The Thomsen model of inserts in sandwich composites: An evaluation arXiv:1009.5431v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 28 Sep 2010 Biswajit Banerjee∗and Bryan Smith† Industrial Research Limited 24 Balfour Road, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand September 28, 2010 Abstract A one-dimensional finite element model of a sandwich panel with insert is derived using the approach used in the Thomsen model. The one-dimensional model produces results that are close to those of a two-dimensional axisysmmetric model. Both models assume that the core is homogeneous. Our results indicate that the one-dimensional model may be well suited for small deformations of sandwich specimens with foam cores. 1 Introduction The numerical simulation of complicated sandwich structures containing inserts can be computationally expensive, particularly when a statistical analysis of the effect of variable input parameters is the goal. Simplified theories of sandwich structures provide a means of assessing the adequacy of the particular statistical technique that is of interest. Theories of sandwich structures can be broadly classified into the following types: • First-order theories (see for example, [1]). • Higher-order linear theories that do not account for thickness change (see for example [2] and references therein). • Geometrically-exact single-layer nonlinear theories that do not account for thickness change (see for example, [3]). • Higher-order linear single-layer theories that account for thickness change (see for example, [4, 5, 6]) . • Higher-order linear multi-layer theories that account for thickness change (see for example, [7, 8, 9, 10, 11]) . • Higher-order nonlinear single-layer theories that account for thickness change (see for example, [12, 13, 14, 15, 16]). ∗ † Corresponding author, email: email: 1 2 THE THOMSEN MODEL Most theories start with ad-hoc assumptions about the displacement or stress field. Geometrically-exact theories avoid such assumptions but are hampered by the requirement that special constitutive models have to be designed for consistency. The linear theory proposed by Thomsen and co-workers [7, 8, 9] provides a formulation that is simple enough to be evaluated rapidly. Therefore, we have chosen that formulation and applied it to an axisymmetric sandwich panel in this work. The work of Thomsen involves the solution of a system of first order ordinary differential equations using a multi-segment numerical method, We have instead chosen to use the considerably simpler finite element method to discretize and solve the system of equations. 2 The Thomsen Model Since we are considering a simplified axisymmetric form of the sandwich panel problem, we start with the governing equations expessed in cylindrical coordinates. The geometry of the sandwich structure under consideration is shown in Figure 1. z θ 2f top 2c 2f Facesheet zc Core r bot Facesheet Figure 1 – The geometry of the sandwich panel. 2.0.1 Strain-displacement The strain-displacement relations are given by = 1 ∇u + (∇u)T 2 (1) In cylindrical coordinates we have εrr εrθ 1 ∂uθ ∂ur ∂uz = ; εθθ = + ur ; εzz = ∂r r ∂θ ∂z " " # # 1 ∂ur 1 ∂uz 1 ∂uθ 1 ∂uθ 1 ∂ur ∂uz = + − uθ ; εθz = + ; εrz = + 2 ∂r r ∂θ 2 ∂z r ∂θ 2 ∂z ∂r (2) Axisymmetry implies that the displacement uθ = uθ (r) and all derivatives with respect to θ are zero. If in addition, the displacements are small such that uθ = C r (this assumption is not strictly necessary), the strain-displacement relations reduce to ur ∂ur ∂uz ; εθθ = ; εzz = ∂r r ∂z 1 ∂ur ∂uz = 0 ; εrz = + ; εrθ = 0 2 ∂z ∂r εrr = εθz 2 (3) 2.1 2.0.2 Facesheet equations 2 THE THOMSEN MODEL Stress-strain The stress-strain relations for an orthotropic material are σ=C: (4) In cylindrical coordinates σrr C11 C12 C13 0 0 0 εrr σθθ C12 C22 C23 0 εθθ 0 0 σzz C13 C23 C33 0 0 0 = εzz = σθz 0 0 0 C44 0 0 εθz σrz 0 0 0 0 C55 0 εrz σrθ 0 0 0 0 0 C66 εrθ (5) From axisymmetry, we therefore have σrr = C11 εrr + C12 εθθ + C13 εzz σθθ = C12 εrr + C22 εθθ + C23 εzz σzz = C13 εrr + C23 εθθ + C33 εzz (6) σθz = 0 ; σrz = C55 εrz ; σrθ = 0 2.0.3 Equilibrium We assume that there are no inertial or body forces in the sandwich panel. Then the three-dimensional equilibrium equations take the form ∇·σ =0 (7) The equilibrium equations in cylindrical coordinates are 1 ∂σrθ ∂σrr + + (σrr − σθθ ) + ∂r r ∂θ 1 ∂σθθ ∂σrθ + + 2σrθ + ∂r r ∂θ 1 ∂σθz ∂σrz + + σrz + ∂r r ∂θ ∂σrz =0 ∂z ∂σθz =0 ∂z (8) ∂σzz =0 ∂z Because of axisymmetry, all derivatives with respect to θ are zero and also σθz and σrθ are zero, the reduced equilibrium equations are 1 ∂σrr + [σrr − σθθ ] + ∂r r 1 ∂σrz + σrz + ∂r r 2.1 ∂σrz =0 ∂z ∂σzz =0 ∂z (9) Facesheet equations The facesheets are modeled using the Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis, i.e., that transverse normals remain straight and normal and that the normals are inextensible. In that case, the displacement field 3 2.1 Facesheet equations 2 THE THOMSEN MODEL in the plate takes the form: ur (r, θ, z) = u0r (r, θ) − z ∂w0 ∂w0 ; uθ (r, θ, z) = u0θ (r, θ) − z ; uz (r, θ, z) = w0 (r, θ) (10) ∂r ∂θ where u0r is the displacement of the midsurface in the r-direction, u0θ is the displacement of the midsurface in the θ-direction, and w0 is the z-direction displacement of the midsurface. We define the stress resultants and stress couples as Z f Nrr := Z f σrr dz ; Nθθ := −f Z f σθθ dz ; Mrr := −f Z f z σrr dz ; Mθθ := −f z σθθ dz (11) −f where the thickness of the plate is 2f . 