I I I MICH]GAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY OMB CIRCULAR A-].33 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUPPI,EMENTARYFINAI{CIAI, REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Paqe Number Descrintion INTRODUCTION of Table 111 Contents INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORTS ON INTERNAIJ CONTROI'S - The University - Federal ia L-Z as an EntitY Financial Assistance 3-5 Programs INDEPENDENT AUDITORS ' REPORITS ON COMPIJIA}ICE - The University - Federal . as an EntiLY Financial Assistance Applicable Requirements ceneral Federal Financial- Assistance - - the University- to the Major Programs . to the Major Requirements Appticable specific Programs Assistance Federal Financial . Requirements Applicable Assistance Financial SCHEDUIJE OF FEDERAIJ FINAIICIAI, - Programs of tndependent Financial 9-r-0 L1_ ASSISTADICE Report Auditors' Assistance Schedule of Federal- FinancialYear Ended June 30. 1993 Notes for to Nonmajor Federal Program Transactions 7-B on Schedule Assistance of Federal L2 for the LJ_26 to the Schedule of Federal Financiaf the Year Ended June 30' 1993 I Assistance 29 MICHIGAN TECHNOI,OGICALUNIVERSITY OMB CIRCUI,AR A-133 SUPPLEMENTARYFINANCIAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS I ^^^r.i t uvlr hrr^/q L +rtqeg, \ Description SCHEDULE I - SCHEDUITEOF FINDINGS 1993 SCHEDUIJE II - STATUS OF PRIoR-YEAR (1-992) AUDIT FINDINGS REIJATING TO FEDEILAIJ FINASTCIAIJ ASSISTASICE PROGRAMS SCIIEDUIJE III . AUDITS PERFOR}IEDBY OTHER ORGANIZATIONS GENERAIJ INFORMATION 3B t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e.Cc. AnruunAxoenseN INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROLS OF THE UNIVERSITY AS AN ENTITY To the Board of Control-, University: Michigan Technological of MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY statements the basic financial We have audited (the .University") as of and for the years ended June 30, 1993 and 1992, and have thereon dated August 20, 1993. issued our report and standards accepted auditing We conducted. our aud,its in accordance with generally (1988 Standards in Government Auditinq audits contained for financial the standards Those standards General of the United States. issued by the Comptroller Revision), about assurance reasonable perform to obEain the audit that we plan and. require m i s s t a t e m e n t . m a t e r i a l f r e e o f a r e s t a t e m e n t s f i n a n c i a l t h e b a s i c whether statements of the and performinlJ our audits of the basic financial In planning c o n sidered its internal w e a n d 1 9 9 2 , y e a r s 3 0 , 1 9 9 3 J u n e e n d e d for the University procedures for the purpose of in ord.er to d,etermine our auditing structure control and not to provlde statements' expressrngf our opinion on the basic financials t r u c t u r e . controlassurance on the internalan and maintaining for establishing is responsible The management of the University a n d e s t i m a t e s t h i s r e s p o n s i b i l i t y , In fulfilling structure. controf inLernal and related judgments by management are required to assess the expected benefits of an The objectives policies and procedures. structure controf costs of internal not but reasonable, management with are to provide structure control internal use absol-ute, assurance that assets are safeguarded. against loss from unauthorized are executed in accordance with managfement's and that transactions or d.isposition of basic financialto permit Lhe preparation and record.ed properly authorization principles. Because of generally accounting accepLed in accordance with statements may errors or irregularities structure, control in any internal limitations inherent of the of any evaluation A1so, projection occur and not be d.etected. neverthel-ess that procedures may become to the risk is subject to future periods structure of the design the effectiveness o r L h a t i n c o n d i t i o n s c h a n g e s o f b e c a u s e inadequate and procedures may deteriorate. of policies and operation control internal the significant we have classified For the purpose of this report, to ensure established the controls including policies and procedures, structure impact on the University's that have a material compliance with laws and regulations to the according t h ereof, a u d i t s o f t h e r e s u l t s t h e statements and basic financial c a t e g o r i e s : following Cycle Reporting Financial laws and regulations with staEements ) Treasury to ensure (includes established controls impact on the basic that have a material Cycle Revenue Cycle 1 compliance financial I I I I I I I I I I . Payroll . Vendor . conversion ' Federal ExPenditure (Fixed Grants Assets/Inventory) Cycle CYcle disclose would not necessarily structure control of the internal Our consideration w e a k n esses m a t e r i a l b e that might controL structure in the internal alI matters P u b l i c o f C e r t i f i e d I n s t i t u t e A m e r i c a n by the under standards established in which the design or condition weakness is a reportable A material Accountants. efements does conLrol structure internal of one or more of the specific operation in i r r e g u l a r ities o r e r r o r s t h a t 1ow level the risk not reduce to a reLativefy bei-ng s E a t e m e n t s f i n a n c i a l t o t h e b a s i c r e l a t i o n i n amounts that would be material in the p e r i o d e m p l o y e e s b y a t i m e l y w i t h i n d e t e c t e d b e a n d n o t o c c u r m a y audited involving We noted no matters assigned. functions. their normal course of performing material be to consider we that its operation and structure conLrol the internalweaknesses as defined above. and its structure control the internal matters involving However, we nored certain separate in a University the of the manaqement to reported we have that operation c o m m u n i c a t i o n d a t e d s e p t e m b e r 2 4 , 1 - 9 9 3. of the Board members, University This reDort is intended for t,he information This is not intended a gencies. F e d e r a l o t h e r a n d c o g n i z a n t t h e management, which is a matter of public record' of this report, the distribution arAtu;6 I I I I I I I CYcle above, we obtained an listed caLeqories structure control For all of the internal and whether they policies and. procedures of the design of relevant understand.ing r i s k ' c o n t r o l and we assessed have been placed in operation, t t CYcIe ExPenditure n^rvai ts us L! v f - , M t , -i a - tl,-t r i ny -=I'I August 20, 7 1993. .) to limit I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e.Co. Anruun ANpeRSEN INDEPENDENTAUDIToRS,REPoRToNINTERNALcoNTRoLSoF THE UNIVERSITY' s FEDER?\L FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PRoGRj\Ms To the Board of Contro], University: Michigan Technological of MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY statements We have audited. the basic financialas of and for the years ended June 30, 1993 and 7992, and have (the ,,University,,) thereon dated August 20, 1-993. We have also audited the issued our report to its major Federal financialapplicable compliance with reguiiements University,s dated August 20' 1"993' t h e r e o n r e p o r t o u r h a v e i s s u e d p t o g t . * s a n d . assistanc. standards, accepted auditing in accordance with generally we conducted our audits S L a ndards (1988 A u d i L i n q G o v e r n m e n t i n c o n t a i n e d a u d i t s for financial the standards O ffice of a n d p ti r coul L1ea r G e n e r a l - o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , i s s u e d b y t h e C o m- C Revision), H i q her o f I n s t i t u t i o n s o f A-1-33, Audits (OMB) Management and enaglt A-133 o M B C i r c u lar a n d s t a n d a r d s T h o s e I n s t i t u t i o n s . Education and other Nonprofit about assurance reasonabl-e to obtain perform audit the pI"" we that require and whettrer ""d misstatement are free of material statements whether the basrc financial w h i c h woul-d be w i t h n o n c o m p l i a n c e r e g u t a t i o n s , a n d complied. with laws the University p r o g r a m ' a s s i s t a n c e f i n a n c i a l F e d e r a l maEerial to a major stacements of the our audits of the basic financial and performing In planning c o n s idered its internal w e L 9 9 2 , a n d 1 9 9 3 3 0 , J u n e y e a r s e n d e d for t-he university p r o c e d u r e s for the purpose of a u d i t i n g o u r d e t e r m i n e t o o r d e r i n s t r u c t u r e controL o n its compliance with a n d s t a t e m e n t s cial progralns and not to assistance inancial in accordance with oMB circular structrure structure control o f i n Lernal :ation to applicable .ance with requirements and procedures l have add.ressed policies dated in a separate report statements of the basic financial to our audits relevant September 24, L993 ' for (uAs) as servicer Inc. Accounting services, University utilizes The university c o n t r ols o f p e r f o r m t e s t s n o t W e d i d Perklns Loans administered. by the University. c o n t r o ] o f i n t e r n a L o p e r a t i o n a n d d e s i g n t h e o f the effectiveness to evaluate noncompliance with policies and proced.ures that would detect material structure we do not A ccordingly' L o a n s ' Perkins to the University's requrremencs applicable U A S ' b y u t i l i z e d on the controls express an opinion an and' maintaining for establishing is responsibl-e The management of the University a n d e s t i m a t e s r e s p o n s i b i l i t y , t h i s rn fulfilllng strucLure. control internal and related to assess the expected benefits judgments by manaqement are reguired of an o b j e ctives T h e p r o c e d u r e s . p o l i c i e s a n d s t r u c t u r e c o n t r o r costs of internal_ n o t b u t r e a s o n a b l e , w i t h are to provide management structure control internaL l-oss from unauthorized (1) asset; are safeguarded against assurance that absolute, a c c o r d a n ce with management's i n e x e c u t e d . a r e t r a n s a c t i o n s \2\ use or disposition, preparation of the basic financialp e r m i t t h e t o p r o p e r l y r e c o r d e d a n d authorization p r i nciples, and a c c o u n t i n g accepted in accordance witi: geneially statements J ^"'* + Aa rr D uy4 v v i-JA -vT€'ropeJ t66T s,.d11s-ronlun er{l 01 eTq€cTldde 1ou = *) Surqcleu: .ro; pesn lo peuT€Tc slunouv suoTsTnold pue slsel leTcads ( slueureslnqxToJ eTqe/v\oTTV pue socu€/\pe fo] suITeTc 5u1pn1cu1 ) seldtcuTJd lsoc/sfsoc uorlecoTT€ lsoc lce.rTpuI slue TdT ce-rqns 5ur -ro1TuoI^I (sure:6o'rd crfTceds 01 eIq€cTldde 11) sluauelrnba-r 5u1l:ode'r IErceds 6url.rodeg T€rcueuTg '5u1qc1e6 6ur>1-reur.reerolpue l-roddns Jo TenoT ^ 1 T T T q T P TT S pelv\olT€un .lo poIqoTT€ secTnf'es fo sed J, slueu:ellnbeg c11 1cad5 e,{\T1€11 STuTurpv slueue.rrnbo.r lcv eceTdli-roM eo,rJ-6n-rc se1d1cu1:d 1soc7 slsoc eIq€/vIoTIV sl;oda-r TeTcuEuTf IB.roPeJ +uoTlTSTnbce dl,redo.rd 1ee: pup ecu€lsTSse uoTl€coTeu luoueoPu€ru qseJ slr{bT-r TT^TJ lcv uoc€g-sT..!ec z{lrnrtce I€cTSTTod sluoure:rnbeu TeJauae : sor-ro6e1eJ To"rluoJ e/\Tlef,lsTuTurpv e1cA3 slue-re> Te.repad o1c.d3 (d-rolue/1'uJ/slessv pexfJ) uoTSJeAuoJ e1c.A3 eJnlTpuedl<tr e1c.d3 o:nl1Pued:<g -ropuen TTo;d.ed eTc.A:> enueneu eTcr{c r{:nsee.rJ, T€rcupuTf aJuerlduroc (sluoualels puE sIv\ETt{lT/v\ crseq eql uo tcedu.rl Ter.Teleu € ener{ let{l suoTleln5a.r elnsuo 01 peqsrTqPlso sTofluoc sepnTcuT) eTcdC 5u11:odeg TeTJU€uTJ : 5ar.r.o5e1EC To.rluo;r 6ullunoccv : sat:obalec 5u1mo1ToJ eql u1 sure:5o-rd e;nlcnJls uT pesn selnpaco.rd pue sercllod ecuetsTss€ f€TcueurJ TPJopeg FulrelsTuTupe eql peTlTsseTc eneq elur'1;odeJ sTt{a Jo esodrnd eql 'rod To-rluoc Teu.rotuT rueJlgluoTs 'ele.rorJa1ap deur sernpecoJd pue sa1c11od aldl lPt{l lo suoTlTpuoc u1 sebupl{c fo lo uorl€.redo pue ublsep eql fo sseue^TlcefJa euro"-q.{eru se"rnpocoJd let{l XSTf, eI{1 01 1cefqns sr spoTJed e:nln; esieceq'e1entrepL.tr ' p a l c a l a p eq 1ou puP 'rncco 01 ernlcnJfs fo uoTlenlene.r{ue Jo uoT?cafo.rd'os1g ' e J nlcnlls ' s a T l T r e T n 5 e : r : 1 -ro slolle ^ e" ru{ 1e c u e l l d u r o c u o u J o s a c u p l s u T J o ssaTeqljeneu 'suoTleTn6e: pue snel u1 suoTl,€lTtuTT luerequT l:o asnPceg T€u;eluT'd.ue Torluoc TeTcueuTlt Te-raped (t) qlT/vr ocuerTdluoc u1 pebeueu ere srue.rSord ecuelsTssE elqecildde I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I l I I I I I I I I above, we obtained listed categories contro] structure For alf of the internal p r o c e d u r es and determined p o l i c i e s a n d of the design of relevant understanding risk. and we assessed control whether they have been placed in operation, expended 994 of its Lotal During the year end.ed June 30, L993, the University programs. financial assistance F e d e r a t i t s m a j o r u n d e r a s s i s t a n c e Federal financial A-133, to evaLuate the by OMB Circular as required We performed tests of controls, policies and structure c o n t r o l o f i n t e r n a l o! the design and operation efflctiveness or deEecting material rel-evant to preventing proced.ures that we considered general requirements, and requiremenLs requirements, noncompliance with specific and amounts cl-aimed or used for governing claims for ad.vances and reimbursements major Federal financial to each of the University's matching that are applicable in the accompanying Schedule of Federal programs, which are identified assistance Our procedures were less in scope than would be necessary to Financial Assistance. policies and procedures. structure conlrol render an opinion on these internal we do not express such an opinion. Accord.ingly, policies and. procedures used in control- structure of the internalOur consideration disclose all n e c e s s a r i ly w o u l d n o t a s s i s t a n c e f i n a n c i a l F e d e r a l administering weaknesses material that might constitute control structure matters in the internal of Certif ied Public by the American Institute und.er stand.ard.s established of in which the design or operation weakness is a condition A materia] Accountants. elements does not reduce Lo a control- structure one or more of the internal that with laws and regulations that noncompliance the risk low level relatively m ay occur p r o g r a j n a u d i t e d b e i n g a s s i s t a n c e would be material- to a Federal financial a timely period by employees in the normal course of and not be detected within the internal We noted no matters involving performing their assigned functions. weaknesses as that we consider to be material and its operation structure controf defined above. the internal matters involving However, we noted certain to the management of the that we have reported operation dated SepEernlcer 24, 1993 . communication and its structure controf in a separate University of the Board members, University is intended for the information This report This is not intended and other Federal- agencies. manag'ement, the cognizant record. which is a matter of public of this report, the distribution aretu;6 Michigan, Detroit, August 20, 1993. t t I I an 5 to limit t sCo. Anrnun ANoTRSEN I I I INDEPENDENTAUD]TORS' REPORT ON COMPLIANCE OF THE UNIVERS]TY AS AN ENTITY t I I I I I I I t I I I t I I To the Board of Control-, University: Michigan Technological of MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY statements the basic financial We have audited y e a r s e n d e d June 30, 1993 and ]-992' and have (the "UniversiLy") as of and for the 2 0 , 1 9 9 3 ' A u g u s t d a t e d t h e r e o n issued our report standards and accepted auditing in accordance with generally we conducted our audits (L988 S t a n dards A u d . i t i n q i n G o v e r n m e n t c o n t a i n e d a u d i t s the standards for financials t a n d ards T h o s e ' General- of the United' States Revision) , issued by the Comptroller a b o u t a s s u r a n c e r e a s o n a b l e o b t a i n that we plair and perform the audit to require misstatement ' staLements are free of material wirdti:er the pasic financial to the University and grants applicable contracts Compliance with laws, regulations, reasonabl-e p a r t o f o b t a i n i n g A s m a n a g e m e n t . of University is iire responsibility m a t e rial o f a r e f r e e s t a t e m e n t s f i n a n c i a l t h e b a s i c w h e t i e r assurance about compliance with certain we performed tests of the university's misstatement, of However, the objective and grants. contracts nrorzisions or laws, regulations, o n p r o v i d e o p i n i o n a n n o t t o w a s s t a t e m e n t s f i n a n c i a l of the nasic our audits we do not elcpress such an Accord.ingly, compliance with such provisions. overall opinion. I r ! v v + r f v r Lhe with respect to the items tested, of our tests ind.icate that, The results to in p r o v i s i o n s r e f e r r e d t h e respects, with complied, in all material University o ur t o c a m e n o t h i n g t e s t e d , n o t t o i t e m s With respect the preceding paragraph. all in complied, not had University the that to believL us caused that aLtenti-on respects, with those provisions. material of Lhe Board members, University This rcnorr is intended for the information This is not intended a gencies. F e d e r a l a n d o t h e r c o g n i z a n t t h e manaqement, p u blic record' o f which is a matter oi tfti" report, tn. li=ttibution ar&tu;€ Michigan, Detroit, August 20, 1993. to fimit I I I I I I I l I l I I e.Cc. Anruun ANpERSEN INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH THE GENERAL REQU]REMENTSAPPLICABLE TO THE IINIVERS]TY' S MAJOR FEDERAL F]NANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS To the Board of control, University: Michigan Technological of MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY statements the basic financiaf We have audited (Ehe ,,University') as of and for the years ended June 30, 1993 and 1992, and have issued our reporL thereon dated August 20, 1993. compliance with che following We have applied proced.ures to test the University's proqrams, which assistance to its major Federal financial appficable requirements for the A ssistance, F i n a n c i a l in the accompanying Schedule of Fed.eral are identified year ended June 30, 1,993. . Political - Davis-Bacon . Civil ' Cash management . Rel-ocation . Federal- financia] t . Al-lowabl-e costs/cost . Drug-Free I I I I . Administrative activitv Act riqhts (* = not and real assistance property acquisition* reports Workplace principles Act requirements applicable to the university's 1993 Federal programs) of in the Office procedures described orrr nro.artrrrcs were limited to the applicable o f H i d h e r I n s t i t u t i o n s o f A u d . i t s f o r S u p p l e m e n t Management and Budget's Compliance were (October L99t). Our procedures Institutions Education and Other Nonprofit of which is the expression the objective less in scope than an audit, sunsiantially listed in the compliance with the requirements on the University's of an opinion o p i n i o n . a n s u c h n o t e x p r e s s w e d . o p a r a g r a p h . preceding Accordinqly, "7 I I t I I I I t I I I no of those procedures disclosed the results With respecL to the items tested, s e c o n d i n E h e l i s t e d t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s w i t h o f n o n c o m p l i a n c e instances material nothing came Lo our With respect to items not tested, paragraph of this report. in a1i had not complied, that Lhe University that caused us to believe Ltt"ntiol o f o u r a u diL r e s u l t s t h e H o w e v e r , wiEh Ehose requirements. materia1 respects, of noncompliance with those reguiremenLs, instances