w w om .c s er *1165342612* 5096/02 HUMAN AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY Paper 2 ap eP m e tr .X w UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level October/November 2007 2 hours Additional Materials: Answer Booklet/Paper. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST If you have been given an Answer Booklet, follow the instructions on the front cover of the Booklet. Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. Section A Answer all questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper. You are advised to spend no longer than 1 hour on Section A. Section B Answer all the questions, including questions 8, 9 and 10 Either or 10 Or. Write your answers to questions 8, 9 and 10 on the separate answer paper provided. Write an E (for Either) or an O (for Or) next to the number 10 in the grid below to indicate which question you have answered. For Examiner’s Use 1 2 3 4 At the end of the examination fasten all your work securely together. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. 5 6 7 Section A sub-total 8 9 10 Total This document consists of 14 printed pages and 2 blank pages. SPA (NH/CG) T27371/7 © UCLES 2007 [Turn over For Examiner’s Use 2 Section A Answer all the questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided. 1 The three major nutrients are carbohydrates (sugars and starches), lipids (fats and oils) and proteins. Carbohydrates and lipids contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. (a) Name the additional element in all proteins. .................................................................[1] (b) Table 1.1 shows the results of some tests carried out on three foods, A, B and C. Table 1.1 test Food A Food B Food C add biuret solution violet solution violet solution blue solution boil with Benedict’s solution blue solution blue solution red solution add iodine solution brown colour brown colour black colour rub onto paper, dry no clear spot clear spot no clear spot Using the information in Table 1.1, state the food or foods that contain protein, ............................................................................................................................. protein and lipid, .............................................................................................................. only carbohydrate. .......................................................................................................[4] © UCLES 2007 5096/02/O/N/07 3 (c) The apparatus shown in Fig. 1.1 can be used to give a measure of the energy content of a food sample. The sample is fixed onto a mounted needle, set alight and held under the large tube of water, until it finishes burning. The temperature of the water is taken before and after burning the food. For Examiner’s Use stirrer thermometer large tube 50g water mounted needle burning sample Fig. 1.1 Explain why the water is stirred before reading the temperature. ......................................................................................................................................[1] (d) It takes 4.2 joules to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 °C. In the experiment shown in Fig. 1.1, the water temperature rose from 20 to 50 °C. Calculate the energy content in joules of the food sample used. .......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................[2] (e) A student looked up in a textbook the actual energy content of the food used in this experiment. The energy content was found to be more than twice the value found in the experiment. How do you explain this? .......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................[1] © UCLES 2007 5096/02/O/N/07 [Turn over 4 (f) Table 1.2 shows the energy requirements of people of different ages in a warm climate, measured in kilojoules per kilogram of body mass. Table 1.2 age / years energy required / kJ per kg 0–1 460 1–3 420 4–9 340 10–19 female 210 10–19 male 240 25–50 adult female 170 25–50 adult male 190 60–80 elderly male 150 Explain the different energy requirements between the following pairs in the table: 1. the male at 25–50 and the male at 60–80, .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... 2. the child at 0–1 and that at 4–9, .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... 3. the male at 25–50 and the female at 25–50, even if both are doing the same jobs. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................[4] © UCLES 2007 5096/02/O/N/07 For Examiner’s Use For Examiner’s Use 5 (g) Fig. 1.2 shows stages in the digestion of fat in the small intestine. F large fat globules G tiny fat droplets fatty acids and glycerol Fig. 1.2 (i) Name substances F and G which bring about the changes shown. F = ............................................................................................................................ G = ........................................................................................................................[2] (ii) Name the organs which make F and G. F = ............................................................................................................................ G = ........................................................................................................................[2] (h) Too much fat in the diet can lead to the blocking of arteries by fatty deposits. Fig. 1.3 shows the heart in exterior view. H Fig. 1.3 (i) Name the arteries labelled H. ...............................................................................[1] (ii) Explain why blocking these arteries can cause a heart attack. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................[2] [Total: 20] © UCLES 2007 5096/02/O/N/07 [Turn over 6 2 (a) Fig. 2.1 shows the cycling of nitrogen through a field in which a crop of maize is growing. nitrogen (N2) in the air denitrification B fertilisers nitrate ions in the soil A nitrate ions in rivers uptake from soil plant proteins decay ammonium compounds crop removed Fig. 2.1 Name the bacterial processes A and B which increase nitrate ions in the soil. A = .................................................................................................................................... B = ................................................................................................................................[2] © UCLES 2007 5096/02/O/N/07 For Examiner’s Use For Examiner’s Use 7 (b) Fig. 2.2 shows the effects of increasing quantities of nitrogen fertiliser on crop yield. Three points have been plotted for you. 6 5 crop yield / tonnes per hectare 4 3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 mass of fertiliser added / kg per hectare Fig. 2.2 (i) Complete the graph by using the information in Table 2.1 below. [1] Table 2.1 mass of fertiliser added / kg per hectare crop yield / tonnes per hectare 150 4.7 200 4.8 (ii) Using Fig. 2.2, describe the effect of adding increasing quantities of nitrogen fertiliser to this crop. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................[3] [Total: 6] © UCLES 2007 5096/02/O/N/07 [Turn over For Examiner’s Use 8 3 Fig. 3.1 shows a synapse between two neurones. neurone 1 vesicles of chemical transmitter synaptic bulb cleft receptors on membrane of neurone 2 bulb membrane neurone 2 mitochondria Fig. 3.1 When an impulse arrives in neurone 1, • vesicles of chemical transmitter fuse with the bulb membrane • vesicles release chemical transmitter into the cleft between the two neurones • this chemical transmitter diffuses across the cleft • chemical transmitter fuses with receptors on the membrane of neurone 2 • this triggers impulses to be transmitted down neurone 2 (a) Using the information given above, explain why (i) such chemical transmission is one-way, from neurone 1 to neurone 2, .................