2.1.1 Strain-displacement relations From axisymmetry, the strain-displacement relations are (for small rotations, i.e., NOT the von Karman strains) ur ∂ur ∂uz 1 ∂ur ∂uz εrr = ; εθθ = ; εzz = ; εθz = 0 ; εrz = + ; εrθ = 0 (12) ∂r r ∂z 2 ∂z ∂r Plugging in the displacement functions in the strain-displacement relations gives d2 w0 u0r z dw0 du0r −z ; εθθ = − ; εzz = 0 2 dr dr" r # r dr dw0 dw0 1 − + = 0 ; εrθ = 0 = 0 ; εrz = 2 dr dr εrr = εθz (13) To simplify the notation, we define du0r d2 w0 ; ε1rr (r) := − 2 dr dr u 1 dw0 0r ε0θθ (r) := ; ε1θθ (r) := − r r dr (14) εrr (r, z) = ε0rr (r) + z ε1rr (r) ; εθθ (r, z) = ε0θθ (r) + z ε1θθ (r) (15) ε0rr (r) := to get 2.1.2 Stress-strain relations Assuming that the facesheets are transversely isotropic and taking into account the strain-displacement relations (13), the axisymmetric stress-strain relations are σrr = C11 εrr + C12 εθθ ; σθθ = C12 εrr + C11 εθθ ; σzz = C13 εrr + C13 εθθ σθz = 0 ; σrz = 0 ; σrθ = 0 (16) Using the definitions in (14) the stress-strain relations reduce to σrr = C11 ε0rr + z C11 ε1rr + C12 ε0θθ + z C12 ε1θθ σθθ = C12 ε0rr + z C12 ε1rr + C11 ε0θθ + z C11 ε1θθ σzz = C13 ε0rr + z C13 ε1rr + C13 ε0θθ + z C13 ε1θθ 4 (17) 2.1 Facesheet equations 2 THE THOMSEN MODEL If we make the plane stress assumption, σzz = 0, then we have εrr = −εθθ . (18) Then the relations between the stress resultants and stress couples and the strains are Z f Z f εθθ dz εrr dz + C12 Nrr = C11 −f Z f −f Z f εrr dz + C11 Nθθ = C12 εθθ dz −f Z f −f Z f zεθθ dz zεrr dz + C12 Mrr = C11 −f Z f −f Z f zεθθ dz zεrr dz + C11 Mθθ = C12 (19) −f −f From the expressions for strain in equations (15) Z Z f −f f −f f εrr (r, z) = 2f ε0rr (r) ; Z εθθ (r, z) = 2f ε0θθ (r) ; Z z εrr (r, z) = −f f 2f 3 1 ε (r) 3 rr 2f 3 0 z εθθ (r, z) = ε (r) 3 θθ −f Therefore, the relations between the stress resultants and stress couples and the strain can be expressed in matrix form as Nrr A11 A12 ε0rr = Nθθ A12 A11 ε0θθ and Mrr D11 D12 ε1rr = Mθθ D12 D11 ε1θθ (20) (21) (22) where Aij = 2f Cij are the extensional stiffnesses of the plate and Dij = 2f 3 /3 Cij are the bending stiffnesses of the plate. 2.1.3 Equilibrium equations The plate equilibrium equations may be derived directly from the three-dimensional equilibrium equations. However, it is more informative to derive them from the principle of virtual work δU = δVext (23) where δU is a variation of the internal energy and δVext is a variation of the work done by external forces. The variation in the internal energy is given by Z Z f δU = [σrr δεrr + σθθ δεθθ ] dz dΩ0 Ω0 −f 5 (24) 2.1 Facesheet equations 2 THE THOMSEN MODEL where Ω0 represents the reference surface of the plate. In terms of the definitions in (14), Z Z f δU = −f Ω0 σrr δε0rr + z σrr δε1rr + σθθ δε0θθ + z σθθ δε1θθ dz dΩ0 (25) The definitions in (11) give Z Nrr δε0rr + Mrr δε1rr + Nθθ δε0θθ + Mθθ δε1θθ dΩ0 δU = (26) Ω0 Expanding out the strains in terms of the displacements, we have # Z " dδu0r d2 δw0 Nθθ Mθθ dδw0 dΩ0 δU = Nrr − Mrr + δu0r − dr dr2 r r dr Ω0 (27) Integration by parts leads to, 1d (r Nrr ) δu0r dΩ0 Γ0 Ω0 r dr Z Z I dδw0 dδw0 1d Nθθ − nr Mrr dΓ0 + (r Mrr ) dΩ0 + δu0r dΩ0 dr dr Γ0 Ω0 r dr Ω0 r Z I 1 dMθθ Mθθ δw0 dΓ0 + δw0 dΩ0 − nr r Ω0 r dr Γ0 I δU = Z nr Nrr δu0r dΓ0 − keeping in mind that I Z Z Z Z rb r dθ ; (•) dΩ0 = (•) r dr dθ (•) dΓ0 = (•) Γ0 θ Ω0 ra θ (28) (29) r Let us define β := dw0 . dr (30) Then I δU = nr Nrr δu0r − Mrr Z 1 r Γ0 − Ω0 " Mθθ δβ − δw0 r ! d (rNrr ) − Nθθ dr ! dΓ0 d dMθθ δu0r − (rMrr ) δβ − δw0 dr dr (31) # dΩ0 To remove the derivative of w0 inside the area integral we integrate again by parts to get " ! # I 1 d δU = nr Nrr δu0r − Mrr δβ + (rMrr ) − Mθθ δw0 dΓ0 r dr Γ0 " ! ! # Z 1 d d2 dMθθ − (rNrr ) − Nθθ δu0r + (rMrr ) − δw0 dΩ0 dr dr2 dr Ω0 r 6 (32) 2.1 Facesheet equations 2 THE THOMSEN MODEL The variation in the work done by the external forces is Z [q(r) δw0 + s(r) (δu0r − zf δβ) + p(r) δu0θ ] dΩ0 δVext = Ω0 I Z (33) f [tr (δu0r − z δβ) + tθ δu0θ + tz δw0 ] dz dΓ0 + Γ0 −f where q(r) = q Top Face (r) + q Bot Face (r) is a distributed surface force (per unit area) acting the positive z direction, p(r) = pTop Face (r) + pBot Face (r) is a distributed surface force (per unit area) acting the positive r direction, s(r) = sTop Face (r) + sBot Face (r) is a distributed surface force (per unit area) acting the positive θ direction, zf takes the value +f at the top of the facesheet and −f at the bottom of the facesheet, and t = tr er + tθ eθ + tz ez is the surface traction vector. A schematic of the loads thare are applied to the facesheet is shown in Figure 2. z q(r) r Facesheet s(r) q(r) Figure 2 – The loads on a facesheet. In terms of resultants over the thickness of the plate Z δVext = [q(r) δw0 + s(r) δu0r − zf s(r) δβ + p(r) δu0θ ] dΩ0 Ω0 I + [Nr δu0r − Mr δβ + Nθ δu0θ + Qz δw0 ] dΓ0 (34) Γ0 where Z f Nr := Z f tr dz ; Nθ := −f Z f tθ dz ; Qz := −f Z f tz dz ; Mr := −f z tr dz Integrating the δβ term by parts over the area Ω0 gives # ) Z "( zf d δVext = q(r) + (rs) δw0 + s(r) δu0r + p(r) δu0θ dΩ0 r dr Ω0 I + [Nr δu0r − Mr δβ + Nθ δu0θ + {Qz − nr zf s(r)} δw0 ] dΓ0 Γ0 7 (35) −f (36) 2.1 Facesheet equations 2 THE THOMSEN MODEL Then, from the principle of virtual work, we have I (nr Nrr − Nr ) δu0r − (nr Mrr − Mr ) δβ − Nθ δu0θ 0= Γ0 ( # ! ) nr d + (rMrr ) − Mθθ − Qz + nr zf s(r) δw0 dΓ0 r dr ! Z " 1d Nθθ − (rNrr ) − + s(r) δu0r + p(r) δu0θ r dr r Ω0 # ! 