Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Cambridge International O Level Commercial Studies (7101)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Cambridge International O Level
Commercial Studies (7101)
When are the examinations available?
The syllabus is available for examination in November each year.
What examinations do I need to take?
Candidates will take either Paper 1 (Elements of Commerce) and Paper 2 (Arithmetic) or Paper 1
(Elements of Commerce) and Paper 3 (Text Processing).
Paper 1 (Elements of Commerce) contains two sections:
Section A: This section is worth 60% of the total marks for this paper. There are five
structured questions. Candidates must answer three.
Section B: This section is worth 40% of the total marks for this paper. There are two stimulus
response questions, both of which are compulsory. Questions involving simple calculations
may be set.
Total marks available: 100
Weighting: 50% of total marks
Paper 2: Arithmetic 2 hours
Paper 2 (Arithmetic) contains two sections:
Section A: This section comprises short answer questions. Candidates should answer all the
Section B: This section comprises longer questions. Candidates answer any two questions.
Total marks available: 100
Weighting: 50% of total marks
Paper 3: Text processing 2 hours
Paper 3 (Text Processing)
Candidates should answer all the questions. This examination may be taken on a typewriter
or word processor. There will be five test areas and candidates should answer each of them:
Test 1 – Accuracy (10 minutes)
Test 2 – Production of a passage (40 minutes)
Test 3 – Composition of a letter or memorandum (35 minutes)
Test 4 – Production from a manuscript (20 minutes)
Test 5 – Typewriting: filling in a form (15 minutes)
Word processing: display exercise (15 minutes)
Total marks available: 100
Weighting: 50% of total marks
Is there a specific textbook for the syllabus?
No, but there are several textbooks on the resource list (in the syllabus) that you will find useful.
However, we would encourage you to choose textbooks for class use which will be of interest to your
students and will support your own teaching style. There is no specific requirement for you to use the
textbooks on the resource list – they are just suggestions.
Can I take O Level Commerce and O Level Commercial Studies in the same examination
No. Because of the similarities in the syllabus content, candidates cannot take both syllabuses in the
same examination session.
What support materials are available?
Question papers for the past two years
Reports on past examinations