procedures discLosed immaterial in a separate to the management of the University that we have reported - Schedule communication dated November 30, 1993 and in the accompanying Schedule I of Findings 1993. of the Board members, University This renort is intended for the information This is not intended agencies. Federal and other management, the cognizant p u blic record. o f a m a t t e r i s w h i c h r e p o r t , t h i s o f the distribution arLtu;€ Michigan, Detroit, August 20, 1993. t I t I I I t I 8 to limit I AnrHunAxpTRSEN s Co. t I t I INDEPENDENT AUD]TORS' REPORT ON COMPL]ANCE WITH .qPtrCTF'TC RROI]TRF]MENTS APPLICABLE TO THE UNIVERSITY'S MAJOR FEDERAI, FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS r f To the Board of Control, Michigan Technological University: I I statements of MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY We have audited the basic financial (the "University") as of and for the years ended June 30, 1993 and 1992, and have issued our report thereon dated Auqust 20, 1993. I I governing compliance wit.h the requirements We have also audited the University's (3) matching, level of (2) eligibility, (1) t)pes of services al-lowed or unallowed, (5) special reporting (4) financial support and/or earmarkinq, reporting, subrecipients , (7 ) indirect cost a11ocation, requirements , ( 6) monitoring (including (8) alLowable costs/cost principles claims for advances and (9) special Lests and provisions and (10) amounts claimed or used reimbursements), assistance for matching that are applicable to each of its major Federal financial programs, which are id.entified in the accompanying Schedule of Federal Financial ^ ^ ^ i q f A n r . a . t fL o rJ sraa! a r o fu h is 1993. v Lr r r sc s r rn u €ruf o r l , v qT l lr s r n ol Q , The management of the University 4>DriLqrl9g our for the Universicy's compliance with those requirements. responsible based responsibitity is to e)<press an opinion on compfiance with those requirements on our audits. I f I F I I I f I in accordance wlth of compliance with those requiremenLs We conducted our audit g e n e r a l l y s t a n d a r d s f i n a n cial audits contained t h e f o r a c c e p t e d a u d i t i n g s t a n d a r d s , Generaf issued by the Comptroller Standards (1988 Revision), in Government Auditinq I Io'@ncrorficeoiiuianaqemencanqBuogeuloi"iorcrrtujarA-i]j, Those lnstitutions. of Hiqher Education and Other Nonprofit Audits of Institutions that we pl-an and perform the audit to A-133 require standards and. OMB Circular I noncompliance with the obtain reasonable assurance about whether material I r An audit includes examining, on a test to above occurred. requirements referred We compliance with those reguirements. basis, evidence about the University's a reasonable basis for our opinion. believe that our audit provides f I I I - I I I t of immaterial instances However, the t:esults of our audit procedures disclosed to Ehe management of the that we have reported noncompliance with those requirements in a separate communj-cation dated. November 30, 1993 and in the Univeriity 1993. We considered these instances accompanying schedul-e I - Schedule of Findings which is e>cpressed in the of noncompliance in forminq our opinion on compliance, paragraph. following I t I I I with the complied, respects, in all material the University In our opinion, (1) t)pes of services allowed or unal-lowed, (2) eligibility, governing requirements (4) financial reporting, (3) matching, leveI of support, and/or earmarking, (7) indirect (6) monitoring cost (5) special reporLing requirements, subrecipients, (including principles (S) al-lowabfe costs/cosL claims for advances and al-location, (9) special and (10) amounts claimed or used t,ests and provisions reimbursements), assistance to each of iLs major Federaf financial for matching uhat are applicable programs for the year ended ,June 30, 1993. $his rcnort is intended for the information of the Board members, University This is not intended management, the cognizanu and other Federal agencies. which is a matter of public record. of this report, the distribution t I I I ar&&;6 Detro i t , Mi ch igfan , August 20, 1993. I I I I I I t I I I -10- to l-imit I c.Cc. Anruun ANpERSEN I I I I t I I t t I I I l INDEPENDENTAUDITORS' REPORT ON THE UN]VERSITY'S COMPI,IANCEWITHREQUIREMENTSAPPLTCABLETONONMAJOR To the Board of Control, Univers ity : Technological uichigan of MICHIGAN TEcHNoLoGIcAL UNIVERSITY statements the basic financial We have audited , , U n i v e r s i t y " ) y e a r s e n d e d June 30, 1993 and 1992' and have t h e as of and for (the 1 ' 9 9 3 ' 2 0 , A u g u s t d a t e d t h e r e o n issued our report statements of the University' In connection with our audits of the basic financial used Eo strucLure controf i n t e r n a l U n i v e r s i t y ' s t h e o f and with our consideration o f o f f i c e b y programs, as required assistance Federal financial administer of Hiqher A-133, Audits of lnstitutions Managfement and Budget (oMB) circular t r a n sactl-ons c e r t a i n w e s e l e c t e d I n s t i t u t i o n s , Ed.ucltion and Othei Nonprofit progtrams for the year a s s i s t a n c e f i n a n c i a l F E d e r a l n o n m a j o r c e r t a i n t o applicable 4-133, we have performed auditir:.j ended June 30 , L993. As requireO by OMB Circular (1) t\rpes of servlce'r governing r e q u i r e m e n t s l n e l i )a n J e w i t h p r o c e d . u r e s t o t e s t c o m-p( Z o f support and/or l e v e l ( 3 ) m a t c h i n g , a n d e l i g i b i l i t y al]owed. or unallowea, p r o c e dures were O u r ' to those transactions earmarking that are applicable w h i c h is the express'l : o f o b j e c t i v e t h e than an audit, less inlcope substantially According'r' compliance with these requirements. of an opinion on the UnivLrsity's o P i n i o n ' a n s u c h e x P r e s s we do not of those procedures with respect to the items tested., the results listed r e quirements t h e j n s t a n c e s w i t h o f n o n c o m p l i a n c e materialnothing came to our with respect to items not tested, paragraph. has not complied, in all caused us to believe that the university with those requirements. of the Board members, University Thiq rcnorl- is intended for the information is nor..inrended rll? a siencies: F e d e r a t o r h e r a n d ;;.-;;sr.ir""t ;;;;n;;:;;; public record" o f m a t t e r a i s w h i c h r e p o r t , t t i = o i the distribution t I t ar&tu;6 v ,n yngnur! v r L i r vi nlr i aan r'rrvrrfysf' August 20, 1'993. t I discl-osed nrin the prece:i': t'il atLention r e s l '" material -1_1-- rc I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I e.Co. Anrnun ANpERSEN INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON SCHEDULE OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE To the Board of Control-' Michigan TechnologicaL University of MICHTGAN TECIS{OLOGICALUNIVERSTTY statements the basic financial We have audited , , U n i v e r s i t y , , ) y e a r s June 30, 1993 and 1992, and have e n d e d t h e f o r a n d o f a s (the statements These basic financial issued our report thereon dated August 20, 1993. is to r e s p o n s i b i l i t y O u r m a n a g e m e n t ' of the University's are the responsibility ' a u d l t s o u r o n b a s e d s t a t e m e n t s f i n a n c i a l b a s i c t h e or express an tpinior standards' accepted auditing We conducted our aud.its in accordance with generally (1988 standards Auditing Government in contained aud.its the stand.ard.s for f inancial C i r c u lar O M B a n d General of the United SLates issued by the Comptroller Revision), l n s t i t u L i o n s' N o n p r o f i t o t h e r a n d of Hiqher Ed,ucation A-L33, Audits of Institutions r e a s o n a b l e o b t a i n t o a u d i t p e r f o r m a n p f " " that we Those standards iequire statements are free of material f i n a"n"cai l l assurance about whether the basit the evidence supporting on a test basis, examining, An audit incfudes misstatement. i n c l u d e s a l s o a u d i t A n s t a t e m e n t s . f i n a n c i a l in the basic amounts and drsclosures estimates made by used and significant assessing the accounting principles we s t atement presentation' financial the overafl management, as well- as evaluating o p i n i o n ' o u r f o r b a s i s that our audits provide a reasonable believe financial on the basic our aud.it was made for the purpose of forming an opinion s c h e d u le of Federal a c c o m p a n y i n g T h L taken as a whol-e. statements of the university accordance i n a n a l y s i s a d . d ' i t i o n a l o f p u r p o s e s p r e s e n t e d f o r is Asslstance Financial A-133, and is not c i r c u l a r B u d g e t a n d M a n a g e m e n t o f o f f i c e o f with the requirements in that schedule The information statements. part of the basic financial a reguired o f the basic a u d i t s t h e i n a p p l i e d p r o c e d u r e s has been subjected to the auditing materiala I I i n p r e s e n t e d , f a i r l y i s o p i n i o n , o u r i n statements and, financial a w h o le' a s t a k e n statements to the basic financial J-n relation respects, ar&tu;6 I I : Michigan, Detroit, August 20, 1993. t t - 44 IL_ r I I r r I r I r tf r r I r '- .I 'I I I r H I C | | 1 6 A i l t E C i l i l O L O 6 t C r LU t tl v f n S t t r 0Lp - r0R 6l\ot9t ts tnpf ll .QLp/Jlttl s u H r t a R tE x p E I s E 0 B J E C t C 0 C t S 8 y C r 0 l r (^ troii (: GiHioRi rccr _ !ts! l9 ( usloJ . 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'>9 -: ? 160 O ! o 6, 3 o < O = < O ! o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t t I c'l 0 c -l Aol ; , qtd I I II '1 I II 'l I C'l C' a a a a .l .l .l -l t .wi .i al! a - o D tt aa a.l it D 5li o:l FI I c o o C' -1 ='! ? a CT t r.l o c - l ft t C' a a t ! x c t a D C' t ct - I a o - t 6 t O C' t o a a ('o +3i d:l 6l 3;i .E ;i @<l f3 ir 'l 3:r 5c' Foi l 3 i Fi .E _l oEi .6 al trii a - -i t !l .o -l I .