AIISUflAINN TVJICO]ONHJflJ NVCIHJIIAI unHruv d]] NflSuacNV I I I t I I AIISUSAINN TYJICOTONIHJfl I NVCIHJIIAI unruuv dll NrsulrcrNv I t t I I I t J ,l I I I I I I I T I I I t I I UNIVERSIW TECHNOLOGICAL MICHIGAN FINANCIALSTATEMENTSAND SUPPLEMENTARYINFORMATION FOR THE YEARSENDEDJUNE 30. 1997AND 1996 TABLEOF CONTENTS t I t I t J I I I I I I I I t PAGE AUDITORS' REPORT INDEPENDENT FINANCIALSTATEMENTS r Gombined of FinancialCondition Statements o CombinedStatements andChangesin FundBalances Expenditures, of Revenues, o GeneralFund - Statementsof Condition Financial - Statements of Changesin FundBalance o Designated Fund - Statements of FinancialCondition - Statements of Changesin FundBalance o AuxiliaryActivitiesFund - Statements of FinancialCondition - Statements of Changesin FundBalance o Retirement and lnsuranceFund - Statements of FinancialCondition - Statements of Changesin FundBalance . Expendable ReskictedFund - Statements of FinancialCondition - Statements of Changesin FundBalance Expenditures, r Stiatements of CurrentFundsRevenues, Transfersand Changesin FundBalances r StudentLoanFund - Statements of FinancialCondition - Statements of Changesin FundBalance o Endowment Fund - Statementsof FinancialCondition - Statements of Changesin FundBalance o PlantFund - Statements of FinancialCondition - Statements of Changesin Note,Bonds,CapitalLease PayableandFundBalance Obligations Condition of Financial o AgencyFundStatements o Notesto FinancialStatements o Supplementary Information - 1997 - Combining Condition Statementof Financial Transfers,and - CombiningStatementof Revenues,Expenditures, 1997 Balancesin Fund Changes -1996 - Combining Condition Statementof Financial Transfers,and - Combining Expenditures, Revenues, of Statement 1996 Balances Changesin Fund - Statements of CashFlows- 1997and 1996 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 28 29 30 31 32 I I I LLP Ar<rHunANpERSEN I REPORT AUDITORS' INDEPENDENT t I I I t I t I I I I I I I t To the Boardof Control, University: MichiganTechnological TECHNOLOGICAL general-purpose of MICHIGAN financialstatements We haveauditedtheaccompanying (the"University") as of andfor theyearsendedJune30, 1997and 1996,as listedin the tableof UNIVERSITY informationas refenedto beloware the and supplementary financialstatements contents.Thesegeneral-purpose is to expressan opinionon thesefinancial Ourresponsibility management. responsibilig of the University's informationbasedon ouraudits. statementsandsupplementiary We conductedour auditsin accordancewith generallyacceptedauditingstandardsandthe standardsapplicable tofinancia|auditscontrainedin@,issuedbytheComptro|lerGenera|oftheUnited requirethatwe planand performthe auditto obtrainreasonableassuranceabout States.Thosestrandards An auditincludesexamining,on a test basis, are free of materialmisstatement. whetherthefinancialstiatements in thefinancial statements.An auditalsoincludesassessing theamountsanddisclosures evidencesupporting as well as evaluatingthe the accountingprinciplesusedand the significantestimatesmadeby management, provide basisfor our opinion. reasonable a overallfinancialstatementpresentation.We believethatouraudits refenedto abovepresentfiairly,in all materialrespecG, financialstiatements In our opinion,the general-purpose of lts as of June30, 1997and 1996,and the resultrs University, the financialpositionof MichiganTechnological principles. generally accounting years accepted thenendedin conformitywith operationsfor the we havealsoissueda reportdatedSeptember12, 1997on In accordancewith GovemmentAuditinoStandards, financialreportingand on our testsof its compliancewith control over of tne Unlversitytlntemal our consideration grants. and certainprovisionsof laws,regulations,contrac$ is presentedbr purposesof additionalanalysis of FederalAwards Scheduleof Expenditures The supplementrary A-133,Auditsof States.LocalGoYem.ments. Budget Gircular and as requiiedby the U.S.Officeof Management part general-purpose financialstatements.Additionally, of the required and is not a and Nbn-profitOrqanizations, @taryinformationisnotarequiredpartofthe9enera|-purposefinancia|statements. appliedin the auditof the general-purpose Suchinbrmationhas beensubjectedto the auditingprocedures respects,in relationto the general-purpose material in all stiated, fiairly and,in oui opinion,is financialstiatements financialstatementstakenas a whole. Detroit,Michigan, September12,1997. dJZ- fuLtF -1- UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGICAL MICHIGAN FUND GENERAL OF FINANCIALCONDITION STATEMENTS J U N E3 0 ,1 9 9 7 A N D1 9 9 6 (in thousands) Accountspavable e*--:Effi #.dffi"hffi lllrii$ffi Uneamedrevenue li#*uillffi-#,Hffi.ffii FUNDBALANCE(DEFI 4,376 fl i#ffi ffS"ffi #,ffih' ffi,;**E'Hffi-ffiri*ft Thearcompanyingnotes,startingon page21, are an integralpart of thesefinancialstatements. 'sryewap$ ppueu7 as9q4 p Uedptjetq ue aJe'1.7ajed uo 6ul4els'saloufiwluedwocceaq1 I I I I I I I I I t t 4:i':i$Z.{*T$+irii:i fii+EiriijirI+#:i +.H+1?,Et".-,m*9T,:,=I;i+=?+ I I I +ttC.;?,,-Efu #*rt*i,',+, +.8'*9ffi#+lltr'.+++;=. lii,Hs#iffiffi LtF,"1+;l$S'g",-i+tii,"-"-- (spuesnoqtuD '0e =lNnnofoNf suv:l^ 3HI uol 966t CNV/661 3CNV-IVSONNJNI S3ENVHCIO SINSIII3IVIS ONNJ1VU3N39 AJ-tSHfAlNn ]vcl eoloNHcfr NV9lHclv! I I I I I UNIVERSIW TECHNOLOGICAL MICHIGAN FUND DESIGNATED OF FINANCIALCONDITION STATEMENTS JUNE30, 1997AND1996 (in thousands) $ 1,947 $ t."atr,.S:fl+t$ats,;tE# 248 1,5_ 19 293 t Totalassets f,ffi'#ffi+#Fj 113 Accounts trffiffiAft,GnG I I I I T #ffi 740 80 #H# 720 Totalliabilities '*iEf-f,"-i.ffiffi Theaccompanyingnotes,startingon page21, are an integralpart of thesefinancialstatements- I I I I I I I I I I I t I l, I I I I MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSIW DESIGNATEDFUND STATEMENTSOF CHANGES IN FUNDBALANCE FOR THE YEARSENDEDJUNE 30, 1997AND 1996 (in thousands) triti.-i,ii111;T*r{,._1i, t ft*liill?*Eftrffi rl$ilss$,J+T*il:.qi' I I I I iF.+.-E+.F.'iHiFiT++.Htr t I I I I I I I I i iii,f i,ii+=;lJii.fl-+.llHl-Yr+i.iffi :ffi':':: ++'ii #+t:+,i ++ei+.'El*,i.i t*t*T,l€...{+e+lts$ll.H,.S 4+#;+f+,ffi.i.fl+=ia+a.i,tr -luTi+ii,!,; ii$1ii'1Tl;l-+",., Theaccompanyingnotes,startingon page21, are an integralpartof thesefinancialstatements- l-; UNIVERSITY MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL AUXILIARYACTIVITIESFUND STATEMENTSOF FINANCIALCONDITION JU NE30, 1997AND 1996 (inthousands) Accountsreceivable,less allowanceof gi+cgffi,ffi.ffiffilq,+HffiNffigffi Accounts u2 :i#**€+-Eii#1ffi #BH'iL----Hffi revenue Unearned 395 I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I t The accompanying notes, startingon page 21, are an integralpart of these financialstatements. I I t I I I UNIVERSITY MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL FUND ACTIVITIES AUXILIARY STATEMENTSOF CHANGESIN FUNDBALANCE FORTHE YEARSENDEDJUNE30, 1997AND 1996 (in thousands) t I Fti$iil=+tiiliiil.;:i: T ++++liT#+r+$+Y**ti I l+,:tF+€++lr+=.ffiH-{++;r-i, +i**+ii:Lt1;ffis-x "=f*H.,r-T,**{Il#E+ffi''# i:;r*;Ei=+rlgi.-ii,1 I .ii+i***f*=EXr ii,i.#+i.i,; il+E=,*Ti'.H*]+-ii.if I **+i+HAF*..*H"ffil"i1 I t I I I t I I I I statements. Theaccompanying notes,starting on page 21, are an integral part of these financial l ' I I I I UNIVERSIW TECHNOLOGICAL MICHIGAN FUND ANDINSURANCE RETIREMENT OF FINANCIALCONDITION STATEMENTS JUNE30, 1997AND 1996 (in thousands) ! Accountsreceivable ffiffiffi$HH+YsBffi'f I I lnvestments F,-,-ffi+iaE*-+.+f+Y. tX$;E#+ Accounts 406 357 #.$i,f+F'EF'isl'1?"+.ffi.F'-1{$H.i. -9l'-renlpe[p.n*pl**qe.r-*e-*hffi]l-h. absences Dueto otherfunds ffi, .ffiii+ffi' ffit-Rffiffffi'Hiidi5-ffiFifffi' +T"F#i;-H$+lfli.#$ffi,.* t I I I T I Theaccompanyingnotes,startingon page21, are an integralpart of thesefinancialstatements' I I I I I I UNIVERSIW TECHNOLOGICAL MICHIGAN FUND RETIREMENT ANDINSURANCE OF CHANGESIN FUNDBALANCE STATEMENTS FORTHEYEARSENDEDJUNE30, 1997AND 1996 (in thousands) 9,7411 Transfersto and self-insuredlosses (4,631) 'i*ti#H,lii#",.ffiffigi,ffi 15.831 The accompanyingnotes,startingon page 21, are an integralpart of thesefinancial statements. UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGICAL MICHIGAN FUND RESTRICTED EXPENDABLE CONDITION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE30,1997AND 1996 (in thousands) i+i*t+.ii$=?F,.Hii,H+.E',T.S+-H,sAccountsreceivable,lessallowanceof Total assets Accounts Unearnedrevenue 660 2,630 196 H"4H; 620 I I I I T I I I I t I I I I I I I Theaccompanyingnotes,staftingon page21, are an integralpart of thesefinancialstatements t I l, I I I t UNIVERSITY MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL RESTRICTED FUND EXPENDABLE OF CHANGESIN FUNDBALANCES STATEMENTS FORTHEYEARSENDEDJUNE30, 1997AND 1996 (in thousands) *lE"$*iiluEu--E'::l heldfor future I I E;F#i*!T#,sit1.