1 dMθθ zf d 1 d2 (rMrr ) − + q(r) + (rs) δw0 dΩ0 + r dr2 r dr r dr (37) Because of the arbitrariness of the virtual displacements, we have ! Z I 1d Nθθ (nr Nrr − Nr ) δu0r dΓ0 (rNrr ) − + s(r) δu0r dΩ0 = r dr r Ω0 Γ0 Z I p(r) δu0θ = − Nθ δu0θ dΓ0 Ω0 Γ0 ! ! Z I 1 d2 1 dMθθ zf d nr d (rMrr ) − + q(r) + (rs) δw0 = (rMrr ) − Mθθ r dr2 r dr r dr r dr Ω0 Γ0 − Qz + nr zf s(r) δw0 − (nr Mrr − Mr ) δβ dΓ0 (38) Invoking the fundamental lemma of the calculus of variations (and keeping in mind that the displacement variations and the applied tractions are zero at points on the boundary where displacements are specified), we get the governing equations for the axisymmetric plate: 1 d(rNrr ) Nθθ − + s(r) = 0 r dr r p(r) = 0 1 d2 (rMrr ) r dr2 − (39) 1 dMθθ zf d + q(r) + (rs) = 0 r dr r dr Then the boundary conditions are δu0r : Nr = nr Nrr δu0θ : Nθ = 0 δw0 : " # nr d(rMrr ) − Mθθ + zf r s(r) Qz = r dr δβ : Mr = nr Mrr The governing equations are of order 6 in the displacements (u0r , w0 ) and there are 6 nontrivial boundary conditions, (u0r , w0 , ∂w0 /∂r, Nr , Qz , Mr ). 8 (40) 2.1 Facesheet equations 2.1.4 2 THE THOMSEN MODEL Summary of facesheet governing equations The governing equations for the plate can then be summarized as follows: • Equilibrium equations: " # 1 d (rNrr ) − Nθθ + s(r) = 0 r dr " # dMθθ d 1 d2 (rMrr ) − + zf (rs) + q(r) = 0 r dr2 dr dr • Stress-strain relations: Nrr A11 = Nθθ A12 Mrr D11 = Mθθ D12 ε0rr ε0θθ D12 ε1rr D11 ε1θθ A12 A11 (41) (42) (43) • Strain-displacement relations: du0r d2 w0 1 := ; εrr (r) := − 2 dr dr u0r 1 dw0 ε0θθ (r) := ; ε1θθ (r) := − r r dr ε0rr (r) (44) • Boundary conditions: δu0r : δw0 : δβ : 2.1.5 Nr = nr r Nrr " # nr d (rMrr ) − Mθθ + zf r s(r) Qz = r dr (45) Mr = nr r Mrr Conversion into first-order ODEs We would like to convert the governing equations for the axisymmetric plate into ODEs of first order for computational purposes. To do that, we note that the stress resultants are related to the displacements by u0r du0r + A12 Nrr = A11 dr r (46) du0r u0r Nθθ = A12 + A11 dr r From the first equation in (46), we have du0r Nrr A12 u0r = − . dr A11 A11 r (47) Plugging the expression for Nθθ into the equilibrium equation for the stress resultants (41), we have 1 d A12 du0r u0r (rNrr ) − − A11 2 + s(r) = 0 r dr r dr r 9 (48) 2.1 Facesheet equations 2 THE THOMSEN MODEL Using (47), # " dNrr A12 Nrr + 1− + dr A11 r A212 − A11 A11 ! u0r + s(r) = 0 . r2 (49) Recall that dw0 =β dr Then the relations between the stress couples and the displacements take the form Mrr = −D11 Mθθ = −D12 dβ − D12 dr dβ − D11 dr β r β r (50) (51) The first equation from (51) can be written as dβ Mrr D12 β − =− dr D11 D11 r (52) To convert the equilibrium equation for the stress couples into first-order ODEs, we define Qr := 1d Mθθ (rMrr ) − + zf s(r) r dr r (53) Then, dMrr (Mθθ − Mrr ) = Qr + − zf s(r) (54) dr r Plugging in the expression for Mθθ from (51) and the expression for the derivative of β (52) we have ! ! 2 − D2 D12 − D11 Mrr D12 β dMrr 11 = Qr + + − zf s(r) (55) dr D11 r D11 r2 To reduce the order of the equilibrium equation for the stress couples, (41), we note that taking the derivative of Qr from (53) gives us r dQr d2 dMθθ d + Qr = 2 (rMrr ) − + zf (rs) dr dr dr dr (56) Therefore the equilibrium equation for the stress couples can be written as dQr Qr + + q(r) = 0 dr r 10 (57) 2.2 2.1.6 Core equations 2 THE THOMSEN MODEL Summary first-order ODEs for facesheets The ODEs governing the facesheets are: Nrr A12 u0r du0r = − dr A11 A11 r dw0 =β dr dβ Mrr D12 β =− − dr D11 D11 r # # " " dNrr A12 − A11 Nrr A211 − A212 u0r = + − s(r) dr A11 r A11 r2 # # " " 2 − D2 dMrr β D12 − D11 Mrr D12 11 − zf s(r) = Qr + + dr D11 r D11 r2 dQr Qr =− − q(r) dr r (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) and the boundary conditions are u0r : Nr = nr r Nrr w0 : Qz = nr r Qr β: 2.2 2.2.1 (64) Mr = nr r Mrr Core equations Stress-strain relations We assume that the core is transversely isotropic. In that case, the stress-strain relations in the core have the form σrr = C11 εrr + C12 εθθ + C13 εzz σθθ = C12 εrr + C11 εθθ + C13 εzz σzz = C13 εrr + C13 εθθ + C33 εzz (65) σθz = 0 ; σrz = C55 εrz ; σrθ = 0 If we also assume that the core cannot sustain any in-plane stresses, then σrr = 0 = C11 εrr + C12 εθθ + C13 εzz σθθ = 0 = C12 εrr + C11 εθθ + C13 εzz (66) Therefore we have (C11 − C12 ) (εrr − εθθ ) = 0 (67) which implies that C11 = C12 . If we assume that C11 = C12 = C13 where 1 is a