ARTICLE Geometric and Electrostatic Study of the [4Fe-4S] Cluster of Adenosine-50-Phosphosulfate Reductase from Broken Symmetry Density Functional Calculations and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy Devayani P. Bhave,† Wen-Ge Han,|| Samuel Pazicni,‡ James E. Penner-Hahn,‡,§ Kate S. Carroll,*,†,^ and Louis Noodleman*,|| Chemical Biology Graduate Program, ‡Department of Chemistry, and §Department of Biophysics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2216, United States Department of Molecular Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, California 92037, United States ^ Department of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute, 130 Scripps Way, Jupiter, Florida 33458, United States ) † bS Supporting Information ABSTRACT: Adenosine-50 -phosphosulfate reductase (APSR) is an ironsulfur protein that catalyzes the reduction of adenosine-50 -phosphosulfate (APS) to sulfite. APSR coordinates to a [4Fe-4S] cluster via a conserved CC-X∼80-CXXC motif, and the cluster is essential for catalysis. Despite extensive functional, structural, and spectroscopic studies, the exact role of the ironsulfur cluster in APS reduction remains unknown. To gain an understanding into the role of the cluster, density functional theory (DFT) analysis and extended X-ray fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) have been performed to reveal insights into the coordination, geometry, and electrostatics of the [4Fe-4S] cluster. X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) data confirms that the cluster is in the [4Fe4S]2þ state in both native and substrate-bound APSR while EXAFS data recorded at ∼0.1 Å resolution indicates that there is no significant change in the structure of the [4Fe-4S] cluster between the native and substrate-bound forms of the protein. On the other hand, DFT calculations provide an insight into the subtle differences between the geometry of the cluster in the native and APSbound forms of APSR. A comparison between models with and without the tandem cysteine pair coordination of the cluster suggests a role for the unique coordination in facilitating a compact geometric structure and “fine-tuning” the electronic structure to prevent reduction of the cluster. Further, calculations using models in which residue Lys144 is mutated to Ala confirm the finding that Lys144 serves as a crucial link in the interactions involving the [4Fe-4S] cluster and APS. 1. INTRODUCTION In plants and many species of bacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mt) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa), de novo synthesis of cysteine occurs via the sulfate assimilation pathway.1 In this pathway, inorganic sulfate is activated to form adenosine-50 phosphosulfate (APS), which is subsequently reduced to sulfite and then sulfide, and incorporated into cysteine.2,3 The first committed step in sulfate assimilation is carried out by the enzyme, adenosine-50 -phosphosulfate reductase (APSR), which catalyzes the reduction of APS to sulfite and adenosine-50 -monophosphate r 2011 American Chemical Society (AMP) (Scheme 1) using reducing equivalents from thioredoxin (Trx), a protein cofactor.1,46 APSR has been shown to be essential for survival of bacteria in the latent phase of tuberculosis infection,7 and since there is no human homologue of APSR, it represents a promising drug target for antibacterial therapy.8 APSRs from M. tuberculosis (Mt-APSR) and P. aeruginosa (PaAPSR) are related by high sequence homology (27.2% of Received: March 4, 2011 Published: June 16, 2011 6610 | Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 6610–6625 Inorganic Chemistry ARTICLE Scheme 1. Reaction Catalyzed by APSR Figure 1. Proposed mechanism of APSR. APSR reduces adenosine 50 -phosphosulfate (APS) to sulfite and adenosine 50 -monosulfate (AMP) using reducing equivalents from the protein cofactor, thioredoxin (Trx). sequence identity and 41.4% of sequence similarity, Supporting Information, Figure 1), particularly in the residues that line the active site.9 The mechanism of APSR involves a nucleophilic attack by the catalytic Cys256 (residue numbers throughout manuscript correspond to the Pa-APSR sequence) in the C-terminal tail of APSR on APS to form an enzyme S-sulfocysteine intermediate, E-Cys-Sγ-SO3, which is then reduced to sulfite and AMP through intermolecular thioldisulfide exchange with Trx (Figure 1).4 It is likely that in the initial Michaelis complex APS binds to other residues, changing their resulting mobility within the substrate-binding pocket; this could have important mechanistic implications. From a structural perspective, APSR is an ironsulfur protein with a conserved CC-X∼80-CXXC motif, correlated with the presence of a [4Fe-4S] cluster. The cluster has been shown to be essential for catalytic activity in both plant and bacterial APSRs,3,1012 but the exact role of the cluster in APS reduction remains unknown. Interestingly, studies by Carroll et al. have shown that the [4Fe-4S]2þ cluster in APSR does not undergo redox changes during the catalytic cycle.4 The 2.7 Å crystal structure of Pa-APSR bound to substrate13 shows the ironsulfur cluster coordinated by Cys228 and Cys231, positioned at the tip of a β-loop, and a special tandem pair, Cys139 and Cys140 within a kinked helix, R6 (Figure 2A). Helix R6 is kinked where Lys144 is oriented into the active site. Among interactions of the cluster, there are four charged and/or polar NH 3 3 3 S or OH 3 3 3 S hydrogen bonds involving side chains of absolutely conserved residues (Figure 2B and C). The CysCys motif interacts with a pair of basic residues, Arg143 and Lys144. In addition, Cys140 hydrogen bonds to His136. Other interactions with the ironsulfur cluster involve the side chains of Thr87 and Trp246. The phosphosulfate group of APS is positioned at a distance of approximately 7 Å to the iron site, which coordinates to Sγ-Cys140, and as such, the sulfate moiety is not in direct contact with the [4Fe-4S] cluster. Interestingly, however, both cluster and substrate interact with Lys144 (Figure 2C). Coordination by sequential cysteines is highly unusual for [4Fe-4S] clusters and has been characterized in only one other crystal structure, the NuoB subunit of respiratory complex I.14 The tandem cysteines also reside within an R-helix, and the subunit of NuoB exhibits substrate-induced conformational changes.15 In APSR, constraints imposed by the tandem cysteine coordination do not affect the tetrahedral symmetry of the cluster, but the side chain of Cys140 is distorted, resulting in steric clashes between the CR proton and an inorganic sulfur atom of the cluster.13 In addition to the structural information available, based on differences in cysteine reactivity and cluster stability, biochemical and mass spectrometric studies with Mt-APSR have suggested a structural rearrangement in the S-sulfocysteine complex and AMP-bound enzyme relative to free enzyme.16 In fact, solution kinetics and mass spectrometric studies of Mt-APSR performed with APS (at concentrations exceeding the Kd of APS and AMP), have shown that the subsequent formation of the stable E-CysSγ-SO3 intermediate with AMP-bound and C-terminal tail docked in the active site, prevents cluster degradation and loss of APSR activity.4,9,16 Furthermore, a comparison of Resonance Raman spectra of Pa-APSR in the native form and in the Ssulfocysteine form (with AMP bound and the C-terminal tail docked in the active site of the enzyme) shows an enhancement in FeSγ(Cys) stretching modes centered near 355 and 369 cm1.17 Recently, we demonstrated that APS binding induced an increase in intensity and resolution of the EPR signal of reduced Mt-APSR that was not observed among a panel of substrate analogues, including adenosine 50 -diphosphate. Additionally, through kinetic and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies, Lys144 was identified as a key link between APS and the ironsulfur cluster.18 M€ossbauer analyses of native MtAPSR confirmed the presence of a [4Fe-4S]2þ cluster; however, no change was observed in the M€ossbauer spectra of Mt-APSR comparing samples with and without substrate-binding. Spectroscopic data taken together with known structural and functional information, implicate the ironsulfur cluster in the catalytic mechanism of APS reduction. The goal of this study is to determine high-resolution geometric and electronic structures of the [4Fe-4S] cluster in APSR. Although the crystal structure of Pa-APSR is a significant advance in the characterization of this enzyme, the resolution of the structure (2.7 Å) is close to the FeFe distance within a 6611 |Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 6610–6625 Inorganic Chemistry ARTICLE Figure 3. XAS analysis of Mt-APSR. (A) Iron K-edge XANES spectrum. (B) k3 weighted EXAFS (inset) and Fourier transform calculated over a range of k = 2.3517 Å1. Figure 2. Environment of the [4Fe-4S] cluster in Pa-APSR.18 (A) The structure of Pa-APSR bound to substrate APS (subunit B or chain-B). The [4Fe-4S] cluster is ligated by four cysteine residues at positions 139, 140, 228, and 231. PDB code: 2GOY. (B) Three conserved residues participate in charged or polar NH 3 3 3 S or OH 3 3 3 S hydrogen bonds to inorganic S or cysteine Sγ atoms; Thr87, Arg143, and Trp246 (yellow dashes). PDB code: 2GOY, chain A. (C) Conserved basic residues Lys144, Arg242, and Arg245 in the active site interact with the phosphate and sulfate groups of APS (yellow dashes). In the presence of APS, Lys144 makes a NH 3 3 3 S hydrogen bond to the Cys140-Sγ atom. Residues that also interact with APS, but are not depicted in this figure are Arg171 and His259; these residues interact with the Rphosphate group. The shortest distance between a sulfate oxygen atom and a cysteine sulfur atom coordinated to the [4Fe-4S] cluster is 6.0 Å. PDB code: 2GOY, chain B. [4Fe-4S] cluster,19 placing a significant limit on the structural features that can be visualized in electron density maps calculated using the X-ray data. Given the unique coordination of the [4Fe-4S] cluster by two consecutive cysteines, it is important to obtain direct confirmation of the apparent structure. In particular, the X-ray structure shows that torsion angles of the Cys139 and Cys140 side chains are significantly strained, which could affect details of FeFe and FeS-(Sγ) distances in various states of the catalytic cycle.13 EPR studies on one-electron reduced Mt-APSR demonstrate midrange electrostatic interactions involving the cluster, Lys144 and the substrate that implicate the cluster in catalysis.18 However, changes in the geometric and electronic structure of the cluster during catalysis have not been determined by any structure determination technique. Determining these high-resolution structures will ultimately further our understanding of the role of the ironsulfur cluster in APS reduction. The work described here combines Fe K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy investigations (both extended X-ray absorption fine structure, EXAFS, and X-ray absorption near-edge structure, XANES) with density functional theory (DFT) calculations to determine the local geometric structure, spin states, electrostatic potential charges, and 57Fe M€ossbauer properties of the [4Fe-4S] cluster of APSR. XANES data confirms that the cluster is in the [4Fe-4S]2þ state in native Mt-APSR (Figure 3A) and that there is no detectable change in structure when APS binds. EXAFS data recorded at ∼0.1 Å resolution (k = 17 Å1) (Figure 3B) indicates that there is no significant change in the average FeS and FeFe bond lengths of the [4Fe-4S] cluster between the native and substrate-bound forms of the protein (see Supporting Information, Figure 2 for comparison spectra). Since the EXAFS structure reflects the average over all four irons in the cluster, it is insensitive to changes at individual sites (e.g., a decrease in one FeFe distance that is compensated by an increase in a second FeFe distance). To explore these changes, DFT calculations starting from the experimental X-ray structure of Pa-APSR13 were used to provide insight into the subtle changes within the geometric and electronic structure of the cluster and how they relate to the role of the [4Fe-4S] cluster in the mechanism of APS reduction. 2. EXPERIMENTAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials. E. coli BL21(DE3) used for expression was obtained from Novagen (Bad Soden, Germany). APS was purchased from Biolog Life Sciences Institute, g95% (Bremen, Germany). AMP and reagents for 6612 |Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 6610–6625 Inorganic Chemistry ARTICLE Figure 5. Closer look of the [4Fe-4S] center and the atom labels with the four cysteine side chains. Figure 4. DFT optimized quantum cluster model of the [4Fe-4S] center in APSR without APS. Initial geometry was taken from chain-A of the X-ray crystal structure (PDB code: 2GOY).13 the buffer were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO) and were of the highest purity available. Preparation of Mt-APSR Samples for EXAFS Spectroscopy. Mt-APSR was purified as detailed in ref 18, concentrated using 10,000 MWCO Amicon Ultra-4 centrifugal filter devices (Millipore Corporation, Billerica, MA), and used at a final concentration of 1 mM in buffer containing 50 mM TrisHCl, 150 mM NaCl (pH 8.5 at 4 C) and 10% (v/v) glycerol. Protein concentrations were determined using the extinction coefficient, ε280 = 36,815 M1cm1, obtained by quantitative amino acid analysis. Analysis of iron content by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) mass spectrometry for Mt-APSR indicated that each mole of protein contained 3.5 ( 0.4 mol of iron, as expected for a [4Fe-4S] cluster. The iron and sulfur content of APSR is consistent with the incorporation of four irons and four inorganic sulfides per mol of protein.4,20 The specific activity of the purified enzyme was 5.2 μM min1 mg protein1 as determined by an assay using 35S-APS described in ref 9 and consistent with the previously reported value.4 For samples with ligand, 1 mM enzyme was incubated with 3 mM ligand for 15 min at room temperature, prior to loading. All samples were loaded in 1 mm Lucite cells with 37 μm Kapton windows for X-ray absorption studies, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen, and maintained under liquid nitrogen conditions until data were collected. EXAFS Measurements and Data Analysis. X-ray absorption spectra were recorded at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (beamline 9-3) under dedicated conditions as fluorescence excitation spectra, using a solid-state Ge detector array equipped with a Mn filter and Soller slits focused on the sample. All channels of each scan were examined for glitches, and the good channels were averaged for each sample (two independent samples for each protein composition, with or without ligand) to give the final spectrum. During data collection, samples were maintained at a temperature of approximately 263 C using a liquid-helium flow cryostat. As a measure of sample integrity, XANES spectra measured for the first and last scan of each sample were compared. No changes were observed over the course of the data collection. Data were measured with an integration time of 1 s through the edge, and between 1 and 25 s in the postedge region. For each sample, between 5 and 10 35-min scans were accumulated, and each sample was measured in duplicate. The useful fluorescence count rate per channel was ∼104 counts/second, giving a total of ∼6 106 counts/scan at k = 17 Å1. For energy calibration, the absorption spectrum of an iron metal foil was measured simultaneously by transmittance, and the energy was calibrated with reference to the lowest-energy inflection points of the foil standard, which was assumed to be 7111.3 eV for iron. EXAFSPAK21 was used to extract and analyze EXAFS data, using ab initio phase and amplitude parameters calculated using FEFF version 7.02.22,23 with the initial threshold energy E0 defined as 7130 eV. Nonlinear least-squares fits of the data used 4 variable parameters (R and σ2 for each shell) with the amplitude correction factor and ΔE0 set to 0.9 and 11 eV, respectively, based on fits to model Fe/S clusters. XANES data were normalized to tabulated absorption coefficients24 using MBACK.25 The area of the 1s f 3d transition in the XANES region was calculated by fitting the pre-edge region (71077118 eV) using the sum of a Gaussian and an arctan function; for comparison with previously published data, the fitted Gausian area was normalized to the K-edge jump for Fe (3.556 102 cm2/g). 