#iF*.ff+i s.H#*.€l€;H#ff+##$ffs. t I I I I I I ffi."$ff+. #.%H,*ffiii:#$*Euffi t t T I I Theaccompanyingnotes,startingon page21, are an integralpart of thesefinancialstatements UNIVEFSIW MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL STATEMENTSOF CURRENTFUNDS REVENUES,EXPENDITURES,TRANSFERS AND CHANGESIN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 1997 AND 1936 (in thousands) 29,957 Tuitionandte€s rlliiiiiriliiifi iii $li#ilii,ifi '!tF.el'-q.-C-ol!{g-c.19 f.-e!9t?i-gtfl 12,259 sffiffi EXFE ETTUFEIIAIID I'AI{DA'OiY Research ',,,',,,r9,frfu1?1",.9,,,,*L.,.ullr',uqFl[r1?,llf,]lf,fr-"J +'fi$rftlil$$ffifl I r r r I I I I I r 3 I TT r t I I I I I I I I IT t3 I t I I lt I I The accompanyingnotes,startingon page 21, are an integralpart of thesefinancialstatements. I I I r tr I I I I I I I I I I I UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGICAL MICHIGAN FUND LOAN STUDENT OF FINANCIALCONDITION STATEMENTS JUNE30,1997and1996 (in thousands) Student Student riitj.ig;0i Theaccompanyingnotes,startingon page 21, are an integralpart of thesefinancialstatements. 16 I' I I I UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGICAL MICHIGAN FUND ENDOWMENT CONDITION FINANCIAL OF STATEMENTS 1996 JUNE30, 1997and (in thousands) t I l I I I I I I +fiilffiffi,ffiF,ffi*il +=++*riffi,1 I I =;+{+++1iii;H+,Ti#,i I +*ir=i+fEF#+{ifi:l lnvestmentincome Ngt unrgalized gains on inv,-e-s!1t--9-1tlg t t I 5 39 53 4 *--**",".*,**,o,*o,nnu,o*,*+:r+r!,,,:,*!E?- 125 rlif+;iiiii't'#il, ' -.t'i$l=Fittt-ui: $,: Thearcompanyingnotes,staftingon page21, are an integralpart of thesefinancialstatements. TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY MICHIGAN PLANTFUND OF FINANCIALCONDITION STATEMENTS (in thousands) JUNE30.1997 ;i:.'iiiiitifi .riiiltl.llllrfil:,iiii:liiil:ii:r of Retirement Cashandcashequivalents 3,602 $ JUNE30,1996 lnvestment riii :ll]lil:llltllllllllllilillli$iiiXiin*,il1{'R{$xiiifi 1 $ r.irr$$$iiri: Bii$u.i$ii:riiili.ilifEt ii:,Jiiiiiiiiriri:,1e'itipHiti#,it 'ir:liimffiilfrliff#lfilf;x+r.Hitiifliiil of notes bondsand Totalliabilities in lnvestment itllillll]ilriiiiiiiiiil :11 i.,r, l6ggil61gil 1.,i1r .,:.,i Theaccompanyingnotes,staftingon page21, are an integralpart of thesefinancialstatements. r I I r I t I II I r j I I r r I T I I I I I I I I I ITIIT r I I UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGICAL MICHIGAN PLANTFUND BONDS,CAPITALLEASEOBLIGATIONS IN NOTES, OF CHANGES STATEMENTS PAYABLEAND FUNDBALANCE (in thousands) Renewaland td'il+[+l'.#+l BONDSAND CAPITALLEASE Balanceat i.ri..:ifj:.,jjj.j.j :,,,,i.,:j,:1 l: i: I Iiiiiifrlliiililfrilii$li Theaccompanyingnotes,startingon page21, are an integralpart of thesefinancialstatements I I r UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGICAL MICHIGAN FUND AGENCY OF FINANCIALCONDITION STATEMENTS JUNE30, 1997and 1996 (in thousands) Cashand cash Total assets 109 373 iffiffiHiEHl Theaccompanyingnotes,startingon page21, are an integralpart of thesefinancialstatements. I I I I I I t I I t I I t I I I I I I UNIVERSITY MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL (1) AND SUMMARYOF SIGNIFICANT BASISOF PRESENTATION ACCOUNTINGPOLICIES Basis of Presentation with accounting in allmaterialrespecsin accordance havebeenprepared sutements Thefinancial and Colleges principles outlinedin theManuatfor uniform Reporting Stateof Michigan 'univirsities, guide, Audits andtheAmericanInstituteof CertifiedPublicAccountan6' asrevised, Accounting StandardsBoard' of Coltegesand tJniversities,and Governmental Fund Classifications (userestrictedby Universitypolicy),Auxiliary The currenrfundsconsistof the General,Designated andriskfinancing benefits (usedto accountfor employee andInsurance Activities,Retirement agency).These supponing or (use donor by restricted Fund Restricted Expendable activities)'and (including programs andacademic relatedto instructional fundsareusedto accountfor transactions programs) and the anddepanmenul extension restrictedpurposecontractsandgrants,research, public. The ,uiili.ry attivirieswhichprovideiervicesto thestudentbody,faculty,staffand in fund ffansfersandchanges expenditures, of currentfundsrevenues, statements accompanying present purport the to of thecurrentfundsanddo not activides aresutemensof financial balances or the net incomeor lossfor the period' resulsof operations asfollows:( 1) the StudentLoanFundis usedto aredescribed Theotherfundsandtheirfunctions Fundis usedto accountfor (2) the Endowment relatedto loansto students, accountfor transactions andincludessimilarfundsunderBoard gifs *hi.ft allowonly the incomerhereonto be expended relatingto investmentin physicalproperties' Iontrol, (3) the PlanrFundconuinsthe transactions and andreplacement for maintenance incunedin the financingthereofandreserves indebredneis of payrolls, employer-portions i+i tfie AgencyFundis usedto accountfor amountswithheldfrom Universitystudenu, pavrol ti.r rnOvariousemployeebenefitsandamountsheldin custodyfor or others. relatedorganizations UNIVERSITY MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Accrual Accounting exceptfor the on theaccrualbasis, havebeenprepared statements financial Theaccompanying ( in colleges anduniversities:| ) intereston studentloansis followin&whicharecommonpractices (2) interest whenpaid,(3) gtfu, grantsand pledges expense is recognized whenreceived, recognized Fundrevenueis Restricted or whenbillable,(4) Expendable whenreceived arerecognized when arerecognized (5) Suteappropriations for operations only to rheextentexpended, recognized in reponed term are of an academic and (6) revenueandexpenditures receivedor madeavailable conducted. the fiscalyearin whichthe programis predominantly with associated provides includeonlyamounts that expendirures Theaccrualbasisof accounting with such asociated includeonlythe unpaidamounts goodsandservices andthatliabilities received in the reponed purchase not ordersandcommitments outstanding ixpenditures.Accordingty, touled (in thousands) $5,322 and53,749at June30, 1997 andl996, statements financial respectively. lncome Taxes underInternalRevenue of the Suteof Michigan subdivision asa potiticat is ctassified The Universiry of the IncomeTaxes.Certainactivities exemptfrom Federal CodeSectionI l5(A) andis therefore income. business Universiryro the extenrprofitable,maybe subiectto Exationasunrelarcd Cashand Cash Eguivalents all highlyliquidinvestmens of the s6rementof cashflows,the Universityconsiders For purposes to be cash with a maurity of threemonthsor lesswhenpurchased (inctuOing restrictedassers) equivalens. lnventortes on a first'in,first-outbasis. lnventoriesarevaluedat the lowerof costor marketdetermined lnvestments and Marketahle Securities arevaluedat market lnvestments Property, Plant and EquiPment arestatedat appraised physical Otheracquisidons propeniesaresutedar cosrwhenpurchased. or other directlyfromcurrentfundsfor equipment valueon dateof receipt.Amountsexpended of suchfundsandarecapiulizedin the or transfers capiutadditionsareincludedin expenditures havebeenesablishedto plint Fund. Repairandmaintenance res€wes andequipmentreplacement andcertainotherfacilities" coststo residences providefor significant repairandmaintenance I I I I I I I I l I I I I t I I I I I I' UNIVERSITY MICHTGANTECHNOLOGICAL t Depreciation usefullife properties on a straightlinebasisoverthe estimated is providedfor physical Depreciadon propeny, follows: as of the I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I Classification Landlmprovements Buildings ComputerEquipment Equipment LibraryBooks Life 20 years 4Oyears 5 years 7 years 5 years (in thousands) $9,109 and $8,606, for 1997 and1996isapproximately expense Depreciation respectively. Beclassifications to conformwith the fiscalyear 1997 Ceruinfiscalyear1996 amountshavebeenreclassified financialsutementpresentation. (2) CASHAND INVESTMENTS policiesaregoverned andauthorizedby Universiry Authorizations.'The Universityinvestment thetransferof the Universiry's Bylaws andthe Boardof Conrrol.The Boardof Conrolauthorized pool (in thousands) of $ 1,785to theMichiganTechFund. invesrment entireEndowment all of its cashand for substantially the "pooledcash'methodof accounting utitizes TheUniversiry assetfonh by the Boardof