george stoye

george stoye
Contact Information
Institute for Fiscal Studies
7 Ridgmount Street
London, WC1E 7AE
Phone: +44 (0)20 7291 4800
Email: george
Citizenship: British & American
Date of Birth: 13th February 1989
Jan 2016–
Institute for Fiscal Studies. Senior Research Economist.
Institute for Fiscal Studies. Research Economist.
PhD. Economics, University College London (Part-time, MRes awarded in September 2015).
MSc. Economics (Distinction), University College London.
BSc. Economics (First Class Honours), University College London.
Awarded place on Dean’s List for Academic Excellence (Faculty of Social and Historical
Research Interests
Economics of Health Care, Health Economics, Labour Economics
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
“Public Hospital Spending in England: Evidence from National Health Service Administrative Records”
(with Elaine Kelly and Marcos Vera-Hernández), forthcoming in Fiscal Studies.
“Challenges to Promoting Social Inclusion of the Extreme Poor: Evidence from a Large Scale Experiment
in Colombia” (with Laura Abramovsky, Orazio Attanasio, Kai Barron and Pedro Carneiro), forthcoming in
Economia, the LACEA Journal.
“People or Places? Factors Associated with the Presence of Domestic Energy Efficiency Measures in England”
(with Andrew Leicester), forthcoming in Fiscal Studies.
“Cheaper, Greener and More Efficient: Rationalising UK Carbon Prices” (with Arun Advani), forthcoming
in Fiscal Studies.
“The outlook for public spending on the NHS” (with Rowena Crawford), The Lancet, Vol 385, No 9974, pp
1155-1156, March 2015.
Working Papers
“New Joints: Private Providers and Rising Demand in the English National Health Service” (with Elaine
Kelly), IFS Working Paper W15/22, August 2015.
Works in Progress
“How Much Does Your Physician Matter? Physician Quality in the English National Health Service”.
“Immigration and the Use of Public Maternity Services in England”.
Selected Other Publications
“Challenges for health spending” (with Rowena Crawford), in Carl Emmerson, Paul Johnson and Robert
Joyce (eds.) Institute for Fiscal Studies Green Budget, February 2015.
“Does GP Practice Size Matter? GP practice size and primary care” (with Elaine Kelly), Institute for Fiscal
Studies Research Report, November 2014.
“Household energy use in Britain: a distributional analysis” (with Arun Advani, Paul Johnson and Andrew
Leicester), Institute for Fiscal Studies Research Report, November 2013.
“Energy use policies and carbon pricing in the UK” (with Arun Advani, Samuela Bassi, Alex Bowen, Sam
Fankhauser, Paul Johnson and Andrew Leicester), Institute for Fiscal Studies Research Report, November
“Public payment and private provision: the changing landscape of health care in the 2000s” (with Sandeepa
Arora, Anita Charlesworth and Elaine Kelly), Institute for Fiscal Studies & Nuffield Trust Research Report,
May 2013.
“Fuel for thought: the what, how and why of motoring taxation” (with Paul Johnson and Andrew Leicester),
Institute for Fiscal Studies & RAC Foundation Research Report, May 2012.
“UK Development Aid” (with Emla Fitzsimons and Daniel Rogger), in Carl Emmerson, Paul Johnson and
Helen Miller (eds.) Institute for Fiscal Studies Green Budget, February 2012.
Research Grants
Population Change and the Use and Quality of Maternity Care in England.
Principal Investigator
Health Foundation Policy Challenge Fund, October 2015–June 2016, £52,000.
Seminars and Presentations (including scheduled)
UK Health and Social Care Information Centre; NHS England; Royal Economic Society
Annual Conference, University of Sussex; Immigration, Health and Well-being Workshop,
University of Oxford; University College London.
UK Department of Health; European Economic Association Annual Conference, University
of Mannheim; Medical Spending in the Developed World Conference, Institute for Fiscal
Royal Economic Society Annual Conference, University of Manchester; European Economic
Association and Econometric Society Annual Conference, University of Toulouse; University
of Manchester.
UCL Energy Institute, University College London.
Refereeing Activities
Economic Journal, Fiscal Studies, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists,
Journal of the European Economic Association.
Last Updated: 1st March 2016