@ <+ <+ @o o.5 50 = HE p co5 c+C< 9|c)5 oGl 'l 6: ,ll 5c) oo t-o tr= OF Ctl 0l cll 3l rl ol tl -t C'. al o o. cll o! ol ni Nl ol O a C' O -l ul -l - o cl 'l cr{ ol ui -t.irig-r,-. Fro *r !t }l :.-" l9 la lC' t. t€ It I I I IO :! rCt i1D t::l ia i- rr< .o til r= t9 'o r1 ':' -- i< t,! i r0 rij -o C' - t:l ra lq IN ta lo l- I t- rct t> t- l.| I i> ro I i I : -.a -ro I cl! atu -t U I I I I t o. O9 'T D,ts F! !- tD ar! o!! t,t \'o -61 IC' CH l ' 6 ! -'- !! cl !.! a! !! t I 6 ! tr cr6| !1 ll -a !D r: -a ua I o,o oa oo ct' o -O OC o€ OO oo :' i i ,ol ' r €l t'- \ O 5 r- -lu F , N -= l. Inl|ot6 lCl =: l-D.rR ll t; fooal:OnF'F ,t:t! t!C''Or> 'C!!rF :i rFll! n, l! lo.orF fFal? rxDrDlC' r-!tc lCt.t| lToi .> < -. :-c'cir !ICil r-:l | 616 ola Fl I = - tFl rr rl :t rE It -i= : F ,rF is :Ct ct _iO qt I o,E' !l <l -l xl I I I ol ol ol <l al FI -l I Ft tc :- IG t! tl I I tct i Gtcl ol€t. Ntx .1. ; i I a ? n = ! - 9 n G N a A F € N c, o ct n lt tT , t - . | c:ccic r<<l ! C' il;i;E:i= or lo Eala-ti !tta ll rErFi:t:;! Ea!:l-xio -.rt-ar ,6915t>rl :h6i5{<tEt - !C' F FFiT:=:= a r.t I ;95:65F:6 < <r ,>>rD>>; <t < nn-nF,n .l ll ll I :E C': Ct,a i ai A F :-alz?et:z F-ia-!ra llri xN:EN!'!: l'e rl F!r!ilt!:! aq ni , l tl lrll I'ii tt { -':.-; tsorC'4tCtiC, f-l liii gaG4a:a NNTFNNIN rt tt I d {t { ,NNtND[is iTTtiiiit: !a<i r!r!t!!,! t06'6661 ElEx c,c'iC'.OCrrE ,ght5691 rccl Cr. tst l, o 6l {: ti: !r t; {r -1 | c'r NFIFFFIF q6t6uat6 bqlquel9 crcltoctc'l o,o9l iool tl nFllFFnln NNINdNIN H<r{{{t{ Dalaoo!a Gr a El u 15 €l O 3l P F/ lllr ttoi oC'crict EtlOroO'O ra€r9oOl 'ct o ct: ol Et --tltNlN--lF €tol ooolo ol E o Ct opol to.l tl FO!t!FC!l.O :gqtVVutk ruu'6uu.u 2 a I A I ,i ! a I O - 6 6 O o I Ct o n o o I I I I I lc| Gl..l -la . ia- ra F ' I ! .o o IC .Et 'o c, IO 'o l9 .t ct ln IF t? o t- o I I I I - FO :a n io .o 'o a I :II 3 :3 ,l t= i- ! :! i o ;:t o ra t- II I I I I f, t9 rl' ta to I '1. Cll :El tt -t 6i -l-l Cll ol € 6 a I o u l. -taola cltsal !:!cl >ll!rF rE ::aFlo !r!Dl 6roFl = t + i' -! r 9 FIFilI' r519 q 6 AtF-l 3i==i c'cerc 6.F51 Et0B:t ri-al ' at-:B:- 9:FFI? 'l ?t>>l ll >i=-l= E'aFl DIFFIA ii :ID rl:.C' ,lo I,N o'ooi it N N N I N N N N I N utuul ! t! 6l6a -l-ol N.NNI rC, C, ooolo 3ra-i N:NNIN ctrootcl €r€€r€ , I 61661 .1351 utH9l o.t!lo >r>Dl .l F.Fnl N'NNIN ct tc, qi9Hlg {'{{lO aruNl - l I <l .rtlI <l .l srl ol ol 6rl -l I I I I I I I I -i 3t; al DI >l !' !l !1 rl -l 3l o: CI F -l a, ol -l cll o, €, o' ol cll OI cl CI c|l -l k,uutu o,oE'to o!r.l tl clccl u,uul I I Ii, I ra ala x tl, -6t; -'< FFI !i- !r< 2i -n al ll 6l <to !tc Dl! >:t !rD q!- !i= zi= cre tro -tt < >:= otn ctF a! 6to oro o:o CT ICI 9.€ otc' OIO ai6 a.- lrt di 3l >l FI Di !i O1 Fl rl cl cl 2l I I i II I II ,Al !l I I I I ol el C' ql 6l DI c'l Ctr €l ol OI al 6to Frl OI 6, ol ;cl i ro 3l I c: -r o O ct ol€ c:c <ciclc z.t19 :FNINiU r!!,!t- rC| :t>,>la IFI::l> frg'5t|- taroj .elui Nrtl ININI ruic; ! l roar-i6 Itulu,F ll -r 13 N 13 Ol .{1.- ,N ,Ct Cll 19orot€ ;c)a.g;c, O: rFAln:n NN'NtN lC Or: rFUrUrL 19ol rNFlbtu <l r<ol l{-l-ls ru ol :iio r<c: ,u99U iOc'TOc| loOtorO 'U9,rtO vttFv a I i I I I I I I - C' .o -o C' ! i n ! o z a o ! o ! ! n o o =i - o a' n oz 3 .! ErE' q otc o! FOI 0eo e6t za= 6Ct = !OF F' Dgr: FOCFx -!o : : t I t t t I t I I t I I t I I I I I I T D I r I I I I I I I I I - - I J I I (^ rtlcHtGAil lEottroL06lcrL ul|lv€Rslll ls lRPFll.QLPrJlrll 0LP - FOn 6/q0/91 S U H X A NE Y X P T N S E0 8 J € C ' C O D E SO Y C T D T I firiri Gniironi lcbr " pRopoiiLr P.I. cotrlRiclr rnl stF oascPlPrlor !9!||"_!lilt e[pl! ( . 0 9 ! 9 9 ! 9f 9I ll:193 !!!9!! -!39?19 ,: I I . 5 0 2 H C 0 r 5t E Z 6 97 l o t 6 0 0 l 0 t 92 I6NHI F Y 9l AGRXI 19t!!r't t l f i g l ! - U ! l ! ! ! : G - F r e zt .'!_t!fu!t- t ? . - ! l E lg ! ltl-!ltl!:Htlt D 6 r L o en 2 P t l l C t l 0 E P I L r P o n - f i l H ES r f E l V 60rtl5't IRrlflINGFtt! t -ioiir.ltriS-cii,i;;-i C er;iit-.rr--- ( (., -Eitoito6'adoi!o E ' d : t i o r i o - - d c ai- o tb b - i t t ( i h t .-o;i s Hcoto ,r l! 2 0 , a r 5 - [ c 0 9 0 - - E ? l 0 t 6p ! 6 0 q I 1 q a !:a 000-!l I l2 -?2--.9.-o-41[I RE- - - ( ' i , t 2 0 . a l s H c 0 9 o E z ? 0 t r 0o s 6 o o l l 0 r 8 - 0 e 0 8 1 9 3 - 0 0 1 I il( a P f l 1 C H 0 O r - L O C T L I E C H r S S I S t l t l c E P R C t rF r 9 l o lLxInE ----toTit- rilis crdrii- l- t!-!!l!lcousltc iuPL--s-J c-!998n!- I x rtl.c0I u55ttl t2qlsz 0 8 9 0 t 1 1 2 6t l 6 r - l G 5 t { suPLr{ A --ior ;: t T[;l!-[lTT P R o P r 6 ^ r t oFt lo R E S I EroB E A st zt'.slo'0 t 2r591'5{ n t S f r R C l l E n St U H F f P R O G R T f i lU llrSl-6nl'S lltLLluELL 199"9r.1( lsl' lt q. ll 0rirEi3FT6fr3-lTiiEtl6F- Ip' nitii--s-p:Eitl-E6s B O A L i (I R E l[rl!0r0 t Itr trti , r ,r r J . 0 0 tg l l I 1 _ E 3 ! l l 9 9 : 9 9 9 1 ! 9l l . c l : l l l ( P!g!l - . - 2 P - I I 9 l ! . 0 9 I : L 8 9 r 1 - I E c H ^- l l l g M g E - U l l P _ . , , i l o . o o r i - x E 6 - , i Z - - E z rooaBZod o t o tF i E - c e - o t o (,: I t-r -l( I -od :i -- - jp -f i ii,i iL'-t t eiiiri c i L r ii sTr-TiEiE'i-i i'--i--- lT t;3T % i or il-ifi'fEr-F6ii;- t-----tT; t i5-3- D . -.-.----.1 r"i!.e62-iod6'o-e2Gqs 0eJ00t0t !s2s0-to.------d-r-'-riili6-----iip-IJii=sPtCE-3lTtltttl-rrtfttFlLrRatt6il-FdDEt--T----Tf;?t q!s-t r . r J . c o z - h I g ? ggt l g l f e - S ? g S g 9 S 3 - ! ! ? e^6t r6E- N 0 - r ! - t L l l l l ! t l ( - - - a P u r t u t l l c l l - P o t r R l H E l S [3c^ n ra!.o02 u 5 5 t r 0 E Z ' l t t l OO 8 ! o t l l 2 I r|16!-5t9 SUPr! SIUDIES OF lllCIEL ELECTRODE t lP NlSl-Rlnrll C C0R]llLSEN 11526't I ri, I 2.r. tTL o Y 3 0tI 1 ofrl c^Ti6F tN 0 oa-f 6 r Lr-r-oi-3o 6 ^iGeE6^IItl 0or ; t . - o 0 t ' i t a ; , ' i it ? , , t , t 6o 6 ! d t i i i e - i i 1 6 - i : E 6 o - 3 i i i ; ; i i l-iit-t -r ti f-irf ts- i- l- tl i r - l r l i r - s r Giic E:s !s' r ! - ---!.- --!-!r! ll r! l!.:9ttu I ! 9li.JEr - I !I !!.6-9t- 99rgCl19ns, l l : 9 Q ? l l t l ! q g ? ! l l 9 9 9 e g S ! ! rl ft g ! : ! 1 9 2 9 q PM . lrftF . rt!.co? rrs5qo E2tll66 089000ltl tllG I-l lo9 5uP q 5 L YrtlG - 'Ei'ita! . aj : ' c 0 i i j i s , i i riiiiiosiz iiibii':)rri i'- ! -- 991Y90!- ! l : 9 9 3 ' t i ! ! ! - E 3 ! l r g9 ? ? 9 9 9 ! l . l l 1 9 ! : ! l ? Q q3.u02 us5rt2 E2ql60 U9l0O6l2 t{46 S-}8lt ( i ; i . r i o l u s s q t i 2 , t l et b c i o a i i d ' r i r c 3 : t a r ! o!.u02 us5tt2 E2qt60 o9r006l2 tl^6 5-l8l! eZ|{?62 o9loo627 tllG 2-t5? . ft . 0 o 2 uS5trt ur.toz uisqq'ft't165 -'iodiibti -- SuPLl U I NOSE -ii'r sUPLI eosE ts rlsA-olLuIroI -- r r i - i i i s i a : ei i !u $lsr-clt -3rt JEr Htxttl6 oF CoTBUSIORS t -[i rniiGtfrlrtiriiii iini' irr rvEtlus rtHglqllqqE o r - - c- -o 2 -P- :^: :I:I: S .-:----'--_--- tu lilsr-3P€clnoPEtRY/sllEtLlrE lirGEnY r l9r!!!r3 !- r 62!itst.5l - !u'iri 3| :^YhnRlr (ns- iirrrisnr' Fiiii lUid-frfitisol' r-'---i c i t i6if i t t I x 3 3 r - S P E G r n o r E l n Ya -/-s; -^- r. ta t L l r E I n r G € R Y - s R sEtoEt G l t l f i l a O E L t r P R o I O f Y P € st tU ilrSr-fOuGrlStcxE I ROS€ tu ltrsi-iEfiort-!Erstli6'tF'-itloil/6Gn-rELtoii--'r The aceonpanying notes are an integral statements. financial part of these - !3;t'3-'T ( s I nosc (}92001'lO'lGt-:Glt! suPLCl u to,!20'rt - -- ; t l - -.----t !Ii3l:!!--!2re6t'9' ----'lr'i5!t;d-!-'--'------- :i G :{ ::iC ;';C {! :;c :t 3 t .{ ''i ol a: o: cri tl I Or tl rct r- 'o rct rr- C- c; .! .F o @ o >r l-n t' ll JaFG! C'rN-i -l lG 9.-a Xtxrxaq i-u :i rl It F I O { -irti 'I - : - -5 !.nC D.S -IEts lroo t'-! ! CF ?,= ;t!< 6nFl 6rCr! TrDE' f t r o ?' a a l - .Ct I l!a o' !.D! o- 69 =- 9.arr !oo act a'-! <.cttct >.9? \o -ibo n E': o . ! I ol a a a u a I G x o 3 ! - C, al -i I D a z I tl -l -t - C,l ei a t 2 o e 5 I i.!! I :t l. lct la ra I I II l! I I I tct It I ID r< iqr ra rtt t> l.: IF l! It rfl !- l3 :n ro ;a lo I t- 2 -:--. 0,u- il o II IC 17 It lr I IG lD to IO la trct rct ll6 lF lr la I - F a - I O = lE I IN tC, t€ lc, ro o O 3 C' CI a lG t- t O ttct i- t€ IO lE IE lc l- l- tC' t3 :l UrUU c,oo, t. I I € E o a O - --: ! :i t I I I l: Itt ct t'nfI <lt-, 5rZ ol C: 'l a 5i .l it -i -; rl ct; xi tl: Ctt Fl ol cll rct r'-i > . l i> :=L rC'o iN ,I lct .-V I :. toct :ct a!yel II > t! 6l=<i<!, r lr alra, t€ t-C' C|,{ol C, l-a €r.E! {lo{, orcto ct .o 0lC,o: aroa' ra a, tr: ,l ||t o ! C ct * 6l ct rc, Ergri ll FIFA NINN: aival l€ Cl to olt9l .l o 6l9Ql ara€! ort-l .1..1 tl clccl €la!l {rJ{l . t. lO C zrG!l - .. .: b! r3a .a t; .- rDt It !a ;ar c+ f t c j ?E ln o ci €? :Ct l! :!t i?: riln :lr €'. l 6 .t tr |l' F H 'ao 5 t <+ .i c! to t o Irl IrtD = i? t. ic rt?o ci Ctt t, 5 n :-o o || I €t' 2: D' rl rl !l io ' I il '-5 .tr 'Gl .9 r< rt rl rD It' C'0. r-a al -l al cll F! ra rct IN t!l . 'a tl 'l D t.o .o o5 to . a-a Or| )a .J F! Dt ,) at t) = -:t -i c: 5l -t -l ol tF l! cl la l€ lo tcr l€ lct Ctl r-l f€rol ! t'.:'ii'1 .3 at lF lr. F-l? -al c[Ft<nFr nslcte? t'-lc-? t-lte. rlla|6l lctlGrn D,!ltstz trll F}CI<OI i-16tsa t.2l92t ->l<-. | r! oel!6:e C'olto= =elF7 zt1U|fl F6r-6! F a.tr <-lFFl n:l-lD ila-6< | 66lFFtU t!11 tF lct lr o: otoco lll -!l--,= J-l-Je I lll -i6l-lrn|a ltl t, ft lf| clol-c: Flrlr?l t.i:!lt'-:lil>Jr tFI?2,D {51>6.tFl-lt-ttl ltrl ttc, llrrl cictcce 9l 616Ct6 itr l. ?.tl-4-= olc'C're aral!Et5 -l or l--.: rl€l!at {'-l{{i trVYY I - <i Ft ,i tl !! I I :Bt Fl . ':t ||| I C Fl a { -8T- fo* l> lct l! fo t6 tnt lt t! lF t6 l! ro lz lrn lo tl t2 ta tl tt ll tt lt Inr lo lt< In| lo rF lo la ll €r lr lu t_ lGl lF tG tl t1 >l r: -i <l tl r' tsl C'l 6l ci !, -i 9l ol til Fl fll Hl rl ot -i ul €l El ol rl ol -l ol 6l Cl .. . -.-._9. tl -l .lFol tleE'l al. .laal . t. ul{.1 .l- ll lt ll l l !taal ll tl !l!oi !t!ai olol f'If|OI n|tn|! 