JOWAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 0 1994 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. %E Vol. 269,No. 48,Issue of December 2, pp. 3072630733, 1994 Printed in U.S.A. Triple Hydroxylationof TetracenomycinA2 to TetracenomycinC in Streptomyces glaucescens OVEREXPRESSION OF THE tcmG GENE IN STREPTOMYCES LIVZDANS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF THE TETRACENOMYCIN A2 OXYGENASE* (Received forpublication, March 28, 1994, and in revised form, July 29, 1994) Ben She& and C. Richard Hutchinson-SPn From the $School of Pharmacy and the SDepartment of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Nucleotide sequence analysis of the tcmG gene has have elucidated all of its biosynthetic intermediates (Fig. 1 B ) suggested that the TcmG protein is responsible for the (9-11). We also characterized severalkey enzymes of the pathtriple-hydroxylation of tetracenomycin (Tcrn)A2 to Tcm way, including the Tcm F2 polyketide synthase (12-141, the C in Streptomyces glaucescens(Decker,H., Motamedi,H., Tcm F2 cyclase (151, and the Tcm F1 monooxygenase (16) and andHutchinson, C. R. (1993) J. Bacterial. 175, 3876- cloned (17) and analyzed (18-23) the nucleotide sequences of 3886). The heterologous expressionof the tcmG gene in the complete gene cluster for the biosynthesis of 1 (Fig. 1B). Streptomyces lividans and the purification and charac- These studies have provided detailed insightsinto the biochemterization of TcmG protein, which we have named Tcm istry and genetics of the biosynthesis of 1 in S. glaucescens, A2 oxygenase, are described here. NH,-terminal amino which canserve as a model for the formation of aromatic acid analysis of the purified enzyme ledto the revision polyketides in general. During this work, we have suggested of the translational startsite of tcmG to a TTG, 33 base that the three cis-hydroxy groups at the 4, 4a, and 12a posipairs downstream ofthe GTG site assigned initially on tions of 1 are introduced by hydroxylation of Tcrn A 2 , 6,an the basis of nucleotide sequence analysis. Tcm A2 oxy- unprecedented process catalyzedby the TcmG protein (20). The genase is a monomeric proteinin solution and contains latter idea was further supportedby complementation experi1 mol of non-covalently boundFAD; the apoenzyme can ments with the Tcm C non-producing mutant S. glaucescens be partially reconstituted in vitro by addition of FAD. WMH1089 that containsa 180 base pairdeletion mutation that Tcm A2 oxygenase exhibits an optimal pH of 9.0-9.5 and has been mapped to the tcmG gene (20); the production of 1 was prefers NADPH over NADH as an electron donor. The restored upon transformation of the WMH1089 strain with apparent K‘, of the enzyme for Tcm A 2 , NADH, and pWHM126 that carries most of tcmG (20). Moreover, the results NADPH are 1.81 f 0.38,260 f: 19, and 82.1 * 17 m,respeconly the tively, andthe apparent V’=-for the reaction is 14.7 * 1.1 of in vivo “0,feeding experiments have indicated that nmol Tcm C/min-mg. Purification and characterization 4- and 12a-OH groups of 1 are derived from molecular oxygen, of Tcm A2 oxygenase provide direct evidence to support leaving the 4a-OH to arise presumably from water (6). the notion thatthe angular hydroxy groups of naphtha- To extend our investigation of the biosynthesis of 1, in parthe underlyingenzymatic reaction cenequinones likeTcm C are introducedfrom “O, via a ticulartounderstand mechanisms of the pathway, we studied thehydroxylation of 6 mono- or dioxygenase process. t o 1 in vitro and report here the overexpression of tcmG in Streptomyces lividans and the purification and characterization of the Tcm A2 oxygenase. NH,-terminal amino acid analTcm’ C, 1, a polyketide antitumor antibiotic, wasfirst ysis of the purified enzyme has led to a revision of the tcmG isolated from Streptomyces glaucescens in 1979 (1) and then translational start site to a TTG codon, 33 base pairs downreisolated from Streptomyces H-881 in 1984 (2). Its absolute stream of the GTG codon assigned initially on the basis of stereochemistry was established in 1992 (3) as the 4-R, 4a-R, nucleotide sequence analysis (20). Our results establish the 12a-R configuration (Fig. lA). Together with elloramycin (4,5), stoichiometry of the conversion of 6 to 1 and prove that this 2, tetracenomycin X (61, 3,dutomycin (71, 4, and viridicatum- reaction is catalyzed by the enzymeencoded by tcmG. Tcm A2 toxin (8),5 , l forms a small groupof naphthacenequinones with oxygenase was found to be a monomeric flavoprotein containunique structural featureof the highly hydroxylated semiqui- ing 1mol of non-covalently bound FAD and to requiremolecunone moiety (boxed in Fig. lA). lar oxygen and reduced nicotinamide cofactors. We have been studying the biosynthesisof 1 as a model for EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES the family of polyketides with fused aromatic rings. Previously, we established that 1 is formed from acetate and malonate and General-UV-VIS spectra were recorded on a Hitachi U-3000 spectrophotometer (SanJose, CA). Refrigerated centrifugationwas done in a Sorvall RC-5B superspeed centrifuge (Newtown, CT). A Pharmacia * This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant FPLC system was used for enzyme purification and all FPLC columns CA35381. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part were purchased from Pharmacia Biotech Inc. HPLC was done with a by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby Waters model 501 pump system (Marlborough,MA) and a Waters 484 marked“advertisement”inaccordancewith 18 U.S.C.Section 1734 variablewavelengthabsorbancedetector.Enzymeincubations were solely to indicate this fact. ll To whom correspondence should be addressed: School of Pharmacy, performed in a GCA Precision shaking waterbath (+ 0.1 “C) (Precision in a rotary 425 N. Charter St., Madison WI 53706. Tel.: 608-262-7582; Fax: 608- Scientific Inc.,Chicago, IL). Fermentations were carried out shaker-incubator (Series 25, New Brunswick ScientificCO.Inc., Edison, 262-3134; E-mail: CRHUTCHI@FACSTAFF.WISC.EDU. The abbreviations used are: Tcm, tetracenomycin; BSA, bovine se- NJ). Analytical TLC was done on precoated Keiselgel60 SiO, FZs4glass rum albumin;DTT, dithiothreitol;FPLC, fast protein liquid chromatog- plates (0.25 mm) and was visualized by long-and/orshort-wave raphy; HPLC, high performance liquid chromatography;RBS, ribo- UV light. S. glauBacterial Strains, Plasmids, and OtherMaterials-The some-bindingsite; PAGE, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; TLC,thin layer chromatography;kb, kilobase(s);PCR, polymerasechain reaction. ceseens type strains (91,S. liuidans 1326 (241, and plasmid pWHM3 (25) 30726 Tetracenomycin A2 oxygenase from S . glaucescens 4 R = sugars B acetyl CoA TcmJKLMN + 30727 5 TcmI t 9 malonyl CoA / CO2H OH OH OHOH CH3 CH3 0 / OH 0 - HO - TcmH TcmNOP OH OH CH3 0 OH TcmG 1 CH, 0 OH 6 FIG.1. Tcm C and related naphthacenequinones (A) and biosynthetic pathway of Tcm C in S. glaucescens ( E ) . are described elsewhere; pSP72 andpGem7zf were obtained from Pro- CCGCCAGCGGGCTCCCTC-3', 1.0 ng), 5 pl of formamide, 1p1 of BSA mega Corporation (Madison, WI). The ermE+ promoter containing plas(1mg/ml), 36 p1 of H,O. The reaction mixture was covered with three mids pWHM63, pWHM64, and pWHM65 were gifts from G. Meurer.' drops of mineral oil, boiled for 5 min, and placed at 70 "C. To this Thiostrepton was obtained from Sal Lucania at the Squibb Institute for mixture was added 4 pl of the dNTP mixture (final concentrationsfor Medical Research (Princeton, NJ). Unless specified, common chemicals, dCTP and dGTP were 60 p and for dATP and dTTP, 40 p ~ respec, restriction enzymes, DNA ligase, and other materials for recombinant tively) and 1 pl of Taq polymerase (4.5 units). The PCR temperature DNA procedures were purchased from standard commercial sources program was as follows: 24 cycles of 40 s at 96.5 "C and then2.5 min at and used as provided. 71 "C; after thelast amplification cycle, 40 s at 97 "C and then7 minat DNA Isolation a n d Manipulation-Plasmid DNA from Escherichia 71 "C. After cycle 12, a n additional 0.5 pl of Taq polymerase (2.25 units) coli was prepared according to Lee and Rasheed (26). For plasmid DNA was added. The final amplified 306-base pair fragment was purified by isolations from Streptomyces spp., the cells were lysed according to agarose gel electrophoresis, digested with HindIII and SacI, and ligated Hopwood et al. (271, then treatedas described by Lee and Rasheed (26). with the4.2-kb HindIII-SstI fragment obtained from partial digestionof Agarose gel electrophoresis, restriction enzyme digestion, DNAligation,pWHM1018 to yield pWHM69. The tcmG gene was transferred from and preparationof competent E.coli DH5a cells and their transforma- pWHM69 as a SphI-XbaI fragment into similar sitesof pWHM64 and tion were performed by established methods (28). DNA was purified pWHM65 to give pWHM70 and pWHM71, from which the 2.1-kb EcoRI from agarose gels with theQIAEX kit asdirected by the manufacturer fragments were cloned into the same siteof pWHM3 to yield pWHM72 (QIAGEN Inc., Chatsworth, CAI. Protoplasts of Streptomyces spp. were and pWHM73, respectively (Table I). prepared and transformedby the methods of Hopwood et al. (27). Protein Analysis-Protein concentrations were determined by the Construction of pWHM68, pWHM72, and pWHM73-To prepare Bradford (29) method withBSA as the calibration standard. Pure Tcm pWHM68, a 2.1-kb EcoRI-Hind111fragment frompWHM1018 (20) that A2 oxygenase also was quantifiedby UV absorption a t 280 nm where contains tcmG was cloned intothesamesites of pSP72 t o give the molar absorbance index (ez8,, ",,I is 75.7 (this value was pWHM66. The later was digested with HindIII and EcoRV and the calculated from the amino acid sequence deduced for the apoenzyme resulting 2.1-kb fragment was cloned into the HindIII-SmaI sites of from tcmG). The molecular weight of the enzyme subunit was deterpWHM63 to give pWHM67, from whichaNsiI-XbaIfragmentwas mined by SDS-PAGE using theLife Technologies, Inc. protein molecular moved into the XbaI-PstI sitesof pWHM3 to yield pWHM68 (Table I). weight standards of myosin H-chain 200,000, phosphorylase b 97,400, To construct pWHM72 and pWHM73, polymerase chain reactions BSA 68,000, ovalbumin 43,000, carbonic anhydrase 29,000, p-lacto(PCR) were used with site-specifically modified oligodeoxynucleotides to globulin 18,400, and lysozyme 14,300. SDS-PAGE was performed acgenerate a fragment of the NH, terminus of tcmG with a unique SphI cording to the method of Laemmli (30) or on the PhastSystem (Pharsite at an ATG