4037 Additional Mathematics June 2005
ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS ........................................................................................... 2
GCE Ordinary Level ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Paper 4037/01 Paper 1 ................................................................................................................................. 2
Paper 4037/02 Paper 2 ................................................................................................................................. 5
This booklet contains reports written by Examiners on the work of candidates in certain papers. Its contents
are primarily for the information of the subject teachers concerned.
FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................... 1
4037 Additional Mathematics June 2005
GCE Ordinary Level
Paper 4037/01
Paper 1
General comments
There were many very good attempts and the overall standard seemed slightly better than in recent years. It
would seem that candidates are becoming more familiar and confident. Standards of presentation and of
algebraic and numerical manipulation remain very variable. Candidates need reminding that they should not
divide script pages into two columns. It makes the candidate’s work very difficult to mark and to be able to
accurately allocate marks.
Comments on specific questions
Question 1
This was generally well answered with the majority of candidates squaring A prior to finding the inverse.
Candidates were more comfortable with evaluating the inverse of a matrix than with squaring a matrix, for a
 2 1
 4 1
 = 
 .
significant number of attempts assumed that 
 − 1 1
 1 1
1 0 − 3
9  3 3 
Question 2
Part (i) was poorly answered with only a small minority of candidates realising that if the selection is to
contain one particular CD, only 8 CDs remain, from which 3 must be selected. Part (ii) was more
successfully attempted with the majority of candidates realising that there were three cases to be considered
– and that each case resulted in the product of two ‘nCr s’.
Answers: (i) 56; (ii) 27.
Question 3
This presented many difficulties with a minority of candidates realising the need to evaluate cosθ, either by
using sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1 or by using an appropriate right-angled triangle. Of those using a triangle,
‘ x 2 = ( 3) − 12 ⇒ x = 2 ’ was a common error.
Most candidates realised the need to rationalise the
denominator by multiplying numerator and denominator by (√2 + 1), though many attempted this
algebraically without a numerical value for cosθ.
Answer: 1 + √2.
4037 Additional Mathematics June 2005
Question 4
Although use of AB = a + b or a − b were seen on many scripts, most candidates showed confidence in
manipulating vectors and the majority obtained a correct expression for vector OC . Only about a half of all
candidates understood the term ‘unit vector’ and although there were some perfectly correct proofs, far too
many were seen in which ‘32 + 42 = 52’ seemed to be sufficient for the final answer.
 3
− 
Answer: OC =  5  .
 4 
 5 
Question 5
Only a few candidates realised that the maximum value of 5cosBx is 5 and that this leads directly to A = −2.
The terms ‘amplitude’ and ‘period’ were only sketchily understood. Although only about a half of all
candidates realised that the graph oscillated between 3 and −7, follow-though marks were often scored for
graphs oscillating between ‘a’ and ‘b’ providing that the curve had exactly 1
oscillations between 0º and
180º (candidates sketching 3 oscillations between 0º and 360º were not penalised) and that the curve started
at a maximum point and finished at a minimum point.
Answers: (i) −2; (ii) 5; (iii) 3.
Question 6
Many candidates showed a vague understanding of the modulus function. The majority of answers to parts
(ii) and (iii) used just the end-points of the interval, thereby failing to realise that the function could take
either higher or lower values in the interval. It was particularly common to see the answer ‘1 Y g(x) Y 8’ for
part (ii). The majority of candidates however did realise that the functions g and h (the modulus functions)
were not one-one and therefore did not have an inverse.
Answers: (i) −7 Y f(x) Y 8; (ii) 0 Y g(x) Y 8; (iii) −7 Y h(x) Y 2. Only f has an inverse.
Question 7
 0.66 
The majority of candidates realised the need to take logarithms and that t = log
 ÷ log1.0025 .