6 15 9t9i il lFr 6t9 rlr al-xl .l16Dr tF! otoFl €|tool <l<o: l6 I ll ! l.! e16!l EINDI cleC'l 9rC, oloFl I lt. el--l olool FtFOI I lr ataal qluNl tl flfn-l olool alaal olooi cllal .. VJ xl .l ui C', I trl !' rl Jrl rl o I C' 1 5 tt ! ! lu l! {1|' ^la C't l ar tt t N ar I I oo l d 2a t o l! Fq t o 6n l ? {lo r|Ct al l H al l D oo l rl! tt t ! >l! aI tFt ilo Ir l - l oo f < Ir tl- ol rt tl ar al -! -t I I I I sl o; >t Fi tr f|: €: !. El C' s - D I FI I o D ft ! n - il t C D a -0 :, I I I I I D c - I o I - ! t D C! ol ct. ll o; >l Ol ti oi lt: : I C'I cll ri ci rO; t: tl o: c' o € C' c' t G O I tl l.! I I I II II It I |ta I o CI; E; O. a. 6t €i I a 5 vv !lt rl rlc cc l o I tD tl l = oo l o Yl- D --Dl lHc -T I F tt =l t ct slo >l> a tlo elo oo t e ! 16 I It O !tt a .1. CI olo tla hlo E oil5 tl :IF lc, o €t€ € E E'l lI t o € ot€ €tt Dlo €l Ot O. otct .o l - cl a' ; clc B - € attr t t -a l 3 oto ;- l ; U I .l rri 6tt 6 Gla C'li !to - c, nl9 F -i- I I I I I I I II lI ' ' II ltt t- to lu ro to I tO It ID I:B It o t> <tt t< tn to It t6 l> ll C |lI t, lz lo lN I . l t6| l= lCt lo tcl la lo t9 la in lI o le ta lc tx lx ta I I !G !Cl !O .O IO ! l! I :E ID t- t9 :> ro o a ! ! 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'- a 3 3oFrrtrE o F r t t r c t'osGarrf*cE toscarrf|lcE r ; ( j:lr -_.___- --.__;;. !o rrr:...rr'rirq cHEn :rrssrolr-rollr*or3- ! . -.-.- -.pJ!2r.-,,- D u |lr|io - t'-=--.._. t3t!oa a2ao.t oarooaaa aii:aiiii-a i,it.050 !a lr5f-rto!r!Mry -; lo n;i-rr.rirrorrror.obr i r'.rci adporirti;a i,'ri:ai rorrl .r'|r5ctDrr.r. . _._rt?,otrr2q _ -- __ __ .. ilo: r r rlorirsor E z r o 2 oo t o o l l o 6 t c a - r l o l l o t - o l --_ *---ii -' 3ii b:iarrrrror .:!r.0!t_Jrst!ol_t2lo?! orroro0r..D[t:.!280!0? rf,ol I r 60!aote I Iicr.ott _-- -_--rit-- 2o.rat.l 2 o.ral.l a iF:rFi 6oi-f aT Ei poNstEox iFIFS-_3 it:iai iIa6Lra-EiFa-3E'aoi iFb=- it iE-aa--F*T,;ial:3i-ll :ia ---ll: _.. tr i; .---tj' t: la Jr s E !r',q7.o1luile-oB Ezqq?e-oeragtzQr.F!t:Jlta36-6-_- _ y -H_crn?BEll_. __lg _r,lr--JqllporI_q-!tglclsEGgllFEEl_s_tgEs!_r_____-a_!_r!116 c__ t!.; r 0 r A Lr H l s c F 0 l ,! I JtrOtt.5l t o x 3 F - u s c H n t r c o o p n s c n - n r R EE r R t Hr l L o i s r lQ tlSF-fHt cRAtll StRUClUn€0F ClSfll|GS ;,NlL!t!,r!!t!!!_gt_!?tt -0!e00!2!,t r_-trl!!21__ r l, , n r t . c a t U l t a o E 2 t 9 6 t 0 a a 0 0 t J 6o l i i - a l l l o r t :"-i-.oat-n-a0-E ':!L[.r iiii 6aia0iia oli:aitia,i'rtrii . J -t !lErit - _._. | 1 0 0 2r |ltlllvall --i-d lriiti q!?!or Ezry!.0|'Q!?15 om-r?|2!:_i ^|lo. |l ! ?trt||rr. it.o6t u3rtDi ttlttt otooo{!2ofii-rot5aaarnol o a irarotr it:itai iiaadt E:ino6ordolrd2oir-rdisaai ii02 o E nrrroli t!rt92.Or -3 t0re2lo6 ! !q.!|lt:pfrFgugtr!rc. !!c!zEof E!a!r r0Lq!0j_l!!40!_*-_j roT|t r|tt3 cForrr a at,ita,tr !C $f-aEcrEclftax al'|rlY I raillllt :- !i--aji:aiiii a.-ii6iii i-Eoi.iiii6j tlalExs a iiitiniiE- - 2t53t.tt --!A3iid;t t.t.r.3f:Grrrr .orl|lrit rEcr_.Grrto{-rif .r,u!L.-r ____!!?a-!!:!!___1: !o rtt-rrlttrof,lrlt! tr ltttluintoE rllati a at,t.r.lt --,r;a.:;ai_----"--_i; to ilr-..!rrtoiSxtr3 tr iir|ruitrr!! rliivr i lotAl IHIS qF0rr t The accompanying notes are an lntegral statements. flnancial part of t these le7-r|0l.L6 E( $( tr( :l( f( l't I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l t I o { I G A , | I t . C H N o L 0 6 l C A LU N I U T R S I I Y 0LP - f0R 6rttol9l lS l n P r i l . 0 L P / J H l t SUHHARY tXPtNSt otJtcr C0Dt3 BY Cr0rr I crDri 6ilia,iri iccr I ) P .i ; - ioxrnicri 3rr 0EScRtPrtof .r7.069US9t0 t2{610 0900t10! qst--?ts2t22 . l, H crnpltlL q 7 . 0 6 9 u s g t 0 B E 2 l 9 9 t 0 9 0 0 0 1 0 9c l 3 - e 0 o 9 s l t r t { o t p cHo ). !0 il3i-trttGnrtt0 u l r D c n c p r DL r t s - t t o c H E i ' . - q - r . 0 6 ! - U 3 r q 0 q . 8 2 3 0 . 2 - { - O - 9 - f 0 tOr B ! o: 9 9 f- l r l 2 l - - . _ - - _ J _ l - H u i l l - o o t l - _ _ ! q - | | S F . _ - C | E _ I l C E o t S L l C l ( H A u lF( o l ] r l t l 0 r ,rl.oor usgrog Ezqo!! ogzoott6 oox-gatort! 3 Aoz z x LtxG !0 t|3F-lr|ttlFtRtlcE FrEg Sprrlrt t2r!5q.9! ____!_l!r!?5.q.!__ fiECHrrtSx r '.t,?.06e u s c c o rE z r o i i - - 6 i i i o i i i s a i - i r t r i i [ - i x o i - l - - a o x i i r r l i - - - - - - - i o ' ; i i i : s i l - c 0 i i i i i c - i i i i i i 6 - i E i - - p o e i - ' J i i i i r i - i - ).i rotlL ,rl --- l!rtts.6 e r;ias.;i t0 l|3F-0E5l6I c '|rl|urrctuRlxG/?oLyiERs-t0?_J___J_!.rt_lQr?j__ , i. 932.{ { r r 0 f l s F - L r r i l x r e 3 t u R o u l E i l rr l r , t E l r { t c r f l E t s O!9.0_rt_trq_stJtll0!2___ -__-J.G cllLtr,rs .5.!!.06_!_u!9_!qB_E?'rg!5 t' irit - - t -- goiirii,il---'--io-iii:ailtilii ,'1.-oCa uitioB Etroitoiiootrt tEFiiritlaf rxc-frii-6riai-FovEn--3i3iEis--i rr,rai:ia----"- I i' pioposirr tHls cFoltt t lttr9l6.2t -- ; r!rl.oto u s t t o t E 2 { 0 l z 0 9 2 0 0 t 0 2c c P - 9 2 1 5 0 1 0 ! 0 f l 3 r - o t c l r n r l l u t Y t s u r L ? r G , |L r x 6 u r c g 3 || fl tutxEtl totrl llils c?Dlt r t l5rl9t.l t 13rt9t.16 fr '-t:dtl-itltf6Ft: : r. I l\) I ; :t lt.-6tifitES-It3a-ttltda-riri-a-t?a.lar--ta-t3r:litttitatTltllla-!tdlf.!lrrttrdt.[-r-rt ! t o-t_!r g2 r o oI uorfr E ! r . _olr usr r oa E_zlll!_-q!!qg ?qs__!l-se;_!!! | - 1 7 . 0 t l u s 9 r 0 8 E 2 l 9 l 0 0 t e 0 0 2 0 5U S E - t 9 s l S o r r t | 0 2 I x l u l t r n l l I' ',ri.0rr a. , i t, , t': t u3e!oBEzte!t ore06td3UEE:TiEfSor-rniit-6-TT0mid---56--x3F:EEii:iaG-TrGE6-C60FgE3-E3Cii------_T trtt2.t I Jrt5foZ I Dt, '" rZc-oll u3e!oB Eztet2 0!900?_03UsE: les!591_!_Ee2__-! U SuRYlttrtltrilr I 'r,'tr?.071 US9rOt E2t9l! t !0 lr3F-rrRtltrG t||cnB coun3f3 oSGrl 01900205 usE-!e5lSOr 30 l|sF-fnlllrlc ttltnt CouRlql_Ls6l|__ t o x 3 f - e R t l l t | G - E I E R Gc o u n 3 E 3 0 3 c x ltl0z u ll lULLEtt t ItI.t: t l r3et.! ! .D :::iIJl!|1 uselo! E2tee6 oreooltt Drp-!e2re!6 r t RE?fr6[6i to xiF:frI5t0FY-T-ETCFd-EdirErTT6FT-Iil3. Ir' d,.{l.olt u3etoB Ezqo!e 0e206iLl_D__l4l1sJ?SL____-9__J_9_l!!g!!!0_19_!t!.r_:r-o_-lPr_l t^t v.!3u!!-_31(lLL3 ErlERG slus._l_ , 4 l . G ? l u 3 9 ! 0 8 E 2 r o q 0 0 9 2 0 6 0 9 rD U t - 9 2 5 { 2 0 t 3 S Xrnton !0 flsr-l-0 sPlllrL v t s u r l 3 [ l L L 3 t l | G n G3 l u 3 r lotAl lHlS crDlr I t 2lr3!r.* 2r'012.3t tar!t6.9t tltr3t5.or I i t. .rat;!ttlltrm_ttf!!t-!lI0dlll'tta:fltttar-_---- J ra t lrtt - - -!Frt _ ; t" t : f ' . , , r r . o r r u s g r o t E t r o t t o e z o o l o l9 2 - t 6 2 3 r r.i a. ii :.' t, t- _ _____*-.!9!t!_u!t9t0-!1, r 'rt..0?ru3e!oB_ nsF-Hlg[i!_llIj_Illlfli-!!gErr!_q_. c.I-_c_tl!8!lt___.-_._rQ Ezqo!00e-r00{95 l.q!:J_l!:ooe-roD.r t.. .1 r:c{td rt ^r; r rror- !t rr | !r! 0a!-rr-tt rt-'-_{:; ,niftt--iEiifTEii6at-6ti66itfFaF || n 3tEll Ll:rl !Ll!!!r____ 3 lr02l.fl Fat ltll:l--T-I;r!G! rotlt !lll3 cfqlr ! ___.- l3_:9!l:l! _ .__.1_ to x3r-ttocHEtr FCorLSrL ?oLy3rcc||ritDE3 iTlSoa-i6ft-I.-f,-Ilf,t:tt--ffTtFnlrfltl-rtmfTllllf ---- !- !_-!r'!!3:!!__ part of these The aceompanylng notes are an lntegral sta,tgsspt€.,., ..-- -.- , =-ltn-gad-al - .- ,, -. . ,,-,, ,, -,. ---F-F.r - I I I c I I I I I I I IT I I I I I I I I a T I C H I G A NI E C H N O L O G I CUANL IVERSITY 0LP - F0R6t,tote3 tsrRpFll.0LprJlt3r s u n n A n yE x p t N s € 0 8 J E C TC O D E S 8y Cr0lr c Cr0ia Ghilibni'ieCr Fribpo3itr :t coiltRiCrr I l _ .l ( I x - . ! I g ! I _ _ E 2 1 s1 z . 0 e 0 0 12 ! o 6 l - 8 6 7 ! / M - P. l. slF 0ESCnIPll0ll t {^2 J G g I L L I A T S q t . r x x n l o 9 r t E 2 ? l 5 t r0 9 0 0 t 2 1 06 l - s 6 t 8 / ! t 3 - 1 0 J 6 uILLlllrS rrt I 2 P ' | s u - H l S P E Excr c c o { P o s t I Ec o x P o l | E t r r s ! ttrttl2.6! 2 P n s u - H l s P E E tcf 6 c o r P o s t t Ec o F P o i l E i l l s t l3rtl!.t: 'a a t ri I q rori[-iFis crori:--i ':3TlEo5-I3ito-_EZTtodN-li-- 3si--ttiii r{F66 - E J gHI IE ': s e. 00s uge!q _E2!c ? l-.q?t_qgt ! l_5 8l_Jlp s_qo _6!r g _ J_f i I - ---"- '-iioii-2-i r i r 3 i i i i l - - C i i 3r , { i r i r i i r t : t i s E s r u o i t i _ J u - u s _ _ o E ? l _ c 0 x H - .ESuI sArLNLE s!sl -| s L r I _ q ! e E3 t _ . . ltalIAULI C tolll tHlS CF0Ar: i ( ::t .. ' "-irib i ic - _2 e s . zs Ir !!2.12 I It l{66.00t _a r5.rrcn --_-l:rt HEOl0c E26t2g 08eoo8l! IGnHI t9-10-2 t'tz S t Br6LEy 9P H:tLlH ,r u , 3 3 l 6 o T - E E E l o c E 6 i i oo s t o o a i 6 - i G i i r i - a e - i o : t r l a t 6 L E D a t i *- - - - 9P E F r E Cr S t I S t - E H t S S l O r rESrt'|G-810 t !l; ( 5f9!o.6 I ---i;ait;.t - -' i i E i t t r - t i F E ci i i r 3 i : t x t s i t o i i - l e i i i r i c E x t ' i - a :l I HEI L r H lIr -E9 !! __rtr_lI :e I ! ggI gil _! EqI I I_S.! gt . I __ 3rL! J :! -3_ _ ___ l - L E P r - r l i o S P H E R0l c€ p 0 s I t I o l t, t o t | l I 0 R x r6 22r31!.q: ;J .ltl rGRfll et!!-_z_!l__.t__r!_-J!!!!!g!. '__,n!l!l!ltol HEol0c E2633! oge_oq_ort I N) H I 9P l5l C ;noo.oor rtrra inl E z l s o t 0 9 0 0 0 6 1 9s u B r 9 0 - t 6 ! r n o ' r n I l u E n (i; r0ffL d ;,i66;205--ii3Z2z-l-2q, 2L-0izriit! t6-t tes'nd:oI :o----H ( fXlS CFDrr: u I r0rrLJHrs qig! ! E2qro7 oeoo cRtl7.t53-01-0 ^l il( tZ rlt9.3t ilc - -r-JUnGEN3Efl ls' Epa:roFtsrEii-uErtlr0s-stuov Yl t ili...roo ,r.r, , ;;( [' J I PtcxEHS__-J! _1___l!rl?_s_:!! ____ !l r!. _ .e, 2o tz.tt E P r - v E 6 E l n r l l y E R E s P o r s € s / c L I i l r I Ec H A f l c Er it II (jr IoIAL lHlS CFolr ! ,-{ t 20r22t.9t 4l ( , : ,6 6 r 5 0 7 U 5 2 ! 6 E z t l 7 O 90 9 l O 0 t t l 5 C n S t 8 7 l O - O l - O O J C H ES ' I E Y ! 3 E P r - S U P E R C Rr tI C l L ---- 'il( ll FLUt0 ExtRrCtlOr| rorit-ri{rs crbrai' i .l! (s l6 '5 !t.9 ! _.- _3l i6iEii.ri' ''l ri( :rtl ( ' ,a6 6-lSii-]IS3i e--EZctl-i- 616itot i t r ii tasr-:rti:0 iori'-J - e enir !Eiiotii -- --! 3 - E F i : c t ' t I l i - l F r i j 3 t P l | L - r n E | r ' | E l | r - | E t H | ' i i , t d f - - _ _ q ! ! ; ' 9 o ; 5 .tr ' t ' 6 6 . 5 x xu s t t s _ 8 2 { r t . z 0 e 0 o 0 r t t3 e ! ? ! 1 8 _ g ! : e. . . g I c r l q . q { - _ . . | -, r-p-,.]l-r-10-g--------ii' _ l ! _ !lt-:lly-r91!.!gtru! ?qr=-y4q!.rgurrllllo-tr-s-rl, ( (: r:66.5IX US!l! ::'6el3il-li3jli Eztrtl ! 09000?13 e8l960r-01-0 -Etiii-s riiiioorir ndiibrr:oi:o , _ 9 - 6 _ . s l l _ q ! l !