Course Syllabus Instructor Information CS1000 - Introduction to Computer Science

Course Syllabus
CS1000 - Introduction to Computer Science
College of Science and Arts
Spring 2014
Instructor Information
Office Location:
Office Hours:
Joe Smith, PhD, Associate Professor
123 Rekhi Hall
Office – (555)555-5555 (can add other numbers)
TR 10:00am – 12:00pm or by appointment
Course Identification
Course Number:
Course Name:
Course Location:
Class Times:
Introduction to Computer Science
135 Fisher Hall
MWF 11:05am – 12:05pm
MA1000 – Addition & Subtraction
HU1000 – Spelling
Course Description/Overview
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse non lacus ac massa
commodo placerat. Donec commodo quam nec quam. Aliquam augue. Nulla at odio nec
turpis gravida ultricies. In dignissim rhoncus lorem. Integer placerat orci ac tortor. Morbi
quis felis. Etiam sed nisi id diam rhoncus convallis. Nulla tristique. Integer placerat orci ac
tortor. Morbi quis felis. Etiam sed nisi id diam rhoncus convallis. Nulla tristique. Nulla at
odio nec turpis gravida ultricies. In dignissim rhoncus lorem. Integer placerat orci ac tortor.
Course Learning Objectives
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse non lacus ac massa
commodo placerat. Donec commodo quam nec quam. Aliquam augue. Nulla at odio nec
turpis gravida ultricies. In dignissim rhoncus lorem.
1. Integer placerat orci ac tortor. Morbi quis felis. Etiam sed nisi id diam rhoncus
convallis. Nulla tristique.
2. In massa velit, cursus non, egestas euismod, aliquam eget, nibh. Pellentesque
habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
3. Aliquam augue. Nulla at odio nec turpis gravida ultricies. In dignissim rhoncus
Course Resources
Course Website(s)
Personal Website <>
Required Course Text
Introduction to Computer Science, 7th Edition, by Smith & Miller, ©2008 PrenticeHall Publishing, ISBN 0-12-345678-X
CS Journal <>
Course Fees
List any course fees here.
Course Supplies
List any course supplies here.
Grading Scheme
Grading System
Note: This is an example and not a Michigan Tech standard.
points/credit Rating
93% & above
87% – 92%
Very good
82% – 86%
76% – 81%
Above average
70% – 75%
65% – 69%
Below average
60% - 64%
59% and below 0.00
Incomplete; given only when a student is unable to complete a
segment of the course because of circumstances beyond the
student’s control.
Conditional, with no grade points per credit; given only when
the student is at fault in failing to complete a minor segment of
a course, but in the judgment of the instructor does not need to
repeat the course. It must be made up by the close of the next
semester or the grade becomes a failure (F). A (X) grade is
computed into the grade point average as a (F) grade.
Grading Policy
Grades will be based on the following:
Exams (3 exams x 300 points each)
Class attendance/participation
Total Points
Late Assignments
Describe your late assignment policy here.
Course Policies
Behavioral standards, attendance, group work/collaboration, safety regulations, etc.
Collaboration/Plagiarism Rules
Specific course rules or policies regarding collaboration on graded academic exercises.
Example: Cell phones, Blackberries, iPods, PDAs, or any other electronic devices are not to
be used in the classroom. Please make sure to bring a calculator with you to class.
Calculators on other devices are strictly prohibited. Information exchanges on these
devices during class are also prohibited and violate the Academic Integrity Code of
Michigan Tech.
University Policies
Student work products (exams, essays, projects, etc.) may be used for purposes of
university, program, or course assessment. All work used for assessment purposes will not
include any individual student identification.
Michigan Tech has standard policies on academic misconduct and complies
with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding discrimination, including the Americans
with Disabilities Act of 1990. For more information about reasonable accommodation for or
equal access to education or services at Michigan Tech, please call the Dean of Students Office,
at (906) 487- 2212 or go to
Course Schedule
Week 1
W 9/3
Course introduction
Chapter 1 – Introduction to Computer Science
*K-day recess begins at noon
F 9/5
Chapter 2 – Binary Numbers
HW Due: pg. 50 #1-6
Week 2
M 9/8
Chapter 3 – Programming Languages
W 9/10
Chapter 3 – Programming Languages (cont.)
*Last day to drop full semester courses with a refund
*Last day to add full semester courses or change a section
F 9/12
Chapter 3 – Programming Languages (cont.)
Week 3
M 9/15
Chapter 4
W 9/17
Chapter 5
HW Due: pg. 240 #2-30
F 9/19
No class, instructor on vacation
*Last day to drop full semester courses without a grade appearing on the
academic record - No Refund
Week 4
M 9/22
Chapter 5 (cont.)
W 9/24
Exam #1 (Chapters 1-5)
F 9/26
Chapter 6
Week 5
M 9/29
W 10/1
F 10/3
Week 6
M 10/6
W 10/8
F 10/10
Week 7
M 10/13
W 10/15
F 10/17
Week 8
M 10/20
W 10/22
F 10/24
Week 9
M 10/27
W 10/29
F 10/31
Week 10
M 11/3
W 11/5
F 11/7
Last day to drop full semester courses with a grade of 'W'
Week 11
M 11/10
W 11/12
F 11/14
Week 12
M 11/17
W 11/19
F 11/21
*Thanksgiving recess begins at 10:00pm
- THANKSGIVING BREAK (11/21 – 12/1) -
Week 13
M 12/1
*Classes Resume
W 12/3
F 12/5
Week 14
M 12/8
W 12/10
F 12/12
Finals Week