policiesfor cashandcashequivalents, cashequivalents.tnvestment paperratedwithin the Control,authorizethe Universityto invest,wittrlimiutions,in commercial by at leastoneof the standardratingservices. of primeaseshbtished two highestclasifications and in time and Federalagencies, of the U.S.Treasury mayalsobe madein securities lnvesunenrs accounts. savings in the currentfunds,EndowmentFund,and securities andmarketable regardinginvestments Poticies Fund,assetfonh by the Boardof Control,authorizethe andInsurance Retirement paperratedwithinthe two highest commercial Obligations; to invesrin U.S.Treasury University or Federal ratingseruices; the standard least one of prime at by established as of ctassificadons and savings insured FSLIC banla, insurance by FDIC issued of deposit cenificares securides agency 7, 2, or 3 Tier in deposits dme or Eurodollar member; cridit union NCUA an or loanasociations, ban|<s. Thecashandcashheldfor investments uninsured. Deposits:Deposiswith bank aregenerally (in thousands): 1996 and 1997 30, wereasfollowsasof June Cash which Gsh heldfor investmens, eamed5.3o/oin 1997 and5.9o/o in 1996 l UNIVERSITY MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL l996were O f t h e t o u tb a n k b a l a n c e s f o r c a s h , $ l 2 5 a t l u 1n 9e 93 7Oa, n d $ l 3 4 a t l u n e 3 0 , and uninsured were amounls remaining The insuiance. coveredby federaldepository its deposis' by sate lawfromcollateralizing is precluded asrheUniversity uncollaterilized, standards Accoundng lnvestments;During1996,the universityadoptedthe Governmental at fairvalue investments repon to governmental endties allows BoardSutement31. ThisSutement Sundards Accounting with Governmental condidon. ln accordance of financial in thesutements MTU's risk. credit of custodial categories three into clasified are 3, investments Statement Board,s with andunregistered thatareuninsured lll: investments fit into creOirrist category investments not in the university's but or agent, department trust its oiov ,lgyheldby ,rt. .ounr"tp securities includedthe following(in investments aio tggc, ihe university's Ar June'lo, gii ;;.. thousands): 1996 1997 $ -----Cenificateof Deposis U.S.Treasuries/agencies Fund Obligations Government $ ---- and invested heldby trustcompanies ln additionto the above,the Univerciryhaspooledinvestments these (in thousands)-of managers.The costs by investment in a varieryof mutualfundsmanaged The respectively' and$ I 1,964, asof 1uneiO, ti:Wina f996 *.t $9,OOO invesrmenrs Thisamounttakesinto accountall 2,920. and ll,O78 $1 were $ maiker ionesponding that occurredduringtheyear' purchases andsales) .ft*git in faii value(including in fromthesaleof investments net gainsof $ 1,0O5and$78 (in thousands) realized The Universiry the of gains independent is of realized Rr..t y.r6 ttigl ana-ltg6i, respectively.Thecalculation tlrat gains on investments Realized investments. of fairvalue in the increaie net of the catcutation as recognized year been mayhave hadbeenheldin morethanonefiscalyearandsoldin the current gains on reponedin the prior year. Theunrealized in the fair vatueof investments an increase 1996were$ 1,247and$955. and l9g7 30, of heldas June invesrmenrs excludingthe basecashpool reservefor the andmarkeublesecurities, The reurns on investments yearsendedJune30, 1997 and1996wereasfollows: 1997 lnrcrestanddividends net gains andunrealized Realized Total retum 24 3.Oo/o 21.9o/o 24.9o/o 1996 7.2o/o 8.4o/o r5.6% I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I UNIVERSITY MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL (3) Note for its ProShop notepayable tookour a $6OO(in thousands) In October 1996,theUniversiry paymen6 will be made principal Monthly is 6.125o/o. Theinteresrrare andexpansion. renovadon in be made will payment of principal $522 q9Z throughAugust2@1. A balloon fromJuly t 20O1. September Bonds Bonds the 19g9 issueof GeneralRevenue in subsunce defeased fn fiscalyearl9g4,the Universiry bearinterestat Bondsvaluedat $3,585. These-bonds Refunding Revenue with an issueof General 30, 1997 and 1996, 2.gOo/oto5.lOoloandmarure.,uriiou, ditesthrough2008. As of June $2,775 and$3,O70wereout*anding' CaPital LeaseObligation of $491 (in thousands) !o-r enteredinroa capiulleaseagreement In March 1gg6,theUniversity rate is 7 '5Oo/o of a buildingtharwill rrousettre UniversityCareerCenter. The interest rhe purchase of $15,262 over3 years' with monthtypayments arefor thefiscalyearendingJune30 asfollows Annualmaturitiesfor all remainingdebrobligations (in thousands): t I I I I t I I I I NOTE,BONDS,AND CAPITALLEASEOBLIGATIONPAYABLE - 1998 r999 - 2OOO 2001 2@2 Thereafter $ 481 461 -350 366 681 |,335 s 3.674 (4) LINEOF CREDIT with onebankunderwhichit mayborrow lineof creditarrangement Theuniversiryhasan unused feesandno condidons no commitment are i" s r orooorooo at a rateof 5.6010.There "p with thislineof credit. associated UNIVERSITY MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL (s) BENEFITS POST-EMPLOYMENT plansfor all qualified the employees: in oneof two retirement The Universiry offerspafticiparion Insurance and (MPSERS) Teachers and the System Retirement MichiganPubticSchoolEmployees' (TIAA-CREF)" Equities Fund CollegeRetirement AnnuitiesAssociation planthroughthe MichiganState definedbenefitretirement isa non-contributory MPSERS nPlan"). (the Dueto Stateof MichiganHouseBillHB4O47, Plan System Retirement Empfoyees' plan,unless in thisretirement 31, 1995canno longerpanicipate hiredafterDecember emptoyees that universities plan six the other or oneof at the Universiry enrotledin the theywerepreviously of the General Auditor Funherpensiondau, auditedby the Officeof the areparrof MPSERS. Retirement Systemis includedin the Stateof Michigan's Sute of Michigan,for the StateEmployees' Repon. AnnualFinancial Comprehensive by finalized thefundingpolicychanges implemented Duringfiscalyear 1997, the Universiry plan into two the thatseparated for MPSERS wasprepared valuadon An actuarial MPSERS. the university determined members andall othermembers.Thevaluation components-university (UAAL). newfunding The actuarial accruedliability andunfunded members'ponionof planassets payroll. To fund at 7.50o/oof member for activemembers poticycallsfor continued contributions at contributions will makeadditional the costsof the UAAL overrhenextforryyears,the University defined annually.Thefiscalyear1997 ratewas3.880/oof MPSERS a raterharwill be determined for contribution payrotl.TheUniversiry is alsorequiredto paya $66,000monthlysupplemenul policy changes. reflectthe funding redreehealthcarebenefits.The footnotedisclosures plan. All employees, whoworkat least retirement Planisa definedcontribution TheTIAA-CREF plan.Foremployees hiredafterDecember in theTIAA-CREF 3/4 rimeareeligibleto panicipare is sooner. begintwo yearsafterdateof hireor age35 whichever 3l , lgg| employercontriburions of employee a specifiedpercenEge benefitsvesrimmediately.TheUniversirycontributes Emptoyee andcoveredpayrollunderthe wagesind hasno liabilitybeyondis owncontribution.Contributions asfollows(in thousands): panicipants' aresummarized plans(excluding contributions) addidonat Yearendedlune 30, 1996 1997 to MPSERS University contribudons insurance health retiree MPSERS costs unfundedpension MPSERS MPSERS Payrolfcoveredunder to TIAA-CREF contributions University PayrollcoveredunderTIAA-CREF $ 1,858 385 527 15,142 3,664 34,872 $ 2,199 16,034 3,572 33,854 who employees a medicalbenefits subsidizes TheUniversity Btanfor TIAA'CREFeligibleUniversity University The 2006. 30' through 1 992 19, lune haveor will havereriredfrom October basis,whichis includedin the current the cosrof providingthisbenefiton a pay-as-you-go recognizes funds'expendiures. in 1998, in theplan'sbenefits.With the planrevisions a change DuringlggT,the Boardapproved o/o TIAA'CREF to the employee's ttre Universitywill matchthe l of sataryemployeecontribution 2o/oof salary years,the Universiry will matchtheemployee's annuity.Forsubsequent redremenc contribution. ftom conribudonfor healthcarebenefiswill increase From I 999 to 2OO5,the retiredemployee's yea( beyond 2OO7and for fiscal subsidywill likewisedecrease to l0Oo/0.The University's 2Oo/o for l000/oof theirhealthcarecosts.Theycanpayfor will be responsible redredemployees because with theirannuiry. theircoverage I I I I I I I I t I t t I I I t I I I LZ 'spuryale Ud tuo.quolllltuSI $ esler 'suopeladoJo sllnsal.rouoltlsodle!)ueugs'r0lslan1u;'1 aql 'luautaEeueu Jo uo;uldo uopnloseJ aqt uo palJa esla^peleFalerue e^Eqlou llll sunsaseqlJo aqr 'ssaulsnq Jo eslnol leuuoueql ul eqr ul .fllns^elp ,iqrnu e ot ,(uedperueus;&;uan;uJ1 'pauoda.t ,sule;r patradxap;edunJo en|e^tuasaldaql luesaldaj lou uq palJn]u!stu!s|]Jo salgu!