_ 8 E 2 " l t 6 _ 0 e 0 0 0 7 1l 8! _t e _ 6 8 r - - 0 t - 0 ( e B l Brnlll !S Etr-cctlt r -' fi J HdrlrER ! s e ' r j u r t L r z l r t o l c n r r u L l r h E s t o i r i r sC c t r I i x 0 nuilorlil ! s !?r-FouilDnYr0L0_ProcEss . gqllr. r G G L O , r E R r r r l 0c 'c| l l t 3s EPr-PrPrlcULllE ! ! __-L!-r_l_?-e_:q r 20,2rr.!c !s r' e o . s x x u s l t e E 2 . t t t t 0 9 o o o t t 3n o l g 6 c e - o t - o s r r<lrlrnl -35.5-ri-ii3ii6--_Eititii'ricobortl-nitceai-br-u n E nuuLltts The aceompanying notes flnanclal sta+,ements. are Etr-PxvSlCrL an lntegral PqoPEPIy0rll part of CClfl these fr t5rt9!.6! tiirij.-ji t6rt!i:6 2 ir' a ':n - - --rl !a :Dl tra I ! D ctl I I FI 'ru C+' o o o c+. o I .l i|I ctl .l .l I I I I II I €l Ctl 6l ctl !l Fll DI -l €: tl .C ,tt I C' t t a C' o t u c ! FI a o c o I ni P.i E; It it: C' - al It C' C' FI ! c t 5 D 6 fl c ctl -i (il ctl -l ctl FI !l cl 6l -l -l ol rl L o, o rt o N! - -16 at I I I OI t- I I l. l- l9r IU la io l€ It lFl l- iFl i6 iD l:r l(t 'Fl ID tn tF io .- !Cl iF il lo lu II t II l- ID lcl It rz lFt ll a- I l6 ':u l.o rc! in t! il l€ It l€r ln lo to I IN lct lo lN t3 lc lN l€ I lct l€ !o lcr lrr I lc IN lo lN a C' C' 6 ,- l- ;- I I I C' 'D I ' ft ! i I I I I iI I I I I I I ul ul Ni -l ol tr .al 6l ctl al cl II 6l D. !l t! !; >l 6l zl c|l ol al CI ol t! rrl ctl sl rl -l Fl nl rl !l C'I tl -l !l €l ri g)l Ct' El FI .l C'I ctl ol C!l OI ul NI I nl Nl ol ol el :. I 2 lo t c'l a' .! t. lo a.2 ta{l -t-Ol G,oc'l 6:OOl !l Nrl il il ll .ia!l t o o l'2 :DOl -Hrl Dt tol 60(,1 d0€: tct! ntc,l z.o6l <r ,t !HHI !6|c|l otDl :D 6! Fi!!l D|,C: aa!l nr D.rc,l nrzl r! jll 61 !l >l tl EElC'l eosl ErtEl l tt tl lctGilla !,1!lnttl F>>t€}lH ('ol 6EFlxl < tt Fll o Fl ct .F NtsFltiF N FI Eiool ttl rcr E ol FE6t !ln!l g|t 6 Gi ct.OctlHl> NNNI I tl. ll ooot N'{{t nnFrlol! !irr!lN16 { iG rt 6q6roi{kHt {rr! e6uri 9VV I I iC' ,Ct I .t- | lat io i I I N:' I I I II 1." I ct it olr rt it 9.lo tlN .:a qt olo !io clH o lFl t l"l Fl !l oi.'| 2in,a rl! -l< FI Fie Fltlts 6l< < ll !tt 6lF ,al C :ct t i> €r|.| -io Hl|. < !C 6 ol I Ni6 n i.l H!< i 6lD gtct o,< r i F -1. Ct t! ,ct l' !o I 'u I l. I D .- C' I o r- o lsl lct: . F l l-; lor l€l trl :l t ' lcl i'i I al ol 9l OI sl I -l -: tl ai !l o: 6tl * -l al ctl zi cl ol !: FI; C': .' I I UI I tl .l al u: Nl ar. .i ct' DI al 6 a' ol I il t: il ct< r! ,I Col 6l .6 €€ol il u-Nr oNol {c|al ll rl tl ttl t -: r' -l I >ro !l :l \rl €r! cr('1 nq. r! !!l n!t -F. !>. !-l ,o EI ll F I .>,G HZ. Cr rl I I I aONl -aal fl I !T!l ntt t> H,t >-> cr: <o ,l | clcto:ooi €€€.490 FOO'OO2' -ocl OOOIO'E, Il I lt E o or t f| :- 3. ! ,! q, Oia. a-4. {o1 tu NO !a EC' N! a{€t !' H! OF 2Z !! c'F !D I !D 6C ro <Hz' l-l za! ltn c|6! I | ct ! FAC' ,! ! . F | o ao octctlclo!: OlaarOgOl Etcto:o0! croc,t octo, CIclC!:c'CIF {i{{r{.< F Ft F ts qHCluua' I' !!!r!ill OCOIOO GuNtCt,€ J N N I N NFFINFDI NNNINNOI ,;acra30l {,t{t{{<l ('., O 6 A t o e or O O .rc'' vUqi6f>' x x xr x x xxxlx,x llr6|l c.Gci cc!l q6gl6hzi vuuluu-l Fl-FCtl oool r.Dti Ol;r-l I cl a C' I - l €l ul- al ri al i i' o, Ell ,l o a , |'l .l! r .r D l al nlx ol< H:! -;n < > Fl> a I ll lo' I i I a C a (n t z - 6 z c I c' i I I o 'a a ,N .C' O u !r, a o 0l ol ta C' n' -' - D =i o ': co u'z otC' t a C, 6, -l tl FI 6l G 'o -, g' g]. 2l tl ti ctr Oi ul C t ttl ,l C I 6tl Ftl ti - I c, ct ! a u o I E ct a CI a ?-l I 6l €l ol I .C at C' DCI l! -O t'! D.t z tF :o iC, l6 il ,61 :a D 'C 'Gt :u :? lF ig !I tu I u CI Dl Fl ln ID t3 It It !l FI rCt tcl tcr !il io io tO r6 ol {l C' o DI ol Ol rl o a tl €l ol €i n ' pi (+: Oq @i F': 5a il oi ei ol .ol ool .t a+l a o5', a<. a-a .-a oQi t: otl 5Or .t *5 -.: t at ta oa -l 1.t o o o ol ol ol ol lo € a 3 o o a c I C' t O Gtl €l : ol ol lN It i.. lo io la lI € I lc l6 IN lo lu l> !rY u tt il a a O e a p C' c t C' O a v t{' t. D. o. n. - al O' nl e n ct- !< .! (tat 6 o!z crnH I o90 oo LH 6 ! C 6t o2 tG6Ct !a F! rt hoC-H !!o I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I r(I i (. iit I I I I I I I I r I I I r I I a H T C H I G A } I E C I I N O L O G I C AULNI U E R S I I Y QLp - FoR 6tttotgl t s I R pF t l . o L p / J l i l | s u m a R yE x p E r { soEB J E c rc o c E sB y c F o r r ( ----;, .C iit f I pRoposllr p. I. c0iltRAcIr l . c F D A t G n l | r o R rl c c t i.i l i . 8 _ ! . . 06r ._ u s 9 2 o _ t 2 9 8 6 9 0 9 0 0 l I 0 3 f . 9 r 6 | 1 0 0 ! - ?l_c ! 0 2 _ T. o H o i l 3 o r l s/F oEscntPtton ril 3 L U S D E P t E D U rCt t o f l - S 0 VI E r / C U n0 p E r N S l u 0 y- . r _ - . 5 ! t t ! t . 7 z l.l ( I'i r O t A Lt H l S C F O r r : t it: ir 8t1.200 US9l9 E 2 q 8 5 7 O g 0 o l O t S P e O 0 r t O l Z t r H D O 2 D 3 Y0Ult6 3 L U 3 o E P t E o u c r t t o [ - G R l l n E l s 0 F x l I L | | E E D3 E 2 q 8 5 8 0 9 0 0 t 0 1 1 p 2 0 0 r t 0 t 2 2 A H 0 o 2n ir'irs i:l l : : i 8 q . 2 0 ou s 9 l 9 i-ruiiltil--- i1 i ' i q ! : ? p 9 _ q 9 ? ! ! . _ E 3 . ! p ! ?0 ? 0 o t g l 2 ? ? 0 o a l 0l 2 J r x o 0 2 s f i P r i l o t t "t: ,,8q.200 us9l9 E 2 q 8 6 20 9 0 0 1 0 1 5p 2 0 0 r t 0 l 2 t . tl0{-6nr iiEls E D UrC -oi t J iaitititi----'- t lt9,!ol.t n i i i ' n E E or ' - - i s i ; t a d : t i t L u 3 . o E P l _E o u cr t t 0 [ - G n r ^ R e l 3 0 F _ . i l r r Ll | E E Or l{trtel.t ! L U 5 D E P I E o u cl l t 0 i l- G nr r F E A S 0 F i l r l | - i l E E o r A H 0 0 20 5 Y 0 U i l 6 . r 4 q . 2 0 0 U S 9 l 9 E 2 ' r 0 6 30 9 0 0 t 0 t 3 P t 0 0 r t 0 t 2 2 r f i 0 0 2 r -oEit ( 6t.66r.2t ! a q2r!69.09 -iaiiilEFi g 0 U C r l l 0 [ - 6 n r r n E A S0 F r l l l L N E t 0 r 2 9 r 6 7 1 . |8 :c q*of_l|l IL__IEg0-_ t L u s o e P r E09cr r I9!:c8f _l lEl q*of_rll r___-.l!.'! ! t-r t___-._l!.'! r-r!.i _ _-._ I 0 r l L r H t s c F o rl ttr t 616r1 t 0033..2266 39 iltft-HEtLlH Rlst(S OIESCLEt|ISSl0l| StSIEFS r -I N.) rl -;iiir:'iiitih \-) ilsr s oieitt-Txi3 ston'iiiiEiis .al Ile ':i Itrttr.qt -a---ii;t;t. 2 i' ;. -- --- ;. ?or?0lrl_Q_ !9_If!_-IHIs _cF_o!r !-__l _ .tl I II T I H - H Y P E R I H E F I I I A O F C E L L I U H O N SO F lotAL lHlS cFolr: :;. !gilq__!__.!g,rtr.!7 t _ :f, rrl ;1c t0r9lt.ot Ir sclaica aon rallorsFrr-|ra-atr/r||||oxa. tt,toa.t( -----a;a3i:6a iiarii:3 -r;itiiit-aiiitdii'6 Eiititlaf, t !g!f!.- !--!!!!!!l!t-!!99 !!-.,!!!!!-t!.- ,,rx/r rtorl t2!os5 o..o!2t! .r5r60-0l rtrrot r c ?rroa!o{ \inrr a r a S a E 2 5 z t r 0 a r 0 o 5 o !t 2 ! r 6 s u t l r t 2 rr rlfllir'ht{: liirirB{il il3 .! --J !l'!!Lr.! :-.----- ---. I { cfilt t alr6t attfit ;a ; -'; tt5rJoltot .'3 _aiioci -a---aa;iia; ditiiiiai i'" __. .-ti_-t!ll!:Jtrc-!_!_cE_!!g!!!,-9t'-'!r!!!!'!'!.,_.-.,u!l!l:!!-_____-_ l"!4----u?!-L!!{!!_-s!!!!!q--!t!?!3_!!.__._ _!.-q-0_319!!F. |,i r a curirx ;t7l-Ilaaa aZia,io-tmi-it-itia-60-66f--'-I -.-!t!____-t-!9.!!_ _E?!q!-!_!e2o!2l? _rr l ?! r!:09- _. -r lEtltr E262qrorlol2oa9r6o0ta:afr, 6 -,fiti 6 Etjri aia2ia ar2lritir rrcooirjz :.-!L,t-ru-!--!?a5l!_.9_arqo!!r o [aiiiain ir lrtt:Lla-rtz -- - soulat r[6ar ioDa! Trtr r trtao.at :a -i----;ila.-ra o.osaoaxt ir iirrilii:siriLiiit Sill/iriit ii-iillirr.tig..oir- rl.2 irrllEr rrrlrsrr.r!r2 rro5.r._ t 3tr0!r a, aa||ort-co{totltt raralto raHtala tlltt a _ !r!?!r tt.lrt.li a rtxulr rr a:r or{-rracrracoord tLrxat rrr(rtrr . rra,aii.a. tqll!rr:1a:9:-0at ,a D mol ;:a _' rt llla!-acoroarcrr r0|rlr0PIr6 rfarY corar r The accomPAnylng notea are an lntegrsl pert of these flnanclel ; :3 tta,tla.t! -____.__., 3 :C .. statenents' .. 3 I I I I I I I r I r I I I I I I I I I , I I I C T I I G ^ lI |E C H N O L O G T C UA NILV E N S T I Y 0Lp - F0n 6r\ot9t ts IRprll.oLp/Jil!t s u H n l n t E x p E l | s Eo 8 J € c t c o D t s t r c r D r r --" c r D i i 6 t r i i o i t i l e c r - F F o F 0 l3[ i c o ] l r R^ c l a , ,I t , il | I I 09100-!!!-9gq?95-:e-f;-00!;!.s-a -o-illqr -____-rp tttt ittg{r E26r?q lt/r t9r-sr5!5Y rP ltrnl-LttlEn tiii'ri----- i'-ii t-iEii;i---- f. ;r :'N/^ -!!!20r ti- ) rEtr i :.le t u: ,i I s.. igH l ^r , r x/r t r:ril/l I t i rrr rEriEiS6F--iF-uTIi-Tt J r xEct( RrDrp-c a--li;ii 'i-3ITo ii-[iir--i.ii3:Eii6tEaFTi srslt rpJrrotr -. tiia t" :.!-4 I t 61270.0C GFIIEIir-eiiF-T--icttT:Tr r_l!L !ll!:9!tF_crslzj-J.trrLri!!!_l_ 12,!rr.6( at ttac-Ort ttotucttot 3ct!a-Ut-tEcfl Jttrt --rl--i3C--!iitiifiiaiiii-iiiti:'rr:iEdf-ltltt---:;itr-Jt--- t arttt.r r lrt50 E2t!52 09e0r2tt c0l|5t rGRLqt/9! x 6 fic[!!?50[ rp lr3c-DRr pnorucrtox Scrlt-up-rEcH ! lrr6t.t c ll?50 E 2 r r 5 J o g z o t z l e c o l s l r G R i lo t l e ! n G rcrr,rpsorl { P l r S c - D n A p P o c u c t t 0 l |s c r L E - u p - t E c H r p n g ! r !rrrt.2 ! lr?50 tztlge -iiit-ala.-ta o 9 2 0 l 2 l t c o ' | s I r G R f io t l 9 t filFtt 6tn6ai6-UEii-lritt----i lratalr Eallo! 0rto0r0t roa.t5-t!'c_o$!.|| f t!;t*-- i-a;attrar--t --!r r t l r t c - O R r p i o t u c l l o i t 3 c r t t - U p - t t c l t J U L V T It tl G flcltllPsox --- I llull4!_-_- rr-U.tr:traaorir t -tr Htrra batr rcth|trtr ! r u s r t p r o n c f - o r t D r r t o xs l u D y 'fll^_ !F rrcoft-l.rlcf, rr0.rttlo u s l l ' r _ _ E 2 0 s 50?! r g o ! 9 1 _ q ! r E - q r - ! L c _ - _ ! g. !-_o.rp _ q ! r 3 ! l f E -- _ r.&!l_____. tat.ec --t 9_!_!l_!_lo!c-l:_.olqq!!lgllt-r!r-Dt__tf!q!1! u s l z t r E z t t r 2 o r g o o t r orl0 1 6 ! s - 9 0 - c - o o 6J! c c p t t t E x o t x ';Fii---IiSttt-tZi6l2-6i:8i00-i-Dielii:it:aa':odait ii b'6iiionirE- l "ntr l. rr,rts.tr t --x/r-Trif6-Eiar3I-tro-ItttTaiSI-TEid-- 617ii F-E-rai5FFa6i---ir-liaFDFl liS tiit i iar-Ctr-iit--tien-ffi;f t-, r 'lll/! --!!!!qr-f 6-!!-9!1!! .'1 i-tgt!!!aq!! - - -- - !t- !!!-c:-!-!r-!!9!!9! !9L t! !$-:9ir.q!!-{,.!!.!l!-l'tl!l!ag!-l!!19!l )'ntt 6r6!0.6C !!!Lo!LG suttRrtE_!9.!$xj_ 3reto E2!136-6e2-E6tII-66e r- r6:Ta2i-'-'d-t-EIe iai- TtitiiSi:Eiaiitn-;1-T5ii-ntitA-i-dm;aor r6,3tt.r r r 3tn-c rP PtocESs lEc't-6ttx0 corL Io 500 iltsH 00t t 2z!ttt33tt 0 9 1 0 0 t l! l! r E - ! 7 ! 9 r n!Lo_l__q_j|-!|lLl__ p o o o o tr .r,rtott. t6r1630.zt rF crRE,L:e!