3. QUANTUM CLUSTER MODELS FOR DFT CALCULATIONS 3.1. Wild-Type Models with and without Substrate. The initial geometries for DFT calculations of the wild type APSR active site models including the [4Fe-4S] cluster were taken from the X-ray crystal structure (2GOY.pdb, 2.7 Å resolution) of PaAPSR.13 Pa-APSR was serendipitously crystallized such that density for APS was observed in two of the four monomeric subunits. Thus the differentially occupied subunits could be used to compare the geometry and electronic structure of the [4Fe-4S] cluster in the free and substrate-bound forms of the protein. The cluster without APS was taken from subunit A (or chain-A) of the crystal structure (Figure 4). A closer look at the [4Fe-4S-4Cys] center is shown in Figure 5. The quantum cluster of the active site with APS was taken from chain-B of the crystal structure (Figure 6). The main or side chains of Cys139, Cys140, Cys228, Cys231, Thr87, His136, Arg143, Lys144, Arg242, Arg245, and Trp246 were also included in the quantum models. To facilitate calculations by minimizing the number of atoms in the model, some changes were made to the residues, including cleavage of certain bonds, addition of link-H atoms,26 and partial inclusion of neighboring residues to have closed valence. Explicitly, for Thr87, Cys139, His136, and Cys228, CR-NH was replaced with CR-H. Since the electron density map shows δþ density on His136, the His136 side chain was protonated in our calculations. For Gly88, Gly137, Gly141, and Glu229, HN-CR was included into the 6613 |Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 6610–6625 Inorganic Chemistry ARTICLE Figure 6. DFT optimized quantum cluster model of the [4Fe-4S] center in APSR with APS. Initial geometry was taken from chain-B of the X-ray crystal structure (PDB code: 2GOY).13. quantum cluster and CR was replaced with H. For Ile142 and Pro230, CR-CdO was included in the cluster and CR was replaced with H. For Lys144 and Thr232, CR-CdO was replaced with CRH. For Arg242 and Arg245, Cγ-Cβ was replaced with Cγ-H. Finally for Trp246, HN-CR-CdO was replaced with HCR-H. The following three H-bonds are found in the crystal structure between the inorganic S’s and Sγ’s of the [4Fe-4S-4Cys] cluster and the protein residues in both chain-A and chain-B: S3 3 3 3 HNε1-Trp246, Cys139-Sγ 3 3 3 HNε-Arg143, and Cys228-Sγ 3 3 3 HOγ1-Thr87. In chain-B where APS is bound, the side chain of Lys144 H-bonds with both Sγ-Cys140 and O from the sulfate group of APS. Model cluster for chain-A (Figure 4) has eleven H-bonds and a total of 211 atoms. By contrast, model cluster for chain-B (Figure 6) has eighteen H-bonds (of which, 7 involve the substrate) and a total of 250 atoms. Without APS, the Arg242 side chain H-bonds with the main chain CdO group of Arg245 (chain-A, Figure 4). In the presence of APS, Arg242 rotates to form H-bonds with the phosphate and sulfate groups of APS. Arg245 also H-bonds with APS (chain-B, Figure 6). 3.2. No-Tandem Models. Since coordination by sequential cysteines in Pa-APSR is highly unusual for [4Fe-4S] clusters, it is valuable to determine what changes would occur in the geometric and electronic structure of the cluster if we break the linkage between Cys139 and Cys140. For this purpose, two “no-tandem” computational models were constructed by breaking the HN-CO peptide bond between Cys139 and Cys140 in both chain-A (without APS) and chain-B (with APS). The CdO group of Cys139 was replaced by a hydrogen (Figure 7), meanwhile a hydrogen was added to the NH group of Cys140 to fill the open valence. In the absence of the peptide bond, the number of atoms in each of the model clusters remained constant. 3.3. K144A Models. As previously mentioned, there is biochemical and spectroscopic evidence to show that the stability and microenvironment of the cluster in APSR changes upon substrate binding.4,16,27 This indicates that APS does interact with the [4Fe-4S] cluster, not by direct contact, but via a network of electrostatic interactions. Lys144, Arg242, and Arg245 all have H-bonding interactions with APS, of which Lys144 is positioned between the [4Fe-4S] cluster and APS. Therefore we constructed the K144A models (for both chain-A and chain-B) by replacing Lys144 with Ala to investigate changes in the properties of the [4Fe-4S] cluster without Lys144. Explicitly, the Cβ-Cγ bond of Lys144 was cut and a proton was added to Cβ to close valence, resulting in a total of 199 and 238 atoms in the chain-A and chain-B models respectively. 4. COMPUTATIONAL METHODOLOGY All density functional spin-unrestricted calculations were performed using the Amsterdam Density Functional (ADF) package2830 with the 6614 |Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 6610–6625 Inorganic Chemistry Figure 7. HN-CO peptide bond between Cys139 and Cys140 was cut to study the “no-tandem” structures in both chain-A (without substrate) and chain-B (with substrate). The CO group of Cys139 was replaced by a hydrogen, meanwhile a hydrogen was added to the -NH group of Cys140 to fill the open valence. OLYP functional. OLYP is the combination of Handy’s optimized exchange (OPTX)31 and LYP correlation.32 Swart et al. have tested different functionals in calculating the atomization energies for the G2set of up to 148 molecules, six reaction barriers of SN2 reactions, geometry optimizations of 19 small molecules and 4 metallocenes, and zero-point vibrational energies for 13 small molecules.33 Their examination shows that the OPTX containing functionals perform better than the regular general gradient approximation functionals (GGAs) like PBE,34,35 BLYP,32,36 and BP.3638 For organic systems, OLYP has been shown to function as well as the hybrid functional B3LYP.33,39 Very recently, Hopmann et al. reported that for 57Fe M€ossbauer isomer shift calculations, the OLYP potential performs comparably well for iron nitrosyls and for iron complexes in general.40 The resting state of the [4Fe-4S] core in APSR has þ2 charge, [Fe4S4]2þ. The core plus the four Cys side chains has a net charge of 2, [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2. Therefore each of the four equivalent iron sites has a 2.5þ oxidation state.19,41 The antiferromagnetically (AF) coupled Stotal = 0 ground state requires two mixed valence iron pairs with opposite spins. The combinations of the spin states can be: {Fe1VFe2VFe3vFe4v}, {Fe1vFe2VFe3VFe4v}, and {Fe1vFe2VFe3vFe4V}, where “v” and “V” represent spin up and down, respectively. As in previous work, we perform “brokensymmetry” (BS)4244 calculations to represent the AF-coupled spin states. First we construct a ferromagnetically (F) spin-coupled (Stotal = 18/2) determinant, where the spins on the four irons are aligned in a parallel fashion. Then we rotate the spin vector located on two of the iron sites by interchanging the R and β fit density blocks on the two sites from the output file TAPE21 created by this F-coupled calculation in ADF to get the starting spin density for the Stotal = 0 state. These BS states are not pure Stotal = 0 states. Instead, these states (and their energies) are weighted averages of the pure spin states, strongly weighted toward the lower Stotal states based on the spin coupling algebra.19,4144 We have not included spin projection corrections in the current work since we have estimated that these will make very small differences in the DFT calculated relative energies of different states. ARTICLE 4.1. Geometry Optimization. To determine which one of the three spin states of the [4Fe-4S] cluster in APSR has the lowest energy and is geometrically closest to the X-ray crystal structure, we geometry optimized the active site clusters taken from chain-A (without substrate binding) and chain-B (with substrate binding) in the {Fe1VFe2VFe3vFe4v}, {Fe1vFe2VFe3VFe4v}, and {Fe1vFe2VFe3vFe4V} three BS spin states. All calculations were performed within the conductor-like screening (COSMO)4548 solvation model with dielectric constant ε = 20. In COSMO, the quantum cluster is embedded in a molecular shaped cavity surrounded by a continuum dielectric medium. There is no universal dielectric constant for COSMO-like solvation calculations. Although the dielectric value ε = 4 is commonly used for the protein interior, since this is the value for the dielectric constants of crystalline and polymeric amides49 and dry protein and peptide powders,5053 many studies show that higher effective dielectric constant values (430) for protein interiors are needed in reproducing the pKa values of certain internal ionizable groups.5360 For the current study, since many charged groups are in the quantum cluster, a larger dielectric constant (ε = 20) was chosen for the COSMO calculations. The van der Waals radii for atoms Fe, C, S, P, O, N, and H were taken as 1.5, 1.7, 1.8, 1.8, 1.4, 1.55, and 1.2 Å, respectively.61,62 The probe radius for the contact surface between the cluster and the solvent was set to 2.0 Å. The triple-ζ (TZP) (for Fe and S) and double-ζ (DZP) (for other atoms) polarization Slater-type basis sets with frozen cores (C(1s), N(1s), O(1s), S(1s,2s,2p), P(1s,2s,2p), and Fe(1s,2s,2p) are frozen) were applied for geometry optimizations. To partially apply the strain from the protein environment, CR atoms on Lys144, Thr232, Arg245, and Trp246, Cγ of Arg242, and the link-H atoms on Thr87, Gly88, His136, Gly137, Cys139, Gly141, Ile142, Lys144, Cys228, Glu229, Pro230, Thr232, Arg242, Arg245, and Trp246, were fixed during geometry optimizations. The broken-symmetry state energies obtained after COSMO geometry optimizations were used to compare the relative energies in Section 6. € ssbauer Isomer Shift and Quadrupole Splitting 4.2. Mo Calculations. For all models, we applied single-point M€ossbauer isomer shift and quadruple splitting calculations at the optimized geometries using all-electron (i.e., without frozen core approximation) all TZP Slater-type basis sets. First, a high-spin F-coupled single-point energy calculation was performed at the BS optimized geometry. Its TAPE21 file was then modified accordingly by interchanging the R and β fit density blocks on two of the iron sites. Starting from the modified TAPE21, a BS state single-point energy calculation in COSMO again with all-electron TZP Slater-type basis sets was performed to obtain the electron density (F(0)) and the electric field gradient (EFG) at the Fe nucleus. The M€ossbauer isomer shifts δ were calculated based on F(0): δ ¼ RðFð0Þ AÞ þ C ð1Þ where A = 11877 is a constant. Our previous isomer shift fit based on 19 Fe2.5þ,3þ,3.5þ,4þ complexes (30 distinct iron sites) using OLYP/ all-electron-TZP method (with INTEGRATION = 4.0) yielded R = 0.307 and C = 0.385 mm s1.63 The numerical integration accuracy parameter INTEGRATION = 4.0 is also used for the current calculations. For calculating the M€ossbauer quadrupole splittings (ΔEQ), the EFG tensors V were diagonalized and the eigenvalues were reordered so that |Vzz| g |Vxx| g |Vyy|. The asymmetry parameter η is defined as η ¼ jðVXX VYY Þ=Vzz j ð2Þ Then the ΔEQ for 57Fe of the nuclear excited state (I = 3/2) can be calculated as ΔEQ ¼ ð1=2ÞeQVzz ð1 þ η2 =3Þ1=2 6615 ð3Þ |Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 6610–6625 Inorganic Chemistry where e is the electrical charge of a positive electron, Q is the nuclear quadrupole moment of Fe. We had used eQ = 0.15 electron-barn64 in our previous publications. For the current study, we applied a slightly different eQ = 0.158 electron-barn taken from the careful quantum chemical calculations (nonrelativistic) by Neese’s group.65 ARTICLE Table 1. Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) Curve-Fitting Parameters for Fe K-Edgea 4.3. Fitting Atomic Charges from Electrostatic Potentials (ESP). A modified version of the CHELPG code41,66 was used to fit the atomic point charges from the molecular electrostatic potentials (ESP) obtained from the final all-electron all-TZP single-point energy calculations. The singular value decomposition (SVD) method41 was introduced into the code to minimize the uncertainties in the fitting procedure. The total net charge and the three Cartesian dipole moment components of each cluster were used as constraint conditions for the fit. The fitted points lay on a cubic grid between the van der Waals radius and the outer atomic radius with a grid spacing of 0.2 Å. The outer atomic radius (5.0 Å here for all atoms) defines the outer boundary of the electrostatic potential that was used in the charge fitting. The same van der Waals radii were used as in COSMO calculations. 5. X-RAY ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY (XAS) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To probe the coordination and geometry of the [4Fe-4S] cluster in APSR we examined Mt-APSR by XAS. To facilitate EXAFS analyses, monomeric Mt-APSR was used instead of PaAPSR since Pa-APSR purifies as a tetramer. To determine the effect of APS binding on Fe-site structure, Mt-APSR was incubated with a 3-fold stoichiometric excess of APS, at a concentration exceeding the kd of APS and AMP (0.2 μM and 5.4 μM, respectively9). Therefore, the form of Mt-APSR in EXAFS experiments was the S-sulfocysteine state with AMP bound and the C-terminal docked in the active site (closed state). By contrast, for crystallization of Pa-APSR, ∼60-fold excess of APS over enzyme was added and the stable form that crystallized was formed with the C-terminal tail out of the active site (open state) (see Figure 6C in ref 13). 5.1. Fe K-Edge XAS. The normalized Fe K-edge XANES spectrum of APSR is shown in Figure 3. This region of the XAS spectra (1s f 3d transitions) provides valuable information about metal ion coordination number and oxidation state.67 The Fe pre-edge area calculated for APSR (∼18 102 eV) is consistent with a four-coordinate Fe species. This conclusion is supported by M€ ossbauer studies for native Mt-APSR which confirm the presence of a [4Fe-4S]2þ cluster.18 The pre-edge feature observed at ∼7112 eV occurs because of an electronic dipole-forbidden quadrupole-allowed transition from the Fe 1s orbital to valence orbitals with significant Fe 3d character.67,68 The increase in intensity of this formally forbidden transition is a result of mixing of Fe 4p-3d orbitals caused by deviation of the absorbing Fe center from centrosymmetry.69 To investigate changes in cluster geometry and coordination during catalysis, Mt-APSR was incubated with APS to form the S-sulfocysteine intermediate with AMP bound in the active site and XAS was recorded for this stable conformation of the enzyme (Table 1, Supporting Information, Figure 2). No shift in position or intensity of the pre-edge energy was observed for the Mt-APSR S-sulfocysteine intermediate, indicating that the level of 4p mixing is identical to native Mt-APSR. Since the 1s f 3d transition is very sensitive to local Fe-site structure, this is a sensitive indication that not only is there no change in oxidation state or coordination number, but there is unlikely to be more than a very small change in geometry of the Fe in the [4Fe-4S] interaction N R (Å) σ2 103 F Mt-APSR FeS 4* 2.297 3.9 1.93 sample 1 FeFe FeS 3* 3.9 2.726 2.297 2.4 3.8 1.92 FeFe 2.1 2.726 2.7 Mt-APSR FeS 4* 2.294 3.9 sample 2 FeFe 3* 2.729 2.0 sample 1.92 FeS 3.7 2.294 3.4 FeFe 1.7 2.729 1.3 Mt-APSR þ APSb FeS 4* 2.298 3.9 1.28 sample 1 FeFe FeS 3* 3.8 2.728 2.298 2.2 3.6 0.93 FeFe 2.0 2.728 2.2 Mt-APSR þ APSb FeS 4* 2.297 3.8 sample 2 FeFe 3* 2.730 2.5 FeS 3.6 2.297 3.4 FeFe 1.8 2.730 2.0 1.86 1.48 1.44 a Coordination Number (N), Interatomic Distances (R), Mean-Square Deviations in Interatomic Distance (σ2, Å2), Fit-Error Function (F) is Defined as Æ{Σk6 (χcalc* χexpt)2/Σχ2expt}1/2æ. For Mt-APSR the k Range was 2.3517 (Filtered R = 1.23); for Mt-APSR þ APS the k Range was 2.1517 (Filtered R = 1.23); giving resolution ∼0. 