Dear Change4Life local supporter

hange4 L i fe local sup p orter
This month we’re focusing on the huge range of activities
inspired by the summer of sport – all under the banner of
Games4Life. There’s so much going on this summer, for
adults, families and children of all ages and abilities.
Read on for everything you need to get those you work
with involved.
launching 11 June
With Games4Life, everyone in England is part of
the team! We want to get everyone excited and
joining in to make England the most active Olympic
host nation ever.
Games4Life aims to encourage people of all ages
to get going and get their active minutes every
day. Active minutes are the ones that really get the
heart pumping, making you feel good and helping
to keep the heart and bones healthy. Children need
at least 60 active minutes a day, adults need at
least 150 active minutes a week.
Get going with
There are plenty of ways that Games4Life can help
support the work you are doing.
Why not encourage the adults and families you
work with to fill in a Games4Life questionnaire
online and we’ll send them a free, personalised,
summer activity plan – full of ideas to get going
every day.
From the beginning of June, we’ll have range of downloadable resources
available from to help you get Games4Life
going, including:
Local Supporters guide to Games4Life – everything you need to get going
Games4Life event poster – to publicise your events
Trayliner and table talker - for use in workplace canteens
Certificates and ‘make your own medals’ - to hand out at your events
And you can design your own materials too, by downloading the Games4Life branding and adapting it to suit your needs
Hold a Games4Life event - ideas to get the heart pumping:
Get your FREE
Games4Life materials to
help everyone get active
Stage your
own opening
Everyone can get a free
personalised summer activity plan
by filling out the Games4Life
activity check questionnaire. You
can find it online or you can order
Games4Life Questionnaires and
other promotional materials from
the DH Orderline
Encourage everyone to
dance and march to music
from around the world. You
can download ideas for
dance activities here
Buggy races
Organise a group bike ride
Head to your nearest park and
help the new mums tone up.
Download some
helpful tips here
Let’s Dance
A big swim
Have a Games4Life picnic
Tailor the activity to suit the
general ability level. You’ll
find plenty of ideas here
Encouraging everyone to bring
healthy, energising foods.
If you have already ordered
Games4Life materials be aware
that due to the exceptionally high
demand orders of stickers and
medals had to be reduced to make
sure everybody got a share. More
stickers will be available shortly.
Check out the
recipe finder
And finally
Don’t forget to look out for our
new ad that’ll be appearing on TV
and online in June.
for schools
Remember you can now
download all the Games4Life
school resources at
Packed with ideas for primary
teachers and children, you’ll find
everything you need to harness
the energy of Games4Life
– including a teacher resource
booklet and class wallchart.
Win up to
of sports
Hold your own
Games4Life day
We hope lots of schools will get involved by holding
a Games4Life day. Here are a few ideas:
Encourageeveryone(teacherstoo!)towalk or cycle to school for a special healthy
breakfast club
Askchildrentodevisetheirown,heart- pumping, sporting event, one for indoors
and one for outdoors
football team, a dance or yoga teacher to give a
talk or demonstration of their activity
For these and many more ideas, check out the
teacher resource booklet
You can also take part in
the fantastic Games4Life
schools competition.
There’s one prize of
£1,000 worth of sports
equipment and two
runners’ up prizes of
£500 worth of sports
equipment to be won, for
each of the nine regions
in England.
get fit for games4life
Our partners are already warming up for Games4Life. Get inspired by some of these activities.
Get walking for the Games
To celebrate the Olympics, the Ramblers is running programmes of short, easy and accessible Get
Walking for the Games walks. Each one will have a link to the Games. Whether it’s passing the
venues, using routes such as the new Olympic Greenways in London, checking out Cultural Olympiad
sites and events or visiting places linked to Britain’s sports heritage.
Olympic venues outside London, the various cities hosting national team training and Cultural
Find out more
Bike week 16 – 24 June
Bike Week is the UK’s biggest mass participation cycling event, with almost half a million people taking part across
the country. The aim is to promote everyday cycling for everyone and to get more people cycling, more often. There’s
something for everyone; from families, schools and companies, to seasoned cyclists and those who have never cycled
before. Demonstrating the social, health and environmental benefits of cycling, the week aims to get people to give
cycling a go all over the UK, whether this be for fun, as a means of getting around to the local shops, school, the library
or just to visit friends.
Let’s go!
Take the Fitter Schools Challenge
Now in its 7th year, the Fitter Schools UK Challenge
will be encouraging schools to become more active
and increase awareness of living healthily. Backed
by Olympic medallist Roger Black OBE over 1.5m
children have taken part so far.
To take part children will take part in three simple
challenge exercises – one at the beginning of
term, the others at the end. Pupils’ improvement
is recorded, together with their aggregate scores.
All of these are added together to determine the
school’s overall performance. The school with the
highest scores in each category is the winner. Every
school taking part will have a chance to win £1,000’s
worth of prizes through the Fitter Schools Challenge
partners and sponsors.
Sign up today
Start4Life extends
its reach
Start4Life, the sister campaign to Change4Life,
has relaunched with an extended remit to cover
maternal health and the health of children up to
5 years.
We will be adding to the accessible literature that
already exists for Start4Life on breastfeeding
and introducing solid foods by developing more
information on other themes, starting with having a
healthy pregnancy.
There will be Start4Life cinema and press
advertising around the new Hollywood comedy
‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting’ focusing
on the trials, tribulations and joys of pregnancy
and birth. If you work with mums-to-be, this will be
an ideal opportunity to talk to them about how to
ensure a healthy pregnancy.
And don’t forget the Start4life website where
you’ll find updated information including new
posters and – coming soon - a new toolkit
for healthcare professionals who work with
pregnant women.
Check it out
New digital advice
service for parents-to-be
The new NHS Information Service for Parents is
now live. Parents will be encouraged to sign up
from early pregnancy to receive regular free emails
and SMS messages offering them advice and
signposting to quality assured health information
and advice on parenting, relationship support and
Find out more
Healthy Bites
Keep up to date with DH campaign news
From news of all other DH campaigns to downloadable posters, ads and
toolkits, don’t forget that the <Campaign Resource Centre> has everything
you need to support your work improving public health.
Please keep signing up!
If you’ve been forwarded this email or think any of
your colleagues might want to receive it, you can
register on the Change4Life website and it will be sent
straight to your inbox. As a registered local supporter
you can use all of our resources free of charge and
create your own materials using the brand assets.
Register now
Follow Change4Life on
Facebook and Twitter
Share your stories
Sharing your stories with
Change4Life is really easy! Our new
online survey aims to give you the
opportunity to share information
and photos of Change4Life events
or activities you’ve run – and
help us to recruit and inspire
more campaign supporters in
the process. Why not take a few
minutes to tell us what you’ve been
up to and complete the survey here
and who knows, you could feature in
this newsletter next month!
You can keep up to date and find out about activities
taking place around England by joining our more
than 104,000 Change4Life Facebook fans (by
clicking ‘like’) or following Change4Life on Twitter.
Are your details
Please don’t forget to let us know if your contact
details have changed, or are about to change. We’d
love to be able to keep you in the loop on everything
we’ve planned in 2012. Send your new details to and put ‘Details change’
in the subject heading.
Update now