$a8ulpnpq puBsuoFEn|,n1,1,,nr,,uopaseq{;e.raua8alesa!r!|lqB!tpeIuJ]V.purya]uejnsul]Srueuelllau pepunJAlleuralul pauf,le puese,Llaser loJ salrluqell ,rl, ul prpnpuirr, ,iUrurq Ja^ogdrua S:IIf N:ISNIINOf CNV SIN:INIINhTOf (s) '966t ul uolllu.u pueL65tu!uollllr'u 6'l z'zls '{anpradsa:'955l pue or suopnq;luo3 L65 '{rlslallun eqrJo ruaueq rs lduaxa xet Ps!IIH aq1 uPq (ilH) punl qlel ue8;qr114 tuepuadapul 'g651raqorl9 q paralclutolsernreJsusllaql 'punl qral ue61ql;4tql ol $asse luau/nopuls,6lsla4u;-laqlJoleJsuelaqrpe^o.rdde;o.rruo)Jopleogeqr,/66lleai(|e]suEupno SNOIIVZI NVDUO IUOddNSAIISUSAINN U\ 'sasuadxa puelelaua8(t) pueaSetanolssaJxa enperslultupe eresunlueld 'flsnhl {q paulna'rqsp e)uelnsu;( 1) rol (;;enuuepassesse ol palelelnsol (Z) 'arelrdordde u ilaqua4 'a8elanor Jo aullqleeJoJslltulllenuue pueluaul(ed raquaruq8nolqr uuor aseqrrnd11yn Iuueue uo pauluuelep {lepenrrealelequau qf,ee ap4ordlo guatMed paseaDu;.ro; rral 'sa8eranof, 'slasse ssef,xe Jo luanooqr ul net raqllailU$flsn4 'slseqopPtustillPl)e uo pap4oldq a8elanor ue uo pap4ordq atelanor''ouqeu;elauatanlsuaqardruo] puesloJa lslseqarua.un)f,o suolsslruo 'sasso; aqt6qlanorflsn4 .ra{egp.r1qr aqrBuganorslepel lellleutuo)pueiissol;ole,(e;puof,as sso'l palnprulseresa$erano) sr!Jo uol1od e Eululaarlequlaulqreaqfinrqseqra(e1ealql e uo 'sue$ puP sel!rues lolluo) ssol fi:ado'tdpue osleflsn4 'aluelnsul{q pelanorA;uotuuorsasso; puetuaua$eupuIsu ,suogsslruo inisujqerOuof'olne$ule8eslaquau or &luuapu;sap4oJd puesrola'',Qtitqettlelauaf u1satedlrped{rlsranlunaql rllFlrr^'(ltsnn) uoperod.to3aluelnsuHlassa$sra^lunue61qr161aqt :If NVUNSNIAIU:IdOUdCNV AI-I'IISVI'I (s) AII SU:lAINn 1V3l DO'IONHf :lI NVDI Hf ll^l I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT I l.J @ UNIVERSITY MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL COMBININGSTATEMENTOF FINANCIATCONDITION J U N E3 0 , 1 9 9 7 (in thousands) STUDENT i riifiitftlxilliit$ffllfirirtliii:iitriEf'd"b K CUNNEIfT AAEET& - net STUDENT TOANSRECEIVABLE. 8.563 ; Iliir'ri,llr++liir$.i'ii itI',;i i,r,fii.tilli,liiiii'f*iiir+ The accompanying notes,starting on page 21, are an integralpart ol these financial statements. I I r I I I I I r I r r I I r r t I I I I I I I I I I I II III I I I I EXHIBITII TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY MICHIGAN TRANSFERS ANDCHANGESIN FUNOBALANCES EXPENDITURES, OF FEVENUES, 9TATEMENT COMBINING YEARENDEDJUNE30. 1997 (h thousands) li#tliiti$/4ii lilliidtffiii-if;f-slriil *t HELoFoF RJIuREfJ@ElitDtunEs ' i4ilrttrilllrri:iffi ffi#tirrli Eitiil8E8f Etr"i?:'Sl?iili'filiif'fl 's,,[$$$ The accompanying notes, stafting on page 21, are an integral part of these linancial statements. t I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Vt o .D A) (D o E. + o (tt o o !q) il o (o d o \' !) o N !) Q E 6 o t. _(t) (a A! a o o E. A) o o o f q) so ii.g+ t:i+i :::+i aiiii i.ri:: ],'.;.il rltrl' iiiri ;ilx :ll{i ,t::.1j ;a:::1i i;iii i:iin:: ::'lriil :dj :te: :G: 'lf;i .:ltFi l{i .rDl J T il m 06 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIT EXHIBITIV UNIVERSIW TECHNOLOGICAL MICHTGAN TRANSFERSAND C}IANGESIN FUNDBALANCES COMBININGSTATEMENTOF REVENUES,EXPENDTTURES, FORTHEYEABENDEDJUNE30, 1996 An thousands) ff],ftifif'f.5rfllllillffIMi-tl|i ri|fii'ifififliiilijf1fff,jir,fiiriiiii]i[{iittlriiiitiiiiliitillli$iiif$g.ifF,,f$,rt#- Theaccompanyingnotes,startingon page21, are an integralpaft of thesefinanclalstatements. I t UNIVERSITY MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL OF CASHFLOWS STATEMENTS FORTHEYEARSENDEDJUNE30, 1997AND 1996 (in thousands) I I I I I I +'#i.f.ij##.€#r.F,*"s'. fl'tlffi I I I +,1f,H#+,ili€*if+:X+#s4_ I .,--(9.'-?99) I I 126,564 on notes,bondsand Proceedsfrom l=ffi .f+i'?ii5iht;+.fui"-- Additions to buildinqs u,=+=iF,iii Net cashusedin iLf,#l#t#+*$-+i'x+i*'T?AHf*.-.8#E and related ii iil.ltii!tn'tli: i1;t ii:: i 1:1.'l:lilitir=n$li,r, .r+:iiii;iEinil{Ei:l ix+itffi*ffiX t I I t I I UNIVERSITY MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL STATEMENTSOF GASHFLOWS FORTHEYEARSENDEDJUNE30, 1997AND 1996 (in thousands) 287 l..l=g-J._g**Q=-9*.-(,*-?9,[,F, T I t T I I 145 AIISUflAINN ]VJICOfONHJflI NYCIHJIIAI unHruv dll NaSUECNV I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I t I I I UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGICAL MICHIGAN REPORT FINANCIAL A-133SUPPLEMENTARY OMBCIRCULAR FORTHEYEARENDEDJUNE30.1997 TABLEOF CONTENTS AND ON INTERNALCONTROLS AUDITORS'REPORTON COMPLIANCE INDEPENDENT REPORTING OVERFINANCIAL WITHREQUIREMENTS AUDITORS'REPORTON GOMPLIANCE INDEPENDENT OVER CONTROL ANDON INTERNAL TO EACHMAJORPROGRAM APPLICABLE WITHOMBCIRCULARA.{33 IN ACCORDANCE COMPLIANCE AWARDS OF FEDERAL OF EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE -Schedule of FederalAwards of Expenditures -Notesto the Scheduleof Expenditures of FederalAwards -scheduleof Findings Costs andQuestioned 4 47 48 I LLP AnrHun AxpERSEN I t I I ANDON REPORTON COMPLIANCE AUDITORS' INDEPENDENT REPORTING OVERFINANCIAL CONTROLS INTERNAL I To the Boardof Control, University: MichiganTechnological I (the"University") as of UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGICAL of MICHIGAN We haveauditedthe financialstatements 12,1997.We andfor theyearendedJune30, 1997,andhaveissuedour reportthereondatedSeptember to applicable andthestandards acceptedauditingstandards withgenerally our auditin accordance conducted Generalof the United issuedby the Comptroller AuditinqStandards, financialauditscontainedin Government States. t t I I Compliance arefreeof material aboutwhetherthe Universig'sfinancialstatements assurance As partof obtainingreasonable contracts,and of laws,regulations, withcertainprovisions testsof its compliance we performed misstatement, of grants,noncompliance withwhichcouldhavea directand materialeffecton the determination financial was notan objectiveof withthoseprovisions an opinionon compliance amounts.However,providing statement we do noteipresssuchan opinion.The resultsof ourtestsdisclosedno instancesof ouraudit,andaccordingly, we noted AuditinqStandards.However, thatarerequiredto be reportedunderGovernment noncompliance in a Universi$ of the thatwe havereportedto management certainimmaterialinstancesof noncompliance separateletterdatedSeptember12,1997. lnternalControlOverFinancialReportino I I I I internalcontroloverfinancialreportingin the University's our audit,we considered In planningand performing orderto determineour auditingproceduresfor the purposeof expressingour opinionon the financialstatements of the intemal andnotto provideassuranceon the internalcontroloverfinancialreporting.Ourconsideration financial over control internal controloverfinancialreportingwouldnot necessarilydiscloseall mattersin the or operation design which the in is a condition A materialweakness thatmightbe materialweaknesses. reporting risk that level the low doesnot reduceto a relatively of one ol moreoi the internalcontrolcomponents beingauditedmayoccur in amountsthatwouldbe materialin relationto the financialstatements misstatements performing theirassigned of in the normalcourse andnotbe detectedwithina timelyperiodby employees its and operationthatwe the internalcontroloverfinancialreporting functions.We notedno mattersinvolving considerto be materialweaknesses. t of the Department management, of the Boardof Control,University Thisreportis intendedfor the information is a this report agency)and Federalgrantoragencies.However, Healthand HumanServices(thecognizant is notlimited. matterof publicrecordand its distribution t I t A^/4,-,fuLLF Detroit,Michigan, September12,1997. I I I I t t I I t I I I I I I I I I I LLP Anrnun AxpERSEN WITHREQUIREMENTS ON COMPLIANCE REPORT AUDITORS' lNDEPENDENT CONTROL INTERNAL AND ON PROGRAM TO EACHMAJOR APPLICABLE A-133 CIRCULAR WITH OMB ]NACCORDANCE OVERCOMPLIANCE To the Boardof Control, University: MichiganTechnological Gompliance withthetypes (the"Universi$") UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGICAL of MICHIGAN We haveauditedthe compliance (oMB) A-133 Circular Budqet and describedin the U.S.officeof Manqqement requirements of compliance year June30' ended programs the for to eachof its majorfederal thatare applicable Supplement Compliance ffiajorfedeialprogramsareidentifiedintheaccompanyingSchedu|eofExpendituresof to