 0.64 
Unfortunately, final answers were affected by premature approximation, by incorrect evaluation of 2.5×10−3
 0.66
and more seriously by assuming that t = log
÷ 1.0025  . Part (ii) was well answered by many
 0.64
candidates, though others failed to realise that log 10 = 1 and a depressingly high number took log (8 − x) to
be log 8 − log x. The solution of 10(8 − x) = 3x + 2 was generally accurate, though both 13x = 82 and
7x = 78 were common errors.
Answers: (a) 12.3; (b) 6.
Question 8
This was well answered with many accurate well-drawn graphs. A majority of candidates realised that
y = kx n transformed to log y = log k + n log x and that the gradient equated to n and the intercept to log k.
Of the other attempts, taking y = kx n as ‘ log y = kn log x ’ or as ‘ log y = n log kx ’, were common errors. It
was surprising that a lot of candidates, on stating that log k = 4.1, were unable to evaluate k or assumed that
the value of k was 4.1.
Answers: (ii) k =14 000 to 16 000, n = −0.88 to −0.92.
4037 Additional Mathematics June 2005
Question 9
In part (i), a pleasing number of candidates recognised that ‘ b 2 − 4ac < 0 ’ and correctly established that
b 2 − 4ac = 9k 2 − 16k.
Cancellation of k unfortunately was common, resulting in the answer k <
those solving the quadratic to obtain k = 0 and k =
and k <
. Of
, it was very common to see the answer left as k < 0
. Only a small proportion of all attempts realised that part (ii) had a direct link to part (i) with k = 1
and that there were therefore no points of intersection of the line with the curve. Others ignored the word
‘hence’ and solved the equations simultaneously.
Answers: (i) 0 < k <
; (ii) No points of intersection.
Question 10
This was well answered and a source of high marks. In part (i) the majority of candidates correctly realised
that f(−a) = 3f(a), though occasionally the ‘3’ came on the wrong side. In part (ii), most attempts realised the
need to find a first solution (usually a = 2, though a = −3 was common). Division, synthetically or otherwise,
was generally correct. A small minority interpreted the word ‘solve’ as ‘factorise’ and left the final answer as
the product of three brackets.
Answers: (ii) a = −3,
and 2.
Question 11
The question presented problems to most candidates and it was very rare to award full marks. In part (i),
most candidates realised the need to integrate, but most ignored the constant of integration. Even when ‘+c’
was included, few realised that v = 0 when t = 4, thereby leading to c = 24. Integration in part (ii) was
accurate, but correct final answers for the distance were rare through the omission of the term ‘24t’. Only a
handful of candidates were able to offer a correct sketch in part (iii).
Answers: (i) 24 ms−1; (ii) 58
Question 12 EITHER
This was the less commonly attempted of the two alternatives. Amongst good candidates however, it was a
source of high marks. Most realised the need to integrate to find the area under the curve and generally the
integration was accurate. Obtaining the coordinates of the point of intersection of the curve with the x-axis
was generally correct, though
ln8 = 1.03 was a common error. Evaluating the coordinates of B presented
more difficulty with only about a half of all attempts realising the need to differentiate to find the gradient, and
then the equation of the tangent. Taking A as (8, 0) instead of (7, 0) was another common error. A
surprising number of candidates wrongly assumed that the shaded area could be obtained from a single
integral i.e.
∫ [7 − 2x − (8 − e )]dx , whilst many others completely ignored the value of e
Answer: 7.43.
when x = 0.
4037 Additional Mathematics June 2005
Question 12 OR
There were many accurate attempts at part (i) and the standard of algebra was pleasing. Most realised the
need to obtain an expression for r in terms of x from the equation 4x + 2πr = 2, though often the 4x came as
2x or even x and the 2πr was seen as πr. Virtually all candidates realised the need to differentiate for parts
(ii) and (iii). Unfortunately the ‘π’ in the denominator led many candidates to use the quotient rule and in at
(π ) was taken as 1. Of those differentiating directly, most were accurate.
least half of all attempts
to zero in part (ii) and using the second differential in part (iii) were nearly always used. The
most common error was to evaluate x and to assume that this was the stationary value of A. Method marks
for parts (ii) and (iii) were nearly always gained and there were many very good solutions.
