When Do You Use a P-Card? When you purchase a small-dollar supply item When you purchase a small-dollar equipment item When you pay for a minor repair on office, warehouse, or lab equipment When you purchase off a statewide or agency contract that accepts the purchasing card Department of Administrative Services 1 Where Can You Use a P-Card? Over the counter (point of sale) Your monthly limit is based on expected PCard use By fax By telephone Your department determines your P-Card limits Over the internet Department of Administrative Services 2 Some of the Restrictions You cannot use your card to pay for: Cash Advances Authorized personnel with approved travel can purchase airline tickets and in-state SWC car rentals as well as preapproved athletic and team travel with the P-Card Travel and Entertainment Motor Vehicle Fuel Professional Services (doctors, lawyers) Department of Administrative Services 3 Some of the Restrictions You cannot use your card to pay for: Gift Cards are considered Cash Gift Cards Personal Purchases Split Purchases Purchasing same item, but paying in split payments Department of Administrative Services 4 Things You Must Do Regarding Your PCard… Sign a Cardholder Purchasing Card Agreement Contact Cindy McCard if… • your name changes • your phone number changes • you transfer to a new department Keep your card in a secure location at all times Never share your card Department of Administrative Services 5 What Rules Do You Follow? Every 2 Years Renew your P-Card every two years Review and reconcile the Bank of America billing information $4,999.99 Follow the established single transaction limit: less than $5,000 Notify Cindy McCard if you need to raise your limits or need an exception to established P-Card Policy Department of Administrative Services 6 Things You Must Do Regarding Your PCard… • • • • • • Ensure complete understanding of Gordon College reconciliation process Maintain a copy of all receipts Review and maintain reconciliation documents Follow the procedures regarding Cardholder approvals Follow the established purchasing guidelines Maintain adequate documentation Department of Administrative Services 7 Things to Watch For… Make sure that Sales Tax is not charged on your purchases Sales Tax What happens if you realize you were charged for Sales Tax: a) Contact the vendor immediately and document your actions b) Have the Vendor issue a credit for the sales tax amount c) If the Vendor refuses or is unable to refund the sales tax, document their response and keep with your receipts. Department of Administrative Services 8 When Is Your P-Card Suspended? Your P-Card can be suspended because… • • • • you do not follow the State’s or Gordon College’s policies and procedures you do not complete your reconciliation process in a timely manner of habitual misuse of fraudulent activity. When this is the case, you will be terminated and prosecuted Department of Administrative Services 9 When Do You Cancel Your P-Card? Your must cancel your P-Card when… • • • you are leaving employment you are transferring to another department you are taking extended leave from your job Department of Administrative Services 10 What Happens When the Product is Broken or You Did not Order It? • • • • Contact the vendor immediately and document your actions If you are unhappy with the vendor’s response, contact Cindy McCard to initiate a Dispute If you do not recognize a charge, contact the vendor for a proof of purchase or delivery If you suspect fraudulent activity – contact Cindy McCard immediately for further instructions Department of Administrative Services 11 Who is in the Chain of Command? Statewide Purchasing Card Program Manager Cindy McCard Reviewer Cardholder Department of Administrative Services 12 Questions? Department of Administrative Services 13