each andgrantsapplicable contracts, of laws,regulations, withthe requirements FederalAwards.Compliance to express is Our responsibility management. of the University's of its majorfederalprogramsis the responsibility basedon our audit. an opinionon the Universi$'scompliance the standards withgenerallyacceptedauditingstandards; in accordance our auditof compliance We conducted Generalof Comptroller by issued AuditinqStandards, to financialauditscontainedin Government applicable lhe ' gg,-Audits of States,Loca|Go the UnitedSates;and OMBCircularn-f reasonable obtain perform to audit plan the and and OMBCircularA-133requirethatwe Thosestandards referredto abovethatcould requirements witfrthetypesof compliance assuranceaboutwhethernoncompliance on a test examining, includes program audit occurred.An havea directand materialeffecton a majorfederal procedures performing other such and withihoserequirements compliance basis,evidenceaboutthe University's for our basis provides reasonable a audit our We believethat necessaryin thecircumstances. as we considered requirements. those with compliance of the University's opinion.Ourauditdoesnoiprovidea legaldetermination refened withthe requirements in all materialrespects, Universigcomplied, ln our opinion,MichiganTechnological 1997. 30, year June ended programs for the to eachof its majorfederal to abovethatare applicable lnternalGontrolOverComPliance effectiveinternalcontrolover and maintaining for establishing is responsible of the University Themanagement to federalprograms' In grants applicable and contracts, complianc6with requirementsof laws,regulations, with compliance over control internal the University's our audit,we considered planningandperforming our to determine program order in federal major on a requireirentsinatcouto-havea directand materialeffect on internal report and test to and on compliance ouropinion for the purposeof expressing auditingprocedures withOMBCircularA-133' in accordance controlovercompliance discloseall mattersin the intemal wouldnotnecessarily of the internalcontrolovercompliance Ourconsideration whichthe designor operationof in is a condition controlthatmightbe materialweaknesses.A maierialweakness levelthe riskthat low a relatively reduce to doesnot oneor moreoithe internalcontrolcomponents grants thatwouldbe materialin and contracts, of laws,regulations, requirements withapplicable noncompliance a timelyperiodby within detected not be relationio a malorteo'eralprogrambeingauditedmayoccurand involvingthe intemal no matters noted We theirassignedfunctions. in the normalcourleof performing employees materialweaknesses. thatwe considerto be and its operation controiovercompliance of the Department management, of the Boardof Control,University Thisreportis intendedfor the information is a matter report this However, grantor agency. agency)and Federal Healthand HumanServices(thecognizant notlimited' of publicrecordand its distributions '- Detroit,Michigan, 12,1997. September fulLP 95'tr tporqq{ D0 '65S ',0t Ssrl Tzre eaTlctut:tsProN-46ll-stl rfuco/soTfrltlcE6r:d 'a:nmoltls 3:c6,urtt{ sllsqts :rc6rrurt| EttsEJs TToS P.rtcitod-l,6ld-All :cdra peTclssu :cEFrli) ! q 'E tD-46rt-gN{ SqtT|D T A E Trtf-z,6.[r-En oTITacds-cn..Tt qstl I .fitnet8-e:Tlltlet{-/.51d-sl{ clTtr fqdrrSosco'uoTlr1E.e5r:d v tr Irccroe-6!{ Eor13q8 e 6 TToS polr.crod-t5trd-El{ :9:fE ...rI trlro:o rre6Eltl{ Ert[Els e| a :r.5rnft{ :.:flr..o A al calJ' Tc'Pot{ .roeoctd-45:Id-gl{ rScrrg/rucfrC qe^oto r:cqTd .poil 5a''5S '51 cTq{ :eJ{rrd uTry\f z etFlt v .l f tcEoe-461d-90{ lro:l.tls o0'ao9't D6'6Ee'tl LL'}LL,6 os'€st 'et Atr@r:r e q dT^o-ao-6n eTTrols esoTg ucdan 's'58S '52 0 a ' 9 E 9' e t 9 ' t 0 5' t r5Dr'g/t'nc1rc et'5Et 'c Topon ?9'99S'9 'po1 tTtTocdg-cn.rTtr s 5 ' 6 6 0. 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Orgn Fud 930725 g:ta32 1 1 . a 31 Rso9:,1 22a05 950803 17,611.50 Oridc IEc!il-Nllrog.a !{A56CP0375 l||!.E Oz R E Eoatat'h lLDrgcr: Pl!|rcid C@rcc: on Sprilg PolluEioa INtCO!|-ArcEic tqa6cD0122-ll'O2 Flaucirl Cmlce: Nortb All.atic a0 , 958 .75 R E EoBlaclr !: 58. 580 .25 rttmrJ FoR cPDAf 11.131 u s otlic. ol ld.vrl u I Ottlc. u!.300 of Nrral Rrllrcb: of of 22505 Pinrncirl, R105a2 t21096 2a105 tLlracirJ' R50705 El:'ul3 2{105 2{10s Eltt36 R.!crrcb,: nso30! o! llrral ll.3o0 of Nrrlrl Ell,'ao R..aGcb: Rri0832 22so5 U s O!!ic. u1.300 of Nrtal E211{s R.r.rtcb: R500e2 22703 It I Olflc. Er11s1 u1.300 of Nrvd, n r.rrcb: n50970 22505 u s offic. 12.300 tiDracirl fi:raaci.I Pilr8cial tlDrlcirl Dirca uElqv-il.cbr8ita Db.a Foulisg 35,311-67 Adbarivre Etlac.llulrr oNn-DiaEm 91. 609.20 Elcracallulr! o!|R,-Diacolc ldbariwr 4.10 ot{R-8lructut lP02 & eEilg tsltirlioB s1,173.96 oFftc-Epitgid il ila!|gr8: NO00la -97-1-oaas 960901 L2,24L.1a A A EIIrz tlrlrgpr3 N000l.a-96-1-0793 950919 D.ccEto l'l R Cr'IEZ lharg€t: tfo001a -95-1- ul15 950523 of M R Gr.lz lLlrg|.r3 NO00 1{ - 9{ - 1- 0273 -l{06 930615 abro!:f otB'-Brric A B Rulr !l R o!.tz hDrgira! 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Nrlioarl Sci.trca { 7 . 0 a1 llrtioDd Scirscc ''lloLt Sci.!c. l|atios.l scicac. R5059,4 227Os l|r!!Fr: ll,llrcirl E2aOa7 22505 R506a7 llrrrrg.r: Pi!.Ilcid R50552 22509 a,10r9 9202{0 Eta058 22205 R50670 llrtiotrrl sci.Ec. PouldrEioB: NrtioDrl a7.0a1 gci.acr louldrti@l ItrcioDrl 17.OttL A,tO64 gcica€. touadrtio!: N.tioDd 17.OaL ttci.rc. E2aO74 E.5O709 22205 FouldrEloa: llrEi@rl a?.0a1 gci.!c. toqDdrEl@: R50671 Eta059 24305 921104 l,Lrag.r: C!S-93031U1 401 pi.-ncirl ua!!gEr: qr*t-93031!1 92110a Elaoga R50670 22605 Cu3-9310a76-Ar@OO2 930135 ualrgEr! Pl!.rcirl t'irrugor: th8ci.rl DrA,-925?a55-lt{D l,lrnrgrr: Ela|lci,d nu]rl OS 9 ,a o s . 0 " lolizaEi,oB Db.B Pota la 3 , 0 1 6. 9 4 MtP-Itrrlylis F A l,l'orrilotr Sb.rE-FIo; tNsF-Alrlylit R n fouck sb.rr-Flor NEF-Pl.rcic E c Aifrati! orid. cpd 9 , e 3 2 .X t ADmdi.r 29,139.48 eoadicr e,?02-a0 D.foartio[ Rrdical tfSF-Fr.. c t crocb. CIS-9a04156-Al@03 92U103 9209028 R5o7a0 401 tlrlrgsr3 Pilr[cid, NEF-n eltivirlic r ? PatrEE! Drr-9214087 ll8racial, Polrldrtio!,: lttrryilE Prr Syr NBt-Hodrling B t{ork ECg-9308430 93oUl2A latGlliglBE tf8t-solidlficrrioa A 8cllrrrfl DrR-92&l5aa-llo003 920135 PouldrEio!,: 17.O1L lLlrgtt: Pilraci..l E!{oal tf8P-6ht ucEd tr ,t flcilErDa DDtrt-9025550A-5 900715A louldrlioa: t7. oal NttioDrl 22605 R50569 PouldrEio8! a7.0{1 Illtiood, 33.933.53 lorrldrcioa: a7.0a1 I I I orgrn lad.x & Flrctus. 253.61 R.tsogttd. grrcip 3 7 , 9 5 5. ? 5 NBP-Yourrg Inttrtigrtor r r ltlllig!.a Anrd 4 6 , 0 5 9. 9 3 I I t t I I I t t .?.0a1 srroe. NrEioorl gciaEcc EorudrtioB: Nrtiolrl Ib, a7.0a1 gcicacc rccat.IryiaE Rso7s. 9ao329 E2a099 R50?s9 22405 FousdrEioB3 aoccr rr. !s iat.grsd' CD9-94114{6 t||Drglt: lie&cirl parc of Ct4',-taLt717 9a0316 PiDrsci.rl, cb!.. firuaciaf' l,lurg.r: rtaEsl|.aEg. -10- !{8P-E rrvrl.Dt C & Nuarnlla cbruire NaF-cl't,il lltl! P Arblbi Rrcb lsrEliE PoFrtio. 9,970.?:1 aErEi@, 1 8 8 .7 1 { . 5 1 tT'oel'E5 trerd lro:rt,rrg dq.rEr:d 65'est',0€ ErotrtTd eTroqou-lEedFba stEeug elrutlrld 5E :lEcodrnla qaq ArtgucSosor.g aTtI TFTc rlFra clTrodrcc rtalno H ^of8-d8tt :o:{rld I qtrg-dgN 'TTErcS B I :5rg-agt A:tqpri€E) u d iTnrd E l3Is :.rod-dgtt /(ttlcEcSorcleg ccrl:n.qns Prl|rrroqs I o fr?T6 sI-8sN 'rln Ectrtr -I I- TiTrErqTt c.cgt to fjild Tr:5clsT TrTrulrTd 94oer96-ItE ::e6rqrn TrrcEiu'til 900@{v gesozts-DEa :r.5tutfl TttgErETd 900(D[t 9ZE0Z]5-CA fl terrtsoD L6/Oe/90 oa ,{q oracd:g rrr5E/trllo lrr +tr.cloE Srnr(Ilrd|rcccr oq! I I :uoTarFrnod ::.5rqr1 ::c6rwn TrTautcTd r0ooilf-9rzzz95-l13 TtTturttld 69raz96-Et|' TrTeufi4d 9E0ZeS6-6J." FTatrt|rTf zEt8z55-m ::s5ruq{ Trrgrilrtd ttE9z96-S9lE :rc6m|rn FTrutEfj r0o(nv- 9g5Ets5-src PrEtT:Errns tr I| noTcraoc ^tq-J!lN Too,! qrrn etruTtrs :er(rt{ s v EoTfrTPcrlru ccrJ:n3qns n1T8 rrl-datl uor:rTPcwll 50s096 Et605t zsrl?a, s|roTlrEnflod 8Z5oS5 so9ca, 8060nl - ::cSruqt EE60g5 90982 ogTrza :EoTttPlarod sSEOsll 5'TIZA :rc6rrrfi :rSrsqt frTrsrr4d €00@ttt- t9ell'6-st{D :lroTllPsfrod Lt50s5 soeze ttio5l altla gssaz 0l80g|t solza SSLZZ s09?z 99809t ttlrzt Ltrja caEcTt6 TuroTrrN tr0'4t crseT9g TllroTrril t'0'4t ces.Tps I'o't .aE Trdo!?rN I I FltoTtw TtruoTrIN TrtoTrtN t Tl|roTltN I Te8 ltltoTiltl rro'{,t ccE Te6 TtloTr!N tlo'at c9EcTos Tmtolew tt0't t tttrze cclreTcs Tr[olltN tro'/.t eeqcTsS TEoTrrn r'0'/.' canaTts Ttlrotlw rto'l,t totrEa csucTDg TltroTrllf T'0'/.' tvuL) wa 96/lo/Lo - lrEEtS Et Psfll YsrTAOttiLl NtlrEDrl{ TElcloqlol@e.! TtuoTlw tto'Lt osllcToS ceucTsg rt0'4' treosu otrrlg8 z6l,0Ett 90ll?8, zo'rtel r9loliu rPgI Psnd ceEcToS 1 0 0 ' tt oETlzE T'80!iu 9E80gu ge:al?