How did science shape Hobbes’ thinking?

How did science shape Hobbes’ thinking?
How did Hobbes define the term ‘science’?
o He defined it as the ‘knowledge of consequences’, and the dependence of one fact
upon another
o Historiography: Luc Borot contends that for Hobbes, science depended primarily on
the certainty of deductions
For Hobbes, science was centred on the idea of ‘mechanical philosophy’ (universe as large
scale mechanism)
Resolutive-compositve method of enquiry (reduction and subsequent reconstruction)
Method vs. Content:
Hobbes was more influenced by the methods employed by science as opposed to the factual
content with which it dealt
Critical of Aristotle, yet use of syllogism
Use of resolution and composition when examining the commonwealth
Didn’t subscribe to ALL methodology – believed that the method of observation was flawed
due to subjectivity
Influence of Geometry:
Influenced by the principles of mathematics (specifically Pythagoras and Euclid)
‘irrefutable proof’
Standardisation of language
Influence of the Scientific Revolution:
Period in European history in which people began to challenge the things they were taught
using the principles of reason and rationality
Hobbes was subscribed to this method of disregarding authoritative texts and proving
certainties for oneself
Application to Political Philosophy:
It was the method not ideas that Hobbes applied to his political theories
He believed he had discovered the ‘science of politics’ – this would demonstrate political
truths using the established certainties of geometry
This would prevent civil war/a regression to the state of nature by ensuring ideological
cohesion amongst the people
Implementation of a ‘supreme judge’ to determine what should be accepted as a truth
Science was inherent to Hobbes construction of political philosophy
He was perhaps influenced more by scientific method than the theories themselves
(not exclusively applicable)