Development of Objective Overshooting Top and Enhanced-V Detection Algorithms for GOES-R ABI JP7.5 Kristopher M. Bedka, Jason C. Brunner, Wayne F. Feltz, and Richard Dworak Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison Why Are Overshooting Tops and the Enhanced-V Signature Important? Introduction • Overshooting convective cloud tops and the enhanced-V signature are inter-related and often identify a strong thunderstorm capable of producing severe weather such as hail, damaging winds, and tornadoes, as well as significant aviation turbulence • Day/night objective detection of the enhanced-V signature and overshooting tops are product requirements that were assigned to the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Aviation Algorithm Working Group (AWG) • UW-CIMSS received funding in Spring 2008 to investigate existing algorithms for identifying these two signatures, to develop alternative approaches, and to compare algorithm performance. There are currently no operational algorithms for detection of overshooting tops and the enhanced-V signature. GOES-R ABI Enhanced-V and Overshooting Top Product Requirements Algorithm Descriptions, Datasets, and Methodology Light Intensity Turbulence from EDR Moderate Intensity Turbulence from EDR Overshooting Top: A domelike protrusion above a cumulonimbus anvil, representing the intrusion of an updraft though its equilibrium level or the tropopause (from the AMS Glossary) Frequency and Intensity of Turbulence Increases Significantly When Aircraft Fly Close to an Overshooting Top 1)Indicative of a storm with a very strong updraft, hazardous for aviation operations if a plane were to fly through an overshooting top 2)Correlates well with radar reflectivity maxima and storm severity 3)Interaction of updraft with stable tropopause layer generates turbulent gravity waves which can propagate far away from their source region 4)Responsible for obstructing upper-level jet stream flow, producing the enhanced-V signature The appearance of an enhanced-V in infrared imagery resembles a V- or boomerang-shaped area of cold IR window channel brightness temperatures (BT), and is bordered by an area of warm BT downwind. One explanation for the origin of this signature is thought to be related to a circulation forced by the overshooting top (OT). As upper-level flow approaches the OT, it is diverted around the OT as if it were a solid obstacle (like water in a stream flowing around a boulder). Downwind of the OT, the air subsides and warms, producing the warm wake characteristically observed in tandem with the enhanced-V. (Ackerman and Knox (Meteorology: Understanding the Atmosphere, 2001) The relationship between objectively-detected overshooting tops (OT) and non-overshooting cold IR pixels (< 215 K, non-OT) in GOES-12 imagery, and objective eddy dissipation rate (EDR) turbulence observations from May-August 2005-2007. EDR observations are collected every minute during the flight of many United Airlines Boeing 757 aircraft, allowing precise temporal and spatial co-location of satellite and turbulence observations. Overshooting Top Downstream Warm Region Unique Characteristics of Overshooting Tops in Multispectral Satellite Imagery Visible/Near-Infrared Characteristics • “Lumpy” texture relative to smooth anvil cloud and shadowing at lower solar zenith angles • Variability in ice crystal effective radius and ~4 μm channel reflectance, with smaller ice crystals and higher reflectance indicating an active updraft of a severe storm (Rosenfeld et al. 2008) Day/Night Infrared-only Characteristics • Positive upper-level water vapor (WV)- IR window channel BT differences, as tropospheric water vapor content is injected into the lower stratosphere by updrafts associated with overshooting convective cloud tops, which radiates at a warmer temperature than the colder cloud-top in IR window imagery (Ackerman et al. 1996, Schmetz et al. 1997, Setvak et al. 2007) • An isolated region (< 15 km diameter) of very cold IR window channel BT relative to the surrounding warmer anvil cloud. Anomalously cold BTs are caused by persistent moist adiabatic ascent, allowing the BT to be much colder than any temperature that would be found in a co-located sounding. Due to their often rapid development and potential for causing loss of life, severe thunderstorms present a constant challenge to the forecaster. Methods for detecting the precursors of and signatures associated with severe weather are vital. The enhanced-V is often seen in infrared satellite imagery before the onset of severe weather and is an important indicator of a severe thunderstorm. McCann (MWR, 1983) found that the median lead time (time from the initial identification of the feature on satellite imagery to the first reports of severe weather on the ground) is about 30 minutes. 