translational start site. PCR was carried out with a macia) as describedby the manufacturer and thegels were Coomassie Perkin Elmermodel 480 DNA thermal cycler (Oak Brook, IL) withTaq Blue-stained (31). The abundance of each band was then quantified polymerase and buffersupplied by PromegaCorporation. Oligode- on a MolecularDynamics model 300A ComputingDensitometer oxynucleotide primers were synthesized on a model 391 DNA synthe- (Sunnyvale, CA). The molecular weightof the native TcmG was detersizer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA), purified on 8 M urea, 16% mined by gel filtration chromatography on a Superose 6 HR 10/30 polyacrylamide gels, and electroeluted from the gel slices. The PCR column in 20 m~ sodium phosphate, pH 7.2, 1 mM DTT, 150 mM NaCl mixture consistedof 50 p1 of the 2 x buffer (40mM Tris-HC1, pH 8.3,2.4 with a flow rate of 0.4 ml/min and the column was calibrated with blue mM MgCl,, 40 mM KCl, 0.2% Triton X-100),2 plof DNA (20 ng), 1 pl of dextrin 2 x lo6, alcohol dehydrogenase, 150,000, BSA 66,000, carbonic 3' primer (5'-ACACCAAGCTTCTAGAGCATGCCCGTTTCCGACCG-anhydrase 29,000, and cytochrome c 12,400 purchased from Sigma. ACCGAAA-3', 1.0 ng),1pl of 5' primer (5'-AATTGGGAA?TCGAGCTCEnzyme Assays-The substrate 6 and authentic product 1 were iso- ' G. Meurer, and C. R. Hutchinson, unpublished data. lated from S . glaucescens WHM1089 and S. glaucescens GLA.0, respectively, and characterized as described elsewhere (1,9, 10). Tetracenomycin 30728 A2 oxygenase from S. glaucescens TABLEI Plasmids used in this study Plasmid Description Refs ___ pWHM1018 pWHMlO19 pWHM63 pWHM64 pWHM65 pWHM66 pWHM67 pWHM68 pWHM69 pWHM70 pWHM71 pWHM72 pWHM73 tcmG gene behind the tcmG promoter in pUC19 tcmG gene behind thetcmG promoter in pWHM3 ermE* promoter in pGem7zf ermE* promoter engineered with theRBS of CCCAGGAGGT complementary to the 3'-endof 16 S rRNA of S. liuidans in pGem7zf ermE* promoter engineered with theRBS of GAAAGGAGGT found in the melCl gene from S. antibioticus in pGem7zf tcmG gene behind the tcmG promoter in pSP72 tcmG gene behind the tandem ermE* and tcmG promoters in pGem7zf tcmG gene behind the tandemermE* and tcmG promoters in pWHM3 tcmG gene in pUC19 tcmG gene behind theermE* promoter with theRBS of CCCAGGAGGT in pUC19 tcmG gene behind the ermE* promoter with the RBS of GAAAGGAGGT in pUCl9 tcmG gene behind theermE* promoter with the RBS of CCCAGGAGGT in pWHM3 tcmG gene behind theermE* promoter with theRBS of GAAAGGAGGT in pWHM3 20 20 This work This work This work This work This work This work This work This work This work This work This work Typically, 250 pl of assay solution with10% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide, 1 h and centrifugedas above to sulfate. The suspension was stirred for consisting of 100 p~ 6, 250 p~ NADPH, and 1 mM DTT in 50 mM remove the precipitate. The resulting supernatant was brought to 62% ethanolamine-HC1 buffer, pH 9.5, in thepresence of enzyme (10-50 pl), saturation (375 ghiter) with solid ammonium sulfate and was stirred for was incubated at 25 "C. The assay was initiated by addition of 6 and 1 additional h. Centrifugationas above afforded a pellet that had the terminated by addition of solid NaH,PO, to saturation and extraction enzyme activity. with EtOAc (2 x 400 pl). The EtOAc extracts were collected and conStep 3. Sephacryl S-200 HR column: the ammonium sulfate pellet dissolved in 50-120 was dissolved in a minimumvolume of 20 mM sodium phosphatebuffer, centrated in oacuo to dryness, then the residue was p1 of methanol and analyzed by TLC or HPLC. SiO, plates were used pH 7.2, 1 mM DTT, 150 mM NaCl and applied to a Sephacryl S-200 HR and developed in CHClfleOH (955, v/v); under these conditions6 and column (2.6x 60 cm). The column was eluted at the flow rate of 2 mumin 1 have a n Rfof 0.77 and 0.28 and, underUV light, display a character- with the samebuffer, and 5-ml fractions were collected. istic yellow and blue fluorescence, respectively. This TLC method was Step 4. Mono Q HR 10/10 column: fractions containing the enzyme used throughout the purification to monitor the enzyme activity quali-activity after gel filtration chromatography were dialyzed against 25 tatively. Alternatively, a HPLC method was developed that provided a m~ Tris-HC1, pH 8.0, 1 m~ DTT and applied to a Mono Q HR 10/10 mM Tris-HC1 buffer, pH 8.0, 1 mM D m , quantitative analysis of the enzymatic synthesis of 1 from 6. Assay column. After washing with 25 samples were analyzed by HPLC on a Nova-Pak C,, column (Waters) the column wasdeveloped a t a flow rate of 2 mVmin with a linear 60-ml developed with a linear gradient fromCH,CN/H,O/AcOH (20:80:0.1%, gradient from 0 t o 0.6 M NaCl in the same buffer, and 2-ml fractions v/v) t o CH,CN in 10 minfollowed by additional 5 min at 100% CH,CN were collected. at a flow rate of 2 mumin with UV detection at 280 nm. Thecolumn was Step 5. Alkyl Superose HR 5/5 column: the active fractions after calibrated with authentic 1 and 6 that, under these conditions, have anion exchange chromatography were brought to1.2 M ammonium sulfate by addition of solid ammonium sulfate and were applied to a n Alkyl retention times of 6.5 and 12.0 min,respectively. The HPLC assay method was used in all studies with the following Superose HR 5/53 column. Thecolumn was washed