Answers: (ii) 0.14; (iii) Minimum.
Paper 4037/02
Paper 2
General comments
The overall standard of performance appeared to be slightly better than last year. As always many
candidates found the topic of relative velocity particularly difficult. The question on sets also caused
problems for many, although some of the difficulty may have been linguistic in some cases.
Many marks were lost through a failure to understand when degrees or radians are the appropriate angle
measure and again through using an insufficient level of accuracy when conducting calculations involving
Comments on specific questions
Question 1
The quotient rule was the favoured approach although the product rule was seen quite often. Both these
(8) Rather than 0, d (8) was often
methods frequently failed due to the inability to deal correctly with
taken to be 1 although this value was usually implied rather than stated explicitly. Some candidates using
the quotient method committed the expected and common error of interchanging the terms in the numerator.
The value of –0.05 was frequently obtained as a small increment rather than a rate of change. Common
errors were to lose the negative sign or to offer 0.2 × (– 4) rather than 0.2 ÷ (– 4).
Answers: (i)
(2x − 1)2
; (ii) – 0.05 units s−1.
Question 2
The arithmetic required in part (i) was undemanding and the total was usually correct. The point of the
exercise was to write down two simple matrices which were conformable for multiplication, a task which
many candidates were unable to accomplish. The majority of candidates were unable top answer part (ii)
10 10  180 40 
 or on dealing with Friday and Saturday
correctly, their attempts being based on 
 4 4  400 150 
 300 
12 
 = (3800 ) ;
Answers: (i) (300 40 )  or (12 5 ) 
 40 
180 400 
 180 40 10   1960 
 = (1960 4600 ) ; (iii) $10 360.
 or (10 4 ) 
  = 
(ii) 
 40 150 
 400 150  4   4600 
4037 Additional Mathematics June 2005
Question 3
Nearly all candidates obtained x + y = 12. Many candidates were able to obtain the quadratic equation
x 2 – y 2 = 60 and solve, reaching the required value for BP. Weaker candidates became confused and
assumed xy = 60 or even x 2 = 60. Some correctly took AB to be √60 which was then converted to a
decimal; in quite a number of instances this did not become 60 when squared. A fallacious argument
followed the lines 60 = x 2 – y 2 ⇒ √60 = x – y ⇒ 60 = (x – y)2.
Answer: 3.5 m.
Question 4
A majority of the candidates were able to obtain sinx = 1 but a considerable of these then gave the required
value of x as 90 rather than
or 1.57. Most were able to find g−1(x) but for weaker candidates g−1f(x)
 x +3
became 
 sin x . Successful evaluation of g (2.75) was easily achieved by substituting x = 2.75 in
 2 
g2(x), few candidates opting to find g{g(2.75)}; weak candidates took g2(x) to be (2x – 3)2 and for them
g2(2.75) became (2x – 3)2(2.75). There were a few pleasing solutions where candidates solved
f(x) = g3(2.75).
or 1.57.
Question 5
Differentiation was frequently incorrect due to a failure to realise that a product was involved. Quite
a number of candidates took the factors of the product to be x and ln x – x, rather than ln x – 1. A
common error was to cancel the x’s in x ×
with the subsequent disappearance of this term
instead of it becoming 1.
Most candidates understood that
∫ ln xdx
was required. Candidates who had correctly completed
the differentiation in part (i) were almost always able to reverse the process. Those unable to
differentiate correctly were rarely able to integrate ln x, although a few guessed that part (i) was
connected and so evaluated [x ln x − x ]1 . Weak candidates produced nonsensical attempts at
integration or simply evaluated [ln x ]1 . Those candidates for whom x ×
disappeared in part (i)
(x ln x − x ) = ln x − 1. The lower limit,
x = 1, was usually found although some candidates took the lower limit to be x = 0, dismissing any
difficulty with ln x at this value. Although 1.3 was accepted, the truncated value 1.29, which
occasionally occurred, was not.
often arrived at
∫ ln xdx = x ln x
by reversing their result,
Answer: (ii) 1.30 units2.