1 Å and ∼17 independent degrees of freedom. Fits are shown both for fixed (marked with *) and variable N. b The enzyme was in the S-sulfocysteine state with AMP bound and the C-terminal docked in the active site. cluster between the native and S-sulfocysteine intermediate forms of Mt-APSR. 5.2. EXAFS. The EXAFS data for Mt-APSR, reported at highresolution to k ∼ 17 Å1, is shown in Figure 3 (inset). The pattern in the data reflects the fact that there are at least two shells of scatterers, sulfur and iron, significantly contributing to the EXAFS spectrum. The Fourier transform (FT) of Mt-APSR (Figure 3, Table 1) shows an intense first-shell FeS interaction at 2.3 Å and a slightly less intense second-shell FeFe interaction at 2.73 Å. For this k range, resolution in R space is ∼0.1 Å, meaning that if the FeFe or FeS distances differed by >0.1 Å they should, in principle, be resolvable, and that if the distances differ by > ∼0.12 Å they should be readily resolvable into two different shells of scatterers (Two FeFe distances that differed by 0.12 Å would show a “beat” in the EXAFS at ∼k = 13 Å1 which would be readily detectable). No improvement was seen for multiple shell fits. It is possible, of course, that there are not two, but up to six different FeFe distances (Note that if there were significant disorder, with multiple forms of the Fe/S cluster, this could increase further the number of FeFe distances. This is ruled out by the absence of disorder in the Mossbauer spectra). In this case, individual FeFe distances might not be resolvable. However, if this were the case, there would be an increase in the DebyeWaller factor. However, the observed DebyeWaller factors are small, indicating that there is, at most a very small (<0.12 Å) spread in FeFe distance, consistent with the spread in FeFe distances that is found in the DFT calculations (Tables 2 and 3). If the experimental FeFe σ2 value of ∼2.5 103 Å2 is attributed solely to static disorder and if the most asymmetric possible distribution of FeFe distances is assumed (i.e., 5 short and 1 long distance), the spread in FeFe distances is 6616 |Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 6610–6625 Inorganic Chemistry ARTICLE Table 2. FeFe and Fe-ligand Bond Lengths (Å), Broken-Symmetry State Energies (E, eV), Fe Net Spin Populations (NSP), and M€ ossbauer Properties (Isomer shifts δ, Quadrupole Splittings ΔEQ, mm s1, and η) of the Resting State [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 Cluster in Wild-Type Pa-APSR without Substrate Binding: Comparison between Calculations and Experiments (Exp) calculated chain-A without APS V V v Fe1 Fe2 Fe3 Fe4 a v Fe1vFe2VFe3VFe4v Fe1vFe2VFe3vFe4V expa Fe1Fe2 2.685 2.700 2.651 2.7 Fe1Fe3 2.657 2.687 2.662 2.7 Fe1Fe4 2.707 2.742 2.724 2.7 Fe2Fe3 2.758 2.963 2.767 2.7 Fe2Fe4 Fe3Fe4 2.684 2.646 2.711 2.671 2.750 2.663 2.8 2.8 Fe1S1 2.309 2.219 2.291 2.2 Fe1S2 2.323 2.305 2.222 2.2 Fe1S3 2.232 2.299 2.300 2.2 Fe2S1 2.339 2.349 2.259 2.3 Fe2S2 2.293 2.191 2.290 2.3 Fe2S4 2.269 2.341 2.335 2.2 Fe3S1 Fe3S3 2.211 2.313 2.293 2.229 2.286 2.309 2.3 2.3 Fe3S4 2.330 2.345 2.255 2.3 Fe4S2 2.201 2.267 2.287 2.3 Fe4S3 2.314 2.306 2.238 2.3 Fe4S4 2.322 2.247 2.321 2.3 Fe1Sγ-Cys140 2.249 2.270 2.333 2.3 Fe2Sγ-Cys139 2.311 2.312 2.267 2.3 Fe3Sγ-Cys228 Fe4Sγ-Cys231 2.301 2.277 2.325 2.298 2.292 2.324 2.3 2.3 E 1193.735 1193.369 1193.532 NSP(Fe1, Fe2, Fe3, Fe4) (3.11, 3.18, 3.16, 3.11) (3.12, 3.17, 3.17, 3.14) (3.10, 3.18, 3.20, 3.15) δ(Fe1, Fe2, Fe3, Fe4) (0.43, 0.48, 0.45, 0.44) (0.42, 0.46, 0.46, 0.44) (0.39. 0.46, 0.43, 0.43) average δ 0.45 0.45 0.43 ΔEQ(Fe1, Fe2, Fe3, Fe4) (1.17, 1.01, 0.80, 1.01) (0.95, 1.20, 1.20, 0.78) (0.91, 0.99, 1.04, 1.32) average |ΔEQ| 1.00 1.03 1.07 η(Fe1, Fe2, Fe3, Fe4) (0.48, 0.62, 0.65, 0.92) (1.00, 0.31, 0.24, 0.77) (0.96, 0.46, 0.55, 0.35) 0.4518 1.0918 The crystal structure of Pa-APSR was at 2.7 Å resolution, PDB code: 2GOY.13 Distances are taken from chain-A without substrate binding. √ ∼ 6σ = 0.12 Å. A more reasonable estimate would recognize that the experimental σ2 is the sum of σ2vib and σ2static, The former can be estimated from the fitted σ2 value for Pyrococcus furiousus ferredoxin, 2.0 103 Å2. If this is attributed to vibrational motion, the apparent σ2static is 5.0 104 Å2, suggesting a spread in FeFe distances of ∼0.05 Å. While the true spread in FeFe distances will depend on details of the distribution in FeFe distances and the vibrational contribution to σ2, it should be between these limits. Coordination numbers were initially constrained to the chemically correct values (4 FeS and 3 FeFe). These gave excellent fits. Modest improvement in fit quality was possible if the coordination number was allowed to vary; this improvement is consistent with that expected for a 50% increase in variable parameters. To confirm that these data are consistent with a [4Fe-4S] cluster, we compared the EXAFS and FT of Mt-APSR with those previously reported data for P. furiosus ferredoxin containing either an [3Fe-4S] cluster or a [4Fe-4S] clusters (data provided by Prof. G.N. George, University of Saskatoon). Supporting Information, Figure 3 unambiguously shows that the EXAFS spectrum for Mt-APSR is in good agreement with the spectrum for the [4Fe-4S] cluster in ferredoxin, albeit with a slightly less intense FeFe peak, suggesting somewhat larger disorder in the FeFe scattering in Mt-APSR, consistent with the fitting results. The EXAFS spectrum and FT of the Mt-APSR S-sulfocysteine intermediate are identical to those of native Mt-APSR, and the FeS and FeFe bond lengths remain consistent (Table 1, Supporting Information, Figures 2B and 2C). Although the accuracy of EXAFS bond-lengths is generally taken as ∼0.02 Å, the precision is much better. We have found previously that the precision of biological EXAFS data is ∼0.003 Å2;24 this is reflected in the excellent reproducibility of the duplicate samples in Table 1. This precision, together with the invariance seen in Table 1, indicates that the average core structure of the [4Fe4S] cluster in Mt-APSR is unaffected in the S-sulfocysteine conformation of the protein. Since XAS spectra reflect bondlengths that are averaged over all the atoms in the cluster, it is in principle possible that small changes at one site could be compensated by equal but opposite changes at another site, such that the average distances remain the same. To probe these changes at high resolution, density functional theory calculations were undertaken. 6617 |Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 6610–6625 Inorganic Chemistry ARTICLE Table 3. FeFe and Fe-ligand Bond Lengths (Å), Broken-Symmetry State Energies (E, eV), Fe Net Spin Populations (NSP), and M€ ossbauer Properties (Isomer shifts δ, Quadrupole Splittings ΔEQ, mm s1, and η) of the Resting State [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 Cluster in Wild-Type Pa-APSR with Substrate Binding: Comparison between Calculations and Experiments (Exp) calculated chain-B with APS V V v v Fe1vFe2VFe3VFe4v Fe1 Fe2 Fe3 Fe4 a Fe1vFe2VFe3vFe4V expa Fe1Fe2 2.741 2.718 2.669 2.7 Fe1Fe3 2.683 2.690 2.717 2.7 Fe1Fe4 2.727 2.813 2.742 2.7 Fe2Fe3 2.732 2.863 2.750 2.7 Fe2Fe4 Fe3Fe4 2.680 2.728 2.708 2.670 2.792 2.678 2.7 2.7 2.3 Fe1S1 2.304 2.205 2.303 Fe1S2 2.333 2.308 2.227 2.3 Fe1S3 2.209 2.310 2.314 2.3 Fe2S1 2.313 2.308 2.221 2.3 Fe2S2 2.267 2.183 2.274 2.2 Fe2S4 2.247 2.343 2.338 2.3 Fe3S1 Fe3S3 2.178 2.310 2.267 2.222 2.271 2.308 2.2 2.2 Fe3S4 2.305 2.293 2.217 2.2 Fe4S2 2.193 2.273 2.285 2.3 Fe4S3 2.290 2.284 2.202 2.3 Fe4S4 2.310 2.230 2.302 2.3 Fe1Sγ-Cys140 2.304 2.329 2.326 2.3 Fe2Sγ-Cys139 2.293 2.325 2.315 2.3 Fe3Sγ-Cys228 Fe4Sγ-Cys231 2.290 2.257 2.306 2.289 2.306 2.276 2.3 2.3 E 1446.545 1446.291 1446.501 NSP(Fe1, Fe2, Fe3, Fe4) (3.13, 3.11, 3.12, 3.07) (3.14, 3.16, 3.12, 3.13) (3.14, 3.14, 3.17, 3.13) δ(Fe1, Fe2, Fe3, Fe4) (0.45, 0.45, 0.43, 0.42) (0.46, 0.45, 0.43, 0.43) (0.47, 0.46, 0.44, 0.43) average δ 0.44 0.44 0.45 ΔEQ(Fe1, Fe2, Fe3, Fe4) (1.08, 0.95, 0.79, 1.03) (0.87, 1.24, 1.15, 0.70) (0.85, 1.04, 0.87, 1.23) average |ΔEQ| 0.96 0.99 1.00 η(Fe1, Fe2, Fe3, Fe4) (0.33, 0.65, 0.53, 0.88) (0.78, 0.34, 0.29, 0.62) (0.89, 0.64, 0.42, 0.33) 0.4518 1.1218 The crystal structure was at 2.7 Å resolution, PDB code: 2GOY.13 Distances are taken from chain-B with substrate binding. 6. DFT CALCULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 6.1. Calculating Results for Wild-Type [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 Models. The main calculated properties for different spin states of the wild-type [4Fe-4S] cluster without and with the substrate are given in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. The calculated FeFe and FeS distances and 57Fe M€ossbauer isomer shifts and quadrupole splittings are compared with available experimental results.18 As previously reported19,41 each of the optimized [Fe4S4(SγCys)4]2 clusters has a compression structure with four “short” (∼2.2 Å) and eight “long” (∼2.3 Å) FeS distances. The two irons with the same spin direction are in an Fe2S2 rhomb distorted butterfly “plane” with four “long” FeS distances, and the four FeS bonds between the two “planes” have “short” distances. Taking the {Fe1VFe2VFe3vFe4v} state in Table 2 (without APS binding) as an example, Fe1 and Fe2 (spin down) are on the plane containing Fe1S1Fe2S2, and Fe3 and Fe4 (spin up) are on the plane with Fe3S3Fe4S4. As a result, the eight FeS bond lengths on the two planes are long (in average 2.32 Å), and the four Fe1S3, Fe2S4, Fe3S1, and Fe4S2 bonds between the two planes are shorter (in average 2.23 Å). Overall, the spread of the DFT calculated FeS (2.202.34 Å) and FeFe (2.652.76 Å) distances agree with the EXAFS’s results of ∼2.3 ( 0.1 Å and ∼2.7 ( 0.1 Å, respectively. Since the Pa-APSR crystal structure was solved at 2.7 Å resolution,13 the compression structure for the [4Fe-4S] cluster is not obvious in either chain-A (without APS binding) or chain-B (with APS binding). It is also not reliable to determine the spin state of the cluster based on the comparison between the calculated geometries and the crystal structure. Since the {Fe1VFe2VFe3vFe4v} state yields the lowest broken-symmetry energy in both chain-A and chain-B, it is likely that the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster of Pa-APSR is in the {Fe1VFe2VFe3vFe4v} state before and after substrate binding. In the presence of APS, the calculated distances of Fe1Fe2 and Fe3Fe4 are increased by 0.06 Å; the four “short” distances (Fe1S3, Fe2S4, Fe3S1, and Fe4S2) between the two planes “Fe1S1Fe2S2” and “Fe3S3Fe4S4” are shortened by 0.02 Å on average. Since the thiolate of Cys140 now has a direct H-bonding interaction with the Lys144 side chain (Figure 6), the Fe1Sγ-Cys140 bond is increased by 0.06 Å, 6618 |Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 6610–6625 Inorganic Chemistry ARTICLE Table 4. Comparing the Calculated ESP Atomic Charges of the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 Quantum Cluster in the Fe1VFe2VFe3vFe4v Spin State in Different Models chain-A without APS wild- no- type tandem K144A chain-B with APS wild- no- type tandem K144A Table 5. Calculated FeFe and Fe-ligand Bond Lengths (Å) and Fe Net Spin Populations (NSP) for the [Fe4S4(SγCys)4]2 Quantum Cluster in Fe1VFe2VFe3vFe4v Spin State with Substrate and without Substrate Binding in No-tandem and K144A Models chain-A without APS chain-B with APS no-tandem K144A no-tandem K144A Fe1Fe2 2.755 2.710 2.819 2.720 Fe1Fe3 Fe1Fe4 2.683 2.745 2.661 2.716 2.700 2.761 2.676 2.733 Fe2Fe3 2.742 2.754 2.735 2.731 Fe2Fe4 2.680 2.694 2.649 2.696 0.54 Fe3Fe4 2.662 2.689 2.705 2.727 0.67 0.71 Fe1S1 2.317 2.311 2.306 2.303 0.45 0.39 0.59 Fe1S2 2.340 2.323 2.326 2.317 0.59 0.64 0.67 0.66 Fe1S3 2.238 2.224 2.218 2.208 0.60 0.66 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.67 2.15 0.67 2.28 0.63 2.19 0.66 2.22 0.68 2.44 Fe2S1 Fe2S2 2.349 2.284 2.340 2.298 2.311 2.272 2.317 2.276 Fe2S4 2.253 2.262 2.242 2.251 Fe3S1 2.218 2.203 2.210 2.175 Fe3S3 2.325 2.340 2.308 2.317 Fe3S4 2.333 2.340 2.298 2.302 Fe4S2 2.208 2.203 2.199 2.201 Fe4S3 2.326 2.335 2.296 2.296 Fe4S4 Fe1Sγ-Cys140 2.332 2.279 2.341 2.254 2.310 2.323 2.318 2.270 Fe2Sγ-Cys139 2.303 2.313 2.281 2.298 Fe3Sγ-Cys228 2.325 2.303 2.293 2.284 Fe4Sγ-Cys231 2.288 2.284 2.257 2.276 rmsd a 0.022 0.014 0.022 0.012 NSP(Fe1) 3.15 3.12 3.13 3.11 NSP(Fe2) 3.16 3.19 3.11 3.13 NSP(Fe3) NSP(Fe4) 3.18 3.14 3.18 3.14 3.12 3.07 3.12 3.10 Fe1 0.43 0.43 0.47 0.45 0.42 0.50 Fe2 0.58 0.58 0.60 0.61 0.59 0.61 Fe3 0.62 0.63 0.63 0.61 0.65 0.61 Fe4 S1 0.62 0.44 0.60 0.46 0.63 0.48 0.62 0.44 0.61 0.48 0.64 0.46 S2 0.45 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.43 0.46 S3 0.47 0.46 0.53 0.48 0.49 S4 0.70 0.68 0.70 0.70 Sγ-Cys140 0.41 0.40 0.54 Sγ-Cys139 0.63 0.68 Sγ-Cys228 0.61 Sγ-Cys231 ∑total 0.65 2.11 and it becomes the longest among the four FeSγ-Cys bonds. The elongation of the Fe1Sγ-Cys140 distance may explain the marked change in FeSγ stretching modes observed in the Resonance Raman spectra of Pa-APSR upon APS binding.17 The net spin populations (NSP) from Mulliken population analysis are the main indication of the high-spin or intermediatespin character of the metal sites. In the ideal ionic limit, the net unpaired spin populations are 5 and 4 for the high-spin Fe3þ (five d-electrons) and Fe2þ (six d-electrons) sites, respectively. Therefore, for the delocalized spins between the high-spin Fe3þ and Fe2þ sites, one should expect the average net spin of 4.5. However, because of the Fe-ligand covalency, our previous calculations show that the calculated net spin magnitude for a high-spin Fe3þ/Fe2þ site is normally by about 1 e smaller than the ionic limit.19,41,7073 The current calculated net spins on the four Fe sites in both chain-A and chain-B are 3.13.2 (Tables 2 and 3), about 1.31.4 e smaller than 4.5, indicative of the high spin Fe2.5þ sites with substantial FeS covalency. The opposite signs for the spin densities indicate the AF-coupling. Experimentally derived 57Fe M€ossbauer parameters were almost identical for the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster for native APSR and for the S-sulfocysteine intermediate form with AMP bound and C-terminal tail docked in the active site. Note that the M€ossbauer analyses on Mt-APSR18 were performed by incubating the enzyme with a 2-fold stoichiometric excess of APS at a concentration well above the Kd of APS or AMP, similar to the current EXAFS study. Our calculations show the subtle differences of the M€ossbauer isomer shifts and quadrupole splittings for each Fe site in different spin states, with or without substrate. However the predicted isomer shifts are all around 0.45 mm s1, in excellent agreement with the experiment. The average predicted quadrupole splitting values (∼1 mm s1) also agree well with the experimental values (Tables 2 and 3). To understand how APS binding influences the charge distributions of the [4Fe-4S] cluster, we calculated the ESP atomic charges of the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 clusters in chain-A and chain-B in the Fe1VFe2VFe3vFe4v spin state. The ESP charges are given in Table 4 under the “wild-type” columns. a Root mean squares difference of the calculated FeFe and FeS distances between the current modified models and the optimized wildtype models (in Fe1VFe2VFe3vFe4v state) given in Table 2 (for chain-A) and Table 3 (for chain-B). In chain-A without APS, Fe1 has the least positive charge (0.43), which is approximately 0.2 charge units less than Fe3 and Fe4. In addition, the Cys140 thiolate which coordinates to Fe1 has the least negative charge (0.41), which is also by 0.2 charge units in magnitude less than the other three Cys residues. This shows the charge transfer from the Cys140 thiolate to the nearby cationic group of Lys144 side chain. In chain-B (Figure 6), Lys144 is in between Cys140 and APS. The distances between Sγ-Cys140 and N-Lys144, and between N-Lys144 and O-APS are 3.16 Å (3.56 Å) and 3.19 Å (3.03 Å), respectively, in the X-ray (DFT optimized) structure of chain-B. The charge transfer from Cys140 to Lys144 is decreased in the presence of APS. As a result, Sγ-Cys140 becomes more negative from 0.41 (chain-A) to 0.45 (chain-B), and the ESP charge on Fe1 is slightly increased from 0.43 (chain-A) to 0.45 (chain-B). The repulsion between APS and Cys228 also increases the magnitude of the negative charge on Sγ-Cys228 from 0.61 (chain-A) to 0.70 (chain-B). These changes result in a subtle increase in the total negative ESP 6619 |Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 6610–6625 Inorganic Chemistry charge of the entire [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster from 2.11 (Chain-A) to 2.19 (Chain-B). Even though APS does not have a direct interaction with the [4Fe-4S] cluster, the midrange electrostatic interactions between the two species indeed influence the charge distribution and the detailed geometry within the [4Fe-4S] cluster, although the geometric changes are not large enough to be observed in EXAFS and M€ossbauer experiments. 