positive quantity, then we have C13 = 0. Therefore the stress-strain relations in the core reduce to σrr = 0 ; σθθ = 0 ; σzz = C33 εzz ; σθz = 0 ; σrz = C55 εrz ; σrθ = 0 11 (68) 2.2 Core equations 2.2.2 2 THE THOMSEN MODEL Strain-displacement relations From the strain-displacement relations we have εzz 2.2.3 ∂uz 1 ∂ur ∂uz = ; εrz = + ∂z 2 ∂z ∂r (69) Stress-displacement relations Using the stress-strain relations we get σzz = C33 2.2.4 C55 ∂ur ∂uz ∂uz ; σrz = + ∂z 2 ∂z ∂r (70) Equilibrium equations The equilibrium equations also reduce accordingly to σrz ∂σzz ∂σrz ∂σrz =0; + + =0 ∂z ∂r r ∂z 2.2.5 (71) Expression for uz Recall σzz = C33 ∂uz ∂z =⇒ ∂uz = S33 σzz ∂z (72) where S33 := 1/C33 . Integrating, we get Z zb uz (r, z) = S33 σzz dz + A(r) (73) za where A(r) is a function only of r. Integrating by parts, we have Z zb ∂σzz zb uz (r, z) = S33 z σzz |za − z dz + A(r) ∂z za (74) Now we assume that the displacement uz is quadratic in z to get σrz ∂σzz ∂σrz =− − =: B(r) ∂z ∂r r where B(r) is a function only of r. If we set up the coordinate system in the core such that zc = z − c where 2c is the core thickness and integrate from 0 to zc , we get Z 0 uz (r, zc ) = S33 zc σzz (r, zc ) − B(r) z dz + A(r) zc " # zc2 = S33 zc σzz (r, zc ) − B(r) + A(r) 2 12 (75) (76) 2.2 Core equations 2 THE THOMSEN MODEL At zc = c the displacement of the core is equal to the displacement of the top facesheet, i.e., " # c2 1 + A(r) w (r) = uz (r, c) = S33 c σzz (r, c) − B(r) 2 (77) Eliminating A(r), we get " 1 uz (r, zc ) = w (r) + S33 B(r) 2 {zc σzz (r, zc ) − c σzz (r, c)} − zc − c2 2 # . (78) We can also calculate the displacement at the bottom facesheet " w2 (r) = uz (r, −c) = S33 # c2 −c σzz (r, −c) − B(r) + A(r) 2 (79) Again, eliminating A(r), we have w1 (r) − w2 (r) = c S33 [σzz (r, c) + σzz (r, −c)] . 2.2.6 (80) Eliminating σzz We would like to eliminate σzz from the expression in equation (90). To do that, we recall that ∂σzz = B(r) ∂z (81) Integrating between the limits 0 and zc as before, we get σzz (r, zc ) = B(r) zc + E(r) (82) where E(r) is a function of r only. Therefore, σzz (r, c) = B(r) c + E(r) ; σzz (r, −c) = −B(r) c + E(r) (83) E(r) = σzz (r, c) − c B(r) . (84) σzz (r, zc ) = (zc − c) B(r) + σzz (r, c) (85) σzz (r, c) + σzz (r, −c) = 2E(r) = 2[σzz (r, c) − c B(r)] (86) w1 (r) − w2 (r) = 2 c S33 [σzz (r, c) − c B(r)] (87) which gives Therefore, We also have, Hence, from (80), or, σzz (r, c) = C33 1 w (r) − w2 (r) + c B(r) 2c (88) σzz (r, zc ) = C33 1 w (r) − w2 (r) + zc B(r) 2c (89) Combining (85) and (88), 13 2.2 Core equations 2 THE THOMSEN MODEL Using (88) and (89) in (78) gives !" # w1 (r) − w2 (r) zc − c + (zc + c) S33 B(r) . 2 c 1 uz (r, zc ) = w (r) + (90) Now, from equations (10) for the facesheets, we have top w1 (r) = w0 ; w2 (r) = w0bot respectively. Plugging these into (90) gives ! 1 zc 1 top uz (r, zc ) = + 1 w0 − 2 c 2 2.2.7 zc −1 c ! w0bot + (91) 1 2 zc − c2 S33 B(r) . 2 (92) Expression for ur Recall that σrz C55 ∂ur ∂uz + = 2 ∂z ∂r (93) Therefore, ∂ur ∂uz = 2 S55 σrz − ; S55 := 1/C55 ∂z ∂r Also, taking the r-derivative of equation (92), we have ! ! top ∂B ∂w0 ∂w0bot 1 2 ∂uz 1 zc 1 zc = +1 − −1 + zc − c2 S33 . ∂r 2 c ∂r 2 c ∂r 2 ∂r (94) (95) Substitution of (95) into (94) gives 1 ∂ur = 2 S55 σrz − ∂z 2 zc +1 c ! top dw0 1 + dr 2 zc −1 c ! dw0bot 1 2 dB − zc − c2 S33 . dr 2 dr Note that ∂σrz = 0 =⇒ σrz = σrz (r). Integrating (96) between 0 and zc , we get ∂z ! ! top dw0 dw0bot 1 zc2 1 zc2 ur (r, zc ) = 2 S55 zc σrz − + zc + − zc 2 2c dr 2 2c dr ! dB 1 zc3 − − c2 zc S33 + G(r) 2 3 dr (96) (97) where G(r) is a function only of r. At zc = c, ur = u1 (r). Hence we have top G(r) = u1 − 2 S55 c σrz + 3c dw0 c dw0bot c3 dB + − S33 4 dr 4 dr 3 dr 14 (98) 2.2 Core equations 2 THE THOMSEN MODEL Substitution of (98) into (97) gives " 3c 1 ur (r, zc ) = u + 2 S55 (zc − c) σrz + − 4 2 1 zc2 + zc 2c !# !# " top dw0 dw0bot c 1 zc2 + + − zc dr 4 2 2c dr !# " dB c3 1 zc3 S33 − + − c2 zc 3 2 3 dr (99) Now, from equations (10) and (30) for the facesheets, we have top dw0 dw0bot =: β top ; =: β bot dr dr top bot bot u1 (r) = u0r + f top β top ; u2 (r) = ubot β 0r − f (100) where 2 f top and 2 f bot are the thicknesses of the top and bottom facesheets, respectively. Plugging these into (99 gives !# " 2 z 3c 1 c top β top − + zc ur (r, zc ) = u0r + f top β top + 2 S55 (zc − c) σrz + 4 2 2c " !# !# " (101) c 1 zc2 c3 1 zc3 dB 2 bot + + − zc + − c zc β − S33 4 2 2c 3 2 3 dr or, " !# 2 c z 1 c β top + + − zc β bot 4 2 2c " !# c3 1 zc3 dB 2 +2 S55 (zc − c) σrz − + − c zc S33 3 2 3 dr 3c 1 top ur (r, zc ) = u0r + f top + − 4 2 2.2.8 zc2 + zc 2c !# " (102) Governing equation for the core Now, at the bottom of the core, zc = −c. From (102) we have 2 dB(r) top ur (r, −c) = u2 = u0r + f top + c β top + c β bot − 4 S55 σrz c − S33 c3 3 dr (103) Also bot bot u2 = ubot β 0r − f Hence top 2 dB(r) top 0 = u0r − ubot + c β top + f bot + c β bot − 4 S55 σrz c − S33 c3 0r + f 3 dr (104) Recall that B=− dσrz σrz − dr r Therefore, dB d2 σrz σrz 1 dσrz =− + 2 − dr dr2 r r dr 15 (105) 3 COUPLED GOVERNING EQUATIONS OF THE FACESHEETS AND THE CORE Plugging (105) into (104) gives top top 0 = u0r − ubot + c β top + f bot + c β bot 0r + f # " 2σ dσ 2 d σ 1 rz rz rz − 4 S55 σrz c − S33 c3 − + 2 − 3 dr2 r r dr (106) or, ! 