2 km ABI proxy (AVHRR and MODIS) ~11 micron IR window channel imagery from 8 different enhanced-V events with identical domain sizes and color enhancements, showing the variability of enhanced-V temperature characteristics and appearance. Product Examples and Validation WV-IR Brightness Temperature Difference (i.e. Global Convective Diagnostic) Since the GOES-R ABI overshooting top and enhanced-V detection algorithms are required to operate during both day and night, the two IR-only characteristics are being evaluated as candidate algorithms by the GOES-R Aviation Algorithm Working Group. IR Window “Texture” Overshooting Top Detection Methodology 1)Identify pixels with cold IR window channel BTs (< 215 K) that are also colder than an NWP tropopause temperature 2)Identify candidate overshooting top (OT) pixels which represent isolated BT minima that are not within a specified distance threshold of other candidate pixels 2 km Terra MODIS: 1655 UTC 2 km Aqua MODIS: 1840 UTC 3)Determine the BT difference between the candidate OT pixel and the surrounding anvil. Those that are > 6.5 K colder than the surrounding anvil are OT pixels 4)Identify neighboring pixels which are also part of the same OT OT Detection Criteria=215 K 95% of All OTs Could Be Detected OT Detection Criteria=6.5 K 98% of All OTs Could Be Detected 6.5 K Corresponds to a 1 km Overshoot (above) A schematic of the IR “texture” overshooting top detection methodology with the associated AVHRR 1 km Visible channel image at 1257 UTC on 3 June 2005. (left) Cumulative frequency diagrams for the minimum OT IR window BT from the 450 enhancedV cases identified by Brunner et al. (2007) and (right) the difference between the minimum OT and surrounding anvil BT for 50 of these 450 cases. (upper-left) Aqua MODIS imagery at 1840 UTC on 8 June 2008. (upper-middle) Color enhanced IR window channel imagery degraded to a 2 km resolution with cool colors representing the colder cloud tops. (upper-right) IR window channel pixels that are colder than both 215 K and the GFS tropopause temperature. (lower-left) Candidate OT pixels, which are a subset of the points in the upper-right, but none are closer than 15 km from one another. (lower-middle) Final OT locations from the IR window texture method. (lower-right) WV-IR BT differences of > +2 K (blue) and > +4 (cyan). AVHRR 1 km IR Window BT (Left column) Terra MODIS imagery at 1655 UTC on 8 June 2008. (top) Color enhanced IR window channel imagery with cool colors representing the colder cloud tops. (bottom) WV-IR BT differences of > +2 K (blue) and > +4 (cyan). (Right column) The same imagery and products, but from Aqua MODIS at 1840 UTC on the same day. Which WV-IR difference value will always identify overshooting top pixels (0, +2, +4)? This uncertainty and inconsistency is the reason that the IR window texture method is being developed as a candidate ABI OT detection algorithm. GOES-12 4 km IR Window BT AVHRR 1 km Visible Brightness Characteristics of Enhanced-V Producing Storms in IR Window Channel Imagery • An OT is present with a coupled warm region within a 25 km distance downstream and the eastern semicircle of the OT. The warm region is bounded by the “arms” of the V-shaped pattern. • A large anvil cloud, ~75 km in length, due to the presence of strong jet stream winds • The 8 enhanced-V events shown in the upper-left illustrate that the enhanced-V signature is highly variable in terms of temperature characteristics, V-orientation, and the angle and length of the V-arms. This makes direct pattern recognition of an enhanced-V very difficult and prone to false alarm One (near) constant is the presence of a temperature couplet between the coldest OT BT and the warm region maximum BT. Brunner et al. (WAF, 2007) shows that the presence of a cold OT minimum BT and a large BT couplet is directly related to the occurrence of significant severe weather at the surface. Detection of a thermal couplet is far more tangible than V detection via pattern recognition and will be the focus of the ABI algorithm. Overshooting Tops in 1 km AVHRR Overshooting Tops in 2 km “ABI” Overshooting Tops in 4 km GOES-12 Enhanced-V/Anvil Thermal Couplet Detection Methodology 1)Search pixels within 25 km in the eastern direction from an OT pixel for candidate warm areas. Enhanced-V‘s are oriented to the east of OTs over CONUS. 2)Compute mean IR window BT around candidate warm area. The mean must be at least 10 K warmer than the coldest OT pixel. The IR window texture method is applied here to imagery of varying resolution at 2255 UTC on 11 June 2008. A comparison of IR window imagery from AVHRR and GOES-12 shows that the 4 km resolution of GOES-12 cannot capture the isolated locations of very cold BT, which has a significant impact on the number of OTs that are detected. Comparison to groundbased radar reflectivity shows that overshooting top locations are well correlated with precipitation maxima 3)Search around candidate warm area to ensure that all pixels in box have BT at or colder than warm area, eliminating false couplet detections along an anvil edge. 4)Compute warm area minus surrounding anvil BT difference to ensure the presence of a focused warm area characteristic of the enhanced-V signature. 