6.2. Calculating Results for No-Tandem [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 Models. The main FeFe and FeS distances of the optimized no-tandem models in the {Fe1VFe2VFe3vFe4v} state with and without APS are shown in Table 5, in the columns under “notandem”. After breaking the peptide bond between Cys139 and Cys140 (Figure 7), the [4Fe-4S]2þ core in both chain-A and chain-B expands. For chain-A without APS, the Fe1Fe2 distance is increased by 0.08 Å compared to wild-type (Table 2). Fe1Fe3, Fe1Fe4, and Fe3Fe4 are also increased by 0.03, 0.04, and 0.02 Å, respectively. Except for Fe2S2, Fe2S4, and Fe2Sγ-Cys139, which are decreased by 0.01 Å, all other FeS distances are increased by 00.03 Å. The rmsd of the FeFe and FeS distances between the calculated no-tandem model and the wild-type optimized cluster of chainA is 0.022 Å. The angles — Fe1Sγ-Cβ-Cys140 and — Fe2SγCβ-Cys139 are widened from 112.6 and 109.6 to 117.3 and 112.4, respectively. Meanwhile the distance between (Sγ-Cys140) and (Sγ-Cys139) is enlarged from 6.19 Å to 6.43 Å. From chain-A to chain-B for the no-tandem models, the Fe1Fe2 distance is further increased by 0.06 Å, and reaches 2.82 Å, which is the longest FeFe distance for the {Fe1VFe2VFe3vFe4v} state of the [4Fe-4S] cluster in the current study. For chain-B with APS, the rmsd of the FeFe and FeS distances between the no-tandem model and the optimized wildtype cluster is also 0.022 Å. Thus, the unique tandem pair Cys139 and Cys140 in Pa-APSR keeps the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster more compact, which works to prevent the cluster from being reduced. It is known that, once the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster is reduced (net charge of the cluster would be 3), the repulsion among the S 3 3 3 S atoms would be stronger, forcing the expansion of the overall cluster.19,41 The tandem structure in Pa-APSR makes the expansion of the [4Fe-4S] energetically unfavorable, which explains why it is difficult to reduce the cluster.18 After several attempts, we were able to reduce the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster in Mt-APSR, but the reduction efficiency was at most 44% of the total protein.18 The calculated ESP atomic charges for the [Fe4S4(SγCys)4]2 cluster in the no-tandem models in both chain-A and chain-B are given in Table 4 in the columns under “no-tandem”. In both chain-A and chain-B, Fe1 still holds the least positive ESP charge. Overall, the calculated ESP charges of the no-tandem models are similar to the corresponding wild-type results. The total ESP charges (∑total) of the no-tandem models are a little more negative than those of the wild-type cluster, which increases the possibility of one-electron oxidation of the [4Fe-4S] cluster in the no-tandem form. The propensity and rate of cluster degradation after oxidation is a complex multistep problem, and would be expected to involve both the covalent Cys linkages and H-bonding interactions with surrounding residues. The function of the unique tandem pair Cys139 and Cys140 in Pa-APSR is to protect the [4Fe-4S] cluster from reduction as will be examined by redox potential calculations in Section 6.4. Note that our current method to construct the no-tandem models is the simplest, but may not represent the best approach. An ARTICLE alternative possibility would be to insert one or more residues between the Cys139 and Cys140 pair. However, this would cause large conformational change and increase the size of the clusters, which currently contain 211 (in chain-A) and 250 (in chain-B) atoms, and approach the reasonable limit of DFT/COSMO calculations. This issue could be examined in future studies, ostensibly starting with a smaller overall cluster size. 6.3. Calculating Results for K144A [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 Models. The calculated FeFe and FeS distances of the optimized K144A models in the {Fe1VFe2VFe3vFe4v} spin state with and without APS binding are shown in Table 5, in the columns under “K144A”. The calculated ESP atomic charges for the [Fe4S4(SγCys)4]2 portion of the K144A models in both chain-A and chainB have also been shown in Table 4 in the columns under “K144A”. There is marked anisotropy in the change of charge distribution and bond lengths when Lys144 is mutated to Ala. In particular, without charge transfer to Lys144, the negative ESP charge on Sγ-Cys140 changes significantly from 0.41 (and 0.45) in the wild type to 0.54 (and 0.59) in the K144A model of chain-A (and chain-B) (Table 4). This influences the charge on Fe1 such that Fe1 is more positive and in turn, the charge on S3 is more negative in both models of K144A, compared to the respective wild type model. Overall the total charge of the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster becomes more negative from 2.11 in the wild type to 2.28 in the K144A models for chain-A, and from 2.19 to 2.44 for chain-B, respectively (Table 4). The increase of the negative charge of the [Fe4S4(SγCys)4]2 cluster, in combination with the electrostatic interaction of the negatively charged cluster with the Lys144þ versus neutral Ala144, explains why the FeS cluster is even more difficult to reduce in K144A mutant as observed in EPR experiments.18 The reduction potential of the K144A clusters will also be examined in Section 6.4. In chain-B, loss of the H-bonding interaction between SγCys140 and Lys144 decreases the Fe1Sγ-Cys140 bond length by 0.03 Å, which is greater than the other corresponding FeSγCys distance changes. In general, the rmsd of the calculated FeFe and FeS distances between the K144A model and the optimized wild-type cluster is 0.014 Å for chain-A and 0.012 Å for chain-B. The cluster is more compact in the wild type protein than in the K144A model. For instance, in chain-A without APS binding, except for Fe2Fe3, Fe1S2, Fe1S3, Fe2S4, and Fe3S1, which either remain unchanged or are decreased by less than 0.01 Å, all other FeFe and FeS distances are increased by 00.04 Å from the wild-type cluster to the K144A model. Overall the cluster in K144A expands compared to the wild-type optimized cluster, which is consistent with the increasing of the electron density over the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster, and the increasing lability of the cluster in K144A as observed in EPR experiments.18 Additionally, a comparison between ESP charges for APS in the wild-type and K144A models shows that the overall charge on APS becomes more negative changing from 1.75 in wild type to 1.84 in the K144A model (data not shown). As indicated above, without charge transfer to Lys144þ, the calculated total ESP charge of the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster also becomes more negative from 2.19 in wild-type to 2.44 in K144A (chain-B). This supports the crucial role of Lys144 such that in the absence of the positive charge, the H-bonding interactions are lost and the negative charges on both the cluster and APS are more localized making the cluster and APS more negative in the K144A model. This would result in a strong repulsion between 6620 |Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 6610–6625 Inorganic Chemistry ARTICLE Table 6. Calculated FeFe and Fe-Ligand Bond Lengths (Å) and Fe Net Spin Populations (NSP) for the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]3 Quantum Cluster in {Fe12þVFe22þVFe32.5þvFe42.5þv} State with Substrate and without Substrate Binding in Wild-Type, No-tandem and K144A Models chain-A without APS chain-B with APS wild-type no-tandem K144A wild-type no-tandem K144A Fe1Fe2 2.704 2.788 2.706 2.755 2.809 2.683 Fe1Fe3 2.661 2.700 2.663 2.676 2.708 2.685 Fe1Fe4 2.694 2.730 2.700 2.731 2.749 2.740 Fe2Fe3 Fe2Fe4 2.761 2.729 2.735 2.718 2.750 2.737 2.746 2.723 2.719 2.705 2.725 2.729 Fe3Fe4 2.635 2.636 2.634 2.676 2.655 2.672 Fe1S1 2.325 2.327 2.321 2.319 2.307 2.306 Fe1S2 2.305 2.321 2.301 2.281 2.301 2.297 Fe1S3 2.270 2.294 2.276 2.263 2.263 2.265 Fe2S1 2.318 2.324 2.317 2.296 2.300 2.291 Fe2S2 2.299 2.295 2.300 2.271 2.276 2.279 Fe2S4 Fe3S1 2.317 2.213 2.292 2.226 2.319 2.206 2.298 2.192 2.274 2.219 2.317 2.184 Fe3S3 2.357 2.348 2.370 2.345 2.340 2.348 Fe3S4 2.373 2.358 2.363 2.323 2.315 2.321 Fe4S2 2.211 2.221 2.211 2.204 2.212 2.203 Fe4S3 2.333 2.332 2.368 2.296 2.300 2.308 Fe4S4 2.364 2.358 2.340 2.331 2.323 2.338 Fe1Sγ- 2.296 2.336 2.296 2.329 2.387 2.313 Cys140 Fe2Sγ- 2.347 2.329 2.339 2.330 2.309 2.324 2.349 2.350 2.351 2.329 2.337 2.318 2.338 2.349 2.331 2.319 2.318 2.322 Cys139 Fe3SγCys228 Fe4SγCys231 NSP(Fe1) 2.93 3.01 2.92 2.92 2.99 2.94 NSP(Fe2) NSP(Fe3) 3.00 3.26 2.94 3.27 3.01 3.25 2.97 3.23 2.92 3.23 2.94 3.21 NSP(Fe4) 3.22 3.24 3.23 3.19 3.20 3.21 the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster and APS that is detrimental to substrate binding in the mutant protein. In fact, kinetic studies show that there is a 400-fold decrease in the Kd of APS for Lys144Ala Mt-APSR and consequently, a decrease in the catalytic efficiency of the mutant protein by almost 63,000-fold as compared to wild type Mt-APSR.18 Compared to wild-type chain-B, the calculated distances of (S-APS) 3 3 3 (Sγ-Cys140), (S-APS) 3 3 3 Fe1, and (S-APS) 3 3 3 Fe2 increase from 6.79, 8.20, and 10.84 Å, respectively in the wild type to 7.29, 8.57, and 11.15 Å, respectively in the K144A model. Therefore, without Lys144 bridging between APS and Cys140, repulsion causes APS and the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster to move away from each other. 6.4. Calculated [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]3 Clusters and the Reduction potentials of [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 þ e f [Fe4S4(SγCys)4]3 in Different Models. If an electron is transferred to the resting state of the [4Fe-4S]2þ core in APSR, the core will change to [4Fe-4S]1þ, and the core plus the four Cys side chains will have a net charge of 3, [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]3. Since the [4Fe4S]2þ core is likely to be in the {Fe1VFe2VFe3vFe4v} spin state, the added electron then either goes to the pair {Fe1,Fe2} to form the {Fe12þVFe22þVFe32.5þvFe42.5þv} state, or goes to (Fe3,Fe4} to form the {Fe12.5þVFe22.5þVFe32þvFe42þv} state. Our geometry optimizations show that these two states yield very similar broken-symmetry energies (less than 2 kcal mol1 difference) for all the cluster models. And for most of the models (only wild-type chain-A is an exception), the {Fe12þVFe22þVFe32.5þvFe42.5þv} state is slightly lower in energy than the corresponding {Fe12.5þVFe22.5þVFe32þvFe42þv} state. Therefore, here we only present the geometries (Tables 6 and 7) and energies (Table 7) of the {Fe12þVFe22þVFe32.5þvFe42.5þv} state for all the cluster models. The formal net spin population of a high-spin Fe2þ ion is 4. Our calculated magnitudes of the net spins (2.923.01) of Fe1 and Fe2 in all the {Fe12þVFe22þVFe32.5þvFe42.5þv} state [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]3 clusters are about 1 e smaller than 4 (Table 6). The calculated net spin values for Fe3 and Fe4 in the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]3 clusters (Table 6) are about 0.1 larger than the corresponding ones in the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 clusters (Tables 2, 3, and 5). One measure of the metalligand covalency is the ratio of the calculated to the formal site spin population (spin population ratio), and lower percentages represent greater covalency. In wild-type chain-A, the spin population ratios of the four iron sites change from (69%, 71%, 70%, 69%) in the {Fe12.5þVFe22.5þVFe32.5þvFe42.5þv} state [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster to (73%, 75%, 72%, 72%) in the {Fe12þVFe22þVFe32.5þvFe42.5þv} state [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]3 cluster. Very similar percentage changes are also obtained for other model clusters. Therefore, with an additional electron, the [4Fe-4S]1þ core of the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]3 cluster in general has less covalency (larger spin population ratio) than the [4Fe-4S]2þ core of the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster. As a result, upon 1e reduction, the [4Fe-4S] core expands. This is seen relatively easier by comparing the average (avg) FeFe and FeS distances (Table 7). Especially for the wild-type chain-A model, where upon 1e reduction, the (FeFe)avg elongates from 2.690 Å to 2.697 Å, the average of the four FeS distances of Fe1S3, Fe2S4, Fe3S1, and Fe4S2 is increased from 2.228 Å to 2.253 Å, and the average distance of the eight FeS bonds on the “Fe1S1Fe2S2” and “Fe3S3Fe4S4” planes is also increased from 2.318 Å to 2.334 Å. On the basis of the OLYP/COSMO calculated brokensymmetry state energies (E), we have calculated the reduction potentials (E0) of [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 þ e f [Fe4S4(SγCys)4]3 for all the cluster models according to E0 ¼ Ef½Fe4 S4 ðSγ -CysÞ4 2 g Ef½Fe4 S4 ðSγ -CysÞ4 3 g þ ΔSHE ð4Þ where ΔSHE is the standard hydrogen electrode potential. Here we use ΔSHE = 4.34 V, obtained from Lewis et al.’s calculations based solely on experimental data plus our electron energy threshold correction.7476 The calculated reduction potentials for all the model clusters are given in Table 7. The measured 2/3 reduction potentials of the [4Fe-4S] clusters in ferredoxins are from 0.28 to 0.45 V.7779 So far, reduction of the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster in Pa-APSR has not been successful. In our recent EPR experiment, we could photo reduce the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster in Mt-APSR in the presence of deazaflavin/oxalate with at most 44% reduction efficiency.18 It is likely that the 2/3 reduction potential of 6621 |Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 6610–6625 Inorganic Chemistry ARTICLE Table 7. Averages (avg) of the Calculated FeFe and Fe-Ligand Bond Lengths (Å), Broken-Symmetry State Energies (E, eV), and Reduction Potentials (E0, V) of the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2/[Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]3 (2/3) Quantum Clusters with Substrate and without Substrate Binding in Wild-Type, No-Tandem and K144A Models wild-type 2 no-tandem 3 2 K144A 3 2 3 Chain-A without APS 6(FeFe)avg 2.690 2.697 2.711 2.718 2.704 2.698 4(FeS)avga 2.228 2.253 2.229 2.258 2.223 2.253 8(FeS)avgb 2.318 2.334 2.326 2.333 2.329 2.335 4(FeSγ)avg 2.285 2.333 2.299 2.341 2.289 2.329 E E0 1193.735 1196.724 1185.564 1188.659 1135.356 1138.287 6(FeFe)avg 2.715 2.718 2.728 2.724 2.714 2.706 4(FeS)avga 2.207 2.239 2.217 2.242 2.209 2.242 8(FeS)avgb 2.304 2.308 2.303 2.308 2.306 2.311 4(FeSγ)avg 2.286 2.327 2.289 2.338 2.282 2.319 E 1446.545 1449.460 1438.362 1441.410 1387.923 1390.710 1.35 1.25 1.41 Chain-B with APS E0 1.43 1.29 1.55 a The average of the following four FeS distances: Fe1S3, Fe2S4, Fe3S1, and Fe4S2 (see Figure 5). b The average of the following eight FeFe distances: Fe1S1, Fe1S2, Fe2S1, Fe2S2, Fe3S3, Fe3S4, Fe4S3, and Fe4S4. the [4Fe-4S] cluster in APSR is much more negative than ferredoxins, because of the tandem Cys pair and less H-bonding interactions around the [4Fe-4S] in APSR. There are 10 H-bonding interactions around the [4Fe-4S] active site in ferredoxins.19 These H-bonds are expected to stabilize the negative charges of the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]3 cluster, making the 1e reduction easier. By contrast, there are only three H-bonding interactions with S or Sγ in the crystal structure of Pa-APSR (Figure 4). It is still a big challenge to accurately predict the redox potentials for the FeS systems. The redox potentials obtained from quantum mechanical calculations within a solvation model vary with the dielectric constant of the solvent and the probe radius for the contact surface between the quantum cluster and solvent.19,41 In general, the larger the dielectric constant and the smaller the radius, the reduced state is more stabilized, and the reduction potential is more positive (or less negative).19,41 Our previous calculations also show that the DFT/solvation calculations systematically predict the redox potentials of the FeS systems by 00.5 V more negative than the measured values.19,41 Our current predicted reduction potentials for the [4Fe-4S] cluster models in Pa-APSR are also very negative, ranging from 1.25 to 1.55 V. Since the experimental reduction potential of Pa-APSR is not available, we do not have a clear picture if or how much our calculations overestimate (more negative) these reduction potentials. Therefore we will focus on the relative values of the predicted E0’s to see how the APS binding, the breaking of the Cys tandem pair, and the K144A mutation will change the reduction potential of Pa-APSR. From wild-type chain-A to wild-type chain-B, E0 is more negative by 0.08 V (from 1.35 to 1.43 V). With APS2 nearby, the negatively charged [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster is then even more resistant to accept an electron from outside, and therefore is more difficult to reduce. From wild-type to no-tandem model, E0 becomes more positive by 0.1 and 0.14 V in chain-A and chain-B, respectively. Therefore, the no-tandem cluster of [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 is easier to reduce than the wild-type. This is consistent with our conclusion in Section 6.2 that the function of the unique tandem pair Cys139/Cys140 in Pa-APSR is to keep the [4Fe-4S] cluster more compact and to protect the cluster from reduction. In chain-A, the calculated E0 of K144A is more negative than that of the wild-type by 0.06 V. In chain-B with APS, the K144A model yields the most negative E0 (1.55 V) among all the model clusters. Upon the Lys144 f Ala144 mutation, there is no negative charge transfer from the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster to Lys144, the cluster is therefore more difficult to reduce, and the reduction becomes even more difficult when APS2 is present, as proposed in Section 6.3. 