with50 m~ sodium phosphate, pH7.2,l mM DTT, 1.2 M (NH,),SO,, then developed at a flow modifications. For the pH dependence study, the assays were performed from 1.2 to0 M (NH,),SO, in 50 mM Tris-HC1 buffer, pH 6.5-9.0, and 50 mM ethanolamine-HCl rate of 0.5 mumin with a linear 15-ml gradient buffer, pH 8.0-10.5, respectively, in thepresence of 11.2 pg of TcmG.For in the samebuffer, and 0.5-ml fractions were collected. The final prepof active enzyme was stored at -20 "C, and no significant loss of determination of the kinetic parameters, the assays were done with aration the concentration of 6 varied from 0.5 t o 30 PM, 1.0 mM NADPH, and 2.93 pg enzyme activity wasobserved over a 4-week period. NH,-terminal Sequence Determination-A portion of the purified of TcmG, or with concentrationsof NADH or NADPH varied from 50 to 1.5 mM, 100 p~ 6, and 5.85 pg of TcmG, respectively, in 50 m~ ethanol- TcmG protein (16 pl, 20 pg) was loaded onto a ProSpinm sample prepamine-HC1 buffer, pH 9.0, for durations that yielded a linear relation- aration cartridge (Applied Biosystems) and washed according to the ship between product formation and time. The apparent kinetic con- instructions provided by the manufacturer. A fraction of the protein bound-polyvinylidene difluoride membrane of the ProSpinTMdevice was stants of K ' ,and V m U were determined by a nonlinear regression used directly for the NH,-terminal amino acid sequence determination analyses (32) basedon the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithms. at theUniversity of Enzyme Purification-All steps were carried out a t 4 "C except for by automatedEdmandegradationchemistry Wisconsin Biotechnology Center (Madison, WI). the brief time when the enzyme was on the FPLC columns that were at Prosthetic Group Determination-Pure TcmG protein (200 pl, 224 pg) room temperature. in 25 mM Tris-HC1, pH 8.0, was boiled for 5 min, cooled on ice immediStep 1. Preparation of cell-free extract: culturesof S. liuidans transformed with the tcmG expression plasmids were grown in R2YENG ately, and centrifuged i n a nEppendorff centrifuge for 20 min to pellet the denatured protein. The supernatant was subjected to HPLC analmedia(9,17)withthiostrepton (10 pg/ml) in 2-liter a baffled by Erlenmeyer flask. After incubation at 30 "C and 300 revolutions/minfor ysis on aC,, column to quantify any flavin prosthetic group released 3 days,cells were harvestedby centrifugation (13,600x g , 20 min, 4"C) this process (33). The column was calibrated with FAD and FMN, reand washed sequentially with0.5 M NaCl and 0.1M sodium phosphate spectively, and was developed with the following program: flow rate of buffer, pH 7.2, with centrifugation as necessary to yield approximately 2 mumin withUV-VIS detection at 450 nm in5 mM NH,OAc buffer, pH 15 g cellsfliter (wet weight). The washed cells were suspended min M 1006.5, 10% MeOH (v/v) in the first 5 min followed by a 20-min linear sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, 2 mM DTT, 0.1 mM phenylmethylsul- gradient from 10 to 70% MeOH in the samebuffer. Under these condiof 10.8 and 11.5 min, respecfonyl fluoride, 1 mM EDTA, 10% glycerol (10 mug cells). Lysozyme (1 tions, FAD and FMN have retention times mg/ml) was added, and the mixture was left to incubate atroom tem- tively (34). The concentrationsof FAD and FMN were determined acof,"%:E = 11.3 mM-'.cm" and perature for 2 h.To this viscous slurry, solid MgCl, (5 mg/ml) and DNase cording t o their molar absorbance indexes = 12.2, respectively. (1pg/ml) were added. The resulting slurry was incubated on ice for 1h, ,~?:E Preparation of Apo-Tcm A2 Oxygenase andItsinVitro Reconand cell debris were removed by centrifugation (27,500 x g , 20 min, stitution-To prepare apo-TcmG, 1 ml of pure TcmG protein (1.46 mg) 4 "C) to yield a cell-free extract. The enzyme activity in preparations from this and succeeding purification steps was followed by the TLC was dialyzed against200 ml of 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer, pH 4.0, 2.0 M KBr for 2 days with four buffer changes (35, 36). This sample assay method. was thendialyzed against200 ml of 25 m~ Tris-HC1, pH 8.0, 1mM DTT Step 2. Ammonium sulfate fractionation: the cell-free extract was brought t o 41% saturation (234 gfliter)by addition of solid ammonium for 2 days with five buffer changes to yield the apoenzyme that was Tetracenomycin A2 oxygenase from S. glnucescms A 1 KDa - 200 KDa 2 0 , 97.4. 68 - - 97.4 TcmG - T.w.t: 11 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 - 68 29 - 30729 Purifirntion of tlw 7i.m A2 o.r.vpnr1.w fmm S . I1r~rtlr1n.s/p\\'\f.\l681 Data were ohtained from 13 g r w c s t weight I c r l l s . Thc complete a s w y solution of 250 pI with 10'; I V / V Idimrthyl s u l f o x i d r ~ronsistrd nf lOcl 6, 250 p51 NADPH. and 1 m v I)TT In 50 m u ~ ~ t h : ~ n r ~ l : ~ m i n c ~t u-llflf(w' l, pH 9.0, in t h r prrsence of 5.85 )IC of Tcm(;. a n d \ v a s ~nc~rh:~tc.d ;It 25 (' for 10 min thenanalyzrd hy t h r llI'l,(' mr~tt111dt l r w m t w d u n d w 2 .TcmC "Experimental Procedures." - ~ 43 18.4. 