5)Investigate BTs along a ray starting from the OT pixel, through the warm area, and 15 pixels beyond to ensure the presence of a relatively large continuous anvil cloud produced by strong winds aloft. Pixels along ray can be no warmer than the max warm area BT. Overshooting Top Detection Method False Alarm Rate Percentage of Total High Confidence OT Pixels Identified IR Texture OT ≥ 6.5 K Colder Than Surrounding Anvil 20.2 % 43.2 % IR Texture OT ≥ 8.5 K Colder Than Surrounding Anvil 17.5 % 39.4 % IR Texture OT ≥ 10.5 K Colder Than Surrounding Anvil 7.6 % 35.5 % WV-IR Difference > 2 K 5.1 % 25.0 % WV-IR Difference > 3 K 2.3 % 1.8 % (top) The minimum overshooting top BT (x-axis) versus the thermal couplet magnitude (y-axis) for tornadic storms with enhanced-V signatures during Summer 2003 and 2004. (bottom) A schematic diagram of the anvil thermal couplet detection methodology Input Datasets (upper-left panel) WRF-based simulated GOES-R ABI proxy 11.2 micron channel imagery for 4 June 2005 at 2340 UTC. Pixels warmer than 260 K are transparent. (upper-right panel) Overshooting top locations based upon WRF total hydrometeor mixing ratio (THMR, see Methodology section). Green areas are high confidence overshooting locations with black being of lesser confidence. Note: The size of dots are significantly larger than an 2 km ABI pixel for easier visualization. (lower-left panel) WV-IR channel BT differences > 2 K. (lower-right) Overshooting top identifications by the IR window texture method using an OT-surrounding anvil BT difference threshold of 6.5 K. (table above) Validation statistics relative to WRF THMR for various OT detection methods/settings using 25 images over the domain shown to the left. These 25 images cover a 2-hour period of very active convective activity with ~1000 “truth” OT pixels. 1)IR window and upper-level water vapor channel BTs from MODIS, AVHRR, MSG SEVIRI, or WRF-based simulated GOES-R ABI proxy remapped to the 2 km ABI resolution 2)NWP tropopause temperature field remapped to the ABI resolution and projection Validation Datasets Overshooting Top 1)CALIPSO and CloudSat overpasses of overshooting tops with NASA GEOS-5 NWP tropopause heights 2)Qualitative comparison of IR-based objective overshooting detections to Visible channel imagery 3)Total hydrometeor mixing ratio (THMR) in the lower stratosphere from the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) NWP simulation(s) used to produce GOES-R ABI proxy simulated brightness temperature fields (see below). THMR represents a sum of the mixing ratio from all WRF microphyscial species (pristine ice, graupel, snow, rain, cloud water). Anomalously high THMR values in the lower stratosphere indicate the presence of strong updrafts consistent with the presence of an overshooting top. 2 km WRF THMR Isosurface Colored by the WRF 3-D Temperature Field MODIS IR Window With CALIPSO/CloudSat Overpass MODIS IR Window With CALIPSO/CloudSat Overpass 2 km WRF THMR Isosurface Colored by Simulated ABI IR Window Brightness Temperatures Accurate Overshooting Top Detection Accurate Overshooting Top Detection 2-3 km Above Surrounding Anvil Cloud MODIS IR Window With CALIPSO/CloudSat Overpass MODIS IR Window With CALIPSO/CloudSat Overpass 200 hPa WRF THMR 175 hPa WRF THMR 0-50 km Range Rings from OT 150 hPa WRF THMR Anvil Too Small For Detection Accurate Non-Detection (upper-left) A side view of an isosurface of WRF-generated total hydrometeor mixing ratio (THMR) colored by the WRF 3-D temperature field. The WRF simulation has a horizontal resolution of 2 km. (upper-right) A top view of the same isosurface colored by the simulated ABI 11.2 micron IR window channel BT field. (bottom) WRF total hydrometeor mixing ratio at 200 hPa (left), 175 hPa (middle), and 150 hPa (right). Pixels exceeding the 75th percentile of THMR at 175 hPa are considered overshooting top pixels and those exceeding the 90th percentile at 150 hPa are considered high confidence overshooting top pixels. Overshooting top identifications using simulated ABI imagery can be directly compared to these “truth” overshooting pixels to evaluate the accuracy of the satellite algorithm. Enhanced-V 1)Brunner et al. (WAF, 2007) have manually identified 450 enhanced-V cases that had occurred during summer 2003 and 2004 over the U.S. in AVHRR and MODIS imagery. The enhanced-V/thermal couplet detection algorithm will be run over the entire image granule for each of these cases, in addition to other more recently identified cases. Probability of detection and false alarm ratio statistics will be computed, in addition to the frequency of severe weather associated with each of the detected enhanced-V’s based on the NCDC “Storm Data” severe weather event database. Couplet Overshooting Top Couplet Warm Region 5 Total Enhanced-V Storms 4 Detected by ABI Algorithm Total Number of Anvil Thermal Couplets False Alarm Ratio Probability of Enhanced-V Detection (Including Missed OT Events) Probability of Enhanced-V Detection (Excluding Missed OT Events) Percent of Detected Thermal Couplets Associated With Severe Weather Percent of All Thermal Couplets (Both Detected and Non-Detected) Associated With Severe Weather 140 26.8 % 66.4 % 72.7 % 74.2 % 68.6 % (left panels) MODIS IR window imagery degraded to the 2 km ABI resolution showing thermal couplet detections from the ABI algorithm. (table above) Validation statistics of the ABI algorithm for 140 enhanced-V producing storms. The term “excluding missed OT events” means that the total number of couplets was reduced in the POD statistic because an OT was not detected for several V-cases and therefore a thermal couplet could not possibly have been found. The severe weather relationship statistics shows that the ABI algorithm is identifying a greater than average number of storms producing severe weather.