€ S0SZ? st8oEd sot?,? 9 0 9 2 2 0o8o5ll trrllS so?zz 9/.t 05ft z9t 05u 50zzz u6r9 coucTrs rr0't ' 8rrrl8 :EoTlrFflod ee9056 : Eotllp,Elloil LZ'OSS :uoTltPqnod tr?0s5 :soTtr?f|lnod 919095 :EoTltP|lnod jzlos6 :EoAlrpdnod tE0I'6 3EoTlrPqnod E0ala6 3lloTrtpf|rnot zg€015 lsorlrplrnod o c9 0 ' 5 :uoTtlpEnoS 0€90t6 ffDodord coEcTos tlo'L, :soTftEt$rod ezt0'5 :rcSrrrq{ ::.6rrrr|{ TtTrErlnf aoo(ml-or,6rz95 -8t3 ItTlan tqt T c arryz ! 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It S br.itiltrErl 22405 Pud S Rs19680-02-0-AllEt@o{ Pila8cirl' AgrEcV: 65.501 65.501 900?13D Ag|.Eey: t!a590 Pror.ctio! u s Errira.Etrl, RS072e 82{689 65.501 22205 co[EncB Ercpo[l$ AgcBey: Eta688 Plot.ecioE orgm Ag€nsy: AA6A7 65.501 u s brrila.trrrl Ii|50727 W246e6 U s hvi!@!td, o S &rrizoar|l Fud ! TTVBSCTJ TECE|OIOCICIIJ - s@ry bY clDAlf Etl'.ara to 06l70/97 o7/oLl96 ETDOT 55.90 - D r Errd EPA-CPAS lrr.Dl(iag lool 18.13- E A Brrar gd€Ey EPA-C?IA ElrrluEioD 90.L- D A Caorl EPA-CPTS EFR.NI D R gbmltrd IPA-CPA8 B I 8.85 Corc 1 8 , , 1 9 2. 1 5 Araar EPA-EIU lt.€t.malE 6, 1{0.05 O R D.ny EDA-c.n cft! bv. CoDtciou! l,baufrc 218 -OO- tf || Ollorl @A-C.a t CM-RRSL Drta 3, 126.29 N Rogt E! EDA-c.n clll-RFE. lfr|t. tav lactoa! 10 , 108 .01 D R SIoEDrsd EPA-CCTEI 18 "1?- B A B.tar lDA-EMnnrns'ENIN. RrSR PROa'EC! r-Cc 0.oo .7 c CrictaDd.DR.tiAnI EPA-cdburtioa cbrtact.riz 02.96- C R D.ny EDA-rgE ImlatioB ltlllrf EDA-ccacll! D t{ Er'd i8. 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F.d Ra0618 2200s 930517 t I I I suPI€ soil 34. 627.91 oxt]A u. /EPA-EErrcrfu!9 HrDrg€r: coaEloi.E at! 2,9?7.90 N J Eutzlcr snB S1995-18 tLDrgra: oxIA g. /EPA-EElrctiEg it S ei,.tlcc CoBl!!br8l,! EUA s1995-10 OtrlA u. /EPA-Ectractl,ag N it 8uEz1.! coBt6iutt u.!!g.r: Filraciel 19, 023 . 02 19 ,23a .5e 222.776.O9 PoR crDAt 65.s0. tdmr. U S EvirG!'t!J, Plot.cti,oD 66 .505 U S Eei!ffBEd 222,776.O9 Agurcy3 E't4735 PlotacEiotr R10657 22705 94o422 cR822993-01-O At@o1 !L!rE€r: FlD.sci!.l AgcscT: tori.n5 US EDA-Rlmt'|l Plut S.4iEaEt 10 . 706 .13 S tr ErrrEr! 10 , 706 .13 1 0, ? o 5 . 1 3 TCtrAr. aoR CEDA#65.505 O s DroE.ctioB 66 .951 u s Eavir@.!'td AgcBey: E'24792 DloE.cliotr R50916 2?105 !f1985254-01-0 99tj21j| t||Drgra: Fbrlcirl llgf.Bcy: Educati,oB EDA-frt.rtbrd P!€gralE 25,011.20 J' P Sctsuilk.!-Cb.dd. 25, 011.20 TqIAlJ 25,011.20 FOR CFDf,* 55.951 U S of bcrEy: 82!632 81.049 It S of R50511 22705 DE!Co2-8?ERa5315f,009 351116[1 HrDrgtr: Fbr[cirl bcr3y: t I traly.i. D L Pcrru t I VOCS & Alrlytis 4, 539.0: ErrvE-rtov/stoc !l!!rg.r: Pbracirl Drt. soil D I, PGm SltB 11995-18 930617 Pr.r gltfvE-AlizoDa Mrang.r! A01247 960538 Prr! aEorac Fund Ticlc * tC321102 Ph.rcial Pcd Pr.r E286lg Erri!@Btd R40577 CoDtslect Plopolalil Pr.! E28591 56,50a u I P.d E28558 U s bviroccDEd Orgn FEd IECBTOIOGTCAL TD|TI'ERSIITY - swrry bY CFDAI EpaaaG o7/Ot/96 Eo 06/70/97 tbc accmpaayiag aotce er. !r i!,t.grral prrt of tbarc finracid .ErcamaEs. I -23- DoE-Crrdi.ttt! il R PllcbEa tGfrPttltia 8ou!d Uigrs 6 , 050.4e I I I HrcEtGAll tBcEtlorrclrcA& tNTt Ensrrr - S,ffiry by CFDI, fp.u. R.roEcb ,ffi O7/oL/96 Eo 06130197 o o/ 0 7 | 9 7 Fr{pPr.18A Puld t3 I 1. 0a9 u s DGPE of t I I I t of u tt D.Pt ol g S of U S D.pE of It S of U S of U S of It s of It s of E:11555 2a605 911034 CorBract R50?19 22705 661116A^1 821568 R50?2L 22705 E11671 8i0820 22705 861115 1 b.!gy3 8 1 . 0 at E!1672 nS082L 22705 Et16?3 n50822 22705 82167a R50ea2 2 3 0 0 5 950a13 E25365 Ra06aO 2 3 0 0 5 8 1 . 0 49 b.lglf !€d Prrr P.d P.r! l€d E|'. Ld E2s386 Ra0596 23005 Drr. ttsu: E25!80 EnrtTV 8 t r .O a 9 31.049 b.4y u s D.PE of Ead Pr.. 81. 049 lcd I 1. Oa9 Pr.. PGd Pu. 2{10s Pl!|'rcld 2a105 9a0235D2 R80550 23005 9to229 ROO585 2300? ltrlrg.r: 0R:t20?2-ra-Aro*01 li!.!clr'l 9ao2229a tlurg.r: t35655-N@002 tl8.acirl lbnr! !L!rg.!: 0R:l2o?2-1{-tlo*01 930229 Pbalcirl R30551 Mr,Brgt!: I I tbr I eccompr.syiBg locst rr!.a isE.grrrl Plrt of rb!.. I llrtr,g|.r: l||lrgrrr flDacid tEltcmatt. DlPtoltlo$ DOE-CnrDrElfrS B@DA rIOe 1,5€8.53 DTPFOSTON BOTD@S rIGR DOS-@IDTEIIIE l,7E-6'' DlrtulttoN DOE-(nADIEt!9 Aottrog rl@, 13, 525.59 EEorPb.ra OSEfE-Porctt Crrbo frrf 326, 1:.6.?O bg Sup€rior Arplt. 32, 934 .aa CPBRf -TraltEf.Eic V ! OlUl2O72-1a-Al,Dl01 930229 lbnr: 1 0.Rt22072-27-O4 Filtacirl Plr![cirl 23005 rEd lta.31 CPBBT-c.arric l{.D!8r8: on22072-55 960222 tbru: tt8616 !9Y RaO67S R80559 Et5396 u s D.Pt ol b,.!3y ?inracial cordiEi@t D F M.ltgrs: 0R.:t2072-55 lld 960222 lbsus t15395 h.rgy 23805 llrEu: El539a lad Pr.. 81.0a9 E R.0676 Stlbiuty DOE-EouDd.ry D P llralgGr: o,W22012-27-0r PlDlrcirl lb't\r3 E15382 b.rglt DE-FO02-95852Uts-A3 9a0235P2 lbra,r: 1,250.A1- Jfl.. l,L!!gDr: PiE&cir.l E!.a!y! Coaaitio. il R PllcbEa t||r..grr: DEFOo2-8?na5315t009 Pllr8cl.l 01.0a9 8r. 049 of &c!gy DEtCrO2-874a5315100e 851115Ar. h.rgy: sE$iuly DoE-Boutdrry s A E c,lG.y tlr|ug€r: FlurrcirJ, 91.049 o s DldtO02-878Ra53151009 861115A1 b.r3y: 92, 718 .crt ,tXL. !h!rg!r: llae,schl a Atru CoarEari,!,!s,/U.Eal DOE-Stluc S A Erclracy Mugcr: DEFOo2-8?1tRa5315 009 lbracl.,l eEuat TlElc D R Erck llriAg.r: DE!Oo2-97ERa53154009 851116A1 b.rgy: Fud S DEFGo2-92ER1a282-A05 Fj,Dracid 31.049 V s DcpE of R50686 Prponl# b.LYy: 81. 049 u s DcPr ol 821551 or€|d llaaacial 81.049 I I I Fuld barrgy! 01.049 U S fDdax Art'.B y/AlE6Ed Li 19.571.41 Cbirag lrpcn cPEE!-tralrgf.aic y/tlt.!.d Li :.. rtxt.72 c x Dodil. cPBnf -D.t cl llrlc-sl.rilG Cloocr Goa 1.0u1-71 D P I|:l! CP8fuI-Traarg|raic A.p€B/lltrlfr Rttl t96.94 o f, Podih ctEnl-Tr!|rrglaic 16B r.F!/alfrllr tzt-?a v & CPBnI -A!r8rgn!ic D f ntp.B/Alfrlfr Flq r.52a-62- Xrtlorky llrlut-tDv ACCr AtlorPbrric tr S Plrgdc:.r CO2 7 9 , 7 5 O- 1 5 I I I I I I I I I ID|tltERllrrY [rcBrcnr.l rEcrt|orocrcAr - srmtY bY CEDA{ Etf,u. n ..Gcb Eo 06/10/97 ? E 6 r to 7 / o L l 9 6 oe/o7/97 'K)ODLIEA nlld !3 Futrd In&x 81.049 U s Dcpc of E2s635 Pcd Prts h'c4ry 23oOS conElact Propolalil SgoO?1 22705 DgtGO2-87ERa5315A009 85111541 FiaancieJ' l{!aaF!: DoE - Bourdrry I A grckn€y Pt!li'E! I 69,299.58 scrbiury Fcllorrhip 2 , 116 .55 607, t32 .2e 60?, {52 .:8 30Ttr. Fon CPDA#81.049 U S D.pc of U s l).pE of bcagy: 8215?0 01.078 ot 2rSO5 DE-PC07-961D13a40'43 96o3as El16?9 n5o9o{ 24105 DE-FC0?-961D13a40-43 9603{5 h.r3y: lccb Biof if EtirtioB 155'280.15 t SiENE-Phy!/Cb.o tccb Biof iltlrEior 36,285'21 S T aaglcy llr5rg€r: Filrsci.l UsEt8-Pby./cbro O D tlc€ijrai! ll!!lg€r: Plnrsciel 81.078 U S R5o9o3 b.!g[t3 191,556 .37 1 9 1 ,s 6 6 . 3 7 TOEATJFOR CPDA# 81'0?8 u s DGPE of b.!glf: 81. 006 U S D.pE o! nL675 R5o0a5 2e305 D8-FG{8-95R810543 950533 &.trgry! im OSE[E-Alr6i CoEEorit. SbrF! f,i c l,lclciEtt.oB Ha!!g!l: Plsaacid 3 5. a 8 - t I I I I I I I I I TillG MTCAI-9I'JX Carbon bcttccB X s lfiDlgcr: FlBecial b6r!y: tud * V515?3-t'loD*o2 9{0223 Tbnrr E339a8 91.0{9 u s D.PE of R8O5{t orga tqlrlJ O s Dlpl o! u s D.Ps ol FOR CEDI# 35.{r- 81.086 bG4Er: E:11559 31. 0g? RsO661 22705 DE-PO2z-93PC93214-lcl 930133 ll&r!t!r: lluacj..l b.t!tt: usBtt-8.pdtat. g tr trrrarrs Plr!-Grt sclubb.r sl ?8.531'03 ?s.531.03 tmAr. PoR C?DA* 01.087 fb! accffiItrDyr,lrg BoEa! ara r.a ilrcarrrl Prrt of Ebtt' llD''Dcirl rlrtrfiGatl -25- ' 78,531.03 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [rcsrc:AN fECEtOt OotCAr. tllTvasrrY - surIlty bY CPDAB EIEuc R...Ecb ao O6/tOl97 ?t6 o7/oL/96 oafor/e7 ErgODt l8A &Ed L3 It S D.pc o! of 82L670 R10653 orga Coatncc Propo!8l* 28305 S DE-PC21-9al,lc3LL71lt11 930730 Plti,.Bciel &.ttgry: 81. 089 u s D.PE of PuBd Pud TiElc b.ttgy: 81.099 U S IBd.r E33973 S90086 28305 DE-FC21-9allc3LL74ll4a 930730 Plrrscirl Errgy! M!!rg.r: l.||!.9€!r ggEtE-Ufillz. J t{fOlUBDOE J Loy Nor cod, cmbut. gr.!,9 121,145.45 - cbuatu Xllo P.Ilottbip 15.a0?.96 E rlg 135,553 .{2 FOR CFDI# 91.089 l<Ee& NrEi@d Iscbi'nlt Nlti@d trcbil,.r & RacoFalr l&ia! Ela9os 89.003 & n coadr 135, 553 .a2 n50715 27005 930010 n&iE: 9a-o97 lbr.acirJ, ltra.Fr: t'll!,iaE t{Aflo AncE-Quiacy t s st).ac. CooPray n 43,755.{1 {3,765.{1 t('ra& toR CFDA# 89.003 ![tioarl lDaEilutc o! Earltb: of E rJ,Lb, 93.172 llrEiolaJ. tlttilutG r'2,2422 Rs090? 24405 1 R01 8G01502-01 950916 Piurcirl I'h!tg.a: Dlq tfiE-Prnll.l X s.q Atr.lbly 17,765.4L P!98 59, 992 . 05 Eu.aE 59, 992 . 06 tctAt FoR cFDAil 93.172 carr|D tt'lllr tb. rccdttrryiag notcr r!!.8 iac.EEal PrrE of thcrc liarscld rcaccfr.acg' -26- FoR cPDl',! 