14.3. - 43 ~ I+ot(*in / w f l v l t v ,,,p ,l"l#,l rnfn 86.5 Cell-free rxtract (NH,l),SO,pellets Sephacryl 5-200 570 312 Mono Q H R 10/10 Phrnyl Superow HR 515 "~ FIG.2. Ovcw-xprrssion of the tcmG gene in S. lividann. A, SDSPAGE (7.5'; I :111;11ysisof 500 pg of cell-free extracts from S. Iiuidnns containing pWll.llW Ilnnr I ), pWHM73 tlnnr 2 ) . pWJJM72 (Innr 3 1 , pWHM 10 19 (Innr 4 I, and pWHM3 (Innr 5 1, respectivrly; lune 6 contains molecular weight standards ( s w "Experimental Procedures"). R , SDSPAGE (12.W J'hast gel) analysis of the purified Tcm A2 oxygenase (lnnr 2 ) : Innr I contains molecular weight standards. - " " S1rp ~~~ ~ 81.9 32.2 I8H 162 166 1.10 I:iH ~ ~Y ~ ~ , I ,~ I rrn,r,l ; '; r/r,l,l nt&*'mr~t 0.217 l1.2H.4 0.532 1.71 4.29 ; ~~t~r~~r:~,~,trl 100 Hfi.2 H H 3 7.1.5 7:!,4 1.oo 1.31 2:15 H.1G 1:I.H ~ approximatelv 5-fold higher lrvrl of TcmG than any singlrpromoter counterpart (Fig.2A, ahundancr in lanrs 1-4 = 4.8. 1.0. 0.89, 0.89). Purifirntion of thr TrmC Prntcin from S . 1ir.irIlnns IpWHM6iR)"Since S . lirlidans rpWHM681 rxprrssrdtrmG most effectively among the constructs trsted,a crll-frrr extract \vas assayed to determine the residual enzyme activity. For in oifro reconstitution ofthe apoenzyme. a 500-pl solution containing 1.65 nmol ofthe prepared from this recombinant strain for the purificntitrn of was fractionatrd hy addition of apoenzyme, 16.5 nmol of either FAD or FMN, respectively, in 25 mM TcmG. Theenzymeactivity a t 41-62'; sat.urntion. and Tris-HCI, pH 8.0. 1 m y DTT was incuhated on ice for 1.5 h (35,361;1.65 (NH,,),SO., to the cell-frre extract nmol of the holoenzyme w a s similarly treated with FAD or FMN a s more than RFir> of the enz.yme activitv was recovrrrtl in t h r controls. BothFAD and FMN were purified by HPLC on C,, column (NH,,),SO., precipitatedpellet.Furthrrpurificationwasprrunder the conditions described above to ensure no contamination of formed as descrihed undrr "Exprrimental Procrdurrs" hv sizr other flavin derivatives in the commercial materials (34). The resulting reconstituted enzyme was assayed directly hy the HPLC method with- exclusion tSephacryl S-200 HRI. anion-exchangr (Mono Q H R 10/10), and hydrophohic interaction (Alkyl Suprrosr HR 5 / 3 1 nut attempting to remove the excess FAD or FMN. chromatography. Thew procrdurrs gave purr TcmG\vith an RESULTS overall 20-fold purification in more than 70r; yirld fTahlr 111 (approximately 40 mgllitrrof isolated yirld,. Thr purifird proHeterologous Exprrssion of thr tcmG Gene in S. lividanstein was homogeneous when examined hy SDS-PAGE wherr it Since Tcm A2 oxygenase activity was not detected in cellular extracts from either theS. glaucmcrns GLA.0 wild-type strain migrated as n single hand of 60.000 Da I Fig. 213 I. NH,-trrminnl Srqurncr Drtrrminntion-To confirm that thr or the WMH1094 (20)Tcm C non-producing mutant that hiotransformed 6 to 1 effectively in vivo, we expressed the tcmG isolated protein whose purification was guitlrd hy Tcm A 2 oxygene in S. 1ividan.s to facilitate the isolation and characteriza- genase activity was indeed the trmG product. a portion of t h r purified protein was suhjected to amino-trrminal srqurncing tion of Tcm A2 oxygenase. pWHM1019, pWHM72, and w a s foundto hc, pWHM73 were made in the highcopy number vector pWHM.7 and,tooursurprise,theNH,terminus (25) so as to place the expression of tcmG under the control of STEEVPVLIV-, which is 12 amino acids shortrr than that prrtcmG RBS fromS. glaucescens dicted from the tcmC sequence (Fig. 3 A ) (201.Although itis t h e tcmG promoter (21) with the (20) or of t h e ermE* promoter (12) in combination with a RRS known that post-translational processingof thv nnscrnt protrin from either Strrptom.yces antihioticus (37) or S. lioidans (.78), occasionally can result in loss of a short prptidr frapnrnt 1.10. since it is known that theermE" promoter displays the strong- 41), re-examination of the tcmC sequencr rrvralrd a possihlr 7 ° K ; that is 88 hasr pairs est activityamongseveralcommon Streptomyces promoters new translational start site, thr studied (39) and that the sequenceof the RBS can also have a downstream of the original GTG translational start sitr (Fig. 3 A ) (20). This'ITG is preceded by a putativr RRS of GAAA(;distinct effect on t h e level of gene expression." pWHM68 was constructed to examine the effect of placing the rrmE'" and GCTGC, which compares flavorahly with GAAA(;GA(XT that of 16 S rRNA of S . 1it.idnns ( 3 8 I tcmG promoters in tandem on the levelof expression of tcmG. is complementary to the 3'-end All four plasmids were introduced by transformation into S. and predicts an NH, terminus idrntical to thr onr tlrtrrminrd from the purified TcmG protein (Fig. 3A I rxcluding thr nlrt Iioidans 1326 (24), and the levels of tcmG expressionwere residue. Therefore, we revised the translational start sitr of assayed by SDS-PAGE of cell-free extracts prepared and analyzed as described under "Experimental Procedures." A distinc-tcmC to this I T G codon, and Fig. 8B shows thrdrducerl amino NH, terminus fact. a size of 60,000 Da was observed in all acid sequence ofTcmG. The new tive hand migrating with 2 A , lanes 1-4); this band was absent in a aligns well with several othrr hactrrial oxygrnasrs 1201.Sincr fourcases(Fig. sample from the control culture of S. lividans (pWHM3) (Fig. the amino terminusof the isolated protrin was found to hr Srr. 2A, lane 5 ) . The apparent size of the expressed protein is con- it can he calculated from the rrvisrd nucleotidr srqurncr that of 60,429 D:I with sistent with