Michigan Technological University Staff Exit Interview

Michigan Technological University
Staff Exit Interview
The goals for implementing a staff exit interview are to increase staff retention and improve working conditions at Michigan
Technological University. You can contribute to this goal by providing us with your honest opinions about working for
Michigan Tech.
Your responses are confidential and anonymous. They will not become part of your personnel file and will not affect future
employment opportunities.
We hope that you will take a moment to complete the exit interview survey. Your opinions are important to us.
Demographic Information:
Today's Date:
Years at Michigan Tech University:
Primary Reasons for leaving Michigan Tech University: (check all that apply)
1. Retirement
10. Work load or work hours
2. Promotion denial
11. Discontinuation of funding
3. Health Reasons
12. Laid Off
4. Improved Career Opportunities/More attractive
position elsewhere
13. Lack of advancement opportunities
5. Family/Partner Issues
6. Negative Climate
7. Lack of recognition for work
8. Dissatisfied with benefits
9. Quality of supervision
14. Management practices
15. Dissatisfied with local community
16. Pay dissatisfaction
17. Conflict with other employees
Which aspects of your job at the University did you enjoy the most: (check all that apply)
1. Coworkers/Colleagues
7. Employer/employee communications
2. Meaningful work
8. Opportunities for advancement
3. Quality of supervision
9. Benefits
4. Training/education opportunities
10. Pay
5. Recognition of work
6. Work environment
Which aspects of your job did you enjoy the least: (check all that apply)
1. Coworkers/Colleagues
7. Employer/employee communications
2. Meaningful work
8. Opportunities for advancement
3. Quality of supervision
9. Benefits
4. Training/education opportunities
10. Pay
5. Recognition of work
11. Management practices
6. Work environment
The following played a part in my reason(s) for leaving: (check all that apply)8VHQH[WSDJHIRUDGGLWLRQDOUHVSRQVH
My relationship with my supervisor ([SODLQ
My relationship with upper management Explain:
My supervisor’s relationship with upper management Explain:
My relationship with my colleagues ([SODLQ
The atmosphere in my department ([SODLQ
Please FKHFN the ER[below in terms of your satisfaction with each during your employment at the University.
1. Type of work
2. Pay/Compensation
3. Benefits package
4. Resources to do job
5. The volume of work my supervisor expected of me was
6. My supervisor was available when I needed assistance
7. There was cooperation among the employees in my
8. My supervisor had a knowledge and understanding of my
9. I was treated fairly by my supervisor
10. I would consider working at Michigan Tech University in
the future
11. I would recommend others to consider employment at
Michigan Tech University
12. My work facilities were safe and contributed to a good
working environment
Please mention any employee at Michigan Tech who contributed positively to your employment experience.
What constructive suggestions do you have for improving employment at Michigan Tech?
Is there anything else that you would like us to know about your employment experience at Michigan Tech?
What is your name (optional)?
Please email completed form to: equity@mtu.edu
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Michigan Technological University
Institutional Equity & Inclusion
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931
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