89,992.06 e.732,92O.9O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I InITYERSTTT IECM|oIOG]IeAIJ ed Coal:ilct! GE!8t! Tbrcugh s@ry Et[E. Eo 06/!O/91 07/oL/96 "16 HICEIGAN oe/o7/97 tt@P&1sB Puld L3 Pu. Purd IDdax DcpE of D.f.!rc DGpt of DafGBr. PGd Eu! o! Dat.Dr. DGpt of D.t.!rr. D.pE of D.l.Dr. Rt062? E;25252 Dut P.t. 950927A itE1:lSs Rro557 22505 9SL22O tbracial Tbnr: MO5a3 l'2seo7 N/A Pcd 22505 9s113a FLErscirl Tbsr! Rao553 828775 ll/A P.d 28605 FiDracirl g279eA P.d colErrcE Tb!u: n/A Prcpolal* Puad titlc * Tbtrr N/A ?.d o4fB D.t. 28605 93O51SA fbrscirJ. l!t1r3 nOctrf-tErg€ t .7 gcbrrlz 096895115 l||DrFr3 SC-92C-0a-29 llrDrgrr: ECt a3353 Tarkt EoEEIG-AdiicioDAl K R JobrroD H..8.9.r3 Cbragc 184 .57 *oo2 r.gB.a glEuh rad tEr€|! & D 13,285.:2 D.colnolutio Blild tfatgcs-rnrlEifr& r J Scbrlz cE urDrg|.r: llodsl 9rim 25.3!0.52 sb$ frEck c.!Ei!g-c!di aDrl 25,866 - 53 63,7t6-91 D.pE of lBr.rios t d Drt. N/A IEE.rior F.d Er.r llcpc ol Ibrir: E270L5 Rao5l1 tb:ir: 2{005 931136 Fluacirl tliaiBg tttcEr-Ei,rroricrl-Era T S RrYBoIdt 395-337 l,l|!!gGrt sl'E.t {a3 .00 a a 3, 0 0 D.pc of Fcd Pa.!: tnartFrtrtio! P.d D€pE ol trlrrportrtiotl D.pE TnDrPoEtrEioD PbrDcirl Drt.: F.d 950515 R40532 E18535 N/A of 950515 RaO631 828s34 N/A ?lDracid P.ra; gEotPlov l![wE-!|od.J18E 8857?1 Tttrck Pre !62.99- tf tf Ol.oB t|llrgcrl sDoittlor ttNtttE-ttod.li8E 885771 fluclc Ft@ 1,2!1.87 U D otbot!. urDrg€!: a6g .88 P€dr8rl ElEbray Pcdrlat E,Ebilry edEir PGd Pr.. n&ia Pcd P|.r E'27L05 !f/l E17103 !f/l Elgbmy F.&sd A&iD fb! Elgbrry rccdPrayilg P||t ''t7r02 N/A P.d!r|J, P.d l&ia noc€r Pad Prrt rt .8 tbru 96103? il0658 ,I!nr Pbracl.I 96100? RaO666 Ftstscirl lbfl 961006 Ra0655 Fbtscirl Eblu iac.grral Prtt of lb!t' MttT.f, itob * a0659 f HrrrEDt: P!oJ.c! *39070 lLlrgar: Job * {u?9 llrlrg.r: strtdlcBts' fiEracid r)1 - I'Ddl-cD 1995 L7,722.OO L HcNLBcb t{ffnA-lrtttic R.colt 31,500.00 D A Crl#ai H!!R D A cda€lri -Vld.o trPc Pr€drclioa 96/97 5s,6??.58 o0'lsg ' I re.TPql qlTrc8 ! TrluE:T :e:FE Tr:Ecrlo:st^lrd l:odaln6i l:oddns Satr'Es .gt,,ffiltt, -82- qru3 uoT:resl c.:rEiltos crso.t to tsrd 0€/.095 TrTcEtltTd za6zLo96 s0tzz TE:'elqT 8s90tu ?it6zL096 6CLO96 6aLO96 TrT0lri|rrd 5r/.095 :il5urr1 sotgz sozza sotez z89otll r890'u 9s9otu ss90tu 9rE0L6 50tz? €s9otll 06s0tll 6/.90lll LEZO96 90)cz e€90td 9€90llt 50912 E990'U Er e' relou Sulrtwdrccar 3nd n11 Pcd vtilal Pcit vE\lll v/N rnd P.iI uEl6l Pil ,[516t v/N ,'ld Pea v8lail Y/N Poil !tg16l v/N 09s9za P.d vtr4l v/N inrql 90izz Lss9z8 rrrit P.aI \tEt6l v/N :rEqI' ..rd :re.5rrrr11 TtTelrt'|rtd r?8095 EA 164460 s09tz P.a wl8l v/N rfiil rtrd v/N 8s99ee 0zEsze z9s9a :nrqtr' 3nd ttTDEiuTd TrlgErstd 'an€tol6 :rutll' ::c5rrrr11 lrTtsrlrId 98E096 aI g5t€00 P..l ltE!6l v/N €E'9ZA L€901u rstgzE .'rd pcd r{Eror v/N :nrq! 90/.az 55s0ru Pcil vsbl v/N ss59ze t569ze Ej69z,I zr59a :n:ql s09ta 3n:qI uTd Trt9E s09'z :n51tr 3,ld Tttcrt:|rTd :rcSrrq{ 6ES€-69€0t-8SUt v/N 9s69ze :n.rqtr' rrrd Eiaae :n:qtr| f.rd TtTeutETd rszoE9 :nrql Tilaurrf[d 9'6801 :naql ltTgEurtd 3:.5ttrq{ 4690t6 f :rc6?Erfl 5E0t f,oil D c ::e.5rqrfl FTgwr4e ! E v/.06 025 901{-9/.t ?- | 99rzl LezLE V O ::a6wn turq: TtttmTd azLo96 clT9or twl{-vE&Il{ fl lrEluoJ Puna I t I Trtso*Tt ::.Eoqq{ :rcSrurDt ::c6trrr1 9'686f g t| Stttt-Ad.Eet| I €080'6 180096000fl !:rns-ut"t^ o x o 'Pot{ ca&tt9 vltlDl-rTErJnE rn'rql TtTaEETd ::o6nnril 'sz0€9 d lr ctlcltlt(t-t@(Drl N I ctDlcltn|'q{-No(lcl{ lcltPord u .c ernf clIn|lln-llo(Dl{ lrrPo:d l:t'nTlrTTerd rlrPrTecrfoC' I VfnOI tTr.{Tfillt-"Al@f tq6TTS cerds-Euol noTlrls lroTltlg Eat fTTtT?Tnn J'Terld :tcsra-dgoE rrTerll eosrPTno oTeL elgqng-Etctol :0rrr.6 Nor&\rtltddlt srcSrurl{ 5t58dt N I e!?qtlrc-!@CDl{ :.:|lg TrrEarc:Prsa tr.Solt c.tqrlqt :c:|lg ..rqrltd T.rcd ottP:oJ eeTdnr8 Pfirtl :e?EI ro.33eord It qch:5rco:oc Ipnrs U tl q-t{o@l{ t:36ctu tE't5S'08 z0't93 ' 8r o 0 ' 9 8 4' 9 0 0 ' 9 2 8' € t a:eml o0'000'0? -56'S/. oS.ttqctTo EsEled 9Z'9Le't r 5 ' 9 8 9' Z 5 ::c5urr1 PwB lt q ecrdS-161qq1 E (tv 09t€-69€0t-8$Ar 05'8a!'t9l 00'00s'1, '0'5e8 '8 elTqri Ee'€so's gzes?5 ,nd Pcd \l5ol v/N :n5l& r.|d pcd lfslor IE'5t0',zlt TUercTrJ tL'661'i9 oTITI lnnouv *fDrodo:d sorzz u&:o '990m lnd poa sTpv IsqSTB toT4ze tlfu5J N\lDlEIll atclooaol@&l T.:cped v/N Puru 96/lO/LO wze L6IOE/90 o7 .'|rcdg ,ltE|!rs qSno:q.t pEr tlwro 3nd tll Flrnut ssrlllo(IL.t L6/LO/.O stcrjtauoc tIIEtE/Ulrro I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ulllvEltrrr 'Ecmtot,ocrcAr. ilrcErcAN ud CoBllacEl Cn8f. tbtougb Dur Swqt EI'GU. Eo 05/30/97 O7/OL/s6 Pffi oa/07/97 }TQODI.I88 Puld !3 N/A tlAsl Pcd PU. IBd.x Pu!d F25957 na0659 Orgm 22205 Droporalll coniracl 950730 AD89r5 Ra06{8 P2852t N/A 22555 92oao6A F.d lq8A F.d laaA Pad Pr'. Pr.r 22555 92oao6A Ra0517 E:!0569 2255s 950701 Ra05{7 E:I870{ l|/A 22205 96053a Ildic€! 1 3 , 1 1 8 .C Eet|Alt-rrol.cA$rc EAztRD r I!fP('! a 3 . 5 0 5- 1 Ror. tlttv ElztnD ntArt-rrorcAlEc & Dtgq! 2 2 , 0 6 0. 9 ll I Ror. ll|tr.g!t: go!ilt-8c.d c79e27 Clrac lllcb Sprcc Coa.or:t 378-3 A N PillsE lL!rg.r: @InlE-lticaotu.bul,s 96053{ starir oa PEoc.i8 8,OO0.O4 D J odd! llllrg.t: ti!.rBcid Tbnr: fl I CE-1107 llod 5 Fi!.acirl lDrTv tlod 5 Mr8rgct: Pttrscirl lbt1r3 rf/A Paa. Ra0510 Et8636 N/A lllsA & ltcallb McDoN-beirmcnEal Cl-110? Flnrrcj,d, l|lsAtdPlt!tbnr3 lnout TiEl. T N llogcrt Mta!g.r: PiBecial fbrtr: hDd # a6A,6a{. s( lfolA P.d P... tbJir: llttAt Pad P!a. Rt0599 a2{111 lr/A 229;15 9a1oa9 fiD.lcj,al tbnr: UC,AR/lttlAA-COt{Er VolclBic oenR 695-5a356/r/iOL9S n I Roa. lL!|96r: Cloud ltvltrt 3, 861.{: 3,851.4: u s Ai! PoEcc P.d Plrt tb::rr: u s tlr N/A lorcc Pcd Pr.. 8't6728 lbtrr3 u s Alr N/A lorcc E'les7o R{0585 P.d Perr tbnr: R{05{9 21505 960605 ll!|Bcj,d, 2250s 970421 ESitS-tr AP95033.5/f,C9a-102{ it B Rttcrt lLtrg.t: I[nltE-uulciftrtc 8-91051 t|lgbly srt rI.1 1,507.1.: Blisd Dccosnofutio 1, 755.0C t it sclurfz ttr$g.r: Pilr,Ecirl .c8cl , ,253.1r u s Dapt of lgrlisulEutc Fcd Drt.: lf/A tt s Dcpt of Agfriculturc &!8253 -RaO659 28505 Pcd Prt.: 96U23 11034705 l,L!|g.r: ?llracid solr4,/gstDf, R C Alg.a glorcbifc t=ri1 9,719.Lo 0,719.1-0 u s D.Pr of brtgy T I E,25OS4 M0652 N/A It s D.pE of EasrgY F.d Pt a lbru: Tb! I tbr|r3 Pcd Dr.t accoBprsyisE ao!.s !!! e ilr.gEsl 22505 95O7L7 I:c os7ooa Piltacirl Prrt of tlcrc fiaagcia'l l||!!g!a: A!I'HI-D.IIIoP OA C"O 2 xitni!!Da ttaBefrGEls' iluailuo 6h..C sEltsPi L26,321.22 '31nc|rC1i13 -0€- Trr3rtCUTt etsql tO:Std TrtScrsT ED c:i tclou Srrt/(|rrdlEagr EqI' I I ru '980'E8e te'orz'rr Io uoTtrzr.aclounrD ' tg' 868 ZZ /[ffiforB cml9n:t1a-8/\IlEo uo3:.Prlt ctrT6E :trEI rr.8 ?E'O90'02 qcrr..cll To:tso3 EolrTat/clD v s T c lulql re:('rd lloTll:rctT^-I@$tg o o ::c6aaq{ TrTesrqrS z0t?9tt96 ?90t96 ::.Etr|rrfi TrTeErr4d T0'tEre55 l'}osot5 ::.6tr!rt{ TrTOErsTe 6t0€-av t05095 3t!'rlt silza go9cz 0490rd 3'ld Pcd /{ArcrE rrsEza to ldcq s o v/N :nrqJ, rrrat P.d lircq Eg58a 6z90ru 3n5trtr, r.rd Ped l6:c'tE soezz reeoru 9sr8rs Io ]d.c v/N to ldco I a t 6 o v/N I I ' z9' s89 0z IJ!,V 3eTrrPot{ .toqTTeI aolSEFrrod :roN-tft@$fs o0'I ot lrTlTEI geroalno ts-r:lcTrq{ t t'6€8 6at:c:prg E! /^Tco-rtioT:,an L8'i'jz',l 6u1r:eco:6 stloTter:rolq! c x ctTrla .c e qttaq{ clTtu Era:lr'l f d :3.8tltq{ TrTostrrtd 8rz0&5 Trrcslrrd 108096 :roEfiltt{ 6 I eo!)tdEet-pccrt{co'r 6rtos5 ::r6lur|{ TrTcsurfd 0t€94l-t5)1 5t0r96 ::c.6rril|{ TrtrsurFd t'E00r95eoo st9096 g l| Tt:tt.dt:e&{E-'ttnitsEt i:crocclt r peTclrcu ::c5ac11 TrTeur'ETA Pooti u ! ^TqO TrrgrToC }oroz5 rot@{v-osE4f€ ::e.5ruq1 4 uoTsrzTTTfa-aIJtuE to z'90t4t 9ot,o95 13Ea1UO3 flTirodqd srid 9918?, :n3u! 3'rd P.d ,{ErcrE Io rdco s o v/N Pot /(6rctq s0/,82 trzgoru r809ua 3ruqI SoLaZ SotBz E6:O esgotu rrrit 9e896 'nltr Pc8 ,{6:oEe to lcl.o v/N rrrat ped ,{.6req zEa96 6190'u rnd pcd ISrcq s?t9za 8r.9oru .,rd rEt9Z8 rtDd s o ld.C I S O to :dao 6 o V/N to ld.O S A v/tt Pcd.