the size of 61,694 Da predicted from the nucleotide the Tcm A2 oxygenasr has a molrcular mnss sequence of tcmG (20). Whereas the abundance of TcmG was a n PI of 5.57. Molecular Wpight Drtrrminathn-Thr nativr form ofTcm A2 approximately the same from the plasmids in whichtcmG expression was under the control of either ermE* or tcmG pro- oxygenase has a M , of 61.000 as drterminrd by grl filtration moter alone (Fig. 2A, abundance in lanes 2-4 = 1, 0.89, and chromatography on a Superose 6 HR 10/80 column. Stoichiomctr?, of thr Trm A2 O q E r n n s r Cntnl.vrrrl l!,vdro.r.v0.89), the tandem ermE*::tcmG promoter system resulted in Iation of 6 to I-No discrete intermrdiatr was drtrctrd in t h r R. G. Summers. G. Meurer, and C. R. Hutchinson, unpublished data. conversion of 6 to 1 catalyzed hy Tern A2 oxygmasr undrr all ~ Tetracenomycin A2 oxygenase from S . glaucescens 30730 A. Originally assigned TcmG>fMet-P-V-S-D-R-P-K-G-C-IS-ATCGCAGGGATGACTCGTOTaCCCGTTTCCGACCGACCG~~CT~ATC~QTCCACTG~G~GTTCCGGTACTGATAGTC~C-3’ Revised TcmG>jMet-S-T-E-E-V-P-V-L-I-VB. 1 STEEvmnIV GGGLTGLSAA LFLSQHGVSC RLVEIC-IRGTT VLTRASGISS RrmELLRGvG LERTVIERGP K L V E G A R W LGQPADQIPW WIRANGLHD 101 LENAVTVFEP SLDVGHLS!?T RPYWCGQDRZ, EPILRDEAVR RGARIDFNTR MEAFPADESG VTATIVDQATGEQSTVRARY 201 GHGTIGNAMS VLFKADLRDT VKGRRFVICYLPNPDEFGVL 3 0 1 WE!MSHNSARS YRSGRVFLAGDAAHVHPPAG 401 LIAAM;vRsP VRETLGITRT QLPWAVLQ LFDFDRWIFG FFFDPRETSPEQFDERCAQIIRTATGLFG LpvEvQMARp AHNLSLWKLAA VLKGTAGIXL LDTYEQERLP IGAAvAlX2Ah’ IRIFIWRLNDS EELRWLLRES TLVATGYRYT SDAVLGAAYP EPIPAAHDLT GRPGYRVPHV WLGRGGERVS ! I ’ V D I C X W VLAGPJXGEWQAAADWAQD LGvpvHcHw G G W L m P D IlFGANGGIQD 5 0 1 GAF‘STTGLT RNGALLIRPD GFVAWRAFYL PEDAAGELRS ALEFILARTS GTFGGTALEG * FIG.3.NH,-termindportion of the tcmG gene (A) and amino acid sequence of the TcmA2 oxygenase translated from the‘ITG start site in tcmG ( B ) .Both the GTG and W G translational start sites are shown in boldface type; the NH, terminus determined from the purified TcmG is shown in italic type; the putative FtBS of tcmG is underlined. TABLE I11 Stoichometry of the Tcrn A2 oxygenase catalyzed hydroxylationof Tcm A2 to Tcm C Assay description Relative activity % Complete” -TcmG -TcmG TcmG + boiled -NADPH -0, + N,6 -NADPH + NADH 100 0 0 0 0 57.3 a The complete assay solution of 250 pl with 10% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide consisted of 100 p 6, 250 p~ NADPH, and 1 m DTT in 50 mM ethanolamine-HC1buffer, pH 9.0, in the presence of 5.85 pg of TcmG was incubated at 25 “C for 10 min and then analyzed by the HPLC method described under “Experimental Procedures.” The assay solution was sealed with a septum stopper and evacuated and flushed with N, several times, then 6 was introduced into the assay solution via the septum stopper, incubated, and analyzed as described above. 1 b I conditions studied. As summarized in Table 111, the enzyme utilizes either NADH or NADPH as electron donors and 0, by exchange with requires molecularoxygen;removing nitrogen inhibited the hydroxylation completely, as did heat denaturation. pHDependence-Tcm A2 oxygenase displayed an optimal pH of 9.0-9.5 in 50 mM Tris-HC1or 50 nm ethanolamine-HC1buffer as shown in Fig. 4.While a decrease of 1 unit below the optimal pH caused an approximately 50%loss of the specific activity, an increase of 1 unit above the optimal pH resulted in complete loss of the enzyme activity.It is not known, however, ifthe loss of enzyme activity a t pH > 9.5 resulted from deprotonation of specific amino acid residues at the active site, from denaturation of the protein, or from decompositionof NADPH. Prosthetic Group Investigation-Most of the known oxygenases have either a flavin or heme as their prosthetic group or require a metal ionfor the activation of molecular oxygen. Since analysis of the nucleotide sequenceof tcmG has revealed a conserved domain for flavin binding (20) and a flavin has characteristic absorption maxima at 375 and 450 nm (361,we determined the UV-VIS absorption spectrum of the purified Tcrn A2 oxygenase (Fig. 5). These data show that Tcm A2 oxygenase is a flavoenzyme. To further identify the nature of this flavin prosthetic group, a solution of TcmA2 oxygenase (224 pg) was heat denatured to release the non-covalently boundflavin (33),which then was analyzed by HPLC ona C,, column. Under the given conditions, mostof the known flavin derivatives such as FAD and FMN are well separated (341,as shown in Fig. 6A. Fig. 6B shows that theprosthetic group released from Tcm A2 PH FIG.4. pH dependence of the Tcm A2 oxygenase in 50 m~ TrisHCland 50 n m ethanolamine-HC1 buffer. Assay conditions and HPLC analysis are described under “Experimental Procedures.” oxygenase is FAD, which was further confirmed by co-chromatography with a mixture of authentic FAD and FMN (Fig. 6 0 . From the results of HPLC analysis, calibrated with authentic FAD, it was established that themolar ratio of apo-TcmG/FAD is 1:l. This value agrees reasonably well with a 1:0.73ratio of apo-TcmG/F’AD, determined spectroscopically based on the moand €!Em,respectively. lar absorbance indexes of E”,;“ Preparation of Apo-Tcm A2 Oxygenase and Its in Vitro Reconstitution with FAD-After establishing that Tcm A2 oxygenase contains 1 molof non-covalently bound FAD as a prosthetic group, we exploredways t o prepare the apo-Tcm A2 