McIDAS-V Applications: Multi- and Hyper-Spectral Analysis and Visualization .

McIDAS-V Applications: Multi- and Hyper-Spectral
Analysis and Visualization.
Thomas Rink, Tom Achtor, Jon Beavers, Dave Parker (Software developers)
Paul Menzel, Allen Huang, Kathy Strabala Paolo Antonelli (Scientists)
Goal: Interactive and integrated data analysis and visualization for the next generation satellite platforms, NPOESS and GOES‐R
Process: Synthesize HYDRA (P.Menzel, T.Rink) capabilities: remote sensing specific data interrogation/analysis, with McIDAS‐V, the future of McIDAS. McIDAS‐V is an extension to Unidata’s Scatter Analysis tool (above) and Jython channel combination tool Integrated Data Viewer (IDV): (right) used to create pseudo‐
channels for X(2*B31‐B32) and Y •Display/UI integration framework
•Access to wide array of data: Obs, NWP, (B4/B3) to interactively explore the relationship between SST and Satellite, GIS, other, local and remote. •State persistence and user configuration sediment. (K.Strabala, P.Menzel)
•Java based object oriented and extensible.
•Open source, free to the community.
•VisAD: •Abstract data model can represent most any numerical data type.
•Built‐in meta‐data for units, errors, coordinate systems, sampling topology.
•Interactive, 3D displays with direct manipulation.
•Generalized, but extendible algorithms for transforming data to displays. Examples: CALIPSO/MODIS (right), AIRS/RUC2 (left) both displays are created from real data adapted to VisAD
and transformed into display, complete with user manipulated data probes. Zoomed AIRS spectrum and dragable channel selector. 2D graph (top) of image BTs re‐
sampled to hand drawn transect in the image display. Transect lines can be linked in all 3 displays and 2D graphs update automatically: AIRS L1B off‐line, (left), on‐line (right), MODIS B31 (center) showing broadband spectral averaging, (P.Menzel) 