-itrrrr Ho!tLtri rlGLo tE3rrrctr a-'--2i';lse;;'et xoo GrtstS oo ootr r 3!rt0r.ef f. :r. l:: D" t:tt u 3 l t r E z t o t s o t t o l t z o l t o o o t q - r 9 - J - t t 6 63 r l t r t t H r L L , inii --ii3I53--T:iiai fditoog t6--6fi-LdFiai:6:ati 3i- e- E-lI Fifri is tf orR-coilptE3st0tt rLutos lrrG rt3 lilrolfl3 tr irii:riltorEttcll srirotEs tii rLrsrtcttr t tlrttt.tt pr i - - ?rrira.tl D ot. I' 1., ,:'rlr u3lt6 _ !,tjt.Ot CEi6^i-TI5i- sFiEa-t-ol36if iEfr---T--?t;f6:;BT 2p ux!!_!ry;Ilq_ttl . lttSO Ezatlo ot2ol2lt coI3[ r6tt ttl12 |l a fiatttoilt - liT7i-iitio te iii:i-oF-;iibiii.iiiii.siit* 2P U{lV HICH-S}|tttLf lircl{G E2t6tt oezooq?c-!lf:-Q-?:!!t-0s602 tr R 9!9If__ P R 5 6 t E 2 ? t ? 00 9 2 c 0 2 0 1O t - O t S - 9 0 ';n/r ltoxERtxG 3VSvx t r p u _ y t u[ t c ] r - s r r t r L E t i r g r ! [ ! r r o r R - c g l ! : _ c _ r - Axoro6 r L sHrRtr tIiE ET_--E-T ( f ' ilrnlErIr-UIlv/IxD a- iiiitFtiiiia lll l t t o g 6 c E z l s r 9 o g o o 0 s o rz t r 9 9 s 2trt29.! ( --t.;ta-rT--- iitn-i iir; {P ilnllx t r r 0 e 6 cE z t s r 0 q 9 0 0 0 i 0 r - z r r 9 9 5 r l ' D r o r r L s H r n t i lt.:ttt^ l.r' 0tc0np03ltlott c fltcpoFLonr 3 5ia6ar5aiii6r i- iiaia;i6ia- i ! r r r! r oacollltr rt ot. i rc-ro_rrg. r__-, r__r t, r !! ,! ! ___ -.r! - -rir:!t rrc t.L-- fioo ! E J eHltt ,:wr --r'rJ'r:ii?-Triina-nii66aia-38-iiiF3J;-r x :n: . ' A prrilr c_o_yE!_ t_tl_nt_-tcoLoctcrL_fiofltrortxG 3,__-_?r_._r2-rr.t_l__ E 2 6 s ! ? o r t o o t q o D 0 6 2 c s - g ! - o o 2 - L Js B p t c x t i l 3 'vi-iiittTtaaii-r?oo-iii-od rEaFE:d!--l-T ' !rJ-L-tl-!ltll2ltl!Lq!!qq!!0-gq.t-t!:tl:]l:coll-L I , tlqtt ,utt , i {/-r- --lt-!-IU26s!6 lft t [ 2 0 { 6 6 O t l 0 0 9 2 t 0 ! l E 0 t - 9 2 - c - ! 0 0 t J c R 0 G E r - l - . _ _ - _t.I___. J r c 0 x - l _ r 1 2 l . i g ! E t E t o - S l r l t o x | | r t I t E I r x c E _ _ t-___. t o r ! 6 t ! t t The aceompanylng notes are an lntegral f lnane lat ststementsi' part of these _ tl o o - -) (+ -' o D o .! .l t : t a t t I I I I I lo l^l l{ lr lrc l. II la l! :F E l- rD ir tl j rrr .ft 'o ,E :o lE iu rl o :o It I tz r! I I I I I a a |, a a ? o 3 c - cl o 'a lo IO lo I Im lN l- io l6 :i:i l . rl ol o i.r ti :i ;i _l lr ll .r : ,91 i: l rO 2; Ft ?A natnai. o..i|.C,i F€'FNI ou:oF CJuitl {5lF; -aaa 'F c'>t A=tCF, D>:!26l'.FI; -<ql dt6')ts. <F:? to.! ft!ts 6 6aturc r\6..', 6r!.! tts:Fc: DC':!DI ?r<Fh |,ts| | | 'l Fl Ct ?xrts€rl nFtrF<l 6r<>l <nF=t tF,atf|: > t6 2a'nl t^. x ,b tjFq, tnDlF<! ??i<ci 'rlCrHo 'ft 6 J1 6' ,'5Y.6r ze:cci 9slUH' C'a,Lci <61 o!:>!: e>'-ol t<tlNl dN,i -Grlt :o-t -:-: o -r I i ct. ts Ftt tl >l Cr: l l F l l l l F \ ctl ctl i k ls q , o - lt t c'iF .ui 6.Ul 6rrI6ll I t i l ol-ol 9 l € r \ 9 1 N , N l > H l oi lti r!llllnnl NIN:NNI rE ar c! {ql€Nl O'GI{NI Gr.!Nsl \'\l\\l >l-l->l ttl ril cl clccl 6'61061 urSlu9l ar H lN NiolF{t rlEi sizi==t ' - 9Z- l- i. O 'o ,9 'ct II i. I I lo 'o !o tct i to I II I I l'I :t :< trt i, l3 l> la't ;C' It ll :n i> io ll lo i< l! I I l- I I II ''I io lo It 'z ir iE lo I tl l! :Cl CI io ll lo l'q iEt rl l> l> I tcl ;N ,c' l€ lo r tc, lo I ln llEt I ic 16 II lD .E-: lcl g1 9io! - n .Ft Fl ;= :> H , €t.ol ti €l - l .t . FtFiU:: Nl 6rs{i €lFl-l .1.,o c|ru.ul {l 9ril iii Ctl ctt Clt cl ctrct-| Cll ct €t o irl !rata ol l6,r Ol-rD FII Fil!,Q 6fF- (lr \.111:) Di I i i ; i | i I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I r I I I I r r I I r I r r .I I I I I D i l t c | | I G A N T E C I { } I o L o G l c lu L Nt v t R s t t y Q L P- f o R s t t t o t 9 t t3 rRpFll.oLP/JH!t s u i l ' | l n v E x p t l t s Eo 8 J E c l c o c E 3 8 y c r o r r )'; l ;l I I :____-__ -' --t.i.' cro^r Gn{rona iaai FFopolir----Eiiiiie-idli t : '. {4|__trtlc._ E2?19!__q? r o.!a?o-aol! ro!?!-rt-or 5 fi.aocarot's! l''tt' t2lotz 0aa0l!l5 x6ol.-rl-J-ltt! a a r(orz a-aiF-* - "iii7i---liiii-izrriE-o-6ittn5.i-ttiiiiFiinoio-i-a ; sri ii:scirpiron !fi rr3-!oratr rrlar5{t!^ria - -- aco!!5rait I.r r sartrt.i! t7 ott-rrslc tlaorrot artttrl otrcortoattlort t-hii:ii-i adiiiEiiiiiiii'ti or Sii.tiiiiib. i rrt,tlg.s! -ii;iri;- l|l!1!-J'!!!ll.!!!-L'q!!qL!€-!9|!(!:'!:|L:lo2..t_r-il-rIri----'.---ll-ni't!!-|.t|ei-|{r!tTlc|L||,..U!!ql! uatla a2lllt otlollot t0ltor-t2-x-!ata O L llallat l lrfrr lrtrl tCCrar-Goialtattoxca|ftauittto{a t 'i5:i6irai , t: o_t__ ltraatt3t i Iiii:-ciiiE--ii-corilr,r-ii5iE-t-----ii;tI':?t--; tr t- .: r,t!t.t! - tirai;i id:nT- - -- - -- -- -- i i 6i iiar a-iii- i aftotiiantti-- _9-r:aoullll9!_-!t Lf !!tlg!?_a!_l_!o[l!rt!!._t_2!Ltlt ut ottt toucrttoi-SottttraltatEol itt,ot t t I r,|t -, ,r:rttr 'x4 tttat l2r!r! !t2!!ll5 tltt-l2ztlat lttoo r t aOaL cluttll_rrtr:lglxt-'rttll ll.Lltcl !a ltl-loOlltrgl5 irstt Ittartrto lrr' MarltLtl-. ttrcull! t tlrttt.3a : r,a,to a2rat-alEddaltSri-'iti:6:inonil-triiiil---tililFiaa.iilt-fiE-tltfi--irt-aii-fiiE-t-fi;Gt-i-; rrrr rrt3. a2trrt otloqt l_ti3l!!!_!v!_u_Ltl!!!!!a 3rrrrr.t. _?._rlr.xa__5!!la:q!!r! rr3_o_cltloriarr ca.!|rrt | llaarc oloolota tlaatll tlrllr a2lt.t J a ottltl D ttflrf tttft lraDc-tott3trtoo tSat crta a t3,att.!! ! ---'"--i3iiraiattt-iE0-i5:-l iia i!.-h"7T-a-;iiiila a; TItit-aiiiF ii.i-air-a-ltaiEliftialFtfaiH-?--!o,-a|r:Tf-----:----. ,v, p:rrr t!!.!!r srr.t. .2.tti otooro.. o_: -___tl.!Irtt__,l!-IMLE-!!!|!!!_of_t9!rg!!!__-_-l-_-_ a) N) o\: t' I rvJr|/A Ll969C E2ttSS 09200126 F tC6 !!q t, J uHltE 2P rrYXE SlrtE-rccE33 SIOCt|Etronr r t0r33t.0( 3 t?rll2.Ol l, tarft-rflrrtfrtri-rr;Tar;rra:, I' I. a , l] |r p,fr7r.-----gzrf,t5-uv!uu2tt-l t: 'dl .tt i1' : t. 6{trr-ucolt!----3- lf -loiiErI'- I r., r; ftll o tF GLrc;3Er"ltt{ rirrltrlt;orilt|rptoD0cnufl--f lrts! E25222 0 9 2 0 0 s t 9 t 2 e 6 t - 0 0 0 0 0 t r { t 2 r n c u n R l f l rP lrrltLLt-lCll2r|l0ltlE 8rt5! E 2 3 2 2 r 0 9 2 0 0 9 0 7! t z r 7 1 2 t 6 6 t - 2 r ? 6 t rP lrTlELLt-ltrs I BLllEc tFFlLlttlox t ':jrlll1. J rHtrt :t: tl 1., 3rttr.t c -6itd0rtt6-eli-IFe-iitid:iii[' -- -"--it' ,':ii7T;---TTio-6--E:3i6-i Cl itii t(i,in =riif-l65ri:tf, fr d'-osi6tiiE IC- 3Y3ftf,-t," .. il/1. c R t 0 5 E 2 6 2 ? 20 9 t 0 0 9 2 1 ^ g a ' , l o 6 t 2 2 t 9 2 3 H B oollrrEEi li l 9 pp -gtfg.-IP9!'!t!c_ EcolsEr!!!l!r_Lf uocErfs r eI,r!r.5 r t , N/A. 3 tt rt !l.t I Hr9!2 t 2 r 6 l 5 0 9 2 0 0 1 0 6C H - l t 0 ? l r o D f o l e I R03E 2 P U r t y H r s l t l - y o L C r f l t ct n u p t l 0 I r u x E s - --- t t.; t.'-' lll33tLE LrUl|CHEr ':l; I ':' r,,tfTl tTl-Erf6 u- EISI t3nt!uu3 nr-r cilt r 136' 00t 0 r 2a J c - n o a t n 3 " ' I'v.' r ' r r l / 1 . . . t R 6 2 0 E 2 t r 0 5 0 9 0 0 0 3 1 I0I R - t 0 - S r - 0 0 ? r ! c cont|tl3fil i--6f,Tt0:2 ta,tlt- r{t 3-t}Er- ;-.-i- i a5;0tfiIU It tr TIELLE:GrDuEil rcou3rtc3-s t3[rE-r!:lr- tP rtrcoR-nlfillt sptctRr 0? Itcrtl part The aecompanying notee are an lntegral ' f lnanc la'l statene{tt'g:'-' -;'-':<" of l--"t;tlsr!' Eltcltoof r these 2rtllrl3 r- : ; I I II II I I I I r I I I I I I I I I i l c H t G l l r l t c t { l | o l 0 G t c l L u Nl v [ R s l r v qLP - r0n 6r{o/91 tsrnPfll.oLPrJHSl BY Crorl s U x { A R yE X P f t i S Eo B J E C I C O C E S --c0 fi rn ^c l I erDl-*Gn'It6fr i--l CCr"- pf,bPoSrL J ) -l --- - ----r,l ' ' -3rl og3crtPttofl P;I; rgrrt_ !{!s. crDr-r-r_! _ _ 3r.Lql!.3_r ___ ,f\l ,tlt95 E26ttt o920tltr l9x-sr2?2v E J cHllE |rrnflI ,|rptcllr-strtE totrt GnrflOlOllLt ) ,t o u l R E r c Ht i l t l l l l v t tHl3 CFDlfr ! t 2'??6.tt lltrS!2rO2?.lO L I t , I N) ll , -t 'll I IL , !", |, ) t.1 {t t , .t t , The aceompanYlng llotes statements. flnanclal are an lntegral Part of these artt6.l! I I I I I M]CHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UN]VERSITY SUMMARYOF FEDERAL FTNANCIAL ASSISTANCE t I I t I I I FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30. Financial t I I I I E:<penditures Assistauce ST'MMARY FROM PAGES L3-27 $ 2,860,874* 11,488 ,428* Aid Student Financial Research and DeveLopment Assistance other Financial trotal Dlrect: College Work StudY Noncash Assistance: Perkins Loans Stafford Loans Loans for Supplemental PLUS Loans Total otber Student ' 1) A * * i ] - A, 5 3 2 , O 2 8 AID 363,457 $ 5,881 ,943*** 3,076,380 243,7 47 6 .064 Students Fluancial 5 9,57L,601* Aid s 2 4 . 1 , 0 3. 6 2 9 TOTAL, FEDERAIJ FINATiICIAIJ ASSISTAIICE * Major 1A1 & From Pagee L3-27 OTHER STUDENT FINA}ICIAIJ t I I I ]-993 program ** We reviewed the account detail on pages t3-27 of this report noting as a major p r o g r a r n as "oLher" qualified classified funded Federally ***perkins loans outstanding by total Loans are,'measured" new loans awarded during the year ended June 30, 1993. on pages 13-27 with a 'P" in Any expense listed column is Federal pass through money. All other in nature. are direct The accompanying notes are an integral -28- part at June 30, the source of grants listed of this no program 1993, plus funds (S/F) on pages 13-21 schedu]e. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MICHIGAN TECHNOIJOGICAL UNIVERSITY NOTES TO THE SCHEDUIJE OF FEDERAI' FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, (1) ASSISTANCE ]-993 SCOPE OF AUDIT PURSUANTTO OMB CTRCULARA-133 All (the University of Michigan Technological Federaf grant operations ,,University" ) , are included in the scope of the oMB Circular A-133 audit (the ',Single Aud.it.,'). The Single Audit was performed in accordance with of the OMB's Compliance Supplement for Audits of the provisions (the Institutions of Hiqher Education and Other Nonprofit Inst,itutions ,,Compliance Suppl-ement", issued October 1991) . Compliance testing of all in the Compliance Supplement, was general reguirements, as described norformed. requirements was performed for of specific Compliance testing all major programs. The U.S. Department of Hea1th and Human Services has been designated cognizant agency for the Single Audit. University's (2\ as the SUMMARYOF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNT]NGPOI,]CIES Basis of Presentation alf includes Assistance The accompanying Schedule of Federal Financial during Lhe year which had activity Federal grants to the University ended June 30, l-993. Grant revenues are recorded for financiaf Ir ^YhI /^Vr! f i h Lt rr I r V l-tra r o qe enyoe -v 1 - hrlrhnqaq lJulyvpso i 1ta drant u r rv ^v rrrhe ror n f h o llnirrorsit\,/ ui q t I I I T FINANCIAL - zY' rhr a q !s mAf l-hc cnralifications for I MTCHTGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UN]VERSTTY SCHEDULE I I - Questioned F'indi no Drndrem I..ts Findinq I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I SCHEDULEOF FINDINGS 1993 .........