oxygenase. The best results were obtained by dialysis of Tcm A2 oxygenase in 100 nm potassium phosphate buffer, pH 4.0, in The protein was completely the presence of 2 M KC1 (35, 36). denatured by this treatment as indicated by its precipitation and was resolubilized and presumably refolded by subsequent dialysis in 25 nm Tris-HC1, pH 8.0, 1 mM DTT. The apoenzyme was colorless, in contrast to the characteristic yellow color of the holoenzyme, suggesting the removal of the flavin prosthetic group, and possessed very little of the initial enzyme activity (Table IV).The apo-Tcm A2 oxygenase could be partially reconbut only by FAD; addition of either stituted in uitro (35, 36), FAD or FMN t o the holo-TcmA2 oxygenase under parallel conditions resulted in a very small change in activity. Tetracenomycin A2 oxygenase from S. glaucescens 30731 TABLE lV In vitro reconstitution of apo-Tcm A2 oxygenase with FAD and FMN Assay description Relative activity Holoenzyme Holoenzyme + FAD Holoenzyme + FMN Apoenzyme Apoenzyme + FAD Apoenzyme + FMN 100 115 % Abs " 0.0 300 400 500 23 <4 a The complete assay solution of 250 pl with 10% (vh) dimethyl sulfoxide consisted of 100 UM 6.1.0 mM NADPH, and 1 mM DTT in 50 mM ethanolamine-HC1buffer, pH 9.0, in the presence of 5.85 pg of holo- or apo-Tcm A2 oxygenase withlwithout FAD or FMN, respectively, was incubated at 25 "C for 10 min and then analyzed by the HPLC method described under "Experimental Procedures." 600 200 87 <4 600 bition of the oxygenase with P-450 inhibitors (46, 47). At least three pathways can be proposed for their introduction. They FIG.5. W-VIS absorbance spectrum of the Tcm A2 oxygenase could simply beretained from the carbonyl groups of polyketide (1.12 mg/ml in 26 l l l ~Tris-HCl, pH 8.0). precursors, such as acetate, malonate, etc., without going through an aromatic intermediate like 6, asin the urdamycins 400 - A at 450 nm A (42) or 5, whose 4a-OHwas found t o be derived fromacetate (8). Alternatively, they could be introduced late in the biosynthetic pathway by an oxygenase, as proposed for 1 in Fig. 7, acting 200 as either a monooxygenase (route a ) or a dioxygenase FAD FMN (route b). The purification and characterization of Tcm A2 oxygenase supports the hypothesis that the triple hydroxylation of 6 to 1 is catalyzed by a single enzyme. This enzyme requires molecular oxygen and is able to use eitherNADH or NADPH. Since the apparent V',JK for',NADPH (0.179) is more than 3-fold larger than that for NADH (0.0565),we conclude that Tcm A2 oxygenase prefers NADPH under physiologicalconditions. NH,-terminal amino acid analysis of the purified Tcm A2 oxyC genase confirmed that itwas encoded by tcmG but showed that translation begins at a rare TTG codon instead of the much more frequently used GTG or ATG translational start site (48) assigned initially on the basis of nucleotide sequence analysis (Fig. 3A) (20). SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the purified enzyme displayed a single band with M,60,000, and gel filtraa tion chromatography suggested that thenative enzyme has an 9.0 13.0 M, 61,000, indicating that Tcm A2 oxygenase is a monomeric Time (min) FIG.6. HPLC analysis of FAD prosthetic group dissociated protein in solution. The exact mechanism of the Tcm A2 oxygenase catalyzed from the Tcm A2 oxygenase. A, a mixture of authentic FAD and FMN; B , the flavin prosthetic group dissociated from the Tcm A2 oxy- hydroxylation of 6 to 1 is not clear yet since the data reported genase; C , the dissociated flavin prosthetic group was co-chromatogra- here do not discriminate between a monooxygenase and a diphied with the mixture of authentic FAD and FMN analyzed in A. oxygenase mechanism. As proposed in Fig. 7 (route a ) , two of the threeoxygens could beintroduced stepwise from molecular Kinetics-Assuming that the 0, concentration was constant oxygenif the enzyme acts like a monooxygenase. The first in the assay solution, kinetic analyses were carried out on the monooxygenase activity could hydroxylate 6 to hydroquinone 7 basis of a pseudo-first-order treatment with a steady-state that could be further oxidized by the second monooxygenase approach. Thus, the effect of the initial concentration of 6 activity t o yield epoxyquinone8; cis opening of oxirane ring by on the formation of 1 was determined at the concentration of a H,O molecule could introduce the third oxygen to yield dihyNADPH 2 10 K2mpH,and the effect of NADH or NADPH was droxyquinone 9 that could be finally reduced to 1.In contrast, Velocities two of the threeoxygens could also be determined at the concentration of 6 2 10 KEmA2. introduced in aconcerted were then fitted to the Michaelis-Menten equation (32) and the fashion from molecular oxygen if the enzyme acts as a dioxy' ,for 6,NADH, and NADPH were found to be 1.81 genase (Fig. 7,route b ) where a likely stableintermediate apparent K '' 0.38, 260 -c 19, and 82.1 2 17 p ~ respectively, , with an ap- would be the epoxysemiquinone 10;cis opening of its oxirane parent V m m of 14.7 f 1.1nmol Tcm C/min-mg. ring by a H,O molecule could introduce the third oxygen to yield 1. Both mechanisms are consistent with the results of an DISCUSSION feeding experiment that hasdemonstrated that the in uiuo 1802 The enzymatic mechanism for the introduction of angular oxygens of the 4-OH and 