{E:cE fo ?d.o s o v/N lnrnll errat P.a ,{5r3qe ro ldec s o aESotU ,6}94 v/N sEat I s o s o fo rd.C S O v/N fo v/N P.d l6rcrE Pcd lars{g 9tL9a, .rrd rE/.9t8 9t90tu to tdcc Y/N .raat Ped ,{Ercqe to ldoc 9ZS0l'11 ,Lg9A :nrqj! s08E? t89otu :nrql 50082 :n'ru! 90LZC Za90'U 3n:att soeSt :t|:qt s09tz Sssez :n:qt frTguttTa 5{-v-8oe9t€ t Pmd soE8z :rl.sql' IrToElnTd z Potf Ae80A8-r6l I' g : :aSrrrrt{ TrTarsrruTd uosalETlrt{ 0 l{ trt-:3-ct{ Io SnrAoTTlr cTstrpcn-tlrolDt t @nt r{tf 96tt€ooltat 8ttt96 a:c]tll UIJS ctbTonqrcl rqo "T1T& :tuqi! TrTcBrrId 956A-gV ZleO96 :,r.6f!wlt TrTrsrErd Att Zl,ls-X6l WttreS ra.Efirq{ Trrctr|rrt! € qon AgEsits-I5r Es000o0o8 u0t 5-todrr-utl ::c6rrrn uoral|lT)telt 0 t{ arrE - (@lDtDoit o6Efl-xts/ostEt-tt6 r.rlr6.:d s(rl, eT?fT:g-soN doTclcC-irtlHT d eTrueD ::cgrur1J o:fiiod T t' s esrErelc(t-E.coit E TlsrTrng-Tl5nr&fi 00'oz,t'T je'j59'la 66' jLa' e 9t'80t',6I 98'694 ,9 00' o .6qrag 00'oo0'z? rEnoqf pcg r{.6:etq o990tu alzsce fo rdccl I I I S O v/N xoPuI Pw\i 96,/lO/LO we L6/Ot/90 o1 cn.dg rltrcms q6nor{tr' .ttd FR 3llttjro NltDrErH Tucrootolma.l Ea Psf,it ESrAdoord r?3u1noc u rJraua/E L6/LO/ 80 I LE'898'0Zrr s(Nlu .stnsctrls -rg- TETCTTETI ctctfl Jo:Srd TE:531rrT s? cA:3c1ou St'a^rdur,ccr c'ql tu uod lltloll o z ' 0 s 8' 4 1 oz' os8' Lt l.DoirEtt r(*dun'1 tos/ooe u.rog sldo:L-cd'tE E s 3:.6rrrt{ TrT3Erlrfd rEzoE5 |6/LO/6O J,ir,tr'tl nrqr 5OS8Z rtSOrU rnd peg reilec vLZgA ruq;, trtd pcit 3fd.C Fr3,pcd Y/N lt:ePcd tnoTnA tnot:rA 'L' 95' S08 Eotalot' 0t' 9l dlroo TflnFs/Pot{ TrrrretlJ'-teo E:.5o:d ccls :PD:L u I PetTqo ITn!TS 9r'€€''6r U O Dl0{ t|9-t3q5nB TTI|ETS U C oo'9Zt'Aa 5ETt3etr AID-lEtEtc tflt :3.5inq{ TtTeu|cta 400ts5 9rEO0505 ::o6rru{ rrT9l'rETd 9ZOt56 nu8-ttccr€-6s Tit3E'trTS eatrs6 69tEt00tul Pod PEtrIE3 a/rTfo@:lv 90982 Pril@c rz9oru 5"92e pc8 Plll@3 c TlolFllrlf v/N crrTa@ln\t :(llw :tllla S O s o s a V/N ,929?a 'e90rU Ped PUEDD :fllt|l v/N so98z Ezgoru oEsSza rrit 9098e 3lil :ra6Eutt{ .rit 08 :(lr$, s^llqDllv s o 'IZE 't zTnrpsI' 08'tzE'' SuTEmI ,tr::t1 eufpa:ctcg-llnld tr ::c6wfl 9o6dt€ :n:qt TtteE'lrtd 0E60t6 oit /c89066t€ .,ra Pod ,!\!t[ S O v^l sostz 9r9oru ot8sru :n:ql rttd Pcd ,hrN S O 90' 802' It rcrrv ,Q'69;'4 e:urTcq/TTT:frrED-ytsato ,{s 5u11qog :o:rt{ :clr$ :To6:erqf rTo aTTrr^suoErt}-YISdA :.rc5rurn eralrSt Trlanrrtd ooctt 61sor6 ::e6ilst1{ s 96/60/90 eTTT^EuoErEJ-vJ,sdo :e.qr J n L6lLolLo zlcTStgf ET'65T'I r.nt 5r'685''C rucuporl|' !:eSrlrrH & n s6/6O/90 TtTcmTd fttog5 TltsE tr'rEllglellg'lt ,,rd pcd l.s6t' to:d Tr:EreaT^€ vAI soruz rogoru 09s8za pcit .rrd soTtz ETgotu ?JD:luoc f szt055 flfrtodo:d l55v roJd eora s o v/N Ped ,{c5v :o:d s o Ttlnctro:t^tg rePsl Psnd 5 a Tritl.rc:t.J|tle sovcz zr9oru 9ss8ze u6:o I a fElnm€tlq v/N Lss8z8 Pcd ,Lr6v ..rd Et.l rnd oTlTL Pmd IFICTD 96/10/LO wze L6/OE/sO o1 .G.d:g ItmS q.6norqr tnd Pdr slt[to NrDrErtr rrDlooaolqtat €1 F4rnil a8tlatoo!{ racr:tuoJ L 6 l L O/ e O r$$E/rt!to I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I t t I I MtCEtGEt TECETOIPGTCAIJ IDITUIn!'!:!T coBEracl! ud cr!!!r tbrcugb Pr.. 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Crud AuEillotiE N{00e1 D9001{ Plogr.n aARDEc BducaEiotral 28701 H.!rFl: Piraci,r] 0.83 E ,t WLitc T('tAr. POn.N90:.00 sP lgrra'Pu. If911oo xrcl, Llorutlcr tbru D92a50 Nsl{10 U of 36002 !iLa.g.r: FlE|8cill M tqaA gprcr Cotl.oltir.a 38.45- c s Aad.!rG, 38.{5- rslA& PoR,N91100 Raol:l:l lqaA P.d 9rt. rf/A 0.83 tbru: rNfrtEo:'56 Ra06{5 E!0529 36001 A01811 9s0713 lLDrgE!: llDracirl' uoftl/ltAaa-spsc€ C s ADdarloB G8t!,t l&iBirt::rciv 1,520 .03 1. 520 .03 rotAt, PC,RRaol11 n50103 !tA8,A gsNAaoo12 E!a022 $/A 590176 23005 960315 Nqr-30o28 l|.trgcf: Pl,l|8cirl Nrs,a - ilrl.Edl:rE P V D..r&lcca itdE.b 19, 890 . 75 !ctttl. & r.lblury nSo1ilz tlrtiEuEr-llu.r r.l^ DfsrtoooS Elagoo P.d D.r! n5o98s 22595 970507 la'70032'97 tL!|Ff: Pl!|lcirl M.g-199? L..rr. ColtGlrnEioa 4ar90 R80611 35001 UNTltE0ls6 ea493 R80512 36001 rccdlrlayiBg DoE€r ara !g ibEagrral, Prrt of tbtra 1|!!r€|.r: {, 165.30 a . 1 6 6. 3 0 FoB R50Ul2 l0Drg.a: filracial rEaEcmaes. 43- tD.ricrs tadi.8 Eiologj' 0.59 S N nudrk EI!VE-9?/98 t;28077 961101 PlDracid tba ofw8-9?/98 ,l;|ao77 961102 Pj,Dracj.rl N/A PagE srDyI lbr|r: tbtwE0155 N/A 19, e90.?5 lCR F50103 scrrlccr tdta& n9OlO3 NASI 9.llor.biP s $ Rudd( tfonc! & lli.[osiEi.t la E {. a31.85 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o8/oil97 oEb.r ErcpPt lScl ctDA* tD# crlseor ItNTWO155 N/l Iud.x Pund E2ga98 R0o6:,3 org! EMrvEsarr Hrcatoelr rEcmFrpctcAr. b'y A€llBry E*tf,Dt' FiJtdisg - sltErty Fa&nI to 06/3O/97 ?fr\ 07loLl96 coucncE PrcPo.ellf 35001 ItrrnrEot55 &18519 R80594 3 6 0 0 1 N/A tDllltEol55 828521 15001 R80590 960213 !b!rg.r: r.rt.r tbracirl t 96021{ Et.a N/A tE{ttrEols5 828523 RSO592 35OOt N/A tDttttEotsS E'lg9z' 36001 R80588 960215 !.Ec.r FbrtrcirJ' nrnrEols5 N/A E18528 35001 RgO593 t 960215 tt.r tDtT1tE0155 N/A Eil8550 35001 R80610 t!ttrtE0236 Elgs61 350O1 R80553 lhDrgls: lDtTVE0236 tl856g 35001 R0056. lha|g.r: Fbracid t Blologti 5, 000.0o ClraE 1996 P.Ilot 20,000-00 lc lca H6cB&lti-Boritlc! 5, 000.00 SPac. Gr|ar 1997 t.Ilo;! 6 , 661.9t c s Ald.rroB of illcb-lBgA OrrfiEY il.tb taci 1,750.O0 C S ADd.!!oB c I ulcb-ttAEA QurllCy Fuactioa D.P 0.00 tDd.rloB Tq[n& FoR R80103 91o3ol l{rElood PousdrEioa Ngf-c.Icu1u! E339aO 920057 2430r !,h!.g.a: tilracirl rodrlboP-ltlrtb n folE 1,92?.a9 x A codbol. fttralJ GRll@ Tb! rccodprayrDg BoEar .8G rB s2,aa..12 (P!D): t I I I Udiaa s N Rrdrk oBlv c5530{ 9a11a6 CsouP 5, 000- 00 gPrcc tDtwE-96/97 Uriv 055105 9at1{7 5, 00o . 00 C S .tDd.tros ([EVE-H1Cb f||lrg|.r: Fbracirl N/A oal01/95 F.llot fla.utttiEoritir. (EITVB-95/97 tE ricrr s N Rurlrk @|tl/E-tdcb ,v!8087 9611o9ElC FtD|trcid, N/A Oal01/96 t{lErgor: blrilm 0. oo Errua-95/9? s N lud* li[r!rg.t: lluDcial & t'b! oal01/96 t'LlrErr: llaraciel S:.P sprc€ c s ADdarroB BlEltE-95/9? DaEroit T.ach!! s N ngd.k AO0a00 96071a-18 TiBIC oal01/95 H.D!g€r: M.lrg€r: lbrtclr]' F.lDd u!.lT\tE-9?/90 IJ2AO77 961103 Pi!.!ciaJ, rf/A fi inc€gBaJ' parc of !!rtc llDr8cirl !trt'!'Ec!' 44- TOTnI. PoR t 10301 L,927 -49 80, !11.37 9rr''8 6L'E,'E'9 .,\lOiD oz'el.t'9L7 IrIITqox ureTaElf 8r0'r8 'rlE.elr:t qlTt.E .lnlTl'lr:l I Alclrrs :||FTU N S :@ls-olElll{ g c eirT}l-:oqqJ Iil _aL >v I I t TrlcrilETt otsqf to l:rd Ti:5cln-a Er cctD 3c1ou 6nT4utdEo3ca qI uod $lror .r:5lrqr e r 'N caslTfTv-o@sA ::c6r'sirl rtTcgfirtil 8C009N91rC o5rTz t€8096 5z6o5tr r&8tza soooa(Elgo 9tt't8 *ltElc uod aEro.! 95 qea& tot :rc5rur1 TrTcErrTd zo9' requrN lscFord roog€ sz60s5 98s08u or,La lzooa(Elh gto't8 009'4r *vciD uoil infioil Er'Tqer*i:ll#i o:rd,rr.rrso,rTH SsrI I I I I I I I t iIO]I .tltlO& (NltUC ttgilc 54' ttr's Tr'6'6'rT t t' 6'5 'Tr 0o'08?'5st EZ' '65 ',51t uorTr6 L L ' S e 9 ' .E j OTITJ, ,rro,, .r;til"Hff" ::c6utr1 so9ze e5so8u 8t0/.98 eoooltoJrl{ 009'4t nTa fttJu llrdser'Er{ 916/8'l/'1 f PSJ SO8ZZ OSOIOSS tcr:rsoJ u6:q XFrodo:d 96/rOlLO vaa - SrtTPdtld TrrtP'J rftDlFrtl L6/Otl90 oa ATr@ls ,(q .t€cdg fl{gdD ursuArta ZZgOtU PErtr OTOLA xePEr looofl'llln ilgr :o18:o OO9'LI l|tlJc aE!tadoctill L5/Lo/eo :etllo TFrodlol@el I I I I I I I I UNIVERSITY MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL AWARDS OF FEDERAL SCHEDULE FORTHEYEARENDEDJUNE30,1998 (continued) FederalAwards Expenditures SUMMARYFROMPAGES3.45 $14,336,015* 2,107,964* 256,684* Researchand Development StudentFinancialAid OtherFederalAwards Totalfrom Pages3-45 16,700,663 ASSISTANCE NON-CASH $ 8,659,733 9,565,250 752.0U PerkinsLoans StaffordLoans PLUSLoans Total Non-cashAssisfance TOTALFEDERALAWARDS * 18,977,O17 $35,677,680 MajorPrograms ** No Federally fundedprogramclassified as otherqualifiedas a majorprogram. ** Perkinsloansare measuredby totalloansoutstanding at June30, 1996,plusnewloansawarded duringtheyearendedJune30,1997. as such. includedin the pagesnotedaboveare indicated Expenditures t I I I t I T I I I I I I I I I I I I UNIVERSIW MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL OF FEDERALAWARDS NOTESTO SCHEDULEOF EXPENDITURES FORTHEYEARENDEDJUNE30.1997 (1) BAS|SOFACCOUNTING used on the samebasisof accounting The Scheduleof Expenditures of FederalAwardsis presented withgenerally whichis in accordance statements, of the Universig'sfrnancial for presentation principles. acceptedaccounting (CFDA)NUMBERS (2) CATALOG ASSISTANCE DOMESTTC OF FEDERAL CFDAnumbershavebeenlistedseparately.All otherprogramsfor All programswithidentifiable or in thecaseof NASAandotherswhodo notissueCFDA whichsuchnumberswereunavailable awardnumbershavebeenprovided. numbers,the applicable I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGICAL MICHIGAN COSTS ANDQUESTIONED OF FINDINGS SCHEDULE FORTHEYEARENDEDJUNE30, 1997 FinancialStatemenfs Unqualified Typeof audito/sreportissued: Internalcontroloverfinancialreporting: . Materialweakness(es)identified? ves --X-no . Reportablecondition(s)identifiedthat are to be materialweaknesses? notconsidered ves -X materialto financialstatements Noncompliance noted? nonerePorted _yes X no FederalAwards lnternalcontrolovermajorprograms: o Materialweakness(es)identified? _yes X no . Reportablecondition(s)identifiedare not to be materialweakness(es)? considered -yes X nonerePorted for Typeof auditor'sreportissuedon compliance majorprograms: Unqualified thatare requiredto be Any auditfindingsdisclosed withsection510(a)of reportedin accordance A-133? Circular ves X no of majorprograms ldentification CFDANumber(sl Nameof FederalProoramor Cluster Various Various Research& Development StudentFinancialAid between Dollarthresholdusedto distinguish typeA andtypeB Programs: . no Auditeequalifiedas low-riskauditee? 48-