# a^<f #1 observation U.S. Dept. of Education purchased major equipment during The UniversiLy charged it Eo fiscaL year 1993 and inadvertently for eguipment in the a grant that does not provide Lhe error budget. During the course of the audit, properly reclassiand the University was discovered account. fied the equipment to a non-federal University $3,200 Response system which of a new accounting We have full implementation e g u i pment being p l a c e to monitor put budget checking in will account. funded to a Federally charged -30- c I t I I I I I I I I MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSTTY SCHEDULE I - SCHEDULEOF FINDINGS 1993 (Continued) Questioned Fi ndi no Drddr:m .l.+ry : t q #2 Findinq Observation Student Financial Assistance The University financial aid to students' applies accounLs before the time allowed by the Federal However, no funds are disbursed regulations. and the to students until the time allowed, directly University does not request the funds from the covernment until five days before the academic term begins. Therefore, there is no financial impact. University Response Beginning with Lhe fa11 quarter of 1993, our institution has implemented new computer software for processing student financial aid and Student Accounts Receivable. This software a11ows us Lo select the daEes for authorization of st.udent financial and disbursement aid. t t I I I I I I |.-nql- * The reimbursement effect is not reimbursable or not -31- either nominal, ascertainable. I t MI CHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAITUNIVERSTTY SCHEDULE II - STATUS OF PRIOR-YEAR (1992) AUDIT FINDINGS RELATING TO FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASS]STANCE PROGRA}'IS I I I I I I I I t F'i ndi no Dfndrih ry Findinq Questioned ^^^* ^ #1 observation U.s. Dept. of Education employee We noted one case in which a University advance approval country without to a foreign traveled agency. We also noted a specific from the granting to the University's case where a minor exception should policy The University was discovered. travel policy is enforced and provide ensure that the travel communications beEween the necessary departments. better 1993 University Response The Deans and Department Heads were reminded in a special that Grants meeting on November L7, 1993 of the requirement 45 days prior travel is required officer approval on foreign to their and were asked to relay this requirement to Lravel, Also, statements that Grants Officer and staff. faculty to trip 45 days prior is required travel approval on foreign forms that Ehe Principal is included on two University One form is the Contract Activity receives. Investigator when office Sheet that is prepared by the Research Services Grant c o n t r a c t o r t h e f o r m i s p r o j e c t o t h e r f u n d e d . T h e i s a office. Budget Format prepared by the Research Accountinq I I t * The reimbursement effect is or not not reimbursable I I t I I -32- nominal, either ascertainable. T I I I I I I t MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY S C H E D U L EI I - S T A T U S O F P R I O R - Y E A R ( 1 9 9 2 ) A U D I T F I N D I N G S RELAT]NG TO FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS (Continued) Questioned Findinq Student Financial Assistance I I I l- c #2 applies financial aid to students ' The University accounts before the time allowed by the Federal However, no funds are disbursed regulations. and the the time allowed, to students until directly the funds from the does not request University five days before the academi-c eovernment untilthere is no financial term begins. Therefore, impact. 1993 University t I t t a^< Observation I I I l F'indi no Drndram +4 Response Beginning with the fa11 quarLer of 1-993, our institution student for processing has implemented new computer software Thls softaid and student Accounts ReceivabLe. financial and the dates for authorization ware allows us to select aid. of student financial disbursement k'lhd1nd A....+.+.+=.+ ! < Observation student Financial Assistance to go students dropping all classes who failed checkout procedures were through the University's in order Aid office to the Financial not reported to perform a refund calculation. * The reimbursement effect is or not not reimbursable - 3 3- either nominal, ascertainable. * ,l I t l MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY SCHEDULE ]] - STATUS OF PRIOR-YEAR (1992) AUDIT FINDTNGS RELATING TO FEDERAL FINANCIAT, ASSISTANCE PROGR (Continued) Findino Prooram I 1 QQ? TTni rrarqi l-\/ Questioned Costs Raqn.1nsa is in the process of implementing the University currently, a new student software system (BANNER). Since thls new such data base, information system operates on a relational (i.e., brackets as check-outs and changes in tuition be readily will students dropping below half-time) by the department or area needing and retrievable accessible the data. I I work together Management will Aid and Enrollment Financiala procedure to handle students who drop all to establish check-out to go through the University's cl-asses and fail procedures. It E i nrli 4 na #d observati-on t t t I st,udent Financial Assistance Cash drawdowns were made in excess of what was on five occasions allowabl-e by Federal regulatj-ons year. TVro such occasions were the fiscal throughout drawing down in excess of three due to the UniversiLy occasions were due to the t h r e e a n d days' funds due to overdrawing on its SEOGallocation University than 858. However, these drawing down at 1008 rather At the end of the fiscal only. overdraws were temporary The estimated was in compliance. year, the University 51,000. on these funds is approximately interest * The reimbursement effect is or not not reimbursable I I I I I -34- either nominal, ascertainable. I I I T 1 MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY SCHEDUI,EII - STATUS OF PRIOR-YEAR (1992) AUDIT FINDINGS RELATING TO FEDERAL FINANC]AL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS (Continued) Questioned 1993 Universitv I I I'i ndi ry nc Student Financial Assistance The Federal share of College Work Study (CWS) Lhroughout reported was internally disbursements than the 708 as allowed by the year aL 642, rather resulEed in the This practice Federal regulations. and more CWS funds to itself allocating University p o r t i o n . y e a r w a s no e n d L h e r e A t o f a F e d e r a l l-ess because the University from this practice effect the balance from the General Fund to its transferred was zero. cWS account and the net effect 1993 University I During I =.....=.l.j+ t I I t #E Observation t I I Resnonse basis Aid on a regular We are communicating with Financial to fund. the DOE is required of the portion to be certain monitored to ensure be closely A1so, our drawdowns will w i t h DoE guidelinesi n c o m p l i a n c e a r e r e c e i v e d funds t I I costs - Findinq DrndY:m lg pi nrli fiscal nn ResPonse year 1993, our draw-down was at 70?. #6 observatlon Student Financial Assistance was granted SEOG funds a student Due to an over-award, The PELL was canceled being a PELL recipient. without because of the overaward and the SEOG funds remainec' account in error. in the student's * The reimbursement effect or not reimbursable -35- is not either nominal, ascertainable. $900 I t t t I T I MICHTGAN TECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY S C H E D U L EI I - S T A T U S O F P R I O R - Y E A R ( 1 9 9 2 ) A U D I T F I N D I N G S RELATING TO FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRA}.{S (Continued) Questioned Findinq DrAdram *..+..4 1993 Universitv i ^ ^ l ResPonse but to prevent further incidenL, This was an isolated our of the staff we have communicated to all occurrences, eliminated. are awards when Pell need to remove sEoG awards t T t I I I t I I I I I -9lL*,P -36- ^ I T t I I I I I I t I t t I I I t I I MICHIGAN SCHEDULE III - TECIil{OLOGICAIJ AUDITS UNMRSITY PERFORMED BY OTHER ORGANIZATIONS has not had any audits performed by other organizations The University during the year ended June 30, L993. Assistance Federal Financial reLated a I I t t I t I I t I MICHIGA}I TECHNOI,OGICAI,UNIVERS ITY H O U G H T O NM , ICHIGAN 49931-1295 GENERAL ]NFORMATION Arthur Andersen & co. Center one Detroit 500 Woodward Avenue Michigan 48226-3424 Detroit, Mark W. Mehall Engagement ParEner: (313) 596-7831Tel- No.: The aud.it was performed Accounting and Financial between June 7, Aid Department 1993 and August 20, 1993 at the University's in Houghton, Michigan. facilities Commission on Higher OrganizaEion: Major Accrediting University,s of Colleges and Secondary schools. North Central Association Education of the utilizes The University an SFA Consultant. does not utilize The University Inc. ("UAS"), which is located at 180 North Executlve Accountinq Service, University The for the Perkins Loans. Wisconsin, 53005, as servicer Drive, Brookfield, p r o v i d e d U A S : b y a r e functions following !. 2. 3. Services Billing Services Colfection Loan Status RePorting I I and. compliance with l-aws and structure controf A review of UAS,s internal& Co. - Milwaukee, Wisconsin - during A n d . e r s e n p e r f o r m e d A r t h u r b y w a s regulations the period July 1, 1992 Eo June 30, 1-993. I I Assistance of the Federal Financiaf and administration Records for the accounting Houghton, and Student Services Building, Droqrams are located at the Administration 4993L-12g5. it:-.friortr I I t t t I -38-