Question 6
Most candidates were able to find
The commonest errors occurred in finding
( )
d 2x
(sin x ) to be – cosx, and in interchanging the terms in the numerator of the
quotient rule. Despite being specifically asked for
some candidates did not include the denominator of
the quotient rule. Most obtained tanx = 0.5 but there were a few cases of cotx = 0.5, and of tanx = 0 through
taking cos x ×
to be zero. As in Question 4 the value of x was frequently given in degrees (26.6)
cos x
rather than in radians.
e.g. 2xe2x or 2xe2, in taking
Answer: (ii) 0.464.
4037 Additional Mathematics June 2005
Question 7
There were many completely correct solutions with very few candidates attempting to employ logarithms.
Common errors were 125x = 25(5y) = 125y ⇒ x = y, 53x = 52(5y) ⇒ 3x = 2y and 7x ÷ 49y = 1 ⇒ x – 2y = 1.
Answers: x = 0.8, y = 0.4.
Question 8
This question was very poorly answered and there were very few completely correct solutions. Although k
was usually placed in C ∩ D, about half the candidates then put 7k, rather than 6k, in C ∩ D ′ and 4k, rather
than 3k, in C ′ ∩ D. The statement n( ) = 6×n( C ′ ∩ D ′ ) was rarely interpreted correctly so that 2k was
hardly ever seen in the region corresponding to C ′ ∩ D ′ . In part (ii), ‘homes which do not have both a
computer and a dishwasher’ was almost always taken to indicate C ∪ D or (C ∩ D ′) ∪ (C ′ ∩ D ) rather than
(C ∩ D )′.
Answer: (ii) 180 000.
Question 9
This question also produced relatively few correct solutions. The basic difficulty was that most candidates
were unable to produce a correct triangle of velocities. The speed of 300 km h−1 was commonly shown as
lying along XY, whilst others indicated that the speeds of 120 and 300 km h−1 were inclined at 60° or 120° to
each other. Some diagrams merely consisted of a right-angled triangle and in others the direction of the
wind was, in effect, from the west rather that towards the west. Many of the weakest candidates omitted this
question while others simply divided 720 by 300, or 300 + 120, or 300 – 120.
Answer: 3.25 hours.
Question 10
Despite the formulae given on page 2 of the question paper, some candidates replaced tan2x by
1– sec2x or 1 + sec2x. Most managed to substitute correctly, arriving at a quadratic equation in
secx or, alternatively, cosx. The solution of this equation was usually correct except for those
candidates who proceeded via secx(4secx + 15) = 4 ⇒ secx = 4 or 4secx + 15 = 4. A few
. The angles
candidates arriving at the correct values of secx then took secx to be
sin x
tan x
given as the answers to cosx = – 0.25 frequently contained errors. Some candidates included the
basic angle of 75.5° with their answers, others took the basic angle to be 104.5° resulting in
answers of 75.5° and 284.5°, whilst some added 180° to arrive at a second solution, thus obtaining
104.5° and 284.5°.
This part of the question proved more difficult than part (a) with weak candidates taking tan( 3x – 2)
to be tan3x – tan2, and with very many candidates only able to work in degrees. Others attempted
to convert to radians at too late a stage e.g. 3y – 2 ≈ 101.3° ⇒ y = 103.3° ÷ 3 ≈ 34.4 ×
radians. Quite a number of those who worked correctly in radians did not proceed far enough,
adding π and 2π to the basic angle of 1.37 when 3π was necessary. Candidates who successfully
obtained the required value of y often made an initial estimate of the necessary value of 3y – 2 by
arguing that if y > 3 then 3y – 2 > 7.