7. CONCLUSION To understand the role of [4Fe-4S] cluster in APS reduction, we have examined the coordination and geometry of the native and APS-bound forms of the enzyme by XAS. Results from the XANES and EXAFS analysis were valuable in indicating that there is no change in coordination and overall geometry of the [4Fe-4S] cluster between both forms of the enzyme. However, in terms of resolving subtle changes in the geometry and electrostatics, DFT calculations were employed. Taken together, the EXAFS and DFT analyses provide a more complete picture of the coordination, geometry, and electrostatic environment of the [4Fe-4S] cluster in APSR. This is the first report of the application of both of these techniques to APSR and thereby contributes to the characterization of the cluster in APSR with a view to gaining insight into the function of the cluster in APS reduction. Fe K-edge EXAFS analysis confirms the presence of the [4Fe4S] cluster and a comparison of samples of Mt-APSR in the native and substrate-bound forms suggests that the core of the cluster is essentially unaffected during catalysis. This is supported by biochemical evidence, which shows that the cluster in APSR has no redox activity during the catalytic cycle,4 and hence we do 6622 |Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 6610–6625 Inorganic Chemistry not expect any change in the oxidation state of the cluster in MtAPSR with and without APS. DFT geometry optimizations have been performed on the [4Fe-4S] clusters of the wild-type, no-tandem, and K144A models constructed starting from the Pa-APSR X-ray crystal structures.13 Both substrate-free and substrate-binding forms for each type of the models were studied. Calculations show that substrate binding influences the geometric and electronic structures of the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster, in agreement with the resonance Raman and EPR spectra experiments.11,18 However, the geometric changes of the [4Fe-4S] core are not large enough to be observed in EXAFS and M€ossbauer experiments. Calculations with the “no-tandem” models show that the coordinating tandem Cys139-Cys140 pair in Pa-APSR keeps the [4Fe-4S] cluster more compact and prevents it from reduction. The tandem pair also leads to a strain in the geometry of the cysteine side chains. Conformations of the cysteinyl ligands of an ironsulfur cluster can result in differences in redox energies of ∼100 mV that can directly influence the redox properties of the cluster.80 Additionally, the replacement of Lys144þ by Ala in our calculations has a 2-fold effect: (1) Loss of the bridging charged H-bonding interactions of Lys144 with Sγ-Cys140 and the terminal sulfate moiety of APS destabilizes the FeS cluster as the overall charge of the cluster becomes more negative. The calculated reduction potentials of the clusters in K144A models are by 0.060.12 V more negative than the wild-type clusters. In fact, the lability of the cluster and difficulty in reduction have been observed in EPR experiments in which reduction of the cluster in the K144A mutant resulted in a 6-fold decrease of signal intensity and the appearance of an additional signal corresponding to free Fe3þ formed because of cluster degradation, compared to wild type APSR.18 (2) Loss of the bridging Lys144 cation increases the repulsion between the negatively charged APS2 and the [Fe4S4(Sγ-Cys)4]2 cluster. This explains why the Lys144Ala mutation is detrimental to APS-binding and catalysis.18 The importance of Lys144 in stabilizing the sulfate moiety of APS is analogous to the role of a conserved Lys residue in sulfotransferases which acts as a catalytic acid, stabilizing the transition state of the substrate, phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate (PAPS), by interacting with the SO3 moiety that is being transferred.81 Conversely, we could glean a role for the [4Fe-4S] cluster in positioning Lys144 in the active site such that it can interact favorably with the incoming substrate. In addition to Lys144, other conserved positively charged residues such as Arg242 and Arg245, and Arg171 (present in a flexible “Argloop”) also play crucial roles in substrate binding.9 Lysines and arginines are cations with long, flexible, and mobile side chains. They often function as “molecular guidewires” as found in other sulfate and phosphate transfer enzymes.8287 The cationic side chains electrostatically screen the bound anions during group transfer, facilitating covalent bond formation. It should also be noted that the current Pa-APSR crystal structure is missing the disordered C-terminal segment of residues 250267, which carries the catalytically essential Cys256.13 When the missing segment was modeled into the active site of Pa-APSR using the structure of 30 -phosphoadenosine 50 -phosphosulfate reductase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it was observed that Cys256 is proximal to the sulfate moiety of APS, and the side chains of Cys140 and Lys144.18,88 Thus with the addition of the negatively charged, nucleophilic thiolate in the transition state, the optimum positioning of Lys144 and other ARTICLE cationic side chains to make key H-bonding interactions with APS, is required to maintain an energetically favorable charge balance within the active site. In summary, our study characterizes the [4Fe-4S] cluster in APSR by EXAFS spectroscopy and by findings from our DFT calculations which substantiate (1) modulation of the redox potential of the cluster brought about by the constrained tandem cysteine coordination, (2) the role of Lys144 as a critical link between the [4Fe-4S] cluster and APS, and finally, (3) a role for the FeS cluster in contributing to stabilization of the transition state via positioning of Lys144 and maintaining charge balance in the active site during catalysis. To gain further insights into the mechanism of APS reduction, efforts to determine the structure of APSR with the intact C-terminal segment are currently underway. ’ ASSOCIATED CONTENT Supporting Information. Structure-based sequence alignment of Pa-APSR and Mt-APSR, EXAFS analyses of Mt-APSR þ APS, a comparison of EXAFS of Mt-APSR and ferredoxin and Cartesian coordinates of the optimized quantum clusters. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs. bS ’ AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author *E-mail: (L.N.), (K.S.C.). Phone: (858) 784-2840 (L.N.), (561) 228-2460 (K.S.C.). ’ ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank NIH for financial support (GM039914 to L.N. and GM087638 to K.S.C). The support of computer resources of the Scripps Research Institute is also gratefully acknowledged. XAS data were measured at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, a Directorate of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and an Office of Science User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science by Stanford University. The SSRL Structural Molecular Biology Program is supported by the DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Research, and by the National Institutes of Health, National Center for Research Resources, Biomedical Technology Program (P41RR001209). 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Carroll,†§* and Louis Noodleman‡* † Chemical Biology Graduate Program, ¶Departments of Chemistry and ‖ Biophysics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109-2216. ‡ Department of Molecular Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, California 92037 § Department of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute, 130 Scripps Way, Jupiter, Florida 33458. Supplementary Figure Legends Supplementary Fig. 1. Structure-based sequence alignment of APS reductases from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The ClustalW Multiple Sequence Alignment program was used. Strictly conserved residues are outlined in red, red letters indicate conserved residues and conserved regions are boxed in blue. Residues flanking the active site are outlined in green. Supplementary Fig. 2. Comparison of XAS spectra for Mt-APSR with and without APS bound. A) XANES spectra; B) k3 weighted EXAFS; and C) Fourier transforms. Supplementary Fig. 3. Comparison of the k3 weighted EXAFS (top) and the Fourier transforms for Mt-APSR, [4Fe-4S] and [3Fe-4S] ferredoxins. Cartesian coordinates of the optimized Fe1 Fe2 Fe3 Fe4 state wild-type 4Fe-4S quantum cluster in chain-A. ↓ 211 atoms Fe -0.107163578 Fe -0.198227030 Fe 2.183164085 Fe 0.718969659 S 1.602736596 S 1.870503940 S -1.451681704 S 0.537043229 S -1.211913153 S 4.314827513 S 0.894538389 S -1.023752245 N 2.814945142 C 2.630658353 C 3.897498754 N 4.760798954 O 4.030531216 C 1.510596542 C 0.141270660 C -0.833092416 N -2.148793914 C -3.202752462 0.141433877 0.084430746 0.143843532 -2.061308632 -1.346877473 -0.965415894 -1.221230441 1.778339840 1.221988848 0.829183148 -4.260319821 0.914816947 -1.131756403 -2.528426347 -3.218330292 -2.437043051 -4.441947797 -2.683361765 -2.201435845 -2.236742036 -1.694652729 -2.359821474 ↓ ↑ -0.071225829 2.610912383 1.371700639 1.140269589 3.036453877 -0.539619531 1.242881426 1.252125310 4.348255839 1.584941905 0.484547506 -2.007302940 8.352908172 8.028899337 7.493887576 6.824206595 7.651548704 7.002705823 7.471692621 6.296836826 6.606272481 7.066113476 ↑ N N H H H H H H H H H H H H H C H C H C O C -3.144567271 -4.365994470 2.373494881 1.450288698 1.800509062 0.197073979 -0.219560016 -0.939578601 -0.442379369 -2.269069799 -2.377288059 -4.008651983 -4.330207597 -5.072471442 2.558967275 5.977111000 6.869350000 1.997669812 1.743299000 2.707613436 2.599425940 2.788692722 -3.659243998 7.350708690 -1.704665019 7.227461965 -3.061486604 8.949708325 -3.741164636 6.749238435 -2.148361516 6.091952257 -1.173061913 7.844866198 -2.833663836 8.292338539 -3.248711057 5.905642582 -1.617776027 5.489475859 -0.699033027 6.446675358 -4.242500672 7.028988864 -4.144769876 7.567591018 -0.693263267 7.311143786 -2.149914533 7.804807027 -0.423287359 7.666953264 -2.929906000 6.238907000 -2.636805000 6.801957000 5.097724892 0.562735770 6.022431000 0.036064000 5.349097582 1.874270553 4.582996234 2.842153837 4.158455198 -0.366632709 C N C N C H H H H H H H N C H C H C N O C H H H C C 4.171407136 4.493900142 5.813090571 6.349424273 5.364859830 1.056352157 2.206420649 2.861429080 3.835502010 5.578245489 6.343711652 7.349099906 1.851781405 1.539951000 1.476316000 0.602304989 0.982050000 1.756295478 2.579895950 1.946715695 -0.445495449 0.130933071 -1.267965945 -0.025709614 3.755613999 4.649552585 4.562525602 5.599935530 5.684451499 4.723192536 4.013406729 4.596539551 4.034656240 3.180403701 6.213091144 3.169285533 6.396304492 4.554952497 2.441429385 3.763437000 4.465196000 3.062243297 4.110914000 2.068372025 2.117495110 1.271931071 2.903266299 2.918322961 3.595272964 3.180271091 1.264894101 1.385011288 -0.726089756 -1.579299724 -1.732589854 -0.992455757 -0.357905298 0.795646930 -1.283992115 0.105529851 -2.053261167 0.274847642 -2.343190209 -0.911127970 -6.986286499 -6.462627000 -7.300786000 5.631491151 5.606559000 5.591746219 4.517683197 6.524545166 4.522090288 6.608355728 4.738612644 3.555072790 4.414402282 5.642420468 N O H C H H H H H C C N O C H H H H N C C N O C H H H C H C C H N O C O C H H H H H H H C H C O C 4.852940320 5.249836736 2.439928186 4.640716655 3.455742591 4.632799117 5.668849935 5.323203000 0.920073657 -0.066652883 -1.121586470 -2.216216683 -1.020850860 -0.314108093 -0.133716460 -0.269354869 -1.318440501 -3.034079000 -2.438732123 -1.379217093 -0.652499495 -0.973879323 0.198477658 -0.356135303 -1.830818095 -0.031269820 0.514728034 -0.358249000 -1.111311000 1.008812071 -0.384875398 1.466691000 -0.963179494 -0.942734331 1.131519288 0.177215033 2.556222095 1.596924646 0.908070043 0.282656739 2.742078412 2.726874286 3.272466642 -1.938787000 3.080778000 3.027971000 2.900252454 3.679943971 4.468020634 2.632560987 0.409927522 2.834285655 1.629976360 0.217932421 2.716748419 1.347484651 2.690085000 -5.162294918 -5.299498191 -5.053704819 -5.823288715 -4.126746215 -4.241222707 -6.310482364 -3.259866189 -4.369094126 -5.540736000 -1.134991812 -0.256284965 -0.722114230 -1.936988002 0.015071503 -0.077456745 0.706940452 -1.059717558 0.422897408 -2.570636000 -2.639926000 -6.173433679 -6.389709039 -7.130947000 -7.540668443 -5.591419167 -5.429452514 -5.994180754 -5.597507510 -5.666257177 -4.366180708 -5.482242524 -4.976101329 -6.647691473 -5.320028509 -7.684524000 0.711402000 0.637566000 2.169919822 3.049098994 0.178325561 6.084277666 6.109672809 3.810551462 3.206528167 4.357267917 3.075059041 3.455062010 6.970951000 -2.422680393 -1.970367177 -3.021283633 -2.950627555 -3.844024174 -0.890724195 -1.556226841 -1.363657588 -0.472819566 -3.483255000 -4.093678569 -4.523455290 -5.791526197 -6.245323764 -6.305377188 -3.401063682 -4.775303509 -3.047128378 -3.822098570 -7.389921000 -8.181831000 5.268075699 5.799845004 5.085305000 5.424603407 6.571487584 3.942096624 3.030418686 3.434136432 6.033382962 4.084971676 2.184997661 2.557680914 3.164624520 4.209591446 5.661721000 -8.141230000 -9.232461000 -7.776099284 -8.193160390 -7.745682969 C C N C N N H H H H H H H H H H H H N H C C C C N C C C N C C C C C C C H O C O H C O H N C N N C 4.663564514 4.070244442 4.758434579 5.882274403 6.492114473 6.386241751 2.282915943 4.658892271 5.216469753 5.735459257 4.213587556 4.085046523 3.024185533 4.419245054 6.474154410 7.393642776 5.823963652 7.227176185 3.516609831 4.046672000 6.235497073 5.334747867 5.589419338 6.883712395 7.032691457 2.580952725 2.954932322 2.082111902 2.743904218 4.068334810 4.243531899 5.121997219 6.386890755 6.594239144 5.541712394 0.165471568 0.736896000 1.053932726 -3.748830460 -4.265410215 -4.321424000 3.223803242 3.526790657 3.237939000 5.756789645 6.867234570 6.950339478 7.891919616 9.146220609 -1.305307100 -2.278220530 -2.248011769 -2.888661125 -2.576179494 -3.836250940 0.102886085 0.366107375 0.752373463 -1.519883670 -1.531705317 -3.301016899 -2.059369455 -1.586246986 -1.595008641 -3.016624988 -4.284156895 -4.322930812 6.419167490 6.552932000 -2.572263417 -3.314926617 -3.016355742 -3.610234684 -3.320651862 4.279902513 3.272894846 2.636321616 1.693858144 1.701915111 2.696525269 0.935099373 1.173154207 2.163542071 2.924976485 -3.973511496 -4.386578000 -3.969267659 -0.834269085 0.171240276 -1.617048000 -0.686823622 -1.389571173 0.408880000 4.764352652 4.052777097 3.384894639 4.092253793 3.357720176 -8.075127872 -7.058709543 -5.765085018 -5.446714106 -4.282724603 -6.222750176 -7.716137729 -6.681676941 -8.301051296 -8.169724586 -9.051496357 -7.445243215 -6.840047832 -5.076180558 -4.022695565 -4.118710936 -6.936499629 -5.931659799 1.929881111 2.783092000 4.770871983 3.791081710 2.311386526 1.791757732 0.328656602 -5.443270928 -4.397709648 -3.551154712 -2.808200805 -3.140667291 -4.141007179 -2.646523870 -3.161085637 -4.139600584 -4.622321091 -7.039407791 -7.879897000 -5.919961232 -4.106473549 -4.602123323 -3.604721000 9.550738005 10.519820306 9.561120000 -9.458928009 -9.214152532 -8.055136326 -10.053817752 -9.894941087 C H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 9.027970000 8.816378000 4.606322935 1.289349613 4.222338319 -2.334886945 -1.742686214 -0.552603981 3.588649907 7.286380968 6.145531238 4.294107104 5.434648259 5.581927526 4.758706422 6.906682387 7.770410690 7.903395296 7.064663363 6.255233343 0.552805203 2.161014731 3.477162461 1.020737636 2.325521041 4.956290849 7.236971459 7.601996806 5.729518326 -2.172488533 0.452021815 -0.684370702 0.482359550 9.986308614 8.255758348 9.848710157 9.537807830 7.742536692 5.640395562 4.897827947 7.715228938 6.082748757 5.940755698 1.861262000 1.617659000 -1.433329427 1.661825885 3.385838804 -6.515185150 -2.422868962 -8.129194086 7.104680572 -2.832625758 -1.490834549 -3.055639933 -4.394895724 -1.932679896 -3.430807948 -4.699439297 -3.186817548 -3.720121307 -2.308289355 -3.724220311 3.692281051 5.188438580 4.586258403 2.779102712 1.109659627 0.202740719 0.608694237 2.339048499 3.711167585 -1.987523830 -1.925039689 -4.643658364 -3.930208400 1.393993448 1.392566721 3.815331744 3.551511106 4.591016409 5.139266418 4.424175581 2.743411105 3.172945084 -4.022585404 -10.151452000 -11.197833000 6.779211379 -6.657338257 5.838075662 -2.219478947 -5.796025079 4.709579256 1.188648967 4.588721753 4.628996021 3.998732344 3.959400056 2.146261581 1.725904620 1.885797451 2.266908576 -0.044139584 0.158980088 -0.208841311 -5.999322601 -4.988395253 -5.987057630 -3.415421949 -2.092982607 -1.864025746 -2.783728876 -4.508360745 -5.345487333 -3.605853601 -7.728135736 -6.849853435 -5.123834966 -9.893014236 -9.535621969 -10.596431199 -8.889413542 -10.926339732 -10.395140818 -9.028949725 -7.897039453 -7.578382102 6.323985157 Cartesian coordinates of the optimized Fe1 Fe2 Fe3 Fe4 state wild-type 4Fe-4S quantum cluster in chain-B. ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ 250 atoms Fe 19.396986524 Fe 17.491248673 Fe 19.860088525 Fe 17.947835850 S 17.748790882 S 20.186105800 S 17.106275331 S 19.640578559 S 15.705038845 C 15.187628311 S 20.546738678 C 19.950291474 S 21.545425264 C 21.016767824 S 17.185530524 C 18.563313865 H 15.401924271 H 14.097840315 H 20.813394426 H 19.200518618 H 20.543256168 H 20.255748471 H 18.936826763 H 19.390184996 C 24.644002000 C 24.845930179 N 26.269407614 C 26.794123151 N 28.117585890 N 26.020689515 H 25.141612000 C 21.415000000 C 20.194111459 O 20.121338576 C 22.650295227 C 23.944641029 C 24.030438443 N 23.916835743 C 24.880950323 N 24.552019493 N 26.113629246 H 21.618741000 N 19.217146883 C 17.991000000 C 18.151813509 C 18.922565079 C 18.614773893 67.098967432 65.134308275 64.718218139 66.361463918 64.089553997 66.821240370 67.301134090 65.036720377 64.723061435 66.287429310 68.741982740 68.964543351 63.383797719 63.084584721 67.155427901 67.178537028 67.112450703 66.226040468 69.331817107 69.763069450 62.098157312 63.823295137 68.197583141 66.555090194 76.620997000 75.376409984 75.163829772 74.277507187 74.089232722 73.572117499 76.554791000 71.340996000 72.135296907 73.363447142 71.697081896 71.070145353 69.548299219 69.056605444 69.126685637 68.822580444 69.473695689 71.609153000 71.415462385 71.973996000 72.662023593 71.854839761 70.589553441 56.308529360 56.458016892 55.162330743 54.119847136 54.485618459 54.263555910 55.914209267 57.306009251 57.835590561 58.662006741 57.442095716 59.169319863 54.373596091 52.654975810 52.149731675 50.949742155 57.983973318 58.774929012 59.732089410 59.186622107 52.610310241 52.400140163 50.863881769 51.298879912 48.376996000 49.210413132 49.449448202 50.290095587 50.311037580 51.119631307 47.403845000 47.975999000 48.397864541 48.214689961 48.805287323 48.285561440 48.385920270 49.758566157 50.681964258 51.960672980 50.372639712 46.934074000 48.977583760 49.510998000 50.876927515 51.864350043 52.288524132 C N C C C C C H C C O C C N C C N H N H N C C O C C C N C N N C O H N C C C C C N H C C O C O C H 20.177763167 19.607035928 20.579729877 21.001100836 21.764522518 22.175539535 22.556326836 17.633684000 15.701382029 16.053536848 16.252781943 16.950896225 17.875906551 17.653274222 19.070772952 18.660865591 19.524933619 15.078911000 16.167657421 16.562673000 19.519478233 20.351869421 21.806877271 22.696658769 19.759116140 18.382648588 17.844573193 16.534778938 16.288781970 15.017292526 17.266109416 19.374936036 19.937676049 18.677061000 22.005157589 23.289001000 23.264095182 24.672364252 24.690562726 24.510292807 24.035258723 23.715284000 22.360184129 21.387038063 20.249697795 22.129997260 22.213666694 23.184562672 23.378128000 72.187068369 70.115101389 71.065293386 73.321651051 71.049843176 73.311847512 72.185370673 72.744707000 70.892953061 70.966667924 69.942471805 70.820873427 71.975016768 73.209609703 72.086060419 74.036265692 73.361415676 71.721456000 72.194485066 72.275889000 63.813261328 62.825875435 63.280168505 62.420223558 62.454787028 61.796282376 61.691352764 61.058375909 59.753229927 59.337941490 58.854707009 63.925411899 63.236059925 64.732842000 64.599352565 65.171998000 66.029566290 66.293794464 67.205985668 68.671315453 69.471110984 65.719872000 60.395788286 59.245191518 59.305704842 61.509961392 60.895501450 62.594564831 60.073913000 52.464621182 53.106398602 53.237449935 52.447823218 53.967609294 53.182129798 53.932151753 48.820090000 56.288805692 57.766042366 58.434933890 55.391592375 55.496220045 54.921005235 56.143637874 55.187964230 55.935571129 55.939197000 58.307868137 59.244499000 62.721583918 62.071257347 61.855563201 61.770966662 60.711330601 60.756924706 59.330999065 59.226958123 59.164526764 59.009201601 59.229946030 64.050326600 64.908847909 64.291576000 61.692091827 61.339999000 60.079461871 59.546393651 58.314685427 58.682927025 57.506494364 62.186842000 58.494271392 58.382256246 58.877241851 57.482898780 56.185404259 57.659369117 58.312270000 N H C C H O N C C O N H N C C O N C C C O H N H S O O O P O O O O C C O C O C O C N C N C C N N C 21.825670346 21.170100000 15.761842550 17.268419745 15.420306000 17.829993240 17.959628369 19.391255849 19.778271831 20.854905477 18.970037379 19.238078000 17.906977406 18.116917951 19.123272949 19.308887271 19.753945808 20.853000000 22.140884764 21.419697368 20.972542621 22.652465000 21.165454838 20.434047000 26.544787925 26.726606507 25.901168095 25.983430166 28.547583783 28.023532330 28.284174150 28.136794439 30.170053174 30.911761898 31.969981316 31.406734743 33.140375064 34.283600077 32.649455837 33.726284211 31.857351143 30.703432600 29.383293175 28.621811305 29.499822196 29.332066736 28.130329118 30.418666028 31.608709721 58.151095947 57.394186000 66.580745229 66.551507956 67.594068000 65.679613919 67.587740468 67.729973609 67.856211768 67.404520461 68.576270784 68.583743000 65.286498694 66.714469250 67.223614643 68.443360538 66.295335142 66.607000000 63.162679876 63.005104960 63.983919272 64.135944000 61.746403988 61.601916000 70.950791719 71.545774616 71.823329495 69.581027396 70.758736253 69.493652753 72.106810480 70.768161188 70.711621912 69.485352408 69.725471261 69.626582660 68.758910110 69.419688374 67.651938499 66.892364179 68.444452601 67.665164372 68.028763525 67.097255057 66.070766826 64.787718190 64.297296079 64.000620802 64.456627933 57.739198965 57.563113000 60.053453633 60.236933389 60.325163000 60.912921138 59.698131676 59.900144499 61.375452974 61.783494877 62.161668400 63.137216000 49.557053890 49.563900818 48.526606310 48.417378403 47.801817296 46.924000000 51.610917956 50.294948831 49.672924569 51.642252000 49.902273878 49.210267000 55.146700609 56.479295352 54.164334480 55.191159816 53.004917751 52.371179532 52.394809915 54.635858380 53.201117709 53.369332931 54.432471172 55.778516284 54.415007444 54.966319742 55.334617488 55.845494444 56.393549908 56.891911440 56.992291950 57.533295250 57.811560899 58.365773086 58.715226309 58.512573737 58.101803761 N C H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 31.889922395 30.794797136 15.356828236 18.951314708 17.461095080 19.899958956 17.165024398 19.530107036 22.874246697 21.426521526 23.008073127 23.163693224 24.181738242 21.968711641 21.130365235 22.306822217 22.717001954 17.035761064 18.240873223 14.832225627 14.279828693 15.739731549 18.551354180 17.714592346 18.458949104 17.678800989 19.715911835 20.456346620 20.407025551 21.236772458 23.956355311 22.685461103 22.743903890 25.308663239 25.121090787 25.638868012 23.889670693 23.757982330 25.446889576 24.021247063 24.659661568 23.646187853 25.282431591 26.839424909 26.425818208 23.130777797 23.220953037 24.961298260 24.085129434 65.638118864 66.406751493 65.875885599 64.429253705 68.302341531 66.831975741 67.186999427 65.320398972 62.365506911 60.954370555 63.424926555 62.984817961 62.181183398 61.601946812 61.938668466 60.789883283 58.139265253 57.870843876 59.103091744 58.351101358 59.955168342 61.676884093 61.170457986 62.694138844 60.804248182 62.387721488 63.361171199 61.772066618 61.943768765 65.249154683 64.320537949 65.508508706 66.964547820 66.721027277 65.333138877 67.091732914 66.891762897 68.820104042 69.125360991 70.471594862 69.366958544 69.159519311 68.937147847 69.548712962 69.409607658 68.452301149 69.072250304 69.190020495 71.327487974 57.544144527 57.427613956 60.784356066 62.142119536 59.175310440 59.551252763 49.303297611 47.970100477 51.771045730 50.478640230 56.972053224 58.679482855 57.461473545 55.533693151 57.617904305 59.511038640 57.257543586 59.140913759 59.082678620 59.164523184 59.340808228 59.097041544 58.682476010 58.925173680 61.217909919 61.352947257 60.098389412 60.227135789 62.716598153 61.826712866 61.179718639 59.309435021 60.289004881 60.334274488 59.267159221 57.776024049 57.631682888 59.458990847 59.017715763 57.742511149 56.681648254 52.272251711 52.660121501 51.111071418 49.411215452 49.972623549 47.833200861 47.931076124 47.226257964 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H C O H O C H H 24.789247107 22.765427115 22.487689171 21.203761866 19.341735684 17.254408119 18.656112687 17.140616146 20.725284767 22.818993571 23.494806359 22.044474977 19.617667752 17.756918822 20.400753710 18.756981064 16.855589088 19.631872289 17.515528934 16.608711952 15.131598887 16.080821875 33.311004617 34.796255456 28.093392159 27.347105479 32.449592476 29.040975660 30.251577101 31.399138217 26.484340464 25.090212443 28.472525127 28.657717887 26.918920039 24.335856646 24.427581901 23.571378959 25.021611851 32.479176181 32.341042763 18.007694338 16.838216594 15.946914982 16.849535000 22.483155038 22.147720413 22.982507000 18.555141174 71.507344509 72.785086781 71.426479221 70.270259632 70.411478332 71.167319764 73.619726567 72.893416620 74.198549159 74.188850014 72.199264229 70.182473203 69.197341719 69.971582197 73.741304636 75.056426819 73.464094381 71.355360378 69.923627306 70.719047961 69.971496378 73.038109146 66.283923190 68.720389754 63.445710540 64.930556348 63.781509095 68.987677694 68.657959605 69.260421163 72.976251121 73.904096154 73.349085849 74.318591572 75.644053045 75.506877489 74.502531778 76.760972567 77.502562817 68.684317196 70.751559692 68.774544391 64.670137276 65.209684662 63.603479000 66.155241398 65.901909795 66.274602000 64.704994599 48.829815815 48.780704504 49.855951939 48.011784871 49.043383110 49.560648175 50.722171629 51.241536479 51.869187242 53.183178092 54.470440676 54.555351173 53.534022542 52.074894962 56.285022328 54.855962395 54.344319946 56.702566178 55.635131238 54.356331631 56.140459758 57.754236138 56.517684310 55.422860755 59.264289741 58.775030051 58.239793493 56.637158106 53.639567481 52.412622769 51.807877723 51.341727364 50.919988038 49.486804593 48.834413259 50.171118487 48.700510842 48.197883528 48.906516013 57.265515186 54.328395847 61.916544553 49.021342256 48.360524830 49.253523000 48.716781014 47.348931113 46.742711000 50.082679478 H H H H H H H 21.978260652 65.485264567 49.231225244 20.601667000 66.337714000 45.892815000 20.989612330 67.688249151 46.959665998 22.059246237 64.822055920 47.173568752 33.363738234 68.382795240 53.410059769 31.945659303 67.018323545 54.774408759 23.061204346 69.198900309 57.272926054 Cartesian coordinates of the optimized Fe1 Fe2 Fe3 Fe4 state no-tandem 4Fe-4S quantum cluster model in chain-A. ↓ 211 atoms Fe -0.054305588 Fe -0.233227045 Fe 2.252523730 Fe 0.746584959 S 1.598885362 S 1.938094773 S -1.433257776 S 0.567148204 S -1.360304293 S 4.441290543 S 0.878305799 S -0.975799392 N 2.800264022 C 2.605261795 C 3.864941677 N 4.760765971 O 3.957259539 C 1.473685136 C 0.103447518 C -0.883608505 N -2.196354629 C -3.251783510 N -3.193075815 N -4.413754961 H 2.352590945 H 1.411829735 H 1.758572637 H 0.147418516 H -0.243108255 H -0.990344754 H -0.503861636 H -2.324976845 H -2.434794512 0.187557929 0.069135846 0.164000675 -2.039967749 -1.324948891 -0.929528652 -1.210288992 1.784602845 1.063956262 0.775711068 -4.242168134 0.960741198 -1.131090654 -2.523300186 -3.214278324 -2.426110808 -4.445559496 -2.665891924 -2.191291774 -2.244268925 -1.697693831 -2.358867188 -3.655219219 -1.701918608 -3.059877539 -3.721651484 -2.130534481 -1.161416286 -2.822495497 -3.262435788 -1.637267751 -0.710974308 -4.244023119 ↓ ↑ -0.074383955 2.597468994 1.412340746 1.144084076 3.062351120 -0.515173723 1.183730111 1.318654212 4.341706409 1.577998432 0.499432685 -2.020526024 8.352587838 8.017308721 7.462973284 6.838356325 7.556356601 7.000232026 7.478614305 6.312794986 6.625129800 7.088988779 7.389087098 7.243152894 8.937229149 6.739634140 6.086746094 7.852276123 8.306009588 5.937776339 5.491269253 6.418538100 7.056186479 ↑ H H H H C H C H C O C C N C N C H H H H H H H N C H C H N C H H H C C N O H C H H H H C C H N O C -4.059262356 -4.382023111 -5.127747885 2.493616736 5.977111000 6.869350000 1.983263985 1.743299000 2.665096262 2.484141005 2.781562359 4.155481572 4.456991754 5.773797879 6.328585657 5.358403055 1.036450325 2.196993128 2.870340739 3.785488240 5.587184232 6.290230564 7.330851456 1.856379490 1.539952000 1.476316000 -0.169694739 0.090269947 2.879477152 -0.842322451 -0.828418444 -1.753725390 -0.176058591 4.123943506 4.959892501 4.738762462 5.792384059 2.831354014 4.999731091 3.915577662 5.092025273 6.005014614 5.186885107 -0.092483957 -1.131084440 0.901281896 -2.233625343 -1.012035305 -0.326010410 -4.135323602 -0.689679241 -2.144382235 -0.423185129 -2.929905000 -2.636804000 5.099406029 6.022431000 5.362945301 4.641167620 4.160311977 4.581335179 5.632523761 5.735452727 4.771951407 4.041815753 4.603373820 4.021123565 3.186970221 6.241237752 3.192464417 6.463240845 4.616438419 2.444910916 3.763439000 4.465198000 3.103937559 4.171509837 1.977430652 2.827025200 2.871841652 3.430185630 3.105140015 1.224796361 1.514656233 2.715986493 0.697969768 2.664971600 1.496334487 0.152792081 2.582435122 1.099014206 2.962073568 -5.307275203 -5.067184910 -5.201978921 -5.824998279 -4.154914810 -4.219279522 7.610317374 7.314527410 7.813132591 7.693025133 6.238906000 6.801956000 0.567105016 0.036064000 1.893812130 2.882507578 -0.355094907 -0.726722725 -1.570674723 -1.736388270 -1.012229410 -0.377543282 0.787541904 -1.269198809 0.123525515 -2.031955702 0.242772236 -2.340692498 -0.934006958 -6.989848484 -6.462626000 -7.300785000 5.941767704 5.993627562 4.429586025 4.604188971 6.785436477 4.511967292 3.787277472 4.414396097 5.676942832 6.230416966 6.102233149 3.679491950 3.183248747 4.451852178 3.057340726 3.359471668 7.108268522 -1.930785919 -2.997561423 -2.376172110 -2.930413994 -3.834274992 -0.878781451 H H H H N C C N O C H H H C H C C H N O C O C H H H H H H H C H C O C C C N C N N H H H H H H H H -0.184907014 -0.258713340 -1.335104447 -3.034078000 -2.442820433 -1.387261474 -0.670922629 -0.975702459 0.160289872 -0.350215916 -1.841924425 -0.034948465 0.522381101 -0.358249000 -1.111310000 1.001816669 -0.390449592 1.466690000 -0.966124065 -0.950638867 1.111689642 0.139375143 2.527117964 1.592709080 0.896947096 0.238152666 2.707884080 2.681063738 3.256247365 -1.938788000 3.080778000 3.027971000 2.910753663 3.703910707 4.463336007 4.667614770 4.080541286 4.766138077 5.892582456 6.516861987 6.382229487 2.278288409 4.646909220 5.215519080 5.741321934 4.222330816 4.107625516 3.031697137 4.435961278 -6.306000568 -3.249554942 -4.317166675 -5.540736000 -1.116899780 -0.239873411 -0.710182532 -1.935081649 