6C33 S55 1 + σrz r2 c2 i 3C33 h top top = − 3 u0r − ubot + c β top + f bot + c β bot 0r + f 2c d2 σrz 1 dσrz + − dr2 r dr 2.2.9 (107) Conversion into first order ODEs To convert (107) into first-order ODEs, we define Tr := dσrz dr (108) Then equation (107) can be written as top bot i 3C33 h top dTr top bot = − 3 u0r − ubot + f + c β + f + c β 0r dr 2c ! 1 6C33 S55 Tr + + σrz − r2 c2 r 2.2.10 (109) Summary of first order ODEs for the core The governing equations for the stresses in the core are dσrz = Tr dr top bot i dTr 3C33 h top top bot + f + c β + f + c β = − 3 u0r − ubot 0r dr 2c ! 1 6C33 S55 Tr + + σrz − 2 2 r c r σzz (r, zc ) = 3 C33 1 σrz w (r) − w2 (r) − zc Tr − zc 2c r (110) (111) (112) Coupled governing equations of the facesheets and the core In the previous section, ODEs have been derived that partially couple the core to the facesheets. To complete the coupling of the facesheets to the core we have to balance the forces at the interfaces between the core and the facesheets. We introduce some new notation to aid us in the coupling process. Recall that for a facesheet s(r) = sTop Face + sBot Face ; q(r) = q Top Face + q Bot Face 16 (113) 3 COUPLED GOVERNING EQUATIONS OF THE FACESHEETS AND THE CORE We identify these two sets of applied tractions on the two facesheets using the notation stop (r) = stt + stb ; q top (r) = q tt + q tb ; sbot (r) = sbt + sbb ; q bot (r) = q bt + q bb (114) The tractions at the core-facesheet interface are given by t = tr er + tθ eθ + tz ez = (nr σrr + nθ σrθ + nz σrz ) er + (nr σrθ + nθ σθθ + nz σθz ) eθ (115) + (nr σrz + nθ σθz + nz σzz ) ez where er , eθ , ez are the basis vectors in the r, θ, z directions. In the core σrr = σθθ = σθz = σrθ = 0. Therefore, the traction vector simplifies to t = nz σrz er + (nr σrz + nz σzz ) ez (116) At the interface between the core and the top facesheet, nr = 0, nz = 1 while at the interface between the core and the bottom facesheet nr = 0, nz = −1. Therefore, core core core core ttc (r) = σrz (r) er + σzz (r, c) ez ; tbc (r) = −σrz (r) er − σzz (r, −c) ez (117) To couple the facesheet equations to the core equations we have, due to the continuity of tractions at the core-facesheet interfaces, stb (r) + ttc (r) · er = 0 =⇒ core stb (r) = −σrz (r) sbt (r) + tbc (r) · er = 0 =⇒ core sbt (r) = σrz (r) q tb (r) + ttc (r) · ez = 0 =⇒ core q tb (r) = −σzz (r, c) q bt (r) + tbc (r) · ez = 0 =⇒ core q bt (r) = σzz (r, −c) (118) From equations (89) and (75) core σzz (r, zc ) = core core i dσrz σrz C33 h top w0 − w0bot − zc − zc 2c dr r (119) Therefore, core h core core i C33 dσrz σrz top w0 − w0bot + c +c 2c dr r core core h core i dσ σ C rz rz top q bt (r) = 33 w0 − w0bot + c +c 2c dr r Equation (57) then takes the form q tb (r) = − top top top dQr Qr Qr =− − q top (r) = − + dr r r dQbot Qbot Qbot r r r bot =− − q (r) = − − dr r r core C33 2c core C33 2c core core h i dσrz σrz top −c − q tt w0 − w0bot − c dr r core core h i dσrz σrz top bot w0 − w0 − c −c − q bb dr r Similarly, equation (49) takes the form " top # top " top # top top top top dNrr A12 − A11 Nrr (A11 )2 − (A12 )2 u0r core = + + σrz − stt top top 2 dr r r A11 A11 17 (120) (121) (122) 3 and COUPLED GOVERNING EQUATIONS OF THE FACESHEETS AND THE CORE # # " " bot bot bot bot )2 − (Abot )2 dNrr N ubot Abot − A (A rr 0r 12 11 11 12 core = + − σrz − sbb bot 2 dr r r Abot A 11 11 Also, equation (55) takes the form # # " top " top top top top top dMrr D12 − D11 Mrr (D12 )2 − (D11 )2 β top core top + f top (stt − σrz ) = Qr + + top top 2 dr r r D11 D11 (123) (124) and # # " " bot bot bot − D bot bot )2 − (D bot )2 Mrr β bot (D12 dMrr D12 11 11 core bot − f bot (sbb + σrz ) = Qr + + bot bot 2 dr r r D11 D11 (125) The governing first order ODEs for the facesheets and the core can then be expressed as • Top facesheet: top top top top du0r Nrr A u0r = top − 12 top dr A11 A11 r top dw0 = β top dr top top dβ top D β top Mrr = − top − 12 top dr D11 D11 r # top " top # top " top top top top dNrr A12 − A11 Nrr (A11 )2 − (A12 )2 u0r core = + + σrz − stt top top dr r r2 A11 A11 # # " top " top top top top top D12 − D11 Mrr (D12 )2 − (D11 )2 β top dMrr top core = Qr + + + f top (stt − σrz ) top top 2 dr r r D11 D11 top top core i dQr Qr C core h top σrz =− + 33 w0 (r) − w0bot (r) − c Trcore − c − q tt dr r 2c r 18 (126) 4 FINITE ELEMENT FORMULATION OF THE COUPLED GOVERNING EQUATIONS • Bottom facesheet: bot bot dubot Abot Nrr 0r 12 u0r = bot − bot dr A11 A11 r dw0bot = β bot dr bot Mrr Dbot β bot dβ bot = − bot − 12 bot r dr D D11 # # " 11 " bot bot bot 2 bot 2 dNrr Nrr ubot Abot (Abot 0r 12 − A11 11 ) − (A12 ) core = + − σrz − sbb bot bot dr r r2 A11 A11 # # " " bot bot bot − D bot bot )2 − (D bot )2 M β bot dMrr D (D rr 12 11 12 11 core = Qbot + + − f bot (sbb + σrz ) r bot bot dr r r2 D11 D11 core i dQbot Qbot C core h top σrz r r =− − 33 w0 (r) − w0bot (r) − c Trcore − c − q bb dr r 2c r (127) • Core: core dσrz = Trcore dr top bot i dTrcore 3C core h top top bot + f + c β + f + c β = − 333 u0r − ubot 0r dr 2c ! core S core 1 6C33 Trcore 55 core + + σ − rz r2 c2 r (128) This is a set of 14 coupled ODEs that can be solved using a number of approaches. Thomsen and coworkers [7, 8] use a multi-segment integration approach to solve these equations. Since it is considerably simple to solve the original system of equations using the finite element approach, we have used finite elements in this work. 4 Finite element formulation of the coupled governing equations For the finite element formulation of the governing equations, it is convenient to start with the statement of virtual work for the facesheets, i.e., # Z " dδu0r Nθθ d2 δw0 Mθθ dδw0 Nrr + δu0r − Mrr dΩ0 = − dr r dr2 r dr Ω0 # Z " dδw0 + q(r) δw0 dΩ0 (129) s(r) δu0r − zf s(r) dr Ω0 # I " dδw0 + Nr δu0r − Mr + Qz δw0 dΓ0 dr Γ0 where du0r u0r du0r u0r + A12 ; Nθθ = A12 + A11 dr r dr r 2 2 d w0 D12 dw0 d w0 D11 dw0 = −D11 − ; Mθθ = −D12 − dr2 r dr dr2 r dr Nrr = A11 Mrr 19 (130) 4 FINITE ELEMENT FORMULATION OF THE COUPLED GOVERNING EQUATIONS Separating terms containing δu0r and δw0 leads to two equations # ( ) I Z " dδu0r Nθθ Nr δu0r dΓ0 (131) Nrr + − s(r) δu0r dΩ0 = dr r Γ0 Ω0 # # ( ) Z " I " d2 δw0 dδw0 Mθθ dδw0 Mrr Mr + + zf s(r) + q(r) δw0 dΩ0 = − Qz δw0 dΓ0 dr2 r dr dr Γ0 Ω0 (132) The continuity of tractions across the facesheet-core interfaces requires that core core core C33 σrz dσrz top [w0 (r) − w0bot (r)] + c +c + q tt (r) 2c dr r core core dσrz σrz C core top +c + q bb (r) q bot (r) = q bt (r) + q bb (r) = 33 [w0 (r) − w0bot (r)] + c 2c dr r q top (r) = q tb (r) + q tt (r) = − and core stop (r) = stb (r) + stt (r) = −σrz (r) + stt (r) (133) (134) core sbot (r) = sbt (r) + sbb (r) = σrz (r) + sbb (r) Plugging these into equations (131) and (132) leads to, for the top facesheet, Z top top Nrr Ω0 Z Ω0 dδu0r + dr top top Mrr d2 δw0 + dr2 − top Nθθ core + σrz − stt r top top δu0r I dΩ0 = Γ0 top Nrtop δu0r dΓ0 top Mθθ core − f top stt − σrz r core core core dσrz C33 σrz top top bot (w0 − w0 ) − c −c δw0 dΩ0 2c dr r # I " top top top dδw0 top = Mr dΓ0 − Qz δw0 dr Γ0 dδw0 dr and for the bottom facesheet bot Z I bot Nθθ bot dδu0r core Nrr + − σrz − sbb δubot dΩ = Nrbot δubot 0 0r 0r dΓ0 dr r Ω0 Γ0 bot Z 2 bot dδw0bot Mθθ bot d δw0 bb core bot Mrr + +f s + σrz dr2 r dr Ω0 core core core C33 dσrz σrz top bot bot (w0 − w0 ) + c +c δw0 dΩ0 + 2c dr r # " I dδw0bot bot = Mrbot − Qbot dΓ0 z δw0 dr Γ0 The governing ordinary differential equation for the core is ! core core core S core d2 σrz 1 dσrz 1 6C33 55 core + − + σrz dr2 r dr r2 c2 " # top bot core 3C33 dw dw top 0 0 top =− u0r − ubot +c + f bot + c 0r + f 2c3 dr dr 20 (135) (136) (137) (138) (139) 4 FINITE ELEMENT FORMULATION OF THE COUPLED GOVERNING EQUATIONS Multiplying the equation with a test function and integration over the area Ω0 yields, after an integration by parts, the equation: ! ! Z core core S core core dδσ 6C dσ 1 dσrz dδσrz 1 rz rz 33 55 core core σrz + σrz + + δσrz + dr dr r dr dr r2 c2 Ω0 # " top core bot 3C33 dw dw top 0 0 bot top bot δσrz dΩ0 − u0r − u0r + f + c + f +c 2c3 dr dr ! I core core dσrz σrz = δσrz dΓ0 + dr r Γ0 (140) Equations (135), (136), (137), (138), and (140) form the system that has been discretized using the finite element approach. top top bot core We assume that the fields u0r , ubot 0r , w0 , w0 , σrz can be expressed as top nu X top i=1 nw X u0r (r) = w0 (r) = core σrz (r) = i=1 ns X top nu X top i=1 nw X ui Niu (r) ; ubot 0r (r) = u ubot i Ni (r) wi Niw (r) ; w0bot (r) = wibot Niw (r) (141) i=1 σi Nis (r) i=1 where nu, nw, ns are the number of nodes and Niu,w,s are the basis functions that are required to represent the field variables. Then, the stress and stress couple resultants can be expressed as # " # " nu nu u u u u X X N N dN dN j j j j top top top top top top top top + A12 + A11 uj ; Nθθ = A12 uj Nrr = A11 dr r dr r j=1 j=1 " " # # nu nu X X dNju Nju dNju Nju bot bot bot bot bot bot bot Nrr = A11 + A12 uj ; Nθθ = A12 + A11 ubot j dr r dr r j=1 j=1 " # " # top top nw nw 2N w w w 2N w X X d dN d dN D D j j j j top top top top top top Mrr =− D11 + 12 + 11 wj ; Mθθ = − D12 wj dr2 r dr dr2 r dr j=1 j=1 # " # " nw nw 2N w 2N w bot dN w bot dN w X X d d D D j j j j 12 11 bot bot bot bot + wjbot ; Mθθ D12 + wjbot Mrr =− D11 =− dr2 r dr dr2 r dr j=1 j=1 (142) 21 4.1 Finite 4 FINITE elementELEMENT basis functions FORMULATION OF THE COUPLED GOVERNING EQUATIONS and the momentum balance equations can be written as Z top Nrr Ω0 Z dNiu + dr u bot dNi Nrr dr Ω0 + top ns X Nθθ + σk Nks r bot Nθθ r − top Mθθ k=1 ns X σk Nks Niu Z stt Niu dΩ0 + dΩ0 = I Ω0 Niu dΩ0 = Z Γ0 sbb Niu dΩ0 + Ω0 k=1 ns X Nrtop Niu dΓ0 (143) I Nrbot Niu dΓ0 (144) Γ0 nu core X C33 dNiw top − (wk − wkbot ) Nkw r dr 2c Ω0 k=1 k=1 ! ns s s X dNk Nk −c σk Niw dΩ0 + dr r k=1 # Z I " w w top tt dNi top dNi top w = f s dΩ0 + Mr − Qz Ni dΓ0 (145) dr dr Ω0 Γ0 bot core X Z ns 2 w X Mθθ dNiw C33 nu top bot d Ni bot s Mrr + + f + (wk − wkbot ) Nkw σ N k k 2 dr r dr 2c Ω0 k=1 k=1 ! ns s s X dNk Nk +c + σk Niw dΩ0 dr r k=1 # I " Z w w dN dN i i w dΩ0 + − Qbot Mrbot dΓ0 (146) =− f bot sbb z Ni dr dr Γ0 Ω0 ! Z X ns