
Cambridge International Advanced Level
9690 Telugu November 2011
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9690/02
Reading and Writing
Key messages
In order to do well in this paper, candidates should take care to understand the full demands of the question
before attempting to answer.
In Question 5, candidates should avoid repetition of ideas.
General comments
Overall, candidates performed satisfactorily this year. The quality of language in candidates’ answers had
improved and some candidates performed well overall.
Comments on specific questions
Section A
Question 1
There are five parts to this question, testing the meaning and usage of vocabulary items.
Performance on this question was generally very good.
The correct responses were:
(a) baDi = paaThas’aala
(b) reMDu vaipulaa = iru pakkalaa
(c) maraNincaaDu = canipooyaaDu
(d) vivaaham = peLLi
(e) baalyam = cinnatanam
Question 2
There are five parts to this question, testing manipulation of grammatical structures and ability to use
phrases in sentences.
This question was generally tackled well.
The correct responses for the on the sub-questions on grammatical manipulations were as follows:
(d) tanDri polam velli dukki dunnutaaDu.
(e) udyoogamloo ceeraTaaniki mundu upaadhyaaya s’ikSaNa puurti cees’aaDu.
Question 3
This is a set of comprehension questions on an unseen passage, which has a total of 15 marks available for
content and 5 marks available for language.
In general, candidates performed well and showed good understanding of the passage.
© 2011
Cambridge International Advanced Level
9690 Telugu November 2011
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Section B
Question 4
This is another set of comprehension questions on an unseen passage, which has a total of 15 marks
available for content and 5 marks available for language.
Overall, performance on this question was good
Question 5
This question requires candidates to write a response drawing information from both passages. There are 20
marks available for this question (15 marks for content and 5 marks for language).
Candidates did not perform as strongly on this question as they did on Questions 1–4.
Below is a list of common linguistic errors noted in candidates’ responses. Candidates would benefit from
further practice in these areas:
[The following broad transcription principles are used when transcribing the Telugu material into Roman
script: two letters are used to denote a long vowel, such as aa, ii, uu, ee, and oo; capital letters are used to
denote retroflex sounds in Telugu, such as T, D, N, S, and L; the palatal sibilant is transcribed as s’; h is
added to the consonant to make it aspirated.]
Mistakes in the shape of letters:
Writing s’ for L
mes’akuvalu (meLakuvalu)
Writing ya like ma
Writing va for ma
varaNincaaDu (maraNincaaDu)
Spelling mistakes:
(Correct forms are shown in brackets)
reMDooDi (for reMDoodi)
muuDooDi (for muuDoodi)
aMTee kaakuMDaa (antee kaakuMDaa)
iita koDuTaaru (iita koDutaaru)
iiDeevaaLLu (iideevaaLLu)
kaarulo (kaaruloo)
saha (sahaa
toTi (tooTi)
kanipistunadi (kanipistunnadi)
loTupaaTlu (looTupaaTlu)
andhuvalla (anduvalla)
vedyam (vaidyam)
raavaaNaa (ravaaNaa)
gramam (graamam)
upaadhaayuDu (upaadhyaayuDu)
gramamlloo (graamamloo)
vivariMstaanu (vivaristaanu)
boodhis’aaDu (boodhincaaDu)
dunnataaDu (dunnutaaDu)
samyuktaMgaa (saMyuktaMgaa)
In addition, a number of candidates demonstrated confusion between dental t, d and retroflex T, D.
© 2011
Cambridge International Advanced Level
9690 Telugu November 2011
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(Correct forms are shown in brackets)
poDugaina prayaaNam (sudiirgha prayaaNam)
A number of candidates are not differentiating the pronouns meeM and manaM.
vaaLLu maaTalu arthaM ceyyaleekapootaaru (ceesukooleekapootunnaaru)
bhaaSa vallanee meeM itarulanu grahistaam.