0.036638998 -0.058854586 0.722133377 -1.042094907 0.425052359 -2.570636000 -2.639926000 -6.171714610 -6.385474176 -7.130947000 -7.538634200 -5.580500281 -5.429915583 -5.984605754 -5.609862914 -5.659187648 -4.365276385 -5.469377808 -4.988002190 -6.661056010 -5.343459583 -7.684524000 0.711404000 0.637569000 2.171416163 3.046463313 0.172338378 -1.306865921 -2.297048351 -2.277117946 -2.916874443 -2.588197876 -3.880183800 0.107688748 0.350457159 0.751889046 -1.513205031 -1.525550372 -3.313775867 -2.091276479 -1.609396997 -1.492576735 -1.372668268 -0.463725511 -3.483256000 -4.084999374 -4.527390682 -5.802881582 -6.242808980 -6.334700589 -3.415463146 -4.779965034 -3.055348923 -3.851816115 -7.389921000 -8.181831000 5.264340215 5.799349139 5.085306000 5.428219567 6.562494761 3.935748650 3.036609199 3.408145408 6.023774534 4.082443178 2.192563083 2.531365550 3.133105567 4.175067202 5.661722000 -8.141230000 -9.232461000 -7.770561531 -8.173942581 -7.742061871 -8.086138982 -7.082890464 -5.787745602 -5.473571011 -4.323185835 -6.239277799 -7.717228601 -6.675032616 -8.286070327 -8.179448589 -9.066381426 -7.483359521 -6.864166393 -5.100100131 H H H H N H C C C C N C C C N C C C C C C C H O C O H C O H N C N N C C H H H H H H H H H H H H H 6.506485156 7.410957834 5.808798227 7.235088097 3.506989762 4.046672000 6.213249472 5.312443095 5.569018020 6.874198354 7.039142806 2.575211531 2.964231093 2.102590481 2.776333914 4.097644078 4.258270387 5.159701851 6.418000523 6.610305499 5.549543361 0.156488114 0.736896000 1.030898201 -3.755649323 -4.277123230 -4.321424000 3.217636837 3.546011118 3.237939000 5.710472249 6.798316424 6.813878952 7.857025494 9.109012949 9.027971000 8.816379000 4.659694433 1.285725365 3.897611597 -2.376460773 -1.735717362 -0.554065312 3.661730968 7.265667518 6.110801146 4.270874043 5.414047568 5.548222310 -1.604552792 -3.040174926 -4.341745508 -4.353364278 6.412083899 6.552931000 -2.566414694 -3.323447256 -3.045755981 -3.631393488 -3.346703534 4.284372928 3.273883379 2.628879446 1.687638206 1.704098238 2.703438266 0.940451204 1.187062228 2.180862560 2.938106589 -3.975671414 -4.386578000 -3.981667103 -0.825623575 0.176697755 -1.617049000 -0.684748171 -1.388947740 0.408881000 4.793739343 4.065509779 3.399646174 4.086939684 3.360773319 1.861263000 1.617661000 -1.417762731 1.665828090 3.209829694 -6.496188550 -2.427358766 -8.128515625 7.024748032 -2.811486471 -1.485115746 -3.064078886 -4.400556877 -1.965355165 -4.073254015 -4.151842549 -6.935070565 -5.960898886 1.935009596 2.783093000 4.772534741 3.803558074 2.320845505 1.819833899 0.357322321 -5.441427451 -4.405191006 -3.553969355 -2.820537996 -3.165089167 -4.163454790 -2.684313814 -3.210858547 -4.189036079 -4.660031642 -7.041520453 -7.879897000 -5.911460272 -4.102669684 -4.598652146 -3.604721000 9.552516474 10.508668972 9.561120000 -9.601616052 -9.309430110 -8.145294241 -10.106308754 -9.889356273 -10.151451000 -11.197832000 6.900014619 -6.674772885 5.944268955 -2.184397395 -5.785691864 4.715323569 1.144876878 4.579080900 4.637200150 4.006965574 3.988030482 2.137863756 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 4.746779806 6.906484726 7.751541081 7.925166101 7.049456479 6.281037058 0.550921920 2.143952725 3.466774344 1.041786695 2.366531188 5.005112216 7.274351047 7.613240190 5.725721241 -2.173323516 0.451754322 -0.698267513 0.451554033 9.998577632 8.268654482 9.835978643 9.455173570 7.768548159 5.619723858 4.837998545 7.565385544 5.908642553 5.927193536 0.757080428 2.091114258 -3.479796176 -4.719847418 -3.198450684 -3.726670093 -2.334834731 -3.770537822 3.688359502 5.183054892 4.607474650 2.764565926 1.095026669 0.203402874 0.624830526 2.361582755 3.720188463 -1.964064780 -1.925026171 -4.643861903 -3.958306640 1.419762272 1.371700425 3.826751686 3.558951340 4.627674356 5.152148882 4.502964206 2.751708154 3.166250331 -4.020124188 2.534928354 1.351279616 1.737786036 1.920285881 2.303599634 -0.000191396 0.181357525 -0.192134324 -6.002791220 -4.977848634 -5.983133155 -3.407352935 -2.107216664 -1.903974239 -2.844609610 -4.568373773 -5.390602650 -3.591123245 -7.726906889 -6.867091615 -5.119466007 -9.897226239 -9.534406515 -10.559834336 -8.867987605 -10.962250495 -10.546743854 -9.164508343 -7.953068903 -7.748524232 6.325910432 6.043702636 4.305134025 Cartesian coordinates of the optimized Fe1 Fe2 Fe3 Fe4 state no-tandem 4Fe-4S quantum cluster model in chain-B. ↓ 250 atoms Fe 19.456112321 Fe 17.468860469 Fe 19.901278452 Fe 18.041597871 S 17.832380510 S 20.280209298 S 17.185539923 S 19.563126340 S 15.669434913 67.170510792 65.170955277 64.776935263 66.417142105 64.137391636 66.880441540 67.373512771 65.092297317 64.523085737 ↓ ↑ 56.435488094 56.453879129 55.267920603 54.187823400 54.497964333 54.396663481 55.973542990 57.428882544 57.696080082 ↑ C S C S C S C H H H H H H H H C C N C N N H C C O C C C N C N N H N C C C C C N C C C C C H C C O 14.835102764 20.637231300 20.250436524 21.535699484 20.997922644 17.249937591 18.587456729 15.227685202 13.777163766 21.200302947 19.627147836 20.511607934 20.247385072 18.973037052 19.416044698 24.644002000 24.830976692 26.253059585 26.769430877 28.086889616 25.984422689 25.141612000 21.415000000 20.197436723 20.127545323 22.651803670 23.937421076 23.997283298 23.881224712 24.852334917 24.525425630 26.090556857 21.618741000 19.219848889 17.991000000 18.144828081 18.913574235 18.600512122 20.173472544 19.594624635 20.572358690 21.002905597 21.759217479 22.179840443 22.558401295 17.633684000 15.680715526 16.011006914 16.122887853 65.899928761 68.830715680 69.064739264 63.421780399 63.125223015 67.131883171 67.159436798 66.849105855 65.844245299 69.275315237 69.963948759 62.144058098 63.873524158 68.175663917 66.516878290 76.620996000 75.368758120 75.145968850 74.226759700 74.014741892 73.504573794 76.554789000 71.340996000 72.138310005 73.367684123 71.684202558 71.032259295 69.511342881 69.049501357 69.105841972 68.823866651 69.417034819 71.609153000 71.417870003 71.973996000 72.655003789 71.840508854 70.573108725 72.159414687 70.084770066 71.028194911 73.289923324 70.998398579 73.266318869 72.129614896 72.744706000 70.883580470 70.961807766 69.938520940 58.606509228 57.551842384 59.344382839 54.400667331 52.679741971 52.198271664 50.946768512 58.236299600 58.323611989 59.845345863 59.437102114 52.643037734 52.424014663 50.866733990 51.257608774 48.376995000 49.200860005 49.436612080 50.246813202 50.252915487 51.055271542 47.403844000 47.975999000 48.400217860 48.220180856 48.807855657 48.297336416 48.425813852 49.807753478 50.723577372 52.008227691 50.401997061 46.934074000 48.978510811 49.510998000 50.880881235 51.863403306 52.276941519 52.461036344 53.084246569 53.221605886 52.453557621 53.948078390 53.183712833 53.920267100 48.820090000 56.291553002 57.773698082 58.460325539 C C N C C N H N H N C C O C C C N C N N C O H N C C C C C N H C C O C O C H N H C H N C C O N H N 16.922812190 17.867745637 17.662168484 19.071227405 18.688701733 19.547010980 15.078911000 16.187320837 16.562673000 19.510963601 20.335021542 21.789038131 22.657822854 19.730649297 18.369065780 17.853040544 16.553572645 16.321841927 15.054973608 17.308052040 19.387833385 19.993002141 18.677061000 22.003092543 23.289001000 23.253766529 24.662386901 24.692253983 24.557158354 24.056991213 23.715284000 22.357872828 21.387531451 20.246800815 22.129794648 22.205572742 23.189493988 23.378129000 21.829276909 21.170101000 14.967872766 14.342282492 18.126729919 19.546015423 19.779441266 20.895900943 18.699626597 18.739084701 17.877069479 70.791275159 71.928103608 73.165533081 72.014960155 73.972148749 73.281252995 71.721456000 72.193249810 72.275889000 63.809786437 62.824880605 63.275193136 62.408756452 62.461540855 61.771678861 61.623383493 60.971898739 59.662388560 59.239838428 58.773934746 63.936287005 63.275100933 64.732841000 64.599790284 65.171998000 66.027649626 66.258762308 67.158561528 68.629494646 69.438544304 65.719872000 60.395068119 59.243686462 59.306856939 61.505057089 60.889861080 62.585112485 60.073913000 58.146914452 57.394186000 65.827169920 66.610732638 67.799583738 67.904579323 68.040816533 67.827795796 68.411072054 68.468973379 65.299951869 55.388877122 55.484096195 54.909420323 56.118597449 55.163555699 55.903165035 55.939197000 58.298261584 59.244499000 62.711777051 62.045714884 61.811248669 61.648451451 60.688383016 60.727794938 59.295989123 59.191611262 59.130198975 58.982386565 59.194461661 64.047902263 64.893506487 64.291576000 61.705077013 61.339999000 60.080806267 59.529034068 58.288835681 58.651069370 57.493566386 62.186842000 58.482014704 58.369914389 58.857804701 57.465500368 56.168169228 57.638472904 58.312270000 57.736100646 57.563113000 60.122778369 60.575214208 59.745536044 60.056926733 61.577582677 62.075882272 62.278971658 63.291823715 49.540549861 C C O N C C C O H N H S O O O P O O O O C C O C O C O C N C N C C N N C N C H H H H H H H H H H H 18.099288330 19.102047874 19.278157625 19.750132907 20.853000000 22.118341495 21.387619647 20.916440085 22.652465000 21.160900645 20.434046000 26.573594656 26.872958723 25.963577534 25.888174877 28.496817793 27.989254872 28.189844362 28.113610466 30.120181113 30.873890045 31.917000008 31.350126332 33.099627987 34.225225188 32.615389095 33.696063759 31.813249769 30.665695764 29.342858298 28.584971559 29.468702394 29.304798581 28.099659040 30.395316119 31.584935121 31.861406444 30.762901496 15.998900201 18.875384018 17.796242151 20.059068434 17.150372977 19.520210166 22.838277513 21.448412749 23.013539421 23.176132138 24.183281257 66.725811363 67.230829851 68.450716972 66.301114827 66.606999000 63.173598248 63.015059003 63.992668518 64.135944000 61.756692791 61.601916000 70.992773130 71.379830714 72.050988013 69.680606054 70.699555285 69.406357423 72.019260697 70.745339438 70.682599503 69.467895125 69.724714341 69.614149736 68.772705076 69.450860817 67.654950354 66.899907971 68.434849042 67.645117964 67.999688817 67.060316220 66.038902686 64.752682694 64.249730320 63.973071911 64.439728720 65.624630893 66.385964949 66.001017221 64.368131256 68.569901127 66.979047653 67.216536069 65.326548637 62.364478166 60.962804717 63.417926757 62.971692423 62.167506953 49.560577269 48.512053116 48.391819023 47.801645686 46.924000000 51.626585547 50.313587506 49.706838173 51.642252000 49.904883312 49.210267000 55.222100805 56.610938025 54.411627674 55.117769936 52.976510893 52.387730903 52.329455069 54.613738417 53.159638568 53.358486133 54.433940646 55.777374381 54.419919706 54.983468680 55.331632884 55.841778713 56.391012672 56.886543873 56.981773468 57.513881893 57.793092997 58.339036767 58.668194564 58.493790827 58.096770102 57.543889148 57.419241473 60.441270803 62.150847692 59.166930017 59.781949995 49.324954094 47.964201332 51.788096137 50.466662725 56.954529043 58.660278388 57.433072827 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 21.968315487 21.131969104 22.296855490 22.722076751 17.082953432 18.282017393 14.868800464 14.307699057 15.756641593 18.577844926 17.715448533 18.465668086 17.638623195 19.675020664 20.438092463 20.393642805 21.258464040 23.949323417 22.654038070 22.756984483 25.315458395 25.083730343 25.631185421 23.876057967 23.836308899 25.512952902 24.044135726 24.662265224 23.628966561 25.260894383 26.826523514 26.391188990 23.070920085 23.177509128 24.917726624 24.080724919 24.788142556 22.783667692 22.480222370 21.196159411 19.337595456 17.256381060 18.645779260 17.130714794 20.728196778 22.825998702 23.498938391 22.034406235 19.597235084 61.602504452 61.937337108 60.795129546 58.131059396 57.785993039 59.025203081 58.248012699 59.853375033 61.578805649 61.095949826 62.610984277 60.789531756 62.347497390 63.373264519 61.798797440 61.937595698 65.240064158 64.315194841 65.517012236 66.974647772 66.676675936 65.283842544 67.013634780 66.861150556 68.794999805 69.064367468 70.434230245 69.353992058 69.183465429 68.929436100 69.472344048 69.359755110 68.487768591 69.039467402 69.123359355 71.268758390 71.466440065 72.770105456 71.421983490 70.271666429 70.412064169 71.164883224 73.615872636 72.878810833 74.175166211 74.141134293 72.133306725 70.125065802 69.167195454 55.519777385 57.601858798 59.496155816 57.257012792 59.138408489 59.043784049 59.093224125 59.292390774 59.025958828 58.673980870 58.856813160 61.206178498 61.309153851 60.081173738 60.191079583 62.683958141 61.958549044 61.176876079 59.319658057 60.301847310 60.308207885 59.256091802 57.741359541 57.617618344 59.452949068 58.955468168 57.746427888 56.652416298 52.320928831 52.704181431 51.134218323 49.436127251 50.044464627 47.885330299 47.973451844 47.233746171 48.834874611 48.778246017 49.859002137 48.008129625 49.031099258 49.554712318 50.735060352 51.242437692 51.886631026 53.193090413 54.456931725 54.529059470 53.512509581 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H C O H O C H H H H H H H H H H H 17.738530380 20.433586958 18.800967263 16.863184238 19.621625356 17.475894857 16.571239873 15.091491693 16.172506076 33.282068591 34.802820063 28.071674953 27.325964922 32.429577629 28.995785747 30.218345634 31.374677395 26.456225200 25.089760187 28.444449460 28.642564227 26.903359730 24.321793751 24.406149374 23.573840831 25.033228782 32.431853802 32.273908652 17.805069567 16.799331941 15.871046960 16.849535000 22.479645970 22.145641407 22.982507000 18.548727025 21.957957800 20.601667000 20.992916612 22.055332129 33.334852547 31.919450028 23.073901009 14.634821341 17.945662409 69.961903943 73.647113439 74.989926405 73.431723793 71.273026520 69.886292957 70.691868482 69.974205057 73.028655595 66.279289411 68.747351870 63.405097418 64.892373289 63.771489822 68.957914186 68.637714107 69.237613067 72.902622354 73.887203658 73.270837863 74.295870087 75.623471940 75.494384484 74.501887421 76.778246752 77.493915021 68.678582249 70.756243646 68.397856411 64.674444356 65.200724700 63.603478000 66.129784626 65.894565812 66.274601000 64.715109587 65.468877866 66.337713000 67.688065055 64.817006549 68.404237196 67.018993720 69.169245698 64.859006964 66.948779314 52.060429574 56.239485666 54.829002318 54.339924407 56.675394756 55.628192895 54.356615530 56.144882179 57.725259067 56.502594167 55.348241684 59.231385823 58.763133537 58.243298616 56.629129742 53.628388092 52.411725890 51.734094430 51.332326799 50.853856644 49.453074111 48.820241178 50.162781418 48.684225925 48.198869323 48.912966881 57.264046977 54.334798895 61.795300008 49.033949350 48.413368754 49.253524000 48.714302841 47.343233169 46.742711000 50.030492470 49.223331701 45.892815000 46.958714262 47.153192080 53.414193530 54.764747228 57.280881859 60.513068393 59.223140218 Cartesian coordinates of the optimized Fe1 Fe2 Fe3 Fe4 state K144A 4Fe-4S quantum cluster model in chain-A. ↓ 199 atoms Fe -0.144539720 Fe -0.245547735 Fe 2.157733280 Fe 0.656450272 S 1.549709570 S 1.828131163 S -1.510088508 S 0.538766374 S -1.213728320 S 4.310417364 S 0.871519588 S -1.026377570 N 2.812448972 C 2.637610287 C 3.905498942 N 4.779311669 O 4.026239451 C 1.514590873 C 0.145776715 C -0.834718271 N -2.146327437 C -3.194582402 N -3.138723046 N -4.351057333 H 2.384682756 H 1.457685146 H 1.800434369 H 0.203181950 H -0.211348637 H -0.949835090 H -0.445716832 H -2.260023283 H -2.384065790 H -4.006171862 H -4.312719592 H -5.047549491 H 2.538318941 C 5.977111000 H 6.869350000 C 2.007541964 H 1.743299000 C 2.693467027 O 2.561421422 C 2.826115350 0.196975706 0.093471428 0.128683596 -2.058096363 -1.346762810 -0.958191792 -1.179246970 1.792018095 1.210444745 0.743907225 -4.257752479 0.973455188 -1.144235117 -2.544295466 -3.231916668 -2.443796413 -4.460180023 -2.708143239 -2.228411752 -2.255721559 -1.707827787 -2.364724204 -3.663138384 -1.702824618 -3.071675198 -3.766530257 -2.176120872 -1.202523485 -2.865253741 -3.266219306 -1.636691219 -0.709360962 -4.251659661 -4.142618411 -0.690154037 -2.136519163 -0.441901919 -2.929906000 -2.636805000 5.096863435 6.022431000 5.355877522 4.601486240 4.170938441 ↓ ↑ -0.081662473 2.608586257 1.357114349 1.144667721 3.028719584 -0.555516387 1.231168536 1.274793729 4.387821635 1.617286379 0.497020769 -2.039924457 8.372553786 8.058889141 7.521788363 6.879809248 7.657665862 7.036775623 7.510617751 6.340420228 6.658423801 7.142315038 7.434378422 7.321199643 8.984167769 6.787462466 6.122352578 7.890415999 8.329337480 5.948266559 5.531832822 6.511711330 7.093097071 7.651859486 7.382939658 7.918862695 7.687048409 6.238907000 6.801957000 0.558304007 0.036064000 1.881632020 2.855244407 -0.361236480 ↑ C N C N C H H H H H H H N C H C H C N O C H H H C C N O H C H H H H