core S core dNjs Njs dNis dNjs Nis 1 6C33 55 s s + + + + Nj Ni σj dr r dr dr r r2 c2 Ω0 j=1 " nu # nw core X w X 3C33 dN top top k s u bot top bot bot Ni dΩ0 − Nk (uk − uk ) + f + c wk + f + c wk 2c3 dr k=1 k=1 ! I core core σrz dσrz = + Nis dΓ0 (147) dr r Γ0 Z top Mrr d2 Niw + dr2 + f top σk Nks After plugging in the expressions for the resultant stress and stress couples, we can express the above equations in matrix form as tt [Kuu ] [0] [0] [0] tt ] [0] [K [0] [0] ww bb [0] [0] [Kuu ] [0] [0] [0] [0] [Kbb ww ] t t b [Ksu ] [Ksw ] [Ksu ] [Kbsw ] 4.1 top top [Ktus ] u fu wtop fwtop [Ktws ] bot bot [Kbus ] u = fu bot b [Kws ] w fwbot σ [Kss ] fσ Finite element basis functions Note that the stiffness matrix is not symmetric. This system of equations is solved using COMSOLTM using quadratic shape functions for the u-displacement and the σ-stress and cubic 22 (148) 4.2 Boundary 4 FINITE conditions ELEMENT FORMULATION OF THE COUPLED GOVERNING EQUATIONS Hermite functions for the w-displacement, i.e., in each element nu = ns = 3, nw = 4, and Niu (r) N1w (r) N3w (r) 4.2 = Nis (r) = 2 3 Y j=1,i6=j 3 r − rj ri − rj = 1 − 3 r + 2 r ; N2w (r) = (r2 − r1 ) r − 2 r2 + r3 (149) = 3 r2 − 2 r3 ; N4w (r) = (r2 − r1 )(−r2 + r3 ) Boundary conditions The natural boundary conditions are top Top facesheet : Nrtop , Qtop z , Mr bot Bottom facesheet : Nrbot , Qbot z , Mr (150) core core dσrz σrz Core : + dr r The essential boundary conditions are top dw0 dr bot bot dw0 Bottom facesheet : ubot , w , 0r 0 dr core Core : σrz top top Top facesheet : u0r , w0 , (151) Note that fixing the uz displacement at the boundary of the core is equivalent to setting the natural top boundary condition in the core to zero when w0 = w0bot = 0 at the boundary. 4.2.1 Through-the-thickness insert The boundary conditions used for a simply-supported sandwich panel with a through-the-thickness insert are shown in Figure 3. The radius of the insert is ri , that of the potting is rp , and that of the panel is ra . Therefore, for part of the panel, the potting is assumed to have the same behavior as the core. For this situation, the boundary conditions at the left edge, r = ri , are top top bot u0r = ubot 0r = 0 ; Mr = Mr = 0 Q f top Q f bot bot ; Q = z f top + 2c + f bot f top + 2c + f bot Q = , A Qtop z = core σrz (152) where A = 2 π ri (f top + 2c + f bot ). These are applied to the two dimensional model as a constant pressure in the z direction, with P = Q/A. At the right edge, r = ra , the structure is simply supported, with the conditions: wtop = wbot = 0 ; Mrtop = Mrbot = 0 ; Nrtop = Nrbot = 0 ; dσrz σrz + = 0. dr ra (153) The support condition is applied to the two dimensional model by setting w0 = 0 along the right 23 4.2 Boundary 4 FINITE conditions ELEMENT FORMULATION OF THE COUPLED GOVERNING EQUATIONS ra rp Potting qtt r i Facesheet s tt Core r=0 s bb −qbb r=0 top u =0 0r top Mr = 0 top Q = f Q z 2(f+c) σ core rz = 1 4 π r (f+c) i top w =0 0 top Nr =0 top Mr = 0 Insert dσ core rz dr Q σ + core rz ra =0 bot w =0 0 bot Nr =0 bot Mr = 0 bot u =0 0r bot Mr = 0 bot Q = f Q z 2(f+c) Figure 3 – Boundary conditions for a through-the-thickness insert in a simply supported sandwich panel. edge. 4.2.2 Potted insert The boundary conditions used for a simply-supported sandwich panel with a potted insert are shown in Figure 4. The radius of the insert is ri , that of the potting is rp , and that of the panel is ra . The length of the insert is 2fi and the thickness of the potting below the insert is 2c− . Therefore, the insert is being treated as a thin plate in the region above the potting and the potting is being treated as a material with features similar to the core. To allow for the jump discontinuities on the two sides of the insert-facesheet interface, we define the + quantities u− 0r and u0r to be the u0r displacements of the insert and the top facesheet, respectively. The locations where these quantities are evaluated are shown in Figure 4. Then the continuity of displacements requires that dw0interface + − u0r = u0r − (fi − f ) (154) dr There is also a jump in the shear stress in the two sections of the potting to the left and right of the − and σ + . We assume that the average force at the interface is interface. Let these quantities be σrz rz balanced, i.e., − + c− σrz = c σrz . (155) 24 5 MODEL TEST CASES: FRP SANDWICH ra rp qtt r i Facesheet s tt Core r=0 Insert s bb −qbb r=0 top u =0 0r top dw 0 =0 dr top Q =0 z σ + u 0r 2f i core rz top w =0 0 top Nr =0 top Mr = 0 Potting − u 0r =0 dσ rz dr − 2c bot u =0 0r bot dw 0 =0 dr bot Q =0 z σ core σ − σ + core rz ra =0 bot w =0 0 bot Nr =0 + bot Mr = 0 rz rz Figure 4 – Boundary conditions for a potted insert in a simply supported sandwich panel. The boundary conditions at r = 0 are top top u0r = ubot 0r dw0 dw0bot bot core =0; = = 0 ; Qtop z = Qz = 0 ; σrz = 0 dr dr (156) The simply-supported boundary at r = ra once again requires that wtop = wbot = 0 ; Mrtop = Mrbot = 0 ; Nrtop = Nrbot = 0 ; 5 dσrz σrz + = 0. dr ra (157) Model Test Cases: FRP Sandwich In order to validate the one dimensional approximation, the results for test cases are compared with the results generated by a two dimensional axisymmetric model. In each test case, a rigid, through the thickness insert applies a vertical compression load of Q = 1000N to a simply supported sandwich panel. 