CARL EMMERSON Deputy Director, Institute for Fiscal Studies, Education and employment 20042002-2010 1996-2001 1999 1996 Deputy Director, Institute for Fiscal Studies Specialist advisor to the Work and Pensions House of Commons Select Committee Various roles, Institute for Fiscal Studies MSc. Economics, Distinction, Birkbeck College, University of London BSc (Econ) Economics, 1st Class, London School of Economics, University of London. Next in merit to winner of the Sir Edward Stern and Gerstenberg prize for best social sciences degree at the University of London. Research grants awarded and completed ‘Evaluation of Local Housing Allowance reforms’ (Department for Work and Pensions, Spring 2011-Spring 2014, IFS component £150,000 (part of consortium led by CRESR)) ‘Fiscal choices for an independent Scotland’ (Economic and Social Research Council, Autumn 2012-Spring 2014, £230,000) IFS Retirement Savings Consortium comprising 13 organisations from the public, private and voluntary sector (Spring 2008-Summer 2010, £300,000) ‘The Effects of the Financial Crisis on Older Adults in England’ (Economic and Social Research Council, Autumn 2010-Spring 2012, £100,000) ‘Household responses to complex tax incentives’ (Economic and Social Research Council, Spring 2011-Spring 2012, £100,000) ‘Evaluation of the Saving Gateway 2 accounts’ (HM Treasury, Spring 2005-Spring 2007, IFS component £125,000 (part of consortium led by MORI)) ‘Evaluation of Incapacity Benefit pilots’ (Department for Work and Pensions, Summer 2003Winter 2009, IFS component £775,000 (part of consortium led by PSI)) ‘Pension Wealth, Early Retirement and Job Mobility’ (Economic and Social Research Council, Summer 2005-Winter 2006, £100,000) Selected five publications from last five years (for a full list of publications see website) ‘Disability Benefit Receipt and Reform: Reconciling Trends in the United Kingdom’ (with James Banks and Richard Blundell), Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2015, Vol. 29 No. 2. ‘Incentives, shocks or signals: labour supply effects of increasing the female state pension age in the UK’ (with Jonathan Cribb and Gemma Tetlow), IFS Working Paper No. 13/03, 2013, London: Institute for Fiscal Studies. ‘The changing face of retirement: future patterns of work, health, care and income among the older population’ (with Katy Heald and Andrew Hood), IFS Report No. 95, 2014, London: Institute for Fiscal Studies. ‘Financial Crisis Wealth Losses and Responses among Older Households in England’ (with James Banks, Rowena Crawford and Thomas Crossley), Fiscal Studies, June 2013, vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 231-254. ‘Tax Reform and Retirement Saving Incentives: take-up of Stakeholder Pensions in the U.K.’ (with Richard Disney and Matthew Wakefield), 2010, Economica, Vol. 77, No. 306, pp. 213-233