H C C N O C H H H H N C C N O 4.201817764 4.503115478 5.820323090 6.376502281 5.406405184 1.071523408 2.255141145 2.917631749 3.831413838 5.643312777 6.335950163 7.379278827 1.856169819 1.539951000 1.476316000 0.600139221 0.982050000 1.749542100 2.568122038 1.941730204 -0.458234231 0.137540461 -1.283220901 -0.050034124 3.741267468 4.634344640 4.848478381 5.222167206 2.428199248 4.622262421 3.441021090 4.597010178 5.655146174 5.323203000 0.913280561 -0.076931442 -1.121015034 -2.225150430 -1.005769704 -0.351988884 -0.137435575 -0.347090072 -1.346357534 -3.034079000 -2.441811576 -1.392344028 -0.674636879 -0.971267746 0.146511327 4.604468308 5.650132570 5.763195191 4.814275844 4.080900984 4.580277634 4.026576917 3.196429434 6.246312474 3.242209284 6.486869947 4.663004000 2.444883833 3.763438000 4.465197000 3.064758941 4.110914000 2.065825801 2.101465341 1.276341840 2.896883357 2.935474359 3.583046328 3.177450482 1.243701718 1.377105116 2.629101260 0.405332353 2.814222611 1.590073606 0.196938488 2.672489178 1.330713512 2.690085000 -5.169970008 -5.323146549 -5.077908007 -5.834260580 -4.160725881 -4.278101468 -6.338515473 -3.293242921 -4.443590117 -5.540736000 -1.116416310 -0.233881081 -0.705064787 -1.935288262 0.045820480 -0.714376983 -1.565363840 -1.718525440 -0.976881696 -0.346048050 0.777154490 -1.282882422 0.116167138 -2.042071826 0.285402693 -2.328285207 -0.894333609 -6.992414952 -6.462627000 -7.300786000 5.650834713 5.606559000 5.613363571 4.534639949 6.551524102 4.552823618 6.633947941 4.778175521 3.582130960 4.437453430 5.664618920 6.087704335 6.152798605 3.823682266 3.220573579 4.397922236 3.058796929 3.473321348 6.970952000 -2.390702619 -1.951690960 -3.012873410 -2.943215550 -3.844589613 -0.865378165 -1.547109648 -1.333853327 -0.437128310 -3.483254000 -4.092100095 -4.539824077 -5.813125889 -6.242354397 -6.355420715 C H H H C H C C H N O C O C H H H H H H H C H C O C C C N C N N H H H H H H H H H H H H N H C H C -0.362604066 -1.853385630 -0.027892634 0.502485696 -0.358250000 -1.111312000 1.024796395 -0.381202231 1.466691000 -0.964802344 -0.942383583 1.172779600 0.291614764 2.627036458 1.609254699 0.875399507 0.373810455 2.784264283 2.895701862 3.297886321 -1.938787000 3.080778000 3.027971000 2.910362646 3.701720338 4.469375333 4.686497028 4.127174020 4.835645746 5.963889004 6.605076718 6.446010429 2.282101537 4.654404854 5.215880609 5.761408753 4.231874553 4.153753723 3.080407287 4.516033838 6.524375933 7.481669190 5.838097113 7.270026692 3.489086753 4.046672000 6.118509144 5.273395434 2.585915467 -0.033679726 0.723224959 -1.008527346 0.467601396 -2.570636000 -2.639925000 -6.172020935 -6.384679047 -7.130947000 -7.529615461 -5.587328642 -5.394337274 -6.012699886 -5.457299971 -5.700846682 -4.349926529 -5.486204988 -4.852928015 -6.496951344 -5.087420075 -7.684525000 0.711402000 0.637566000 2.171393095 3.048051651 0.177051292 -1.299821229 -2.300370970 -2.284549859 -2.932761345 -2.623032971 -3.884251711 0.105254636 0.354928890 0.762458782 -1.493052406 -1.522736934 -3.313616872 -2.104153084 -1.619542197 -1.680822787 -3.092495367 -4.361924103 -4.395147250 6.436760978 6.552932000 -2.534096495 -2.908031213 4.280238845 -3.425707863 -4.798060133 -3.060397943 -3.857322660 -7.389921000 -8.181831000 5.297517751 5.806496618 5.085305000 5.418589463 6.576674390 3.994759458 3.044233304 3.537865294 6.088111931 4.139264043 2.205674506 2.641734438 3.310488239 4.319697343 5.661722000 -8.141230000 -9.232461000 -7.772868584 -8.178335673 -7.745356388 -8.093367596 -7.084140384 -5.801788745 -5.503817007 -4.368911530 -6.297016668 -7.713198256 -6.678917772 -8.290637508 -8.199733207 -9.068309010 -7.494236335 -6.845440963 -5.106593289 -4.004502512 -4.165003039 -6.951950882 -5.997911872 1.945488460 2.783092000 4.775778759 4.188356485 -5.444914452 C C N C C C C C C C H O C O H C O H N C N N C C H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 2.992717679 2.144371628 2.832423922 4.151366219 4.294876313 5.222000959 6.473313804 6.649582049 5.580074897 0.158347059 0.736894000 1.034559585 -3.756400938 -4.283111423 -4.321425000 3.248216378 3.610123990 3.237939000 5.685215154 6.766777249 6.750749884 7.846940163 9.095943897 9.027971000 8.816379000 4.612130844 1.284083682 4.233718334 -2.365183072 -1.720322792 -0.549770154 3.643926842 7.039823407 6.174983520 0.554755741 2.156375963 3.470308856 1.084382694 2.431871601 5.085466136 7.333526225 7.648087699 5.744352492 -2.167188410 0.455217907 -0.695761942 0.456937801 10.002674909 8.272462401 3.267220451 2.612553461 1.675128546 1.703362000 2.708085452 0.941404091 1.198596663 2.200888091 2.954390434 -3.976985130 -4.386578000 -3.981657081 -0.834810256 0.154115613 -1.617047000 -0.686214639 -1.372738534 0.408880000 4.785242694 4.063506617 3.408908253 4.081347616 3.361601094 1.861262000 1.617659000 -1.442774718 1.665761139 3.389650067 -6.506084481 -2.433186065 -8.118290737 7.058266068 -2.979067182 -1.451312262 3.687474532 5.175167392 4.609072661 2.741203564 1.074051860 0.189464251 0.631511831 2.389255499 3.737599132 -1.950774367 -1.929121790 -4.645683488 -3.963778429 1.427178222 1.365597725 -4.416426348 -3.559210914 -2.833554458 -3.189666080 -4.185933042 -2.724136617 -3.262841848 -4.235542875 -4.693699016 -7.040865947 -7.879897000 -5.913029688 -4.116946768 -4.634513775 -3.604721000 9.555140726 10.517978776 9.561120000 -9.711400030 -9.381649429 -8.211676521 -10.149707634 -9.894271082 -10.151451000 -11.197832000 6.827446266 -6.680593046 5.834880350 -2.197062774 -5.773464770 4.706218661 1.161887032 4.380254406 4.653060197 -5.996679592 -4.972401173 -5.994986280 -3.402638150 -2.121947347 -1.953212533 -2.913523220 -4.623704406 -5.425912713 -3.579479008 -7.727853337 -6.865104064 -5.119533083 -9.898667945 -9.535628347 H H H H H H H H 9.837803924 3.826521280 9.415147566 3.566252540 7.786238656 4.629070670 5.609690109 5.121476157 4.805411933 4.514698268 7.504958602 2.774477414 5.832743423 3.164225281 5.939707193 -4.023057639 -10.548967810 -8.865440017 -11.003459183 -10.665836917 -9.276445254 -7.988398224 -7.848882242 6.306787206 Cartesian coordinates of the optimized Fe1 Fe2 Fe3 Fe4 state K144A 4Fe-4S quantum cluster model in chain-B. ↓ 238 atoms Fe 19.268335560 Fe 17.376200400 Fe 19.766953580 Fe 17.883098382 S 17.673193087 S 20.118713271 S 17.008582048 S 19.513948877 S 15.588360345 C 15.122855075 S 20.388074653 C 19.905033813 S 21.488302176 C 20.971145355 S 17.122956274 C 18.474698112 H 15.379391155 H 14.030627707 H 20.815330046 H 19.190256431 H 20.462644676 H 20.241797878 H 18.832152294 H 19.318835026 C 24.644002000 C 24.906773378 N 26.343827156 C 26.910555091 N 28.226394238 N 26.177129048 H 25.141613000 C 21.415000000 67.144381298 65.191752674 64.805121281 66.469388509 64.184435227 66.940447334 67.378250176 65.059175055 64.768911827 66.335184712 68.751871693 68.895320328 63.502554556 63.178838350 67.241353475 67.264269791 67.164073946 66.318570800 69.190783935 69.718486442 62.208875257 63.939205804 68.288094812 66.660318402 76.620997000 75.402352710 75.240257367 74.297229615 74.091161872 73.547221170 76.554792000 71.340995000 ↓ ↑ 56.343164714 56.405553394 55.143483781 54.085820800 54.414749976 54.315918322 55.889465724 57.288876755 57.785182040 58.635127693 57.490744061 59.250410433 54.398534654 52.674317423 52.084506078 50.851460825 57.976575049 58.735843029 59.780768421 59.362621245 52.649730366 52.392206277 50.740240193 51.197157226 48.376996000 49.235949019 49.451219081 50.203496348 50.131487156 51.034642944 47.403845000 47.975998000 ↑ C O C C C N C N N H N C C C C C N C C C C C H C C O C C N C C N H N H N C C O C C C N C N N C O H 20.195200684 20.134925473 22.655200874 23.955855826 24.073049617 23.976558624 24.943080068 24.635967322 26.162204993 21.618741000 19.205745792 17.991000000 18.201255198 19.048099105 18.797272579 20.309476231 19.824245946 20.770104581 21.103967204 21.981723051 22.308051888 22.749403703 17.633684000 15.749467719 16.058147820 16.212321585 17.019617362 17.888570603 17.583671332 19.107303824 18.564434418 19.493116306 15.078911000 16.174890324 16.562673000 19.506560802 20.331197463 21.790682546 22.667427377 19.705806352 18.336027276 17.752337249 16.440764388 16.193717194 14.921931571 17.176354473 19.406011179 20.028400718 18.677061000 72.132028118 73.365842520 71.705696386 71.123590637 69.600463261 69.054357099 69.120638496 68.767933963 69.518660224 71.609153000 71.406310231 71.973996000 72.681850965 71.930432239 70.673230403 72.327415386 70.266305960 71.250873887 73.480574133 71.288630968 73.524526717 72.436695803 72.744707000 70.922586945 70.978330202 69.951399732 70.939399277 72.134051644 73.384454557 72.268424239 74.243715034 73.572769573 71.721456000 72.206081455 72.275889000 63.814494152 62.828089263 63.270866326 62.398969587 62.451606552 61.780271805 61.635318546 60.997339363 59.693403073 59.271464958 58.791865381 63.955346110 63.315114803 64.732842000 48.405828949 48.257903534 48.796479825 48.241108684 48.282420309 49.635245442 50.558977740 51.827044291 50.248430335 46.934073000 48.957418529 49.510997000 50.869631264 51.844791298 52.328770369 52.398977908 53.140327275 53.205110481 52.312357545 53.890733725 52.998319992 53.773885820 48.820089000 56.272169046 57.759283375 58.433895127 55.400362695 55.533036591 55.032655396 56.129599903 55.297738991 55.967180366 55.939196000 58.306100022 59.244498000 62.711775634 62.047332983 61.814169512 61.709296399 60.701279607 60.789273386 59.383474448 59.349718513 59.291891770 59.182193757 59.329195539 64.042509365 64.899383125 64.291576000 N C C H H C C O C O C H N H C C H O N C C O N H N C C O N C C C O H N H S O O O P O O O O C C O C 22.004058865 23.289001000 23.268299359 24.296234680 23.715284000 22.355536709 21.371833341 20.212604975 22.118574690 22.171369774 23.175892396 23.378128000 21.824966527 21.170100000 15.698730475 17.198516304 15.420306000 17.726136042 17.914856235 19.342178353 19.713146166 20.766501577 18.930604769 19.238077000 17.829743130 18.020176558 19.033561741 19.167880633 19.744212900 20.853000000 22.100927472 21.378623570 20.913448522 22.652466000 21.152661817 20.434047000 26.848492709 27.133824506 26.313124623 26.141831903 28.821577553 28.251156993 28.605117437 28.417664995 30.441160222 31.071300456 32.085008011 31.471411385 33.246374087 64.589300681 65.171998000 66.057575456 66.364725173 65.719872000 60.399580072 59.258929395 59.340567636 61.537823250 60.958557862 62.617795101 60.073913000 58.148889074 57.394184000 66.570481558 66.486829744 67.594069000 65.597504770 67.513152822 67.641586399 67.752435049 67.262236805 68.509635210 68.583743000 65.335658273 66.766434205 67.251511232 68.469537292 66.309584508 66.607000000 63.185044188 63.025410388 64.003482695 64.135944000 61.765348087 61.601916000 70.856337703 70.999789126 72.067043438 69.611478354 70.594041234 69.337871672 71.928872769 70.678661125 70.475598278 69.235579773 69.522445452 69.492339227 68.545846845 61.677818634 61.339999000 60.101251259 59.870110298 62.186842000 58.484156247 58.348229550 58.786883207 57.499826623 56.183195250 57.682854593 58.312272000 57.743975864 57.563116000 60.035213486 60.234137165 60.325163000 60.914687926 59.712642473 59.934360442 61.409090946 61.836530079 62.179107174 63.137216000 49.499633081 49.474825360 48.429659970 48.247890594 47.800102992 46.924000000 51.632789425 50.315592149 49.704706734 51.642252000 49.910684521 49.210267000 54.854352391 56.291598851 54.218868309 54.508872411 52.641765229 52.032641458 51.981937562 54.259597199 52.857467028 53.248702719 54.349889858 55.677956878 54.426850199 O C O C N C N C C N N C N C H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 34.370824593 32.710342265 33.755303064 31.915223798 30.749311724 29.458935478 28.682183480 29.519276995 29.315611216 28.115416889 30.367810360 31.553324337 31.864054190 30.805632684 15.254157200 18.913097300 17.437025712 19.858258545 17.066092265 19.525155362 22.802839688 21.442229109 22.989346948 23.167501596 24.171280105 21.929257150 21.122617701 22.296375008 22.737206260 16.944061514 18.139311965 14.727908974 14.182796801 15.632785631 18.433163678 17.609289757 18.432224026 17.641838776 19.636504263 20.394859072 20.394489565 21.235569153 23.963453291 22.866337384 22.668868541 23.697165375 25.336658970 26.920942469 26.456651422 69.234223939 67.492421303 66.732957232 68.356571305 67.633418974 68.079537586 67.235003499 66.184311844 64.966721734 64.577153871 64.133873100 64.485727067 65.601381944 66.417163270 65.872680403 64.413424254 68.232083714 66.754628972 67.226387796 65.336617561 62.364470619 60.975211288 63.462004920 62.987378814 62.210733999 61.687692977 61.964416761 60.777167237 58.112428854 57.826593137 59.055868579 58.300714133 59.918935688 61.612180485 61.090176383 62.623777688 60.797822850 62.375566582 63.356397424 61.773934080 61.945643153 65.241866955 64.327469683 65.519499122 66.954401264 69.004449828 68.946697681 69.513677088 69.486978738 54.982787387 55.386625224 55.959428305 56.381511586 56.936252344 57.082655916 57.733404410 58.046562771 58.721688347 59.186313620 58.875096891 58.365948920 57.698379131 57.568786497 60.750034903 62.139604390 59.175717585 59.567759677 49.202882584 47.983620130 51.814047321 50.476369262 57.014787963 58.710974317 57.463938061 55.556423177 57.664151713 59.507728762 57.304575525 59.117846150 59.140506702 59.407843451 59.438748277 59.338315107 58.727625929 58.946813785 61.267861590 61.393177072 60.088309657 60.198264903 62.691973931 61.803947762 61.169681073 59.238377227 60.260547800 52.133418529 52.548448499 50.960107399 49.278801539 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H C O H 23.203204918 23.270554952 25.007186601 24.081255158 24.796256626 22.744256398 22.515944292 21.209118403 19.307063665 17.251498549 18.662864923 17.202409904 20.788748700 22.927669554 23.709715639 22.311841051 19.877178967 17.955430142 20.366156165 18.596630837 16.744559461 19.720913372 17.628504317 16.705030145 15.239003232 16.159769854 33.307165372 34.930766392 28.082794811 27.368959821 32.363837443 29.143331855 30.331038610 31.589874952 26.684752216 25.294870032 28.615237590 28.731722530 26.960514644 24.410774482 24.509833133 23.566870552 24.989981441 32.537888604 32.471662490 18.010977058 16.761835559 15.808328421 16.849534000 68.427163074 69.131315438 69.276099497 71.423931635 71.557754140 72.796784960 71.408632299 70.269473611 70.397836413 71.173740436 73.653430961 72.886914875 74.328282499 74.416594788 72.487554389 70.452915042 69.362267098 70.018823830 73.974746600 75.284332741 73.632437283 71.542807499 70.071018872 70.833144714 69.974353359 73.047043112 66.156114308 68.540948926 63.780241061 65.254732917 63.776381768 69.030700268 68.505894801 68.845058814 72.928318938 73.909402143 73.322328691 74.388581146 75.728652991 75.533860872 74.502784224 76.714097620 77.528429719 68.654802716 70.538585925 68.833429606 64.671117343 65.159833194 63.603479000 49.831085559 47.713078880 47.806962717 47.191178557 48.794414483 48.796339852 49.842905215 48.013922386 48.977617033 49.585479288 50.674376909 51.281171850 51.710128786 52.937618583 54.275799488 54.502282576 53.595387110 52.166420092 56.299370960 55.020442349 54.514300863 56.636765742 55.643988506 54.356913738 56.086542819 57.741976754 56.638239849 55.391979798 59.814290102 59.259090212 58.514240442 56.683944532 53.581991329 52.366663014 51.668008408 51.372095923 50.684336823 49.303544660 48.808997206 50.204072105 48.754032075 48.203735255 48.884949239 57.235180427 54.211441406 61.908446685 49.022724195 48.410500693 49.253524000 O C H H H H H H H H 22.487007801 66.156084924 48.716479416 22.145156163 65.901954774 47.349428065 22.982507000 66.274601000 46.742710000 18.516693810 64.779521484 50.000993534 21.963534595 65.506167916 49.237252647 20.601666000 66.337713000 45.892815000 20.992600996 67.688935123 46.954401222 22.059073998 64.821562755 47.175536770 33.502150657 68.115238447 53.451532269 32.005326545 66.850504179 54.837810281 Supplementary Figure 1 Supplementary Figure 2 normalized XAS cross-section (cm2g–1) 350 – APSR – APSR + APS A 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 7090 7100 7110 7120 7130 7140 7150 7160 energy (eV) k3-weighted EXAFS 10 – APSR – APSR + APS B 5 0 –5 –10 FT Magnitude 0 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 5 10 15 k (Å-1) – APSR – APSR + APS C 0 2 4 R (Å) 6 8 10 Supplementary Figure 3 – APR – Ferredoxin [4Fe-4S] – Ferredoxin [3Fe-4S] χ (k) x k3 10 5 0 -5 -10 0 2 4 6 8 10 k (Å ) 12 14 16 FT Magnitude -1 2.0 – APR – Ferredoxin [4Fe-4S] – Ferredoxin [3Fe-4S] 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 R + ∆ (Å) 5 6 7