting CenLral Associat,ion of Colleges and Secondary Schools. DaEes VisiEed 5/21/91-2/2s/92 EducaEion of The Universit,y an SFA ConsulEanE. does not uEilize The University as servicer for t,he Perkins Loan Program. DaEa corporaLion uEilizes the North AFSA payment processing and delinquenE account utilizes Ehe billing, The University process of AFSA. The UniversiEy received the service cenE,er review follow-up performed by KPMG Peat Marwick for Ehe year ended June 30, L991 whj.ch review reasonable assurance EhaE the indicaCed EhaE the degree of compliance provided were achieved. objecEives Assistance of Ehe Federal Financial Records for the account,ing and adminisf,rat,ion on Ehe Campus of Michigan Building programs are located at Ehe AdminisEraEion 49931-. Houghton, Michigan University, Technological