12a-OH groups come from molecular hydroxy groups like 4a-OH and 12a-OH of 1 into many other oxygen and the 4a-OH group presumably comes from H,O (6). naphthacenequinone, angucycline, and anthracycline antibiot- The monooxygenase pathway (Fig. 7, route a ) is supported by ics (4-8, 42) is unknown, and the origins of such groups have the amino acid sequence similarity between TcmG (20) and been studied previously only by in vivo feeding experiments other bacterial hydroxylases, such as those found in the oxyor "0-containing precursors (6, 8, 43-45) or by inhi- tetracycline producer Streptomyces rimosus (49) and the with Wavelength (nm) ~ 30732 Tetracenomycin A2 oxygenase from S. glaucescens OH 0 C H ~ COZCH3 O ~ ~ OH CH3 0 OH OH 0 OH C H 0 -c H ~ 3 O 0 CH, 0 ~ O OH C COzCH3 H 3 CH3O*XH3 OH CH3 0 a 7 H c3 0 * - J COzCH3 ~ O C 0 9 C02CH3 CH, c H 3 0 * m H 3 C02CH3 6 1 I t OH 6CH,6 OH 6 OH CH, u 0 u 0 OH CH3 10 FIG.7. Proposed mechanism for the Tcm A2 oxygenase-catalyzedhydroxylation of Tcm A2 to Tcm C involving a monooxygenase (route a)or a dioxygenase (route b ) . daunorubicin producer Streptomyces peucetius (50) that acton tetracyclic aromatic substrates similar to 6.Monooxygenases that oxidize hydroquinone to form epoxyquinones also have been isolated recently from Streptomyces LL-C10037 (51) and Streptomyces MPP 3051 (51),and a monooxygenase activity for the direct oxidation of an anthraquinone to an epoxyanthraquinone has been reported inStreptomyces rosa var. notoensis OS-3966 (45). Moreover, 7 has been isolated as a stable metabolite by refluxing an acidic solution of 1 (521, and a similar structure like 9, in fact, has been isolated from Streptomyces olivaceus TU 2353 (4, 5 ) , the producer of 2, as the minor meif elloramycin E tabolite elloramycin E. (It was not established is the directprecursor of 2 or resultsfrom a facile oxidation of 2.) The dioxygenase pathway (Fig. 7, route b ) is consistent with our inability to detect any discrete intermediate in thein vitro hydroxylation of 6 to 1 (10might be spontaneously hydrolyzed to 1 upon release from the enzyme). We favor the dioxygenase mechanism since in thiscase the monomeric Tcm A2 oxygenase would only need to recognize one substrate, 6,instead of recognizing at least three substrates, 6,7,and 9, as in the monooxygenase mechanism, assuming that theconversion of 8 to 9 is also a spontaneous process. Furthermore, a dioxygenase mechanism similar to route b has recently been established for the vitamin K-dependent carboxylase (53, 541, although the latter enzyme does not possess any prosthetic group or require NAD(P)H cofactors. Many bacterial oxygenases are flavoenzymes, and FAD and FMN are themost common forms of the flavin prosthetic group identified (36). It is known, however, that unusual flavin derivatives are utilized as cofactors in Streptomyces spp. For instance, a 5-deazaflavin is required for the anhydrotetracycline oxygenase from S. rimosus (491, and an unknownflavin is implicated in a tylosin reductase from Streptomyces frudiae ( 5 5 ) .Tcm A2 oxygenase contains 1mol of FADthat binds to the apoenzyme non-covalently, as judged by its release from the protein upon heat denaturation (33). These facts led to the preparation of apo-Tcm A2 oxygenase and its attemptedreconstitution invitro. Apparentlythe apoenzyme is much less stable than theholoenzyme, yet the holoenzyme can be reconstituted by FAD only, albeit to a low degree (Table IV). The latter observation re-enforces the conclusion that Tcm A2 oxygroup. It is genaseuses FAD exclusively asitsprosthetic known that upon removal of the flavin prosthetic group from some flavoenzymes the apoenzyme becomes less stable (35,36, 561, as observed here with the apo-Tcm A2 oxygenase, which failed to be reconstituted completely after being kept at -20 "C for 3 days. Although it is not clear why exogeneous FAD or FMN slightly activates or inhibits the enzyme (Table IV), the inhibitory effect of exogeneous flavins has been reported for other flavoenzymes and interpreted as resulting from competitionbetween the freeflavin and enzyme-bound flavin for NAD(P)H as electron donor (55). On the other hand, it isalso known that a non-covalently bound flavin prosthetic group can be lost in the course of protein purification (57, 58), leading t o a fortuitous activation of the enzyme preparation when it is supplemented by externally added flavin. It is interesting to point out thedifference between the single and double promoter systems in theefficiency of expression of tcmG. The revised tcmG translational start site, unfortunately discovered after the expression vectors were made, abolished the influence of the two different RBSs in these constructs since the GAAAGGCTGC RBS that precedes the TTG translational start sitewas presumably utilized in all constructs. Therefore, since the expression of tcmG under thecontrol of either tcmG or ermE* promoter alonegave an approximately equal abundance of TcmG (Fig. 2A, lanes 2 4 ) whereas the tandem ermE*::tcmG promoters resulted inapproximately 5-fold higher level of tcmG expression (Fig. 2A, lane 11, the two promoters placed in tandem have an additive effect on expression. Similar effects of dual promoters on gene expression have been seen in other cases (59). 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