Pillalatoo kalipi (kalisi) kRSNaloo snaanam ceeseevaaDu.
cuTTuloo (cuTTupaTla) unna graamaalaku
cooTaku (cooTiki)
guMTuuru pakkaloo unna (guMTuuru pakkana unna)
bhuumi tana ammalaa gauravistaaru (bhuumini tana tallilaa gauravistaaru)
vidyavaaLLu (vidyaavantulu)
graamaalaloo kuuDaa telivaina janulu aipootaaru. (graamaalalooni janulu kuuDaa aadhunika viSayaalanu
Graamam abhivRddhi ceesindi. (graamam abhivRddhi cendindi.)
(Correct forms are shown in brackets)
Udyoogam leedani vaMTi aneeka vaartalu (udyoogam leeda annaTuvaMTi/aneeTuvaMTi)
Maarpullu vaccindi (maarpulu vaccaayi or maarpu vaccindi)
Graamaalloo jalulu leevu (leeru)
Eedainaa jeetam dorukutaaru (dorukutundi)
ceppavalasinadi aMTee (ceppavalasinadi eemiTi aMTee or eemaMTee)
graamaalu abhivRddhi ceyindi. (cendaayi)
vaccine malupu aMTee ..... (vaccine malupu eemiTaMTee...)
muuDu samasyalu aMTee .... (vaccine samasyalu eemiTaMTee....)
baDi unna graamaMloo veLLivastuu unTaaDu (graamaaniki)
atanni baalyam roojulu jnaapakam vastaayi (ataniki)
manic vaidyuDu leedu. (leeDu)
tana gramamloo ataniki aMTee iSTam (tana graamam aMTee ataniki iSTam).
© 2011
Cambridge International Advanced Level
9690 Telugu November 2011
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9690/03
Key messages
In order to do well in this paper, candidates need to ensure that they answer the specific question asked and
that they understand the focus of the question before beginning to write their answers.
Candidates need to ensure that they expand their answers.
General comments
This is an Essay paper in which candidates are required to compose one essay from a choice of five topics.
The essay is marked out of 40, with 16 marks for Content and 24 marks for Quality of Language.
The most popular question this year was Question 3 (on the topic of ‘Sport’).
Overall, candidates’ performance was adequate. Content was often satisfactory; candidates need to improve
their language skills in order to gain higher marks.
Below is a list of common linguistic errors noted in candidates’ responses. Candidates would benefit from
further practice in these areas:
[The following broad transcription principles are used when transcribing the Telugu material into Roman
script: two letters are used to denote a long vowel, such as aa, ii, uu, ee, and oo; capital letters are used to
denote retroflex sounds in Telugu, such as T, D, N, S, and L; the palatal sibilant is transcribed as s’; h is
added to the consonant to make it aspirated.]
Spelling mistakes:
(Correct forms are shown in brackets)
bhaadhistuMdi (baadhistuMdi)
kriket (krikeT) – writing dental t for retroflex T is was a common error
poMDavaccu (pondavaccu) – writing D for d and vice-versa was a common error
Yuggam (yugam)
Neeralu (neeraalu)
auDaa (hoodaa)
ummiDi (ummaDi)
mahaa baagyam (bhaagyam)
pooTulu (pooTiilu)
niimamaalu (niyamaalu)
vinta paLuvu (vinta pas’uvu)
asaanti (as’aanti)
Mistakes at word level:
(Mistakes are underlined and correct forms are shown in brackets)
meeM (in the place of manaM)
Aardhaka (aarthika)
duurbhaagyaMgaa (daurbhaagyaMgaa)
mMci caduvu iccavaccu (ivvavaccu).
Oka pani dorakaTaaniki caala kaSTam. (dorakaTam)
Mantrulu mukhyamaina paatra aaDutaaru (pooSistaaru)
ummiDi (ummaDi)
© 2011
Cambridge International Advanced Level
9690 Telugu November 2011
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
puurvakaalaMloo aaTalu aaDaaru (aaDeevaaru)
mana puurviikulu vibheedam dees’aala nuMci vaccaaru. (vibhinna)
kriiDalu ceestee (kriiDalaloo paalgoNTee or kriiDalu aaDitee)
prati dees’aalaku (prati dees’aaniki)
caala (caalaa)
prapancam abhivRddhi ceeyincaTam valla (cendaTam valla)
samasyaalu (samasyalu)
motam modaTiloo (moTTamodaTa)
pillalanu baDiloo peDataaru (veestaaru)
badhakasturaalu (baddhakasturaalu)
andaruu kaSTamgaa paniceestaaru. (andarru kaSTapaDi paniceestaaru)
Grammatical and syntactical mistakes:
(Correct forms are shown in brackets)
Manic maarkulu avutundi (manic maarkulu vastaayi)
ii naaDu veeyi mandiki rakarakaala aaroogya samasyaalu dorikaaru. (... caalaa mandiki .... unnaayi)
pani ceeyina ninci vaaLLu Dabbu dorukutaaru. (pani ceeyaTam valla vaaLLaku Dabbu vastundi.)
