High Temporal GOES Sounding Retrievals in Cloudy Regions and Applications #Cooperative 1 Introduction With a large possibility that the Geostationary Operational Zhenglong Li#, Jun Li#, Paul Menzel#, James P. Nelson III#, Timothy J. Schmit@, Elisabeth Weisz# and Steven A. Ackerman# Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), University of Wisconsin-Madison @Center for Satellite Applications and Research, NESDIS Email: zhenglong.li@ssec.wisc.edu 4.2 Validation against Conventional RAOB 4.1 Validation against ARM RAOB There are two situations where cloudy retrievals are considered as To demonstrate that the algorithm works under different weather and 5 Application to a Severe Storm Case The application to a tornadic storm on 24 April 2007 reveals that the GOES cloudy sounding retrievals are more useful at the early stage of Environmental Satellite (GOES) Sounder’s Field-Of-View (FOV) is blocked valid: 1) When clouds are thin (thin cirrus clouds, broken low clouds and or contaminated by clouds, it is necessary to extend the clear-sky retrievals clouds edge), the cloudy retrievals improve the first guess in the same to cloudy regions for better utility of sounder measurements. In this study, a manner as clear-sky retrievals. 2) When clouds are low and thick, retrievals sounding algorithm reveals more pronounced and extensive large synthetic regression-based cloudy retrieval algorithm is developed and above the cloud top are also valid. Figure 2 and 3 show the cloudy retrievals instabilities, and it does so earlier than the clear-sky only results. Compared applied to GOES-12 Sounder radiance measurements. This study focuses on compared with the ARM RAOB. Figure 4 helps explain the results. with the RUC 6-hour forecasting, the instabilities calculated from retrievals surface conditions, validation against conventional RAOB (January 2007 to November 2008) is also presented. storms, when nearby clouds are considered thin or low. The GOES cloudy are more reasonably located. thin clouds defined as having cloud optical thickness (COT) smaller than 2.0, and low thick clouds defined as having COT larger than 2.0 and cloud top pressure (CTP) larger than 850 hPa. 2 Algorithm Description The GOES single FOV (SFOV) cloudy sounding algorithm starts thin clouds with a synthetic regression technique: Y ( n ) = K ( n, m ) X ( m ) where Y is a vector of retrieval parameters (n unknowns, including cloud, Figure 5. Validation of moisture profiles using conventional : a) relative humidity under thin clouds, b) mixing ratio under thin clouds, c) relative humidity under low thick clouds, d) mixing ratio under low thick clouds. surface and atmosphere parameters), X is a vector of measurements (m knowns, including satellite measurements and other known variables), and K is an operator matrix to calculate Y given X. Using the least square method, K can be obtained by K = YX T ( XX T ) −1 3 Determination of Sounding Clouds Figure 2. Error profiles of (a) RH and (b) 3 layer PW for thin clouds with retrieved COT less than 2.0. Retrievals below clouds are not reliable when clouds are optically thick because there is little information from beneath the clouds. A threshold COT of 2.0 has been set for two reasons. One, from Figure 1, a smaller value decreases useful cloudy retrieval samples, although with better retrieval precision. Secondly, a larger value introduces more retrieval errors from low water clouds, although with more useful samples. Low thick clouds Figure 8. Time series of LI DPI imagery on 24 April 2007. From top to bottom are 1) 20 UTC, 2) 21 UTC, 3) 22 UTC and 4) 23 UTC. From the left to the right are a) the GFS forecast, b) the RUC 6-hour forecast, c) GOES-12 clear-sky retrievals and d) GOES-12 cloudy retrievals. 6 Summary With the help of NCEP GFS forecast, the regression-based cloudy Figure 3. Same as Figure 2 except for low thick clouds with retrieved CTP larger than 850 hPa and COT larger than 2.0. The green lines show the clear-sky physical retrieval results with surface at the effective cloud top. clouds retrieval algorithm is able to retrieve the moisture profiles with reasonable Figure 6. Validation of moisture products under the thin cloud conditions at different TPW level using the conventional. a) the sample distribution; b) LI; c) TPW; d) PW1; e) PW2; and f) PW3. The dark and light blue bars represent the RMS of the forecast and the cloudy retrievals respectively. The yellow and dark red bars represent the bias of the forecast and the cloudy retrievals respectively. precision in both thin clouds and low clouds conditions.. Validations against ARM RAOB and conventional RAOB show the largest improvements in the upper atmosphere. The middle level moisture could be improved in dry conditions. The lower level moisture could be improved only with the help from the surface observations in thin clouds condition. Application to a severe tornadic case shows the cloudy retrievals provide much more credible and earlier warnings than that from both clear retrievals and the Figure 1. Validation of a) lifted index (LI) and b) total precipitable water RUC 6-hour forecast to the forecasters. (TPW) against RAOB for different cloud optical thickness. LI and TPW 7 Acknowledgement from forecast in thin clouds are better improved than that in thick clouds; The authors would like to thank Hal Woolf for providing the 101-level both the RMS and the bias are reduced after the retrieval. The black solid GOES Sounder radiative transfer model. Some data were obtained from the line shows the sample distribution of cloud optical thickness. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program sponsored by the U.S. 4 Validation Two different data sets are used for validation: the radiosonde (RAOB) data from the ARM SGP site from August 2006 to May 2007 at Lamont, OK and the conventional RAOB over the continental US from January 2007 to November 2008 . In this study, the validation focuses on moisture and moisture related products, such as the RH profile, 3-layer PW, TPW and LI. Figure 4. GOES-12 Sounder’s moisture weighting functions (WF) for a) under clear skies; b) channel 10 under thin clouds; c) channel 10 under opaque clouds. Use the US standard Atmosphere 1976. The presence of thin cirrus clouds decreases the WF sensitivity a bit, but the three moisture channels together are still very sensitive to PW3. Low opaque clouds decrease the WF sensitivity a bit, but the disappearance of WF under cloud top sharpens the WF and increases the sensitivity to PW3 and possibly PW2. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division. This program is supported at CIMSS by NOAA GIMPAP program NA06NES4400002 and Figure 7. The scatter plot of density between TPW and LI calculated from the conventional RAOB. Notice LI is almost always greater than 0 when TPW is smaller than 20 mm. GOES-R program NA07EC0676. The views, opinions, and findings contained in this report are those of the authors and should not be construed as an official National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or U.S. Government position, policy, or decision.