25 5.1 Example 1: Stiff facesheets 5 MODEL TEST CASES: FRP SANDWICH The facesheets are assumed to be isotropic, i.e, E ; A12 = 2 f C12 = 2f 1 − ν2 2f 3 E 2 f3 2f 3 = ; D = C = 12 12 3 1 − ν2 3 3 A11 = 2 f C11 = 2f 2 f3 = C11 3 D11 νE 1 − ν2 νE 1 − ν2 (158) where E is the Young’s modulus and ν is the Poisson’s ratio. The core moduli are given by C33 = Eh ; C55 = 2 Gh 1 − νh2 (159) where Eh , Gh , νh are the Young’s modulus, shear modulus, and the Poisson’s ratio of the core. The potting moduli are also computed in a manner similar to those of the core. 5.1 Example 1: Stiff facesheets The first example problem is taken from [7], with the parameters given in Table 1. Figure 5(a) compares the resulting out of plane displacements from the sandwich theory and the two dimensional axisymmetric simulations. While there is a small amount of disagreement in the potting region, the overall results match up well. The radial displacement, ur , is shown in figure 5(b), and these results match as well. Core shear stresses and transverse stresses at the bottom of the core are shown in Figure 6. The stresses match reasonably well too. Table 1 – Geometric and material parameters for Example 1 Geometry (mm): Face Sheets (GPa) : Potting (GPa) : Honeycomb (MPa) : 0 ri = 7.0 E1 = 71.5 Ep = 2.5 Eh = 310 rp = 10.0 G1 = 27.5 Gp = 0.93 Gh = 138 ra = 60.0 Example #1: Transverse Displacement − Top Face −0.02 f bot = 0.1 Example #1: Axial Displacement − Top Face 0 1D Approximation 2D Axisymmetric Model f top = 0.1 c = 10.0 1D Approximation 2D Axisymmetric Model −0.002 −0.004 −0.06 u t (mm) wt (mm) −0.04 −0.08 −0.1 −0.006 −0.008 −0.12 −0.01 −0.14 −0.16 0 10 20 30 40 r (mm) 50 −0.012 0 60 (a) Out-of-plane displacement (wt ). 10 20 30 40 r (mm) 50 60 (b) In-plane displacement (ut ). Figure 5 – Comparisons of displacements from one-dimensional and twodimensional finite element simulations for the model in Table 1. 5.2 Example 2: Soft facesheets The second example problem is taken from [8], with the parameters given in Table 2. Once again, figure 7(a) shows the out of plane displacements given by the sandwich theory and the axisymmetric 26 6 Example #1: Core Shear Stress 1.4 Example #1: Transverse Stress − Core Bottom 1D Approximation 2D Axisymmetric Model 1.2 0 σzz (MPa) σrz (MPa) 1D Approximation 2D Axisymmetric Model 0.1 1 0.8 0.6 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 0.4 −0.4 0.2 −0.5 0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 0 10 20 30 40 r (mm) 50 0 60 (a) Core shear stress (σrz ). 10 20 30 40 r (mm) 50 60 (b) Transverse stress (σzz )- core bottom. Figure 6 – Comparisons of stresses from one-dimensional and two-dimensional finite element simulations for the model in Table 1. simulations, and figure 7(b) gives the radial displacements. As in the first example, the results match reasonably well, suggesting that the sandwich theory captures the important physics of the problem. The stresses shown in Figure 8 also show that the one- and two-dimensional models predict similar results. The values of transverse stress and displacement at the bottom of the core are shown in Figure 9. Table 2 – Geometric and material parameters for Example 2 ri = 10.0 E1 = 40.0 Ep = 2.5 Eh = 310 Geometry (mm): Face Sheets (GPa) : Potting (GPa): Honeycomb (MPa): 0 rp = 30.0 G1 = 14.8 Gp = 0.93 Gh = 138 ra = 150.0 Example #2: Transverse Displacement − Top Face 1D Approximation −0.004 2D Axisymmetric Model −0.006 −0.3 −0.008 u (mm) −0.01 t wt (mm) −0.002 −0.2 −0.4 f bot = 0.1 Example #2: Axial Displacement − Top Face 0 −0.1 f top = 0.5 c = 5.0 −0.012 −0.014 −0.5 −0.016 1D Approximation 2D Axisymmetric Model −0.6 −0.018 −0.7 −0.02 0 50 r (mm) 100 0 150 50 100 r (mm) (a) Out-of-plane displacement (wt ). (b) In-plane displacement (ut ). Figure 7 – Comparison of displacements from one-dimensional and twodimensional finite element simulations for the model in Table 2. 27 150 6 Example #2: Core Shear Stress 1.4 Example #2: Transverse Stress − Top of Core 1 1D Approximation 1.2 2D Axisymmetric Model 1 0.5 σ (MPa) 0.8 zz σrz(MPa) SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 0.6 0 0.4 1D Approximation 2D Axisymmetric Model 0.2 −0.5 0 0 50 r (mm) 100 0 150 (a) Core shear stress (σrz ). 10 20 30 r (mm) 40 50 60 (b) Transverse stress (σzz )- core top. Figure 8 – Comparison of stresses from one-dimensional and two-dimensional finite element simulations for the model in Table 2. Example #2: Transverse Stress − Bottom of Core 0.5 0 1D Approximation 2D Axisymmetric Model −0.1 −0.2 zz wb (mm) (MPa) 0 σ Example #2: Transverse Displacement − Bottom Face −0.5 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5 −0.6 −1 1D Approximation 2D Axisymmetric Model −0.7 0 10 20 30 r (mm) 40 50 0 60 50 100 150 r (mm) (a) Transverse stress (σzz )- core bottom. (b) Transverse disp. (wb )- core bottom. 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