Gordon State College  Office of Institutional Effectiveness/Institutional Research  Goals, Outcomes and Evidence of Improvement 

Gordon State College Office of Institutional Effectiveness/Institutional Research Goals, Outcomes and Evidence of Improvement 2011‐2015 http://www.gordonstate.edu/ie/home Mission Statement The mission of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness is to coordinate and manage College‐wide compliance with the Principles of Accreditation of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and to facilitate and integrate data‐driven decision‐making, planning, and assessment. The primary responsibilities of OIE include: Institutional Research, Strategic Planning, Assessment and Accreditation and Compliance. Unit Outcomes Assessment Results Report 2014‐2015 Goals 1. Assist with assessment and accreditation activities involving external entities. 2. Consistent usage of data elements across the institution and university system office. 3. Ensure that compliance with accreditation requirements is incorporated into the planning and evaluation process of the institution. 4. Improve business processes to be more efficient as it relates to Institutional Research. 5. Provide timely and appropriate information for decision‐making and planning. Outcomes 1. Archive SACSCOC documents 2. Contribute to qualitative and quantitative information for assessment, planning and accreditation. 3. Prepare for reaffirmation. 4. Generate policies and procedures to ensure compliance. 5. Transition from paper to online surveys of student evaluations of faculty. 6. Create and enhance dashboards. 7. Publish Fact Book 8. Update website Review of Outcomes 1. All available data archived to GSC N:drive. 2.
Purchased license for Performance Cloud by Weave. Began composing Compliance Certification for Reaffirmation. Created Policy Manual. Expanded the use of dashboards across campus. Published Fact Book. Evidence of Improvement 1.
Created assessment and planning documents using Performance Cloud. Created a web based Policy Manual after GSC polices were approved, reviewed or edited by the President’s Cabinet. Fact Book, strategic plan, and annual plans created and uploaded to the IR webpage. Worked with members of the GSC campus to create a culture of evidence in each department and unit. 2013‐2014 Goals 1. Improve business process to be more efficient as it relates to IR. 2. Assist with assessment and accreditation activities involving external entities 3. Provide timely and appropriate information for decision‐making and planning Outcomes 1.
Implement online graduation surveys. Prepare SACSCOC reports. Gather archived SACSCOC documents. Create nursing survey for proposed BSN program. Administer NSSEE Complete CUPA survey Create dashboards. Review of Outcomes 1. Administered graduation survey online. 2. Submitted SACSCOC substantive change request to offer 50% or more credits via online delivery. 3. Created a folder on the N drive to house SACSCOC documents. 4. Administered BSN survey and presented results to Dean of Nursing. Evidence of Improvement 1. Attended SACSCOC conference to improve accreditation process campus wide. 2. Begin conversation to change to online student evaluations. 3. Use dashboards to improve decision‐making campus wide. 2012‐2013 (IR only) Goals 1. Hire IR Director Outcomes 1. Complete search. Review of Outcomes 1. Director hired and began working August 2012. Evidence of Improvement 1. Conversations between IR and various departments to determine campus needs. 2011‐2012 Goals 1. Enhance IR website to better serve the community. 2. Provide decision supporting data, research and analysis to support the College’s planning process, accreditation, benchmarking assessment, and institutional effectiveness activities. Outcomes 1.
Compile information for Fact Book to include student demographic and statistical information. Update Human Subjects Review Committee Information. Include links to higher education and government links on website. Provide data for QEP. Review of Outcomes 1. Completed Fact Book. 2. Met with Human Subjects Review Committee to create an informational website. 3. Ran reports to complete QEP. Evidence of Improvement 1. Website includes important information for administration, staff, faculty, students, and community. 2. QEP accepted by SACSCOC. 