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................[2] (ii) there is a small time-delay at each synapse. .................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................[1] (b) State the evidence that you can see in Fig. 3.1 to suggest that the cell uses energy to make the transmitter. .......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................[1] [Total: 4] © UCLES 2007 5096/02/O/N/07 9 4 Living bone consists of bone cells plus the matrix they secrete. The matrix consists of tough collagen fibres and hard calcium salts. Fig. 4.1 shows what happens when a bone is treated in two different ways. soaked in acid for several days For Examiner’s Use heated strongly for several hours bone has become flexible bone has become brittle G H Fig. 4.1 (a) Explain the changes seen in G and H. G ...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................[2] H ...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................[2] (b) State two advantages of bone having living cells. 1. ....................................................................................................................................... 2. ...................................................................................................................................[2] [Total: 6] © UCLES 2007 5096/02/O/N/07 [Turn over 10 5 Fig. 5.1 shows the life cycle of Schistosoma, a blood fluke living in the blood vessels of the human gut or bladder. adults in the gut or bladder wall cercaria enters person when drinking or when swimming fertilised eggs in faeces or urine first larval stage or miracidium formed if eggs reach water third larval stage or cercariae in water miracidia enter water snail and form rediae larvae that reproduce asexually Fig. 5.1 (a) Using Fig. 5.1, suggest three ways to reduce the spread of the disease. 1. ...................................................................................................................................... 2. ...................................................................................................................................... 3. ..................................................................................................................................[3] (b) Many people become infected around the ages of 5 or 6. Suggest why this may happen. ......................................................................................................................................[1] (c) Suggest why there are different larval stages in the life cycle. .......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................[2] [Total: 6] © UCLES 2007 5096/02/O/N/07 For Examiner’s Use For Examiner’s Use 11 6 Fig. 6.1 is a diagram of the major blood vessels, S to Z, connecting the body organs. head S RA LA RV LV lungs T Z liver key RA right atrium LA left atrium RV right ventricle LV left ventricle U Y gut X kidney capillaries blood flow trunk W V Fig. 6.1 (a) Give the letter of the blood vessel labelled S to Z in Fig. 6.1 that contains the (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) least urea, most glucose after a meal, least carbon dioxide, most oxygen, highest pressure. ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... [5] (b) Using only information from Fig. 6.1, (i) describe how the blood supply to the liver differs from that to the kidneys, ..............................................................................................................................[1] (ii) suggest a reason why the blood supply to the liver differs from that to the kidneys. .................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................[1] [Total: 7] © UCLES 2007 5096/02/O/N/07 [Turn over 12 7 Fig. 7.1 shows the sequence of events that take place in the blood when the skin is cut. chemicals in damaged tissues platelets burst open activators released serotonin released calcium ions arterioles constrict elastic fibres released making clot contract prothrombin (inactive enzyme) thrombin (active enzyme) fibrinogen fibrin (trapping red cells) clot forms clot hardens Fig. 7.1 (a) Using only information from Fig. 7.1, state the two end-results of this sequence that help to prevent blood-loss. 1. ...................................................................................................................................... 2. ..................................................................................................................................[2] (b) Some people have low numbers of platelets. Give one reason why this will lengthen the time it takes for their blood to clot. ......................................................................................................................................[1] (c) Blood that is to be stored for use in later transfusions has its calcium ions removed and is chilled. How will these steps help to prevent clotting in storage? 1. removal of calcium ions ................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................[1] 2. chilling ........................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................[2] [Total: 6] © UCLES 2007 5096/02/O/N/07 For Examiner’s Use 13 Section B Answer all the questions, including questions 8, 9 and 10 Either or 10 Or. Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. 8 (a) Describe how large quantities of sewage from a town are made harmless before discharge into a river. [11] (b) Fig. 8.1 shows sections through two pit latrines, K and L. L is an improved version of K. concrete concrete 1 metre latrine K latrine L Fig. 8.1 List four ways in which latrine L differs from K. Explain why each difference is an improvement. [4] © UCLES 2007 5096/02/O/N/07 [Turn over 14 9 (a) Using named examples, explain each of the following statements about hormones. (i) A hormone is made in one place in the body, but has its effects in another. (ii) Some hormones are quick-acting, while others are slow-acting. (iii) Some hormones operate all our lives, while others may have their effects for a period only. [10] (b) Since hormones are powerful regulators of body chemistry, their levels in the body must be carefully controlled. Fig. 9.1 shows how the amount of thyroxine, a hormone regulating respiration, is controlled by the pituitary gland which monitors the concentration of thyroxine in the blood. The pituitary gland secretes a hormone known as TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone). pituitary gland TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) secreted high levels of thyroxine reduce activity of pituitary gland TSH stimulates growth of the thyroid gland and its secretion of thyroxine thyroid gland thyroxine Fig. 9.1 Using Fig. 9.1, suggest what will happen in this system if thyroxine concentrations rise too high. [5] 10 Either (a) The following substances are present in the blood. Describe what happens to each of these in the kidney. (i) protein (ii) glucose (iii) urea (iv) water. (b) Explain how the kidney helps to save water if a person is sweating heavily. [10] [5] 10 Or (a) State three similarities between the egg (ovum) and the sperm. [3] (b) State the differences between fertilisation and implantation. [5] (c) The placenta prevents maternal and fetal bloods from mixing. State why this is necessary. [3] (d) Explain why mothers who smoke when they are pregnant are likely to have smaller babies. [4] © UCLES 2007 5096/02/O/N/07 15 BLANK PAGE 5096/02/O/N/07 16 BLANK PAGE Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity. University of Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge. 5096/02/O/N/07