Answers: (a) 104.5°, 255.5°; (b) 3.35.
4037 Additional Mathematics June 2005
Question 11
There were very many correct answers and failure to obtain full marks was almost always caused
by incorrect calculation of one of the coefficients, stating the first term to be 1 or 2, or omitting the
last one or two terms.
Less than half the candidates who answered part (i) correctly were able to deal with this. Some
candidates just considered the first two terms of the expansion, quoting a as 32 and b as 80. Many
were unable to deal with (√3)3 and (√3)5; some were unable to make any attempt whilst others
evaluated these powers as decimals and added to 32 in order to obtain a.
Most of the better candidates considered powers and solved r – (7 – r) = 1 or (7 – r) – r = 1 to
determine which term was required; some candidates attempting this were defeated by using 0
rather than 1 on the right-hand side of the equation. Many candidates simply wrote the whole
expansion; some picked out the required term, others selected an incorrect term and some were
unable to make any selection. The negative sign was frequently omitted and 2240 was given as
the answer by some candidates whose expansion contained the term – 2240x. A common error
was to use 4 rather than 43 leading to an answer of – 140.
Answers: (a)(i) 32 + 80x + 80x2 + 40x3 + 10x4 + x5, (ii) a = 362, b = 209; (b) – 2240.
Question 12 EITHER
This was the more popular of the two alternatives. The question provided opportunity for a variety of
methods to be used. The most usual method was to find the coordinates of C by using D as the mid-point of
BC, obtain simultaneous equations and solve them to find the coordinates of E, calculate lengths or use the
array method to find the area of each triangle or, alternatively, apply the array method to the whole figure.
The ideas necessary to complete this process were rarely incorrect and loss of marks was generally due to
miscalculation. Some candidates attempted to find E by the solution of a linear equation with the quadratic
y −4 y −6
equation obtained from
= −1 but the algebra involved usually proved to be too much. Those
x −2 x −5
applying the array method for area to the whole figure did not always understand that it is necessary to
proceed round the figure taking the coordinates in order. Other methods involved finding lengths then
comparing similar triangles to find the ratio of lengths of sides or, more directly, the ratio of areas;
alternatively, the lengths of AB and BC were used to find the angle ACB, hence angle CDE and, by
trigonometry, the lengths of CE and ED. Candidates using the trigonometric approach and those using
approximations to lengths were not always accurate enough to obtain an answer approximating to 15.6.
Weak candidates frequently had no clear overall plan and so wasted time and effort finding, and sometimes
solving, the equations of AB and BC. The application of
resulted in
and B).
(8 – 2)(11 – 8) i.e.
base × height e.g. to triangle ABC sometimes
(difference in x-coordinates of B and C)×(difference in y-coordinates of A
Answer: 15.6 units2.
Question 12 OR
All those attempting this question realised that, in order to answer parts (ii) and (iii), it was necessary to find
angles BOD and BAD. Some candidates found both these angles en route to showing AB ≈ 17.9, usually
through employing an elaborate method e.g. AB2 = 102 + 102 − 2×10×10×cosAOB, whereas others achieved
the same result quite simply from AB =
via cosBOD =
× 16 × 6 =
8 2 + (6 + 10) 2 . The cosine rule was also used to find angle BOD
10 2 + 10 2 − 16 2
. Some candidates used the idea of area in an attempt to find angle BOD via
2 × 10 × 10
×10×10×sinBOD but this invariably led to angle BOD ≈ 73.7° rather than 106.3°. Only a few
candidates used degrees when calculating arc length or area of sector, and the perimeter required in part (ii)
was frequently correct. Candidates were far less successful in part (iii) where relatively few had a clear idea
of how to find the required area, which was frequently taken to be the difference between the areas of the
sectors ABED and OBCD. Many calculations were spoiled by premature approximation.
Answers: (ii) 35.1 cm; (iii) 24.4 cm2.