nirudyoogam aMTee pani leevu. (nirudyoogam aMTee pani leekapoovaTam)
prati okari daggara oka udyoogam uMDaali. (prati okkarikii udyoogam uMDaali)
oka maniSi jiivitaMloo kriiDalu aMTee caala avasaram. ( maniSiki krIIDalu caalaa avasaram.)
paalgontunna vidyaarthula koosam caala mukhyamainadi. (paalgoNTunna vidyaarthulaku ... caalaa
andduruu oka manic udyoogam dorakaTaaniki caduvukuMTunnaaru. (andaruu oka manci udyoogam
koosam caduvukuMTunnaaru.)
viiTi rahitam valla (ivi leekapoovaTam valla)
peeru pondina uMTundi. (peeru pondi uMTundi)
ivannii manci samaajam naDavaTamloo tooDpaDutuMdi. (ivannii manci samaajam eerpaDaTaaniki
adi manaku oka varam undi. (adi manaku oka varam.)
© 2011
Cambridge International Advanced Level
9690 Telugu November 2011
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9690/04
Key messages
In order to do well in this paper, candidates need to ensure that they answer the specific question asked and
that they understand the focus of the question before beginning to write their answers.
Candidates should be reminded that, in passage-based questions, the passage is a stimulus to be used as a
springboard to give them a starting point for their answer.
Candidates need to ensure that they expand their answers.
General comments
Overall, performance on this paper was good, with candidates demonstrating a satisfactory level of
understanding of the set texts.
A small number of candidates misread the rubrics. Candidates should answer three questions in total
(choosing either (a) or (b) in each case). They should answer one question from Section 1, one from
Section 2 and one other of their choice. Each answer must be on a different set text. It is important that all
candidates are aware of this. This year some candidates did not do as well on this paper as they should
have done, either because they answered only one or two questions in total, or because they answered four
questions, thereby not allowing themselves sufficient time to provide enough detail.
Comments on specific questions
Section 1
Question 1
There was a mixed response to Question 1(a) and Question 1(b). The best answers were characterised by
the use of appropriate quotations from the set text and of strong arguments which showed good insight into
the set text.
Question 2
There was a mixed response to Question 2(a) and Question 2(b). The best candidates provided thoroughly
solid and relevant work, exhibiting sound knowledge and understanding of the set text.
Question 3
The majority of candidates who opted for Question 3(a) or Question 3(b) performed very well.
Section B
Question 4
Responses to Question 4(a) and Question 4(b) were generally quite poor.
© 2011
Cambridge International Advanced Level
9690 Telugu November 2011
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 5
Question 5(a) and Question 5(b) were both popular. Performance was generally very good.
Question 6
Performance on Question 6(a) and Question 6(b) was rather mixed.
© 2011
Cambridge International Advanced Level
9690 Telugu November 2011
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9690/05
Key messages
In order to do well in this paper, candidates should ensure that they read through the prose passage
carefully before beginning to translate. When translating, candidates should bear in mind the context of the
passage: it is not enough to translate individual words or short phrases from the text without regard for the
context in which they are found in the question paper.
Candidates should try to allow themselves a little time at the end to read over what they have written to
ensure that it makes sense and to check their spelling and grammar.
General comments
In this paper, candidates are required to translate a short passage from English into Telugu.
Candidates tended to perform satisfactorily on this paper. Some candidates produced successful translations
and scored good marks. Weaker answers were characterised by poor language and translation skills;
candidates could improve by receiving more practice in translating unseen passages.
© 2011